• Published 4th Jul 2014
  • 6,751 Views, 1,313 Comments

Dust on the Wind - Sparky Brony

Mike was an electrician, and had no clue that the My Little Pony world depicted on TV was real. A Five Score Divided by Four story

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Chapter 26 The Missing Chapter

Author's Note:

I was rereading my story the day before yesterday, and I noticed I had skipped this chapter when posting! I can't believe that I did that. Sorry to you all, but I hope you enjoy the chapter.

I hop out of my chair at Gold Dust's words. I hate having problems severe enough for a pony to find me like this. I follow her outside. She points to the gate, "Human problems."

I sigh and take to my wings. I land next to the closed gates. There are black SUV's sitting outside the gate. I get a look at the license plates. The state of Oregon. Am I really seeing this? A quick flap, and I'm over the gates, startling the humans that were at the gates. A dozen or so ponies are on the inside, and one had apparently been trying to talk to them. Time to take this one over.

"May I help you?" I ask politely, though I'm not feeling it. My wings are extended.

The apparent leader isn't in some dark suit, he's in khakis and an off white polo shirt. He turns and looks at me.

"Ahh, we have the pegasus of the internet fame." He saunters towards me, "The one who broke into my lab, and took my property."

I knew it. "Those ponies were being held against their will."

He chuckles, "Against their will? You are all animals. You have no will. I should take as many of you as I want. But I will settle for the two you stole from me."

I stomp a hoof on the ground, "I'm not an animal, any more than you are."

He chuckles, "I'm a human being, I am a person. You can be best described as livestock."

"Screw that shit. This is private property, so you can get in those pretty SUV's and get the fuck out of here. Or I will call the sheriff."

"Go ahead and call your sheriff. But I have a court order here, demanding the return of my property."

I step ahead aggressively, and a few humans start to reach inside their jackets. I smile grimly and charge a wing, allowing the electricity to crackle among the feathers, "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

He smirks at me and brings out a blue folded summons. He hands it to me, I struggle to get the folded sheets open, it is indeed a court order. And to my surprise it has my former human name, and Lightning Dust as an alias. I think for a moment. Then look at the signature.

"This is a state judge. Not a federal one. This is just a piece of paper in Montana."

His easy smile slips a bit. I guess he didn’t think I would notice, "We are working on a federal judge."

I'm able to smirk back, "Your federal judge had better be talking to Washington DC. With a few members of congress having relatives turning into ponies, legislation is being fast tracked through the congress, recognizing us as persons. With the same rights as any human. And I know for a fact that the President will sign it, because it will affect his daughter."

He leans down and snarls at me, "I want my property back, I will take it if you refuse."

Apparently his tone of voice has pissed off the ponies, I hear the sound of teleportation and half a dozen ponies are ringed around me, "You had better be ready for a fight, asshole." One of the unicorns says.

"You need to go, and right now. These ponies are not your property, and we will defend ourselves." I say calmly. With all these ponies here, I don't really need to worry.

The apparent leader growls at me, "This isn't over."

I smirk back at him, "Yes, it is. We will protect ourselves. You don't want to…" I trail off as one of his guards pulls his gun. Without thought my wing snaps forward. A flash of lightning blows the gun out of his hand, and most of the hand is gone as well as he flies back from the impact. The human falls to the ground, screaming.

"God Damn it, I didn't say pull your weapons!" The man screams. I look at one of the unicorns, to my surprise, it's Dr. Ray. He rushes forward, his horn lighting.

"Let him work!" I shout as the other guards try to block him. Though the other humans are swiftly immobilized in unicorn magic.

I hear Dr. Ray talking softly to the injured human. The sound of his magic intensifies. A blue glow around the ruined hand. I can see Dr. Ray frowning in concentration.

After several minutes of magic work, Dr. Ray's horn finally quiets, and he staggers back, obviously spent, I rush forward to support the exhausted doctor. He leans against me and gives me a wan smile. "I couldn't fix it, but he won't die."

I look at the human, his hand now ends in a stump, and the obvious pain he was in is gone. He looks at the brand new stump in wonder.

I whirl on the arrogant human, "You son of a bitch, get the fuck out of here. As I said, we will defend ourselves. And if I find any more of your goons on my property, I will shoot to kill. Do you understand?" He's wincing at the volume of my voice. I step towards him aggressively and he spreads his hands to try to placate me.

"I'll leave. But I'm not done with you, Mr. Shaw."

I snort as I turn my back on him. With a few quick flaps of my wings I'm back over the fence and the unicorns have teleported back onto our side of the fence. I nudge one of the earth ponies, "Make sure they leave. But let me know if there are any problems." I head back into the house, supporting a woozy Dr. Ray.


