• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 66: The Birthday Boy

There comes a time in everybody's life where they start to get a bit more mature; they start to feel a bit older. To Isaac it was a day that he didn't mind due to the fact that there were only certain stages in one's life that this day had some sort of significance. Well it seemed this year would be one of those times due to the fact that his 18th birthday would be fast approaching. Most people would be excited for this as it signaled the end of one's childhood and the start of becoming an adult. Overall, it still meant that he was still a teenager. Isaac's parents were nearing the end of their trip as they called their son and informed him that they would be arriving the night of his special day. Isaac didn't mind as he wasn't looking for something big like his parents did in the past; all he wanted to do was spend time with his family.

Isaac even told his magicians about the concept of a birthday and how it was used as a way to show one getting older. They found it interesting how the world had changed since they were last alive and the many customs that they came up with to mark the significance of one's life through his many stages. Ultimately, they wished their master a congratulations on being a year older. In the days prior leading to his birthday, Isaac found himself being full of work as he helped Mr. Johnson run the store. Mr. Johnson even was kind enough to give Isaac the day off seeing at how it was his special day; Isaac was thankful that his boss was willing to give him a day off where he could just enjoy himself.

Meanwhile there was a group of individuals who were holding a secret meaning. They were waiting for one person before they could official start. Soon they didn't have to wait long as there was a knock on the door. "What's the password?" asked the person behind the door.

"Pinkie, you know it's me." said Twilight.

"Heh, heh. Just messing with you Twilight. Come in." Pinkie then opened the door to her house as in walked Twilight and Spike. "Everybody else is upstairs." Pinkie then led the two of them to her room as all the other girls were waiting for them.

"Alright, we all seem to be here." stated Sunset. "So, what's the plan?"

"It's simply, after much deliberation, I've figured out that Isaac's birthday is fast approaching. And we need to get to work on creating a surprise party for him!" shouted Pinkie as it sounded like an emergency.

"Kind of hard to imagine that he hasn't told us." said Dash.

"Well, darling. He does like to keep stuff to himself." suggested Rarity.

"It doesn't matter!" shouted Pinkie as she tried to reel in the girls' attention. "The point is this is our one chance to show Isaac just how much he means to us; he's been an important factor in our lives since he first enrolled in Canterlot High. He all gave us new meaning, especially when it comes to dueling and Duel Monsters." At that moment, all the girls pulled out and looked at their deck. They all saw how different it was compared to before Isaac made changes. "He's given all of us a sense of belonging, not to mention that he made me feel like I had a big brother." Pinkie had a smile on her face, while the others all just had a slight blush as they carefully thought about their relationship with Isaac. "That's why it's our duty to make sure that he has a day that's not only special to him, but holds some significance in his life."

"You're right, Pinkie." said Sunset as she let out a sigh. "If anybody has to thank Isaac for all he's done it's me. He helped to redeem me and gave me a second chance. Not many people would even think about that; he put his reputation on the line as the champ and decided to help me when everybody else thought I should disappear." Sunset gripped her deck even tighter. "So I say let's make sure that Isaac knows just how he means to us!" The girls all gave a rowdy cheer as they felt Sunset's words.

"Alright, then. So I assume that you all have some sort of gift already planned to give to him?" asked Pinkie to which all the girls nodded.

"Not me." said Twilight as she couldn't believe that she was the only one who didn't have a gift to give to her best friend.

"Well, don't worry about it. We've still got a few days. Now then, I've heard that Mr. Johnson has decided to give Isaac the day off from work so that he can enjoy himself. With that in mind, it safe to assume that Isaac won't be at home for the whole day. Especially since his parents will be arriving at night, which means we've got plenty of time to set up a surprise party for him." Pinkie then began to pull out some blueprints as she began to tell the girls her plan. The girls were shocked to see that Pinkie was organized like Twilight when it came to planning/designing parties. Once Pinkie finished explaining her plan, the girls all understood their part and vowed to make sure that Isaac had a fond memory to look back on.

"Alright, any questions?" asked Pinkie with a smile.

"One, sugar. Just how do expect Isaac will be gone the whole day? Ah mean, what if he decides to come back early? We need to make sure that he won't arrive until we're ready for the party." suggested Aj.

"Indeed, it seems one of us will have to distract Isaac until the others are ready. Someone who can keep his attention long enough for us to finish." said Rarity.

"Someone who can keep up with Isaac and have a full blown conversation." said Fluttershy.

"Basically, someone who fully understands Isaac as much as himself." said Dash.

Soon all the girls turned their head towards Twilight who just looked at them with a confused look. "What are you all looking at me for?" asked Twilight.

