• Published 4th Jul 2014
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Dust on the Wind - Sparky Brony

Mike was an electrician, and had no clue that the My Little Pony world depicted on TV was real. A Five Score Divided by Four story

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Chapter 37. More family

Chapter 36

Ahhh, flight. How I've missed you. Ever since that first flight in the mountains after my long convalescence, I've spent every moment I could in the air. Just the feeling of air under my wings. I'm actually winging my way south. I'm racing an airliner, and winning, seriously winning, and I waited until the plane was in the air to get going. I smile as I look to the speck behind me. I'm going to have fun, but hopefully not give the pilot a heart attack. I ease off the speed, and within about ten minutes, the Boeing product is to my right. I take it easy, I can see the pilot has his eyes on me, but he waves back when I wave at him. I'm not seriously above the speed of sound, so being at this altitude is a bit of a strain at this speed. But I'm up to the challenge. There aren't many pegasi who are able to keep up with me. I get behind the crew compartment of the plane, and slowly edge closer. I see faces pressed to the windows. But I'm looking for specific faces. Ahh, there they are. My herd. I can make out Helen, my kids, Irony, Moon Shadow, and Mindy. I wave at them. I see them wave back. I'm we are losing altitude, we are about twenty minutes of flight time away from landing in San Antonio, Texas. A rental car is ready to take the herd back to Corpus Christi. It's a long day of travel. And we could have taken chariots from the farm, but Helen wanted to fly commercial. I had to laugh at her insistence. But I refused to fly in an airplane myself. No, not this mare.

Fine, I've had my fun. I slowly speed up. Passing the plane and once I'm far enough away for any atmospheric disturbance I create to affect the plane, I speed up more. I'm above the speed of sound, then I double my speed. I'm tearing through the air now. I look down, I see the city of Austin pass by to my left, I don't need to follow the flight path of the airplanes. So, I don't. I streak down I-35, and as I see the outer ring highway of the city, I shed my speed and dive. In minutes I'm sitting comfortably in one of the seats at the arrivals section of the airport. After about ten minutes of waiting, and playing on my phone, I hear someone come up to me. The entire arrivals section was hushed from the moment I trotted through the automatic doors. They must not have many ponies here. I look up from my phone. Into the brown eyes of a little girl. She can't be more than five or so.

"Are you a pony?" She asks seriously.

I have to chuckle, "Yes, I'm a pony, not like the ponies that live on Earth. I'm from Equestria." I offer a hoof, and she hesitantly takes it for a gentle shake. I glance over at two adults looking at me in shock, "Those your parents?"

She looks at them, then smiles brightly as she looks back at me. I wave at them. They seem to be rooted in place.

Though their daughter seems to be pretty bold, "Why are you here?"

I smile, "I'm waiting for my herd."

Her brow furrows, "Herd?"

I smile, "Yes, my herd, my family."

Another little girl comes up, and a boy, who's maybe eight. The first little girl pipes up again, "I'm waiting for my abuela, she's coming in from Denver."

I smile at her, "My herd might be on the same plane, they changed planes in Denver."

She apparently gains confidence and hops on the bench next to me. I look at my new coterie of children. Though one is yanked by her arm by her parent. Though she sadly waves at me as she's dragged from the building. I just can imagine the conversation about to ensue there.

The first little girl squeals, "My abuela is going to meet your herd before I do. That's funny."

"Yes," I smile and nod.

Her mom apparently breaks free of her paralysis, "What are you?"

I have to chuckle, "Your daughter had it right. I'm a pony."

She shakes her head in confusion, "But ponies can't talk. And they certainly can't sit in an airport playing on a phone."

I give her a winning smile, "And the ponies you are talking about don't have wing and can't fly. But I'm not one of those ponies." I spread my wings. The mother steps back, putting her hand on her heart in shock. I toss a wink at the little girl, who giggles. Now it's time to be serious, "I'm Equestrian. I'm from another world. I was banished here, along with thousands of other ponies. I'm heading to visit my parents. Your daughter is a delight to speak to…" I trail off when an airport security guard comes up.

