• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 94: Tops Speed

"Over here!" shouted Pinkie as she found the warehouse where they saw a vehicle.

"Great, alright everybody get in." stated Isaac.

Applejack took the initiative to be in the driver seat as Fluttershy chose to be in the passenger seat. As for the others they chose to sit in the back of a pick-up truck. There was also a motocross bike stashed in the corner of the warehouse; it seemed that Sunset was drawn to it as she elected herself to ride on it. Once everybody got situated, Applejack then started the ignition of the truck and they began to exit the docks as they were now traveling on the highway with Sunset riding next to them.

"Good thing we found this virtual pick-up truck!" said Pinkie.

"Yeah, it beats walking that's for sure!" stated Isaac. "And it should help us to find Rainbow Dash, wherever she is."

"Let's just hope that where she is, she's doing alright." said Rarity with a concerned tone.

"Don't worry, Rainbow won't let anything get in her way." shouted Sunset from her motocross bike.

"Still, we better hurry. Who knows what the Gamemaster has planned for her?" said Twilight.

"Then time to kick it into high gear. Aj, put the pedal to the medal!" shouted Isaac.

"You got it partner! Hang on, everyone." said Applejack as she pushed the gas pedal. With that they picked up speed as everybody in the back hanged on while Sunset also pushed full throttle and kept up with them as they zoomed down the highway.

Rainbow had started out in a meadow as it was something she wasn't fully happy about. Not for the reason that she was trapped in this virtual world, but more so that she was expecting her to be placed in a much cooler setting. She wanted something like a city, or amusement park, or something awesome. Not just bare grass. So with a angry look, she began to trudge her way through the meadow hoping that she could at least change backgrounds to something more cool looking. It seemed to work as the more she walked, the more her surroundings were starting to change. After she ventured out of the meadow, she came to some tall grass as it was higher than her. So she then began to trek through the tall grass as she did her best to navigate it.

Seems Rainbow was cautious about traveling in the tall grass, due to Fluttershy saying that it was home to some dangerous snakes. So every step she took, she was careful on where she stepped and made sure to listen to any noises that she heard. Thankfully, she didn't encounter any dangerous reptiles as she reached the end of the tall grass. Once she exited from there she now found herself on what appeared to be some sort of highway. It still wasn't the cool looking setting that she hoped for, but it beat all the green she had just went through. So she then began to walk along the highway; as she was walking, she kept wondering how the others were handling themselves.

"The others thought this was a bad idea, and they were right. Cause I had to land in a shitty place to begin with. I wanted something cool, not frolicking to meadows!" shouted Dash.

She kept on walking on the highway as she was getting a bit bored, soon she noticed something in the distance. It appeared to be some sort of building. In fact it was more like a stadium. That alone caught her attention as she began to walk even faster towards the place. Once she got there, she entered through the huge entranceway as she made her way inside. A stadium this big was bound to have some people inside, but it turned out to be completely empty. Every single stand was bare, the only thing that was turned on a single spotlight being shined above the stage. It seemed to be a ghost town inside the stadium.

"Okay... officially creeped out." Rainbow then started to make her way to the center stage that was in the middle of the stadium. She then reached the stage as there was a button on a podium; of course since it was big and red, Rainbow had the desire to push it. Once she did that all the lights started to light up as she covered her eyes a bit due to them coming on so suddenly. In addition, all the monitors and screens came on as they showed Rainbow's face.

Soon there was a sound, it sounded like the start of an engine revving up. Rainbow Dash was wondering where the sound was coming from as she looked around. She then saw a couple of headlights shine in her face as the vehicle started to move and was heading towards her. It caught Rainbow by surprise that she didn't notice that she was in the line of sight, soon the person used its vehicle to jump up into the air as Rainbow ducked down. Had she been a second too late, she would have been hit square in the face by the front wheel. The vehicle went over her and it touched down on the other side as it spun around really fast before coming to a stop. The result of the swerve caused smoke and skid marks to appear.

"Hey, watch where you're going!" shouted Rainbow as she nearly got run over.

The person inside just had a smile on their face, soon the door popped open and out stepped the rider of the vehicle. The rider took off their helmet as it allowed Rainbow to see their face. However what Rainbow saw wasn't something she was expecting, the rider of the vehicle that tried to run her over wasn't a human per say. It looked to be a humanoid robot of sorts; the color scheme seemed to be white with a couple of blue patterns. The robot just had a pair of eyes as it looked at her.

"Who are?" asked Rainbow.

