• Published 4th Jul 2014
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Dust on the Wind - Sparky Brony

Mike was an electrician, and had no clue that the My Little Pony world depicted on TV was real. A Five Score Divided by Four story

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Chapter 42. Ponies Down Under

Once again in a government jet, with my loves. I look over at Irony who is peacefully sleeping in her chair, Mindy has even zonked out, though I have to grin at her and Moon Shadow. Those two are curled up together, Moon's head on Mindy's flank, and Mindy's head on Moons. I look at the rest of the cabin, over a dozen ponies are here in addition to my herd. And my new enigma, one miss Sunset Shimmer. She's curled up as well, in fact, I'm the only one actually awake at this point. I shake my head, I hate flying. No, I take that back, I hate flying without the benefit of my own wings. The Pacific Ocean is quite a bit bigger than the Atlantic, I could make the flight, but I would be exhausted at the end, even with my increased endurance due to being a magic user pegasus. Mindy had her ways, and almost every pony I was involved in when it comes to directly saving them from some horrible situation is on board.

I watch the Air Force enlisted personnel moving about the cabin, I felt the change in engine speed, we were descending. I had asked earlier, and we are going to land at the Royal Australian Air Force Base Richmond. One of the enlisted airmen quietly moves up to me. He looks nervous.


I smile at him, "Yes?"

"I don't know how to say this, but when we saw all of you ponies come aboard, we were surprised. Are there really a lot of you?"

I nod, "Yes, a lot of ponies were banished by Discord."

"When some of the news reports on the ponies came out, I watched some of that old show, I saw Wonderbolts Academy."

I chuckle, "That was an old me, I learned a lot since then."

His eyes get big, "So those wings, you can actually fly?"

I spread my wings and hover above my chair, "Yes, I can fly, so can all the pegasi here."

He looks around, "And the ones with horns, the unicorns, they can do magic?"

I nod.

He silently mouths, "wow" as he nods to me and heads to the back of the cabin. I have to smile as I land back in the seat.

"It's amazing how little knowledge of us has spread." I hear Irony say. I look over at her, she's cracked an eye open and is grinning at me.

I look at her, "His eyes would come out of their sockets if he saw you shift your form."

She barks a laugh, jolting both Mindy and Moon Shadow, "Yeah, I guess he would."

I look at the waking Mindy, "Why did you have these ponies come with us, Mindy?"

She smiles sleepily as she stretches and slowly extricates herself from the still semi-conscious Moon Shadow, "I wanted these ponies here for a reason."

I look around the cabin at the slowly waking ponies, "I noticed that all of these were ones we had saved."

She nods, "And they can give their story to the ponies in Australia."

I cock my head to the side, "Why?"

She giggles in response, "Because of you Dust."

My ears fall, "Me?"

She nods, "It's not just the farm, it's everything you have done Dustie. You have been the one to fight to save ponies in horrible situations. Where a pony is in need, Lightning Dust is there."

I feel my face grow warm, "Mindy, I'm just trying to do my best."

For a moment, she actually looks angry, "Dustie, I love you like no other, but come on girl."

I know my face is mirroring the confusion roiling through my mind.

She clicks her tongue a few times, "Oh Dustie. You've saved a lot of ponies, and everypony here is grateful for what you did. You saved many lives."

I scoff, "Mindy, anypony would have done that."

She smiles gently, "Are you sure about that, Dustie?"

I nod.

"Then why aren't there any other teams running around the world, saving ponies?"

I chuckle, "We haven't had a real mission in months that wasn't connected to closing down Spectrum's illegal operations."

"I know that, Dustie. But nopony else has done the work you did automatically. Once Soarin was able to find Winter Storm and Sunny Day, you've been off like a shot, saving as many ponies as you can." I think back to that first real mission after the work in Billings.

"Mindy, I did what needed to be done."

She sighs theatrically, "Oh Dustie, never change."

She hops off her seat and heads to the front of the plane, I'm guessing to find some sugar laden treat.

I look at Irony in confusion, "What was that all about?"

Irony leans back, "She's right you know."