"Duh, it's obvious. You're the only one who can keep his attention long enough for us to get ready. Not to mention, you're the one whose known Isaac the least amount of time. So you can use this opportunity to know a bit more about him while keeping him away from his house long enough for the party to get setup. " stated Rainbow.

"But how can I keep him distracted? He's not that naïve, he'll know for sure something is up if I keep him away from his own house. What am I supposed to say or do to keep him occupied?" asked Twilight frantically that she was starting to freak out. "Not to mention that I still have to find a gift for him."

"You'll think of something. Just ask him about Duel Monsters, that'll keep him busy for at least a couple of hours. Or challenge him to duel, you both love that anyways." replied Dash.

With that done, the girls then began to work on creating Isaac a surprise party. They wanted to show just how much of an influence he's had in their lives and they wanted to give him a day where he was shown just how much special he was, even if he never thought that of himself.

Soon the days rolled by and eventually it was here. Isaac woke up to the sounds of some birds chirping outside his windows. Tigre had managed to appear in front of Isaac's face as he opened his eyes. She let out a small meow as her way of saying hello. "Hey girl. Wishing me a happy birthday." said Isaac. Tigre just gave Isaac a lick on his nose as she let out another meow.

Isaac then got up as he got out of bed and then cracked his window a bit. He took in the warm rays of sunlight as he felt the the cool breeze hit his face. "Seems today is gonna be a great day." said Isaac. He then took a nice long shower as he prepared himself for his special day. Once Isaac got changed he noticed his duel disk was flashing; he then picked it up as it appeared someone had sent a video recording of some sorts. Isaac then sat on his bed as he pushed the button to play the message. The video popped up and it was the picture of Mr. William.

"Greetings, Isaac boy. My, my, what glorious day. And I here it's someone's birthday. Thanks, right. I'm here to wish you a happy birthday. As well as to congratulate you for all you've done for me in the past. I took the liberty of sending some exclusive cards to your house, in fact they should be outside your house as we speak. Think of it as a little gift from me." With that the video ended.

Isaac put down his duel disk down and went outside to see if there was anything outside. True to Mr. William's word, there was a small package that was outside on Isaac's doorstep. So he grabbed it and brought it inside his home as he sat on down on the couch. Isaac opened up and saw that it contained a few cards but the thing was that it contained some legendary cards that some of Isaac's idol used. Including one card that really caught his attention. It also had a little note attached to it from Mr. William. Isaac read it and got a full understanding that he would take very good care of the card. With that Isaac gave Tigre her breakfast and then prepared himself as he decided to take a walk into town for his special day.

Unbeknownst to Isaac, Pinkie was actually hiding in the bushes outside of his front door and when Isaac had gotten his package, she managed to sneak inside his house. Then she found another hiding spot as she watched Isaac leave his house. With that she pulled out her phone and texted the girls that he was gone. It was then they all decided to head over to his house to set up for tonight, meanwhile Twilight responded that she would do her best to keep Isaac distracted and buy them the time they needed to get ready.

"Well, the plan is in motion. Time for me to do my part." said Twilight as she looked at her phone at the message she sent. "I just hope I can keep Isaac busy, not to mention that I still have to find him a gift. Oh, this is going to be tough." With that Twilight then got ready as she started to head out and try to find Isaac.

Isaac was currently in town as he was looking at the many shops and stores. He stopped by the Sweet Shoppe as he wanted to treat himself to something sweet. Mrs. Cake saw Isaac and wished him a happy birthday as she gave one of her favorite customers a discount and even threw in a special cupcake for him. With that Isaac paid for his pastries and began to sit. Once he was done, he thanked Mr. and Mrs. Cake for their hospitality and was on his way. He knew he wasn't working but Isaac decided to stop by Mr. Johnson's to see how he was doing. Once he got there, he saw that there was a fair bit amount of kids waiting for Isaac to give him their daily lesson.

"Please kids, understand that Isaac isn't here today. It's his birthday and I've decided to give him the day off." said Mr. Johnson.

All the kids had their heads down until Isaac made his presence known. "You kids looking for me." said Isaac as all the kids turned their heads and saw Isaac standing there. They were so excited that they started to swarm and surround Isaac's lower body. "Okay, everybody calm down. How you doing, Mr. Johnson?" said Isaac as he turned his direction back to his boss.

"I'm doing fine, Isaac. But what are you doing here? I gave you the day off, so that you can enjoy yourself." asked Mr. Johnson.

"I'd figured I stop by, see how things were going." stated Isaac as one of the kids tugged on his shirt.

"Uhm, excuse me, Mr. Isaac? Is it true that it's your birthday, today?" asked a little girl.

