• Published 12th Jun 2014
  • 5,620 Views, 459 Comments

Human in Pony's clothing - TheDawsonator1

A Human that goes by a Pegasus identity: Lightning Bolt. He is doing his best to keep his origins a secret from Celestia and the Elements of Harmony as the events of the show go on. But things are changing out of his control! How will that fare?

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Entry #42

When you’ve been on adventures like I have, you tend to get a “Sixth sense” about the timing of evil beings, although I did watch the show and for some reason nopony can figure him/her out. This villain must be dangerous so naturally I’ve been keeping in shape and such and researching like crazy that I turned into an Ali-Egghead! Or a Super Egghead or whatever you prefer .

I can feel the time is close, it’s gonna happen soon…I can feel it! That or it’s the impending fart I gotta release!

So, here I am, back in the Crystal Empire with my friends, Twilight was attending some Princess summit which as much as we hate to admit it, isn’t some thing where they let their mane down and play some poker with Cadence being evil and stealing all their money! (Believe me I’ve seen Twilight and she has a bucking appalling poker face)

The upside, it was actually a different weather after the formalities with a bit of snow

The Downside: Uh….there will be one…just bear with me!

“Bolty!” Firefly barged into the room I was staying in
“Hey Firefly, what’s up this time?” I asked
“Celestia’s up this time, she needs you up in the throne room ASAP” Firefly said importantly

Well there goes my breakfast, and I think this is the part where buck hits the fan…do we even have fans here? I don’t know, four seasons here and you’d think I know! Have I been paying attention at all?

“You summoned me, Princess?” I said politely as I came in

I found the sight of the four Princesses looking at me, so naturally “Princess” could mean anypony in the room. But I digress; I need to know what has happened.

“Yes, Lightning, the villain’s identity is revealed and he’s been released, Equestria is in grave danger in we do not act quickly” Celestia responded
“So the villain I can’t remember…who is it?” I asked
“That vile being’s name is Lord Tirek” Luna answered

Tirek? Tirek…Tirek….Oh…buck! I know him! He’s the villain of Twilight’s Kingdom! He’s the dude the sucks everypony’s magic out…oh we are so bucked!

Wait, wasn’t he a G1 Villain as well? Or am I thinking somepony else? Wait, why am I even thinking that? Focus, Bolty!

“Not him!” I said dramatically
“Who is Lord Tirek?” Twilight asked
“Tirek came from a farway land with a brother but according to show, Starswirl befriended the brother and the brother was shown the magic of friendship and turned good. But Tirek remained evil and continued to go to Equestria but was defeated and sent to Tartarus” I explained
“Indeed, when Cerberus left his post, Tirek escaped, why he has not appeared then and not now is beyond me” Celestia added in

I wonder whatever happened to his brother? Is he dead? Or is he in another kingdom? Oh I don't know.

“Twilight, if Tirek gains enough power, he will overpower even us Alicorns and he will go after all of us for power” Celestia said seriously
“He will have a power of four Alicorns combined if he hits all of Equestria” I said
“But how do you know that?” Twilight asked
“It happened originally in the show, this is the final episode I know of, but Celestia already knows what do, right?” I replied
“Indeed, I sent Discord to investigate and stop him” Celestia said
“DISCORD?!” We all shouted at Celestia
“Princess, with all due respect but are you bucking serious?” I asked
“He can’t be trusted with this, Tia!” Luna argued
“Silence! I have faith in Discord’s abilities, if it proves too much, we still have a trump card in play” Celestia said

Oh this is gonna end well…

“So you’re telling me the Princess of Equestria is trusting the task of saving the world to the Lord of all chaos over the Six ponies you have “Not” been stalking and keeping tabs on the whole story?” Kicker asks me
“Yep, my memory is still clouded on some bits but even I know Discord is gonna be betraying reeeeaaalll soon” I confirmed
“So what are we gonna do? We’re all gonna have our magic sucked and not have talents!” Sky High asks
“I don’t know but Twilight needs the power of Four Alicorns once this has escalated, as for you, you and Breezy should probably stay outside Ponyville until this blows over, same with you Firefly and you, Kicker” I said
“Why?” Firefly protests
“A battle is going to happen in Ponyville and it won’t be safe” I explained
“And what about you, Bolty? You can’t just stay there too unless you sprout a horn or something” Breeze pointed out

I knew what I had to do, I had to stay in case time gets screwy and I have to step in. Knowing is half the battle after all! But Breezy is right! Unless I magically gain Alicorn Powers, I am of no use in the battle against Tirek.

“I’ll stick with Twilight in case things are going wrong” I decided
“I just hope you will be okay” Firefly said with worry
“I do too, Fly, oh Celestia I hope I will be” I said

I sent my friends away, I knew their powers were going to go inevitably but I did not tell them that, I couldn’t do that to them, I’d rather them not knowing than them being scared out their wits waiting for impending doom.

I remained in Ponyville, I was perched on top of town hall just waiting while Twilight and friends did their thing. I have been reduced to a useless Pegasus waiting for impending doom to arrive. It’s been night time now and I’ve still been here, not for much longer, I flied down, I never thought I’d think of life without wings when Tirek comes until the whole thing blows over.

But still, why is a villain clouding their arrival? There has to be more to it than just a simple being evil thing going on.

I heard Hoofsteps behind me and I turned around, there he was! The red skin with the hands and hooves, much like the Greek Mythology version, half-horse-half Human structured well a few changes much like with Manticores in this show but you know…

“Hello, Gavin” Tirek spoke to me

Behind him was Discord, he betrayed us that little snake! I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. But what is surprising, he knew my real name.

I am so very bucked right now and worse, there is nothing to save me from getting my energy getting sucked! Well it was nice knowing you wings!

I took a deep gulp as I am ready to accept my fate…

Author's Note:

This New FiMFiction format is gonna take some getting used to. Also I found a Rainbow Rocks on youtube, if you ask me the whole 30 moons thing when down the drain and the Sirens are basically Changelings except it's hate they feed off instead of love. Oh and thanks StarSwirl, way to banish them into the one world Equestria is connected to!

But yeah...Tirek...there is a G1 Tirek by the way...don't believe me? Look it up!