Days pass, we are starting to get into a rhythm, though continuous inflow of ponies keeps staggering my mind. All three barracks are full now. I've already started construction on three more. But the breakneck speed I built the first ones was hideously expensive, so it's going to be a few weeks for construction to be finished on them. Luckily, the ponies really aren't having a problem cramming in the space available. I spend most of my time at my own house, which has now permanent house guests, Irony, Moon Shadow, Lightning Flash, Trixie, and Mindy bounces between the two houses all the time. Add in my wife and kids, it's always a full house, which I'm finding I like. Most mornings I will sit on the porch and watch the sun rise over the lake. This morning is no different. Lightning Electric is humming along, we've hired the new journeymen, and are in the process of hiring some new apprentices, we've taken delivery of three of the ordered twelve trucks. I have to smile as I take a sip from my orange juice.

"Morning Dust." I hear the door open and Irony emerges, she takes a seat next to me.

She nuzzles me for a moment and continues, "Us early risers have to stick together."

I chuckle, "I'm only an early riser because I have to for work. Given the choice, I'd be awake right now, but after being up all night."

She smiles at me, "Well, the military never really washes out of you. Though I enjoy this time. But I'm getting bored." She stops and looks seriously at me, "Aren't you going to decide who is going to be on the new retrieval teams?

I look at her, and then I look out at the water, "I will announce who gets the jobs after today's run through."

Shortly after getting back to Montana, Irony had the idea that it shouldn't fall on just us to go and help ponies in trouble. She put the word through the ponies there. And had two hundred volunteers the first day, and another hundred the following day. Not just ponies, but some of the humans who've moved onto the farm with their pony family members have volunteered. After much weeding, we've been able to set on two teams to join Irony, Moon Shadow, and myself. Each team is three pegasi, a unicorn, and an earth pony. I think the hardest was to get two more to round out our team. I wanted to have Trixie and Lightning Flash, but Irony vetoed it. Saying that would be too much favoritism, and plus, their experience on another team would be invaluable. To which I had to agree.

Add in all the pegasi that are learning weather management as fast as we can teach. I'm actually surprised no pony else has done the same. These ponies have had their heritage stripped from them by Discord. Bringing that back is important. And if we do some good around this world, that is a good thing.

Irony shrugs her shoulders, "What are you going to do with CNN?"

"I've already refused them interviews. And any time any news truck is set up outside, the humans living at the farm chase them off, leaving the ponies inside."

She smiles, "Don't you think it would be a good idea for us to really go public?"

I shrug my wings, "I don't know, Irony. I'd love to, but the reaction from some humans, I've been shot trying to save ponies, we've found one in the middle of getting raped. Is humanity ready for us?"

She lets me lean against her, though I fold a wing around her as the sun finally fully rises. Being summer, it's about four thirty in the morning. She sighs, "I don't think they really have a choice. Some of what you said is happening. Magic is coming out, from more than just the ponies. But I think some of the chaotic forces in this world are fighting back. In some places, I shudder to think of what's happening to the ponies there. Mindy has a few hits, and we are going to have to go out on missions again before long. I hope you liked your break. But at nine this morning, we are going to have a final run through. And you are going to have to make the decision."

I stand up, I feel my wings as I stretch. I've already eaten, I want to fly. But today, I feel like flying alone. I give Irony the kiss she deserves, and finally after catching my breath, I'm in the air. I blast through the low hanging clouds and go for some height. After several strenuous minutes, I look down. I judge my height to be over twenty thousand feet. The air is frigid, but it doesn't bother me, as long as I keep my speed up. I streak to the south. What would I have done without this? This flying. I have so many ponies asking me questions, wanting my opinion. I have to settle so many differences of opinions. I'm going to rip my mane out. I turn to the west, and increase my speed, and look around. I see a commercial airliner, I'm guessing it's out of Denver. An early morning flight. I smile. I love being a pegasus.

I change course and streak towards the Boeing product and shortly am flying alongside it. I glance at the windows, and dozens of human faces are pressed up against the tiny windows. Eliciting a laugh from me. I wave at the humans then do a slow roll. The humans need a bit of a show, I work up and down the airplane, keeping a careful distance from the wings, and fly upside down, then I really get brave, I edge closer to the wing. Briefly thanking Celestia for the calm air as I let one, then both rear hooves touch the leading edge of the wing. I wonder if the pilot knows what I'm doing. After a moment I pull ahead, then flip over the plane to the other side, and repeat the feat on the other wing, keeping an eye on the windows, it only takes a moment before the faces are pressed to the other side windows. I laugh as I finally increase my speed and move to the front of the plane. I can see the pilot looking through the window. The look on his face is priceless. I toss him a wave then accelerate. In moments the plane is a speck behind me. I've learned that not all pegasi are as fast as Rainbow Dash and I are. There are plenty of fast pegasi, but we are a cut above. I like being in that exclusive club. I finally turn to the northeast and head for home.


