• Published 4th Jul 2014
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Dust on the Wind - Sparky Brony

Mike was an electrician, and had no clue that the My Little Pony world depicted on TV was real. A Five Score Divided by Four story

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Chapter 36. The Herd

"Okay, Dust, extend."

I dutifully flare out my wings for the good Doctor. He moves close and inspects them, "Well, Doc?"

"Hmmmm," for a long time he's looking at my primaries, most of them have emerged from their cocoon, I know that, because I've had to preen the damned things, knowing it's not enough for me to fly, but it's so tantalizingly close.

He finally lights his horn, and my wings are engulfed in his aura. I feel pokes and prods. I suppress the pain that I feel. I have been exercising my muscles, especially my flight muscles, for months now. I've gotten off the ground, but every time, I've let myself come down. And it hurt even worse than the physical pain I've been feeling.

"Well, Dust. How do you feel?" Dr Ray asks.

I sigh, "Well, Doc. I do feel pain, all the time. When I'm on the ground, my body aches in general, especially." I look down, my ears splayed back, "back there."

"I noticed that area is still tender. I'm not certain why it's healing so slowly. So I don't recommend any bedroom activities for a while yet. But when it comes to your wings, I think you just might be ready to get off the ground. But I want you to take it slowly."

I giggle, "You are saying I can fly?"

He nods, "But remember, take it easy."

I smile as I gallop from the bedroom, shouting, "Irony, get your car!"


I'm in the passenger seat of Irony's Mustang. It's growling contentedly as we cruise the Montana highways. We are near the Rocky Mountain range. We are getting close to the mountains themselves. I want to be in the sky, but first. I need to get my hooves off the ground. A few more hours pass, I'm content to simply sit next to Irony. Just her and I are in the car. I would be doing this myself, and my few solo tests have let me know my body is ready, along with Dr. Ray's blessing. I'm not in full fighting trim yet. But I judge myself to be about eighty percent of what I was before that damned tazer hit me over six months before. I've always loved the cold. I zone out, watching the snowy landscape as we speed past Bozeman, Montana.

I'm startled out of my reverie with the sound of the engine changing. I can feel the brakes being applied. Irony pulls onto a dirt road at my direction, and nearly an hour of driving these small dirt roads have us in the middle of nowhere. The snow hasn't gotten too deep out here, yet. She stops the car and exits, moving to open the passenger door for me. I trot with a purpose, Irony shifts onto four hooves and is content to simply follow me. After some time walking, we are at the edge of a sheer cliff, for miles around, there is a valley in front of us. Heavily forested, and achingly beautiful, this valley is where I'm going to fly. I survey the snow covered trees all around, and smile.

Irony looks around, "Now, Dust. Tell me exactly why you want to start at a cliff? You can simply fly at home. Why drive for hours to fly here?"

I touch one of her cutie marks with my primary feathers, and rub the wing along her back. Then I enfold the feather braided in her mane, "Because this place calls me."

She looks confused, "You can fly at home, I've seen you, you haven't gotten more than a foot off the ground in the last few days." She looks down at the several hundred foot drop, then at me, "What if you can't?"

I chuckle, "If I can't, it will be a spectacular crash."

"And a fatal one."

I shrug my wings and move away from the cliff face. I make it about fifty feet, then I spread my wings. I feel them. I feel my magic inside me, that has been aching to do something for months now. I let my magic crackle among my feathers, "I won't crash, love. But I have to do it this way. This," I inhale sharply, "This, is my element. Flight, the air, above it all. This is me. Have you ever wondered why I spend so much time flying? Even inside, even when I'm not doing anything else, I'm still in the air, or perched up high?"

"I've wondered, but never been certain."

I smile at her, and trace a pinion across her cheek, eliciting a blush, "Because I am a pegasus. I am a creature of the air. Even during my captivity, my memories kept slowly returning. And I remember a lot more of what makes me…me. My family was ground bound, my father was a unicorn, my mother was a pegasus who had lost a wing when she was a filly. My other herd mothers were earth ponies and unicorns. I was the only pegasus daughter they had. They never understood me. They never understood that as soon as I could fly, I was flying. I need to be in the air, I need to soar." I look back at the cliff, "My wings were clipped, I lost that for a long time. So, I have to do this. I have to prove to myself that I can fly the way my mind and body scream at me to. Not simply getting above the ground, but risking everything for that flight. Flight is everything to me." I look down, "Well, almost everything to me. But, I must do this."

At my direction, Irony moves as close to the cliffs edge as she dares. "I know how important flight is to you love. And I know you will do wonderfully."

