• Published 12th Jun 2014
  • 5,620 Views, 459 Comments

Human in Pony's clothing - TheDawsonator1

A Human that goes by a Pegasus identity: Lightning Bolt. He is doing his best to keep his origins a secret from Celestia and the Elements of Harmony as the events of the show go on. But things are changing out of his control! How will that fare?

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Entry #21

Thankfully, when Sombra attacked, everything went smoothly, I was sent just in case things went south but everything pretty much happened the way it was supposed to, so this was the smoothest villain run-in so far.

But that didn’t stop the fact that Sombra is downright creepy and it could have been a lot worse if Spike didn’t get the Crystal Heart to Cadence via Husband throwing her like a javelin, it would have been game over. But we won and that’s what’s important

The Crystal Ponies remind me of Pom Pei back on Earth, both were completely buried, except the empire actually rose up again and their amnesia was rather disturbing, it must be really terrifying to be sealed for 1000 years, there’s a fair few ways to do it too but I do not believe the Crystal Ponies were conscious of such.

So my next episode is up to Pinkie Pie finding a mirror pool, I hope the fourth wall can survive too many Pinkie Pies, you thought one was bad, you’re in for a ride. Oh and I got my insurance up to date.

It was a normal day today, yep, about as normal as normal could be, no misadventure here, no siree! And yeah we’re totally bucked now just for that single thought.

I always wondered why the creators leave such things as the Mirror Pool lying around, can you imagine the damage if King Sombra or Nightmare Moon would cause if they discovered such a thing? We would all never have stood a chance

“Heeyyyy, Bolty!” Firefly spoke from behind me
“Sup Firefly” I greeted her as i turned around
“Just happy to see the best coltfriend in the whole world” Firefly said
“Oh am I that good?” I laughed
“No” Firefly responded
“Aw, now you’re just mocking me” I joked around

So, I think I’m doing decently with this whole relationship, no we haven’t gotten to the you know…sex, yeah we’re still a virgin and I still have that crazy voice in my head telling me to rut the buck out of her, it’s really annoying too, it’s almost like the Stallion version of heat only without the tampons and the showing up at the significant other’s door demanding sex while drunk on Apple Cider. Okay you got me, that happened ONE time, I denied Firefly because I didn't want it to start like this all drunk, besides she should remember how much I rock her world!

“Hey Bolty, is it just me or is there an army of Pinkie Pies coming on that hill?” Firefly pointed to the hill on my right

Huh, so there was. A whole army of Pinkie Pies and they were all bouncing this way all screaming “FUN!” all the time. Dear goddesses, we should probably barricade ourselves somewhere.

“We should probably hide before they get here” Firefly suggested
“That was my idea! Your house or mine?” I asked
“Yours is closest” Firefly said
“Okay, to there and quickly! The Pinkie Army is getting really close” I agreed

So we ran like Tartarus to my house and made it just as the Pinkie Army started flooding Ponyville.

“So what are we going to do while this whole thing blows over?” I asked
‘You should totally rut her, Bolty!’
‘NO! SHUT UP VOICE IN MY HEAD! I’ll do it when I’m ready and not before!’
‘You know you want to’
‘I know that I don’t want to, now either shut up or GTBO!’
“Maybe we should um…just talk or something, get something to eat” Firefly suggested
“Yeah, this may take a while” I said
‘And nopony is around, you and her get in on! YEEEEEHAWWWW!’
“I wonder how Cloud Kicker is doing?” Firefly asked


Cloud Kicker was surrounded by a lot of Pinkie Pies.

“Alright, who wants a party in my bed?” Cloud Kicker asked
“ME!” The Pinkies in earshot replied
“well there’s not enough space but I’ll pick a few of you, it's your lucky day Pinkie Pies” CK announced

“I’m sure he’s just fine, probably at her house doing something” I answered
“Well do you want to do the…thing?” Firefly asked
‘See? I told you that you should rut her, even she wants it and you’re just being a huge pussy right now!’
‘If you’re not out in the next 5 seconds then I’ll personally blast you out!’
‘That’s what she said’
‘Okay that’s it!’
“What thing?” I asked
“You know that thing where you know…get with each other” Firefly started blushing
“Wait, are you thinking about sex?” I asked
“Y-yes” Firefly blushed more

Okay, well I didn’t see that one coming, but it’s been a few months and we still haven’t done it…oh you know what? Screw it! The clop demon voice in my head is right, I should do it!

“Sure, why not?” I agreed
“I’d of thought you wanted to save it for a special time” Firefly said
“What is now too inconvenient for you?” I asked
“No but-“ Firefly started
“FUN!” A Pinkie Pie crashed through the window

DAMN IT! Just when I was about to score…

“Firefly, we should start rounding up the Pinkies to town all so Twilight can find the real one so that I know it’s safe to kill this one just for that cockblock” I said
“Sounds like a plan” Firefly agreed

OH You’re gonna suffer fake Pinkie…oh so much…nopony cockblocks Lightning Bolt and gets away with it!

Author's Note:

So the Shipping Demons have transformed into the Clop Demons (The Clop won't be shown, I like the teen rating thank you very much).

And yeah, I totally teased that almost-sex part *Grabs armor*

But this was a short chapter, and can you imagine what a Mirror Pool Army of Discord would be like? The Universe is not safe anymore!