"Yeah, kid. It's my birthday, so Mr. Johnson here decided that I should take the day off and enjoy myself."

"Does that mean, you won't teach us today?" said another kids as he looked up at Isaac.

"Sorry." said Isaac in a somber tone as the kids all put their heads down in sadness. Isaac just let out a sigh, "But, I think I can make an exception." At that moment, the kids all perked up. "So who wants to learn today's lesson?" The kids all cheered as they were ecstatic that Isaac had decided to take time out of his special day to teach the kids. With that Isaac began to teach them and he evened showed the special card he received from Mr. William as the kids were in awe. "Remember, this is a secret. So hush, hush. Nobody needs to know, ok kids?" The kids all promised that they would kept Isaac's card under wraps. With that Isaac began going over his lesson as the faces on the kids were full of color.

Twilight was currently running down the sidewalk as she was looking for Isaac. She had made the effort to drop off Spike with the others as she didn't want to worry about losing him while trying to distract Isaac. Not to mention that he and Tigre were animal pals and they seemed to enjoying playing with each other. "If I can't find Isaac, then it'll be for nothing." Twilight then stopped by the Sweet Shoppe as it was quite the popular place, so she figured Isaac might be there. She entered the place and looked around hoping to spot Isaac but he was nowhere in sight. So she asked Mrs. Cake if Isaac had been here; she said that Isaac was in here earlier as but then left. She didn't say where, but Twilight thanked them.

"If he's not here, where is he? He couldn't be back home, so where? Think Twilight think." Twilight was rubbing her temples as she tried to figure out where Isaac could be. "I know he can't be at Mr. Johnson's cause he gave him the day off. But would he? I mean he loves Duel Monsters, not to mention the kids..." The lightbulb in Twilight's head then went off, "It's worth a shot but maybe, just maybe." With that Twilight left to her next destination. It didn't take long as she saw the place in her sights. She entered the placed and to her hutch there was Isaac as he was giving the kids their daily lesson on dueling.

"Now then, that's all the time we have. Any questions?" asked Isaac to which the kids didn't have any. "Alright, well then I think that wraps up today's lesson." With that the parents of the kids came to get their child as they thanked Isaac for taking time on his day off to give them a lesson. Isaac waved goodbye as he saw Twilight standing there with a sly smile on her face. "Hey Twi."

"Even on your day off, you still can't help but teach these young ones." said Twilight as she let out a small giggle.

"I guess I just have a soft spot for helping out others, especially when it comes to kids. Not to mention Duel Monsters." laughed back Isaac. "So what brings you here?" he asked.

"Ooh, I just in the neighborhood when I noticed the kids cheering." said Twilight as she did her best to create a tiny white lie.

"Well then, hope I wasn't too loud." said Isaac. With that he walked back to Mr. Johnson and told him to have a great day. Mr. Johnson thanked Isaac for dedicating some of his time and wished him a happy birthday. With that both of them walked out and said goodbye. "Well that was eventful, well see ya Twilight." said Isaac as he was about to leave.

"Wait!" shouted Twilight as Isaac turned his attention back to her. "I... uhm..."

"Got something to say, Twilight?" asked Isaac.

"It's just that..." What do I say? I need to buy the girls time! Twilight was really trying to come up with a reason to keep Isaac from heading home.

"Twilight, whatever you got to say just say it?"

"I was wondering if... youcouldhelpme!" said Twilight in a fast tone as she turned her head to the side.

"What!?" Isaac was confused by what Twilight said.

"What I mean is, I need your help. See I'm looking for a gift.... for... my brother's wedding?" smiled Twilight with a huge fake smile.

"Your brother's wedding?" Now Isaac really was confused.

"Yes!" Twilight then cleared her throat. "You see my brother and Cadance are having a wedding that's coming up really soon. And well I thought it be nice if I got them something to celebrate their marriage." Twilight wasn't fully lying, she did need to buy a gift but not for her brother per say. She still needed to get something for Isaac that this was the best lie she could come up with. At least with this, she could get a sense of what his personal likes/dislikes were so that she could narrow down her options.

"Just why do you need me? I'm pretty sure you know your brother enough to know what he would like, so there's no reason for me to help?" said Isaac.

"Please, I just need someone to give me a second opinion." said Twilight as she gave Isaac the puppy dog eyes.

Isaac just rolled his eyes as how Twilight was desperately trying to get him to come with her. Eventually he just let out a sigh as he nodded his head. Twilight was pleased by Isaac that she gave him a quick hug. She then grabbed Isaac's hand as she started to drag him to the many different stores. Seems her plan to distract Isaac was working. The first thing they stopped by was a clothing store as it seemed like something that anybody would appreciate for any given occasion. Twilight kept looking through different outfits as she looked for something that Isaac might like. Safe to say she convinced Isaac to try them out for her, but she felt like she wanted to get something that you couldn't just give to anybody. So with that they left as they headed for another place.

