• Published 4th Jul 2014
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Dust on the Wind - Sparky Brony

Mike was an electrician, and had no clue that the My Little Pony world depicted on TV was real. A Five Score Divided by Four story

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Chapter 18. To Iowa

Several hours and a few hundred miles pass uneventfully. Finally my phone rings. I flick my ear for an answer. Mindy's voice fills my ear.

"So, Mindy. Tell me more."

"I told you this earlier, Dustie. Soarin's programs that are looking for patterns that indicate possible ponies got hits on this company in Tempe really pinged. The program says the odds are a unicorn is involved."

I sigh, "I don't want a repeat, what is the point of finding a pony if they don’t want to come?"

She chuckles at me, "How can you know, if you don't ask?"

I look at Irony, she's concentrating on the road. Trixie is snoozing in the back seat, curled up with Lightning Flash. I mumble to myself, "You've got a point there, Mindy."

"Of course I do." The phone beeps to indicate she hung up. I just lean back and sigh. I've checked the text from Mindy with the address, and Irony is taking the 442 down the city streets. I glance at the texts on my phone and around at the nearly abandoned streets. I take a deep breath, wincing at the pain from my healing wounds.

Irony turns the 442 and pulls it into a parking lot. She hops out and shifts to her normal pony form. She looks at me, "I don't think a hot entry would be advantageous in this situation."

I nod at her. I look again at my phone. "This just all seems thin."

I get quizzical looks from Irony, Moon, Trixie and Flash. I gesture to my phone. "I mean, a mining company that has been not making very much if any money for years finally strikes it rich. It happens all the time, doesn't?"
Irony moves closer, "Dust, it's the time frame, they did the first strike May the 5th, And in the twenty days since then, they've averaged a new strike every other day. If a pony was responsible for the gold strikes, I don't think that would be a good thing. We are looking to coexist with the humans. Not become something for them to fight over."

I look hard at Irony, "You have a point there Irony."

She smiles at me, "Of course I do."

I smirk back at her in response, "So how are we going to do it this time?"

"I don't think the humans will be to keen on giving up the pony, so lets not let them know we are here. Let's just do some shadowing."

Two sets of wings are spread in response.

"Good, I'm going to get an idea of the building on foot, you two set up observation positions up high. I'm going to site out a good place for the 442. And Trixie and I will survey from the ground. Keep in contact by phone."

I look at Flash, "Flip ya for the north door."

He smiles at me, "You are on."

I rush forward intending to trip him up, he's ahead of me, and in the air, I brace my legs against the ground and blow a strong gust at wind at him, aiming at just one wing. I'm successful, he ends up on his back, on the ground, I pounce and land with my forelegs pinning him down.

"I win," I crow.

I hear a hoof being applied to a face, I look over at Irony, I hear her grumble, "Pegasi. Make a contest of everything."

"Eeyup. Said the earth pony who never has any fun."

She shifts quickly and smacks me on my flank, hard. In a second she's back on her four hooves, she winks at me, "I have plenty of fun, and you know it."

She's got me there. We finally scatter, I find a comfortable over watch spot that gives me a good view of the north and east walls. The north entrance is a place that I can see easily, and yet. Somepony looking would have a hard time spotting me. I can see the 442 down the street. And Trixie must be working her magic, I can see the car just fine, but the moment I try to focus on the interior, my eyes want to slide off to the side. Must be nice having unicorn magic.

Several hours pass without comment. I end up in a light doze. Finally I'm brought back to reality with a chirp from my phone. I look at it, a message from Flash, 'light in southwest corner. checking out.'

A few minutes later, I get another text, 'we've got a unicorn.'

I check the time, it's almost six in the morning. I take off and head over to Flash, who is hovering about ten feet from the window. I get close, "Why don't we just knock on the window?"

"Shouldn't we wait for the others?"

I look around, "Nah. I think we can handle one unicorn."

