• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

  • ...

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Chapter 162: Random Stuff

It was a casual school day as the clock striked three and everyone was officially done with school for the week. Some students left already, though there were quite a bit of them outside or in the halls just making conversation. Meanwhile there was a particular group of students that we all know and love. They were all outside at the front of Canterlot High School, where they were just having a casual conversation.

"Well, guys I'm gonna have to leave soon. I'm gonna have to get to my 3 hour shift at the sushi place," said Sunset.

"Meanwhile, I have to make a few dresses for a couple clients of mine," Rarity said as she painted her fingers nails in a sky blue color, "How about you, darling?"

"Everything is handled just fine at the animal shelter. I could be on break, but I still want to make sure that the animals are safe and accounted for." Fluttershy says a bit softly.

"Well, I need to work extra days." groaned Rainbow. "What? I'm actually serious."

"Sorry, sugarcube. It's just that we weren't expecting that to happen." said Applejack.

"Why are you working more? Doesn't seem like you." asked Sunset.

"Weeeelllllll, I might need a bit of cash to get a new skateboard." answered the chromatic girl.

"And I'm not giving you any of my cash!" shouted Isaac as he knew that whenever Rainbow wanted money, she always came to the boy and dropped to her knees as she begged him to lend her some.

"Wait, what happened to your last one?" asked Applejack.

Rainbow Dash just scratched the back of her head as she started to remember the incident.

(Last Week)

Rainbow was at the skateboard park trying out some new tricks she had been trying to master. Only a small amount of people were able to complete the trick, but she wanted to be the one who could do it with ease. The trick was to get as much air as she can after reaching up from the top of the half pipe skateboard ramp and then bring the skateboard up above her head and then quickly back under her feet and make the landing. It takes a lot of practice to get it just right and even more to land it without any bumps. Rainbow Dash was making her way to the half pipe to do the trick. she was going as fast as she possibly could, she was about to make the jump to do the nearly impossible trick so there was no turning back. She managed to get some air as she made sure to grab her skateboard and hold it above her head. After she completed that part of the combo, she tried to get her board back under her feet. As she had the board under her feet again, it was too late as it hit the corner of the half pipe and she fell down and injured herself a bit. After suffering that type of blow, she was pissed. She let out a furious frustration and the next thing she knew, she had completely broken her board in half.


"Hey, paw pals! Welcome to this month's "Fancy Fetch Unboxing with Spike"! I love pampering myself, and of course putting it on the internet for you, my fans, first! #PuppySelfCare! I've decided to splurge a little this month and get the deluxe package!" said the dog as he had a small camera set up so that it could capture his unboxing video. "Let's get a better shot. Whoa! Look at this! Fabulous Fido's Faberge Flying Disk. Of course you can't actually throw it. Far too delicate. " said Spike as he had taken the lid off of the box and pulled out a flying disk covered in shiny rimstones as he gave it a kiss. "Hmm. What other gems do we have here? Oh! Slippers to make your paws feel plush! They're encrusted with locally-sourced amethysts. Oh... my... goodness!" said the mutt as he let out a small laugh. "This is why I started vlogging in the first place! I've been waiting for a sniff like this. It's a classic white ankle sock. Cotton/nylon blend, two hundred wears deep, never washed. This ain't no dry wick. This baby is as absorbent as they get!" Spike started to sniff the sock as it had a smelly scent as he heard a voice call out to him.

"Spike! Did you spend two hundred dollars on a box with a dirty sock in it?" asked Twilight as she had a receipt with her.

"Who the hell used my credit card to buy 200 dollars worth of useless shit!!!!" shouted Isaac as his voice ranged throughout the house.

"Meow." said Tigre as she told her owner it was her dog friend. Which Isaac seemed to understand what his cat was telling him, despite not actually understanding the feline.

"SPIKE!!!!!" yelled the boy.

"Can't put a price on... #PuppySelfCare?" said Spike as he laughed nervously.


"And now, for my new show – 'Reboxing and Returning Stuff'." said the dog as he had the package all wrapped up.

"Sunset, I mean this with the greatest respect and love... but you're absolutely crazy!" announced Twilight.

Sunset, folding her arms, looked to her friend skeptically. "Oh, yeah? And you think your position is somehow saner?"

"There's no debate to be had! If you don't make the choice I've made, then clearly there's something seriously kooky going on with you."

Leaning forward, the Equestrian looked to Twilight with amusement. "Those are some fightin' words, Twilight, but you think you can back ' em up?" she declared, with a tiny bit of an accent to boot.