The next place they stopped by was an appliances store where they asked the manager for some options on what you could get for someone having a marriage. Twilight knew that Isaac didn't want anything from this place, but she needed to make it look like she really was looking for a gift for her brother. After a while, they moved on from the store as there was nothing that caught their interest. Not to mention that most of the stuff was rather pricey. During the time, Isaac had a smile on his face. Despite helping Twilight find a gift for her brother, which he still felt like she didn't need him, he was actually enjoying himself in a way. Compared to when he was shopping for stuff that didn't interest him, he generally had a face of boredom. However, that wasn't the case with Twilight; he seemed to be having fun with Twilight. Soon they arrived at the mega mall as Twilight felt this was her best option on finding the perfect gift for Isaac.

The first place they went to inside the mall was a shoe store. While she was browsing, she noticed Isaac looking at some shoes himself. Isaac tried on some running shoes as he'd been meaning to buying an extra pair. Twilight took notice of this and pulled down a notepad from her bag and wrote it down for future reference. Twilight even got distracted herself as she tried on some shoes and showed them to Isaac to hear what he thought about it. Isaac just either smiled or if he really loved it, he would give Twilight a thumbs up. After that they continued on searching. The one thing that really distracted them was they passed a bookstore and once Twilight saw this, she immediately started to geek out as she was drawn into the place. Isaac just rolled his eyes at how Twilight was acting like a little girl that he had no choice but to follow her to check on her. Soon as he stepped past the entrance, he saw Twilight running up and down, left and right, going over several different book covers and putting them in her arms as she created a stack.

"Is that the new editions of Mooncurve's Seven Theories on Bending Time? The new Daring Do book? No way!" Twilight let out a gasp as she picked up another book. "Predictions and Prophecies, I've been waiting to read this since it released." giggled Twilight.

"Well, Twilight's gone." said Isaac to himself. "Nothing to do but wait till she wakes up from her own personal heaven." With that Isaac took a seat on one of the chairs in the bottom level as he grabbed a book from the table. He'd figured that he might as well do something to pass the time till Twilight was ready to leave. "Perfect Chemistry." said Isaac as he read the book's name aloud. "Oh well maybe the title is misleading." With that Isaac sat back in his chair as he began to read the book.

Safe to say that Isaac found the story to be rather interesting. Mainly because Isaac could relate to the male of the story due to them being from the same heritage. Not to mention that the title of the book was clever in how the overall plot was told. Soon Isaac found himself immersed within the book as before he knew it, he finished the book and looked at the clock on the wall and saw that only 30 minutes had passed. With that Isaac picked up another book and began reading. Some time had passed as Isaac looked at the clock and saw that it was about to be 12:30, he then went to check up on Twilight to see how she was doing. Isaac walked up the flight of stairs and saw Twilight kneeling at a table; she had currently gone through 10 books within one hour based on the stack to her left. Isaac just had a smile on his face at how cute Twilight's obsession with learning was.

"So how's the reading coming along?"

Twilight looked up and saw Isaac standing there. "Oh, Isaac. How long have you been standing there?"

"About 2 minutes, in terms of how long it's been since you got distracted..." Isaac quickly looked at the clock. "I'd say a little over an hour."

Twilight immediately started to get red from embarrassment. She hated that she got distracted, even more so that she was suppose to keep Isaac busy. And here she was being the one distracted, not to mention that she still didn't find a gift for him. "Oops, sorry. I guess I got carried away." Twilight then stood up and dusted herself off. She then put the books away. "Now then lets continue our quest."

"Sure, but can we stop to get something to eat, it's almost 1 o'clock. And I haven't had anything since the morning." suggested Isaac.

Twilight nodded as she too was feeling a bit famished. With that they both left the store as they made their way to the food court. They soon found a table as they both got their own individual meals. Twilight had decided to go with a salad while Isaac got something a bit more filling in the shape of a burger. During the time they ate, Twilight asked a couple more questions as she tried to get data on what Isaac's preferences were so that she could figure out what to get him. Once they finished, they then got back on the search for finding a gift for her "brother's wedding". From there they began to search even more different stores in hopes of Twilight finding something that Isaac would like; thankfully, Isaac was able to help her divide her efforts by constantly looking at the clocks on the walls of each store and telling her that they should spend a certain amount of time in each place. Soon they came across a place that caught both of their attention, mainly Isaac.