He looks unsure. I flash forward, staring through the window I tap lightly. Causing the unicorn to jerk in surprise. She looks around. I tap again, and her eyes focus on the window. She comes to the window cautiously, I get a chance to really look at this new pony. She's gold. With the exception of her cutie mark, which is a pile of precious gemstones, all brilliantly cut, her coat, her mane, shimmering gold. Then I get a good look at her eyes, bright cerise eyes stare out from the golden locks. Wow, what a pony. I tap again, and she finally sees the pegasus hovering outside. Her eyes widen as she draws the curtains back with her magic, in moments the window is opened, and I slip through.

"Hi there, I'm Lightning Dust."

Her voice is anything but friendly, "I know you from the show, Lightning Dust."

"Good, now we need to get out of here."

She cocks her head to the side, "And go where?"

"I have a safe place, for the ponies. We have acreage, we have a place to live, food, anything you need."

"I have a bed, a comfortable one, I get all the food and anything I need."

"There are other ponies there," Flash chimes in as he slides through the window, "You won't be alone."

She shrugs her shoulders, "I'm fine being alone, I really don't care."

That floors me, one of the biggest mental changes I've noticed with this is the big shift for me from being a casual touch shy human to being a physically affectionate pony. I've seen it with all the ponies at the farm, they aren't nearly as touch shy as most humans. And watching them rub against each other, and nuzzle, and in general touch each other all the time. And it wasn't sexual. They simply enjoyed the contact. As an early riser, I've gone into the barracks very early and seen the ponies in their own piles, beds pushed together. And it wasn't even part of any family or lover group, it was just the way we are. The first night Irony and Moon joined me, I was nervous, then found I had the best night of sleep in years. And now the pile is getting pretty big. I have memories of Equestria, somewhat different than portrayed in the show. Ponies are herding creatures. We like being close. Far closer than many would assume. So having a pony say she's fine being alone stops my mental processes for a moment. I look over at Flash. He's having the same reaction I am.

"Are you sure?"

"What are you going to offer me? A place to live?"

"Yes, with other ponies."

She trots back and forth in front of me, "My cutie mark is representative of my talent. I can find precious minerals, I can find gold, gems, oil, you name it, if it's intrinsically valuable, I can find it, and find the best way to get to it. What would you do with that?"

I smile at her, "Nothing."

She looks confused, "You aren't some kind of commune? Where ponies have to put what they produce to the whole and then get only what they need?"

I shake my head violently, "Hell no. I've said to another, good ole Karl can rot for all I care. I paid to buy the land, I paid for the new buildings, but beyond that. What you make, what you earn, is yours to keep. If you don't help with such things as farming, or weather management, or the other basics of living, you are charged room and board, that's it. Now, we are contracting weather services, and also earth pony assistance when it comes to farmers, out in the county, with plans to expand further as we can. But the ponies involved in that work are going to be employees, and will be compensated above and beyond their room and board. You want to find precious stones, or gold, or whatever. I know some oil company owners who would pay you lavish amounts of money to make their drilling costs go down. You keep what you want. All I'll charge is room and board. That's it."

She looks thoughtful, then I continue, "If you stay for a while, and decide living with us isn't your cup of tea, no problem. You can live wherever you want. I encourage you to stay with the ponies. I've been told by many that they are finding they are happier with other ponies rather than alone, or with humans. But humans live at the farm as well, though they are mainly family members of the ponies when they were humans."

She continues to look thoughtful, then eventually her ears fall, "I'm sorry. But I have other ties keeping me here."

I sigh, you can't win them all. But this losing streak is really crappy, first losing a pony to being shot, then getting shot myself and failing to get a pony away. I hang my head and head to the window. I turn my head and give her my phone number, "If you ever find you need help. I was a Wonderbolt, as you know. You may not choose to have my help, but if you need protection, we will be here quickly." I'm able to muster a smile, "I was able to cross the Atlantic Ocean in about three hours, I can move pretty damned quickly if I need to." My smile widens as her mouth drops open, "If you need me, I always have my cell on me," I shrug my shoulder to show the phone in its case. I turn to the window and I hear the chime of a text.