Twilight, adjusting her glasses slightly, smirked right back. "First of all, impersonating Applejack won't help you, and secondly..." She reached to the side, picking up her glass and holding it and the pink liquid within right in front of Sunset's face. "Everyone and their grandma know that strawberry milkshakes are the tastiest you can have!"

Sunset chuckled, shaking her head. "Oh, Twilight, you sweet girl. But oh so foolish. Clearly chocolate is the top-tier milkshake in this contest!"

Twilight looked to her, aghast. "I can't even believe what I'm hearing! how long have you kept this dark and terrible secret from me!"

"Sunset pointed an accusing finger to her. "I was gonna say the same thing about you!"

A tense pause, and after what looked like a dramatic standoff, both girls broke character and burst out laughing, taking a good glug of their respective drinks before sighing over the matter. "Honestly, I love them both... but strawberry really is the best," said Twilight.

Sunset shrugged. "Hey, whatever makes you happy, friend."

"You two girls finally stop bickering." asked Isaac as he approached their table as he had his own milkshake in his hand. "Cause clearly, those two are a close second. Nothing beats classic vanilla." snickered Isaac as he took a sip of his drink while looking at the girls.

"Where is that darn ladder?" asked Amber as she was in the school library trying to reach a certain book.

"Need help with something, Amber?" asked Jason as he approached the girl.

"I can't find the ladder anywhere, and I need it to check out the books up on that top shelf."

"Want me to just grab one for you?" offered Jason as he was a bit taller than her.

"No. I need to be able to dig around myself."

"No problem! You can sit on my shoulders instead! Up you go!"

"Hang on a sec— That's not! Agh!" stated Amber as she was soon picked up by Jason as she was on his shoulders. It worked as Amber got what she needed, but she was still upset about what happened. "I hope nobody saw that. Anyway, thank you. That was helpful. I can't believe how many fantastic books were hidden just out of reach up there. Thanks for being so patient while I rummaged."

"No problem at all! It was my pleasure!" stated Jason.

"So heavy... Ugh. I think I might've borrowed one too many books this time. And I have to return them at some point— ahhh!" Amber then fell down as the pile of books she was carrying fell as she did too.

"Everything OK?!" said Jason as he made sure the girl was fine.

"Argh, just my luck..."

"Let me help." said the boy as he gathered all the books and place them on the table in a stack.

"Thank you for the assistance. I can take it from here." stated the girl.

"Were you planning on carrying this much weight on your own?! Don't be ridiculous! You should've at least asked for help!"

"They're all books I need for my studies, and it's my own responsibility. No need to involve others."

"I'm happy to help you carry some of them. How about half? That's fair, right?"

"No, really. I have this. I am not incapable— and I'm not a child."

"Hahaha! As smart as you are, you sure are a silly person." said the boy. "I'm so tough! I'm gonna stand my ground! I don't need help from anyone! And when things don't go my way, I'm gonna act all sad and moody!" stated Jason as he put on his best little kid voice.

"You... are remarkably talented at channeling me..." said Amber.

"Huh? Oh, no! Sorry! I was imitating my little cousin. Her name's Maya. She's way smart, but she can be pretty stubborn. You remind me of her. What I mean to say is that I want to help, so swallow your pride and ask." stated Jason.


"I'll be carrying this stack of books now. Got a problem with that?" asked the boy.

"Yeah, yeah. You seem obstinately determined to go against my wishes." stated the girl. She then lead Jason to her table where she was working on some assignments.

"All right! Is this a good spot to drop 'em?" asked Jason.

"Hey, what're you doing?! They need to be stacked neatly, otherwise they'll topple! This one needs to be rearranged, otherwise the rest won't fit properly!" exclaimed Amber.

"Wow, talk about picky."

"You're the one who was so insistent on helping. If you're gonna help, do it right or don't bother."

"Fine, fine!" smiled Jason as he listened to Amber's instructions.

"Oh no! This isn't right! Now what am I supposed to do?" asked Lucky Star as she was currently in home ec class.

"What's the matter, Lucky Star?" asked Bryant as he made his way to the girl's workstation.

"I accidentally made this food much sweeter than I wanted..." said the girl as she was trying to recreate the food that was demonstrated for the class.

"Let me taste it. Hmm, yeah, a little sweet. What if we try adding a few spices?" Bryant then grabbed some seasonings on the table as he added it to the food.

"Huh? This is delicious! You're an amazing cook, Bryant!"

"My dad used to own a restaurant. I helped out a lot around the kitchen, even as a little kid."

"I didn't know that. Wow, that's a lot of responsibility to take on at an early age. No wonder you always work so hard. I might learn something if I watch you cook!"

