• Published 4th Jul 2014
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Dust on the Wind - Sparky Brony

Mike was an electrician, and had no clue that the My Little Pony world depicted on TV was real. A Five Score Divided by Four story

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Chapter 29. Search and Rescue

***3rd person***

Mindy doesn't mind flying. And the chariots are fun to fly in. But they can be boring. Nothing to do! Finally Irony's chariot is visible, and they all head down to the top of a parking garage so everypony can talk. Mindy hops out with the rest of the group.

"So, what happened?"

Irony spends a few minutes telling her what happened to Cloud Kicker and Dust.

Mindy's eyes glow green for several seconds, "When I find that son of a bitch, he's going to have nothing else to worry about." She growls as inky black lightning crackles up and down her horn.

Irony edges away slightly, "Mindy, where did you learn dark magic?"

She turns to Irony, a grim smile on her face, "Here and there. Dark magic isn't necessarily evil. But it is fueled by emotions, far different than normal magic. But I'm being careful." She concentrates and the lightning is replaced by her normal orange glow.

Sparkler comes up, "Do you have any idea which way the trucks went?"

Irony's ears fall. "Not a clue. They were gone before we got down."

Mindy smiles brightly, and two computers along with her phone are levitated out of her saddle bags. She opens both of them, setting the phone to give the computers internet access. She works both computers at once. "The Spectrum Group, you say?"

Irony nods.

"Okay, I thought I remembered that name. They are the holding company for Spectrum Laboratories." More windows appear on the computers, "And quite a bit of other companies. This company is huge!"

She frowns as she concentrates. Pages whipping by on the screen faster than anypony can read, except for Mindy.

"Okay, they have dozens of panel trucks. Though five are in the area. Oh, damn. They don't have them on GPS. We can't track them that way."

The rest of the ponies rest as Mindy rapidly scans through them.


"Are you sure?" Irony asks.

She shakes her head. "No, I'm not sure at all. But I've got a feeling. We will find Dust if we go south."

"Like to Oregon? Or California?"

"I don't know exactly, Irony. I wish I could be more specific. But from what I'm reading here, and everything else, my impression is south."

Irony stands up, "Well, you heard the mare, we are going south. Mindy, you keep your computers and…" She trails off as she see's Mindy's eyes shrink and her ears fall. Mindy slowly turns the computer around. A video window is open.


Mindy has tears in her eyes, "I didn't open it."

On the screen a man sits down. With a jerk, Mindy knows who that is. The guy from Spectrum labs who visited the farm. He smiles brightly.

"Well, greetings ponies. I want you to see something." He presses a button on the desk, and the video cuts way. The inside of a panel truck is shown. Lightning Dust is there. Her shoulders are heaving in great sobs. The camera moves like it's a handheld. It zooms in. And everypony gasps. Dusts wings are bleeding, her feathers are scattered all over. The clip ends and the man shows back up.

"That was your leader. And she's in my custody. I want two things, the two ponies that you abducted from my laboratory. And I want you ponies to confine yourselves to your pesky little farm. You are to wait the thirty months until your portal opens, and then you will all leave Earth forever. After all you ponies leave, we will be destroying the statue that contains the portal. And we won't have to deal with the disruptive influence you ponies are on human society. I would just have your farm carpet bombed. But I am a merciful man. And I will not kill you if you agree to my terms."

Irony spins the computer around to face her, leaning down to make sure she can be seen clearly.

"I hope you believe in a God, little man. Because you need to start praying now. I will find you, and I will make you wish for death long before I'm done with you. Hand her over now, and kill yourself, and I won't destroy everything you hold dear."

She's interrupted by raucous laughter from the speakers. The man is holding is stomach and banging on his desk with laughter, after a moment, he speaks. "Oh, you ponies are so entertaining. I might have had the wrong one abducted."