"Hey, what the fuck is going on here?" I hear a male voice. And the unicorn immediately brightens. The door opens and a man walks through. He's tall, just over six foot. Two hundred fifty pounds of muscle, with a bald head and a goatee. If he were older I would have thought of a Walter White look, but no. This guy was just plain scary. The unicorn bounced over to the man and nuzzles his hand. He looked hard at me, "What the fuck are you doing here?"

I turn to him, "I'm Lightning Dust, I'm trying to find those that have turned into ponies. I'm trying to protect them from danger."

He puts a hand possessively on the unicorn, "She doesn't need any protection!" He nearly shouts.

Something about this man really rubs me the wrong way, I take a look quickly at my phone to check out the text. It's from Irony, warning me about some humans coming in. I watch as he kneels down in front of the golden unicorn.

I guess he thinks he's speaking softly enough to not get overheard, but he underestimated pegasi ears, "Don't worry my little moneymaker. I'll chase that bitch out of here."

"But sweetheart, she is being nice. She will leave on her own." She reaches her mouth up, lips puckered for a kiss.

He stands up and looks hard at me. "You need to get the fuck out of here."

I slide my stylus back into its holder and look at him, "And who's going to make me?"

That did it, he steps forward aggressively. I spread my wings and step forward.

"Alright you two, no need for a pissing match." Flash lands between us, putting a hoof on my chest and his thigh.

Only to be backhanded for his trouble. My friend tumbles and ends up sprawled up against the wall. Now I'm really pissed. I spread my wings and get to eye level, "Go ahead and try that with me, you son of a bitch."

The unicorn screams, "Jerry, don't!" completely ineffectively as the now named Jerry pulls back for a haymaker. Now, I know I can take a punch, I've been in fights as a human, and as a pegasus before that. I was a bit of a fighter growing up, so I know how to take a hit. But I end up on the floor, feeling like a rib is crushed in from the strength behind the punch. I look back at Jerry, the unicorn his holding him back with her magic. I wanted to show him that I was strong, and that turned out to be a mistake. I stand up. Put a hoof to my chest, good, nothing broken, but damned if that didn't hurt. I spread my wings, to let him know I'm ready to go again. He's struggling in her magic.

"Let me go, I need to show this bitch who's boss."

She yells at him, "I know you have a temper, but damnit, you can't beat up any guy who looks at me funny, or any pony that comes in here."

He whirls on her as her magic fades, "You don't tell me what to do." He then turns back to me. I'm ready as he rushes, a flap of the wings and I'm over him as he skids and falls to the floor.

"The first was a freebie. You won't get any more."

"Lightning Dust, Jerry. Stop!"

I keep an eye on her as Jerry keeps flailing at me, she's frantic.

"I'm not attacking him." I say to her as I flip over him again. He turns and lashes out, I avoid him easily. I flip again, and I'm caught by her magic. He gets in a hit.

"Jerry. Stop!" She screams again.

He turns and screams at her, "A fucking pony doesn't tell me what to do."

She drops me from her magic as her ears fall, and her face shows absolute shock.

"But, Jerry. I'm your girlfriend."

"I don't have a girlfriend, ever since she turned into a freak." He snarls.

She falls heavily to the floor. "But, you said you still loved me." She said in a very small voice.

I move over to her, "Come with us, please."

She has tears in her eyes as she ignores me. She trots up to him. "You said you loved me, no matter how I looked."

His face turns to a look of surprise. I don't think he intended to say that. He reaches behind his head and rubs the back of his neck, all the fight is out of him for now I guess, "You know I didn't mean that honeybunches."

Her voice starts small again, "That's why you haven't even so much as kissed me since I changed." She looks at me and at him, "and our sex life went to nothing. You really liked me as a human." She spreads her forelegs aggressively and lowers her head, "You lied to me. You only wanted me once I found that gold nugget while we were hiking, while I was trying to hide my changes from you." She snorts and paws the floor, "You weren't waiting for things to settle down, you were wanting how much money I was making you and your friends." She's screaming at this point. I feel my ears folding back at her volume.

