• Published 4th Jul 2014
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Dust on the Wind - Sparky Brony

Mike was an electrician, and had no clue that the My Little Pony world depicted on TV was real. A Five Score Divided by Four story

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Chapter 54. Trial of the Century

Strong arms grab me in my sleep, pulling me off of the cloud and bringing me to a broad chest, I'm only half awake, I squawk and struggle against the arms holding me.

"Lemme go!" I scream in panic, though the arms don't respond to my screams. I'm flipped around to end up chest to chest with the one who grabbed me, my wings flapping wildly, I'm not lucid enough to realize what's going on. I end up wailing against the chest, and covering the shirt in my tears.

"Oh, Dust, love." A masculine voice coos into my ears, I pull my head back, Alan's freckled face and red hair comes into view, I throw my wings around him, "I'm so sorry." I moan into his chest as I press my face against it again, more tears falling as he holds me, patting my back.

"I know you didn't mean it." He whistles and out of the corner of my eye, we start moving, curious, I look around, we are one of the chariots, and two bat ponies are pulling it.

I squirm a bit to let him I want down, he releases me so I end up on my hooves, I turn and look at him, "How did you find me?"

He kneels down and touches my earring, then puts a finger on the heavy mans ring he's wearing on the ring finger of his left hand, "I had some help. But it also helps that the only cloud for a hundred miles that is black and raining was visible once we got to altitude."

I blush, a strong magic user like myself can change a cloud based on our mood, a white fluffy cloud can become a raging thunderstorm if we are feeling miserable, just like I was. Alan picks up on my mood, "The family isn't back yet, but I knew you didn't mean those words when you took off. I followed you immediately, though you are really fast, what took you less than five minutes to fly, took the chariot almost twenty."

I rub my fetlock across my muzzle, "I'm a speedster, Alan, I'm fast."

He chuckles, "I know, Dust. Let's get home."


Alan is an absolute angel, he doesn't even let me take to my wings to head to the house, he simply picks me up once the chariot lands, and cradles me as he walks to my house. As the sun sets about an hour after I took off, he's laying me down in bed, then he crawls in, gathering me into his arms, I kiss him, keeping it chaste as I start to drift off. Though his voice interrupts my almost slumber.

"Dust, we do need to talk."

I sigh, "I know, Alan."

He's silent for a long time, "It's hard to adjust, I've had a few girlfriends, and having Mindy as a marefriend has been amazing."

I smile, "She's Mindy, she's amazing, you know how long I've known her."

I feel him nod against my neck, "From even before you became a pony here, back in Equestria."

I nod, "She was my best friend growing up." I feel my face flush, "She even helped me through my first heat, and several after that, before I went to the Wonderbolt Academy the first time."

"Helping with heat?"

"You know how ponies are, when it comes to estrous."

He nods again.

"Well, we aren't beasts, our intellect is in control, but estrous is a very trying time, our hormones are absolutely screaming at us, we want that physical connection. But I was a filly fooler, I wasn't really interested in stallions, but Mindy would use a cooler on me, to give me some relief." I chuckle, "And I returned the favor for her when her heat came about. She was interested in stallions, but at least the first few times, she hadn't found one that she seriously wanted to start a family with." I sigh, "Mindy and I are as close as two mares can be, I love her."

He chuckles, "And she loves you, I know, she talks about you a lot."

That gets a laugh out of me, "That's funny, since when we are doing stuff, you are the one she talks about all the time."

He laughs and hugs me tighter, "Mindy is wonderful."

I know that, I flip within his grip, ending up face to face with him, "Alan, I didn't mean what I said earlier, I'm not going to force the issue, but I need to know something."

He furrows his brow, "I'll tell you anything you want to know, Dust."

I feel the tears start before I even open my mouth, "Is it because you find me unattractive?"

He chuckles, and I stiffen, I'm about to get angry when he kisses me, and he surprises me by opening his lips, his tongue darting into my mouth, thrilling me to no end, I feel my wings start to extend as I wrap my longer tongue around his, relishing his flavor, my eyes close as the kiss continues.

After time immeasurable, he pulls back, "Dust, I do love all you ponies, but my dad cheated on my mom when I was a young teen, I saw how hurt she was with his actions."

"But, it's not cheating, we are a family." I start, only to have a finger placed over my lips.