I look at the man in a uniform and badge comes up, "Miss, I need you to come with me."

I look at the little girl, "I'm sorry, but I think you had better go with your parents. Maybe I'll talk to you later." She hops up and runs over to her parents. I take a moment, then divert my attention to the officious looking human.

"And why would I need to come with you? I'm waiting for a flight that's just about to land."

"You don't belong here, miss. You need to come with us to the security office." His hand is on his weapon.

He's close enough, hmmm. "I'm not bothering anybody here. I'm just waiting for my family. I am asking you nicely to leave me alone."

Uh oh, we've got a rent a cop with an attitude here, his jaw sets like he's grinding his teeth. He takes a step forward, now he's seriously in my personal space. I flash out a wing before he can think and simply touch his gun hand. I run a nice charge through my wing, causing him to yelp, and cuss. And more importantly step back. He looks at his hand.

"The paralysis is temporary. You threatened me. Don't threaten me again. I've had enough with humans who think they can push ponies around." I find I'm on my hooves, my wings are spread in pure aggression, and the man is scrambling back. He looks around, and three other guards are running forward.

Uh oh.

"Stop right there!" One of the guards shouts. He's overweight, balding, and is already out of breath. I smile as I take off, I stay on the ground. My unshod hooves ring throughout the building as I gallop away from the humans.

"Catch me if you can, fattie!" I shout over my shoulder. Then I look forward and skid to a stop, my ears falling. Two more guards are running towards me. I frantically look around, then dart to the left. I'm a little big to weave between humans, but there are so damned many of them!

I brush up against another human, and finally get in the clear, I look back, smiling, I'm leading them on a merry chase. I look forward, and spread my wings to bounce in the air to avoid running over a baby stroller. The ceilings in the airport aren't super high, but enough for a bit of flight. Irony and my family is going to be here any minute. I can hear the intercom announce the landing of her flight.

"Shit." I breathe, I'm running out of building, I bank hard to the right and reverse my course, flying over the humans chasing me. The other humans in the concourse have either scattered, or are stopped, watching the drama ensue. I find a clear space and land. Galloping inside is better than flying near the ceiling. I need someplace away from the humans. I cast around and I finally see something. Once again, I unlimber my wings and take to the air. I land on a twenty foot tall sculpture. I'm out of reach of the humans. Though in moments ten airport guards are around the sculpture. They try to reach me, and I swipe at them with a hoof.

Before long a ladder is brought out. Oh no, they are dedicated to getting me. I charge a wing, letting electricity crackle among my feathers, I bring it forward.

But I don't release the charge, "LIGHTNING DUST!" I hear. And immediately wilt.

I point my no longer charged wing at one of the humans, "He started it!" The humans turn and see my herd. Irony is dressed in baggy camo pants and black tee shirt, and she's on two hooves. Her gaze levels on the humans. She strides up to the indicated human, "Were you trying to arrest my marefriend?"

The human visibly wilts, "Uh, I, uh."

Irony pulls back a little bit and looks at all of the guards. "That is my marefriend right there, and she didn't harm anyone, did she?" She squints a little at them, and they all have the decency to look abashed. I flutter down and join the rest of my herd. I sit on my haunches and watch Irony berate them. I swear she sounds like a drill instructor, only with not a lick of profanity. Though I'm certain each of those humans feel about an inch tall. She finally winds down, and turns to me.

"Lightning Dust, you were ready to strike, with your power. You don't do that, you know that, not with misguided guards."

My ears fall, and I look down, "I'm sorry, Irony." I turn to look at the humans, "I'm sorry. I wasn't going to hurt you. But…" I trail off. I look at Irony, I get wink in return. I smile brightly. Since when does anypony affect my emotions that much? I shake my head and then look at the humans.

Irony continues, "Lightning Dust here was just waiting for us, you don't need to harass her for that. Now, we are going to get our rental car, and get going."


I'm holding my sobbing mother. My parents already know about Soarin, that was one of the first calls I made. But the emotions are still raw. Though they also know of my time where I was captured. So, all in all, this is a very emotional reunion.