"Well, no promises. I just have a little bit of experience, that's all. But look at you—you're great at baking cakes!" said the boy as he complimented the girl's skill at making pastries. "I think you should ask Pinkie to be her apprentice so that she can teach you her secrets about baked goods."

"It's true that I'm quite good at baking, but I'm not the best when it comes to seasoning. Maybe it's because I don't like spicy food? It's tough to make food taste good when you don't enjoy it. I just had an idea! If the reason I can't cook spicy food is because I don't like it... Then all I have to do is eat some spicy food! If I learn to like it, then I'll be better at making it, right?" said Lucky Star as she seemed to believe her logic.

"I don't know. Maybe? What makes you say that?" asked Bryant.

"No, no, no. None of that matters. Once I've made a decision, I have to go with it! I'll make something spicy right away!" said the girl as she began to get to work.

"Oh, this won't end well. If I leave her to it, she'll make an even bigger mess." said Bryant to himself.

"Hey, Bryant! Which seasonings should I use? These ones?" said Lucky Star as she had several in her hand.

"Um, hold on, Lucky Star! Let me show you!" said the boy as he raced off to help his friend from creating another mess. "That one goes best with meat, but for stir-fry, what you really want is this..."

"Welcome to 'ShimmerCode', my game channel! I've decided to take a break from racking up crazy-high scores to introduce my friend, Fluttershy, to gaming." said Sunset as she was in her room with the shy girl as she was currently streaming.

"Yay, games." said the girl quietly.

"Okay, Fluttershy, your pick. What'll it be?"

Fluttershy then began to look at the selection of games that Sunset had until she saw something she liked. "Oh. The squirrel one."

"Yeah, sure. I usually play more advanced games, but what my guest player picks, we play. This will be... easy." said Sunset with a smug look.

"Time to press some buttons. Whee." said Fluttershy.

"Here we go!" Sunset then turned on her console as the game began. She then flipped Fluttershy's control upright as she was holding it the wrong way.

[video game music]

"The gameplay here is actually very simple. Get your squirrel to climb the tree..." said Sunset as she tried to demonstrate hoe to play.

[video game sounds]

"Climb the tree... [angrily] Climb the tree...!" Sunset was now starting to get angry as the mini picture of her avatar was also showing the same expression.

"Like this?" said Fluttershy as she managed to get her squirrel to climb the tree and score a point with ease.

[video game sounds]

"Uh... yeah." said the bacon-haired girl as she was shocked.

"Hmm? Oh. Ooh." giggled Fluttershy.

"What do you want from me?! TELL ME WHAT YOU NEED!" shouted Sunset to the screen as she was starting to let her anger out. Soon she went full gamer rage mode as she was starting to sob a bit before looking at her controller and starting to yell at it and banging it. Even her avatar was depicting how she was feeling, not to mention her squirrel she was controlling was now starting to question his own life. All the while, Fluttershy kept a calm demeanor as she enjoyed herself and eventually won.

[video game sounds continue]

"Yippee! Did I do it right?" asked Fluttershy.

Sunset had a stunned looked on her face, "That was... amazing! Can I watch you play it again?" said the girl as she handed her controller to her friend who just nodded and pressed play.

"Amber, I have to say you're really impressive. I respect you a lot, and I thought I should tell you." said Shadow as he just watched the girl's latest duel against another student.

"Uhh, OK." said Amber.

"It's just, you know, you're two years younger than me, but you work really hard at everything. I mean, when I was your age, I wasted all my time just goofing off and doing whatever I wanted."

"Doesn't look like much has changed for you since then. And unlike you, I don't have time to waste, so leave me be." said Amber.

"Are you going to do some extra training? I'd be happy to join you, if you don't mind. What do you want to start with?" asked Shadow.

"I am absolutely disinterested in spending any time with you. What is it you want, anyway? Clearly you haven't been listening to a word I've been saying. Perhaps it's because I'm younger, you see fit to ignore me when I speak. Is that it?"

"What? No! Age has nothing to do with it. You're amazing! You're true to yourself. You know what you want and who you are. Not a lot of girls I know can say that."

"Ah, so it isn't my age that's to blame for you breezing over my wishes. It's my gender."

"I— what? Where did you get that idea? I'm just trying to praise your smarts and hard work and everything. It's impressive how someone so young—"

"Your lack of self-awareness is deeply troubling."

"What I'm aware of is you trying to pick a fight. Calm down, kiddo." said Shadow as he quickly wished to take that word back.

"Look. I'm really busy. Super, extremely, inordinately busy. I've got one last thing to say to you."

"And what would that be?" asked Shadow.