"I know, Dust. You will just have to be patient."

"Then will you hold me Alan? I really need to be held tonight."

He smiles as he flips me over, and cradles me with his body, I sigh and relax against him, "Thank you, Alan."


After three days of testimony, and evidence presentation, Kibitz finally rests for the Crown. I have been trying to not be sick, those videos, the recorded phone calls, the pictures stored digitally along with the printouts, I had to leave the courtroom a couple of times to get some fresh air. Though I keep an eye on the Admiral, to my eyes, he seems completely unmoved. And Luna, she's really taken on the role of judge in this, I can see deadly intensity in her eyes, and I can see her heart was breaking, but she continues to be the judge that I knew she could be. Though I have a feeling when court is recessed, she has more than a few tears to shed for her subjects being treated that way.

The pony lawyer finally stands up, he was using his magic to write some notes on the ubiquitous yellow legal notepads. Finally he stops and looks at the Princess, "The defense is ready, Princess."

She nods, "Go ahead Leading Docket."

He hops off the chair and stands before the courtroom, "I move for an immediate mistrial."

Hushed murmurs spring up around the room.

"Denied, go on."

Leading Docket seems taken aback, "You haven't even heard why I am moving for a mistrial."

I watch Luna suppress a sigh, "This court will decide the fate of the defendant, none other. But if you really want to state your reasons for the record, go ahead."

Leading Docket nods to himself, then turns and points at Kibitz, "I am requesting on the grounds of a conflict of interest. With the prosecutor here."

Princess Luna seems genuinely puzzled by this, "What do you mean?"

"Kibitz here, was a resident of the Royal Palace in Canterlot, he was Princes Celestia's legal advisor for years before Discord hit. And I've found out, for a fact, that he advised you on several occasions."

I watch the princess hide a smile, what is she planning?

"So, you are saying I would look with favor upon Kibitz and his case due to our previous relationship?"

Leading Docket nods and opens his mouth to speak, but Princess Luna overrides him, "Or do you think that I would rule against him because of the often times strained relationship I had with him?"

Leading Docket seems speechless, she continues, "Because the latter is far more likely. Let me inform you about our previous relationship in Equestria. He was pompous, he was overbearing, and when I wanted to give out a heavy sentence, he would overrule me, using my sister's authority in such cases. He was a constant source of vexation for me as I was adjusting to life back in Equestria after my long imprisonment. Always telling me how to act, how to treat the subjects, things have changed in Equestria over the last thousand years, was his favorite saying."

I glance at the off white pony sitting in the prosecutors seat, he has a faint smile on his face.

Princess Luna focuses on the Defense attorney, "So, you are wanting me to recuse myself because you think I wouldn't be able to get over my animosity towards the prosecutor?"

Docket blanches and steps backwards, "Oh, I wasn't suggesting that, Your Highness."

Princess Luna smirks, "Then what exactly are you suggesting, Leading Docket?"

He shakes his head faintly, "Motion withdrawn."

She moves forward on the bench, "No, I'm not allowing that. This needs to be addressed, you tried to question my impartiality, and as a side benefit to me recusing myself, your client would get off on a technicality. I am not allowing that. You will vigorously defend your client, and I will give you credit for that, but if I even hear a hint of you questioning my ability to be impartial in this trial, I will find you in contempt of court, and I will fine the ever loving Tartarus out of you, is that understood?"

Docket ducks his head, his ears splayed back, "Yes, your highness."


After a day of work from the defense, finally the moment I've been waiting for arrives, Marcus Phillips stands up, a single lifted finger at his co-lawyer as a does so, silencing Leading Docket. "I call to the stand, Admiral Gregory Eugene Volker."

The Admiral gets up, and straightens his uniform, he walks slowly to the witness stand, I noticed him picking up a book, one he's looked through quite a bit while on trial. By the way he was holding it, and from my distant view, I conclude it's a bible. He places his hand on it as he's sworn in. And finally he sits down.

Marcus steps over close to the Admiral, "Good afternoon Admiral."

Volker nods.

"Do you understand why you are on trial now?"

Volker nods, and finally speaks, "I was abducted from my office so I could partake of this sham of a trial. I am a member of the US armed forces, acting under the lawful orders of the President of the United States. I demand to be released immediately."

