• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 136: Diamond in the Rough

"Then I suggest you get it up before Friday. Work hard, listen to the girls, but most importantly, practice. I'll be spending all this week checking in with the others to tell me of your progress, I'll also be working on the brackets. So, get ready you guys. Cause if you're serious about your skills and want to learn the 'advanced' tactics, then you all need to bust your ass!" With that Isaac dismissed the group as they all headed in separate directions to meet with their mentors.

Amber had grabbed her backpack and books as she closed her locker.

"Now let's see, finished math homework. So all I need to do is answer questions #5-12 for World Literature, finish the science project for Physics, read 3 chapters for Physiology and that's just extra credit. Well, I should be able to finish it all in 1 hour. Then I can probably work on the extra, extra credit." smiled Amber. "Oh, wait. I have to meet with my mentor to discuss about my progress, and to prepare for the tournament. Well, I guess I have to push everything back, which means I'll be done with everything by 7:30 pm, which means I won't have enough time to read more of Moby Dick." complained Amber.

"Guess, I got no choice but to listen to professor Isaac's orders. Especially, with what happened last time." Amber then began to reminisce on the time she and the others challenged Isaac to a duel as it made her shudder in fear at how easily he wiped the floor with all of them.

"You know what they do to make me feel special, they say 'Let the freaking duel begin'!!" stated Isaac.

"God, if that was him when he wasn't trying; I hate to be on the receiving end when he actually is trying in a duel. Well I better hurry up, if I'm still going to make it in time to read my book later." Amber then began to walk out of the school as she started to make her way to her destination.

Amber soon arrived at the place as she was standing in front of the building. She read the sign as it said: 'Rarity's Boutique for you.'

"Well, let's get this over with." said Amber as she opened the door and entered the building as the bell on the door rang. Upon entry, Amber was amazed by what she saw as there was tons of outfits and models that displayed the clothes. She had expected this, but to be honest, she never expected this much. In fact, just being in this place made her feel a bit more mature.

"Just a moment, I'll be right with you." called out a voice which belonged to Rarity as she was dealing with someone.

Amber looked to where Rarity as she decided to wait for the fashionista to finish her business, thought she did pay attention to what they were talking about and how Rarity acted.

"Aw, are you sure? Thank you so much!" said Rarity as she had a bit of flirtiness in her voice as she was talking with the delivery boy. She had managed to use her charm and natural beauty to get him to retake the package and avoid paying an unnecessary fee, as well as she gave him a nice gem as a tip.

"Ahem..." said Amber as she watched this interaction while she had her arms crossed with a bit of disdain on her face.

"Hm?" Amber then lifted her head a bit as she saw Rarity making her way towards the young girl.

"Um, Amber? What are you doing there? Don't tell me you were listening just now, darling? And judging me getting other people to do things for me?!" asked Rarity.

"I've got better things to do." stated Amber as she was disinterested in Rarity just did. "Although I do wonder why everyone is always so eager to help you."

"I only ask for help if they offer, darling! I don't ever pressure people."

"So I've noticed. That's what strikes me as odd."

"I suppose they're just so taken with me, they want to help me out." stated Rarity.

"I see... That would explain it." said Amber as that felt like a logical conclusion.

"Oh dear. I was expecting you to argue, not to agree with me right away." confessed Rarity.

"There's no reason to deny what's clearly true. Everything about your outward appearance is immaculate and well thought out. Even your fingernails are always well kept and painted—no doubt your toenails are the same." stated Amber.

"I can't tell if you're complimenting me or accusing me of something, darling."

"And you smell delightful. Like...candy. Or wait—Am I catching a hint of floral?" asked Amber as she was intrigued by the scent.

"I'm so glad you noticed! Honestly, the only other person who recognized the scent was Isaac as I was hoping to catch his attention. And it seemed to have worked. It's oil extracted from a flower that only blooms at night." stated Rarity.

"Floral oils, huh? I didn't think they had much use outside of homeopathy and house cleaning..." said Amber.