The robot just shifted its eyes as it got into a running position. It then took off at top speed as it was now running circles around her. Rainbow was now fully shocked as she saw the robot going much faster than the vehicle it was riding in. It went so fast around her that it created a sort of barrier around her that kept her moving or trying to escape. Soon it died down as it stopped back where it first started and looked at Rainbow Dash with red eyes. Rainbow was still trying to comprehend was she was seeing that she didn't notice her opponent standing still until the rest of its movements caught up with the robot as the barrier around her started to disappear.

"Woah, dude. Crazy speed." exclaimed Rainbow.

"You think that's all." said the robot in a mechanical voice.

"Woah, you can talk!?!"

"I can do more than talk, simpleton!" shouted the robot. "For example, I'm going to run you over in our duel."

"You beat me? HA! Don't make me laugh." Rainbow was now letting out a chuckle at how delusional she thought the robot was.

"Keeping laughing, for once I beat you, your mind will be trapped here forever. In case, you're too slow to figure things out, which I'm sure you are."

"HEY!!!" shouted Rainbow as she took offense to people not calling her smart.

"I'm the Gamemaster of this world and it's time for our challenge." The Gamemaster then had a duel disk appeared on their arm as it turned on, ready for battle. "Let's see if you're fast enough to get out of this place. Or if you're gonna burn out, Rainbow Crash!"

"Nobody calls me 'Crash' and gets away with it." Rainbow then activated her duel disk as it projected a sky blue card tray. "And as for running me over in a duel, please. I'm fastest thing alive; my name and game is about speed. So let's get this duel underway!" shouted Dash.

"Before we start, there's the matter of constructing our decks."

"What the hell are you talking about? I already have a deck."

"You really are the slow one of the group. Didn't you hear my explanation when I first captured you all? I said all your cards in here are invalid, so to compensate for that, you need to build your own deck from my virtual database." The Gamemaster then had the cards appear in front of Rainbow as she was in awe.

"So cool. Awesome!" giddy Rainbow.

"You really are slow. If you duel as well as you pay attention, then it should be over without problem." snickered the Gamemaster.

"Shut up! So what if didn't pay attention, I'm was more excited on being part of a cool game. And I get in stuck in @#% meadow! You call yourself the Gamemaster and yet you couldn't even put me in something of a cool environment. Honestly that's my only regret ever agreeing to this take part in this event." Rainbow Dash was still a bit upset that the Gamemaster had chosen to place her in a boring place for her to start.

"Enough stalling! It's time to build your deck, simple the touch the cards you desire." The Gamemaster then began to build its deck.

"Please, this is no brainer." Rainbow then began to touch the cards she wanted as she began to build her trusting team of all-stars. While Rainbow was picking her cards, she began to remember something.


"Come on, Isaac! Give me back my deck! It's fine the way it is." said Rainbow as she was trying to reach for her cards as Isaac had his arm out holding it away from her as he used his other hand to push her face away.

"I told you, give me a minute." stated Isaac. "I had a couple of ideas running in my head last night for your deck and I have to do it." said Isaac.

"Give it back!" Rainbow was now pouting as she couldn't stand not having her deck near her.

"Just give me a second." exclaimed Isaac.

Isaac then was able to use his hand as he pushed Rainbow's face away as she fell into a chair next to him. Rainbow knew that once Isaac began to work on a deck, there was no telling how long he could get distracted. So she just sat in silence as she had her arms crossed and still had a pouting face. Isaac then spread out Rainbow's deck out in front of him as he began to work his magic. All the ideas he had came rushing to him as he got to work, Rainbow saw the smile on Isaac's face as he began to assemble and dissemble her deck. Soon after trying out a couple of combos himself, Isaac wiped his forehead as he looked at the finished product. Safe to say that he was happy with what he created.

"Alright, here..."

"Finally!" said Rainbow as she snatched her deck from Isaac's hands in a flash. "I was beginning to wonder... hey! What the hell did you do my deck!?!" demanded Rainbow. She began to look through her cards; she was able to see the same old cards that she had which was her team of U.A, but she also noticed some other cards that were never in her deck before.

"I told you, I had a couple of ideas that I believe could improve your deck. I ran a couple of test runs and it seems to work."

"But I don't want these cards, look I appreciate you helping me. But I told you that my deck is fine the way it is." stated Rainbow.

"Rainbow Dash, you're not seeing the bigger picture. I didn't mess with your playstyle, but rather I gave you some secondary options. See a deck is made up of monsters, spells, and trap cards. However, a deck can also have a mix and match of different abilities and monsters. What some people don't realize is that while single archetype is fine, there's the potential of combining it with others and being even that much better." said Isaac as Rainbow's angry face soften a little. "I just wanted to make sure that you have a back-up plan incase you can't use your primary monsters."