I roll my eyes, "Not you too."

Irony chuckles, "Dust, love. Nopony else was able to do the job that we did. And we all did it because you were there, you insisted that the ponies be saved. We could have hidden out quietly, content to live our lives until we found out about the portal and just went to Equestria. I was only concerned about keeping Moon Shadow and Flash safe. But you opened my eyes."

I scoff once again, "I'm telling you, Irony. I just did what had to be done."

She hops off her chair and comes over and nuzzles me, "Dust. You did what needed to be done, because you are the pony you are. You are a protector to your core. One of the reasons I love you so much." She looks at the stretching Moon Shadow and back at another row where Flash is finally starting to stir.

"Dust." She turns and looks at me seriously, "You have a wonderful vision, you want all the ponies to be safe. And you are selfless about it. You poured your own money into making the homes these ponies live. You've not asked for anything in return, no matter how hard the mission was. You kept going. You were captured, you were tortured." I nuzzle her as she stops, tears springing to her eyes, and emotion choking her words. She swallows a few times, "And even after all that, you have forged us into a family, a wonderful herd that I am so happy about. I am with you, I understand your need to protect them." She points at the ponies, many of them looking out the windows of the plane as our descent becomes more obvious, "And everypony here would give their lives for you, without a second thought."

"I would hope it never comes to that." I say.

She chuckles, "I share that hope, Dust. But if that day comes, you have hundreds, if not thousands of ponies at your back, if you need us."

I look at the ponies milling about the cabin, ignoring the flight crew asking them to buckle in for landing.

I call out loudly, "Hey, sit down and buckle in, the door won't open until the plane is stopped."

As one over a dozen pairs of eyes focus on me. And then there is a flurry of ponies strapping into the seats. The unicorns helping the rest as I hop into my own seat.

Irony winks at me, "See, Dust. You are loyal to them, and they are loyal to you."

I lean back and think about what's been said, and I hear her say under her breath, "Just as I am to you as well, love."


The door is opened on the plane, letting in the cooler fall weather. I chuckle, south of the equator, it's autumn here. I look around and head over to a crew bus heading towards the parked plane.

A man in a suit is standing in front of the crew bus, he puts out a hand, "I'm American ambassador Ryan. Welcome to Australia."

I smile, "We don't rate any of their staff?"

He chuckles, "They really don't want the ponies here. You are supposed to be here to gather up the ponies here and arrange for them to come to the US."

I cock my head to the side, "What if they don't want to come?"

"The Prime Minister believes that they will."

I sigh, "That remains to be seen. We will talk to them, but in the end, the decision is theirs."

We pile into the bus, I take up a seat next to the ambassador. The driver takes off.

He pipes up again, "I'm going back to the embassy, since you have Presidential authority, embassy staff isn't really necessary here."

"Why is the Australian government so gung ho to get rid of ponies?"

"The official line, which is really unofficial, since they refuse to acknowledge pony existence, is that they should be with their own kind, which is back in the US, which apparently has the largest pony population, though I've heard there are quite a number of Chinese ponies that have cropped up. But let's not worry about them."

I muse for a minute, then turn to him, "You know, the ponies can be a benefit to mankind, you've heard what's been happening in Los Angeles?"

He nods, "Yes, the drought is over, the weather has been very nice. And not a single day of smog in over a year."

"You can directly attribute that to our work. We control the weather, we have to. We are driven to do it. Many earth ponies are driven to grow things, our magic works in this world. We can help all of humanity."

He sighs, "I've heard, a little. But I think a lot of humanity is going to be a hard sell when it comes to accepting sapient ponies."

Now it's my turn to sigh, "I know."

We travel through the city streets of Sydney for a while in silence. Though the ponies in the bus are chattering excitedly, and I'll admit, the urge to gawk is pretty high in me. Though I keep looking for pegasi working on the clouds above. I've grown used to seeing that. I know youtube videos show up all the time from cities that pegasi are working, showing them manipulating the weather.

I'm interrupted from my musings by the bus pulling over.