I smile, and squash any doubt. This is my element, this is me. I spread my wings, prepared for flight. I lower my head, and close my eyes. I take measured breaths. Finally, I'm ready. My eyes snap open, and I whirl around. Galloping for all I'm worth towards the cliff. I see Irony as I'm running, and I decide to make it fun, I plant my hooves and push, letting my inertia flip my body before I hit the edge of the cliff. I smile at Irony and toss off a salute to her as I fall off the cliff backwards. Now, I'm out in the air. I was expecting…fear? anxiety? pain? No, none of that greeted me. It was all exhilaration! My wings catch the air and I climb for some altitude. I'm flying, once again after so long. I accelerate and loop the loop. I get more aggressive, I do a flat spin that nearly gets me into the trees, but I recover with plenty of space to spare. Barrel rolls, negative G loops, I'm going faster and faster. I get well above the mountain heights, and I dive for the ground, with my wings back. I flare them at the absolute last second and glide along the ground with mere inches of altitude. I finally go for altitude again, and I'm above the clouds. Another long dive, this time with a purpose, gravity isn't bringing me in that direction, I'm pushing as hard as I can, I bank to avoid a canyon wall, then fly along the wall, pinions barely brushing the walls as I turn on my side, and gallop along the cliff face at over a hundred miles an hour. I push off from the cliff and once again go for some altitude. I check and see if Irony's still watching me.

She is, of course, and I angle for her, I'm going to give her a buzz cut at nearly the speed of sound. I accelerate towards her, grinning like a fool the entire time. This is what it means to be in the air. I love the confidence my love has in me, she doesn't even duck as I buzz her, she could have reached up a hoof and touched me as I passed. I howl in delight as I loop the loop again and slam to the ground, my magic protecting me from the very hard landing. I'm still laughing in delight. "Now that," I finally am able to control my glee, "That is flight."

Before I can say anything I'm picked up and hugged. Irony then kisses me thoroughly, so much so I can feel my wings extend. Before anything else can happen I push away, offering an apologetic smile. I look at the sky, I bring a wing forward and kiss a feather, and spread the wing to the sky. I am back. I look over at Irony,

"Now, it's time to go home."


My eyes pop open fairly early the next morning, despite the fact that the long drive yesterday really was tiring. I'm ready. In more ways than one. I slide out of the pile of ponies. I notice that I'm not the only one up. I get to the top landing of the stairs, and descend the way I want to, with a running leap and a glide down onto the couch. I suppress a giggle.

Finally I trot into the kitchen, Irony is standing there, making breakfast. I stop to look at her, she's in her two hooved form. Her furred back is facing me. I'm struck by how lucky I am to have this mare around. I love Helen, I love Irony, I love Moon Shadow. I am full of love for them. And to be honest, if I had to choose one, I couldn't. They all are more important to me than anything. I flare a wing slightly, and nod to myself, yes, even more important than flight, by a feather. I smile as I hop onto a stool at the counter.

"Morning love." I chirp happily.

"Morning Dust." She stops for a long second, then turns and looks back at me, "Dear Celestia, you have no idea how long I've waited to hear that happy tone to your voice."

I cock my head to the side, my ears perked forward, "Happy tone?"

She chuckles, "Before we lost you, I remember the way you would greet any of us, with a happy chirp to your tone of voice. Since you were brought back, I didn't hear it." She moves forward and runs a hand gently along my left wing, "But you feel good now, right?" I nod, "And you are happy again?" I nod again, she grins, "And you have that happy chirp back in your voice, I'm so glad to hear it."

I shrug my wings, "I am happy to be back, yesterday was amazing."

We chat for a while as I consume the waffles she was making.

I finally put down the fork and push my plate away, "Irony. I need to talk to you, I need to talk to you, Moon Shadow, and Helen, all together, in a little bit. I saw they were starting to wake when I hopped out of bed, so they should be down here before too long. But I need to burn off some energy first. So, before they decide to scatter around to do stuff for the day, I really need to talk to them, and you, together. Would that be okay?"

I tilt my head down, looking at Irony out of the corner of my eye. She looks confused for a minute, then smiles brightly, "I'll be happy to corral them and make sure you can say your piece, Dust."

I smile at her, "Great, and I'll be back pretty quickly, I need to get the blood pumping." I hop off the stool and make my way to the back door. I relish the below zero chill as I trot out into the snow. I'm going to enjoy this flight.


I trot into the house, slightly winded, but very happy. I shake the snow out of my wings and head into the living room. Irony have everyone I asked gathered in here. It's still early on the weekend, so the kids are still asleep. I stand in front of the three most important ones in my life. I sit down on my haunches and look at all of them.

"I'll bet you are wondering why I gathered you here today." Then I flare my wings and jump to avoid a thrown pillow. I smile at Helen, who threw the pillow at me, "No, seriously." I smile at all of them. Then it's time to get down to seriousness.

"Irony, Moon Shadow, Helen. I did ask you together here for a specific reason though." I look at each of them, "Helen helped me Christmas evening. I was distraught, I felt broken, I knew I was healing, but it took so damned long." I feel my ears flatten back as I talk, "I couldn't fly. I hurt all the time, and I wasn't ready." I look down, "Well, I can fly now, I still hurt, but I do think I'm ready for this."