"That's fine and dandy, but it's not like I'm going to use them." stated Rainbow. "I'm pretty sure that I'm content with sticking with my old style of dueling."

"Just remember Rainbow, that sometimes two different types of decks can actually help you in the long run. Even the greats of the past have done it."

(End of Flashback)

At the time, Rainbow didn't fully understand what Isaac was saying. Especially, cause that was right around the time of the Fall Formal when they were trying to stop Sunset Shimmer from ruling the school. Still she kept those cards that Isaac added for her just to show that she didn't want his work to go to waste. Ultimately, she was able to see his point as she used a couple of those cards in her match against Sunset and she would continue to use them going forward. In time, Rainbow was able to understand what Isaac was trying to get her to understand about how two different archetypes could work together.

"Remember." said Rainbow. Soon she began to look through the virtual database as she selected the other cards she wanted for her deck. Now knowing what Isaac meant, she was more determined on creating the best deck she could. "Alright, I'm done!" stated Rainbow as the cards in front of her disappeared and soon a deck appeared in her hands.

"Before we begin, we must select a monster to act as Deck Master. I've already taken the form of monster known as Top Runner. Therefore, it will act as my Deck Master."

"Whatever, not like it makes a difference on what you chose. Cause I'm still going to beat you, Now then..." Rainbow fanned out her deck as she saw all of her options. "Hmm... I choose my U.A. Libero Spiker." Out came a human covered in a metal suit as it stood next to its captain.

"Know that as long as you have me, Cap. I'm going to give it a 110%." said U.A. Libero Spiker.

"Awesome! My monster is able to talk. Won't Isaac be jealous when he finds out." exclaimed Rainbow. She then brought her hand up as Libero Spiker understood what its captain was doing as they shared a high five. "Time to kick this duel off!"

"Be careful what you wish for, cause once I'm done, you'll be left in the dust!" stated the Gamemaster.

"Then what are still talking for, let's rev things up." exclaimed Rainbow as she slotted in her deck and activated her duel disk.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Top Runner's Life Points: 8000-

Rainbow Dash's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Rainbow

"Time for me to set the stage, here goes. I'll start by summoning my U.A. Midfielder, then I'll switch out Midfielder to summon out U.A. Mighty Slugger(2300/700)!" Rainbow now had another one of her trusting teammates as it came out with a bat over its shoulder. "I'll then end my turn."

Turn 2: Top Runner

"My turn, since you control a monster and I don't, I can summon my Unknown Synchron(0/0) to the field. Next I summon my Genex Neutron(1800/1200). Now since I normal summoned Genex Neutron, at the end of my turn, I can add a Machine-type monster from my deck to my hand. But for now, I think I'll give my monsters a little tune-up." smirked Top Runner. "I tune Level 4 Genex Neutron with my Level 1 Unknown Synchron, I Synchro Summon, arise Junk Warrior(2300/1300)!" Out came a metal monster that was made of junk parts as it gave off an intimidating pose.

"Not bad of a monster, but it still doesn't have enough attack points to take down my Mighty Slugger." stated Rainbow.

"You're name may be Dash, but you're severally slow when it comes to dueling. Allow me to show off my Deck Master's ability, since I've taken the form of Top Runner, now all Synchro Monsters that I control gain 600 extra points. With that, Junk Warrior now has 2900 attack points." Junk Warrior's eyes light up red as it felt the power surge flow through its circuits. "Now Junk Warrior, take out her Slugger with Scrap Iron Fist!" Junk Warrior then leaped into the air as it brought its fist down on Rainbow's monster who tried to use its bat to defend itself. Soon the bat broke as her monster was gone.
Rainbow's Life Points: 7400-

"With that I'll place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 3: Rainbow

"My turn, now I'll summon U.A. Midfielder and then tag out to bring out U.A. Dreadnought Dunker(2500/1800). But that's not all, since I special summoned a 'U.A' monster, I can also bring out my U.A. Player Manager(2000/2600) in defense mode." Rainbow now had two more monsters on her field, as they gave a salute to their captain.

"Alright, what's the play, boss?" said U.A. Player Manager in a New York accent.

"Group huddle!" said Dash as she was enjoying herself. Soon her monsters and Deck Master all got in a circle as they discussed their plan. "Alright, spilt the defense and we do Delta Formation!" commanded Rainbow.

"Got it. You heard the boss, let's get to it team!" shouted Player Manager as he rallied up the troops.

"Now since U.A. Player Manager was special summoned, I can activate its effect. So now I can destroy one card on the field and I choose Junk Warrior!" shouted Rainbow.

