• Published 4th Jul 2014
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Dust on the Wind - Sparky Brony

Mike was an electrician, and had no clue that the My Little Pony world depicted on TV was real. A Five Score Divided by Four story

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Chapter 39. Business and Hormones

Ahh spring, the first of May. The pegasi are getting the weather to warm up. I hear the strains of music, singing floats from our new town, it sounds suspiciously like Winter Wrap Up, in the last few months, the town has sprawled to be within sight of the farmhouse. It's amazing how much we have grown. I have to smile. It's now been a year since I started turning into a pony. Warm weather is on its way, the ponies are making sure of that. I look over at the ponies flying throughout the town. I can feel the tingle of magic. I take wing and head back to my house in town.

I don't feel like doing much today. I tiphoof quietly upstairs, I had a little bit of exercise this morning, but it's Saturday, so I'm going to join the family in bed. I open the door slowly, everypony is still asleep, even Irony this morning. I move over to the windows and quietly draw the shades, don't want the sun to wake everypony else up. I slide into the pile, I end up with my head next to Helen, my hooves around Irony, and my wings holding Irony and Moon Shadow behind her. Mindy is holding Helen, but she's on the edge of the bed, because of her pregnancy making her get up every so often. She's almost ready to drop a couple of foals. I sigh happily as I let sleep take me.

I'm woken up to lips on mine, a tongue invading my mouth, I feel the tongue, it's much shorter, and narrower than most, so I know this is the lone human of my herd. I smile and my hooves wrap around Helen. I feel my body being drawn to lay on my back, I can feel a pony down there. A wide flat tongue is caressing my thighs, oh my, that feels amazing. Then the tongue moves to the mare's destination. I feel myself being spread and I clamp my legs together.

I feel myself shuddering, even Helen can feel it. She pulls away.

"Are you okay, love?"

I look at her, I try to give her a convincing smile, but apparently I fail at that. I look down, "I'm sorry, Irony."

She smiles, "It's okay love." But I can hear it in her voice. The amount of pain in her voice hurts me too. We haven't made love since I got back. I want to cry now.

I slam the bed with a hoof, "No, it's not. Irony, please, keep doing what you were doing."

She looks unsure, "Are you sure?"

No, I'm not sure, "What I am sure of is I want you. I'm not going to let this get in the way of that. Please, Irony, show me the love you were trying to before my fears overwhelmed me?"

She looks at Helen, then at Moon Shadow. She moves up and gives me a kiss, which really starts me back into the mood, damn she can kiss. She moves slowly down my body, eliciting little mewling noises from my throat. She finally is back between my hind legs, my tail is thrashing from side to side, I want her, I want what she is wanting to do to me. I close my eyes, and focus on the pleasure I feel. I ignore the rising fear. I'm not getting raped again, I'm not getting violated with a baseball bat again, I am with a mare that loves me. One who killed the man who hurt me. I feel her tongue. My body stiffens, but I'm able to keep from pushing her away. She stops for a moment, but her breathing is hot and fast, and she's breathing on me down there. I moan, "Oh please, Irony. Keep going." That's all she needs. My body finally really starts to relax. Helen moves up and kisses me again. Oh Celestia, this is how it's supposed to feel.


Past noon and I am downstairs, "Morning Star Shine." I chirp to the stallion. He's made residence at my house in town rather than the farm. Saying he feels safer with my herd. I really don’t mind. The stallion has been very nice so far. Two months living with us has been pretty fun. He likes to cook, a holdover he says from when he was human. And he's pretty damned good at it. Him and Dylan have actually become pretty good friends. He wasn't much older than Dylan when Discord got him. He's standing in front of the stove, flipping pancakes. I can smell eggs have been cooked. And sausages, what a breakfast, I feel my stomach let me know I've exerted a lot today with only coffee to satisfy it.

Star Shine chuckles, "I can hear your stomach, have a fun time this morning?"

I feel my wing extend, "Oh, we just had a quiet morning in bed."