The ambassador gets up, "This is my stop. I have a car ready to take me back to Canberra to the Embassy. Best of luck to you Lightning Dust."

I offer a hoof and get it shaken, "Thank you Ambassador Ryan. I have a feeling we'll need it."

The driver pulls off, and we start driving.

And keep driving, then drive some more. Nearly six hours later we pull into a small town called Dubbo. I'm told it's a small town, but with a population of over thirty five thousand, I don't have the heart to tell the driver the town I'm from has about two thousand people living there.

From there we head north, for about two hours, until finally the bus stops in front of an overturned truck.

The driver turns back and looks at me, "This is where them ponies are livin. I can't go no further."

I thank the driver as the ponies pile out. I nuzzle Irony affectionately and move through the group of ponies milling around. The apparently take my cue and stay close as I approach the toppled truck.

"Stop right there." A voice calls out, "You are in the sights of a half dozen rifles."

We all freeze.

I look at Irony, then take a step forward. "I am Lightning Dust, I'm from the US. I would like to speak to whomever is in charge."

I hear some muttering, "Ya'll can git right back on that government bus and turn around back where ya came from."

"Not happening. I was asked by the President of the United States to come here."

The reply is quick, "He's got no authority here. You are just trying to get us off our land. We own this land, free and clear. Ain't nopony going to take it from us."

Fillies and Gentlecolts, we've got ponies here. I smile. "I know I hear ponies through that thick accent. Come on out."

"No!" I hear a shout.

I spread my wings, then I hear, "You take a single flap of those wings Shelia, and that will be the last thing you do."

I look around, I'm faster than their reaction time, but if they shoot anyway, they might hit some of the ponies around me. I glance over at Mindy, then get a shock. I can't see her magenta face or pure white mane anywhere. I look at Irony in confusion. She nudges me, and I look around again. Moon Shadow is apparently not here either. I grin.

"I think I will take to the air." I flap my wings gently and hover a few feet above all the ponies. Giving me a better view. I see four or five ponies gathered behind the truck, rifles in hoof. I'm guessing they've modified the rifles for ponies to be able to fire.

"You ground yourself right there missy, or we will be shooting."

I scoff, "You would, but I sincerely doubt you have any ammunition anymore."

I hear a muttered curse, and the sound of a bolt action being worked. Then more cursing.

Mindy's voice floats to me, "All clear, Dustie."

I chuckle and indicate for the ponies to come forward, we head around the truck.

I offer a hoof, "As I said earlier, I'm Lightning Dust. And I would like to see whomever is in charge here.

The earth pony curses softly and stands up. I have to move back a bit. This pony can easily give Irony or Big Macintosh a run for their money in size. With a tan coat and a forest green mane, he's pretty distinctive.

I hold out a hoof, "We can be counted in the friend category."

He looks at me hard, I feel Irony tense up next to me, I put a wing gently on her back, and she subsides.

I look around, "I wouldn't have brought my herd here if I was here for a fight."

He snorts, "Yes, my herd. This mare here is Irony. The two unicorns that removed the threats to their family are Mindy and Moon Shadow. We've got Helen, who was my wife before the change. Our stallions are Dr. Ray, and Star Shine."

"You herdin with a human?"

I nod.

"Takes guts to bring them all here."

I nod again, "Though, I was not expecting rifles to be pointed at me. Every other place where ponies have congregated have been friendly to outsiders."

"Those other places haven't had human soldiers trying to gather us up and expel us from the country."

I growl deep in my throat, "We aren't going to force you to do anything."

He evaluates me for a long while, then turns, "Follow me. I'll take you to the owner of this fine place."

I nod to the other ponies to follow me. I listen as the bus that brought us here cranks the engine and apparently turns around.


This place is huge. Tawny Grove, the stallion, leads us to a farmhouse. I have to chuckle. A farmhouse ends up being where a lot of ponies take refuge. Trying to get away from the humans. Though this place shocks me. I see tents everywhere. Nothing permanent, no town being built, very few pegasi flying around. I'm actually pretty surprised, this place has a lot of earth ponies. I whisper to Irony and she gets the rest of the ponies to mingle with the Australian ponies here while I enter the farmhouse alone. I follow Tawny into an office and sit down in the guest chair. Apparently I'm going to have to wait for the host.