"Batter up!!" shouted Player Manager as it tossed baseball high into the air and swung it with so much force that it broke Junk Warrior into thousands of pieces. "Home Run!!!"

"Now my Dreadnought Dunker has clear path to your life points. Attack!!!" shouted Rainbow. A basket ball then appeared next to her as started to dribble it up and down, she then started to do a couple of tricks as she passed it over to her Dreadnought Dunker who leaped high into the air. Her monster caught the ball as he did a slam dunk into the basket above the Gamemaster as the ball exploded next to its feet.
Top Runner's Life Points: 5500-

"Two points!" shouted Dreadnought Dunker as returned back to Rainbow's side.

"How you'd like that? I'll end my turn." said Rainbow with a smirk. She then was lifted up on the shoulders of her Dreadnought Dunker as all three of her monsters started to cheer for her. Rainbow was just drinking it in as she enjoyed the attention she was getting from her monsters.

Turn 4: Top Runner

"Smile while you can, Crash! Cause this duel has only just begun." stated Top Runner as it picked up its card. "Now I'll banish my Unknown Synchron from my graveyard, so that I can summon my White Dragon WyvernBuster(1700/1800). Next, I play Jet Synchron(500/0). And then I'll perform a Synchro Summon. I tune Level 1 Jet Synchron with my Level 4 White Dragon WyvernBuster, I Synchro Summon, Jet Warrior(2100/1600)!" Out came a warrior that had the body of a jet as it transformed into showing its arms and legs. "Next I reveal my facedown, Call of the Haunted. So now I bring back Junk Warrior." The Gamemaster now had two synchro monsters on their field.

"Now a couple of things happen, first since I used Jet Synchron as Synchro material, I get to add a 'Junk' monster from my deck to my hand." Top Runner then selected the card they wanted as it slotted out, "Then Jet Warrior's effect activates, when it's Synchro summoned, it can return a card back to the owner's hand. And I choose your U.A. Player Manager." Jet Synchron then shot a beam out as it caused Rainbow's monster to disappear. "And don't forget about the ability of my Deck Master, since I've chosen Top Runner, all of my Synchro monsters gain 600 extra attack points. Next I'll play the spell Scrap Fist, with this my Junk Warrior can now deal double the battle damage." Both monsters then powered up.

"Now Junk Warrior take out Dreadnought Dunker and Jet Warrior will attack you directly!" shouted Top Runner.
Rainbow's Life Points: 3900-

"Since my Jet Synchron is in my graveyard, all I have to do is send a card in my hand and as a result, I can special summon it to my field." The Gamemaster then sent a card from their hand away as it allowed them to summon Jet Synchron back onto the field in defense mode. "I'll then end my turn."

The group was still traveling on the highway as they hoped that they could find their missing friend or possibly a way out. Applejack was still driving the pick-up truck as Sunset still rode next to them on her motocross bike. Soon she noticed something as she pushed hard on the brakes which caused everybody in the back to fall to the ground. Isaac felt the full impact as he hit the back while also having someone fall on top of him. Seems Isaac was able to use his back to soften Twilight's fall, however he could feel Twilight's breast on his chest.

"Why do I always have to be on the bottom?" said Isaac as he felt his back hurt.

"Cause you like it when I'm on the top." said Twilight as she teased Isaac bit.

"Hey Applejack, why'd do you stop?" asked Isaac as he sat up.

"Look, Isaac." she said pointed in front of them. They now saw the stadium in the distance.

"Is that..." said Fluttershy softly.

"Do you think..." asked Spike.

"Well knowing Rainbow, she always did want to perform in front of an audience." said Sunset.

"Let's check it out. Who knows what the Gamemaster is doing to her." stated Isaac as Applejack started up the truck again and drove in the direction of the stadium.

The group arrived as they drove in through the entrance. Applejack had shut down the truck as Sunset had put the brakes on her motocross. Soon everybody got out as they all began to head up the entrance way; soon they saw a light coming at the end of the tunnel as they were welcomed to the inside of the stadium. Despite being completely empty, there was tons of screens and lights being shown with tons of speakers in the rafters.

"Oh my, darlings." said Rarity.

"Talk about a huge place." said Spike.

"Hey, look down there." stated Pinkie.

The group looked down to where Pinkie was pointing and they two individuals competing on the center stage. One of them was their rainbow-haired friend. They all then began to make their way down the stairs as they hoped to see if she was okay.

"Hey, Rainbow!" called out Isaac.

Rainbow Dash looked to the stands and saw the group making their ways to the front row seats. "My buddies, what's up?"