Tears are evident in my father's eyes, "I'm so glad you were able to be found. When Irony told us what happened to you, we feared the worse, and when you were found, we were happy, but we were scared too. Then that first call."

I remember, I called them from my bed, letting them know I was okay. And promising them I would visit, he continues, "Soarin died to save others?"

Irony nods, "He fought bravely, we weren't able to witness his loss, Discord's magic was holding all of us. But Soarin was never one to go out without a fight." She's fighting her own tears. I finally feel my mother move, I let her go so she can sit up.

"Well, I do have happy news. Though you might find it a bit strange." I look at my herd, "These ponies, Helen, and the kids, we've formed a herd."

Confused looks from my parents, I guess I'm going to have to explain.

"Herds are the basic family unit in Equestria. Most herds have one or two stallions, and at least four or six mares, though some get bigger."

My dad looks around, "I don't see any stallions."

I chuckle, "We haven't courted any. At least not yet. Gender ratios in Equestria are quite a bit different than here. The mares, well." I look at Irony and Moon Shadow, "We protect the stallions, because there aren't nearly as many of them as there are mares."

"So, you have three wives now?"

I look at my herd, "Four, actually. Helen joined us, but I don't think wife would be the accurate term, herd sisters would probably be the best way to describe us. Different than genetic sisters, but our bond is like husband and wife, as you would understand it."

My dad looks around, "So, you are…" he looks thoughtful, then he gets it, "polygamous, then?"

I smile, "Yes, I guess that would be the closest analogy."

We spend hours telling them about what the herd means in Equestria, and what our herd means to us.

He finally sits back, "Okay, I think I get it, my son, who's now my daughter, is in a polyamorous relationship with three ponies and his, or her…" I get a look from my dad, "wife?"

We all nod, "And this is the norm in Equestria?"

Again, we all nod.

He turns to Helen, "And you are okay with this?"

She laughs, "Actually, I was a little afraid at first, but these girls are really loving, and lovable." I get my mane ruffled by my wife, "And it's way out from what I'm used to. But they are all committed to the kids, and to each other." She smiles, "And to me. I'm getting to like the idea, and sleeping in one big pony pile has been actually very comfortable. We really do all love each other."

My dad looks at his wife, then at my family, "Well, I must say this is not something I ever expected, but if you are happy, I'm not going to say anything about it. All I'll do is wish you, best of luck."

Hours later I'm sitting in the living room, slowly finishing off a cigarette, Irony enters the room from outside where she was helping my dad with taking care of the plants. She doesn't have the specific magic like earth ponies with plant cutie marks, but she does have some ability to help, and though it rarely gets freezing cold in winter in Texas, the plants are protected now. She crinkles her nose.

"I do wish you would quit that nasty habit."

I chuckle, "Irony, I've been smoking for a long time, even with this change, I still like the occasional smoke." And occasional it is, as a human, it was nearly two packs a day, now I can make a pack last two weeks, just one or two a day.

"It's not good for you."

"Neither is alcohol, but we do indulge from time to time. I'm keeping my vice."

She leans up against me and nuzzles me, "I know, but I keep hoping you'll quit."

I smile at her, and lean into her large body, and sigh happily. My mother chooses that moment to walk from the hallway into the kitchen, spying us out of the corner of her eye, she changes course and sits down in her favorite chair, she sits and looks at Irony and I.

"So, Irony." She starts, uh oh.

Irony smiles at my mother.

"How did you two meet?"

I look at her, she looks at me, I move away to give her a little thinking space, but I keep my wing touching her. To let her know I'm there.

Irony spends a few minutes telling her about her brother, Lightning Flash, and how he ended up running away, then calling Maddie, whom he knew in college. And how Irony received a call from Flash, and how they ended up driving just over a thousand miles to meet us all. I rub a wing down her back as she continues, telling her about some of our adventures, saving the ponies in Billings, our setting up the farm, meeting the President of the United States, and a few other things.

Then my mom gets serious, "I may not be able to choose what my Lightning Dust does, but I want to know whether you will ever hurt her."