He smiles at me, "I heard at least two mares screaming, and it was the good kind of screaming." His wings are extended. My face heats up.

I look down, "Moon Shadow was supposed to cast a sound deadening spell."

He smiles as he slides a plate to me, "Well, I think she forgot. But your herd had a fun morning. But I have to ask you, does your human member of the herd join you girls?"

I look down, I know my face is beet red, I nod.

"You are a lucky mare, you've got a total of three mares with you, and a human woman. All having sex. Wow."

I stab a piece of pancake with a fork, "Yeah. Helen was never interested in women, but I think we've converted her. She was my wife before the change, and she's fallen in love with all of us." I think for a moment, "Oh crap, the kids! They had to have heard us."

He smiles, "They were up a few hours ago, I sent them to the park to go play. They weren't here when you were playing."

"You made sure they ate?"

He smiles as he sits down across from me, "They ate, they are bundled up since it's still a bit chilly outside, but they are all taken care of."

I give him a grateful smile as I dig into my food, "Thank you, Star Shine, I don't know what we would do without you."

He smiles as he gets up, I focus on my food for a moment, then I'm startled, he's right next to me, he just gently bit my ear. I flick my ear and look at him. Seeing a shy smile on the stallions face as he blushes, he trots into the living room.

That stallion is interested in me. Seriously? I don't do stallions. I look at the entryway to the living room. What the hell?


"Irony, he bit my ear. And I know what that means. That's a clear signal from a stallion. What the hell?"

She's turning a wrench. We are in the garage, she has oil in her fur, and her Mustang is sitting there in all its glory. Just maintenance on her today. Something I've found that Irony enjoys to do, keeping that car in tip top shape. She looks at me, "Well, offer him a turquoise flower, or a feather. Take him out on a date, by yourself or with the herd. We all like him, if you want to court him into the herd, go for it."

My ears fall, "But you haven't even started courting Dr. Ray, yet. It wouldn't be right for me to grab another stallion before you've even brought one stallion into the herd. And add in the fact, I don't do stallions!" I huff.

"I've talked to Dr. Ray. He's interested, but he's too busy learning magic, and he's also busy with the medical needs of the town, he doesn't feel he has the time to devote to a herd right now. He's also a complete novice to our social customs, we have years of memories surfacing, he has what he's been able to absorb in the half year he's been a pony. But Star Shine does know the social norms, he was a pony back in Equestria." She stops and waggles her eyebrows at me, "And he was a human girl before he changed back into a pony, that has to count for something."

I sigh, "I don't know, Irony. I think about him, and my body responds. Badly! I leak whenever he's around. I'm probably dropping pheromones like it's nopony's business. And even if he's not aware of my constant wing-boners around him, he has to smell me. It's like I'm in heat, but only around him."

"Who's to say you aren't in heat, Dust?"

"I am, when I'm not around him, I can feel that I'm not. I do recognize heat when it comes to me."

She chuckles, "Dust, what are you going to do if you actually go into heat with him around? You going to be waggling that plot around him, inviting him to mount you?"

I shudder, "Dear Celestia, I hope not."

She chuckles, "Want to take a bet?"

I give her a dirty look.


Flying helps me loosen my mind. After talking with Irony, I take to the air. Just some time in the air. Though as a speedster pegasus, what I consider a short trip is a long haul for many others, I make a turn south at Kalispell, then turn back east at Bozeman. Keeping nearly the speed of sound, I'm gone for about two hours. Another pony rises to meet me as I get close to home. Turquoise fur, black and gray streaked mane, and a cutie mark of a pegasus wing.

"Hi Star Shine. " I say as I get close.

"Irony told me you were getting close, thought I would fly with you."

That little imp, she's manipulating things. I bank hard, and he follows. Time to see how fast this pegasus can fly. I streak off to the east. Leaving a turquoise trail with a lightning bolt in it. I look back, another turquoise trail is following me. Damn, is this pony a speedster too? Can't be, we are not that common. I accelerate, smoothly breaking the sound barrier. I look behind me, he's keeping up with me. Damn! Well, I can make this interesting, I'm not going to go full speed, but I'm going to show him why I was a Wonderbolt.