"Good to see that you're alright, partner." exclaimed Applejack.

"But of course, do you really think that I would let something like this get me down? Please, I'm Rainbow Dash, the most awesome person ever to grace the dueling field." said Rainbow as she was eating up her own ego.

"Enough!" yelled the Gamemaster.

"You!" said Isaac as he looked at the Gamemaster.

"Nice to see that the gang is all back together, but don't get too comfortable. Cause once I'm done with Crash here, I'm got other plans for you all, especially you Isaac."

"Come on, Rainbow. You got this!" shouted Spike.

"Yeah, show that Gamemaster not to trifle with you." shouted Sunset.

Turn 5: Rainbow

"Thanks, gang. Now then, it's my turn." Rainbow then drew her card and was now figuring out her plan. "To start, I'll play Pot of Greed which allows me to draw two more cards. Next I'll summon U.A. Midfielder and then replace it with U.A. Strategist(1000/600)." Out came a monster in uniform as it had a whistle around its neck and clipboard in hand.

"Alright, I'm here boss. Based on what I've been writing down, here's the plan." said Strategist as he showed Rainbow his clipboard.

"Good work, man. I was thinking the same thing." said Rainbow. "Now since I special summoned a 'U.A.' monster, I can also special summon back my U.A. Player Manager. So now I can activate its effect and destroy a card on the field, so once again I chose Junk Warrior. Then I'll activate Strategist's ability, so now I can return up to three 'U.A.' monster from my graveyard back to my deck and as a result my Strategist can either gain or lose a level. So I'll return Mighty Slugger to reduce its level by 1. Then the stage is set, I tune Level 2 Strategist with Level 8 Player Manager!" Strategist’s whistle echoed as it turned into two green rings that floated into the air. Player Manager rose up into them as he began to spin. A pillar of blue light shot down through the rings. “I align brains and brawn, coach and player, and call in the unparalleled master of the field!” Rainbow’s duel disk popped open and a new card materialized in her Extra Deck. She grabbed it and held it up. “Meet a superstar like no other! I Synchro Summon! Rushing in, U.A. Star Player(2700/2500)!”

"Yeah, now Dashie is on a roll!" shouted Pinkie as she had suddenly changed her appearance to a cheerleader outfit with some pom-poms in her hands.

"Next I'll play the equip spell card, U.A. Powered Jersey. So now my Star Player gains an extra 1000 attack and defense points, in addition, any battle damage it inflicts is doubled. So Star Player take out Jet Warrior!" Star Player then put on its sunglasses as it gave Rainbow a thumbs up before it rushed over to Jet Warrior and punched the robot square in the chest that it knocked out its circuits and exploded.
Top Runner's Life Points: 3500-

"Did I forget to mention the second effect of my U.A. Powered Jersey? Since my Star Player destroyed a monster while it was equipped with my spell, it can conduct a second attack during the battle phase. So say goodbye to your Jet Synchron!" shouted Rainbow. Her monster then did a punt kick as it took out the Gamemaster's other monster.

"I'll just end my turn."

Turn 6: Top Runner

She thinks that she's all set to win, but she doesn't know that I'm about to derail her momentum. "Now then, hope you're ready, Crash. To start I'll play the spell card, Reinforcement of the Army. This lets me add a Level 4 or below Warrior type to my hand. Next I play the De-Spell card, and now I get rid of your pesky U.A. Powered Jersey. Then I'll place this monster in defense mode and place one card facedown, that's all." snickered the Top Runner.

Turn 7: Rainbow Dash

"That all? Well seems I'm just about to win this duel, fine by me." said Rainbow as she drew her card.

"Hey boss, I might have something that could help you win." said Libero Spiker.

"Really? What is it, big guy?" asked Rainbow.

"How about activating my Deck Master ability?"

"Deck Master ability? Oh yeah... I almost forgot about that. Uhm, what is it?" asked Rainbow as she had a confused look. U.A. Libero Spiker then whispered to her about his special power to which she had a huge grin on her face. "Now that's what I'm talking about, up high." Both Rainbow and her monster then shared a high five, "Now I activate my Deck Master's ability, thanks to Libero Spiker, I can summon Level 5 or higher U.A. monster from my deck, however at the end of my phase I have to shuffle it back to my deck. So I choose to bring out my U.A. Playmaker(2600/2000)!" Dash now had two monsters on her field. "Time to strike, Playmaker take his defense monster!" A football then appeared in Dash's hands as she got in a ready position, "47, 24, 5, and... hut!" shouted Rainbow as she threw the ball as hard as she could as Playmaker caught it and then charged at the Gamemaster's monster.

