• Published 12th Jun 2014
  • 5,620 Views, 459 Comments

Human in Pony's clothing - TheDawsonator1

A Human that goes by a Pegasus identity: Lightning Bolt. He is doing his best to keep his origins a secret from Celestia and the Elements of Harmony as the events of the show go on. But things are changing out of his control! How will that fare?

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Entry #58

What was that Syndrome? The one where Villains and Heroes start to treat their battles like it’s fun and can’t live without it? Stockham Syndrome? Nah that doesn’t sound right…

Put it like this, ever watched Superman? The guy has had a long rivalry with Lex Luthor and both can’t seem to beat each other but when it comes to the moment one can finally finish another, they can’t! They enjoyed this too much. In fact Lex Luthor used this to his advantage against Superman and a changeling like villain did so as well.

You gotta give credit to the cunning bastard. Old Lexy does not have a damn superpower but is clearly the most cunning and powerful villain in Superman’s life.

I fear this may become Chrysalis and I, I will not let this happen! I will not be damned to be stuck into some rivalry until the end of time! I must cut these ties and solve the problem or I’ll damn myself to a lifetime of this crap.

I have a life, a relationship with Firefly that gets ignored because of this, maybe we might marry and have a few kids or something. But this must be cut for that to happen and I can’t keep the hero gig up for much longer…

I was going at speeds I could not do before as Twilight’s castle came into view, I guess Chrysalis really gets on my nerves…and under my skin…the real skin…no changeling disguise here!

Finally I see Twilight and Queen Chrysalis standing and looking each other as I landed in front of them.

“You’ve got to be motherbucking kidding! You again! And you decided to show up alone! Let’s just fight so you can get out of my life already!” I shot daggers at Chrysalis
“Lightning Bolt, that’s enough!” Twilight says to me as she gets in between us
“Oh and you’re defending Chrysalis now, what’s next? The Two of you going to have a little filly tea party?! In that case, let me go find some dolls just to make it girlier! Oh, and don't forget the the frilly dresses!” I snapped at Twilight
“Lightning…” Twilight tried again
“NO! Don’t Lightning me! I am here for a fight, and one that ends her Celestia-damned existence! I will not put up with her presence in my sight any longer!” I shouted
“FINE! Tell us what the damn problem is so I can go home and have a damn life already!” I said angrily

Twilight sighed, I was watching Chrysalis with every inch of venom. I could use that venom like a knife in her heart as she slowly and painfully dies!

“This problem is bigger than our petty rivalry, a few days ago, my most trusted commander has betrayed me and-“ Chrysalis started
“That’s it? I got dragged all this way just to hear you getting betrayed, if anything I should be laughing at your well-deserved misfortune” I said nastily at her.
“Oh shut up! The only reason I am here is because my commander stabbed me in the back, took one of the last two known existing Ascendant stones and corrupted MY changelings into following his orders with it!” Chrysalis got angry at me.
“Ascendant stone? What is that?” Twilight asked
“You mean you don’t know? Every one of Equus’ leaders had one long ago, I thought every race should of AT LEAST had a legend or something” Chrysalis said
“Well, you’re the genius, tell us!” I said
“It’s a stone that when Equus was formed by the creator, given to each race’s ruler as a symbol of power and the right to rule, of course these stones are shards of one big one but each shard holds power equal to that of the “Alicorns” of each race. But over time, the wars and power conquests were too much and they started to be destroyed by wise ponies, but two were said to of survived. That was the legend, but they were lost many centuries ago until my commander found one stone. My most trusted commander has taken this stone from my possession and kicked me out and taken MY changelings and corrupted them” Chrysalis explained

And this is why we fail in life, because of all these power objects lying around for anypony to just pick them up and go power hungry. And this is also why that gods are really just assholes with power (Including the one on Earth that doesn't exist yet we all bloody worship it).

“Why should we help you? You’ve scarred me for life with that stuff you pulled before the wedding, you tried to KILL my friends and you threatened Equestria twice and now you come crawling back to us for help? If anything, I’d say a blast through the brain would do everypony some good” I said
“Because he’s going to target you and your friends next, get my changelings killed for his own purposes and if he takes Equestria, he can take over anywhere, especially if another stone has survived and has been found, would you rather that, Lightning Bolt? Or team up with me and take him down so we can go back to me ruling my race and I’ll leave yours alone and find love elsewhere” Chrysalis said

True, this commander of hers could be a threat, but this could also be a trap. For now, I will play her game, but my eye will be on her the whole time, one move and I’ll send her back to the creator! And I do have her warranty let me assure you.

“Fine, I’ll help you, but so much as think about attacking me and I’ll end you as I really should of just done ages ago. Oh, and we’re not friends, we’re just on the same side fighting somepony else” I agreed to help
“You won’t regret it” Chrysalis said
“You better hope I don’t, I’ve grown to hate you so much, I’d kill you without a second thought and to top it off with the bad mood I have, I’d start making bookings with the afterlife services if you have thought about betraying our little truce” I warned her

Then in the Distance I see them: Changelings, And they seem to have red eyes according to my Alicorn vision (Yes, Alicorn can zoom their eyes in, another Alicorn OP plz nerf trait)

“Uh, those red eyes aren’t normal are they?” I asked
“No, The stone must be doing this! We must end this at once!” Chrysalis said as she readied herself
“So you lead them here, greeaaat, just what Ponyville wanted” I sighed

One of these days, I will attempt a death ray to beat all the villains so they don’t invade Equestria. Seriously, I’ve had just about enough of evil. All I want is to spend a happy life with my friends and be done with it.

Guess that’s not going to happen easily. I gave a look around and spotted Ashley.

“Ashley, go inside the castle and stay there. Find Spike and tell him to send a letter to Princess Celestia for help” I ordered
“Okay!” Ashley said as she ran towards the castle
“Now, ladies. I think it would be wise to take the battle OUT of the town” I said

You know what? That is just fine, I’ve been meaning to vent my frustration on something anyway…heroes can’t even get a coffee break nowadays…

Author's Note:

I sense a huge amount of flank-kicking coming...maybe...

And yeah yeah, ascendant stone, i couldn't think of anything better...lousy writers block and lousy gods leaving powerful artifacts lying around.

And hey, like our actual god, The Equestrian one: The Creator thought she could trust her creations with these power objects and say "Hey, don't misuse them or make anything bad with them now!" Sort of like the Apple of Eden (not the Assassin's Creed one!...same concept really anyway) Put 2 humans next to a tree of apples to determine right and wrong...bloody god was a perv too! Why else would they make both Man and women clueless orginally to the fact they were naked? (GOD HAS A PORN COLLECTION AND EVERYPONY KNOWS IT!)