Luna smirks at him, "Admiral, some of your coworkers are here, we have discussed the ramifications of this trial with other members of the US military, and also with the President himself. You are on trial, this is not a sham, and you will keep a civil tongue in your mouth, is that understood?"

The Admiral subsides, Marcus continues, "You have been accused of horrific crimes, in fact, you objected to having a pony lawyer to assist me when it comes to this trial."

Volker nods tightly.

"May I ask why?"

He nods, "God created man, in his own image, and gave man dominion over the beasts of the world. These ponies are not men, they are beasts, to do with as we please. I see nothing wrong with the experiments ordered."

More than a few wings spread in response to his words, and an angry muttering in the courtroom starts. After a moment, Princess Luna bangs her gavel, "I will have quiet here, or I will clear the courtroom."

Not surprisingly, the ponies subside in response.

Marcus straightens his tie, "And there are many here who would dispute your account."

Volker waves a hand dismissively, "Those that do are violating the word of God, I don't really care what they say."

I suppress a growl, I believed in the Bible, in fact, I still do. But I know that book doesn't address the ponies, and from what I remember of my history, organized religion never really took hold, not with two extremely long lived sisters who raised the very sun and moon for us. Though I will admit, integrating my faith with my new life hasn't been the easiest of things, and there are a couple of churches and other places of worship in New Beginnings, showing that other ponies are conflicted as well.

Mr. Phillips continues, "There would be some dispute with that as well, there are now ponies as members of the clergy in the Vatican, as well as a finding from the Pope himself. Do you dispute that?"

Volker nods vigorously, "The Pope is but a man, I'm reading from the very word of God himself."

The questioning goes on for hours, with Volker justifying his actions as orders. But finally Marcus winds down and sits in his seat. Though he glances at Kibitz before saying he's done, and pales at the look on the unicorn's face.

Kibitz smooth's his long mustache and hops off of his chair. He trots up to the witness stand and places his forehooves on the divider.

"You have been talking for a while, Admiral."

The Admiral sits mute.

Kibitz smiles and gets down on all fours. "What does it mean by 'any means necessary'?"

The Admiral continues to ignore the unicorn. After a few moments Kibitz repeats the question, getting the same response. Finally Kibitz says, "I require an answer, Admiral."

Again, silence from the human on the stand.

Princess Luna clears her throat, "Admiral, you have a choice at this point, you can remain mute or you can answer the questions posed. But I warn you, if you continue to remain silent, you risk summary judgment, and I must say, that judgment will not be in your favor, so I suggest that you answer the questions."

I can see the Admiral grinding his teeth, and finally he opens his mouth, "The orders were worded 'any and all means be used to find a cure for his daughter.' And any means exactly that, no limits."

"To the point of murder?"

The Admiral snorts, "it's not murder when it's an animal, the worse that could happen would be animal abuse, but that wouldn't apply either, since what was done was animal experimentation and that is perfectly legal, even to the point of the death of the subject."

"In case you didn't know, this is an Equestrian court, and those ponies were Equestrian subjects."

"They still weren't human."

"Irrelevant, they were ponies, they have the same rights as you or any other human."

Volker scoffs, "Not at the time they didn't, the law recognizing personhood of the ponies was signed after the experiments were concluded. There was no retroactive provision in the law."

"Again, that is irrelevant, if this were a court of United States law, that would apply, this however, is not."

"That is why I hold to what I said before, these are illegal proceedings." He looks at the assembled military brass in the room, by their stony expressions, I don't see him getting much, if any, sympathy.

"This has already been hashed out, Mr. Volker. Due to the circumstances involved, and the fact that this is not the Hague or the World Criminal Court, the Servicemember protection act does not apply. You can, and you will be, held accountable for your actions. While Equestria firmly believes in the adage, 'innocent until proven guilty', the evidence against you is very compelling. I would defend myself if I were you, sir."

Volker remains with a stony visage, "I was following my orders."

Kibitz sighs, "Some of the greatest atrocities in this world," He looks around at the assembled, "have been committed by men that were just following orders."