"I have some right here, actually. Here, I can give you a splash!" Rarity then pulled out a bottle of her perfume as she sprayed some on Amber. "There we go! I put it on your wrists, so you'll want to rub them together. Body heat is what activates the scent. Your wrists and your neck are relatively warm, so they're good spots to apply the fragrance. For a very subtle fragrance, you can also try putting it under your clothing."

"..." said Amber as she was sniff herself as she liked how she smelled.

"So, what do you think?"

"Mmm. It's lovely. Now I smell just like you, Rarity."

"..." Seems Rarity was confused by what Amber had said.

"Somehow this makes me feel a little more...mature. Thank you." Amber then started to make her way to one of the benches on the windows as she started to pull out some homework as she waited for Rarity to finish. Though she did take a chance to smell the scent as she seemed to love it.

"So, that's it!" said Rarity as she began to remember what Isaac had told her when he first assigned Amber as her student.

He told her about how she was the youngest student of the group and often times led people to treating her like a child due to her age. Though given how smart Amber was and hard working it was when it came to her grades, she felt like that was old enough to show others that she didn't need to be treated like she was a helpless kid as she felt like she had the mind of an adult. Still people often resorted to treating Amber like a kid even though it pained her that people saw her like that.

"She just wants to feel more grown-up. She's hard to read, that one. That smile, though! Who knew she could be so cute?" giggled Rarity. She then got back to work as she had some last minute things to do before she her tutoring lesson with Amber.

After sometime, Rarity had finished up as she closed up shop early and flipped the sign over. Once she finished she then made her way to where Amber was sitting and was surprised to see that she wasn't there, as only her books and homework was there as it seemed she had finished all of her school assignments. She wondered where the young teen might have gone as she then headed upstairs and looked in her sewing room as she Amber looking over several of her designs and plans as she was fascinated by Rarity's designs. To Amber the fact that Rarity was able to make so many of these things despite being no more than just a few years older than her showed that people saw her as a young adult and she wasn't treated like kid.

"Ah, found you! Hello, Amber." said Rarity in a cheering voice as she had something in her hands.

"Uhh, Rarity? What's that box you're holding... It's...making me nervous for some reason." stated Amber.

"Your big sister Rarity's here, and she's going to make you look all grown-up!"

"I, uh, don't recall ever asking you to—"

"That's right, I knew exactly what you needed! You didn't have to ask. Now, take a seat!" said Rarity as she pulled up a chair and had Amber sit down as she opened the box and began to work her magic. "With makeup, you can't just pick your favorite colors. You must choose colors that suit you and the occasion. If you'll be up close and personal—if you're going to a ball, for example—you want to keep it subtle. On the other hand, if you're going to be onstage, the colors should be overt." Rarity then began to apply some on Amber's face.

"Uh... I've never used makeup before. It sounds...complicated." said Amber as she found it a bit weird.

"Let's put up your hair to show off your neck. But we'll leave a few strands hanging, to make you look more vulnerable." Rarity then began to work on Amber's hair to show off her beauty.

"Why would I want to appear vulnerable? I don't want to be attacked!" stated Amber as she was concerned.

"This is for wooing, not warring. When you're older, you might understand the importance of looking a little vulnerable."

"Ugh. You're treating me like a child... But I guess it's mostly harmless." said Amber as she let Rarity do her thing. Once Rarity was finished, she then pulled up a mirror as she allowed Amber to see her new look, while she remained the same with the only changes being her hair and the makeup, she did admit that she did look pretty and mature.

"Now, when you're standing, put your non-dominant foot a step back. It looks more elegant. When sitting, don't lean back, but don't slouch either. And ensure at all times, you're gracefully extending your fingers." said Rarity as she demonstrated for Amber.

"Gracefully...extending... Argh. Suddenly standing and sitting are an exhausting activity!" shouted Amber as she fell out of her chair and fell face first on the floor. "Rarity, that's enough. This is wearing me out." Amber then stood up as she wiped the dirt off her skirt.

