• Published 4th Jul 2014
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Dust on the Wind - Sparky Brony

Mike was an electrician, and had no clue that the My Little Pony world depicted on TV was real. A Five Score Divided by Four story

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Chapter 24. Harmony with Humanity

I'm getting tired of all this driving. Though with Irony at the wheel, Google maps says the trip from Washington DC to Dubuque Iowa is slightly under fourteen hours. Irony made it in a shade over nine hours. Average speed over a hundred. It's nice having a unicorn in the car who can make the car unable to be noticed. And Irony is an excellent driver, with twitch reflexes that would put most pegasi to shame. I spend most of the trip either crying by myself, or crying with Mindy. Or crying with Moon Shadow. I don't know how Irony was able to keep from crying herself, with us three crying. I think it's just because she has to concentrate. Moon Shadow can keep up the spell easily, it doesn't require constant concentration.

We talk about Soarin, we all dread having to break the news to Lightning Flash and Trixie. Flash has become very fast friends with Soarin since he came to Montana. Finally we are rolling up to where Rainbow texted me that the portal to Equestria was. We aren't the only ones there. Flash and Trixie are there, so is Doctor Ray. A few other new members of our farm have decided to go to Equestria as well. Irony parks the car, and takes several deep breaths before finally killing the engine. I sigh, seeing our friends. The portal should be closing in about thirty hours. The next night at midnight. I sigh as we open the door, it's time to tell them.

Our friends come forward gleefully as they see us, but then stumble to a stop as they see us. Every head is down, everypony is sad. I find myself getting a hug from Dr. Ray. Trixie and Flash mob Irony and Moon Shadow. I gesture to Mindy, who joins us in the hug from Dr. Ray. Who, for a human, gives pretty damned good hugs. He pulls back.

"What happened Lightning Dust?"

I sigh. I look at Mindy, who looks at me, fresh tears starting to form. I can only say one word. "Soarin."

That's all he needs, I'm gathered up in a hug along with Mindy. I let loose more tears, I thought I was done with them. I sob the story into his shoulder. Him patting my back and making soothing sounds the whole time. I'm finally able to control myself for a bit. I look over at my loves, they are all holding each other, and everypony is sobbing. I don't want any more crying damn it! We've defeated Discord, apparently in this world and in Equestria. We should be celebrating. I look down, celebrating will have to wait, we paid the price, in blood for this. Nearly a dozen ponies and seven humans were killed in the battle in DC. News stories of the battle, along with footage from cell phone cameras have been all over the news, I've been keeping track as I can during the drive. The wireless internet is a wondrous thing. No official word from the DC police or the White House at this point yet. I finally nudge my friends to join Irony, Moon Shadow, Flash, and Trixie. We all get together.

Irony starts, "I must go to Equestria. I must talk to Twilight Sparkle, and if necessary, beg her permission to come back here and help with the displaced equestrians. What about you, Dust? Moon? Trixie? Flash?"

I bite my lower lip, I look at the little shed where the portal is. I look at Irony. "I don't know. If I come back, will I be human?"

Her ears fall, "I think so."

I can feel the pull of my home world. The magic emanating from the portal is affecting everything in my head. I dream of flying in the pristine air and beauty of Equestria. I take a step to the shed. But I stop. I look back.

"I want to go home."

Her ears fall.

I continue, "But for now, home is here, this world. Until the Equestrians who want to go to Equestria are there, this is my home." I look back at the shed then back at Irony. "Going through that portal would be a one way trip for me. I'm not giving up this body on the chance that I would lose it coming back. I'll stay here."

Her ears lift and a big smile suffuses her face. "You know, I'll likely be human when I get back."

I smirk at her, "I won't hold it against you. You are always welcome on my team."

Moon Shadow speaks up, "I'm staying with you, Irony."

"What about Luna? Your apprenticeship?"

"I'm here for you, Irony. Anyway, Luna is still here, I've talked to her in the dream, she's staying, at least for the foreseeable future. I'll stay."

Lightning Flash chimes in, "I'm going wherever Trixie goes."

Trixie speaks up, "The Great and Powerful Trixie is staying here, other ponies need her help."

We all look at Mindy. Her eyes are shining with more tears, "Soarin and I were planning on going to Equestria, and trying to make a life together. Her ears fall, "That's not going to happen…now." She shrugs off an attempt by Lightning Flash to hug her, "I am going to do everything I can to help fix what Discord did to this world. So, I have to stay, to help my friends." She offers a wan smile. Then leans her head on Flash's shoulder.