The old me would be pacing, or doing something to keep moving, but I have learned, I sit peacefully. Closing my eyes and waiting. It's incredibly boring, but after about twenty minutes, the door opens and an earth pony enters the room, I get a good look at her, she's the same yellow as Fluttershy, with a light blue mane, she actually looks very pretty. Her cutie mark is a muffin. I smile as she sits down.

"Hi, I'm Banana Muffin."

I suppress a chuckle, "Lightning Dust."

"I've seen the cartoon."

"Well, then you know some about me."

She nods. Then looks at me for a long time.

Finally, she breaks the ice, "I know you are from the States. Why are you here?"

"Officially, I'm here to help you ponies transition to life in the states. Unofficially, I'm here to offer an invitation to join us, but failing that, I'm here to help you."

"The humans sent you, why should I trust you?"

Damn, these ponies have had it rough, "You don't have to trust me, Banana. I would be happy to say we failed and head right home. But I think that would be a disservice to you, and your ponies. I want to help you."

"We don't need your help."

I hop off the chair and look out the window, "Nothing permanent is being built."

"We don't have the money, or supplies to build anything permanent. We are barely scraping by."

I love hearing that Aussie accent, I turn around. "What do you need? How can you get self sufficient?"

She sighs, "I don't know if it's possible. We can grow our own food, and we have enough pegasi here to make the weather helpful. Food isn't the problem. Housing, and the million and a half things that we need on a daily basis to make life work is what's missing. I own the property, but we've had soldiers here twice. They want to shuffle us onto planes and send us to the states. We've refused, and chased them off our lands. But I don't think that's going to last."

"Do you know why they want you gone?"

She slams a hoof into the battered desk, which creaks alarmingly, "Damn it. I wish I knew. Those retards seem to think that we can just be gotten rid of, and they can forget we ever existed."

"Ponies are a fact of life in this world now." I say sadly.

"I know."

I think for a long time, I want to help. They need help. But how do I help. I finally pull out my phone and dial.

"Mayor Mare." Chirps the voice on the other end.

"Mayor, the Aussie ponies here need help. I need a semi trailer loaded up with building materials, tools, and equipment."

"Little problem Dust. How do we get it to Australia?"

I smile, "We fly it. Have a unicorn cast the necessary spells and get it over here as soon as possible."

She sounds unsure, "I don't know if we have any unicorns with enough strength. But I'll get on it."

I smile and end the call. The turn to Banana, "We will help you. And first thing will be I will head to Canberra and have a nice long talk with the Prime Minister. We will get you up and running."

"Are you sure, Lightning Dust? There is a lot we need, a single semi truck wouldn't be enough."

I smile happily, "You are fellow ponies, we have to help you, so we will."

I get bowled over in a hug from the earth pony, I hug her back tightly, "We will make it work, Banana, don't worry."


I make it outside after hammering out the details with Banana Muffin. I have to love that name of hers. But she should be named Tough Cookie, because she's kept this little place going pretty well. I find the ponies that joined me on the way from the states. I join Irony and Moon. Sitting and talking to them. And watching the Australian ponies come up and talk to my little group of ponies.

I'm talking with Sparkler when a lavender blur latches onto her leg.

We look down at the lavender filly unicorn with the blonde mane. My mouth drops open and Sparkler's eyes shrink to pinpricks.

"Oh big sis. I missed you. I'm so happy you are here." Says the little filly.

Sparkler looks up at me, "She was here?"

We hear a distant voice…"Dinky? Where did you go?"

Dinky pipes up, "I'm here mom, and you have to see who I found."

The crowd respectfully pulls back and reveals a pony I've been wanting to see. Grey coat with blonde hair, her wings are folded softly at her side, and her bubble cutie mark is barely visible.

I look into her golden eyes, "I can't believe it's you!"

She looks at me, then at Dinky, and finally her gaze settles on Sparkler.

