• Published 12th Jun 2014
  • 5,620 Views, 459 Comments

Human in Pony's clothing - TheDawsonator1

A Human that goes by a Pegasus identity: Lightning Bolt. He is doing his best to keep his origins a secret from Celestia and the Elements of Harmony as the events of the show go on. But things are changing out of his control! How will that fare?

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Entry #53

Alright, I think I should stay away from Human Firefly for a while, crazy girl came after me with a Hammer, Pinkie Pie might want to step up her game when somepony breaks a Pinkie Promise.

Seriously, she reminds me of this one chick I knew in High School: Jasmine. So hot and crazy at the same time, she was so crazy it added to her hotness points…until she sent death threats after me and left creepy voicemails after I “Accidently” ruined her date with the class jerk: Jason Prizeman. I was doing her a favor and I had no regrets with the decision.

Maybe one day I won’t be such a trouble magnet…hahaha…ahahahahahahahaha! That’ll be the day!

But anyway, back in Equestria and back to being an Alicorn Pony…well half of one anyway, regardless, Ponyville has seen our return from the Human World and it’s about time I get some fun time to myself before any annoying villains show up…trust me! It will happen!

Weather: Sunny
Tomorrow’s weather: Sunny
The Next 398205702475207 days of weather: Sunny


Anyway, it’s been 2 days since my return back here…sexcapades were fruitless…well of course Sex doesn’t involve fruit…unless you want it to. You’ll be amazed how many objects you can use with sex annnnnnnnnddddd…I’ve just given the male audience a boner over the items they could use in sex. You can thank me later!

Okay, dirty minds aside, rumor has it that Princess Twilight is deciding to make a Festival of Harmony or something because no Princess is complete without a festival to revolve around them. Celestia has the Summer Sun Celebration, Luna has Nightmare Night, Cadence technically has the Crystal fair so it’s right Twilight gets one as well.

I personally am happy for some fun as long as I don’t have to set it up.

“So, reckon this Festival thing is true?” Cloud Kicker asks
“Probably, personally I want a day off” I said
“But you never go to work” Firefly says
“Not onscreen I don’t” I corrected her
"Still doesn't count" Firefly says
"I get money so I'm fine" I say
“So how’s the magic going along, Bolty?” CK changes the subject
“Well…” I start

Honestly, I’ve been self-teaching myself magic but even with books it’s proven difficult. I only managed levitating yesterday


Here I was, looking at the pebble with utmost concentration…the magic in my horn was flared but the pebble would not float!

“Grrr…float you worthless stone!” I said in frustration

Maybe if I swish and flick my horn and say Wingardium Leviousa, I will make it float? Anddd…no dice! DAMN IT PEBBLE! All I want to do is lift you and make it like I have the force and maybe make some Yoda references, is that so much to ask?

“Rise pebble, I COMMAND YOU TO RISE!!” I yelled dramatically

“Eh…it could be going better” I answered
“You sure? You look like you're having a lot trouble with it” CK asks
“I’m fine” I waved a hoof

Soon, that pebble will rise from the ground whether it likes it or not for it is its destiny to rise! Nothing will stop me once I make it float, NOTHING! MWAHAHHAHAHAHA!!

“What’s THAT?” Firefly pointed a hoof up to the sky

That THAT, was a pure white ball of energy…which is something I know for a fact doesn’t happen around here! And what do white ball of light usually entail? Portals and if portals are happening here in Equestria…something or somepony is gonna come through that ball of energy!

“Something tells me it ain’t gonna be exactly good” CK says

Oh Celestia DAMN IT! Just One month where nothing happens! That’s all I ask oh mighty Creator!

The Light energy thingy decided to settle down by the Everfree! And you know what that means? Detective Bolty is on the case! HI HO LIGHTNING BOLT AWAY!!

“Let’s check it out!” I said as I flew the direction of the ball of light
“Wait up, Bolty!” My two friends scream as I make my flight towards the ball

So, I don’t know what I’ll find as the result of this ball of energy, but one thing is for sure, it can’t be good for any peace.

I arrive the spot where the ball of energy died down and what I saw is…MY OWN HOUSE!! Not my house here in Equestria, but this is my house on Earth! I haven’t seen it in over a year and now it shows up here! But what in the name of the creator is it doing here?

But…how did my own house get here?! A teleportation spell of a dimensional magnitude if it even exists would require energies of more than the four alicorns combined to produce and no such power exists as far as I know! Yet here it is, is there really a power out there capable of such feats? Or is this the work of nature itself? Whatever caused this, I must learn more if I am to go anywhere with this, and besides, I haven’t been in this house in over a year.