I find myself hovering in the air above the paintball course that was constructed by the previous owner of the farm. I remember playing paintball there years before. But the ponies working around it are deadly serious. We've been testing hot insertions, we've been testing every skill we can think of when it comes to retrieving a pony. Some of the family members of the farm have volunteered to be the bad guys. I watch one of the pegasi, her name is Winter Storm. She was the one that was being raped when I found her in Denver.

She's taken the trauma of that time and turned it into a determination that I've never seen matched. She has told me she doesn't want any other pony to go through what she went through. And as far as I'm concerned, she's kicking ass. She streaks along just under tree top height and lands in the place where her target is. But she's being smart about it. I watch the earth pony on her team creep up from being dropped by another pegasus to get close. That pegasus is perched high, keeping an overwatch. I'm liking her strategy. I can't hear the words she's saying but she's talking to the pony who is our "victim". The human tasked to watch her is suddenly restrained as the unicorn on the team teleports in. In moments, the "victim" is being led out of the makeshift building and towards the safe point. I have to smile, a textbook setup and solution.

I move over to the end point and wait for them to emerge, and shortly the entire team is trotting happily to us. I hear the applause of those watching. We've gone from three hundred volunteers down to thirty ponies, all ready to go. The plan is we have two teams on hot alert, and one as backup. The backup team will keep training during missions. I hope we aren't going to be needed, but according to Mindy, that is not going to be an option. We've got missions to do.

"Excellent job!" I shout as they make it past the finish line. I turn to Mindy and Irony. I see smiles all around. I turn back to the tired team, "We will talk, and the decision will be made shortly."


Three hours of hammering out the details, and Mindy, Irony, Moon, and I have come to our decision. All thirty ponies are sitting outside, sweating in the summer heat. We finally push through the front door.

"I know it was a long time coming, rounding out my team will be Cloud Kicker, and Blossomforth. B team will be, Winter Storm, Trixie, Lightning Flash, Morning Star, and Heliotrope. And in the lead, Winter Storm"

I look at the blossoming smiles from those chosen, I take a deep breath and continue, "Our dedicated backup team will be, Sparkler, Buttercup, Storm Track, Blaze, and Lightning Streak. And the leader for this team, Sparkler. That is all." I turn back into the farmhouse, I don't want to see the reaction from those that didn't make the cut. They were all very good. I have had enough unhappy looks. I end up in Mindy's office, alone. I lay my head on the desk and moan, "Why do I have to be the one they all look up to?"

Apparently somepony was listening at the door, "Because you are the best one for the job." Trixie says as she pushes in. I feel my ears wilt.

"I don't want to be the best at leading us all, Trixie. I just want to do my job, and be the best at it that I can be."

She moves closer, "And your best job is to lead, Dust."

I slam a hoof on the table, "But I'm a shitty leader, I've failed, I've lost ponies. I've lost Soarin." I collapse. Tears flowing.

Trixie wastes no time, and I'm brought into a hug by her. I sob into her shoulder.

"You ponies should find another leader." I say.

She pulls back from me, forcing me to look her in the eyes.

"We will not be choosing another leader, Lightning Dust. You are the best for us. And you need to realize that. When the chips are down, Lightning Dust is the one who busts her ass to make us safe."

"But, Soarin, that pony in Belarus, those ponies dying against Discord…"

I get a hug from Trixie, "No leader is perfect. You are doing damn good work though, Dust. Though Trixie really thinks she should have been in charge of her team."

I sniffle a bit, "Irony, Moon, and I debated it. But we felt that the passion from Winter Storm is what put her over the top."

I get a hug, "Trixie knows, she first came in here to complain, but on seeing Dust like this, she couldn't really put her concerns first. But it is good to know why Winter Storm was chosen over Trixie."

I smile at her, "Thank you for being understanding Trixie, we really felt the way these teams are built complements what you will be asked to do. And you are an excellent mage, but you aren't the leader that Winter Storm is. She's going places. I honestly hope she goes back to Equestria when the portal opens next, they will need her there."

Trixie chuckles, "They have the mane six in Equestria."

I chuckle back, "Yeah, and Equestria is a whole world that has been under the oppression of a despotic maniac for twenty five years, smart leadership is required all around. Especially since the Princesses are still on Earth."