They passed a store that was selling card packs. So both decided to enter as they wanted to see what it had to offer. Twilight thought that this should be an easy decision to get Isaac; seeing as how he loved Duel Monsters and dueling, she should probably just get him some cards. The problem was that was too basic, she wanted to get him something that came from her heart. Something that showed she really did care about him deeply and not just some run of the mill gift that anybody could give him. Also the main reason is because Isaac already had a ton of cards, so it didn't make sense to give the guy who had tons of cards even more. With that they began to browse the card section; the one thing that caught Twilight off guard was that Isaac had purchased a pack of cards for Twilight to use. He figured that since Celestia wanted them to make sure that their decks were up to par, he figured he do her a solid and give her some more options. Twilight was hesitant about this because here she was looking for a gift for him, but instead Isaac had gotten her something.

With that they stopped by a bench while Twilight was freaking out on finding a gift for Isaac. Isaac had made the offer of getting them some ice cream, so he gave Twilight hers and they began to eat it.

"So, figured out what you want to get your brother for his wedding?" asked Isaac as he took a spoonful of the sweet treat.

"No." said Twilight as she had her head down. "I thought this would have been easy; you think you know what to get someone when you spend so much time with them." Twilight let out a sigh as she took a bite of her ice cream.

"Yeah stuff like that happens; I can't tell you, how many times I've struggled to get gifts for my family members. But one thing I did learn is that if you really care about someone then they'll like whatever gift you get them. No matter how small or big it may be, as long as it has special meaning and you put your heart and soul into, then I know they'll be appreciative of it. And if they don't like it, well screw em." said Isaac as he finished his ice cream.

Twilight was taking in the words that Isaac said and she really started to think about it. All the time she spent distracting Isaac, she got to see him have fun. After a while, Twilight came to the realization that she didn't need to get Isaac some fancy stuff or something over the top. As long as he knew that she picked a gift that she felt meant a lot to both of them, then it didn't matter what she got. "You know, you're right." Twilight then stood up. "Thanks, Isaac. I guess I got so wrapped up in finding the perfect gift that I should have realized it shouldn't matter what I get, so long as the they appreciate the effort I put into getting it." said Twilight.

"That's the spirit. So you want to continue looking or do want to call it for a day?" asked Isaac.

"Actually, do you mind waiting here? There's one more I want to check out, I promise it won't take long."

"Sure." nodded Isaac.

With that Twilight set off in the direction of a store. During her time at taking in Isaac's words, she remember a small detail that was consistent during all their trips to different stores. So with that she went to another section of the mall as began browsing the different selections. Once she made her choice, she then paid for her item and asked the store clerk to wrap it up. Twilight then made her purchase as she put the gift in her bag, after much deliberation, she had finally gotten a present for Isaac that she felt he would like. She then made her way back to Isaac who was leaning against a wall as he looked through his deck. Isaac then looked up and saw Twilight making her way back to him.

"So you got your gift?" asked Isaac with a smile.

"Yeah. It took a while, but I'm finally happy with what I got." smiled back Twilight. "Now then we should hurry."

"Yeah, no doubt Pinkie is wondering where we are. She'd be upset if we miss the surprise party." said Isaac with some slyness.

"Yeah, Pinkie would..." Twilight then had her mouth opened as she registered what Isaac just said. "How... how did you know?"

"I'm not that stupid Twilight. Seeing as how it was my birthday, I knew Pinkie would try to throw me a surprise party. I can only assume that she told you girls and conducted this grand master plan on how to keep me away from the house so you guys can setup." Twilight now had her jaw dropped at how Isaac was able to piece all the pieces together. "And I assume that they needed someone to keep me distracted long enough so that they had time to get ready, so they chose you as tribute. Am I right?"

Twilight didn't know what to say. "Yes... they needed someone to keep you away from your house. So they chose me, please don't be mad." Twilight put her head down as she begged Isaac for his forgiveness.

"It's all right, Twilight. I'm not mad," Isaac gave her one his signature smile which lifted Twilight's spirit. "Now then let's go, I want to see what you all have planned. Not to mention that my parents will be arriving soon." With that they both left as they made their way back to Isaac's house. It took a while, but before long they were now at the doorsteps of his place. During their walk back, Twilight had texted the girls and told them that they were heading back to which they responded they were ready. Isaac then pulled out his house keys as he opened the door and let Twilight enter first. Once he entered his house, the lights came on.

"Surprise!!" said the girls as they shouted from their hiding spots.