"I knew you had potential! You'll go far, my darling. A couple of years to develop your charms, and no girl will outmatch you!"

"I'm not sure I'm cut out for this type of thing."

"Oh, believe me, you are. With a little help from me, you'll have men falling at your feet!" giggled the fashionista.

"No, thanks. You're more suited to such things. I'll leave it to you. I haven't the time or the energy to fuss over how I'm perceived. Even with my best efforts, I'll never be as good at this as you are. Still, this was rather fun. Thank you, Rarity." said Amber as she made her way out of the room and back downstairs.

"She really is brimming with untapped potential. When she smiles like that, wow! Even my heart skips a beat." said Rarity to herself as she observed Amber. "Isaac had a reason for assigning me as Amber's tutor and I'm think I'm starting to get a general idea on what his explanation might be." Rarity then began to head out of the room as she too made her way downstairs as she saw Amber gathering her things as she put them back into her backpack. "Well, if you're ready." said Rarity as she pointed to a table that she had set up for them as she also had some tea and cucumber sandwiches.

"Right." Amber then reached into the side pocket of her backpack as she pulled out her deck. She then made her way to the table as she sat down as she began to shuffle her deck.

"Tea, darling?" offered Rarity as she poured a cup for herself.

"Sure, why not? Though, do you have some cake?" asked Amber as sweets was one of her guilty pleasures, especially cake as she found that she couldn't live without the delicious thing.

"I'll check." said Rarity as she went to the small mini-fridge she had installed in her workshop. She then returned with a plate of cake as she offered it to Amber who immediately starting acting like a small child as she grabbed it and began to take a big spoonful as she loved the test of the sweet treat. "Then if everything is in order, let's begin." said Rarity as she pulled up a chair and took out her deck as she too began to shuffle it a bit before placing it on the table as Amber pulled out some paper and a pencil.

Amber's Life Points: 4000-

Rarity's Life Points: 4000-

Turn 1: Rarity

"I'll start things off, darling." said Rarity as she and Amber drew their cards. "I draw, to start I'll play my Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise(800/2000) in defense mode." said Rarity as she placed her card on the table in front of her and Amber.

"Huh? Not bad for old reptile." said Amber.

"Thank you for that, darling. Now, I'll set one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 2: Amber

"My turn, now then." Amber picked up her card from the top of her deck and began to look at her options. "To start, I'll discard my Lunalight Black Sheep from my hand. By doing so, it allows me to add a Polymerization from my deck to my hand." Amber then put her monster in the discard pile as she picked up her deck and began to search her deck for the card she desired. Once she found it she then added it to her hand as she began to reshuffle her deck. "Next I summon Lunalight White Rabbit(800/800) and when I summon White Rabbit, it allows me to special summon another 'Lunalight' monster from my graveyard in defense mode. So I bring back Lunalight Black Sheep." Amber then retrieved her monster from the graveyard pile as she placed it next to her monster sideways.

"Impressive." said Rarity.

"Trust me, Ms. Rarity. This is just the beginning, cause now I activate Lunalight White Rabbit's effect, so now based on the number of 'Lunalight' monsters I have on my field, I can return that many spell/traps back to your hand. And so since I currently have 2 'Lunalight' monsters on my field, it means I can return that facedown that you previously set." said Amber as she pointed at Rarity's backrow.

"Very well." said Rarity as she picked up her card and added it to her hand.

"Now time for my favorite move, I play Polymerization and fuse together my Lunalight White Rabbit and Lunalight Black Sheep. By combining the cunning covertness of a stealthy beast, with the lively white rabbit illuminated by the moonlight, I can create a new lunar legend! I Fusion Summon, Lunalight Cat Dancer(2400/2000)!" Amber then grabbed both of her cards as she placed them in the discard pile as she grabbed her new monster from the Extra Deck pile for Rarity to see.

"My word, an impressive monster." complimented Rarity.

