• Published 4th Jul 2014
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Dust on the Wind - Sparky Brony

Mike was an electrician, and had no clue that the My Little Pony world depicted on TV was real. A Five Score Divided by Four story

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Chapter 13. The Fourth Wall? What's That?

"I'm Chris Malone." The tall, well built human reaches forward to shake my hoof. "I'm one of the operators that's going to help you on this mission.

I nod to him, his partner reaches forward. "Domingo Chevera." I get another handshake. Both of these humans are fit and ready to go. Both look like long distance runners. I smirk a little, I can outrun them, and I certainly can out fly them.

I look at Mindy, I've just put on the night gear that she brought. We've been waiting all day, the sun is setting, and I'm ready to go. I feel an itch between my wings, and the last time I went on a mission like this Discord attacked, this isn't going to be easy.

One of the agents comes in the room, he whispers to Chris quickly then leaves. Chris turns to me. "Intelligence just got a decrypted message, we aren't the only ones after this pony. Apparently Russia wants him too. We need to leave, like now."

We all rush to the black SUV. We forgo the usual running around trying to shake tails, we head directly to the location that this pony supposedly is at. Parking a block away, we use the cover of darkness to get close to the building.

I whisper to Chris, "I'll recon." And I'm in the air, I head straight up to get clearance, then I glide slowly to the ten story building. I hover in front of a few windows, then I finally see what I'm looking for. A golden furred pony is sitting in one of the rooms, being talked to by a man in uniform. I get a little closer, that's a Russian uniform. Oh no, we are too late. I streak away and back to the team.

"The pony is still there, he's being talked to by a Russian officer."

"Shit," Chris mutters.

I look over at Mindy. "You ready to go?"

"Hold it, you are under my orders," Chris objects.

I smirk at him. "This is a pony, that makes it my mission. You want to follow Irony and Trixie in the front, go ahead. But Mindy and I are going in via the roof. They are on the top floor, northwest side of the building."

The CIA operator hefts his suppressed MP5 and nods. I watch Irony shift and grab her armor from her duffel bag. Hefting her mace she nods to Trixie and they move off. Trixie refused to wear any special garb for the mission, instead simply using magic to make herself less visible. I grab Mindy and fly up to the flat roof of the building. Before landing I notice a sentry. Humans never look up, and this one is no exception. I position the unicorn above him and whisper to her to brace for landing. I let her go. My aim is true and she lands on the human, knocking him down. He's still moving when I flash in and knock him completely out with a forehoof.

I wave at Mindy. "Let's go." Her magic makes quick work of the lock and we are inside.

We trot carefully down the stairs, I'm very glad for the padded horse shoes as we get to the inside door for the tenth floor. Again Mindy works her magic on the lock and the door is opened. I stick my head through the door.

Then immediately pull it back in, I look at Mindy and whisper, "Two guards, guarding the room with our pony. What are we going to do?"

She pulls out her duffel bag and pulls out a green wool uniform and dons it. It's a pony shaped wool Russian general's uniform. Mindy has done some crazy things, but this makes me gape. I did not expect that. She trots through the door over my whispered objections, she trots over to the soldiers who salute.

"Mne nuzhno, chtoby uvidet' v plen," (I need to see the prisoner) she says in perfect Russian.

"Mne ochen' zhal', no on na doprose," (I'm sorry, but he's being interrogated) the soldier says stiffly.

The soldiers are distracted by a commotion on their radios. Both of them rush towards the stairway I happen to be occupying. I fly up to the ceiling and let them pass underneath me. In moments I'm next to Mindy. "I didn't know you knew Russian."

She giggles."Neither did I." Her horn lights up and the door is opened. The officer in the room turns around and is knocked cold by me rushing in. I push him aside.

I go up to the pony. "Do you speak English?"

The pony nods. "Pretty well," he says with a strong accent.

Whew. "What do you know of your time in Equestria?"

He looks down. "I was a mage, one of the royal magical guards, I was detailed with Shining Armor before he teleported away." His ears flatten. "We failed him."