Isaac took quick look around the house. There was a banner that said 'Happy Birthday'; there was a couple of balloons and streamers that hung from the ceiling. Not to mention that there was tons of sweets and foods that were placed on the kitchen table. The thing that really got Isaac's attention was the fact that Pinkie had made huge poster of photo she took. It had Isaac with his duel disk as he was standing side by side with his two magicians: Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl. That sight alone brought a smile to Isaac as he looked at the girls.

"Well, were you surprised." asked Pinkie.

Isaac just shrugged his shoulders at Pinkie's question. "I mean I saw this coming."

"You told him!?" said Pinkie as she got up in Twilight's face.

"I didn't!" said Twilight as she put her hands up.

"You broke a Pinkie promise! Nobody breaks a Pinkie promise!" Pinkie was now having steam shooting out of her ears as she glared at Twilight.

"Calm down, little sis." said Isaac as he helped to protect Twilight. "Twilight didn't tell me, I figured it out on my own. She did do a good job of keeping me away from the house, so you can congratulate her on that front." Isaac had a smile on his face as he looked at Twilight. Twilight was just happy that Isaac was able to help her. "Now then, let's see what you girls did."

With that the party was in full swing; the girls had manage to get a couple of people to phone in a video wishing Isaac a happy birthday. They grabbed Isaac's duel disk and put it on the table for all to see, Rarity pushed the play button and the video of started to play. Some of the people were people who Isaac had a personal impact in their lives; Celestia and Luna both chimed in a couple of words as they acknowledge just how much the entire landscape of dueling had changed since he became champion. They thanked him for all he has done and wished him the best. The next person in the video was Trixie, who surprisingly acknowledge Isaac for teaching her to respect her cards which made her a better duelist. She even included the duel they had when they first battled. Even Rara took some time out of her busy schedule to wish Isaac a happy birthday and told him that she would send him an autographed copy of her new album. Soon more and more people popped up on the screen as they all wished Isaac the best of birthdays. The one person that Isaac was not expecting was Shining Armor who also decided to make an appearance as he had a few words to give his rival. He praised Isaac for giving him a memorable duel as well as giving him his full respect.

Once the video ended, Isaac had a smile on his face as he couldn't believe so many people decided to wish him a happy birthday. With that it was time for some party games, as Pinkie went all out for her big brother. Everybody was having a wonderful time as they all enjoyed themselves; part way they all decided to have a duel with Isaac. Of course that immediately got his attention as it allowed Isaac to show off the many new cards that Mr. William had sent him in the morning. The girls were amazed by the new additions to Isaac's deck, however, Isaac still kept the one card a secret as he waited for the right time to show them. Soon it was time for some cake; just at that moment, Isaac's parents walked in. Isaac and the girls welcomed them back from their trip; Isaac's parents thanked the girls for taking care of their son and making sure that he wasn't alone during their vacation. They gave Isaac his gift, which consisted of some money and a souvenir from their trip to Mexicolt. Pinkie then pulled out a birthday cake which she made sure was her brother's favorite. It was a chocolate cake that was covered in vanilla frosting and it had the words: Happy Birthday. Pinkie had also manage to make a Duel Monster card out of icing as well as an image of Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl.

They all sang him 'Happy Birthday' as Isaac blew out his candles while making a wish. Then all then started to eat the delicious cake that Pinkie made for her big bro. Eventually, Isaac's parents were tired from their trip that they decided to go to bed pretty early; they even allowed the girls to sleepover as they didn't want them to head home so late. With that Isaac made sure to pull out the extra mattress for the girls to sleep on. Once they left upstairs, it was time for the girls to give Isaac their individual presents.

"Come on big bro, time to see what we got you." said Pinkie.

"Give me a second little sis." said Isaac as he just finished washing the dishes. He then made his way to the living room as the girls were all sitting on the floor waiting for him. Isaac then took a seat on the couch as the girls all pulled out their gift. "So, I'm here. Who wants to go first?" asked Isaac.

"Ohh me! Me!" shouted Pinkie.

"Alright, calm down." Isaac then grabbed Pinkie's present as he felt the weight of it in his hands. He then opened it up as he took off the lid. Isaac pulled out what appeared to be some cookies as well as a couple of recipes that Isaac could try out. "Thanks, little sis. I really like it." said Isaac as he took a bite out of one of the cookies.

"Just wanted to make sure that you feel special, big bro." Pinkie then gave Isaac a great big hug making sure not to hug him too tightly.

"Alright, who's next?"

"That would be me, darling." Rarity then took a seat next to Isaac as she handed him his present.

Rarity's present was small enough that it fit in the palm of his hand. Isaac then took the ribbon off and opened the lid to see that Rarity had given him a necklace. Not just any necklace but it hand a silver chain and the most eye catching thing was that Rarity had made Isaac's Dark Magician be a part of the necklace.