Irony flinches at that, "Mrs. Shaw, I wouldn't hurt Dust for any reason. I love her."

I have to chime in, "Mom!" I'm silenced by a glare from my mother. I even wilt, I know that look. My dad was always a softie, my mom was the one who ruled the roost when I was a kid. She looks back at Irony, I can feel Irony wilt under her glare.

Finally Irony says, "I would give my life for Dust in a heartbeat. Without question."

My mother smiles brightly, then she looks at me, "And do you feel the same about Irony? Or Moon Shadow? Or this Mindy?"

I nod solemnly, "We all are dedicated to each other, Mom. Though I'm not the one that needs protection, there are four lives that each of us are dedicated to protect, two unborn foals, Hannah, and Dylan. Remember, you are going to have new grandchildren, though these will be a bit different. Unicorn foals can be a handful."

She chuckles, "I didn't have much trouble with Hannah or Dylan. Foals, if they are as intelligent as my grandchildren, they will be fine. But I wanted to ask you about Hannah."

I look at her expectantly.

"I saw that mark on her hand, and I know you have the same attitude on tattoos as your dad does. What is it?"

"She got a cutie mark, we think."

She looks confused and glances at our flanks, "Isn't it just ponies who get them?"

I shrug my wings, "I don't know, because she's not the only one, back at the farm, there are thirty-seven humans with various cutie marks that have appeared on their own. And each one has manifested magical abilities. And Hannah is actually a very powerful magic user. She still has years of training ahead of her. And she has to be with a unicorn while she's learning new spells, but her abilities are amazing."

Moon Shadow apparently was listening, she strides into the room, "Yes, she has amazing powers, and a strong desire to learn. We are still debating on whether or not to pull her out of school and home school her. Give her a solid magical education in addition to her reading, writing, and math."

My mom snorts, "Teach her Equestrian history?"

I laugh, "Yes, and the history of this world. She is a voracious learner, and she's absorbing what we are teaching her at a prodigious rate. I've talked to Helen, and we are leaning towards homeschooling."

"They are your children, and you are the best ones to decide for their needs." She smiles at me.

Moon Shadow calls my daughter into the room, and shortly my daughter is demonstrating levitation and a few other spells that she's been learning. I'll admit, I like seeing my mom so proud of her granddaughter. And I'm pretty damned proud of Hannah as well.


My herd is on its way back north. I'm not heading for Montana, just yet. I've got to visit some place. I know where Midland is, so I wing my way towards that city. As I get close, I head a bit to the east of the two small cities of Midland and Odessa, I've got ponies to see. I finally spy the ranch, visible easily for me, because of the pegasi flitting around. I flutter to the ground. I'm noticed immediately, a pegasus trots up, she's yellow, with a bright orange mane, a cutie mark of a rose and a cloud.

"Welcome, are you new here?"

I smile, "My first time, who's in charge?"

"That would be Wind Walker, she's in the house. I'll take you in." I follow the pegasus. As we trot I take a look, the ponies are building housing as fast as they can, apparently. A fairly large town is in the process of being built. I smile, the ponies are ever industrious. We finally make it into the main farmhouse, a quick trot up the stairs and a quiet knock on the door.

"Come in." Comes a tired voice from inside. I push open the door, with thanks for the pegasus bringing me upstairs. I look inside, and stop for a moment, with a name like Wind Walker, I was expecting a pegasus, but a unicorn is sitting at the desk. With a light purple coloring, and jet black mane. And in her mane is a brilliant orange stripe, she's quite striking, sitting at her desk, I can't see her cutie mark. She looks up, then her jaw drops.

"Lightning Dust?"

I nod.

She doesn't even bother to run, she teleports over to me, and my hoof is grabbed, and being shaken so hard my teeth rattle.

"Oh my Celestia, I can't believe it, when Mindy told us what happened to you, and then told us you were back. But very injured, and she didn't know if you would be able to come, and finally, you are here, oh my! I can't believe it!"

I smile at her, "Thank you for your concern, but I'm fine now."