He whirls around on the human, "While you were being interviewed by my opponent here, you asserted that the arising of the ponies was the greatest danger to humanity, along the lines of the Nazi's, the Soviets, and others. Yet you ignore a simple fact, The danger that our nation was dealing with actually had an internal source, Discord himself, in the form of Senator Corddis. He was stoking paranoia, he was fomenting the aggression that he knew would lead to more chaos in this world. In case you didn't know, once we took care of him, tensions dropped quickly. In fact, we are even back on speaking terms with Russia. Apparently Discord was acting on their side as well. With him gone, and with us ponies, peace is closer than ever in this world. Were you aware of those facts?"

Volker crosses his arms over his chest and nods, "One more reason your existence is so dangerous, what other crazy monsters from your world will invade ours?"

Kibitz smiles, "Only time will tell, but I have to say, I have met a monster not of Equestrian origin in this world." He looks at Princess Luna, "I am done with this witness."

Princes Luna nods as the defense rests. I don't expect in immediate verdict, so I take off as the Princess heads off to her chambers, with a half dozen human military members in tow. I wouldn't want to be the Princess right now. I'm a soldier, I may lead, but I don't have to deal with what she does. If I ever wake up with a horn on my head in addition to the wings, I'll go into exile by myself. No way, not this mare. I shake my head as I get outside, I'm glad the court is close to home, a few minutes in the air, and I can greet my family.


It takes two days for us to be called in for the verdict. I am sitting in my now usual seat in the audience of the courtroom. I'm glad I wasn't called as a witness, I've seen enough, I don't want to recount it. Princess Luna finally enters the courtroom, the assembled ponies and humans quickly hush as she settles herself at the bench. Her horn alights and she gavels the court in session.

"Admiral Volker, please stand."

The human takes his time standing, being prodded several times by his legal team, but finally he is standing, facing the Princess of the Night.

She clears her throat, "Do you have any words before I render a verdict?"

He shakes his head.

She sighs, "Based on the presented evidence, you are hereby found guilty."

The only response in the courtroom is a collective taking of breath. I think most of us were expecting that.

Volker grins in response, I don't think he regrets his actions one little bit.

Luna then continues, "And your punishment is what took the longest to decide." Her eyes dart very quickly to the military members at the back of the courtroom, "But the court has come to a decision. You are to be banished."

Volker looks confused, but I see Leading Docket get very pale in response.

Luna smiles, but this is not a smile you want directed at you, "This being unusual circumstances due to the fact we are not in Equestria directly, the decision has been made, you will be held here, until the next opening of the portal between our worlds, and you will be taken through. To live the remainder of your life as one of us. As a pony in our world. I understand your daughter was among those who changed, you will have the opportunity to join her. But the ponies there will be apprised of the situation, and you will not be allowed to enter the portal on the other side. You are to be banished from this world, forever."

Cries of outrage come from the assembled, ponies demanding the death of the human, Princess Luna silences them with a look, then she turns and heads to her office. I sit there for a long time as the Admiral is led from the room, and the courtroom finally empties out. Once the room is nearly empty, I take to my wings and land at the door to the office. A quick knock at the door gets a sigh, and finally a, "Come in."

I open the door and push my way in, "Princess, if I may have a word with you."

She looks at me, "What is it, Wonderbolt Leader?"

I furrow my brow, "I know we discussed it, but why did it take so long to decide on banishment?"

She simply smiles at me, I think for a moment, then continue, "Is it because you are banishing him to Equestria?"

She again nods.

"You know there are humans on this Earth who would kill for that punishment."

She chuckles, "And now that the majority of the ponies that want to head home have, some of them might be able to. We are setting up an emigration system between the worlds. Humans that want to go to Equestria can apply to go there. The waiting list is now in the thousands."

"But Volker…"

She smiles, "It is the worst thing that Volker could imagine, I suspect he's seriously wishing the death penalty. But I had to take it off the table, our friends out there wearing uniforms insisted that the death penalty not apply, no matter how brutal his crimes were."

"But Princess, we haven't had the death penalty in thousands of years."

Her grin turns evil, "But they didn't know that."

I smile at her in response, "Excellent play, Princess."

She flares her wings, "They don't give these wings and horn to just anypony, now do they?"

I have to laugh, "No, they don't. Are you staying?"

She shakes her head, "I have other matters to attend to, but I really like how you have things set up here in Montana."

Her praise causes my chest to swell, "Thank you Princess, but at least do me the favor of inviting you to supper tonight."

She sighs, "I would like that, Lightning Dust. I really would."

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