"I want to go." a masculine voice pipes up. We all stop and look back at Dr. Ray. He lowers his hand, "I'll be back to human when I come back, so I want to go visit, and I'll help Irony wherever I can." He looks down, "Besides, my medical knowledge might be helpful. I don't doubt that there were some injuries in the fight with Discord in Equestria."

Irony smiles brightly at Dr. Ray, "Thank you my friend. I'll show you around, though I have no idea how Equestria looks right now. It may be years before it's back to the beauty that I remember. But I think we'll have a good time." She looks at all of us, then Dr. Ray leads the way to the shack. Finally, we are in front of the portal to Equestria. I want to jump through so badly it hurts. That apparent block of marble represents my home, where I grew up, where my life is. I take a step forward.

Then I remember Helen, my children, visions of ponies that ended up at my farm when they had nowhere else to go. My second step is stopped mid stride. I'm not going through. I can't. Too many depend on me here. I think about being a human again. I won't come back as Mike again. I'll likely be some twenty something young woman, not the man I was before, but someone else completely. The portal thrums and a human emerges. She flutters her hands to cover her nudity. Then she steels herself, and walks somewhat steadily out to the parking lot. I smile. Humans look weird nude. I look at Irony, "We will be here. But if you aren't here by half an hour before the portal closes tomorrow, I will be coming through to get you, and damn the consequences."

Irony barks a laugh as she guides Dr. Ray through. He disappears through the portal, and she stops for a moment to look back at us. She then steels herself and steps through with a deep thrum.

***June 3rd, 2330***

"It's a half hour to midnight, the portal will close soon. We need to go get her." I happen to be restrained, in magic. I'm stretching for the portal. Irony isn't here yet.

"Irony will be here, if she can. She's never failed me, as a human, or as a pony. She won't fail us this time." The unicorn holding me in her magic says calmly.

I look back at her, "Moon Shadow. What if Twilight appealed to her duty? She won't have a choice. She's the Captain of her personal guard. If Twilight says she needs to stay, she will stay."

"Not without coming through and letting us know, Dust. She knows her duty, and more importantly, her heart will demand it. We will have a decision to make at that point. But until then, patience." Her magic lets me go as I relax.

I shoot her a dirty look, "You shouldn't be all logical like that, Moon."

She leans against me, and I fold a wing over her, hugging her close. I feel her chuckle, "Somepony has to."

I chuckle as a deep thrum echoes through the small shack. I turn to the portal, and my jaw drops. Irony is there, she's walking on two hooves, and with a sigh, she folds down and ends up on four hooves. I smile happily and bounce to her, "You are still a pony!" I'm greeted with a kiss, and am almost crowded out by Moon Shadow moving forward for a kiss herself.

"Irony, I think there was a problem." I hear Dr. Ray say. I look for him, but all I see is another pony. I look around, then take a second look at the pony. A stallion, with a dark brown coat and black mane. His cutie mark is a silhouette of all three pony tribes with what looks like the traditional human medical symbol, the Rod of Asclepius superimposed over the top. The pony opens his mouth, "I'm still a pony!" Dr. Ray's voice comes out.

Irony turns back, "Oh, crap! I think my magic did something to you."

Confused looks.

"My magic interacted with the portal, since I'm originally of this world, the magic I've got must have enfolded you as we went through. Remember, I put my hand on your shoulder as we walked through?"

The pony Dr. Ray nods.

"I think I sheltered you from the effects. Though I think if you go through then come back again, you'll probably be a human."

Dr Ray looks thoughtful, "Nah, I like the magic I've gained with this body. But I need more training. Boy, do we have a story to tell!"

Irony interrupts before he can continue, "That is for later, we have to clear the area, other ponies will be coming through. Many were saying goodbyes as we went through the portal. We are going to have some ponies turned humans coming through shortly. And I saw the mane six heading this way before we went through. So, this is going to get pretty crowded pretty quickly."

We talk for a while outside, watching the humans exit the shack. Moon Shadow took the opportunity to grab some blankets from the car, and other vehicles. Hoofing them over to the nude humans as they exited. Finally, right before the portal closes for the next thirty moons, one more deep thrum is audible from inside, and a blonde haired man comes out. He seems to not be all that bothered. Though he accepts the blanket.

"Big Macintosh?" Irony asks.

He nods.

I step forward, "You remember me?"

Another nod, this time, with a smile.

"I'm guessing you are going to see about helping ponies to get home the next time the portal opens?"