"I'm skilled with a deck, and my abilities are finely honed. It's not like I need someone for target practice." said Amber as she walked off.

"No, but I do." said Shadow as he went off on his way.

(Sometime later)

"Shadow, I've been looking for you. Do you have a moment?"

"Hey Amber. I was about to grab some food. Would you like to come along?"

"Actually, yes. That sounds fine." said the girl.

"Great. Let's go." said the boy as the two went to the cafeteria to grab some lunch.

"Hmm... The dining hall isn't exactly relaxing, is it? If there's a next time, we'll go outside." said Shadow as they finished their lunch.

"I don't really care about the atmosphere. I just wanted to apologize." said Amber.

"Nah, I get why you told me off. There's nothing you need to apologize for."

"Ugh, can you just shut your mouth and listen for once? Here's something you may have already picked up on... I very much dislike being treated like a child. I worked very hard to be where I am now, and such treatment makes it feel like all of that work is being ignored." stated Amber. "Aside from everyone else, the only ones that treat me with the proper respect are Professor Isaac and Ms. Rarity."

"But I think you're a genius! And you work harder than I ever did. When I was your age..." said Shadow.

"Yes, you already told me all of this. Back then you were just as devoted to goofing off as you are now."

"Ah, so I already told you that... What a perfect memory you have."

"And there it is. You're always so quick to flatter every woman you come across. Must be the result of having parents with tons of cash, that they've taught you how to flirt with girls. I knew that, and yet I never thought you would direct your antics at me."

"Heh... Look, I'm sorry, OK? I know how hard you work, and I really wasn't trying to upset you. I just wanted to chat." said the boy. "Plus, the whole flattering thing, I just do it to get them off my back. Trust me, most girls just cared about getting a piece of my parent's money. Which is why I find it curse sometimes to belong to such rich family."

"I do not mind that you wished to chat with me. In fact... you might even say I was about it. Just a bit."

"Seriously? It sure didn't seem that way..."

"Well, it's true. Your behavior is maddening, but in retrospect, I realize that was you treating me as you do all women, rather than like a child. I wasn't thinking about it like that at the time, and so, I snapped at you. I could have perhaps approached the matter with a tad more maturity. Therefore, I would like to apologize."

"An apology? That is not how these conversations usually turn out. There's no need for that though. Really, you'll make me blush if you keep this up. Listen, Amber, I want you to know that I meant every word. Even if sincerity is... difficult for me. You're as lovely as you are clever, and you have this strange charm about you. That's what I really honestly think." said Shadow as he gave his friend a compliment.

"There you go again with your false flattery..."

"I swear to you, it isn't false at all! And it's not flattery if it's the truth." stated the boy as he tried to get the girl to believe what he was saying.

"Say what you will ─ you're still going to have to earn my trust. Just this once, I'll cut you some slack. Don't get used to it. It's not like I can change who you are as a person."

"Well, you're right about that." said Shadow.

"I'll leave you with this ─ don't say things you don't mean. It makes it impossible to tell the lies from the truth. Don't come crying to me if you carry on as you have and end up with no friends."

"Heh heh... I have to say, Amber, your harshness is one of those things I enjoy about you! Glad to have a friend like you."

"Ugh, you are exhausting. I guess the positivity is OK, though." said Amber as the two went off on their separate paths.

"Thank you so much for helping me with tonight's Canterlot Celestial Society Members' Social, Pinkie Pie." said Twilight.

"No trouble, space rubble. Stars are like the glitter of the sky!" exaggerated Pinkie.

"I'm so nervous. My favorite astrophysicist, Rosette Nebula, is here! She's so smart and cool and probably very funny. Do you think she'll like me?" asked Twilight as she was a bit nervous.

"Of course she will." stated the pink haired girl. Soon both girls noticed the guests starting to clamor at the person walking into the building.

"There she is! Rosette Nebula! I just have to meet her!" said Twilight as she let out a gasp as seeing one of her many inspirations when it came to astrology.

"And I have to get this celestial celebration into orbit! Woo-hoo! Space party!" said Pinkie as off she went.

Twilight had managed to see Rosette Nebula by the banquet table as she was getting some snacks. Twilight was a bit nervous as she took some deep breaths as she tried not to be awkward in front of the famous women. Pinkie happened to be walking by as she was eating a cupcake when she noticed her friend struggling and decided to help her out by pushing her towards the woman. Just as Twilight was about to get Rosette Nebula's attention, Pinkie put a balloon hat that resembled her plushie Gummy. At that moment, Rosette Nebula turned to look at the bookworm as she smiled nervously and walked away to avoid looking ridiculous.