"Thanks for that! Reveal my facedown, Exile for All Eternity!" shouted the Gamemaster.

"What's that!?!" asked Rainbow.

"This card activates when you destroy a monster of mine, then I simply send a monster from my hand to the graveyard. Then as per the card, you must now send all the monster cards in your hand and deck that fall into that category. So since the monster I sent to the grave was my Marauding Captain, that means you must now get rid of all of your warrior cards!"

"No!!!" shouted Dash.

"Is that bad?" asked Fluttershy.

"It is." stated Twilight. "All of Rainbow Dash's U.A. monsters are all warrior types, which means she must send all of them to the graveyard."

"At least she keeps her Deck Master." said Sunset. "Though not much good that will do when her deck is empty of monsters."

"And don't forget darlings, if she choses to summon her Deck Master, then once it's destroyed she'll automatically loses!"

"And her mind will be trapped here forever." stated Pinkie.

"So she's lost." said Spike with a sad expression.

"Not necessarily." said Isaac. "If Rainbow remembered then she made sure that she didn't just fill her deck with just 'U.A' monsters."

"What do you mean?" asked Spike.

"Just watch." said Isaac with a smug tone.

"Well, what are you going to do now? All of your monsters are now gone, the only one left is your Deck Master and should he be destroyed, you automatically lose! Seems you were too slow to secure victory!" chuckled Top Runner.

Rainbow had her head down as her eyes were covered by her hair. She then had a smile on her face as it didn't go unnoticed by Isaac. "You think I'm defenseless cause you got rid of most my all-stars?" smirked Rainbow.

"What are you saying? I know that you rely on U.A. to help you win. In fact, you're so set on it that you've never once changed your deck."

"Then it seems your info is out of date. Cause someone once told me that sometimes you can combine different archetypes together." stated Rainbow. "Let me show you, cause it's time to go supersonic! Time to go full throttle! First, I'll set the pace with Speedroid Tri-Eyed Dice(300/1500)!" Out came a monster that was in the shape of a pyramid as it had an eye on each face.

"Seems she did." smiled Isaac.

"And it lets me also summon this little fly guy, so take to the air, Speedroid Taketomborg(600/1200)! But I'm not stopping there, I tune Level 3 Tri-Eyed Dice with Level 3 Taketomborg! I Synchro Summon... Hi-Speedroid Kendama(2200/1600)!" shouted Dash as she had a new monster on her field.

"Pretty impressive!" said Pinkie as she ate some sweets.

"That was nothing! Check this out! I activate Hi-Speedroid Kendama's special ability! By banishing one Speedroid from my graveyard, he takes 500 points of damage!" Rainbow then snapped her fingers as her monster fired a powerful beam that struck Top Runner in the chest.
Top Runner's Life Points: 3000-

"Advantage me! And this facedown is gonna make sure it stays that way!" said Rainbow as she ended her turn. "Your move, if you can keep up, that is!"

Turn 8: Top Runner

"If you think some new cards are enough to throw me off, think again. I summon Jutte Fighter(700/900)!" Out came a tiny monster as it had weapon in its hand and a huge bag on his back. "Next, I'll power down 500 of your Hi-Speedroid Kendama's attack points to summon Sasumata Gardna(1000/2000) in defense mode. I tune Level 2 Jutte Fighter with Level 3 Sasumata Gardna! This is your worst nightmare: A monster that always gets his man. I Synchro Summon! Goyo Chaser(1900/1000)! Front and center!" The Gamemaster now had a synchro monster on their field.

"And don't forget about my Deck Master's ability, now my synchro monster gains an extra 600 attack points! Goyo Chaser, take down Hi-Speedroid Kendama!" Goyo Chaser then spun its weapon around as it launched it into the back of Rainbow's Kendama as it exploded.
Rainbow's Life Points: 3600-

"Thanks to Goyo Chaser's special ability, I can summon Hi-Speedroid Kendama to my field by cutting its attack points in half." stated the Gamemaster as Rainbow's monster was now on his side. "Don't forget since Kendama is on my field, it gains 600 extra attack points. So it has 1700 points."

"Uh-oh!" said Rainbow.

"Now Kendama attack her life points directly! Kendama then fired a powerful beam as Rainbow put her arms up to protect herself. "I place one card facedown and end my turn."
Rainbow's Life Points: 1900-

Turn 9: Rainbow

"Let's kick it up a gear, and lay some tracks!" shouted Dash as she drew her card. "Look out, 'cause Speedroid Ohajikid(1000/200) is coming at you!" Rainbow now summoned a kid monster as it had a coin in its hand, a cowboy-like hat, and wore a torn up cape as it had a single red eye. "You think you were so clever before, taking my monster, and then using it against me? Well, you know what? Two can play at that game."