I hear more commotion out in the hallway. "Come on, we need to get you out of here." I trot to the door, then look back, the pony hasn't moved. "Are you coming?"

I get a sour look. "I asked them to come here, I'm going with them. I was Russian, I was on holiday in Minsk when this damned transformation took place. I want to go home."

"We are trying to get to Equestria, many of these ponies want to go home."

He scoffs at me. "My home is Russia, pegasus. Leave me be."

Mindy picks him up in her magic, only to have his horn glow, breaking her hold on him. "I said, let me go."

We are all interrupted by a spetznaz soldier crashing into the room, he levels his pistol at me. Without thinking I throw a lightning bolt at the soldier, the gun explodes in his hand and he's thrown back against the wall, his head flops over to the side, his neck obviously broken, his face and hands are charred from my lightning. My legs don't want to hold me anymore, "I just wanted to disable him," I whisper.

Irony strides through the door, Trixie and the humans in tow, her mace is covered in gore, which also speckles her coat and armor, there are several dents in her armor, and one on her helmet. "We need to go, they have called reinforcements."

"This is a mage from the battle with Discord. But he doesn't want to come with us."

Chris walks up to the pony. "We are from the US. We need to get you safely home, I need you to come with me."

The pony growls at Chris. "I'm not listening to you human. I am going to go back home, where I belong."

Before anypony can do anything, the human raises his weapon and fires a three round burst into the chest of the pony. Irony and I scream as the pony falls, I can tell it's an immediately fatal shot, "You son of a bitch," Mindy screams as her horn lights up, a flash of light and the CIA operator is against the wall. Mindy jumps over me and plants a hoof in his midsection, getting a loud groan from the human, she hits him again in the head, and he's unconscious.

I glare at the other human. "I'm not helping that scum who killed a pony. You want him, you had better carry him."

I look over at Irony with tears in my eyes. "Let's go." I flash out of the room as fast as my wings can take me, in seconds I'm out the door to the roof and I'm flying over the city of Minsk, sobbing the entire way.


I'm in the safe house for about ten minutes before I hear the door open. When I entered, I ignored the humans there and just went to an unoccupied bedroom. Soon I hear a soft knock at the door, Trixie sticks her head in.

"Hi Dust."

I look over at her, then look back out the window.

I hear her walk slowly to the bed, she climbs up in it with me. And surprisingly, she leans a head on my shoulder.

"Want to talk about it?"

I look down, I really don't want to. I finally decide to lay my head on the bed and let the tears fall.

"You did what you could, Dust."

"I failed, Trixie. I was supposed to get that pony and take him home, I killed a person."

She jerks away from me. "That soldier by the door, you killed him? It looked like magic."

I nod. "I threw lightning at his gun, I was trying to make it inert and blow it out of his hands. I used too much power though, I blew him so hard against the wall I broke his neck. I failed, Trixie, twice, I took a life, and I let one be taken right under my nose."

"It's not your fault, Dust," Trixie says softly, "No pony knew what would be done by that human. Irony is securing him right now, she'll be along in a minute.”

I feel another body join me on the bed, I look over, it's Mindy. Her poofy hair has gone straight and flat. She simply crawls over next to me and lies her head down next to mine, taking comfort in my presence without a word.

For a long time I try to control my sobs, and I'm not very successful at it. Finally I hear Irony open the door.


I look at her, and she rushes over to me, she can see the state I'm in, she morphs right in front of me, then picks me up bodily and gives me a hug. I sob into her shoulder.

"I killed a human, I killed, Irony. Some man is dead because of my actions. I failed."

All she does while I wail is pat my back and make comforting noises. I really let loose. All the pain I'm feeling, it wracks through my body. By the time I've cried myself out, her shoulder his wet, and I know I'm a sight with a stuffed nose and tear tracks through my fur. She finally puts me down.

I murmur, "Thank you, Irony." As she relaxes and becomes a normal pony again, she hops up on the bed and joins us.

I eventually fall asleep, wrapped up with Irony, with Trixie behind me, and Mindy half laying on Irony and I. We are just one big pony pile. I don't sleep long, perhaps an hour. And I finally feel somewhat back to normal. I slide out of the pile, and I see Irony shift herself off the bed, leaving Mindy and Trixie snoozing together. I take a moment in the bathroom to clean up before heading down the hall.