Irony steps through the door, she's on two hooves and she picks up Jerry by the scruff of his neck and brings him to her face, "I don't think she's buying what you are selling anymore." The golden unicorn charges her, now former, boyfriend, and is captured in Moon Shadow's magic.

"Sweetie, I know you are angry at him. But it's far better to leave him. Irony can make sure he doesn’t mess with you anymore."

She struggles in Shadow's magic, "I want to let him know how I feel." Shadow looks at me, and I nod. Irony sets the man down, but she keeps a hand on his neck. Jerry, for his part, has lost all fight. The unicorn trots up to him. Then whirls around before we can do anything and slams both hind legs between his legs. I hear at least one pop as the man crumples to the ground. She spits on him as tears come to his eyes, "Don't worry. You weren't using them with me anyway."

I smirk at the man as we leave, I brush against Irony and Moon as we exit the room. Then I stop. Two other men are sitting on the floor, both of them with glowing restraints around their arms and legs, I look back at my friends. Irony shrugs her shoulders, "Easiest way to deal with them." I roll my eyes as we head back to the 442.


Our new friend Gold Dust spent most of the first day in the car, crying her eyes out. Usually on my, or Trixie's shoulder. She was still undecided when she was lucid, whether to stay at the farm with us, or to go to Iowa. I had to force this issue. We were going to Iowa. If she stayed with the ponies there, fine. But we were going there first thing. We drove straight through. Irony slept while either Trixie or Moon Shadow drove. But it still took us two days to make it to Muscatine Iowa.

We turn down the road, I had just reentered the 442 after flying for a while. I see the sign put up at our turnoff. I grin, ponies are certainly living here. Who else would put up a sign that says, 'Mac & Applejacks's pony farm: Hooves welcome! Any persons caught trespassing will be fined on sight.' but ponies? We bump down the road for a few minutes then the gates become visible. Moon Shadow is driving at this point. I push Irony with a hoof. I get a swat for my trouble, then I decide to use a hoof in a more sensitive place, getting a satisfying yelp. I get a dirty look from her as she finally decides to look around.

"Are we there yet?"

Trixie gives her a sly look, "If that wasn't the first time you said that, the Great and Powerful Trixie would have to get cross with you. But it is, and we are."

I smile at Trixie, Lightning Flash, Moon Shadow, Irony, and Gold Dust. I clear my throat, "The mane six are here."

I get nods all around, then we crest the hill and I can see the farmhouse. The sun is just peeking over the hills as Moon Shadow pulls among the plethora of vehicles. I see one of our tour buses is here. We finally pile out of the 442. I take a moment to stretch, first my legs, then my wings. A few moments preening and I'm ready to go. Irony heads off with Moon Shadow in tow. Trixie and Flash head off together. And in moments I'm alone. I know my friends are here though. I trot around the farm, they are filling up, and it doesn't look like a long term plan has been started. Tents are popping up. And the barn, I can see, has cots being set up. Not the best for a long term solution.

After about an hour of walking, and catching up with Soarin, I finally notice a pony I've been wanting to see. Cyan fur, wings, and that multicolored mane. I spread my wings and flash forward, bowling Rainbow Dash over in a tackle, "Hey there slowpoke! Come on Dash, I thought you were supposed to be faster than me!" I say gleefully.

She blinks a few times then her eyes go wide, "…Lightning Dust?" She brushes herself off as I pose proudly, "How long have you been here?"

I shake my head a bit to toss my mane around, "Just got in this morning, I had to come see who put on that light show in the sky a few days ago."

I get a hug for my trouble, but her voice doesn't sound like she remembers anything. Not a good sign, "It's great to see you, Dust. I'm pretty sure we were best friends once."