Irony shifts and picks up the computer, putting her face center screen, "Know my name. I am Irony Shieldbreaker, and I will destroy you and yours utterly." She slams the lid closed, then breaks the laptop in half. She then shifts back and her tears start flowing. "Oh, Dust, what has he done to you?"

Mindy looks at the wreckage of the computer and up at Irony, "You know, that computer cost a bit over five grand?"

Irony gives the unicorn a cold look and turns to her chariot, gathering the rest of the team by eye, "Put it on my tab." Once in the chariot, she gestures for Mindy to join her. The magenta unicorn wastes no time packing everything up and hopping aboard.

"South it is."


"There it is!" Mindy screams as she points downward. A black panel truck is tooling down the interstate, 'Spectrum Group LLC' emblazoned on the side. Moon Shadow and Irony are in their armor. Mindy is holding her magic, she's ready. The pegasi pulling the chariot bring them lower, allowing every pony to jump off the chariot onto the roof of the truck.

Irony grips her mace and looks at them all, "You ready?" Getting nods from all around, Moon Shadow lights her horn to join Mindy, and the roof of the truck is ripped apart, allowing them to jump in.

Irony frantically looks around. It's empty. And apparently the commotion wasn't unnoticed by the driver, they all brace as he panic stops. As the truck screeches to a stop, Irony bashes the door open, and they all rush to the front of the truck. The driver's door is enveloped in orange magic and is ripped from the frame, allowing a bipedal Irony to reach in and grab the driver. She grabs him and brings him close to snarl into his face, "Where is the other truck?"

He opens his mouth and then a hole appears in the center of his forehead, the bullet continuing through and splattering his brain against the side of the truck. Irony turns and sees an SUV stopped a hundred yards away. A sniper rifle being steadied on the hood. She snarls as the gun barks again, her shield flashing up to take the impact. She doesn't have to do anything else as Mindy's horn glows and the SUV is flattened, the sniper with it. They all look around. Irony screams, "Pegasi, to the air!" Prompting Cloud Kicker and Blossomforth to take off. Irony shifts her shield to take the brunt of automatic rifle fire from another SUV. Moon Shadow fires a beam at the offending vehicle, causing it's front half to just disappear. Three men with automatic rifles jump out of the remainder of the vehicle. Another two SUV's screech to a stop. It's ten men, all with weapons firing.

Irony takes cover along with Mindy and Moon Shadow.

"Damn I wish I had my old SAW right now." She growls as she takes a dozen rounds on her shield. Her armor takes a few rounds as well.

"We're pinned down." Moon Shadow screams over the noise. She fires a blast at a man running between cover.

Suddenly the gunfire quiets down. Irony peeks over her shield, then stands up fully. She laughs, "The cavalry is here." A total of five pegasi are dive bombing the men. And magical blasts are hitting them from above. A grim Sparkler is standing on her chariot, firing blasts of magic at the humans trying to take cover. Mindy and Moon Shadow take the opportunity to get out of cover, and keep up the assault. In minutes, it's over. Three of the humans are dead. The rest are restrained with magic.

Irony finally finds out who is in charge. She picks the man up. "Where is the other truck."

"Go to hell, freak!"

He is dropped and her mace comes out, the sharp points are placed right under his nose, "I won't ask again."

Sweat beads on the man's forehead, "I don't know. We were just told to follow this truck and take care of any who try to stop it."

She looks around at the other humans, then back at the confiscated weapons that were found on them, or in their vehicles. She points to the weapons and they are levitated onto one of the chariots. She smiles, but this smile is not at all pleasant. "Thank you for your donation." She then leans down and sticks her muzzle in the leader's face, "You tell your boss. I'm coming for him. And everything he holds dear will be destroyed." The man pales visibly before jerkily nodding.

Irony stands up and strides to the chariot, "We have a truck to find."


Three days of searching, quartering to the south. Following hunches, following slim evidence that Mindy is able to grab online when they stop to give the pegasi a breather. Mindy has tried everything from hacking traffic cameras to co-opting a camera satellite with ten centimeter resolution for a few precious hours. And they found a lot of black panel trucks. But not the one they were looking for. They were over Arizona right now. The B team made it back from overseas, and so now three chariots were being flown over the southern US border.

