• Published 12th Jun 2014
  • 5,619 Views, 459 Comments

Human in Pony's clothing - TheDawsonator1

A Human that goes by a Pegasus identity: Lightning Bolt. He is doing his best to keep his origins a secret from Celestia and the Elements of Harmony as the events of the show go on. But things are changing out of his control! How will that fare?

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Entry #32

Go! Go! Power Ponies!...What? Oh sorry, just reading this not-enchanted Power Ponies comic. What? It’s perfectly in season and the episode has to be anytime now!

Have you ever thought how stupid you look in real life if you dressed like some of these Super heroes? (Unless of course you’re Wonder Woman in which case everyone has probably gotten a wingboner or something especially if you watch as much hen- I mean especially if you see Wonder Woman do something awesome.

Quick Question: Who made those comics anyway? Were they just there for fun? Or was somepony plotting this the whole time? DUN DUN DUUUUUUUNNN!

I’m not going to say it, you know what the weather is and if you don’t by now than you’re dumber than literally anypony close to secret identity hero…bonus points if it’s Supermane.

So I was relaxing after actually doing my job offscreen or offpaper…offwriting? AHHHH I DON’T EVEN KNOW! Someone fetch me the dictionary: Sweetie Belle edition! Where was I? Relaxing, thinking how awesome it would be to be a hero. Well I have flying so technically I do have Super Powers. Although some blasts out of my hooves would be nice.

Anyway, Twilight and friends have gone back to that old castle again earlier this morning, haven’t seen them back yet but they’re probably taking their sweet time, that or Fluttershy is going full hulk on Mane-iac’s flank. (Believe me, you wouldn’t like her if she’s mad…although nopony else would like you if you didn’t like her, so basically don’t get Fluttershy mad)

“Lightning Bolt!” I hear Apple Bloom’s voice from behind

Oh dear Celestia it's the Crusaders…I should probably run…why aren’t I running?

“Hello you three, off to get you cutie marks?” I said hello politely
“Nope!” Scootaloo said brightly


“We’re actually looking for our sisters” Sweetie Belle explained
“Really?” I asked
“Yep!” Scootaloo said
“Well…I haven’t seen them since this morning…maybe they’re doing something in Ponyville” I suggested
“And it’s almost dinner time and ah’m hungry” AB says with a growl from her stomach
“Okay, tell you what, I’ll help you find your sisters and we’ll stop for a cupcake on the way back and who knows? Maybe Pinkie Pie is there” I offered my help
“CUTIE MARK SISTER SEARCH SQUAD YAY!!” The three fillies screamed at the top of their lungs

Thanks…didn’t need those ears at all…

“Right, to Sugarcube corner, onward my noble companions” I said dramatically

If my timing is still right, they should be at the castle but they might be back already and I’d rather avoid the Everfree Forest. But they should be back by now, in that case, something may be up.

So one search around later proved my thoughts to be correct, the mane six aren’t here, which means they are in…

“THE EVERFREE FOREST!” the CMC, Firefly, CK and I shouted at the same time.
“Why is it always the Everfree Forest?” I groaned
“More importantly, when did Firefly and Cloud Kicker get here?” Sweetie Belle asked
“Er, right about that line above where we shouted “THE EVERFREE FOREST” or something” CK said


WARNING: Fourth Wall sustaining critical damage, please evacuate the universe ASAP!

“So Twilight and friends are in there?” Firefly asked
“Yeah, they’re in that old castle, inside a magic comic book” I said
“Why on Celestia’s mane would they be in a comic book?” AB asked
“Uh…to be honest, it’s never explained where the comic book came from or why it’s enchanted, all I know is that they’re the Power Ponies now against Mane-iac’s Hairspray doomsday device of absolute destruction (Try saying that five times fast).” I explained
“Well, whatever the reason we need their sisters back” CK said pointing a hood to the Crusaders
“And we’re gonna do it…once the lines shortcut us to the castle” I said


This chaotic fourth-wall endangering chapter is brought you by: Mane-iac Spray! Spray this hair spray on your hair and you’ll suddenly grow ridiculous hair that’ll make Anime chracters look like well-combed individuals. Comes with glowing effects and ethereal abilities so you can feel like Princess Celestia and Luna themselves…well in the mane department and you really can’t get a night sky in your mane but still…it glows and it moves, if that isn’t awesome then I don’t know what is!


We searched for a while until we found the room they disappeared and the comic book still open.

“So how do we enter?” CK asked
“Well, Spike read some really tiny writing and they all got sucked in, so I say we do the same” I say

I flip open the comic book which, by the way is 2 weeks old, get with the times Spike, a fan is not meant to be 2 weeks behind in a comic book! But something isn’t right, the last few pages…they’re different…

“Oh no…” I muttered
“What?” the other five said
“I think the events of the comic have changed so that Mane-iac has won, which means…THE TIMELINE IS ALTERED!!!” I panicked
“Come on Bolty, there has to be a chance! There’s gotta be, the good guys always win” CK pointed out
“YEAH!” The CMC shouted
“Wait…if we enter it, we can save the Power Ponies, Mane-iac is probably still holding them prisoner with that ray that freezes them” I said
“But how will we save them? They’re the heroes and they failed, and it’s 3 Pegasi and 3 foals without a cutie mark against that monster and her minions” Firefly made a fair point
“Yes but you forget three things, One: I’m the main character in this fic therefore I will somehow win, Two: In the event of the main characters losing, the minor ones will save them and/or win the battle or assist and lastly: Don’t underestimate the true power of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, they’re chaoticness that could level the whole of Equestria is inexpendable and besides, if that fails there’s always Sweetie Belle’s mind control puppy dog eyes and adorableness to put Mane-iac and/or their minions into submission” I explained
“Are you sure?” CK asked
“No, not really but no choice, and besides, I like to wing my plans, they add to the fun” I said
“We’re with you then” the other five said

We all activated the enchanted comic book’s spell and we got pulled right through! Here we come girls...

To be continued…


Author's Note:

Well, there hasn't been much time-altering going on soooooo....

And besides the Cutie Mark Crusader's chaos could melt Chuck Norris by being in the same universe!

Alright maggots listen up, Celestia about to teach you the pecking order, It goes:

Earth Ponies
Celestia's mane
Cutie Mark Crusaders
Then Celestia

Any Questions? (somepony asks a question) AHHHHHHHH!


I'll stop now!