Two looks of confusion and one knowing look greet me when I look back up. "You three most of all are the reason I'm alive right now. Along with that little girl upstairs. And I've heard how Dylan was a big help around here, trying to keep things going with me being in pieces. So, my family has helped me, so much." I feel tears start to leak, I just let them, "I know, intellectually, how the courting process is in Equestria, and I do know how Helen was able to break through my fears and help me when I was very reluctant to tell her how I felt about her. But I've never courted as a pony. I was a one night stand for plenty of mares. A lot of those memories came back. I know now how many hearts I broke, and I feel for those ponies that I hurt."

I look at all of them, I think realizations are dawning on my pony family, Moon Shadow has an excited look on her face, and Irony is just grinning, I have to continue, I have to get the weight off of my wings. I take a deep breath, "I want us to be a family, I want us to be a herd. I want us to cooperate in raising those children upstairs, and any other foals that we end up with." I take another deep breath and hold it, waiting for an answer.

Two shocked looks, and then Helen breaks the silence, "I'm not versed in your traditions as ponies, but I've known you for a long time, almost seventeen years. I'm in." Irony and Moon Shadow look at Helen, and then at me.

"Irony, you already wear a feather of mine, and you know how meaningful that is. I also want you, Moon Shadow, to wear a feather, you don't have to all the time, but as least occasionally." I smile at Helen, "I've already given you a ring, and though I haven't lived up to the promise that it represents completely, I have tried. And I want you all with me as we go forward. Whether we decide to stay here, or go to Equestria."

I get nods from both Irony and Moon Shadow, tears slowly dripping down their faces, but they are smiling. I take that as a good sign, "So, the answer is yes, then?"

I'm bowled over in hugs from an earth pony, a unicorn, and a human. My herd, my family. I wrap my wings and hooves around them all. We laugh and cry for a long time.

"Mommy, Dust. What's going on?" Hannah says, her hair a sleepy halo around her head.

Helen turns to our daughter, "We've just grown our family, Hannah, we are going to go with the pony traditions, you have two new herd mothers. Irony, and Moon Shadow."

Hannah frowns in thought, Irony takes a moment to explain further, and when she finally understands, she joins us in the hug. Finally, Hannah giggles, "Dylan is going to flip out."

I chuckle and ruffle her hair, "And I think the best lead mare for our family is going to be Irony."

Irony's ears fall flat, "No, Dust. There is only one pony that deserves to be lead mare, and it isn't me."

I look at her in confusion, then I look at Helen, then at Moon Shadow, "Then who?"

A midnight blue hoof cups a cheek, I look at Irony, "That pony should be you, Dust. You've brought us together, your force of will has driven this family. There is nopony that I would follow, other than you."

I feel a cold chill, "Irony, I can't be lead mare, I've still got healing yet to do, and I don't know if Dr. Ray told you, I can't bear foals now. Being fertile is actually a strong requirement for a lead mare."

She shakes her head, "No, Dust, he didn't tell us. And I am so sorry to hear that, I was hoping to see foals from you, once you decided to enjoy some time with a stallion. But I was willing to be patient. But, that doesn't remove you from being lead mare in this family. As hurt as you were, as well as you are getting to be, you are a natural leader. There is a reason you were second in command of the Wonderbolts out of Canterlot. You are our lead mare."

I shake my head, "But I can't."

She shifts and her hand cups my muzzle, forcing me to look into her eyes, "But you will, and our herd will be stronger for having you at the lead."

I look at the other two, getting the same look from Helen and Moon Shadow. I look back at Irony, "Are you sure?"

Three nods.

I look down, "If you are sure. Then I can't argue with that."

Irony looks unsure for a moment, then it looks like she made a decision, she pipes up, "I would like to add to this herd pretty quickly."

I hear the soft pop of teleportation and then I hear a party horn as Mindy appears in front of me, bowling me over in a hug, "Oh, Dustie, I thought you would never ask them."

I'm confused now, I look at Mindy's huge smile, then I look at Irony, "You don't mean…"

She nods.


"You just started a new herd, and Irony wants me to join? Yes, I want to join you guys. Hannah." She teleports from me over to my daughter, and bounces in front of her, "You are going to be a big sister soon, I felt them kick." She turns so my daughter can place a hand on her slowly expanding middle, "I was actually first coming over to tell about the foals, but then I noticed that you were having a serious conversation, and then you all hugged, and I knew that Dust was thinking about asking you guys to start a herd, and I knew Irony wanted to, and the same with Moon Shadow, and Helen just wanted to be with the family, no matter what. So, we are all going to be one big happy family! Woohoo!" She teleports all over the room, bouncing in place.

I look at Irony, "We are going to be an interesting herd."

I get a nod in response, then we both look at the bouncing party unicorn.

Author's Note:

Well, this is the last update for a little while. I will keep working on the story, but I'm going to focus on other projects. This story is not cancelled, or on hiatus, it's still on my mind. So don't worry. I'm going to give the immortal Phenrys some time to get caught up with the story. I'm also trying to figure out my next big inspiration for continuing the story. I have a basic idea, but the devil is in the details. So, catch ya once I figure out what's up.

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