"What?" said the girls and Spike, while Isaac just had a smile.

"Thanks to my Ohajikid, I get to take your Tuner Monster and use it to Synchro Summon!" Rainbow now had Jutte Fighter as it changed into two green rings as Ohajikid jumped in between them. "I tune Level 2 Jutte Fighter with Level 3 Speedroid Ohajikid! I Synchro Summon! Say hello to a monster that always edges out the competition... Hi-Speedroid Chanbara(2000/1000)!" Rainbow's new monster looked like a sword as it had a jet booster on the back of it. "Chanbara! Cut Hi-Speedroid Kendama down to size! And thanks to its special ability, when Chanbara battles, it gets an extra 200 attack points!" Rainbow's monster then sped forward as it took out it target.
Top Runner's Life Points: 2500-

"And there's more! Chanbara can attack twice!"

"My monster is still stronger!" shouted Top Runner.

"Not after this he won't, I play the quick-play spell, Speed Limit. Now my gains an additional 300 extra attack points till the end of the battle!"

"No way!"

"Don't forget, battling makes Hi-Speedroid Chanbara even stronger. 200 points stronger!" Rainbow's monster then glowed as it received the power up and then sliced down Goyo Chaser. "Stings, doesn't it?"
Top Runner's Life Points: 2300-

"Now I'm activating Descending Lost Star. This traps lets me pick one Synchro Monster in my graveyard and summon it in defense mode! I select Goyo Chaser!" Once more the Gamemaster had its monster back out on the field. "Goyo Chaser loses a Level and all its defense points, but it's still going to protect and serve."

"I'll end my turn."

Turn 10: Top Runner

"Now say goodbye," said Top Runner as it drew its card, "Toraport's(600/600) throwing you a farewell party!" Top Runner then summoned out a monster that had its body in two halves as they look identical. "Now I tune Torapart with Goyo Chaser! To catch my prey, I call a predator. I Synchro Summon! Goyo Predator(2400/1200)!" A monster that was ever more powerful than Goyo Chaser came out as it had a mean demeanor. "Goyo Predator! You know your assignment: attack Chanbara full force!" commanded the Gamemaster as its monster unleashed its weapon as electricity flowed through it and threw it at Rainbow's monster.

"When Chanbara battles, its attack points get a 200 point power-up. So it has 2600 attack points."

"Yes, and don't forget. Since Top Runner is my Deck Master, my Goyo Predator also gains some extra attack points. 600 more points to be exact!" With that both monsters powered up as Rainbow's clashed with the Gamemaster's only for it to be destroyed.
Rainbow's Life Points: 1500-

"Now I activate Goyo Predator's special ability, now since my monster destroyed yours, I can be able to summon it to my side of the field." With that Rainbow's Hi-Speedroid Chanbara now appeared on Top Runner's field.

"Y'know, you've been stealing my monsters from me since we kicked it into overdrive! I never expected someone like you who rules this place would have to sink that low!" shouted Rainbow.

"Shut the hell up! I don't need to this hear this from a ignoramus like yourself." replied back the Gamemaster.

"What did you call me!?! Whatever that means, say to my face!" shouted Dash.

"I'll do whatever it takes to put you and your friends where you belong." said the Gamemaster as they looked at Rainbow and then over to the group who were watching. "Now Chanbara, attack with 200 more attack points! And don't forget about my Deck Master's ability, so Chanbara grows even stronger! Which means it rises to 2800 which is more than enough to end you!" Chanbara then unleashed two sword swipes as they traveled towards Rainbow who put her arms up as she was thrown onto her back.
Rainbow's Life Points: 100-

"Rainbow?" shouted the girls.

"It's alright, guys. I'm fine." Rainbow had a couple of scratches on her as she gave them a thumbs up.

"What happened? Why didn't you lose?" shouted the Gamemaster.

"Because of you, when forced me to discard all of my U.A. monsters, one of them happen to be my U.A. Rookie. Now all I had to do was banish him from my graveyard and I cut any battle damage I take in half." stated Rainbow.

"Even so, don't forget about Chanbara's other effect. It can attack again! And this time it gains 200 points and there's nothing you can do to stop it! One last shot and it's over." smiled Top Runner. "Chanbara, attack one more time!"

"Noooooooo!!!!" shouted the girls and Spike.

"It's time!" said Isaac and Rainbow in unison as they had a smile on their faces.