Mindy's phone chirps, "Hi Trixie."

She listens intently then abruptly hangs up. She calls to the fliers for the chariot to change direction. She looks at the rest of the team, "Flash was out patrolling, he found the truck. No Dust."

All ears fall. This is bad news. But after a few hours flying, three chariots are near the abandoned truck. Irony hops off the chariot and strides to the driver's door of the truck. Nothing. She heads to the back, and sees all the ponies gathered around the back door of the truck.

"What's going on?" Irony asks. She looks inside. Cloud Kicker is inside. She's gathering up the long turquoise feathers. Tears are rolling down her face.

"I'm surprised she wasn't killed. Having all of her feathers ripped out." She shudders as she shows a feather, a ragged bit of flesh still attached, "It had to be incredibly painful."

She feels a growl deep in her chest, "Will they grow back?"

Cloud Kicker looks thoughtful, "Normally, I would say yes. But it would be months before she's able to fly again. But we have another issue."

Moon Shadow hops up into the truck, "What other issue?"

Tears flow freely from the lavender pegasi's face, "We may lose her, if she's being tortured, she could be lost to us."

Moon Shadow cocks her head to the side, "Lost? What do you mean?"

"I don't have very many memories of it. It very rarely happened in Equestria. But a pony under these conditions can lose their magic. They can lose their very essence."

"Hold it." Irony shakes her head hard, not believing what she's hearing, "She could die?"

Blossomforth speaks up, "Well, yes. And no. Her body may not die, but her soul, what makes Lightning Dust special, can die off. Her body will remain, but she will be gone. Do you understand?"

Irony nods slowly, "How long do we have?"

Both ponies look unsure, hooves are tracing circles. "It all depends on her magic. We are magical creatures, and magic can be lost."

Irony grimaces, "And loss of magic is personality death?"

Cloud and Blossom both nod.

Irony gives a grim smile, "If there is one thing I know about Lightning Dust, she's got enough tenacity for ten ponies. She won't give up."

Moon Shadow murmurs, "I hope so."

Blossom and Cloud Kicker continue picking up the feathers for a minutes, Irony steps up on the truck to join them, "Why are we collecting her feathers?"

Blossomforth shrugs her wings, "She's a pegasus. When you lose a feather, a flight feather specifically, since they are the conduits for our magic, they are imbued with magic of their own. They are nearly indestructible, they will not decay, and even burning them is difficult. All adult pegasi save their feathers. Usually until they die, and the feathers are burned with their bodies. These are pieces of Dust's soul right here. Pieces of her magic."

Irony takes the feather in her hand, "So, this is a small piece of Dust's magic, of her essence?"

Nods from the pegasi.

Irony takes the feather and quickly braids it into her mane, allowing it to hang over her ear, "Until I find her. This stays with me."

Tears from the pegasi, Blossomforth speaks, her voice catching with the pain as she talks, "You really love her, don't you Irony?"

Irony nods.

"We need to find her. And we don't have the resources here. We need to head home, we have a lot to do." Moon Shadow says.


The three chariots finally ground again at the farm. More big changes in the last few days. Irony jumps off the chariot before it even stops moving.

"What's going on?" She asks the pink maned Mayor Mare.

"Oh, it's horrible!" Mayor Mare says, "We got the email, and the video from Mindy. We've gathered all the former Royal guards. He threatened us. We need to prepare."

"He will be taken care of. He's mine. The one who should be afraid is him." Irony growls.

She shakes her head, "I've been reading the materials Mindy sent me. He doesn't control the US Military, but he does have control of some things. The Spectrum Group has ties to a few mercenary groups that are stationed overseas. No doubt some of them are on their way here."

Irony shakes her head, "I don't believe that humans can be so savage."