I smile, "Well, that's my job too. We have a self sustaining community in Montana. And we will accept anypony that comes. If you need any help, we can help as much as we are able."

He looks around, "A ride would be nice."

I smile and look at Irony, "I think that can be arranged."


"Ugh, finally here."

"What are you talking about Dust? You could have flown ahead. You got to sleep through most of it."

I chuckle, "But if I flew ahead, then I would have to wait for you. And that would suck. So, I'd rather wait for you, with you."

She smiles, "Impeccable logic, love."

I smile and kiss her cheek. We are just turning into the farm. I notice some changes. A wrought iron gate has been erected, and the original barbed wire fencing, so common around here, has been replaced. And to hide the height and increase privacy, bushes have been planted, and I smell earth pony work, those bushes have been magically enhanced to grow huge. They are hiding the new wrought iron fencing. I can see the humans and the ponies have been busy in our absence. Crushed rock for all the paths, which snake all over. The trees have grown, and have a full crown of leaves. I have to smile. This place feels almost like home. The magic I felt at the portal is here. I look at everypony in the car, we all feel it.

Irony finally parks the car. An actual parking lot, covered with fresh scoria, has been defined, in a copse of trees, away from the main housing. I look over at the old bone yard, with rusted vehicles and broken farm machinery, it's all gone. I see one of the old combines being worked on by a couple of ponies. This is amazing. I've only been gone a few days, and it's like night and day. I see a couple of spaces set aside for parking near the house, and the only vehicle there is my wife's. Irony pulls into that spot. I hop out as the door opens with unicorn magic. I get a chance to trot around. I'm almost bouncing. This is awesome!

Within seconds of the engine shutting off, the door to the farmhouse opens. And one human that I'm always happy to see steps out, along with my kids.

"Dust!" They scream as they run to me, but they aren't fast enough, I rush forward and tackle them. We end up in a pile, all laughing. I get to hear about them being home, and everything that's been going on since I was gone. I hug my children and look at Helen. A big smile on my face.

"I'm glad to see you are back." I say to her, I extricate myself from my children, then spread my wings, holding one in each foreleg, I've got both their feet off the ground, them holding on to me for dear life. I give her a kiss on the cheek. Eventually, we make it into the house.

I tell Helen and the kids about Soarin. But forestall any tears, for now. I can see through the front window, the trunk of the 442 being opened, and a cloth covered large bundle being lifted magically. We didn't leave him behind. Though Moon Shadow put what she called a stasis spell around the body, it was in the same condition as when the spell was cast. Cremation would be happening at sundown. A tradition for pegasi, one of my old memories said. I broke my eyes from the sad task outside back to my family. It took over an hour to get caught up with them. Helen told me about what has been happening since she got back. The pony that Soarin left behind in charge, none other than Ponyville's Mayor Mare, was doing a fine job in administration. Though seeing her with the pink mane was shocking she said.

"Lightning Electric needs you, so do we. Are you going out again?" She asks.

I sigh, "Not immediately. I need some time home, and I was planning on spending some time getting caught up at home. So, we will have some time to enjoy together." I finish with a smile.

"Is it true, what they are saying on the news? Discord is dead?" My son asks.

I shake my head. "He is a spirit, but for our purposes, he is. He has been banished from this world. The elements did a number on him. I was told by Big Macintosh that they banished him from Equestria. So, I think this is the last we will hear from him for a long time."

This gets smiles from my family. "So, it's over?" My wife asks.

"No, it's just beginning. We still have ponies left to find. We found out there are still ponies living under his curse. They will be changing over the next months, and we will have to help them. Add to that, there are ponies that have been cast all over the world, some in places that have never heard of My Little Pony. I don't want to lose any more."

"But you'll be taking some time here, so that's good, right?" My daughter asks. I give her a wing hug.

"That's right, honey. That's good."

Finally I'm able to get outside. I see a funeral pyre being constructed. Irony is helping, stacking wood, along with a few pegasi. Tradition demands family and close friends for the construction of the pyre. I move forward to help. And the next few hours is taken up by that work. Flash joined, so did Trixie, and Moon. The rest of the ponies keep quiet during our work. Finally, we are done, and Moon Shadow carefully levitates his body onto the carefully constructed pile of wood.

I look around, every pony is gathering, along with every human. Then my eyes spy a form I never expected to see here. I trot up to her and kneel.

"Princess Luna. What brings you here?"

"Moon Shadow asked me to come. I can't stay for too long. But I was asked to speak at Soarin's funeral."

