• Published 12th Jun 2014
  • 5,620 Views, 459 Comments

Human in Pony's clothing - TheDawsonator1

A Human that goes by a Pegasus identity: Lightning Bolt. He is doing his best to keep his origins a secret from Celestia and the Elements of Harmony as the events of the show go on. But things are changing out of his control! How will that fare?

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Entry #20

You know, I’ve always wondered why the heroes always let the villain get away. He/she is just going to come back with more force anyway. Why not just end their existence? Solve the problem once and for all so they never come to try their evil schemes again? I wanted to do that to Chrysalis, just end her so she can’t come back. She may not appear again on the show but who knows? Maybe in Season 5 she may come back for revenge.

Bronies have often had King Sombra resurrect with his horn that got cut off, a pony like that seems beyond any reformation, he’d need to be get rid of too. There was another villain too around Season 4, I just can’t remember what he looked like and his name, it’s like everytime I try to remember, it just doesn’t want to be remembered.

Discord was a special case and I never really considered him too evil, he was just too chaotic and maybe a bit of a flankhole but he was reformed and useful, but I like many bronies have often thought maybe he is just biding his time and then he strikes when the Elements and the Princesses are weakest, he has plenty of time to do it as he seems to be immortal and who knows how long it would take for a new generation of Elements bearers it would take.

Yawn…I finally woke up, the bed is really comfortable, it almost feels like an awesome cloud bed, and let me tell you, clouds are EXTEMELY comfortable! No wonder Rainbow Dash sleeps on them so much.

I appear to be still in Canterlot, I could tell by the castle-like design and the room itself, it reminds me of the start of HIE fics where the Human gets a room to stay in for a couple of days. I guess I fell asleep after the fight with Chrysalis and they took me here and…


Oh it’s me, gee when did I last shower? I don’t think I bathed after I escaped the Changelings, definitely didn’t get any shower in there. My mane looks so untidy, I’m surprised Rarity hasn’t burst through the door the fix my “Crime” against fashion. I better take one before I venture out...

Approximately 20 mins later…

BEST. BATH. EVER! You know that refreshing feeling when you take a bath? Times that by 20 and then you’ll see what I mean, Celestia knows how to treat her guests and…


That was my stomach, well that must be next on the list of things to do, so I walk out the door and there were two guards already outside.

“Sup dudes” I greeted
“Lightning Bolt, the Princess ordered us to take you to her as soon as you woke up” One Guard explained

Oh good, I get to see Celestia and not get lost doing so, she better have food, I’m bloody starving and you do not leave a stallion starving, especially me or my dog back home unless you want your legs ripped off.

So, how many Celestia-damned stairs does this castle need? The throne room was up high but SWEET CELESTIA I HATE THESE STAIRS! Perhaps I should get Celestia to invent an elevator or something, or some portable teleporter without the motion sickness. Let’s just say I always hated hills and going up stairs okay?

So after 10 silent minutes, we arrived at the Celestia-forsaken throne room. And I got motioned to enter and the guards did not follow me

“Lightning Bolt, a pleasure to see you well once more, how are you?” Celestia greeted
“Fine I suppose Princess, really know how to make a stallion comfortable” I replied
“Try telling that to the griffons” Celestia said quietly
“Never pleased are they? (Just like the Sonic fanbase)” I asked her
“No, but that matters little right now, so about the Changelings, Luna said you were kidnapped and then rescued and then you helped saved Princess Cadence, is all that true?” Celestia asked
“Yes, it was horrible there! I felt like I was all cold and alone and they were all rubbing it in my face and such, Luna found me within my Nightmares and rescued me” I explained
“How did Queen Chrysalis know about you?” Celestia asked
“Her spies overheard our conversation after Discord was defeated, she read my mind when I was taken and saw the whole episode and knew where she went wrong and we only won because of Cadence’s ruse, I saw what she was doing and played along” I explained more.
“Interesting, very interesting indeed” Celestia muttered
“It was all my fault Princess, I should of at least told you the threats were coming and maybe kept an eye out” I stuttered out
“It’s quite alright, what’s done is done, but perhaps you should tell me when and where the next threat is, just in case they find out about you” Celestia said
“Well right now, we just ended Season 2, at the start of Season 3, The Crystal Empire returns, Sombra will return but you send Twilight there as a test for the you know…” I said
“You know of the plans I have for my student?” Celestia asked
“Yes, I will not spoil too much but it happens at the end of Season 3” I said
“I see, any more threats I should know about for the time being?” Celestia asked
“None until after Season 3 but since I spoiled the important bits of Season 3, ill tell you after” I said
“Very well, I can tell you’re hungry and I have a surprise for you” Celestia motioned me to follow her

So I did just that, thankfully there weren’t more stairs to climb, it was descending time! SUCK ON THAT YOU ANNOYING STAIRS!! WHO’S LAUGHING NOW?! It is me, hahahahahaha!

So here we are, the dining area, by Celestia’s mane I’m hungry! I can’t think when I’m hungry!

“Here is your food, please enjoy yourself Lightning, I’ll be back with the surprise” Celestia said before leaving again

MWAHAHAHAHA! You are all mine, food. Nothing in my path between me and you, so now you GET IN MY BELLY!

1 eating session at speeds Son Goku would be jealous of later…

Finally, I’m all full of food that feels so much better, I felt like a wave of healing went over my body just like when Luna healed me. If for some reason I ever get a horn, I must learn that spell.

The doors opened behind me and there stood my friends: Cloud Kicker and Firefly, the latter of whom galloped straight at me.

“BOLTY!!” Firefly exclaimed as she ran and got me into a death hug.
“F-Firefly, c-can’t b-breathe!” I said as she strangled me with her higs
“I missed you so much Bolty, don’t ever do that again you hear me! I was so so worried I’ve been up for hours and-“ Firefly started rambling
“Firefly, let him go, he needs air to breathe you know” CK noticed me turning blue
“Oh, sorry!” Firefly said, letting me go

Thank everything I can breathe again! Gee, Firefly! When did you outmatch an Earth Pony in strength? I massaged my throat as she let go of me. But I did miss her and Cloud Kicker very much, I can’t imagine being in Equestria without them. It’s funny, had I thought that when I first met them, somepony would of said I’d had too much Apple Cider but now if they were to disappear, my world would feel empty, it’s funny what friendship does.

About a couple of hours later, we were heading on home. Celestia knows I could do with some relaxing and such before I start working again. Of course, I am keeping a lookout just in case King Sombra knows anything…

Author's Note:

Uh oh, i think writer's block may be coming for me, NO! BAD! GO AWAY!! GO ANNOY SOMEPONY ELSE! YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE! AWAY WITH YOU!