• Published 12th Jun 2014
  • 5,619 Views, 459 Comments

Human in Pony's clothing - TheDawsonator1

A Human that goes by a Pegasus identity: Lightning Bolt. He is doing his best to keep his origins a secret from Celestia and the Elements of Harmony as the events of the show go on. But things are changing out of his control! How will that fare?

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Entry #22

You know somepony I really just can’t stand? Trixie Lulamoon or should I say “The Great and Powerful Trixie!”? Seriously, some bronies may like her but I don’t, just everything about her from the show makes me want to slap her into the next dimension. There are three kinds of people I couldn’t stand on Earth: Boasters, Feminists and Trolls.

Every fiber of my being just could not stand her when she came in Season 1, she’s ten times worse in real life than in the show. She thinks she’s better than anypony else, she’s a flankhole, and she insults anypony who disagrees with her, in other words, she’s basically the ultimate forum weapon to annoy humans.

Let me tell you a thing about why I hate boasters like Trixie: When you claim you can do or have done something, you better have proof to back it up! Nothing is more annoying than somepony who claims things and when they are asked to prove it they fail dismally! That sums up Trixie basically, oh and that third person talk too, it works with some ponies but Trixie is not one of them.

I don’t think I need go over the Flim Flam brothers, their apple cider tasted like a soft drink left out for 2 months mixed with hot lemon drink (believe me I tried the first one in my childhood for some reason, what I was thinking is beyond me)


You know what I haven’t seen in a while? Rain, it’s too sunny sometimes but I suppose because it’s Summer or whatever season it is, honestly it’s hard to tell what with the inconsistencies with the seasons

Case in point in Season 1: Summer Sun Celebration is Summer Solstice on Earth and of course takes place in summer, about 10 episodes later we have Winter Wrap Up and that was like a month or two, next Fall Weather Friends happens in well…three guesses which season that happens in? this all happened in the first season. In Season 4 the first episode starts 1 year after Nightmare Moon’s return, oh and let’s not forget Spring was completely forgotten but it’s mentioned I suppose.

Ooops, there I go off again on my own little rant, I ranted so much I didn’t notice Trixie enter town. Urge to slap: rising! I remember the last time I met her, threw an Apple Pie at her face and it was hilarious! R.I.P Apple Pie, you are still missed, your sacrifice was not in vain!

“Trixie, what are you ding here?” Twilight asked who arrived on scene
“Why, Trixie has come back for revenge” Trixie’s eyes glowed red

Okay, how the bloody name of Cadence’s wings did nopony notice a suspicious Amulet around her neck and her eyes are glowing red? Did nopony ask “Hey Trixie, what’s up with the red eyes?” or something of the sort?

“Twilight Sparkle, Trixie is here for revenge, to prove she is truly the strongest unicorn in Equestria!” Trixie declared

What a surprise…not! Twilight honestly must have a huge hate club by the time a Season 7 comes around or something, (Oi you, there better be one in the future or I’m coming for you, and I will torture you until it happens, got that?) Let’s not forget the fans when the “Twilicorn” was introduced, personally I liked it, what were you expecting? An infinite amount of friendship lessons until the end of time? I always wonder what it’d be like when Twilight had read every book in Equestria? I can sort of see it now…

Damn it, I went off topic again! Where were we? Oh right Trixie challenging Twilight to a duel, it’s time to d-d-d-d-duel!

Anyway, because Trixie used Amulet hax, she obviously won the duel in which she cheated, but seriously, what a bitch, she got defeated by somepony of clear superior skill and she just won’t accept it, it’s like Vegeta syndrome or something…wait is that even a thing?

So she sealed the whole town up and turned us all into slaves or something, I thought she was here to prove she was better not enslave the town, perhaps the amulet had something to do with that.

Anyway, me and my friends were dragged to the library to find answers, well what did you expect? When in doubt and the Element of Magic ain’t around, look through her library (and her fanfiction when you have the chance).

“So Lightning, do you have any idea how Trixie got this powerful?” Dash asked me
“Well she went to a shop which had the Alicorn Amulet, not sure where though, looks a bit Canterlot-ish but it was dark alley as well, Trixie obviously brought it and put in on and came here” I explained
“Wait, so basically Trixie cheated?” Firefly asked
“Pretty much” I said
“That’s low” Rarity said
“that’s what any idiot with revenge plans do” I said
“Sorry but, what in tarnation is the Alicorn Amulet?” AJ asked
“You guys were meant to find that but I suppose I can explain it, it’s an amulet that lets the user gain more power but the price is that it corrupts the user over time, while Trixie can’t of had this for more than a week, I’m pretty sure had Twilight not of defeated her, she would of turned plain nasty or got so corrupted she ended up dead or possessed” I explained
“T-That’s horrible!” Fluttershy squeaked
“Why it was in a shop is beyond me, but originally Twilight managed to take her amulet off and get rid of it, nopony knows where except her. The only way to get the Alicorn Amulet off is if the user does it himself/herself.” I said
“Well that’s rather strange, wouldn’t Celestia know about this?” CK asked
“Celestia doesn’t know everything, she’s just like you or me but with more power and more knowledge, but it’s not infinite” I said

How much did Celestia know anyway? I’m sure she didn’t know about the incident because she was in Saddie Arabia at the time. I suppose if she did, she would of destroyed it or something, such objects should not be left lying around for any old idiot to pick up.

What is it with these creators making powerful objects anyway? Why do they lie in temples or just a random spot on the planet? It’s a mystery…DAMN IT! Went off topic again!

So give it another few hours and Trixie turned even more a bigger flankhole than was originally thought, if she didn’t have that amulet I would buck her flank into Griffionia or maybe Zebrica, depending on which direction she goes, point is she gets the buck out of Equestria.

And look, it’s time for Miss Boast-a-lot to get her flank handed to her, let’s go watch shall we? You don’t have a choice, being from another dimension, as long as you’re strapped in the chair, you may as well watch (or read, whichever you prefer)

Cue the epic staredown with Twilight and Trixie, anymore tensions there’d be rocks flying up in the air DBZ style. So Twilight challenges a magic duel and has this “Bitch, you ain’t winning this time” look on her face

“Let’s start with a simple aging spell shall we?” Trixie challenged
“Let’s” Twilight responded with a smirk on her face

Okay, Imma go judgemental and ask what is up with Snips and Snails? They’re dumber than little kids on online games trying to cheat and that’s saying something, they seem to look up to Trixie despite her cruelness and she obviously a fraud and huge bloody show-off. I will admit she has decent dramatic acting, she really should of tried that instead of this magic show crap nopony believes anyways. It reminds me of Gilderoy Lockhart from Harry Potter. The stuff he spouted was not believeable at all and it was that obvious you wonder how people didn’t see that and…I went off track again…CELESTIA DAMN IT!

So they both do age spells and I gotta admit AJ looks cute when she’s a filly under that huge hat of hers. Cloning at that happened which leaves Trixie with her jaw hitting ground and in five minutes this was all over because she thought Twilight’s power was the Amulet.

I got a ranting headache so I’ll think I’ll go home now, maybe picture some DBZ in my head, lousy lack of beams and that…

Author's Note:

So, let's just say Lightning Bolt didn't get enough sleep last night and has turned all nitpicky and ranty, honestly Trixie isn't that bad in my book but in reality I would hate her freaking guts out, you'll be surprised how many girls I know that say stuff and don't back it up, boys do it too but in my experience, girls do it alot more than boys.

Oh and before any of you commenters get to use this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VtPgIX_Dbk

I miss Yu-Gi-Oh! That was a good show in my childhood and i collected so many of those cards, i had 2 out of 3 god-cards too