As I open this door, it occurs to me that if somepony were inside this house for any reason, it’s quite possible that they too would have been teleported too. Perhaps I should knock just in case


“Hello? Anypony home? It’s me, Gavin” I said to the house
“Bolty, what’s going on?” I hear Firefly’s curious voice
“This house…is my house from Earth” I admitted
“WHAT?” My friends shouted
“This house was the very house I lived before I got teleported here, as to why it’s here is beyond me, but somepony could be in here, a human and probably one of my friends or a complete stranger. Either way, that human will need our help in this world if there is one” I explained

I open the door of my house, I know it’s still mine in an instant based on a few clues

One: things look the way I remember it
Two: There’s a photo of me on the kitchen table
Three: The old wooden Sword from my Europe Trip is still hanging on the wall

“Hello? Anypony home?” I called out

Still no answer…I search the house as memories of the times I spent in this house came back, it didn’t seem that long ago that I’d ride to school everyday and leave and then return home. I played the Playstation 3 and to my delight both that and the Playstation 4 and the Nintendo Wii U are still here…buuuuuut no electricity so bugger!

As I enter the kitchen, a note caught my eye…it was a bit wet in a spot and it looked recent. It read:

Dear Gavin,

If you are reading this, then you are alive. I’m sorry to say that your friends and your parents, as well as the police have called off the search for you and you are assumed dead

I think I just felt a hole just get shot in my heart…

If you do read this, please try to contact me or your parents…they believe you are gone but I don’t! I know you are still alive somewhere! I know you are not dead and never abandoned us.

The house has to be sold in one week’s time from today’s date, I’m sorry but you’ve been gone for so long that the taxes are keeping up and we can't keep this house any longer.

Please come back, to us, to me.

Forever your friend,


Ashley, she never gave up on me! Who is Ashley you ask? Why she’s my best female friend from Earth. She also used to be my girlfriend for a time until we realized it really couldn’t work out but we remained best friends ever since High School. We were there for each other in our times of need, like when she got rejected or dumped by boys. I wasn't her rebound guy but i always knew the right things to say. To say the least, she's a girl that any guy should keep and the guy that marries her should be damn freaking lucky!

It hits me…what have I done? I’ve been doing so much here in Equestria that I haven’t really thought about my family or my friends…and now they think I’m dead when the truth of the matter is that I am really alive in another universe and in a body of a pony! Oooh I’m so ashamed I should punch myself! I wish I could tell them all I am alive! I don't know how...send a letter through a portal...something!

I can’t take it anymore…the tears just flowed like a waterfall…I’m sorry everypony…you never deserved this…this…injustice! This teleportation was all the result of Tirek! If Tirek couldn’t of accepted his defeat like a real man then none of this would of happened! I should of ended him when I had the chance!

I felt Firefly pull me into a hug as I let those tears out…tears that should have been flowing ages ago. I will fix this, and get to the bottom of this mystery! I look at the date and I see the date written is the exact same as today, she must of shed a tear on the piece of paper recently today and she may be here!

If Ashley is indeed here, I must find her! She may not know it’s me but if there’s a place to hide from ponies, it’d be the Everfree Forest, nopony is sane enough to go in there…except for the Crusaders. Seriously, you’d think we would build a fence by now. That place is not safe for a human, I should know, damn those timberwolves.

I wiped my tears and then spoke to Firefly…

“Firefly, stay here and make sure nopony gets in this house, it’s too important to both me and any evidence of what’s going on. Cloud Kicker, find Princess Twilight and explain this and try to get her to send a letter to Princess Celestia” I ordered
“Okay, but what about you?” Firefly asks
“I’m finding my friend! If she’s here then she’s in more danger than she realizes and I may the only pony here to convince her we’re friendly” I said
“But didn’t she watch the show like you did?” Cloud Kicker asked
“Nah, she wasn’t a pegasister” I said
“Pegasister?” Firefly asked
“What we call a Female Brony and honestly more socially acceptable, I’ll tell you later” I said quickly as I made my leave.

I rushed out the door and towards the Everfree Forest and hopefully find Ashley…or evidence that she isn’t in this world would be better for everypony as well as herself.

Ready or not, here I come!

Author's Note:

Admit it, you had a friend of the opposite gender that was your bestie but never really a crush or relationship with each other would really happen. But, if i were stuck in Equestria, If i could i would at least send a letter back to home telling them where i went and with magic so they know it's the truth.