Mayor Mare shakes her head, "Well, when they are motivated by two things, money, and fear. They can be as savage as anything. If that asshole is making those threats, and he's got Dust. He's serious. And your little temper tantrum doesn't help anything."

Irony turns her head slowly to the mayor, a determined look on her face, the mayor wilts, "And you are seriously suggesting we do as he says? Dust said that we refuse to hide, and I agree with her a hundred percent. We deserve the same rights as any human."

"I'm not at all thinking we do what he said. Soarin told me the same thing." The mayor smiles gently, "I have no interest in hiding here for two and a half years. I want to find more ponies. I want to help those who want to stay safe."

They are interrupted by a shout from the newly built practice yard. Earth ponies, garbed in armor, are practicing sparring. The pegasi are practicing with new sets of wing blades. The unicorns are practicing spells. Though the fewest in number are the unicorns. Not very many have the aptitude for offensive spellcasting. Irony follows the mayor through the practice yard.

"We are training them as best we can. The weapons you just brought in will be helpful. And some of the ponies have military backgrounds. We are purchasing more weapons as we can. The unicorns can use the guns unmodified. But for anypony else to use a gun, it has to be modified by our iron smiths. We are in luck, one of them was a master gunsmith. So, we will be either modifying guns for pony use, or building entirely new weapons."

"And how is this being paid for?"

She laughs, "Our first payment from the city of Los Angeles came in. They have over seventy pegasi working on their weather. And some other funds have come in. And the city of Denver has also come forward, wanting pegasi to work on their weather. And I've gotten emails from other cities as well. If we get enough pegasi, we can control the weather of the entire nation. Money is not a problem, Irony. That I can tell you."

"Have Helen and Dust's kids been told?"

Her ears fall, "Yes, she was told. She didn't react well. First losing Soarin, and then…" She trails off, tears starting to form in her eyes, "And word was passed around at her company. Lightning Electric has about a hundred very pissed off electricians. Nearly every one of them has come to me, offering help. Some are ex military, some have friends in the military or police forces. Everyone is contributing to the effort of defending the farm, and looking for Lightning Dust. She will be found."

"I'm going to start that process. We will start by dismantling the Spectrum Group."

"That is a very large company. It will be very hard."

Irony nods her head, "I know, and that's what makes it worth it." She strides away from the mayor and into her beloved forge. A dozen ponies are working at the forges and the anvils. Several pegasi are getting their wings measured for wingblades. Completed sets of armor are everywhere. The forepony for the forge comes up.

"Hey there Irony."

"Hi there, Folded Steel."

The large, dark gray earth pony with an anvil for a cutie mark shakes her mane, "Irony. I've put in for more materials. We are building as fast as we can. But we need materials, we need steel stock."

"Have you asked the mayor?"

"She's already agreed, but getting deliveries out here can be sometimes problematic. We live out in the boondocks, we've already cleaned out the local steel supply in town. They are wanting to restock. But it will be at least a week of idled forges if we don't get more stock. I would suggest we get a hold on a flatbed trailer and haul it ourselves."

"More damned money."

"Not as much as you think Irony. Dust owned Lightning Electric. They have flatbeds they use for hauling equipment. And dozens of trucks. Perhaps a trade, or something."

This gets a bark of laughter from the blue earth pony, "They are all pissed at the loss of Dust. I think we can even get one of them to drive the truck for us."

A piece of paper with an address is hoofed over, "Then get a trailer here, it's a few hours away, but they have the stock we need."

"I'll get on it." Irony says as she exits the forge. She looks at the farm house, then heads to the 442.


"Hello Helen."

The slim human woman falls into Irony's waiting arms. Tears immediately wet her shoulder. She guides the distraught woman inside. She's finally able to guide Dust's wife to the table in the kitchen.

"Irony, I know how important Dust is to you." Irony nods, "she is easily as important to me." She glances at the children watching TV in the living room, "And not just for the children. I know how close you two have gotten."