"Well, if you're impressed by this. Then watch, cause now I activate the other effect of my Lunalight Black Sheep. Since it was sent to the graveyard as Fusion Material used for a Fusion Summon, I can add 1 'Lunalight' monster from my graveyard to my hand other than Black Sheep. So I retrieve my Lunalight White Rabbit." said Amber as she grabbed her monster from the discard pile.

"So that's your plan. You mean to summon your Lunalight White Rabbit which will allow you to bring back your Lunalight Black Sheep. Then once you have the means to fusion summon again, you can then trigger Black Sheep's effect to add White Rabbit back to your hand and repeat the cycle." stated Rarity. "That is actually solid game plan."

"But of course, this is my signature play. I've won tons of duels in quick fashion using this strategy. Especially, when I attack. So I'll have my Lunalight Cat Dancer attack your Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise." said Amber. "And with that your monster goes to the graveyard."

"Hate to disappoint you, darling. But it seems you don't know about my monsters. See my Crystal Beasts have a unique ability, whenever they're destroyed, I can choose to place them in my spell/trap card zone as a continuous spell instead of being sent to the graveyard."

"Wait, wait. You can do that?" asked Amber.

"Don't you know? I thought you were the intelligent one of the group, or least you claim to be." smirked Rarity.

"Well when it comes to academia." stated Amber. "Let me check." Amber then pulled out a small Duel Monsters rulebook as she began to check something. She then found the section of deck archetypes and went to the C column as she found Crystal Beast and began to read about them and how they worked. "Okay, it seems legit." said Amber as she put her tiny book away.

"Amber, dear. You could learn a lot of things that aren't found in books." said Rarity.

"Well anyways, I'll just place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 3: Rarity

"My turn, now I play my Crystal Bond so now I add 1 'Crystal Beast' to my hand and place a different one in spell and trap card zone." Rarity then grabbed her deck as she began to search for the cards she wanted. "I choose to add Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus to my hand and as which one I'll place in my spell and trap card zone; I choose this little cuddy creature, Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle." Rarity then grabbed her two cards as she added her pegasus to her hand and placed Ruby Carbuncle in her backrow. "Now I summon Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus(1800/1200) to the field, and when he's summoned, I can place another 'Crystal Beast' from my hand, deck, or graveyard into my spell and trap card zone as well. So I choose to add my Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger(1600/1000)." said Rarity as she grabbed another one of her beloved monsters from her deck and placed it next to Ruby Carbuncle as she shuffled her deck.

"I see your strategy." stated Amber as she observed Rarity's playstyle. "You rely more on field advantage than brute force, especially with how you can swarm the field with multiple monsters."

"Exactly, you're catching on. Just like your plan using your Lunalight White Rabbit to repeat a process, I can do the same with my Crystal Beasts by summoning them over and over. And I'll demonstrate my plan, cause I activate the effect of my Ruby Carbuncle(300/300). While it's treated as continuous spell in my spell and trap card zone, I can special summon it to my field." Rarity then moved her monster from her backrow onto the field. "And when Ruby Carbuncle is special summoned, it can release all the other Crystal Beasts in my backrow." Rarity then moved her other two monsters onto the playing field as she now had 4 monsters on her side of the field.

"That's a lot of monsters you've accumulated." said Amber. "But even so, none of them come close to matching my Lunalight Cat Dancer's attack points, so it's still the strongest monster on the field."

"Yes, for now. That is if I don't play this card." said Rarity as she played a spell card and equipped it to her monster. "I equipped my Sapphire Pegasus with the spell, Crystal Release. This allows me to give my monster an extra 800 attack points which raises my pegasus' attack to 2600. Which means it's more than enough to take out your Lunalight Cat Dancer."

"Uh-oh." stated Amber as she was worried.

"Now I'll have my Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus take out your Lunalight Cat Dancer."