If you only knew Dash, if I only knew, my memories of Equestria are too fragmented to say one way or another, I feel my ears drooping, "That's what the show says." I sigh gently, "I guess you have no memories of me?"

"Not really, no." She smiles wanly.

I kick the ground with a forehoof, "Yeah, neither do I." At least nothing that really answers any questions, "You kind of lucked out Dash, at least you can watch the show and get the memories of many of the important days of your life back." I feel my voice lower into a growl, "I was only in the show for, like, three episodes. I have nothing to really go off of! I don't know who I'm even supposed to be!"

She flutters her wings and I can see she's trying to cheer me up, "What can I say, Discord was a dick. But hey…" I get a playful nudge from her, "You're you, and you will have plenty of time to figure out what you want that to mean."

I'm able to muster a smile, "Thanks Dash, it's great to be here."

She moves a bit away and looks me over, "You look like you're in pretty good shape. You know, I really could have used a pegasus like you here on the farm much earlier."

Does she mean what I'm thinking she's meaning? Only one way to find out, I give a quick glance around to see if anypony is within earshot, then I smile coyly, "Well, Dash, you look ravishing yourself. I take it the fanon talk of Dash being a fillyfooler is true?" I sidle a little closer, "Maybe you can let your old wing pony in on that action?"

Best of luck, she didn't back away, she simply tilts her head and smiles slightly, "Wait, were Dash and Lightning Dust like…that? Or were they just friends?"

"I have absolutely no idea." But I'm thinking to myself, oh Celestia I hope so. "But I guess it's up to you and me to decide what fanon is true." I give her a wink.

"For the record, when I said I could have used a pegasus like you here on the farm much earlier. I was referring to your flight abilities." She raises her eyebrows and returns my smile, what a killjoy. "But it's good to know you're offering even more."

Now I'm confused, does this mare want to fall into bed with me or not? I feel my wings starting to extend, and it isn't in anger, "So, is that a yes? Or…"

"Gah! It's the Queen of Evil herself!" I hear a voice scream, and a quick glance shows Bon Bon fleeing from a big pony shaped bug. I feel myself brace, all amorous thoughts gone as Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings herself heads right for Dash and I. I move forward to be stopped by her wing. I know what she means, this is element duty. Fall back. I start to head away when I see Shining Armor and Rarity. I hate to admit it, but they have the situation in control. From my fractured memories, I do know that Shining is an amazing spell caster, not nearly as strong as Twilight herself. But pretty damned close. If he's not firing some arcane magic at the Queen of the Changelings, then I think we are okay. Speaking of Twilight, I had better find her.

I finally trot into the house, after manuevering my way around ponies I find a study. A soft knock gets a short growl, then the words, "Come in!" I push into the room, thanking Celestia for pony friendly door knobs.

I get a view of Twilight, sitting at a computer, her magic enveloping the keyboard and mouse as she's working it. As much as I like being a pegasus, the magic of the unicorn, or in her case, alicorn, is amazing. She turns and her eyes widen in recognition.

"Lightning Dust." She smiles warmly, "When did you get here?"

I shrug my wings, "This morning. We've been busy." I start of telling her of my adventures.

After a while I finally wind down. And then look expectantly at the Princess.

"So, you have been searching for ponies. And you've got a place for them?"

I nod.

"The former captain of my personal guard is here too? Irony Smith?"

I nod again.

"And you are looking to me for what to do?"

"Well, you are kinda a princess."

I get a loud growl and a huff for my trouble, "Why does everypony seem to want to follow me?" I hear her say under her breath.

I take a moment to think as she put her hooves to the sides of her head, attempting to massage away a headache I think.

"Well. Erm, eh…" I start to say.

"No, no. Lightning Dust. I'm sorry. I'm just tired. We are trying to find a way home. Back to Equestria, that is.

"Speaking of that. One pony that is with me today is Moon Shadow, personal apprentice to Princess Luna."

She looks at me, confused, "Princess Luna had an apprentice?"

