• Published 4th Jul 2014
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Dust on the Wind - Sparky Brony

Mike was an electrician, and had no clue that the My Little Pony world depicted on TV was real. A Five Score Divided by Four story

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Chapter 59. Angel's Wings

We exit the massive cargo transport, and a quick trot has us standing behind another fairly large craft, though this one has two massive propellers, and the nacelles holding them are pointed up. I breathe in, "An Osprey."

The LT chuckles as he shakes the hand of the loadmaster for the craft, "The VC-22, it's perfect for what we are going to do."

I look around, ground crew are bringing up plastic cargo containers and carrying them onto the craft, "And what exactly are we going to do?"

He chuckles, "A HALO drop."

I cock my head to the side, looking at Blaze, then at the humans that are pulling on what I guess are wing suits, then I look at Velvet, "Uh, LT. We've got a problem, Blaze and I are going to be fine, we've got wings, but what about Velvet? She doesn't exactly have wings, and I don’t think they make those wing suits in a pony version."

Velvet is the one who responds, with a chuckle, "I've done this before, we have a whole setup for me, and any other unicorn on such missions." She taps a plastic container with a hoof. "It's all off the shelf parts, but they were able to modify things to make it work for me. It's a modified hang glider, and it's even got a built in O2 supply for when we get up really high. I may not be as maneuverable as the pegasi with this, but I can actually glide a bit better than the wing suits. "

Her horn alights, and the top pops off the container, and the carbon fiber ribs fly out, then the material, looks something like parachute material, everything assembles in front of my eyes, Velvet smiles, "And it's got a chute for landing, or I can simply teleport to the ground, using my momentum to have me at a gallop when I land. It works pretty well." In moments her magic has everything back where it belongs.

I smile at the mare and whap her with my tail as I walk by, "Maybe you are half pegasus." I smile as I look at a blushing Blaze.

Soon we are in the air, the VTOL capability of the Osprey is pretty nice, though I still much prefer my own wings. The LT has been able to garner some intelligence from the CIA. Their information was sketchy at best, but we were able to confirm the location. The CIA simply couldn't confirm WHAT was going on in there. But with the head of Spectrum dead, I think this will be fairly easy. Though after a while I trot up to the front of the aircraft.

"Hi guys." I say brightly to the pilot and copilot of the Osprey.

They turn and smile at me, "Don't you pegasi prefer your own wings?"

I nod, "Oh yeah, but I'm not alone, otherwise I'd already be there."

I look outside the windows, I'm usually very claustrophobic, but for some reason, the internal size of this craft, and the big windscreen in the front actually has me fairly at ease, "We are up here pretty high."

The Captain laughs, "Oh, yeah, we are flying on a civilian flight path, following the route for commercial aircraft. In fact, we are squawking as a civvy airliner. We do it from time to time, we don't need the Czechs getting curious about us."

I glance at the multitude of displays, "We are burning through fuel pretty fast."

He smiles, "We are actually about to tank."

I cock my head to the side, "On a commercial air route?"

He nods, "We aren't even using the KC-135's. We are using a commercial in air refueling service. We'll tank, then drop you guys off, then tank again before we head home."

I shake my head in wonder, I didn't even know there was such a thing as a commercial air refueling service. Probably pretty expensive. But when you have the kind of money Uncle Sam has to throw around, I guess it's pretty nice to get what you want, when you want it.

A few minutes later the aircraft is jumping around a bit, time for the refueling, though it goes pretty quickly. I lay down to take a quick nap.


"Dust, it's go time."

I look over at Blaze, he's got on a black form fitting outfit, and he's holding one for me, I struggle for a moment before the chime of magic sounds and the outfit slides easily onto my body, I look at Velvet gratefully, "Thanks."

She smiles brightly, "Anytime."