After that, Twilight then saw the woman talking with some other people as she tried to put on her best face forward and began to make her way towards the person. She had made her way to the woman when suddenly...

"Party cannon!" shouted Pinkie as she jumped on a table with her cannon and pulled the string as she managed to cover Twilight in complete glitter as only her eyes were shown. The group then walked away with Rosette Nebula as both girls had sad eyes.

Sometime later, Twilight was seating in front of the statue of Star Swirl as she let out a disappointed sigh.

"Everything okay, Twilight?" asked Isaac as he approached his girlfriend.

"No." said Twilight as she started to cry a bit.

"Hey, it'll be okay." said Isaac as he sat down next to his girlfriend and pulled her into his arms as he stroked her hair. "What do I always say, never give up." said the boy as he gave Twilight a kiss on her forehead as he gave her some punch as he got up and left.

"Pinkie." said Isaac.

"Yes, big bro."

"Pull out, Operation: Big Bang." said Isaac.

"Big Bang?! Are you sure?" asked Pinkie as she was nervous about what he was suggesting. "But the possibilities of it going wrong could be astronomically! It'll be out of this world!"

"That's a chance I willing to take." said Isaac in a dramatic voice. "Godspeed, young cosmonaut." He then gave a salute to Pinkie who returned the same gesture as they both went off to do their part.

"Excuse me, Ms. Rosette Nebula." said Isaac as he managed to track down the woman as she was currently drinking some punch. "Nice to meet you, my name is Isaac."

"Pleasure to meet to you, Isaac." said the woman as she shook the boy's hand.

"Can I talk with you for a bit?" asked the boy to which the woman smiled. He then led her away.


"Atomic chocolate cake!" shouted Pinkie as she rolled out a huge cake for all to enjoy. Everybody then began to take some slices as Pinkie secured a slice for her friend as she gave it to Twilight.

Twilight then took a bite as she began to enjoy the sweet treat.

"Did you know the smell of chocolate increases brain waves and contains—"

"The neurotransmitter serotonin, which triggers relaxation and contentment." said Twilight as she then opened her eyes and was surprised to see that the person who said that was none other than Rosette Nebula herself. And to shock her even more was seeing her boyfriend standing behind the woman as he smiled at her.

"Mmm, sciency." said Pinkie as she pushed her friend forward a bit as she and Isaac left the two to talk.

"I'm Rosette Nebula."

"Oh! I'm Twilight Sparkle. It's such an honor to meet you. I'm so interested to hear about your theories on..."

"Cake fixes everything." said Pinkie from afar as she looked at the fourth wall.

"You're damn right, it does." said Isaac as he took a bite from the cake made by his little sister. "Really hit the spot on this one, Pinkie. Mind showing me the recipe?"

"Oh no. It's Jack. He's coming right at me. If I run, he'll chase me. Maybe if I just hold really, really still..." said Fluttershy as she saw the boy approach her.

"..." said Jack.

"..." responded Fluttershy.

"Ahem." Jack cleared his throat as he got the girl's attention.

"Whatever it is, I didn't do it! I swear!"

"No. Here. I believe this is yours." Jack was then holding something in his glove as he showed it off.

"Huh? Oh. Yeah, that's my satchel. Wait, wh-where did you get that?!" asked Fluttershy.

"Stop asking questions and just take it." demanded Jack.

"No! Trap! It's a trap!" said Fluttershy as she was staring at the boy's eyes and looking at his burns.

"Why are you acting like this?" said Jack.

"Acting?! Does this terror on my face look fake to you?!"

"You're being difficult. Come on, this is yours."

"I can't! Your icy glare has frozen me completely!"

"Shut up! Just take the thing." said Jack he felt this conversation was going nowhere. He then stepped closer to the girl.

"No! P-please don't hurt me!" said Fluttershy as she was a bit scared.

"What? Who's going to—" said Jack before he was grabbed by his arm and flipped onto his back as Fluttershy managed to take down the boy. "How did you—" Jack was surprised by what had happened that when he looked up, Fluttershy had vanished and was nowhere in sight. "What an odd girl. But she's certainly caught my attention. I've never seen that technique before. Oh. I still have to give this back to her." Jack just shook his head as he now had to track her down again.

"Hey, Fluttershy! Whatcha eating? Mind if I join you? I’m starving!" asked Jason as he sat down next to the shy girl.

"Huh? Oh. Um" was all Fluttershy said.

"All my favorite dishes are on the menu today! I might have grabbed too much. You want some?" asked the boy.

"No, thanks. I—"

"All you’ve got on your plate are leaves! Are you sure that’ll fill you up?" said the boy.

