• Published 12th Jun 2014
  • 5,613 Views, 459 Comments

Human in Pony's clothing - TheDawsonator1

A Human that goes by a Pegasus identity: Lightning Bolt. He is doing his best to keep his origins a secret from Celestia and the Elements of Harmony as the events of the show go on. But things are changing out of his control! How will that fare?

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Entry #39

It’s been a day since we returned from the Changeling Kingdom, I swear old Dashie is pretending she didn’t get poded…is that even a word? Anyway, I don’t think her pride would allow a memory to exist of that happening.

But one thing I learned from the experience is that, I’m not a very good friend as I thought I was and I even forgot two of my dear friends: Simple Breeze and Sky High. Also, I feel I need to better my relationship with Firefly.

So…three guesses what’s gonna happen? If you don’t succeed in this game I will blast you out of Equestria.

The Plan:

1. Fix friendship with old friends
2. Go to Firefly and better the relationship
3. ???
5. Profit and forget the fact I skipped four just like Ponies the Anthology did assuming it ever releases the fifth one.

That is my plan and I am sticking to it! Any questions? No? Good enough! What? You had a question? You should of spoke up and because you didn’t, I’m ignoring you!

Soooo…where would I find two friends I haven’t seen in like 30-something chapters? Of course! The Bar!

Meanwhile at the bar…probably….

“Buck TheDawsonator1!” Sky High said with his head against the bar
“You think you got it bad?” Nightmare Rarity asks

Nopony answered that question yet so Nightmare Rarity continued…

“Nopony even remembers me” Nightmare Rarity said
“Uh…who are you again?” Simple Breeze happened

Nah, that didn’t actually happen!

Ok now at the bar really….

I entered the bar and looked around, I couldn’t see them but still, I think Berry Punch knows where they are

“Bolty! Where have you been? I haven’t seen you in a month” Berry Punch greeted
“Nice to see you too, Berry. And for the record, I would come if so much stuff would not happen every 5 seconds in this town” I pointed out
“That’s true, so what can I get ya?” Berry asked
“Nothing, I am just looking for Sky High and Simple Breeze, ya seen them?” I asked
“You haven’t talked to them in 7 months or about…34 chapters” Berry deadpanned
“I know and I realize I’ve been a crap friend which is why I came to find them so I could start over” I said
“They’re in the corner booth out of sight, but please don’t leave us for a while again” Berry said
“I’ll try not to, hopefully my battles are done for a while” I sort of lied and told the truth

Once Season 4 is over, I’ll have no knowledge of the future and what happens, happens! This is the point I’m afraid of, the unknown.

I walked to the booth and I saw them both, Sky High and Simple Breeze, SB looked pregnant, did they do it together? Lucky bastards, I’ll be lucky to get on intimate minute with Firefly.

“Well, Lightning Bolt. I was wondering if you’d ever show up” Sky High said
“Well, here I am, and I came for a reason: To be friends” I said
“Bolty, you left us for a good 7 months, we were sort of forgotten” Simple Breeze said
“I realize that, I’ve been a jerk these past months and I’ve realized it now so I am here to fix the friendships we once had” I said
“I knew you would come” SB said
“We missed you, we’ve only seen Kicker, said you and Firefly got together” SH said
“Yeah, and playing a bit of vigilante and through that I honestly saw how much I ignored my friends a bit” I confessed
“We know you ask for forgiveness and we forgive you, Bolty, we did the same to a former friend, he forgave us himself” Sky mentioned
“Thank you! So, how’ve you two been doing?” I thanked
“Good, Breezy is with foal at 7 months, a day after you last saw us” Sky replied
“Congratulations!” I congratulated them
“Thanks” Breeze said

For all you readers at home: Mares take 11 months from conception to birth the foal approximately compared to Human Females who take 9 months. So ponies get 2 months extra annoyance…fuuuuun!

“Bolty! There you are!” Cloud Kicker came in

And here came Cloud Kicker and Firefly, it feels like old times now, you know before all the story stuff hit Ponyville.

“Kicker and Firefly, been a while” Sky High motioned for them to sit down
“Yes it has” Firefly responded
“So Bolty was here to fix the friendship apparently” Breeze says
“Yes I was and to be honest, I’ve been a bucking awful friend, all I did was go 5 chapters with you and then nothing! Not even a hello. And Firefly, I’ve been a pretty pathetic coltfriend, all we’ve done is try to have sex…and FAIL due to the forces of the universe cockblocking us every 10 seconds” I confessed
“Hey, you aren’t the only one, Bolty! We haven’t even tried to contact you at all, we were so wound up in the baby thing we didn’t notice anything” Sky said
“Yeah, but helping saving the world is not an excuse for neglect” I said reasonably
“Well, what say we start over? Just pretend this gap never happened and start being more friendly and Bolty, we’ll work more on relationship stuff” Firefly suggested
“I can do that” I said
“Agreed” the other three did so

We all shook hoofs on it and that sealed the deal.

“So, who wants a drink” Breeze suggested
“Sure, why not?” We all said

It felt like old times again, and this time, it’ll be friends with no neglect and bettered this time, after all Friendship is Magic!

Author's Note:

I made a story change from the last chapter so you know, I didn't like the whole nightmare story so I cancelled it. Right now, this is Bolty fixing friendships cause friendship is magic!

SAY IT WITH ME! FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC!! Are you doing it? You better be or I KILL YOU!!

Oh yeah the bar thing was a reference to Sonic Shorts where a few one-game characters in the Sega Saturn Era were in a bar and saying "F**K" Sega! And this green bird, Bean was all like "You think you got it bad? No one even remembers me!" In which the other one of the two asks who he is again. Then again, Sega really love giving One-game characters never to be seen again or hang around for the comics as a cameo never to be remembered again although occasionally one got notorious and that was Elise in Sonic 06, a.k.a the game that never happened due to the events be wiped out in the ending and it's as though nothing ever happened.

Suffice to say Sonic ain't doing too well, and the fanbase is unpleasable, at least this fanbase wasn't like Sonic. Consider yourselves lucky. Although Sonic has a lot of fanfiction much like MLP does but actually has more.

But some One-shot characters are respected and we love them like Maud Pie, Chrysalis (technically). So know that those One-shots are loved as much as the main characters are.

Last thing, honestly, Ponies the Anthology V should be IV if it ever comes out. IV was a lazy 10 minute video just done in 15 minutes and got called IV, that doesn't count as one to me and i loved the stuff in first three...oh well...typical internet series, as soon as they're popular they stop making it for a while and then make a half-assed next episode and then never return to it.