"In response, I'll activate the effect of my facedown. Lunalight Reincarnation Dance. Since you destroyed my Lunalight Cat Dancer in battle, I can now add 2 'Lunalight' monsters from my deck to my hand." Amber then put her monster in the graveyard as she grabbed her deck and began to search for the cards she wanted. "I choose to add Lunalight Purple Butterfly and Lunalight Blue Cat to my hand." stated Amber as she grabbed her two cards and then began to shuffle her deck.
Amber's Life Points: 3800-

"Well, not that you're out of monsters and you have no spells or trap cards to protect you, I'll now have my other monsters attack you directly. So I strike with my Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger, Ruby Carbuncle, and Emerald Tortoise." said Rarity as she had managed to deal a massive blow to Amber's remaining points.
Amber's Life Points: 1100-

"And now the effect of my Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise activates, which means I can switch one of monsters that attack this turn and change it into defense mode. So I'll do that and have my Ruby Carbuncle go on the defense." stated Rarity as she turned her monster sideways.

"With that, I'll place two cards facedown and end my turn." said Rarity as she leaned back in her chair as she had her legs crossed and sipped her tea while lifting her pinkie.

Turn 4: Amber

"Then I guess I better step it up if I want to win." said Amber as she quickly took a bite of her cake as she drew her card. "To start, I'll play Lunalight Perfume which allows me to revive a 'Lunalight' monster in my graveyard. So I choose to bring back my Lunalight Cat Dancer." said Amber as she picked up the card from her discard pile and placed it back on the field. "Then I play the spell card, Fusion Sage. Thanks to this I can now add another Polymerization to my hand." said Amber as she grabbed her deck and searched for her second Polymerization in her deck. Once she found it she then grabbed it and then shuffled her deck.

"Let me guess, you'll now summon your Lunalight White Rabbit to bring back your Lunalight Black Sheep and then combine them so that you can use Black Sheep's effect." stated Rarity.

"Well, that would be the case. See Ms. Rarity, you said so yourself that you figured out my dueling strategy. So I'm just going to change things up a bit." smiled Amber with a smug look on her face. "So now I play Polymerization and fuse together my Lunalight Purple Butterfly with my Lunalight Cat Dancer. By combining the reflexes of a fierce feline with the fluttering fury of a night time huntress, I can create a new lunar legend! I Fusion Summon! Now appear, sleek creature of the night, and ready those razor-sharp claws! Lunalight Panther Dancer(2800/2500) is on the prowl!" Amber then put her two monsters in the discard pile as she grabbed a new monster from her Extra Deck as she placed it on the field.

"Now I banish my Lunalight Purple Butterfly from my graveyard so that I can special summon my Lunalight Blue Cat to the field. And when Lunalight Blue Cat is special summoned to the field, I can double the attack points of 1 'Lunalight' monster on the field until the end of the turn. So now Lunalight Panther Dancer has a grand total of 5600 attack points!" shouted Amber.

"5600?" stated Rarity as she nearly spit out her tea.

"And Panther Dancer's effect allows her to attack each of your monsters twice and for each she destroys, she gains 200 extra attack points till the end of the turn."

"Oh dear." said Rarity as she was now nervous.

"Now Lunalight Panther Dancer will attack your Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus and end this duel!" shouted Amber. "Of course, the first attack won't destroy your monster but it will leave a huge dent in your life points."

"I'll activate my facedown, Gravity Bind!" shouted Rarity as she flipped over her card. "Now as long as this trap stays on the field, all Level 4 or higher monsters on the field can't attack."

"Impressive. Well since I can't attack, I'll just lay one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 5: Rarity

'I must admit, Amber. You had me panicking, your Lunalight cards are very powerful, not too mention deadly." complimented Rarity.

"Of course, they can deal massive amounts of damage in just one attack. One of the reasons why I like this archetype, and is going a solid plan when going against Isaac."

"Yes, assuming that you can it to the finals of the tournament. Keep in mind, you're not the only one who wants to face Isaac and beat him." smiled Rarity as she drew her card. "For the time being, I'll switch all of my Crystal Beasts to defense mode and end my turn."