"You have a good point there." A new voice says, I look up, Irony is there. With a gentle smile. She sees my condition, and smiles at Trixie who is comforting me. She moves up and nuzzles Trixie, then I get a kiss.

"Dust, you need to clean yourself up, I need to show you something."


"So what's going on?" I ask as I follow Irony into the small ironworking shop on the farm. Then I stop, my breath is taken away, the ponies working here have been working to expand the shop, it's easily triple the size it was when I bought this place. Stacked bars of steel are on racks, two large propane forges are lit, and ponies are hammering on anvils, various projects are scattered about in various stages of construction. But the primary open space is taken up by a large… I walk around it. I look up at Irony in confusion, "What is it?"

She chuckles as she puts her hand lovingly on it. "A new way to get around, this is the second one we've built. But I have to show you the first one. The unicorns are pretty much done with it."

The large bay doors are opened, allowing the summer sun into the smithy. I once again follow Irony outside. And another… I would have to call it a chariot, is sitting there, gleaming in the sunlight. Gold accents along with plenty of stainless steel, adorn it's side. The floor has been made of diamond plate steel, but it looks like it's been rhino lined. I feel it with my hoof to confirm. I look at her. "Does it work?"

She smiles and nods. I hear soft hoofsteps behind me, and two large pegasi are walking up. They have big smiles on their faces. Irony guides them to where they can hook up. In a matter of minutes they trot in a big circle, getting used to its weight. Then Irony steps aboard, with Moon Shadow and Trixie in tow. I look inside, "I don't see any seatbelts, or hand rails, or anything to keep you on it when they take off."

Irony barks a sharp laugh, "That's not needed love. That is what magic is for."

I tilt my head to the side, "Huh?"

She moves a hand to encompass the inside of the chariot, "Magic, Dust. You remember what they used in the show, well. One of the ponies here started building, and I helped him. But he told me about memories he had surfacing, how to make pegasi drawn chariots. And so we built a couple of them. He was able to start the spells, and he taught a couple of other unicorns to do the spells as well. And… well." She stopped and placed a hand lovingly on it, "We made it work, Dust. We've already tested it without anypony aboard, and we were wondering if you would like to be the first pony on Earth to test this out?"

My ears fall, I feel my tail tuck underneath my rear and I back away, "Oh, nononononono. I don't need that."

Her ears fall, I look at Irony and the others who've worked hard on this. I gulp. "Um." I look again at Irony, pleading with my eyes, I trust my wings. That's it.

I hear her softly whisper, "Please Dust. You can trust in our work."

I hesitantly place a hoof on the chariot, then a second. I finally hop my rear hooves onto the chariot and then sit down. I close my eyes tightly. Then I feel the chariot shift as Irony hops aboard, she's back on four hooves, and she nuzzles me, "You didn't think I'd make you go through that all alone, did you?"

You don't want me to answer that, Irony. I am able to shake my head, but I'm not able to fully control my trembling. She whistles out at the pegasi that are pulling the chariot spread their wings. I close my eyes once again. I hear their hooves on the crushed rock and then nothing but the soft flow of wind. I feel Irony nuzzle me. I lean into her, leaving my eyes closed.

"You can open your eyes now, love."

I shake my head vehemently, "I'm good."

"I'm not above prying your eyes open, Dust. Just please, for me?"

Well, when you put it that way. I crack an eye open, my first view is of the two pegasi, their wings working in long, easy strokes. But we are horizontal. Gravity isn't pulling us to hang underneath them. I look around in wonder.

"I didn't feel the takeoff." I say in wonder as I look over the side, we are easily a few hundred feet up.

"As I said, Dust. Magic. As it was explained to me, the spells create a null inertia zone. And it's own gravity. They could fly upside down and you wouldn't fall, in fact, you wouldn't know you were upside down if you didn't open your eyes. And it works with pegasi magic of those pulling it, which lowers the total weight, and allows it to stay with them pulling it, rather than carrying it."

"How fast can we go?"

She laughs again, "As fast as the pegasi pulling it can go. But I've got to say, a pegasus like you, or Rainbow Dash, or any other speedster pegasi would probably destroy these trying to pull them. You gals are just too fast, but we can probably cross the country in a matter of hours with this."

"So, the 442 is going to be parked for a while?"

She nods.

"And how many are ready to go?"

"Just this one, the second should be ready by the end of the day. And we can get some more built in about a week or two."

I smile as I look around, "This is amazing." Then I lightly punch her with a hoof, "I still prefer my own wings, love."

She leans against me, "I know love. But this way, we can at least be faster, and you won't have to be so bored."

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