Irony's ears drop. A slim hand is placed on her cheek. "No, I'm not upset. She's in love with you. She was a good husband when she was Mike. And she's doing the best she can with this change. And the last few nights, with all of you in the bed with us. Have actually been very comfortable. Is that the norm back in Equestria?"

Irony nods. Helen continues, "Well, I must say, I've slept better with you ponies than I have for years without you. I'm happy to have you stay here."

"Mom, come here!" Dylan's voice rings out. The panic in his voice causes both adults to rush into the living room. Dust's kids are sitting on the couch, Hannah is staring at her hand in fascination.

"What happened honey?"

"We were watching TV, and my hand started to get hot, then this appeared." She presents the back of her hand to her mother, both Irony and Helen gasp. A ten pointed star has appeared on the back of the ten year old girl's hand.

Irony takes it in her hands, "If I didn't know better, I'd say it was a cutie mark. It actually looks a lot like Twilight Sparkle's cutie mark."

"Who's to say you don't know better?" Helen says as she scrutinizes the star on Hannah's hand. Her father turned into a pony. There could be a connection."

"Oh there definitely is a connection. Hannah would be a unicorn if she were a pony." Mindy chirps. The magenta unicorn is bouncing behind Helen and Irony. A big smile on her face, "Though I don't think this is going to be confined to children with pony parents."

Everyone looks at Mindy with looks of wonder, she keeps bouncing as she continues, "Hannah can do magic. And I think other humans will be able to soon." She bounces up the stairs, calling out. "Go ahead Hannah, levitate something."

The young girl looks at her hand. Then she concentrates. "I feel something. I feel like a part of me is waking up."

Irony gently pushes Helen to sit down. She picks a cup of tea off the coffee table and sets it in front of the girl. "Mindy thinks you can do it. So, go ahead and try."

The girl stares at the cup, she slowly lifts her hand and a light blue aura glows around her hand, the same colored aura envelopes the cup.

"Go ahead, Hannah." Irony breathes.

The cup lifts off the table, then drops, then lifts again. It jerkily raises to a foot above the table. Irony looks at the little girl, her brow is furrowed in concentration. Sweat beads on her face as she concentrates. Finally the cup is lowered. She smiles tiredly at the adults. "Did I do well?"

Helen grabs her daughter in a hug, "You did awesome!" She shoots Irony a glare, "You get Dust back. The sooner the better."

Irony stands up, "Don't worry, Helen. I'm going to get Dust back."


The 442 shifts as the trunk is slammed. Irony moves towards the drivers door.

"What are you doing Irony?" Moon Shadow calls softly."

"I'm going to do what I promised. I'm going to start with the lab that was holding the ponies in Portland."

"Without the rest of your team?"

Irony's ears fall, "I don't want any of you getting hurt." She turns around, the entire team is there. Blossomforth, Moon Shadow, and Cloud Kicker.

Cloud Kicker stands on her rear hooves and pushes Irony into the side of the car, "You are not abandoning us. We are a team. We are going to destroy that evil man, not just you. You may think you are protecting us, but you leaving without us will just compound the pain." She drops back onto all fours, "I didn't know Dust nearly as well as you do. I was late to this party. But I can see exactly how much her loss has affected everypony. We are going to get her."

Irony's ears fall flat, "Are you willing to kill for her?"

Moon Shadow is the first to nod her head, but after several moments of shifting hooves and ears twitching, the other two nod as well.

Irony smiles, "Good. Because I have no doubt that killing is going to be necessary." She reaches over and opens the door to the car, allowing the other ponies to jump in. She walks back to the back of the car and loads their gear on board as well. Might as well do the job correctly. She smiles grimly as she finally sits in the driver's seat and turns the key. The massive engine roars to life. And she gently guides it over the uneven road away from the farm. She looks in the rear view mirror as the farm disappears from view. She focuses on the road ahead as she finally gets to the paved road. Where she floors the pedal, the 442 leaping forward.

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