Wow, royalty speaking at a pony's funeral. That's really an honor. I step back as she clears her throat, every pony quiets as she steps to the head of the pyre.

"It is always a sad time when we lose a pony. And one that was friend to so many here is so much harder. I never knew Soarin in this world. I never knew the Maddie he was before that curse from Discord wore off. But what I do know is that no pony worked harder and gave more of himself for those around him. I do also remember some of him from before, in Equestria. I will tell you about the Soarin I remembered." She looks around at the assembled.

"Soarin was a fighter. He was generous, he was kind. He was a pony that should be remembered by all of you. He had magic, such a rare talent among the winged ponies. It wasn't so obvious as others who could throw lightning, or levitate. His magic was subtle. He could see. He could see the potential, he could see the magic inborn in all of us. This ability made him a very perceptive individual. He could see when a pony was troubled, he could see when we were in pain. He could see when we were happy. He was an amazing pony to know. I only wish I could have known him better in this world." She steps back, tears flowing freely. I look around. No pony else wants to speak. But I think I will.

I step forward, "Soarin…I grew up with Maddie. I am sad to say, we had a decade age difference between us. So, for a long time, she was the irritating young sister. But, when she got older, and the age difference wasn't as big a deal for us, I got to know her better. She was full of love. She always picked up the strays." I chuckle, remembering the long string of boyfriends she had found over the years. "She always had a good heart. And was full of love. Then the curse wore off, and Maddie became Soarin. Soarin was indispensable. This farm would not be in the state it's in without his hard work. For quite a while, he was content to stay in the background. Finding those who were lost, and either directing them here." That gets quite a few nods from the assembled. "Or he would direct us on how to get to them." I see the pegasus that I helped save from the pony brothel nodding, along with Gold Dust and a few others.

My ears fold back a bit as I continue, "Soarin gave his life in the battle with Discord. He sacrificed himself so that we all would have a better life. Though I wasn't a direct witness to his loss, I have to believe that he did everything he could." I look at the pyre, feeling tears starting to overwhelm me, "Everything he could to make our lives better. We were all richer for knowing him, and we are all poorer for his loss." At this point, I can't talk anymore. I feel a hand on my shoulder, and I let Helen guide me back among the assembled ponies.

As I sit there, sobbing, I can hear the soft hoofsteps of another pony. A voice starts to speak. It's Mindy. "I met Soarin when I got here. My first time in Montana, and I find a pony that just makes me feel wonderful inside. He was always kind, and we had plenty of nights talking together. And we fell in love. We were planning on making a life together, either here, or in Equestria, if we could manage it. That dream is over with." Her voice turns bitter for a moment.

I look up at my friend, all I can see in her is pain. She spent most of the trip curled up and crying. I'm amazed she is able to speak, tears fall freely from her eyes. "I love him, I will always love him. And I will carry my memories of him for the rest of my life." She turns and addresses the pyre, and the body lying there. "Soarin, I hope to God you can hear me. I love you. I will miss you forever. And when I take my last breath, I hope to see you again." She finally collapses, ponies rush forward, only to be waved away by her. She struggles to her feet and moves close to the pyre. Lighting her horn, she touches the wood, which bursts into flame.

I look to the West, Mindy had perfect timing, the wood catches just as the sun finally fully sets. We all watch the flames slowly spread throughout the pyre. Then to my shock, ponies start singing. Not the joyful noise that I've heard, but a slow and mournful dirge. As the singing grows, the flames move with the singing. I start to hear the words of the song. This isn't from Equestria, but from Earth. Bagpipes start to play. Causing me to look around, nopony is playing them. But I can hear them. I hear more and more voices start to sing. And, to my amazement, I sing as well.

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.

T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear
The hour I first believed.

Through many dangers, toils and snares
I have already come;
'Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far
and Grace will lead me home.

I can feel the pain in my soul being drawn out by the singing. I discover my eyes were closed, having closed of their own volition. I open them, all around, the same white magic I saw before is swirling around us all. And it all feeds the flames. Soarin's body is consumed and finally the structure collapses. As the flames start to die down, the voices trail off as the song ends. The bagpipes slowly fade away.

Luna comes up to me, "Dust, the magic of harmony. It truly is powerful, isn't it."

I nod. And to my surprise, my pain is gone. I still feel a great hole inside me, a void from the loss of my brother. But the pain of that loss was drawn out, it was consumed as well. I'm able to genuinely smile at the Princess, "Magic, Princess. That is what all of this is about."

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