"I-I’m done eating now. I have to go." Fluttershy then excused herself as she left the student.

"Huh? You’re already done eating? But there’s still food on your plate! Hey! Fluttershy! Huh. Maybe she’s not feeling well. I should probably go check on her later." said Jason.

(Sometime later)

"Oh, is that so? I’m so happy you found all of that food! A little grey starling told me that you can find berries if you fly out towards the mountains." said Fluttershy as she was outside of school and standing in front of a tree looking at a bird.

"Oh! I found Fluttershy! I didn’t know she spent her time here. It sounds like she’s talking to someone..." said Jason as he saw the buttercup girl.

"What‘s that? You want to try some nectar from the flowers in the greenhouse? That might be tricky. I guess you could try it if I’m already there, otherwise you might get locked in." said Fluttershy as she was trying to figure out how to help her little friend.

"Hey, Fluttershy! Who’re you talking to?" called out Jason.

"Eeek!" yelped Fluttershy.

"Huh? Oh, the birdie flew off..." said Jason as he and Fluttershy watched it go.

"Y-yes, it looks like he has. What are you doing here, Jason?" asked the girl as she looked back at the boy.

"You were acting a little strange when we were eating earlier, so I wanted to check on you. I was worried."

"Uh, that’s sweet of you, but... I’m fine."

"Are you sure? Well, that’s good to hear. As long as— Wait a minute! Were you just talking to a bird?" stated Jason.

"Excuse me?!" said Fluttershy.

"Hah! I knew it! You can talk to birds! I’m right, aren’t I?"

"Ah, um... yes."

"That’s incredible! This place is full of interesting folks, but I didn’t think anyone spoke birdie!" exclaimed Jason.

"No, that’s not it. This bird just happened to be... speaking human." informed Fluttershy.

"Good morning, Amber! Out for a stroll, are we? It's lovely weather for it. I might go wander outside myself. I'm sure I can see some beautiful sights." said Bryant as he met with the girl in the school hallway.

"Bryant—hold still, will you?" said the girl.

"Uh, sure?"

"Your shoes are untied. It looks sloppy. Let me just fix it for you." Amber then bent down as she began to tie the boy's laces.

"Oh! Thank you for letting me know, but really, I'm perfectly capable of tying them myself." said Bryant.

"Pfft, clearly that's not the case, otherwise this wouldn't be an issue. Now, hush." said Amber. "There we go."

"Thanks..." said the boy.

"You've also got awful bedhead." said the girl.

"What?! But I examined myself in the mirror before leaving my house!"

"It's the back of your head. Quite unkempt. You really should get it together. You really should be more presentable."

"Sorry, Amber... You're always so perfectly put together. In fact I'd say you're perfect in all respects... I don't think I've seen you fail at anything."

"Well, consider that if I make even the slightest misstep, everyone will treat me like a child. There's nothing I hate more than that..."

"I see! Well, I think you're very mature. If anything you may be overdoing it somewhat. I mean, people treat me like a child sometimes. But I like it, because it reminds me that other people care about me. You know? No matter how much we stretch, some things are always beyond us. I think it's fine to be vulnerable and ask for help sometimes." said the boy.

"Bryant, are you really lecturing me about how I conduct myself right now? You're a sheepish, unreliable scatterbrain who can only ever think about what others think of him! Perhaps you should worry about your own maturity before you start questioning mine. Anyway, I've got things to do, so I'm going to go now."

"Uh, Amber, wait! Hey!"

"Outta my way. You're such a child, I swear..." said Amber as she left the boy with his thoughts.

"That was uncalled for. After all, I am older than she is." said Bryant nonchalantly.

"♪ Hm hm-hm-hm... Hm-hmm... ♪ Oh, it's Penny." said Fluttershy as she was strolling near the gardens one day.

"Perfect. The soil's ready. Let's get to planting." stated the young girl.

"She's so diligent I can barely... Oh, look at her elbow."

"There we go, all set. Now, a little water."

"Her sleeve's all torn. She should get that fixed."

"Hey, Fluttershy. What are you doing here?" asked the girl.

"Uh, Penny. I was, um..."

"Hm? What is it?"

"I was just...admiring your hard work." said Fluttershy.

"If you've got time to stare, you may as well help me out. Is that all you wanted to say?" stated Penny.

"Uh, not exactly."

"Well, come on. Out with it."

"Uh... It's, uh... Elbow!" said Fluttershy while trying to hide behind her hair.

"Your elbow looks fine to me. Is it bothering you?" asked Penny.

"Not mine—yours. Your sleeve's torn."