"I wanted to give you something that shows your special connection with your monsters. I still remember the hair pin you gave me from our outing. So I made you a necklace and incorporated your signature monster as a part of it. Well, what do you think?" asked Rarity.

Isaac took the necklace and put it on as it felt comfy. He then showed it to Rarity to which she immediately took a liking to it as it added to his handsomeness. "I love it. Thanks, Rarity." stated Isaac to which Rarity gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "Alright, next person?"

"I guess, it's my turn." said Fluttershy in a soft tone as she sat on Isaac's left side and handed her gift.

Isaac then took Fluttershy's gift as he unwrapped it and inside was stuff for Tigre. Inside was a collar that Fluttershy had handmade herself. There was also some toys and treats that Fluttershy made. "I wanted to give you some things so that you can play with Tigre. I remember how much you made her happy by adopting her that fateful day; you gave her a home and showed me that you really care about animals." Fluttershy also gave Isaac a peck on his cheek.

"Thanks, Fluttershy." Isaac then got up from the couch as he called for his cat. Tigre then heard her owner's call as Isaac bent down and put the collar on her. "What do you think girl?" Tigre liked it as she let out an excited purr as Isaac scratched her behind the ear and gave her kiss. "She seems to like it." Isaac then sat back on the couch between Rarity and Fluttershy.

"Who's next?" asked Isaac.

"The best obviously!" shouted Dash as she appeared behind Isaac and gave him a quick noogie on the head. She then gave Isaac his gift.

Isaac opened Dash's gift and it turned out to be cap. Dash had a thing for picking things that were cool and she felt that Isaac wearing a cap really showed off just how awesome he was. Isaac put it on and to be honest it felt like a natural fit for him. Combining the cap with the necklace that Rarity gave him, Isaac felt like his signature look was now complete. "Now I feel like my look is complete", said Isaac. "Yo thanks for the gift Dash, I feel totally 20% cooler with this cap." Isaac gave her a thumbs up to which she blushed a bit before also giving him a quick peck.

"Easy there, partner." said Applejack. "Don't forget, there's still more presents." Applejack then gave Isaac his gift.

Isaac then took Aj's gift and looked to see what she got him. Applejack had decided to give Isaac several things; one thing she got him was a bottle of some apple cider. Isaac promised that he would enjoy it as he saved it for a special occasion. In addition, she also made some apple-based treats; the big thing was that Applejack had made a little wooden figurine of Isaac as he had his magicians by his side. Applejack made sure to match every single detail as it looked so lifelike, she even went so far as to add some color to it.

"You made this?" asked Isaac.

"Made it with mah own two hands." said Applejack as she tipped her hat. "Figured you want somethin' to showcase you and yer monsters. Y'all make an unstoppable team, wanted to show how strong yer bond is with them."

"Thanks, Aj. I'm sure they appreciate it." True to Isaac's words, both Mahad and Mana appeared in front of their master as they took in the wooden statue and they too smiled at. Applejack showed her appreciation by pulling Isaac into a hug and giving him a peck.

"Hope you're not done yet, boy toy." said Sunset. "You still got me."

Isaac took Sunset's gift and his eyes grew a bit. Sunset's gift was a poster, but not just any poster. It was a poster of Isaac's idol as it had his signature and everything. Isaac knew how rare this was, not to mention expensive. "How... how did you get this? This is a one of kind, limited edition poster. These things are hard to find, let alone pretty pricey."

"Let's say that I did some digging on the internet and found a copy online. All I had to do to win it, was beat the guy who owned it in a duel." smiled Sunset. "I know how much it means to you."

"I can't even describe how I'm feeling, thanks Sunset." This time it was Isaac who took first action as he gave Sunset a hug; Sunset then took that opportunity to give him a kiss. It took everything in her willpower to resist jumping at Isaac. "We're all grateful for what you've done. You've been such an influence in all our lives; especially our decks." The girls all pulled out their decks.

Isaac broke away from the girls as he too pulled out his deck. "I didn't do much, all I did was make some adjustments that I saw fit." Isaac then looked away from his deck to the girls, "It's you'll that made it to what it is now. But the one thing I can say is that I'm glad I decided to enroll at CHS; I got to meet some wonderful people and even better friends. I'm serious when I say that you'll will have a special place in my heart." Isaac gave them a smile and a thumbs up as the girls all pulled him in a giant group hug. Soon they broke away as music started to play and the girls began to sing. Isaac just rolled his eyes and let the girls have their moment.

The music died down as the girls ended their singing. Isaac just stood there with an amused look on his face. "Breaking into musical number out of nowhere? Sure why not." said Isaac as he just shrugged his shoulder. With that Isaac let out a yawn as he felt his body starting to get a bit tired. "Well, I'm going to hit the hay."