I nod my head, "She took Moon Shadow on shortly after the Nightmare Night depicted in the show. She's a dream walker."

She shook her head in wonder, "I only thought alicorns could dream walk."

"It's very rare, but any tribe can have a dream walker. And Moon Shadow is very gifted apparently. She's been trying to search out a way to Equestria, and the most she got was an old equipment shed. But she couldn't get inside it, there was some magic preventing her from entering it in the dream world."

She looks thoughtful, "Any idea where the shed is?"

I shake my head, "She was pulled from the dream before she was able to determine that. And she tried again, but was unable to locate it again. I'm sorry Twilight."

She shrugs her wings, "Might be nothing, might be important, we have no idea which. Thank you."

I glance out the window, the sun is low in the western sky, "I'm sorry, Princess. I've occupied you for far too long."

She turns back to her computer, lighting her horn again and waves distractedly to me as I head out the door. I make it to the living room before I encounter Irony. I brush up against her and give her a kiss. I've never been a pony to be tied down in a relationship. As a human, I was happily married and committed to my wife, but as a pony, things are different. But being next to Irony made everything good. Moon Shadow comes up and leans against me.

"What are we going to do?" I ask.

Irony looks down, "I must talk to the Princess. After that, I don't know."

Moon Shadow leans further next to me, "Irony, my love. Go and talk to her. She was your boss, she was the one who brought you to Equestria. You need to see her."

Irony tosses her mane, "I know."

A few moments pass before she steels herself, she nuzzles Moon and me. Then heads over to the study. I nuzzle Moon then head down the hall, asking a few ponies a question, then I finally knock on the indicated door.

It opens, "May I help you?" A large red stallion is at the door.

"Oh, Big Macintosh. I thought this was Rainbow Dash's room."

"It is."

"Then what are you…" I let my words trail off. Oh.

He moves back and gestures for me to enter. The door is shut behind me.

The massive stallion sits on his haunches, "Rainbow Dash told me that you were here. You planning on staying?"

I shake my head, "You guys are crowded enough already. I've got ponies to find."

"Yeah, I was told, you guys have a farm as well, over in Montana?"

"Eeyup." I couldn't resist. I get a roguish grin from Big Mac.

"Get's cold there?"

I smile, "A month ago, it was near zero. It's pretty nice at the farm right now, the pegasi have been keeping things warm. We may not have Celestia to control the sun and moon on this world, but we make do."

He laughs, "I bet." We are both interrupted by the door opening. One pony I was aching to see is there. That mare has been on my mind since this morning when I tackled her.

"Hi Dash."

She stops in shock, a dozen emotions flashing across her face as she looks at both Mac and I, "Hello Dust."

I look at her, I can feel my tail swishing from side to side, and my wings rapidly fan out. I think her mind is in the same predicament, her wings slowly extend while looking at me. I look down, "I didn't know you and Mac…"

She sighs, "Heh, yeah."

I look over at the stallion, he looks confused, but he also knows what's on my mind. I turn back to Rainbow. I don't know what to do at this point. So, I do the only thing that comes readily to mind, I rush forward and kiss Rainbow Dash aggressively. After a moment she returns the kiss. After what seems like hours I hear a soft clearing of the throat behind me. I break away, and look at Mac. Oh crap. What have I done? I burst into tears and tear out of the room, I brush past several ponies in a mad rush to get outside. In moments I'm in the air, my wings not wanting to do what I want them to do, but I'm able to fly, sort of. In a few minutes I'm on a cloud. Weeping. I lay down in my misery and confusion. What kind of pony am I?


Towards midnight, my phone chirps. I ignore it. For several minutes it rings as whomever is trying to reach me keeps dialing. Finally it goes silent. Then the text jingle starts blaring away. I finally look at it. It's Mindy, she's trying to reach me. I finally pull out the stylus and shoot off a text. It immediately starts to ring again, I finally answer.

"What is it Mindy?"

Her excited voice comes through the Bluetooth, "Dustie, I think I've found Discord."

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