Turn 6: Amber

"My draw." Amber then drew her card. "Now I summon Lunalight White Rabbit and then it's effect allows me to return any number of spells or traps based on how many 'Lunalight' monsters I control. So your Gravity Bind returns back to your hand which means I'm now free to attack." said Amber as Rarity picked up her card and placed it in her hand. "So now I'll have Lunalight Panther Dancer attack all your creatures. As you know she can attack all your twice this turn, but since they're all in defense mode, you don't take any damage. But at least my Lunalight White Rabbit can attack you directly."
Rarity's Life Points: 3200-

"As you know instead of being sent to my graveyard, I can place each of my Crystal Beasts in my spell and trap card zone." said Rarity as she took all four of her monsters and moved them into her backrow. "I'll then activate the effect my equip spell card, Crystal Release. So I can now place another one of my Crystal Beast in my spell and trap card zone from my deck." Rarity then grabbed her deck as she selected the card she wanted. "So I choose to place my Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat." said Rarity as she found the card she wanted and placed it faceup in the last slot she had as she shuffled her deck. Now Rarity's entire backrow was completely filled.

"Indeed, but as tough as your Crystal Beasts are, they suffer a major drawback. In that you can choose to avoid sending them to the graveyard, but it comes at the cost of filling up your spell/trap card zone. So in short, it limits what other cards you can play because it requires you to need the space to play them. So as long as I keep taking your beasts and filling your backrow, not only will you not play any of your other cards, but you'll be defenseless." stated Amber.

"You are indeed dedicated to your studies, to think you're quite mature for your age." smiled Rarity as she looked at the girl who was her student.

"Well, not everybody thinks that way of me. Just because I'm younger than the rest of my class, makes them think that they have to treat me like I'm a little kid. I'm perfectly capable of holding my own." informed Amber. "Now, I'll end my turn."

Turn 7: Rarity

"My turn, while all of my spell and trap card zones are preoccupied at the moment, I still have a way to deal with that. Now I activate the effect of my Ruby Carbuncle, while its in my spell and trap card zone as a continuous spell, I can special summon it to the field." said Rarity as she moved her tiny creature onto her field in defense mode. "Now since Ruby was special summoned, I can special summon as many of my other Crystal Beasts from my spell and trap card zone. Then I play this spell card, Rare Value. And how does Rainbow Dash put it, 'Gives me more bling for my buck'." said Rarity as she had a smug smile on her face. "So now you choose which one of my beloved gems in my backrow gets to go to the graveyard and I draw 2 cards."

"I choose, well now let's see." Amber then looked at Rarity's monsters that were in her backrow as she reached over and looked at each one of them as she read their effects. "Well, after reading them, my best option would be to send your Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat to the graveyard."

"Very well." Rarity then grabbed her monster and put it in the discard pile as she picked up some more cards. "One of the cards I drew was Pot of Greed, so I'll play it and then draw 2 more cards." Once again Rarity added 2 cards to her hand.

"Now my Ruby's effect triggers so now all my other monsters in my backrow are released." Rarity then moved her three monsters from the back to the front with Sapphire Pegasus and Topaz Tiger were in attack mode while, Emerald Tortoise was in defense mode. "And like always, when my pegasus is summoned, I can place another 'Crystal Beast' from my deck in my spell and trap card zone. And I know which one, my Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle." Rarity then grabbed her card from her deck and placed it in her backrow and then shuffled her deck.

"Now I'll place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 8: Amber

"My turn, first things is that I'll have my Lunalight White Rabbit attack your Ruby Carbuncle."

"I reveal my facedown, Crystal Raigeki. So now I can destroy one of my Crystal Beasts in my spell and trap card zone to destroy one of your cards. So I choose to destroy your Ruby Carbuncle." said Rarity as she sent her Cobalt Eagle to the graveyard as Amber did the same by sending her Lunalight White Rabbit away.