While I had been sleeping, the inside lights were turned off, and red lights were activated, to preserve our night vision I suppose. I look at the loadmaster, he's got his hand up as all the Rangers and the ponies are ready now. I've got a throat mic and a radio in my ear, I've refused weapons, I would like my wing blades, but I don't deserve them right now. The loadmaster's hand forms into a fist as he pulls the lever for the door to open, all lights extinguish as the door fully opens. I smile, the pegasi are in the front of the aircraft, the last to leave, but since we are the most maneuverable, we are in the perfect position. The loadmaster thrusts his fist down, and the humans rush forward, leaping into the air, followed by Velvet and her modified hang glider. Then the pegasi launch. Blaze and I keep our wings tight at first, letting gravity take hold. We need to not show forward speed, so we disappear from radar. The LT said that the German Air Force was going to be doing some maneuvers near their south eastern border, keeping the attention of the Czech forces, and increasing the likelihood that our drop would go unnoticed. But we could kill all of that by showing up on radar. Several long moments as we drop straight down, I flip to nose first and keep my eyes on the Rangers, when they deploy their suits, Blaze and I will start flying.

Before we had boarded the Osprey, we had gone over the maps of our target, a large privately held castle in Nachod, through some wrangling of computers, Cipher, a friend of Velvet's was able to track down the owner of the castle, the Spectrum group. I'm guessing this is the source for most of the cocaine and meth for a good portion of Eastern Europe. I can see the castle in the dim early morning. The sun will be up before too long, so we need to get grounded quickly.

It's time, I watch the humans extend their wing suits, and Velvet's horn shines as her wings extend as well, I join them in slowing our descent. We are on target. I keep my eyes peeled for anyone on the roof of the old building watching for flying invaders. We get close and I see the roof is devoid of life. Blaze and I flash forward, as the humans deploy their chutes. Velvet gets a nose down profile and then teleports, appearing on the roof at a full gallop. She skids to a stop and her telekinesis folds up her flight equipment quite handily.

She smiles at us, "Let's find him." I find myself encased in magic as I get close to a roof access door.

Velvet comes up next to me, "Stealth is our friend, Dust. We are the night. Got it?"

I nod as her magic takes care of the lock, her magic even encases the hinges so the door swings open quietly. Blaze and I flash through the door and head inside. The humans are armed and they come in behind us, in two by two formation. We all keep quiet as we go through the various halls inside this castle.

I lean over to Blaze and whisper, "Are you sure intel was right? I'm not seeing anything here."

He shrugs his wings, and whispers back, "Some of the info is pretty dated, but the ownership of this place hasn't changed in years."

I nod as we enter a large room. This looks like a cocaine cutting room, pure product is cut with inert ingredients to reduce it's potency, and inflate the volume, so they can make more money off of it. I trot among the various stations here, and run a wingtip over a desk, it comes away dusty. I look at Velvet, "There's something wrong here."

She nods as we make our way to another room, a large amount of product is stored here, though everything is covered in dust. This is looking bad.

I move over to the LT, "Is there a basement? Or some kind of underground part of this castle?"

He nods and gestures, in moments we are heading slowly down the stairs. Then I freeze, my ears twitching, I hear someone ahead. I flash down the hallway, and with a muttered curse, I hear Blaze following as quietly as he can. I land in front of a large wooden door, I can hear someone breathing inside. I try the door.

"It's locked." I mutter, then I bring a wing forward, surging magic through the feathers, the door lock melts and lands on the floor, I push the door open.

"Dr. Ray!" I say as I flash forward to the brown unicorn.

He seems delirious, I gesture and the medic, Henry, comes up. He starts working on the unicorn as the rest of the team gathers together, "There's something wrong here. I feel something, I don't know what it is, but we need to get him up and moving, and get the hell out of here."

The LT nods and crouches next to Henry, "Can he move?"

"Give me a few minutes."

I shudder, I don't like this at all. I look around, something feels really off. "Please hurry."

I move over to Blaze, Henry had to glare at me because I wanted to be close to Dr. Ray. But I was in his way so I moved away, I watch the moaning unicorn, how long has he been here? Did he know that we were looking for him? Did he feel lost without us, as lost as I've been feeling without the rest of my family? I resist the impulse to jump up and hug the poor unicorn, but he's getting water and electrolytes from the medic of the Ranger team. After a few minutes, he nods and I rush forward, wrapping my wings around the former human.

"Oh Ray, when I found that imposter, I was afraid you were dead."

He coughs a little bit, "When we were getting the book, I wandered away, looking for the book myself, I just wanted to get it. Then she…" He shudders, I run my hooves over his body, he's been beaten, I need to get him home, he needs to be away from here.

I turn to Velvet and Blaze, "We need to get out of here, before it's too late."

A new voice chimes up, "Ahh, but it's already too late for you, Lightning Dust."

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