I quickly dive for the ground, letting my wings take the punishment as I pull out at the last moment, I let myself slow down at the lower altitude, but I'm actually powering down less than thirty feet above a highway. I can see the cars on the two lane highway. I smile, then streak down among the cars, weaving between them much faster than they are going. I reach out a hoof and run it along a semi truck trailer as I pass it. I howl in delight. I tap my hooves on the cab of the truck as I finish passing it. I gain some altitude, and fly upside down, looking behind me at the other turquoise pony keeping up with me. Yes, he's fast too, so I had better make this a challenge. A quick turn to the south, and I'm accelerating, once again above the speed of sound, but keeping my altitude below ten thousand feet. I quickly pass out of the state of North Dakota and into South Dakota, I turn a bit to the west, and finally get to a town that I've spent a lot of time in as a human, Rapid City. I get an idea, then streak north, finally landing near the town of Keystone, a little tourist trap that is known for being close to a major national monument. I've actually landed at that monument, known throughout the world, Mount Rushmore.

"Damn, Dust. You are fast!" Star Shine says as he lands. He trots up to me on unsteady legs, but he's got a huge smile on his muzzle.

I grin at him, "Eeyup, I am. None faster!" I puff out my chest and pose for him.

"Except maybe for Rainbow Dash."

I wave a hoof, "Her and I are pretty equal, and she's not on this world."

He chuckles, since when does the sound of a stallion chuckle make me weak in the knees? I shake my head.

"Any particular reason why you decided to make me chase you?" He asks.

I smile at him, I suppress what I want to say, instead, "You didn't have to chase me." I feel my tail twitching, my wings are now painfully tight.

He comes closer, "I know a wingboner when I see one."

"Oh, you do, do you?" I smile coyly. Yet in the back of my mind, I'm gibbering in fear. This isn't happening.

He reaches up and nips my ear gently, then he breathes into my ear, "I was told Lightning Dust is a filly fooler."

My tail tucks under my hindquarters and I back away, "Oh, those rumors are true."

He smiles a half smile at me, "Then why are you so attracted to me?"

Amazing, this pony has been with my herd for a couple of months, and now he's coming on to me? Though I'm kind of leading him on I think, "I'm not."

He comes closer, as he reaches to nip my ear again, I can smell him, and by Celestia, he smells amazing. I back away before he's able to nip me again. I turn away, "I'm really not. I was a guy before the change. And my memories of Equestria, I've never been interested in stallions."

His muzzle moves my tail to the side, causing me to leap into the air, I end up twenty feet away. My wings are spread, but not in desire now, "What the hell?"

His eyes are glazed, damn I must be dropping those pheromones like nopony's business, "You smell amazing." He trots up to me. I can see he's ready in more ways than one. Oh dear Celestia! I can't really fly right now, wings are ignoring me.

"You can keep your nose where it belongs, and that is away from my marehood." I nearly shout at him. He wilts visibly. Oh damn. I didn't want to hurt his feelings. I move up and use a hoof to gently cup a cheek, I tell myself he's not that beautiful of a stallion, but my body is ignoring me. "I'm sorry, Star. I'm a filly fooler, I don't do stallions. I don't know why my body is doing what it's doing…" My words are cut off as he kisses me. Oh, sweet Celestia, is this how Helen felt when I kissed her as Mike? My knees go wobbly, and I can feel my tail swishing from side to side. My scent is so strong I can smell myself. Oh dear Celestia, I'm responding to his kiss, my tongue is invading his mouth as strongly as his is into mine.

I break away, tears flowing down my face, "I'm sorry Star, I've got to go!" I'm able to gallop until my wings finally calm down enough to take to the air. In seconds I'm above the cloud layer, and well above the speed of sound. If I keep this up, I'll do a damned sonic rainboom!