"Well, that means I can attack with my Lunalight Panther Dancer and like before it can attack twice. So I'll attack your Ruby Carbuncle." said Amber as she got rid of Rarity's creature.

"I activate my facedown, Cut Jewel. So I can send a 'Crystal Beast' from my deck to my graveyard so that I can lower your Panther Dancer by half of its original attack points. Which means since it has 2800 attack points, it loses 1400; making it weaker than my monsters." Rarity then grabbed her deck as this time she sent her Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth to the graveyard and then shuffled her deck. "And with your Panther Dancer weaken, your monster is destroyed."

"Not quite, I reveal my facedown, Rush Recklessly. With this, I can give a monster on the field an extra 700 attack points. So now Panther Dancer's attack raises to 2100; which means it's still strong enough to take out the rest of your Crystal Beasts. So Panther Dancer now strikes your Sapphire Pegasus which means you're taking a total of 600 points of damage. Then when my Panther Dancer battles your Topaz Tiger so like before the first battle doesn't destroy it, but it attacks twice. Which means you lose an additional 1000 life points for a total 1600." stated Amber.
Rarity's Life Points: 2400-

"Not bad, but I still have life points remaining." stated Rarity.

"Which is why I'm not done, cause now from my hand, I play De-Fusion. So now I split my Lunalight Panther Dancer back into its fusion materials. So I return Lunalight Cat Dancer and Lunalight Purple Butterfly." said Amber as she placed her fusion monster back into her Extra Deck and then grabbed her selected monsters from the graveyard as she put them on her field. "And since these monsters were summoned in the middle of the battle, they can attack. So..."

"So... I lose." said Rarity.

"Spot on! So Lunalight Cat Dancer attacks you directly for me to win." smiled Amber as she folded her arms as she finished her cake.
Rarity's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Amber

"Well, it seems this battle has reached its conclusion." said Rarity as she put her cards down. "Congratulations, Amber. You were the victor."

"Thanks, Ms. Rarity." said Amber as she shook her hand.

"Darling, just call me Rarity. No need for formalities, Isaac wants us to bond as both mentor and mentee."

"Believe it or not, I'm glad to have had this battle. And thank you."

"Whatever for, dear?" asked Rarity.

"For treating my with respect. Honestly, in the beginning, I thought you were going to be like everyone else. Treating me like I'm a kid because of my age, but you didn't. And to be honest, I had my thoughts about you as well. I thought you were nothing more than just a girl who used her looks to get any guy to do whatever she wanted, but instead you have a generous heart. Not to mention a love for fashion and makeup and stuff." smiled Amber.

"Well, I just treated you like the young adult you are." said Rarity as she returned the smile. She then looked at the clock as she noticed it was getting late. "Well, I think that's enough for today's lesson. Best hurry along before it gets too dark."

"Right." Amber then threw her plate away as she picked up her cards and went over to her backpack as she put away her deck and homework. She then put her bag over her shoulder as she was about to exit out the door when it flung open and standing there was Isaac with his backpack slung over his right shoulder.

"Hey, Amber."

"Hey, professor." said Amber as she addressed Isaac. "I was just leaving."

"Alright, did you have your lesson with Rarity?" asked Isaac.

"Yeah, it went well. Just prepare yourself, cause once I win this tournament, it's payback for when you humiliated me."

"Well, if it does happen to be you, then I can't wait." smiled Isaac as he patted her shoulder as he stepped aside and held the door for the girl as she waved goodbye to her teacher and headmaster.

"So... was she any trouble?" asked Isaac as he turned to Rarity.

"Darling, she was no trouble at all. In fact, I learned something new about her." smiled Rarity as she grabbed her backpack and purse.

"That's all I ask." said Isaac with a smile. "Here let me carry that." Isaac then took Rarity's backpack from her as he slung it over his left shoulder.

"Such a gentleman, darling."

"But of course, my lady." said Isaac. "Now you ready to go."

"Lets." said Rarity as she locked the place behind her and turned at Isaac as the two of them started to head home to their house.

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