"Remember my facedown that I set earlier, well time to use it. I activate the trap, Dice Roll Battle!" Rainbow's facedown flipped over as a picture of a red and blue dice were on it. "Since I have fewer than 1000 life points, by sending one 'Dice' monster in my hand to the graveyard, I can Synchro Summon using monsters in my graveyard!"

"No way!!" yelled the Gamemaster.

"She can Synchro summon using monsters in her graveyard?" shouted all the girls and Spike as Isaac just gave them a nod.

"I send Speedroid Red-Eyed Dice to the graveyard! Now prepare yourself everybody, I tune Level 1 Red-Eyed Dice with Level 6 Hi-Speedroid Kendama!" Rainbow's monsters then appeared as her dice transformed into a green ring as her other monster jumped in. "Beat your wings to whip up a whirlwind of destruction! I Synchro Summon! Clear Wing Synchro Dragon(2500/2000)!" Rainbow had a smile on her face as she had summoned the monster that would bring her victory. Clear Wing looked at Rainbow as it gave a roar so loud that everybody had to cover their ears, Rainbow gave her dragon a thumbs up as it looked to bring the victory to his mistress.

"It gets worse for you. Thanks to Dice Roll Battle's effect, all the monsters on your field have to battle Clear Wing! And it doesn't matter how strong your Chanbara is because Clear Wing Synchro Dragon negates its special abilities and destroys it!"

"This can't be!" shouted the Gamemaster as it took a step back.

"Reverse Revenge!!" shouted Rainbow as her dragon used its effect to destroy Chanbara. "And now, Clear Wing Synchro Dragon gains the destroyed monster's attack points!" Clear Wing then let out another roar as its stats rose to 5300 as it was enough to end this battle.

"That's totally gotta be against the law!" replied the Gamemaster.

"Sorry, but this is one law-abiding Dragon! And it's about to take you out fair and square!"

"No! What can I do?!" said the Gamemaster as it looked to its cards for an answer, but there was nothing.

"Now Clear Wing, attack!" said Rainbow as she thrusted her hand out. Clear Wing then soared high into the sky as it flew out of the stadium till it reached maximum altitude. Then it started to free fall as it spun around really fast. "Spin Storm Sky Strike!!!" yelled out Rainbow as her dragon made contact with the Gamemaster's monster and the rest of its life points.

"AHHHH!!!" yelled out the Gamemaster as a bright appeared as they lost the duel and disappeared.
Top Runner's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Rainbow Dash

"Aw yeah!!" shouted Rainbow as she jumped up and pumped her fist.

"Nice work, boss." said Libero Spiker.

"Couldn't have done it without you and the rest of the team." said Rainbow as she looked at her duel disk. Soon all of her monsters appeared around her as they all looked at their boss. Rainbow looked around her and saw all the monsters of her deck that looked up to her and served as the best teammates she could ever ask for. She looked up and saw Clear Wing flying up above as it showed its appreciation. "Thank you, all of you." She then turned to look at her U.A. Rookie who was a boy who had brown scruffy hair and wore a shiny bronze metal suit with blue and orange patterns, compared to his teammates who all wore shiny silver metal suits. "Especially you, rook. Took one for the team, really helped us to win."

"Heh, just doing my job, captain." said U.A. Rookie as he was given some pat on the backs by the other members.

"You're the best, boss!" shouted all of her U.A. monsters. They all then tossed Rainbow high up into the air as they showed their appreciation and loyalty for the best person they could ask for to be their captain. Soon they put her down as they disappeared back into her deck along with Clear Wing.

"Rainbow!!" shouted the rest of the gang as they jumped the barricade and were now on the stage with her.

"You did it!" said Fluttershy excitedly.

"Of course, what did you expect!" said Rainbow with a smug look on her face.

"Well we did it. We passed all of the Gamemaster's challenges." said Spike.

"Not really, we're still stuck here." said Twilight. "We all survived, thankfully. But we're still trapped here."

"So now what?" asked Sunset.

"I guess we keep looking." said Isaac. "Hey Dash, was there anything you found when you got here?"

"Sorry, guys. I looked all over this place and found nothing. Before I could even leave, the Gamemaster showed up and challenged me to a duel and well... you've seen the rest."

"So no dice. Guess we better head back." Isaac then began to walk back to the way they came in along with Spike.

"The good thing is that we're all together again. No matter what happens, we'll get through it as a team." stated Sunset.

"Agreed, darling."

"Yeah, we can handle anything that's thrown our way." said Pinkie with a huge smile.

"Uhm, guys?" said Spike as he got the girls attention.

"Didn't we leave the truck at the entrance way?" asked Isaac.

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