I look over at Irony. "I want to see what his major malfunction was." She leads me into one of the other bedrooms, Chris is there, tied to the bed securely. The other agent, Domingo, is sitting in the chair in the room. I trot up to Chris and hop on the bed, I straddle him and push my snout in his face. My wings are spread in anger.

"Why in the flying fuck did you kill that pony?"

He remains silent. I look over at his partner, who raises his hands. "I was told by big sister here to not touch him or she would use that huge mace on me." I look over at Irony, who smiles devilishly. "We were just following orders."

I bump his nose with my snout, hard. "You were told to kill ponies? Then why the fuck was I brought along? If you were to kill them?"

He gives me a hard look, then he finally speaks. "You yourself told me he was a mage. That means he is versed in combat magic, is that right?"

I nod. "One of few."

"And he was going to an unfriendly country, one that would do harm to the US. That made him a threat. I ended that threat to my nation."

I whap a wing upside his head, hard…"You dimwit. I would have dragged him bodily, kicking and screaming if I had to, Mindy could have suppressed his magic enough. That pony was coming home, and if I had to push him back to Equestria, I would have done so. But you removed that option by shooting him. I just needed one more minute to let him know it was happening whether he wanted it or not." I step back, I was shouting with the full range a pegasus can scream from a distance of six inches. He just might have permanent hearing loss from that.

"Do you know how to get back to Equestria?" The human suddenly looked suspicious.

"I don't!" I scream in frustration, then I take a moment to calm myself. "I don't, but for crying out loud, he would be safe in our custody if it weren't for you." I seriously consider making him pay with my hooves, but then I notice the grimace on his face, and some obvious bruising. I poke his body in various places, getting gasps of pain from several spots. I look over at Irony. "Did you work him over?"

Irony smiles at me, I answer with a grin, then turn back to the human. "Irony let you know exactly how displeased she was when you killed that pony. So I will forgo what I would like to do to you." I smile evilly, and am rewarded by his skin losing a lot of color. "Chris, I don't ever want to see your face again. We are leaving here tonight, and if I ever see your face again, I will make what Irony did to you seem like she was being gentle, got it?" I lift off the bed and land on the floor near the door, Irony follows me out. I trot down the hall, out of earshot of the humans.

"I'm going to fly home."

"But that's half way around the world, over five thousand miles!"

"It's actually closer to six thousand, it'll be a challenge! I'll race your plane there."

She furrows her brow. "Are you sure, Dust? I know you are broken up about killing the human soldier. But you reacted exactly how your training dictated."


She smiles gently, "Oh, I keep forgetting, you are acting like you were in the military, but you've never been military on this world, and you don't really have your full memories from Equestria." She sits on her haunches and looks seriously at me."Dust, a big part of military training, both here and back home is to train your body to react according to your training. Automatic reactions are far faster than considered actions. If you had seen a soldier point a gun at you, without training, you would have frozen as your mind tried to catch up to the situation. And you would be dead now if that had happened. But instead, your reaction wasn't to freeze, but to act. And you did good."

"I killed a man," I sobbed. No, I'm not going to cry again.

"Yes, and that was a situation where you are alive, and he's dead, and it could easily have been the reverse, but your training made it work out the way it did. You did good Dust." She hoofs me in the shoulder. "I would have you at my six any time."

I smile, but I don't feel it, what I do feel is pain. I nuzzle her then walk to the door. Before opening it, I look back at her. "As I said, Irony, I'll beat that plane back to Montana!" I get a chuckle in return. I check my gear and make sure I have my phone and a few other things. Taking off, I head straight up to get to about ten thousand feet, then I streak to the west.


