• Published 12th Jun 2014
  • 5,612 Views, 459 Comments

Human in Pony's clothing - TheDawsonator1

A Human that goes by a Pegasus identity: Lightning Bolt. He is doing his best to keep his origins a secret from Celestia and the Elements of Harmony as the events of the show go on. But things are changing out of his control! How will that fare?

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Entry #33

Honestly, I have no idea why I am rushing into the heroics so quickly, maybe it’s that childhood dream every boy has of being that cool superhero who gets the girl and saves the world and it seems like they sort of have life figured out.

You know who I am jealous of? Those one-shot heroes, just one adventure and their life is complete and stuff, they ended better off than before they started.

Being a hero isn’t all about the superpowers though, to me it’s about having courage and the will to stand up against those who oppress your very way of life. To be willing to be prepared to give up your freedom for other freedom is not easy as it looks. I learned that from the Changelings, if a strong will and courage were not present I may not of made it.

I care for these ponies, they may be supposed to be just a TV show, but they have come my friends, my life and I would happily spend the rest of my days here by their side but first…Mane-iac must be stopped!

Man…I feel dizzy…last time that happened was the whole Equestria Girls thing and my head hurts from all this teleportation.

“You guys there” I groaned as I got up
“Yep…owww…” the others groaned in reply

There’s only one thing missing: Powers.

“Well no powers, total horseapples!” I said with a sigh of disappointment
“You said it, Bolty” Firefly muttered
“We’re officially more useless than Hum Drum right about now” CK said
And we have darn nothing to defend ourselves” AB kicked a hoof on the ground
“Well, the crime rate in Maretropolis so absurdly high mainly due to the cops being so useless that we can probably find some guns somewhere around here even though they would be useless against Super Powers so it’s gonna have to be hooves and some cunning planning” I said
“Well, first we need to know where the factory where Mane-iac is” Scootaloo said
“No-brainer them, all we need is a suspiciously placed looking factory and my bolty sense are pointing that way” I said pointing towards somewhere on my left

Six hours later…(Actually not six, I just wanted it to be read like that Spongebob thing where they do that, it was more like 30 minutes)

“AHA! A shampoo factory! Only the most evilest of evil ponies would make their base in a shampoo factory” Sweetie Belle exclaimed
“Yep, this reminds me of Totally Spies back when I was a kid, just about anything used for beauty such as shampoo was either a weapon or evil” I said, reminded of that show.

Before you judge me for watching a girls show as a kid, first it had a decent storyline, two: You’re watching My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, you don’t have any right to be judging. But yes, if you watch enough episodes or just look at the TVTropes page, you’ll see what I mean. A girl in Beverly Hills just can’t catch a break with beauty products, which makes me thankful to be a boy!

“And we’re going to barge into the place with no superpowers at all?” Firefly asked
“Of course not! We’re going to sneak in the only way nopony would ever think to check, the air vents” I said
“Really?” CK asked
“If you don’t like it, you can barge in” I said
“Okay, okay! I’m going in” CK raised her hoofs up defensively

Classic air vents, for some reason, villains overlook this every time. Oh well, anything that gets me in safe is fine by me as I hum the mission impossible theme while sneaking in.

“Oh…my…sweet…Luna!” Firefly gasped silently as we saw into the main room

The Power Ponies and Hum Drum (Spike), were all frozen by the freeze ray thingy, Mane-iac was charging up her weapon thing which read 96%, we ain’t got much time.

“You know, it’s funny Power Ponies, after laughing in my face and humiliating me for so long, I finally pull the strings of fate, I finally win as I always should have long ago. You ponies only delayed the inevitable!’ Mane-iac taunted the ponies

The Power Ponies couldn’t talk but watch in terror….

“What’s that? You’re the weaker ponies and I am plainly the superior pony? Why thank you! Once all of Maretropolis has succumbed to my superior ultimate weapon, then you have my permission to die” Mane-iac said to them

96.5%, Time to move, and besides one Bane reference is enough so I did what any sensible person does, jump down on top of her head like I'm Mario or something!


“Arrggh, who did that?” Mane-iac growled furiously
“Me” I said drawing her attention
“What have we here? Some wanna-be hero?” Mane-iac started laughing
“No, not quite, you see I was just in the area and thought “Hey, I really want to jump on somepony’s head for no reason at all” so I decided to do yours, plus I need more shampoo and oh, What the buck do you think I am here for?” I answered sacarstically
“To stop my plan somehow?” Mane-iac guessed
“DING! DING! DING! WE HAVE A WINNER!! Let’s see what you’ve won?” I gave a smile

CK and Firefly aimed a cannon at the cage (yeah, not trusting the crusaders with that thing) where the Power Ponies were and shot their cages and unfroze them before our eyes.

