• Published 19th Jan 2016
  • 2,814 Views, 920 Comments

Marching Back In... - The Boss

The Portal between Earth and Equestria has opened, the fight to save what remains of humanity begins. This is a sequel to 'Coming Out of It'.

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Comments ( 30 )

Amazing ending dude!

What an ending.

A grate story. I like to know if you are going to write a sequel?



That's the plan!


I have to say that I enjoyed the story very much. You must have done a lot of research to come out with such an excellent story. I would like to know if princes Cadence will leave the Crystal Empire because of what Shining Armor is doing? When Princess Celestia help Onorus Russia defeat those armies did Luna and Celestia mend their ties to one another? If so why did Celeste leave? I suppose these questions will be answered when you do the sequel. Keep up the good job you are doing. Hope to see the new sequel soon.



John Adams eh?

I like it.
It was a pleasure reading and speaking with you.

Until next time, pull it tight and ride it fast!


Well, John Adams is my real name. Kinda. My first name is John middle name is Adam, my dad was very patriotic when I was born. Figured I'd try changing it up a bit.

8049487 Now I'm going to keep thinking of B.F. Pierce whenever I see your name.

At least you don't have to deal with the same first name, last name, and birthday/month as your father. It gets really confusing.
We luckily agree on what makes a good birthday cake. (Buttercream frosting.)

The Sovereign State of Madagascar. Brilliant. I can't help but imagine King Julian somehow leading a nation of humans and lemurs that have developed sentience and intelligence as a side-effect of the magical energy seeping through onto Terra. All hail the Marvelous King Julian! dreamworkstv.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/KJN_JULIEN_01_RGB.jpg?889

Calling that Cadence will ask for political asylum in Onorus, Shining Armor will declare himself King and Altair will fight in an Onorus/Crystal Empire war


Why did you change your moniker to "The Shadowy Boss" ?

Just finished reading both of these stories. Really couldn't put them down - very great stuff! Thank you kindly for continuing your saga... I'm very much looking forward to it! :D

Wow, to think how far everything has come since these two stories started...it's crazy. This has come so far and I'm happy to say I enjoyed it very much. The part about Scootaloo was sad though, and also the Gambinos splitting up, that's pretty sad too considering how long they've been a part of the story.

Hey I'm trying to figure something out that's been bothering me about your stories, now you mentioned on a few occasions that the ponies are cartoon in aperence so dose that mean that when dom, jen, and Johnny went to there world, they themselves turned cartoon In aperence too or not, and if not how did Dom blend in when he whent into the EG verse?
Wait no I just figured it out myself....MAGIC:pinkiecrazy:

One-and-a-half years... It took one-and-a-half years, but someone finally did it.


damn good story took me only like what read the frist and this one in 6days? or less or more

A damn fine story. Totally worth the 3 days of binge reading to complete the first story and this sequel.

No problem man, I wasn't trying to come across as harsh or anything.
I'm certainly going to be keeping an eye on the Silver Lake series though.


Didn't come across as harsh at all, don't worry about it! With the Silver Lake series I've been trying to do a story from the perspective of an average grunt as opposed to some all powerful military leader. Not sure how well I'm doing in that regard, but hopefully better than in the past.

Well, you did it again. You managed to write a sequel to your original masterpiece that stood up to the quality of the original. I commend you on keeping me entertained from cover to cover and I look forward to continuing the series as you continue to write. Once more, I welcome your story into the Masterworks Library, and I hope to see the rest of your series join them in due time. Well done, well done indeed.

Keep up the amazing work, and I'll see you next chapter,
Shadow Quill, Messenger of the Moon.


I was rereading this recently and I was not as impressed in my own work as I could've been. The stories that follow aren't nearly as good, except maybe Days Gone By, but only up to about the last chapter. At least, that's my view on them, and I have an unfortunate knack for seeing the glass as half empty so what do I know? Back to my original point, I appreciate you reading my story and staying around this long! It's still really gratifying to hear people enjoy my work. I've been working on a few new stories lately, so hopefully I can put some stuff out that I feel is more of the quality I'd like to offer my readers. If you have any further feedback I'd love to hear it, it'll help me improve.

Best Regards

I was sad to hear about some of the characters coming to a tragic end, but I was also happy to see how some of the characters moved on after the conflicts had died down somewhat. It was comforting to know that things worked out for them all, in one way or another.


Not Lawful Evil. They are Lawful Stupid.

Dam... Should have downloaded the story sooner lol. :facehoof:

Tumblr is taking over IRL!

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