• Published 12th Jun 2014
  • 5,620 Views, 459 Comments

Human in Pony's clothing - TheDawsonator1

A Human that goes by a Pegasus identity: Lightning Bolt. He is doing his best to keep his origins a secret from Celestia and the Elements of Harmony as the events of the show go on. But things are changing out of his control! How will that fare?

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Entry #47

Well whoever said being a hero was easy hasn’t done the job at all. It ain’t especially when you are fighting a god basically and you have the power of four “Goddesses” in you. While yes, their essence seems to guide me, it’s me who does the final doing. It’s me alone who can determine the fate of Equestria and I intend to make it so we can live in peace once more.

This fight is not in vain, this I promise, if for some reason I die but succeed, I hope if ever a human or another alien species learns about me, they know what the tartarus happened and it will be accurate. But I don’t plan on dying…EVER!!

“Urgh! WILL YOU JUST GIVE UP ALREADY!!” Tirek shouts
“I could say the same to you jerkflank! Just return the magic and BUCK OFF ALREADY!!” I shot back
“Never! I worked too hard to fail” Tirek replied
“That’s my line you Magic-stealer” I also replied

And we went at it again, the problem was neither us were making any Celestia-damned progress on each other so it was a stalemate. No matter what I tried I just couldn’t break his defenses and he couldn’t break mine. I shoot a beam, he dodges or blocks, he shoots one, I dodge, Piccolo would be proud.

But sooner or later one of us is going to stuff up and I hope it is him!

Twilight and friends were still on their way to the tree of harmony, what was taking them so long? The injuries Twilight sustained were nullified but still hindered her progress through the Everfree.

Twilight’s friends were supportive and Applejack carried her injured form along with Rainbow Dash. It was Applejack’s turn when she stumbled onto the ground

“Applejack!” The four of them shouted
“Ah’m okay” AJ said stubbornly
“Applejack, you need rest” Fluttershy said in a worried tone
“No, we can’t just rest, we need the tree, Lightning Bolt is counting on us” AJ shook her head
“We are almost there, Fluttershy” Dash said

Pinkie Pie picked up Twilight, still sore from her injuries and the six continued on…

“I will give you this, Gavin, you at least make a fight out of it, I respect that out of a victim” Tirek said
“And to you too, you may a big scumbag but you at least give a ounce of respect when due” I replied
“But you should really throw in this fight, just give up and be done with it! Even if you do beat me, what next? Somepony else is going to come along and then an infinite amount of times until you finally succumb to somepony evil. You will inevitably fail!” Tirek tried to back me out
“Never! If my fate is to go down at the hands of evil, I will do everything to defy fate! And if that is not avoidable, it will be taking them down with me! I’ll even do it with some sad music as I dramatically go down in slow motion doing my Celestia-damned best” I said

I am serious about that one by the way, you may only live once but you also can only die once so you may as well make it as Celestia-damned dramatic as possible! Of course if there any “Dragonball”-esque objects lying around in Equestria, than the whole concept will go down the drain and death will just be a minor inconvenience at best.

“Well that’s too bad, you’re death is not going to be dramatic at all, rather it will be torture and you will be begging for death before the end just for your insolence” Tirek threatened
“It is you who will be on their begging for mercy when I’m done” I replied
“We’ll see who’s begging after I show you a little present” Tirek started grinning like a madpony

Tirek raised a bubble, it held Firefly in it! Oh no! Tirek must of caught her before coming here! He’d better let her go!

“Now, you’re not in a position to demand anything” Tirek said
“Leave her out of this! This is me and you fighting!” I said
“Now watch what you say or her life will go boom!” Tirek waved a finger at me

HE wouldn’t! If he so much as try, I will make Cupcakes look like a little girl’s dream compared to what I will do to him!

“Tirek why are you doing this?” I asked
“If you want your precious Firefly to live, you’ll surrender your power to me quickly and quietly” Tirek demanded
“Don’t do it, Bolty!” Firefly screamed

Oh I hate when villains do this…URGH!! HOW COULD I HAVE BEEN DO FOOLISH! If he has done anything with Cloud Kicker, Sky High or Simple Breeze I will use his intestines as a bandolier.

Should I give up my power? If I do, Tirek might gloat and Twilight would of gotten to the tree and obtained her “Harmony” form and defeat Tirek. But on the other hand she could be nowhere near, but if I don’t Firefly’s life is forfeit

“Oh, and if you don’t hurry up and answer in the next 2 minutes I will hurt her until she’s dead” Tirek said evilly

I looked up at Firefly and I notice something wrong…she feels...empty…emotionally empty and she doesn’t act very Firefly-ish to what I would know she would do. Also shouldn't Tirek of gotten CK and the others as well?

So…Firefly is a fake! One to trick me into giving Tirek my power, but to be sure I need to do a quick scan and…yep she’s a fake! Nice try, Tirek!

“I refuse” I said with a smile
“What? What do you mean “I refuse”?” Tirek asked
“Meaning I will not give up my power to you, your trap was very clever but not clever enough, next time put some more emotion over it” I said
“How did you know?” He was dumbfounded
“Because you just confirmed it, I admit having a doubt over it and now you just erased all doubt from my mind” I said with a cocky smile
“Why you--!” Tirek growled
“I don’t appericate you attempting to threaten my friends even making a copy just to get me to surrender! It’s low, scummy and cowardly! So, I say you get the full deal, allow me to present MAXIMUM POWER!!!!” I yelled

Yep, I was only at 80% power the whole time. See, constantly being at full power will drain your energy quickly and is hard to maintain. A reason why Celestia and Luna never fight at full power unless they have to, however their powers are kept at high percentages due to the power required from the Sun and Moon. Cadence and Twilight however don’t need to be high as Celestia and Luna’s.

In other words: If I went at Tirek at 100% I may of drained myself out and lost and Twilight and friends definitely would not of made it to the tree in time so I fought equal to him and dragged it out. I feel this fight has gone on long enough, it’s time to go hard or go home!

1 bazillion hours of screaming to transform later…

Let’s see…

Glowing mane: CHECK!
Lightning Bolt shaped mane: CHECK!
Mane length has significantly increased: CHECK!
Hair is all wavy like Celestia’s: CHECK!
And can waves of energy be seen enimating from my body: CHECK!

Tirek, you’re bucked now!

Author's Note:

So to explain the whole power thing, The whole staying at 80% power is to conserve energy and to draw as much time as possible away from the Elements. Let's face it, if we went 100% then the cool fights would be over too quick and no fun stuff happens. In other words: Logic sucks!

Oh and for the checklist, I suddenly imagine Pinkie's voice when saying check! But anyway...have fun with this chapter