• Published 12th Jun 2014
  • 5,620 Views, 459 Comments

Human in Pony's clothing - TheDawsonator1

A Human that goes by a Pegasus identity: Lightning Bolt. He is doing his best to keep his origins a secret from Celestia and the Elements of Harmony as the events of the show go on. But things are changing out of his control! How will that fare?

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Entry #48

Tirek did not seem to have put much thought into his plans as I thought. He thought his plan would go along perfectly, that no flaws or interference would happen. HE WAS WRONG!!!

I have seen to that very thing happening, Tirek has tried to cowardly make me give up, he will not succeed, he will not win, nope! Not a chance in Tartarus!

It’s time to 100% this, it’s been long enough and it would give me a better state of mind that he knows what I can do rather than what could have been.

But, where is Twilight and friends at? They can’t be too far now, it’s been a while, I hope nothing got them or this whole plan is screwed!

“So, any last words before I kick your flank into the afterlife?” I asked
“Screw you!” Tirek said
“Ooooh, defiant, I LIKE IT!” I said

Yeah, as I charge my laser beam I got four words for him…

“IMMA FIRIN MAH LAZAR” I Shouted as I shot my blast

DIRECT HIT! He got blasted directly which made him not able to stand or move for a good 30 seconds

“Get up, Tirek! You can sleep when you’re dead” I said cockily
“Shut up” Tirek growled
“Make me, fatflank!” I teased
“What the BUCK did you just call me?” Tirek asked
“Fatflank” I repeated
“Oh you are DEAD!” Tirek said as he charged

I dodged with absurd ease, it feels good to be finally being in control for once in this fight, and man does each blow to Tirek feel satisfying! Really not setting a good example to kids here but oh well…

Twilight and friends were finally at the Tree of Harmony, the girls had put Twilight by the missing key as she could walk to it.

Twilight proceeded to pull the Element of Magic shaped gem (From her flank because that’s where all heroes put plot (HA HA! Get it? Plot? I’m a genius!) devices in), she made the gem touch the chest and to her extreme delight, it turned into the last key, Lightning Bolt’s friendship had worked!

“Together, I think we turn our keys together” Twilight said confidently
“Ready when y’all are, sugarcube” AJ said

The Mane Six had turned their keys at the same time and the chest glowed with pure white light, the kind of light that would defeat Tirek!

They transformed into their “Harmony” forms (What? What else were we gonna call them? Friendship forms? Super-special-friendship-form-of-absolute-epicness?)


Oh…ow! That hurt, being flung into a couple of buildings hurts a lot more that it looks on TV.

“Well Gavin, I was holding back too except unlike you, I didn’t make it dramatic” Tirek said after I got up
“Yeah, no screaming for the whole episode just to transform, Tirek you disappoint me…” I said

I felt it, the elements finally made it, about time too and I saw their rainbow forms rising up.

“…But what’s even more disappointing is the fact that you aren’t anywhere near your power the first time, but really I should not be surprised, villains that return a second time are always destined to stuff up more than they did the second time” I said as I smiled
“What do you mean? Why are you smiling?” Tirek demanded
“Simple, this whole fight between us was just a ruse! You made the same mistake Chrysalis did by changing one feature and hoping it would upset the whole thing, you’re wrong! I simply showed my friendship with Twilight and gave her gift of it and she saw the true magic of not only friendship but selflessness and sacrifice. I was willing to die just to save Equestria” I explained
“YOU TRICKED ME!” Tirek shouted in realization
“Gee, did you figure that all by yourself? Would you like a medal? I would give you one but you would consider it worthless like how you feel about your brother, a wiser and braver being than you” I said sarcastically
“Ha! Like those idiots can stop me, I’ll just come again and this time not include you or any other human in the story” Tirek said
“It’s already too late, the key has turned and the Elements are right behind you” I said

Well, the Mane Six are here and they were just charging their rainbow beam of death (What do they honestly call that attack anyway?).