"Huh, how about that? You're right. I didn't notice. You could have just told me right away, you know. It's just a little tear though. Nothing to worry about."

"If you don't mind, I could fix it for you. It would only take a minute." offered Fluttershy.

"You can do that?" Penny was shocked as she didn't expect that from the timid girl.

"I'm actually pretty good at sewing."

"I never knew. Well, if you're offering, by all means! Just let me finish watering these. Oh, I guess I should get this shirt off first though, huh?" said Penny as she started to do that in front of the girl.

"What?! Hold on— Don't— You can't just— Aaaah!" said Fluttershy as she tried to stop the girl from exposing her 'goods' in the school garden.

"Hey, Applejack! Are you just getting back? Whoa! What's with the bag? It's huge!" said Rainbow as she saw her friend enter the house.

"Oh, this? Ha... I thought I'd get all mah chores done at once. Guess it got a little out of hand. Sorry to be a pain, but could you help me out?" asked Applejack as she put the stuff on the living room floor.

"I'm happy to help! Where'd you go to get all this stuff?" asked the chromatic girl to the country gal.

"Well, first it was just the cloth scraps from the tailor, then it was the used oil from a restaurant in town... After that, it was the books the scholars didn't know what to do with. I mean, that was just on the way." stated Aj.

"Whoa. It sounds like you did a lot of running around today." stated Rainbow.

"It wasn't so bad! I just figured it would save time if ah did it all in one trip."

"You planned all that out? Impressive! What are you gonna do with all the stuff you got?"

"The scraps will be good for dish cloths, and ah can make soap from the oil. The books are just to help with mah studies." informed the country gal.

"You really can't let anything go to waste, can you?" said Dash.

"Nope. Can't stand the idea." said Applejack.

"Who knew you were so thoughtful! I mean, with actual thinking ahead. You're so generous to everyone and always making food."

"Ah cook to relax. Whatever I give away is just the stuff that isn't useful to me. Ah pick up all sorts of things when I'm in town. Givin' things like that to people who need them, or who actually use them, makes sure they aren't wasted." said Applejack.

"That makes sense. You gotta use up the stuff you've got, after all. Hey, do you think you're like this because you didn't have much growing up?" asked Dash.

"I guess things were tough, now that you mention it. My folks definitely weren't rich. That doesn't mean I've grown up to be stingy. It just means ah don't like to squander. Anyway, enough of that. It's in poor taste to go on about yer own hardships. I've always got time for a meal with a friend. And it just so happens I've picked up some choice meat today. Why don't we share it? Plus, I've got some cider."

"Now you're speaking my language!" exclaimed Rainbow.

"Hello, darlings! Welcome to 'Street Chic with Rarity'! A show that keeps you ahead of the curve, so you're always the first girl on your block to wear the most glittering and glamorous frocks in fashion! This week, I am bringing you the latest in summer flair! So let's get started!" said Rarity as she was set up outside of her boutique with tons of racks of clothes as the people around her were wearing warmer clothes due to the cold weather and the wind blowing through.

"As you can see, Applejack has a simply scrumptious country style that really works for her. So I will just make some simple tweaks." said Rarity as the country gal seemed to be passing by. She then snapped her fingers and in a flash, she was now wearing something an outfit for warmer weather. "Sometimes I just shock myself with how good I am!"

"Uh, d-d-d-don't you think it's a... pinch chilly for this getup?" said Applejack as she was shivering from the cold.

"Nonsense! You look gorgeous! And oh, so summer!" said Rarity as she ignored her friend's request as she continued on.

"C-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-cold..." said Applejack as she then grabbed another piece of clothing from the rack as she wrapped it around herself in an effort to keep warm. Soon some geese flew above them in an arrow formation as Fluttershy appeared with a scarf around her neck.

"Oh. They're starting to head north for the winter." informed the shy girl.

"It may be fall, darling, but we in the fashion world are in summer mode. And now, so are you!" said Rarity as she snapped her fingers and now her shy friend was wearing a summer outfit as she too shuddered from the exposed skin to the cold. Just then Rainbow Dash was passing by with some ear pods as Rarity found her next victim.

"She's sporty! She's stylish! And she needs a sensational summer look to dazzle all the other sports... people?" said Rarity as she didn't know what to properly describe. "Anyway..." Rarity then cleared her throat as she snapped her fingers and now Rainbow was in a similar outfit as the other two girls as she too was cold.

"It's elegant yet still sporty! She'll be bringing drama along with the summer sun!" stated the fashionista.

"That... doesn't look like the sun to me." said Rainbow as she pointed to the sky.