She's continuing, I don't think she heard me, "We've been working on getting a new town set up, there are so many ponies here. We are trying to build housing for all of them. But we have to worry about money, and income for the farm, and…" Tears are starting to form in her eyes, she finally trails off.

"It's a bit overwhelming, isn't it?"

She nods, "But the pegasi we sent to get trained on weather manipulation have been teaching here. We are only now starting to get a handle on the weather here. This is going to be an oasis in the desert once we have everything up and running."

I put a hoof on her withers, "Breath, Wind, breathe."

She listens to me, and takes deep, long breaths.

I gesture to the chairs, she hops back up on her chair, she reaches to the side and closes the laptop, I notice more than a few entries on it are red, must be an accounting program. I sigh, "Wind, we are all ponies, we all have been thrust into this world. We can help you. Ponyville's Mayor Mare is there, and we have Mindy. And without their organization skills, we wouldn't be anywhere near where we are now. Is this farm yours?"

She nods, "My family has owned it for a few generations." She looks down, "My human family, anyway." Her ears flatten.

I cock my head to the side, "What happened with your family?"

Tears spring into her eyes, "My parents rejected me, I fled to the farm when I was still turning into a pony. I had a few friends that had the same birthday as me, we all turned. We made the house habitable, but we didn't have any resources. I'm scrambling to pay the bills as it is. And the electrical contractors want a forehoof and a hind hoof for service. And we have earth pony carpenters, but getting materials for them has been a nightmare. We've been using trees from here for lumber, but there aren't that many…"

She's rambling again, I can see how stressed she is, I hold up a hoof and she stumbles to a halt.

"Wind Walker, I was thirty five when I changed," I hold up a hoof once again to forestall questions, "I own an electrical contracting business. We are working oil country up north, add in the farms income, we are controlling weather for three major cities. We are not only solvent, we are doing very well. If you are having problems, we can help."

She shakes her head, "I don't believe in charity." She once again stumbles to a halt to my upraised hoof.

"I don't believe in taking charity either, I've always done it myself. But how about this, consider this cooperation, how many ponies do you have here?"

She thinks for a moment, "A bit north of five thousand."

I sit back, stunned, "How many ponies did Discord banish?"

She shakes her head, "I have no idea, but a lot."

"We are at about six thousand total, counting the five hundred pegasi and unicorns in various cities controlling their weather. But my point is, we can help you. I can't send my electricians south, licensing issues. But I apprenticed in the Dallas area. I'll talk to a few contacts, and get you hooked up. And we will cover their charges. Do you need some ponies to come down and help organize things?"

She shakes her head, "I think we can get on top of things, we just need to dig out of the hole we are in."

I smile, "I can help you with that."

We spend over an hour talking about the details of her ranch. I find out that her ranch has mainly unicorns and earth ponies, less than a thousand pegasi. But I do get to see her books, and she's right. They are struggling, but with help from us, they can be doing well pretty quickly. Then she brings up a point I was wondering about.

"Dust, did you know that nearly a third of the mares here are pregnant?"

That gets me, I start laughing. I can't stop, I fall off the chair, laughing. She comes around the desk and looks at me in confusion.

"What's so funny?"

I'm finally able to control myself, "We are a horny lot, aren't we? Up north, more than a quarter of the mares are pregnant. How many baby ponies are we going to have when the portal opens up next?"

That gets a chuckle from her, "Quite a few, I believe." She rubs the back of her mane, "I'm not entirely certain how many ponies are going to want to go to Equestria. I know some are counting down the days, but a lot are making their lives here. Some might want to go through, then come back as humans and live their lives here, but a lot just want to stay, as ponies."

That sobers me, "The same here. I don't know if I'm going to go. We have the ability to go, when we want to. But I don’t know. I like the home I've made here, and I love my herd."

That gets an odd look from her, so I explain about my herd, and after a moment she's nodding, "Some memories from Equestria are of herds. I know a few herds have sprung up here. But I don't know about it."

I smile at her, "It is very nice. You better find yourself a special somepony."

She chuckles, "I'm too damned busy."

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