"Good idea, Isaac." said Sunset as she and the other girls were starting to get a bit tired themselves. "I think we're all pretty sleepy from setting up this party."

With that the girls all got ready for bed as Isaac set up their mattress. With that Isaac wished them a good night sleep as he headed upstairs. Sometime had passed and Isaac was still awake, he looked at his clock and saw that it had only been an hour since he last said goodnight to his friends. He tried everything he could think of to fall asleep but none of it was working. So Isaac decided to get out of bed and headed downstairs as he quietly slipped past the girls and headed out the backdoor. Isaac was now in his backyard as he felt the cool summer night; it was just the right temperature to where it wasn't too hot but also not to cold. Isaac then started to walk until he got to the tree in his backyard; he looked at it for a second before he started to climb it and sat on a tree branch as he leaned against the bark. Isaac put his hands behind his head as he looked up at the night sky; he was able to see that it was a clear night as there wasn't a single cloud in the sky to block the millions of stars that were out and about shining brightly.

"It really has been a memorable day." said Isaac as he took in the sight just letting his mind drift away.

"Isaac?" said a voice below him.

Isaac looked down to see who was calling him and it was none other than Twilight. "Oh, Twilight? What are you doing out here?" asked Isaac.

"Well, I heard the door close. So I decided to check it out."

"Oh, well sorry for waking you Twilight." apologized Isaac.

"It's fine. What about you, couldn't sleep?" asked Twilight.

"Something like that." Isaac then looked back at the night sky before turning back to Twilight. "Why don't you join me, Twilight? Plenty of room up here."

Twilight was hesitant on Isaac's offer but eventually decided on it. She had a bit trouble on finding her footing, but Isaac helped her. When she was high enough, Isaac offered his hand as he pulled her up and she was now sitting on the same branch next to Isaac.

"Kind of high?" said Twilight as she was worried that she would fall.

"Try not to look down, look at me. It'll take your mind off of things." suggested Isaac.

Twilight did just that and it seemed to help as they both looked up at the night sky. Twilight then began to point out constellations for Isaac as she had a thing when it came to astronomy. Isaac was fascinated as Twilight began to regale him with some incredible tales. Safe to say that both of them were enjoying each other's company as they talked well into the night. Soon there was nothing but silence from the both of them as they just looked at the stars. Twilight then took a deep breath as she broke the silence.


"Yeah, Twi."

"Here. I got something for you." Twilight then pulled out a very small box from her pocket. "I didn't want to say, but when we were shopping earlier, I was actually looking for a gift for you. It's not much, but I hope you at least know that I put a lot of meaning behind this." Twilight then presented the gift to Isaac.

Isaac then took the gift as he looked at it. He then opened the lid and inside was something that really tugged at his heartstrings. It wasn't nothing fancy, it was just a simple item, but yet it still caused his heart to beat. Isaac took the object out of the box to get a better look at it.

"It may not be as fancy or expensive as the other gifts from the girls. But I wanted to show my appreciation for you, so I got you a watch. It may be small, but to me it holds so much more meaning. It represents time. The time we've spent together, every single minute, every moment since you first became my friend. Since the moment you saved me from darkness and helped to guide me back on the right track; from when you took me under your wing as your own personal project. In a way, we're like your magicians in that you're the teacher and I'm the student." Twilight now had a smile on her face with some slight red on her face as she looked at Isaac. "I just wanted to get you a gift to show just how much you mean to me."

Isaac didn't notice but a little tear had rolled down the side of his face as he looked at Twilight's gift. He then tried it on as it fit perfectly on his left wrist. He then showed it off to Twilight who just smiled at how Isaac liked his gift. "I love it! The girls all gave me something that really has significant meaning, but this, for some reason means so much more. Especially since it came from you. I love it, thank you Twilight." Now it was Isaac's turn to blush as he felt his face getting a bit red.

They both turned away for a bit as they sat in silence. Then Twilight leapt at Isaac as she grabbed him and gave him a deep hug; Isaac almost lost his balance when Twilight leapt at him. He was able to catch them before they fell. They stayed like that as both could hear the heartbeat of each other as it thumped loudly. Isaac just couldn't stop smiling as he had Twilight in his arms, eventually he started to stroke her hair to which Twilight leaned more into Isaac's arms as she closed her eyes. Isaac too closed his eyes as he was enjoying this moment.

This feeling, it's just like the first time when I bumped into Twilight. My heart is racing, what's happening? Isaac didn't know why his body was acting like this until a certain thought crossed his mind. Is this love? Do I love Twilight?

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