The speed of sound? Screw that, I don't know for certain exactly how fast I'm going, but I know I'm well above the speed of sound. I'm not straining like I'm trying to do the sonic rainboom, but I'm really moving. I find I'm rising as I fly. I'm above the cloud cover now, and accelerating further. My great speed pushes more than enough air into my lungs, the high altitude isn't affecting me at all. I can feel my lungs working, but it's distant. I just know my body is working at peak efficiency. And so long as I keep moving, I'm going to be fine. I have to laugh, I've been this high in a commercial jet, but doing so without anything around me, it's amazing. It's cold, but I don't notice it other than distantly. I actually am happy right now. All my feelings are left behind, it's simply the sky, and this pony. I'm not furiously flapping my wings, but I'm streaking through the air. I look at the GPS on my phone, I'm finally curious as to my speed.

I almost crash from losing my coordination as I see my speed, I'm holding at mach 2.4. I know I can't hold this speed forever, but this is crazy. I smile to myself, talk about supercruise. I remember the Concorde, it was called the speedbird before it was retired, and a trip from London to New York was about three and a half hours. I look at the GPS, I should be coming up on Greenland fairly quickly, following a great circle path from Minsk. I get an idea. I may lose the race, but I think the stop I have in mind is worth it. I shift my course further south and finally make landfall over Maine. As I get close to the mainland, I let my speed fall off, I'm just above the speed of sound as I cross into US airspace. I get a few minutes of peace, then I see an F-22 raptor on my left. I look over to my right, and there's another one. The one to my right drifts close and I can see the pilot clearly. I roll my eyes as the leftmost plane moves in front and slightly above me, keeping me out of his turbulence. Then he slowly descends. I humor the pilots and follow them. My curiosity piques as we finally end up heading towards an airfield, and from the map on my GPS, we are in central Delaware. The planes land and I hover next to one of the planes as it powers down. I look over, several HMMWV's are screaming down the runway towards us. I look back at the F-22. The canopy pops open and the pilot pulls off his helmet.

"What the hell are you doing?"

I look around. "What are you talking about?"

He shakes out his sandy blonde hair. "Radar picked you up over Greenland, when you changed direction, we were sent to investigate. When we got to the coordinates, our radar picked up a small signal, but it was doing mach 1.1. And when we get to that signal, it's you. What the fuck are you doing?"

I smirk. "I'm a pegasus, what does it look like I am doing?"

He smirks right back, "I know what a pegasus pony is, Lightning Dust." He pulls a patch off of his shoulder, it's unmistakably Rainbow Dash's cutie mark. Holy shit, we've got a military brony.

I smirk at him. "You've got the wrong cutie mark." I point to my flank. "That's the one you should be carrying."

He laughs. "If they had yours available, I would have gotten it as well."

He continues, a much more serious tone to his voice. "But you are a character from a television show, why did you show up on our radar?"

"Because I was flying home."

"Home?" The sirens from the wheeled vehicles is starting to get annoying as they draw closer.

"Yeah, I live in Montana, but I was going to visit Texas."

He shakes his head. "But you live in Equestria."

"Not after Discord took us."

He suddenly looked sad. "So, that bastard actually did what we saw in the finale. Didn't he?"

I nod glumly.


I turn to see a M-16 rifle pointed at me. Two HMMWV's with police lights have stopped fifty feet away from the airplanes.

I feel my magic surge within me, and I ruthlessly suppress it, I'm not killing anymore. The pilot holds his hands up and hops out of his plane, he walks between the rifles and me.

"She's a friendly."

I smile.

"How do you know?" comes the retort.

"Because I talked to her, and she was initially over mach 2, she could have outrun us, but she chose to land with us."

"So, she followed instructions, that doesn't remove her as a threat."

"Just trust me, this pony is a friendly."

I see around the pilot, one of the men pulls out a set of handcuffs and walks towards me, "Whoever, of whatever you are, you are under arrest."

The pilot turns around and looks at me, I catch his eye. "I'm sorry." With a great flap of my wings I'm a hundred feet up, I streak off, I know they heard my sonic boom. "I had better keep low for the trip," I say to myself as I streak along just above treetop level, it's harder to keep speed with this kind of air density, but I manage.