I land on a veranda, the city sounds are filling my ears, damn New York is noisy! I knock on the door, I hope she's here. After a long time knocking the door opens and a yellow pegasus looks at me through a sleep tousled mane. It's dark, but the city never sleeps, doesn't it. As a country boy before, and becoming a country mare since my change, I really don't remember how busy a city is. But I'm reminded of it sitting here.

"Ginger Crisp, I need your help."

"I don't want to talk to you, since you've started competing with me, it's been harder to make a profit."

I smirk at her, "Oh Ginger, you had a wonderful idea, I just capitalized on it. Though a partnership is still being offered."

She starts to close the door, I put a hoof to stop the door, I give her my most plaintive look, "Please Ginger, I can't promise to stop competing with you, but I really do need your help. Mare to mare."

She looks at me with a sour look, "So whether we partner up is based on whether I help you or not?"

I rear back a bit in shock, though I'm gratified she doesn't complete closing the door, I finally am able to find words, "No, Ginger. You could shout at me, yell at me, cuss me out like a dirty slut of a mare, and my offer of partnership will remain. You had a wonderful idea, I found six pegasi who can do the job, and I still want you to run it. I'll help out, and handle advertising, and in general make life easier where I can. The two are not related, I want to keep making a profit on that wonderful idea. But having you will make more profits, and easier work. You were running your plot off." The businessmare inside of me is taking control right now. "Fifty-fifty profits, you can run the pegasi, you can do as many deliveries as you want. I'll even help you open a store front in New York, or wherever."

She looks thoughtful, then finally, "It was my idea, seventy-thirty."

I shake my head, "I'll be putting up capital to advertise and open a store front, fifty five to you, forty five to me."

"I'll still be making deliveries, sixty-forty."

I think about it for a moment, then offer her a hoof, "Deal." She shakes and smiles.

Ginger then opens the door and gestures me to come inside. I spend the next several minutes explaining about the farm we found, the dead ponies, then the mystery that is the stallion Star Shine, and what's been going on.

She laughs, apparently my stress is a source of her amusement. I look at her sourly, "I'm glad my pain is the source of your mirth."

She stops laughing, but there is mirth in her voice, "Oh Dust, why didn't you just let him, you wanted to, he wanted to. And you said your herd wants you to as well."

I sigh, "Were you a guy or a girl before the change?"

"A girl."

"I was a guy, and the thought of a guy doing that to me…" I wilt, "Doesn't really appeal to me."

"Yes it does, Dust, otherwise your body wouldn't be responding so strongly."

"But I never did that with a stallion back in Equestria."

"There's a first time for everything." We are interrupted by a knock on the veranda. Ginger moves to open the door.

"Well, love. You've got a very confused and heartbroken stallion back at home." Irony says as she enters the room. I look up sharply.

"Irony, how did you find me?" I look down at my phone, it's been dead for hours now.

She puts a hoof to her ear, showing off the earring from Moon Shadow, "I used Moon Shadow's gift. We are all worried about you." She comes over and gives me a hug, I bury my face in her fur. Sobs wrack my frame.

"I just don't know what to do!" I wail into Irony's soft fur. I get a hug for my trouble.

"Dust, you know what you want, you are just afraid. Just like you were afraid with the herd this morning, but you fought through the pain, the fear, and opened yourself up to us. Was this morning worth it to you?"

I nod slowly.

She takes my cheeks in her hooves and gently forces me to face her, "Dust, I promise, your herd." She kisses me gently, "Your family, supports you. You want him, but you are scared. You will find that you enjoy it."

I look at her with my best lost little puppy dog expression, "Promise?"

She kisses me, "Yes, Dust. I promise you. He's smitten with you, he'll be gentle, he wants you to enjoy him as much as he wants you. I've talked to him."

I look down for a long moment. Then move over to Ginger, "Thank you for being a shoulder to cry on. And for your help."

She smiles, "Don't mention it, and I'll be over sometime in the next few days to hammer out our agreement."

I chuckle as we make our way to the veranda, Irony climbs onto the chariot, "Love. Why not ride with me, just be close to me while we head home?"

I look at her, and out at the sky, then I join Irony on the chariot.

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