“Rainbow Beams, aren’t they something? They give us hope, they are quite spicy for some reason and they solve villainous problems and they give you an awesome look, the only regret I have is not getting one myself” I said with a Pinkie Pie length smile
“YOU!” Tirek was getting fed up

To ensure he did escape again and he went to Tartarus for real this time, I cast my magic to hold Tirek into place

“What are you doing?!” Tirek demanded
“Making sure Cerberus sees his house guest comes back, do give him my regards, now…BEGONE WITH YOU!!” I said

The girls then fired their beams at Tirek which caused a direct hit and got him to Tartarus, he went directly to Tartarus, do not pass GO, do not collect 200 bits.

With that I felt woozy and…zzzzzzz….

Yawn…I must’ve slept a while, I feel like I’ve rested easy for the first time in a long time. I sat up from the bed in my room and I realized somepony must of taken me here to the fight.

“Good Morning, Gavin” I heard the voice of Princess Celestia
“Princess Celestia?! And it’s just Lightning Bolt!” I said in shock and then annoyance
“How are you feeling?” she asks
“Uh…” I trailed

Well…I felt satisfied, fulfilled, like a heavy burden has been taken off my back.

“Eh, so-so” I said
“I see” Celestia says with a smile
“Is it done? Is Tirek in Tartarus for real this time?” I asked at once
“Yes, Lord Tirek is safely behind bars with double the security of last time” Celestia reported

Well that’s a relief right now let me tell you, we got him and we are victorious!

“Awesome!” I said
“I really must thank you for his imprisonment though, Princess Twilight told me what you did, to handle the weight of four alicorns and not be killed from the power or be turned is a remarkable feat very very few can do” Celestia congratulated me
“I got lucky” I was being modest
“Luck? I must disagree, Lightning, there are forces that surround our planet that we have very little understanding guiding us such as the Elements of Harmony, perhaps these same forces have guided you to your successful transformation. But whether you survived or not, you were willing to sacrifice your life for the safety of Equestria, this is not something taken so lightly and it takes true character to do what you did” Celestia praised me
“To be honest, I had no idea what I was doing half the time, I felt like a spirit possesses me and fighted Tirek, I felt like stuff you knew or Luna or the other Princesses knew is what I knew at the time” I confessed that feeling
“Hmm, magical techniques do actually imprint on a pony’s magical essence, when your absorbed our essences, you could gain knowledge like you had our brains stuck inside yours but barred from certain thing such as feelings, memories, personal things. I deduce you no longer know such things since we have our magic back?” Celestia told her theory
“No, I don’t remember that stuff, but it’s probably for the best, having all that power is exhausting as buck” I said
“Indeed, but the question is what will you do now?” Celestia asks

I thought about it for a second, I really don’t know…

“Well, the show is over now, so I no longer have any knowledge of the future and I’ll be blind from here on out. I’m also still a half-Alicorn…” I answered
“Yes, the only way to become a full Alicorn is the Ascension Ritual, in your current form, you will not be as powerful as full ones but still considerably powerful and you don’t have the immortality. You are also technically allowed to become a prince by our traditions but that’s your choice alone” Celestia said some choices I could make
“I think I’ll stay half, Powerful magic is not for me and Politics was never my strong suit and besides, I’ve seen the Canterlot Nobles for myself and they don’t appeal to me at all, especially Blueblood” I answered remembering the noble in question.
“Very well, remember, the offer is always on the table should you wish it, we feel you have deserved the right to Ascend should you ever want it” Celestia reminds me
“I will so yeah…” I started

My stomach decided to play the song of its people and growl ridiculously loud in cry for food.

“Ah, Victory hunger, I know it well Lightning, do not worry as Applejack left some delicious treats as well Pinkie Pie as a thank you.” Celestia laughed
“Well, I ain’t waiting for food to be honest Princess, and then I’ll check Twilight’s new castle out for myself” I decided
“I must attend to my subjects, we will meet again soon, this I am sure of” Celestia walked out the door
“Say hi to Princess Luna and Cadence for me” I said
“Will do, Farewell, Lightning Bolt” Celestia said good-bye

I waved and there was food calling my name and who am I to deny such delicousity…I don’t think that’s a word…

Author's Note:

Tirek be done fool! And what? Were you really expecting our dear pony to come a Prince and rule over the land? Ha Ha Ha! NO! Besides, you should see kings and queens in the old days, lucky if they hit their fifties what with all the power hungry jerks around. You bet your flank Blueblood would try it!