She whispers something, but I can't hear. Dinky stays attached to her big sister as Sparkler haltingly moves towards her mother.

Derpy shakes her head, and in a faint Aussie accent, "Is it really you? I had lost hope, either you were in Equestria, or you were somewhere I couldn't get to you. I had no clue."

She doesn't have any time to say anything more before the faint pink unicorn grabs her and hugs her. She hugs her daughter back, her wings holding both ponies tightly.

I move closer, Irony at my side, I can hear her sobs as she holds her reunited family. "Oh thank Celestia." She moans gratefully over and over.

I finally sit on my haunches, leaning into Irony's side. Letting the family rediscover each other. I have to smile at their chatting. I am keeping some distance, to keep from crowding them. But watching them makes me happy.

I am lost leaning against Irony for a long time, then my name being spoken breaks me out of it. I look up, only to be bowled over in a hug from the grey pegasus.

I get a full on kiss from her. She pulls back, "Oh, thank you Lightning Dust. Thank you so much for taking care of her."

I smile at her, "She has been very helpful. She wanted to help retrieve ponies that were lost. That were captured, that were in need. She was wonderful."

She looks back at her daughters, then back to me, "Is it true that she ended up the daughter of the man who is now the President of your United States?"

I nod, "She was Amy then. But she's herself once again."

"That's amazing."

I stop for a moment, and look around, "So, you ended up down under?"

She nods, "I was a bush pilot until I changed. My best friend in the whole world ended up being my daughter."

"And your other daughter was sent to the US." I stop and clear my throat, "Do you remember when Discord took you?"

She nods, tears in her eyes, "Yes, I was in Canterlot with Dinky. Sparkler was spending some time with friends in Ponyville. It happened so fast."

I nod, "I know. We fought him, the Wonderbolts did, that is."

She nods, "And you lost. That's why you are here."

I sigh.

She folds a wing over me, "Well. A few more of our Ponyville friends made it to the great land down under. The Cakes are here, along with their twins. And a few of the Canterlot ponies made it as well. Discord lived up to his name, he sent us all over."

I shake my head. "I know. It's wonderful to see you. But I need to get to the capital."

She cocks her head to the side, "Why?"

"I need to get them to stop trying to round the ponies up, I want you to just live your lives."

"Can't we come with you?"

I nod, "Of course, we can take some ponies back to the states with us. But from what I've been told so far, most want to stay."

She sighs, "Yes, there are a lot of ponies here that want to stay. But there will be some that will want to go with you when you leave."

I put my wing over her back, "You and your family are welcome, Derpy. A lot of ponies back in the states would love to see you."

I head over to Irony, "Climb on, love."

Irony stands very still, "Dust, I'm much heavier than the average pony."

I stomp a hoof, "I want you there with me, I need you. I can handle your weight. It's only a few hundred miles. But I need you, Irony."

She looks around, then at me, "Are you sure?"

I smile, "Hey, Irony. Look at who this is. I'm Lightning Dust, one of the fastest ponies alive. I think I can handle you."

She leans her head down next to my ear, "You handle me quite well." And she pulls back, her face glowing. I can feel the heat in my own face as I gesture for her to climb on my back. She shifts and gently places her weight on my hips, holding onto my withers.

"Hold on tight, love."

I can feel her considerable weight on me. I feel my magic compensating for her load. I know I can fly with her. I look back at her, "Just remember, you are safe with me."

I feel a slight tremor as she nods, "I know, love. This is my first ride on a pegasus."

She already went there, so I decide to return the favor, "I don't know about that, Irony. You've ridden me pretty hard before."

She chuckles as she blushes anew. I spread my wings and take off slowly. I can't cross an ocean with her, but I can fly with her. I smile as I accelerate. I feel Irony leaning down to where she's nearly prone on my body. I can feel her body against mine. I force my thoughts out of the gutter, unless I pop a wingie and end up on the ground very quickly.

I hear her shout for joy as we get above the clouds. I risk a glance back, a look of pure joy on my love's face.

This is a good reason to fly.

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