South Texas, even in early may, it's starting to get hot. I get across the nation at just under the speed of sound. I shot a text to Irony letting her know what happened at landfall. No response yet, but then again, they were probably over the ocean when I sent it. I flutter down a very familiar neighborhood. Finally landing at my destination. I bring a hoof up to knock. I steel myself, and finally rap the door a few times with a hoof. Inside I hear the sound of dogs barking hysterically. I smile, my parents and their dogs. In a moment the door opens.

"Hi Dad."

My dad has aged since I last saw him, but I have to remember, it's been about five years. He surprises me. "Hi there Lightning Dust. Your wife is out with your mom. Where's your sister, or would she be your brother now?"

"Soarin is back in Montana, looking for any ponies we can find."

He smiles at me. "Well, I hope he decides to visit us." He backs away from the door, beckoning me inside. I follow him inside, and I'm inundated with dogs. My parents have always had a soft spot for dogs, and I love them, but I've always been more of a cat person. It's hard to pet them, but they seem to not have a problem with a turquoise pegasus pony. I follow him into the kitchen, which is the true heart of my parent's home. I hop up onto one of the kitchen tables while he busies himself in front of the stove.


I nod. "Yes please, you know how I like it."

I can hear the smile on his face. "My Michael, never likes it black, milk and a lot of sugar. In moments a Rainbow Dash mug is sat in front of me, full of the steaming brew. I look at the My Little Pony mug. Then look at him as he takes his seat.


He chuckles. "Your wife came to Texas with a story that was almost impossible to believe. But she showed me pictures on her phone, and she finally convinced us she wasn't pulling our legs." He sighs. "I never imagined my son would become my daughter, and a pony, and a pegasus." He looks at me. "Like the wings?"

I spread my wings slightly. "Actually, I really do like these wings."

I think for a moment, my nose flairs, my parents still smoke. "Got a smoke?"

"You still have that habit?"

I nod, he walks into the living room, bringing back a pack and a lighter. He hands them over to me. I've found my lips are pretty dexterous, I extract a white cylinder, and use a wingtip on the lighter held in both hooves. I've gotten pretty practiced at this. I inhale deeply, then speak through the exhale. "Ahhhh, I left mine in Minsk."

My dad does a double take, "You were in Minsk? As in Minsk in the country of Belarous?"

I nod.


"We were trying to retrieve a pony, we found out he was a mage for Prince Shining Armor."

"From the TV show?"

I'm glad my kids and wife have introduced my parents to the show, "Yes, from the show. He was married to Cadance."

"Okay, and you got him?"

My ears fall flat, and I shake my head slightly.

"Oh, it went badly?"

Oh no, am I going to cry in front of my father? I haven't done that since I was ten. The tears start to fall. "The CIA operator that was helping us shot him, he refused to come with us, I was just about to have Mindy disable his magic, she did it all the time when we were kids in Baltimare, to prevent unicorns from finding us."

"Hold it, you grew up in, what? Baltimare?"

I smile sadly around my tears. "I have two sets of memories, complete memories as a human child here in Corpus, and fragmented memories as a filly in Baltimare. Mindy is a unicorn, and one of my best friends growing up."


I smile. "No kidding."

"So, go on. You were just about to disable his magic, then what?"

"We would have dragged him, kicking and screaming if necessary, he needs to be with the ponies," I look down. "Then that asshole pulled his weapon and shot the pony. I watched him die." I don't break down this time. But the tears are flowing freely.

After several seconds, my dad speaks up. "But that's not everything, is it son?"

I look at him sharply, he's always been able to see right through me. I shake my head. "No."

"What's worse than that?"

Ahhh, now I'm going to break down completely. "I killed a man." I'm able to sob out. For the next few minutes he's able to draw the details out of me, around my guilty sobs.

"So, let me get this straight, he had his weapon out?"

I nod.

"He was pointing it at you?"

Another nod.

"And you reacted without thinking?"

I nod once again.

"So, why are you feeling so guilty?"

"I killed him."

"And he would have killed you had you not acted first."

"I don't know that."

He puts a hand on my shoulder. "Lighting Dust, he had a weapon in his hand. He was already acting with lethal intent. It became a race at that point, whomever won, lived. You won. His life was forfeit by his actions."

"But I could have done something different."