"Ignore the nature, Rainbow Dash. Summer chic is a state of mind. We'll see you next time on 'Street Chic with Rarity'! Until then, don't forget to strike a pose!" said Rarity as she and the other three did just that as soon a plop sound was made as all four of them were now covered in snow as only their eyes were shown.

"Uh, Rarity, you got anything for winter?" asked the chromatic girl.

"Ugh. Remind me to do our photoshoots indoors from now on." said the marshmallow girl as she too let out a shudder.

"Hello, Jack."

"Hey, Fluttershy. " responded the boy. "Well, I brought him like you asked." Jack was currently a bird cage with a sheet over it. "He tends to be cautious around other people." The boy then put the cage down and took off the sheet to reveal the bird inside as he was looking at his outer surroundings.

"Oh goodness." spoke the buttercup girl as she look at the animal.

"Yeah. He's been through a lot." stated the boy.

"Tell me." stated Fluttershy.

"Well my bird's story isn't a pleasant one. My family didn't originally get him, rather a friend of our gave him to us years ago. During those days, he was living with two other birds and his mate. But then... one night... the two other birds escaped their cages and snuck into his cage... and there was fight... his mate didn't make it and they badly injured him." said Jack as he had a sad tone. He then showed off the extent of his pet's injury as he was currently missing four toenails and his lower beak was crooked.

"How awful." said Fluttershy as she began to pet the bird as it trusted the shy girl.

"He was never able to regrow those toenails once they were completely pulled off. But one of those toenails got pulled off completely by me and my father when we were clipping his nails. It suddenly fell off and there was blood coming out and we all panicked. I had to hold the wound close with a towel while my father contacted my aunt on what we should do. We then superglues it shut back on him and for the next few days, we watched him day and night, closely, making sure that he was okay and no longer bleeding." said Jack.

"Anyways, back to his tale, my dad and his friend found Odis and saved his life. And as for the pair of birds that escaped and injured him... well... they met their demise... I don't know what, but to be honest I don't give a damn. I know you're not suppose to be happy for an animal to be killed, since there are just creatures and they can't control their natural instincts. But is it wrong to say that I was glad for them to be gone." said the boy as he petted Odis on the head. "Yet through all his life, through all the pain he's been through, I'm glad to have him in my life. They caused him so much pain, but to me, he's family. And family is something that my parents taught me is the an important thing to have."

"And I think he's glad to have someone like you as his owner." smiled Fluttershy as she was getting Odis to become safe.

"Must be tough. Especially for a pet." stated the girl as she looked at the bird and then at Jack. "You know they say pets take after their owners and I can see that Odis and you are similar. Sure you both went through pain and lost some part of yourself. But you didn't let it get you down. You pushed forward, you didn't let your painful experience stop you guys from being yourselves. It made you both better." stated Fluttershy. "What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. "

"Ain't that the truth." said Jack as he chuckled a bit at Fluttershy saying that line as he saw she was right.

"Anyways, don't worry about Odis. He's in good hands, that's a promise." responded the shy girl.

"Thanks." stated Jack.

"Gotta hurry!" said Isaac as he was running through some trees as he was currently leaping over some obstacles in his way.

Soon a river was approaching the boy as he started to run even faster. He then jumped up high as he managed to grab a vine that was hanging nearby as he managed to swing over the rapid river as he landed on the other side. He then took a deep breath as he kept on running. Soon he jumped over some more bushes as he kept on running; eventually his destination was coming in sight.

"Almost there." said the boy as he looked to reach the clearing. As soon as he stepped out he was immediately stopped in his tracks as there was a person standing in front of him. And that person had cotton candy hair.

"Going somewhere, big bro?" asked Pinkie as she raised her arm as her duel disk projected her pink card tray as she got into position.

Before Isaac could move, he then noticed several other figures moving as soon he was surrounded. He looked all around and he saw each of the girls had encompassed him in a circle as they all raised their duel disks as they each projected their own card tray.

"So close, Isaac. But if you want to ring that bell, you gotta get past us." said Rainbow as she slotted in her deck.

"And we're takin' you on at once." smiled AJ with a sly smile.

"Time for some fun, boy toy." said Sunset.

"No escape. And no way out other than a duel." said Isaac to himself as he watched the girls moving in close to him as he kept his eyes on his enemies. A bead of sweat was rolling down the side of his face as he was trying to figure out what to do. "Who knew these training session could get rough? Fine then, let's duel!!" shouted Isaac as he slotted on his duel disk and his deck as it projected a gold card tray. Isaac's Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl then appeared as they looked at each other and gave a nod as they prepared to battle along with their master.

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