“Well, you’ve won a chance to meet the Power Ponies and get kicked personally, such an honor” I mocked Mane-iac
“Oh ha ha! Minions! I think our new vistors have crashed the party without an invitation, do be good minions and escort them to the door” Mane-iac orders her minions

Oh great, another with minions leading us outnumbered again, well…if the odds are against you and you don’t have much of a chance, you take as many as you can out and go out like a badflank!

Well hold out till the Power Ponies beat Mane-iac and panic while punching and dodging at the same time but same difference…

“Uh, any of you girls remember how to fight?” I asked awkwardly
“Yeah sure” CK and Firefly replied
“CUTIE MARK CRUSADER SUPER HEROES YAY!!!” The CMC shouted their courage
“You sure? I’d rather not get my fur skinned off” I asked
“Sure, this’ll be like the time we tried for our Action hero cutie marks” Sweetie Belle piped up
“Okay, but if you need help just holler” I said

I am so going to die for this!

“CHAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGEEEE!!” I yelled as we ran into the minion

5 minutes later…

That went better than expected…we didn’t get defeated in under 2 minutes, and we got some minions down but there were too many and the Power Ponies were struggling against Mane-iac, the only pony who couldn’t use her powers was Fluttershy…

“Come on Fluttershy, you need to get angry” Dash said, annoyed
“B-But I-I couldn’t” Fluttershy protested

This gives me an idea, a probably cruel one but first distractions…

"Crusaders! Use your puppy faces!" I ordered
"But why?" Scootaloo asked
"Just do it please" I said
"Well okay, iffin you say so" AB put on her cute face

Crusaders used Mind control Puppy faces (Seriously, Celestia could take over any kingdom with those faces)! It's SUPER EFFECTIVE! Foe Minions are in D'awwww mode and can't attack Crusaders!

Now phase 2, making Fluttershy mad!

“Hey Fluttershy! Remember Bearington? The cute adorable bear that died mysteriously? She did it!” I pointed towards Mane-iac
“What? H-How Dare you?! HOW DARE YOU! You think it’s okay to hurt my animals, you think it’s okay to just hurt our friends? WELL WHY DON’T YOU PICK ON SOMEPONY YOUR OWN SIZE?!” Fluttershy got mad

That was easier than I thought, I almost feel guilty! Fluttershy has transformed into the Incredible Flutterhulk! And you wouldn’t like her when she’s mad!

“This for Bearington!" Flutterhulk screamed


Flutterhulk smashed Mane-iac’s weapon as well as her and the minions in one blow. Mane-iac, before anypony could launch an attack on her escaped the warehouse through the window

“THIS ISN’T OVER POWER PONIES!!” Mane-iac yelled as she made her escape
“Darn it, she done gone escaped our hooves” AJ cursed
“Don’t worry Applejack, the villain always gets away in the comics” I said



We were promptly ejected from the comic book and back on the castle floor.

“So, how did you know we were in trouble” Twilight asked
“I know the show and I knew you were taking too long but if it weren’t for the Crusaders confirming my suspicions than I wouldn’t of made it” I pointed towards the crusaders
“My next question is, where did you get the comic book, Spike?” Twilight asked
“Er, Enchanted Comics down somewhere in Canterlot, I thought the enchanting meant the story not the actual comic” Spike answered
“It’s not his fault Twilight, nor the comic book makers, but Spike should of saved you girls and Fluttershy got mad earlier but something happened, meaning something or somepony is screwing with the timeline again. If anything odd happens that you think shouldn’t be happening, tell me at once” I said to Twilight

I left the castle leaving the others behind, I was afraid something might happen like this, nothing out of place has happened for a while but now it has, and that mystery villain at the end of the season can’t be identified so I can’t prepare for him/her.

What if I’m just a puppet? What if my purpose, no matter how hard I try not to is to disrupt the timeline so the outcome is different? It may be minor now but that’s all it may need, it looks like I need to start MONITORING EVERTHING!....

Author's Note:

You know, Celestia could really take over the world the the Cutie Mark Crusader puppy dog face! NOPONY WOULD STOP HER! NOPONY!! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

And maybe i might stay away from the super hero writing a little bit, I don't feel too confident on that one.

Last Point, does anyone else think it's odd how nothing came of the whole enchanted comic thing, that could of been a plot point or something or something conspiring against Twilight and her friends, or maybe part of the enchantment would send them back if they lost anyway? Who knows