The hand on my shoulder becomes hard as steel, my dad always had a strong grip for being as small as he was, 5'5" and 115 lbs dripping wet, but he was all steel, I look up at his blue eyes.

"I don't know exactly how to address you, so I'll just do the best I can. Michael, damnit, I was in the service, I served during Vietnam. You have never understood the thought of kill or be killed. But that was that kind of situation. You reacted like a soldier. You protected yourself. I'm glad you did. War isn't a game, son. Not like those games you played when you were younger, where if you died, you would just respawn. This was real life. And you reacted, and you did the right thing."

"But he's dead!" I wail.

Once again I'm gathered up, my dad isn't as strong as Irony, but he pulls me to him, he guides my head to his shoulder, I hear him over my sobbing, "And I wouldn't have it any other way. Taking a life is never easy, I've had to do it, and I'm not the only one. Any soldier hates taking a life, son. But it's part of our job. You did good. You need to take heart in that. Your family needs you."

I finally calm down, and I end up sitting on the floor. "God I hate crying, why the fuck am I doing it so much? Must be these female hormones."

My dad almost chokes on his coffee. I avoid the spray as he laughs.

"You can call me Dust, most ponies call me that."

"Alright, Dust. Don't let your mother hear that, or she'll kick your ass back to Montana."


"Hi, Mom." My mom, wife, and kids have just come in the house. I've made it to sitting in the living room. My dad is in his usual chair, and we've been talking for almost an hour. It's almost two in the afternoon. They must have gone shopping early. They look exhausted.

"I was told what happened, but I didn't know whether to believe it or not." My mother comes around the couch as I hop off, I steady myself with my wings and get a hug from my mom.

"I love you mom," I murmur as I hug her.

Finally we move away, and I sit on my haunches. "I'm sorry, but my visit was spur of the moment, otherwise Soarin would be here."

"And Soarin was Maddie?"

I nod.

"I don't know if I'll ever understand this, you kids weren't my kids. You were ponies, brought into this world by an evil curse?"

I nod again.

She sits heavily on the couch, I hop up next to her, and wrap my wing around her. "Something I've found as a pegasus, Mom. Wing hugs are really nice."

She smiles at me.

After the greetings are done, my kids finally get to hug me and tell me about the trip shopping. Shopping in Texas is far better than anything in Montana, unless you want to go to one of the really big cities, and yet that still doesn't compare. I may not be able to eat at Whataburger anymore, but I do miss their food, and some of the other places I haunted when I was younger. I let the kids know that our Disney Cruise is tentatively still on. I'm going to be on that ship if I can. They certainly are going. My wife looks at me questioningly.

"But Dust, why?"

"Because I refuse to hide. Most of the ponies I know also feel the same way, we are going to live openly in this world whether the rest of humanity likes it or not."

"That could be dangerous, son," my dad says.

I turn to him. "Yes, but we ponies aren't targets. We are the dominant life form in Equestria for a reason." My emotions wash over me, I feel my magic and I feel electricity crackle down my wings, I bring my wings together in front of me, letting the electricity arc between the feathers. "We are anything but defenseless."

"Do you really want to fight just to exist?" my mom asks.

"If I have to, Mom. I'm the same person I was as a human. I had this personality then, as I do now. I was Lightning Dust as a kid. You know how crazy I was. And Helen has shown you the episodes of the show with Lightning Dust, right?"

I get three nods.

I smile. "Those don't tell the entire story, hell, I don't know the entire story, Discord blanked a lot of my memories, I only have small bits. But I do know what I'm going to have to do. The Wonderbolts are the protectors, and that's what I'm going to do. I am going to find any pony I can find, and we will keep them safe."

My mother comes up and hugs me again, I wrap my wings around her. "Sweetie, if that's what it takes, you have our support, if we hear of any ponies, we'll send them your way. Sound good?"

I smile at her and squeeze her with my wings. "I love you mom."


I lay down next to my wife, I did miss having her close. My parents house is close to bursting, but Helen plans on coming back up north in a couple of weeks. I fall asleep with my forelegs around her, and my wings covering us both.

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