• Published 12th Jun 2014
  • 5,613 Views, 459 Comments

Human in Pony's clothing - TheDawsonator1

A Human that goes by a Pegasus identity: Lightning Bolt. He is doing his best to keep his origins a secret from Celestia and the Elements of Harmony as the events of the show go on. But things are changing out of his control! How will that fare?

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Entry #37

You know, I didn’t feel a bit of guilt in that changeling being dumped into lava, does that make me a bad person? I would feel bad if an innocent pony had the same fate but when it’s a changeling I feel no such guilt, am I considered bad?

I should move on, the Changeling Kingdom (or Queendom since it is ruled by a queen but honestly that doesn’t sound cool enough so they kept it at kingdom) is near and I want this done and over with and I suppose the Mane Six are not far behind. I can’t wait to give Chrysalis a piece of my mind and teach her a lesson: Nopony messes with my friends and gets away with it! Nopony!

There are two things that plain rocky lands are for: Boring atmosphere and absolute buck-all! So make that one thing technically. If only I were Unicorn and I could teleport a fair distance just to skip this part or better yet come an Alicorn and just skip most of it or fly really fast! Nah, no Mary Sue powers for me and besides, having god powers would be boring, no challenge or anything. It’s like hacking on a video game to win, it’s the pussy mode!

I kept on trotting at a steady pace, I haven’t seen or heard any sign of Twilight or anypony at all, I’m sure they’re all not too far behind, as for the changelings, I’m sure Chrysalis is watching my every move and probably has another minion ready since I am coming this close to their base.

So the million bit question is, when is the next changeling coming? Chrysalis can’t be just relying on one minion, surely she would send a second one.

I entered a foggy area in a valley which means two things: One, Changelings and two, it’s not a hoof-fight! I better get my guard up just in case something does happen.

I spotted something in the distance…was it…?

“Firefly? No…you’re not Firefly are you?” I said to the figure
“…” The figure did not respond
“Come on, don’t bother, Changeling! It was kind of obvious and I know Firefly wouldn’t leave Kicker behind and I doubt she escaped” I said
“Darn, very perceptive, it’s pity your Princess wasn’t very perceptive at the wedding” the changeling ripped off her disguise
“So, what’s your game?” I asked
“Simple, I am here to reveal some things to you:

1) You will never beat our Queen so just give up!
2) Don’t even bother try the Princesses because even if you do reach them, it will be too late!
3) There’s a comet about to head over and you better be dead or there by the time that comet arrives as your other friends will be there as well
4) Watch out for the fog” the changeling warned
“A comet? Tell me more!” I demanded
“All you need to know is that the comet that flies over will give the planet strength and our glorious Queen will be more powerful than she already is!” she said
“That’s still not going to save her!” I replied
“Think what you want, I’m taking my leave, good luck” she bid farewell

The changeling disappeared before turning into Firefly and putting a long tongue out at me.

“Well, looks like there’s time limit now…jooooy!” I muttered to myself

You’ll never make it!

“And now I’m going mad cause I thought I heard voices and I’m talking to myself” I said to myself

You will fail and you’ll never see your friends again!
You’re just a useless pony who thinks he is braver than he actually is.
Even Fluttershy is braver than you.

And now the voices are trying to discourage me, nopony is on my side in this fog.

How would your family feel if they found out you were enjoying yourself in another world?
You abandoned them…

“Hey that’s not true! I DID NOT ABANDON THEM! I got sucked into a portal remember? How the bloody tartarus was I supposed to know that would happen?” I argued

You just used Firefly as a means to sexual pleasure.
You really don’t love her.

“HORSEAPPLES! Maybe I haven’t been the best coltfriend but I actually spent time with her and I didn’t go cheating on her for some ridiculously hot mare! And she was trying to get rid of her virginity too just so you know” I still argued

Oh really? Then why in all these chapters you’ve been trying to do nothing but sex? No mention of love anywhere! All you care about is getting some action and glory, admit it! You’re a sorry excuse of a stallion and you know it!

“Maybe, but at least I’m honorable about it, at least I don’t treat her like some one-night stand and dump her in her bed without any explanation.

And that pony happens to be your best friend? What does that say about you? Your two best friends are a slut and fillyfooler!

“SHUT THE BUCK UP VOICES!! LET’S SEE YOU DO BETTER! At least I got my friend’s back and they got mine!” I shouted

Yeah, and your friends can’t do much when they’re in a cage.

“Well duh! That’s what a cage is DESIGNED for! And to lock owls in cages and hope they’ll deliver mail for you” I said

Oh and let’s not forget Sky High and Simple Breeze…oh wait…you forgot about them, they haven’t even appeared since Nightmare Moon was done!

“Wait…I don’t remember them…are you sure they even existed?” I challenged

Oh really? Does Entry #2 ring any bells? Because I was just reading through and I remember this being in it:

Simple Breeze is a mare that controls the wind flowing around Ponyville, which always tends to be calm around here unless a need for a storm arises. and Simple Breeze is good at that thing! She’s dating Sky High for a month now and they honestly look good together.

Sky High is the only stallion friend I know, his talent is his natural resistance to the high altitude pressure. See, most Pegasi including Rainbow Dash can only go a certain height before the air grows too thin and they cannot sustain the height for long or risk fainting due to lack of oxygen in their lungs. Sky High can go much higher and stay longer at heights most Pegasi can’t. He’s also quite an endurance kind of pony whereas a Pony like Rainbow Dash is more a sprint kind of pony. Ironically enough, he has a ground job at a club on the outskirts of Ponyville.

Do you remember now, Lightning Bolt?

“Oh…my…various Princess goddesses…I forgot them…” I muttered to myself in realization

It’s true, I did forget them, they were supposed to be my friends and I forgot them, didn’t even say hello and stuff anymore…I haven’t been a friend at all…

Yes, you haven’t, you’re a jerk! A failure! A Selfish stallion who, doesn’t deserve to be even in the same town as your so-called friends! Not even the Elements or the Princesses should be in the same town as you! You have the knowledge of Future events thanks to your little show but you don’t even bother to improve it, you could of made Equestria a better place with such knowledge and what did you do? NOTHING!

“I am a jerk…but with good intentions. Maybe I should have done some things and maybe I shouldn’t of, but if you think that will deter me from my mission…you thought wrong! I will save my friends, I will improve our friendships and I will stop Chrysalis personally even if it kills me!” I said with my head held high

Deny it all you want, attempt all you want, you will not escape the darkness that surrounds you.

“Try me, I’ll escape this place faster than Rainbow Dash can blink” I challenged

That’s not what I meant, but by all means, keep going to the Queen, you will not survive even if you do win…

“That’s enough out of you! Your little game has failed! So I’ll be leaving now!” I announced my victory

Have it your way, darkness will claim you either way…

I kept trotting toward Chrysalis’s lair with my head held high, confident that my friends will be rescued by the time the sun is down and we’ll be back to normal…with some improvements of course!

Queen Chrysalis, here I come! Ready or not!

Author's Note:

Firefox is still a a jerk...typical updates...

Yeah, so I try my hand at the voices and i did realize i forgot 2 characters in introduced in Entry #2, maybe i should give them a bit more time...

So next chapter is where Lightning Bolt and Chrysalis shall meet...again. And this time the circle is complete, when Bolty left Chrysalis he was but the learner but now Bolty is the master!