• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 89: Let the Games Begin

"Ha, ha, ha!!! Prepare to have your mind lost forever!!!" chuckled the opponent. "Now watch as my monster will finish you off!!!" With that the opponent gave its command to its monster. Just then everything froze.

"Oh, hi there. You're probably wondering what's going on or how I ended up in this situation?" said Isaac as he looked at the fourth wall. "Well, I tell you it's quite a tale and honestly, I never expected this. But I'm getting ahead of myself, so let's rewind to the beginning of this story."

Suddenly the entire scene changed to show the Canterlot High as the sunrise was just barely coming up. "So it all started... Uhm, wait. Actually, that's a little early in the day." The scene then changed as it showed a different time where the students of CHS were gathering for school, as the sun was in the sky and the birds and trees were back due to spring already here. "Okay, a little later than that." Now it was nighttime as it was pitch-black with only the moon and the stars and a few streetlights to give way for the light in the darkness. "Woah! What is this, nighttime? Back it up a bit to around noon." With that the scene changed to about lunchtime as several of the students were outside enjoying the warm weather and their lunch. "Like there. Right there, that's perfect. Thank you." said Isaac as he could finally begin his tale. "So anyways..."

"Now then prepare yourself, cause I'm going to Pendulum summon. So using the scale that I've set, it's to swing into action. Ready or not, here they come!" Isaac then thrusted his hand in the air as a portal opened up and three lights came out as his monsters were summoned. "Prepared to be amazed by my Black Arts Trickster. Make way for the lady of the hour, Dark Magician Girl! And lastly, give a warm welcome to the star of our show, Dark Magician!" Isaac now had three monsters on his field.

"I still can't believe that Isaac can be able to summon multiple monsters using pendulum summon." said Sunset who was watching from the side.

"Believe me, I've been doing tests and diagnostics on it everytime he does it to see if we can learn more about it." said Twilight as she was writing down some more notes in her notepad.

"Now my magicians, let's do some magic." said Isaac as his magicians took to the field. After a while Isaac was lying on the grass with his arms and legs spread out as he looked up. "So... how... was... that duel." asked Isaac trying to catch his breath.

"Not bad. You seem to be getting the hang of it everytime you do it." said Twilight as she was bending over looking at Isaac.

"That's... good." he tried his best to give a thumbs up.

"Here you go, boy toy." Sunset handed Isaac a bottle of water.

"Thanks, Sunset." Isaac then sat up as he took a sip of water. He then took off his cap as he poured the rest of it on his head as the water cooled him off. Both Sunset and Twilight just giggled at Isaac's actions. He then stood up as he shook his hair dry before putting his cap back on. "Alright, I'm all rested. So Sunset, care for a battle?"

"That fast. You really do have a lot of stamina, boy toy." said Sunset as she was impressed by Isaac's energy levels. "I wonder what that would translate to more intimate." Sunset was now feeling up Isaac's body as she was giving him the bedroom eyes.

"Sunset!?!" shouted Twilight as she couldn't believe her friend was doing this in front of her.

"Calm down, Twilight. Isaac likes it when I mess with him." Sunset had a sly smile as she gave him a wink which really started to get Twilight angry.

Sometime later the three of them were approached by Rainbow Dash who wanted to talk with Sunset. She told her about the new game that was being released and how they had plans to play the game. Seems they both ecstatic as they made plans to be shut in all weekend to complete the game.

"Well that means we won't be seeing either of you till Monday." said Isaac as he knew how both were obsessed with video games.

"In that case, we'll see you then." said Twilight as she and Isaac began to leave.

"Hey you two, want to join us. Sunset and I had made plans to play the new game, but we figured why not invite everybody for a little get together." mentioned Dash.

"How the hell did you get Rarity to agree to that idea?" asked Isaac.

"You don't want to know." Rainbow knew Rarity wasn't the type of person to enjoy video games, so she had to make a deal with her.

"Oh, no. Please tell, you got my attention now." said Isaac with a sly smile.

"I'm not saying." Rainbow was now turning red from embarrassment from the deal she made with Rarity. "Look if you come, I'll tell you. But you better not say anything!" threatened Rainbow.

"Alright, you got a deal. What do you say Twilight?"

"I'm game."

"Great, just meet us at my place tomorrow afterschool." stated Sunset.

Everybody agreed as they looked forward to hanging out. The next day came as both Sunset and Rainbow could barely contain their excitement on getting the new game. They tried to pay attention in class, but they found it hard as all they could think of was getting home and just mindlessly getting sucked into the game. So the second the school bell rang, both Rainbow and Sunset rushed to the mall as they went to get the game. Unfortunately, there was a line as it caused both of them to groan. So they had a to wait a bit in line, eventually they reached the counter as the store clerk told him that he had sold the last copy. Both girls were heartbroken as they were disappointed; both were preparing to leave the store with their heads down until the store clerk called them. He had quickly checked the back of the store and had actually managed to find an extra copy of the game as it was under lock and key for some weird reason. Regardless, he gave the game to Rainbow and Sunset who went half and half as they purchased it. They then rushed back to Sunset's place as they prepared to meet the rest of their friends.

"Happy to help." said the store clerk. "Not I just have to figure out why it was locked away. And what that note meant: HAVE FUN!"

Soon everybody had arrived at Sunset's place as they prepared to see how both of their friends were like two little school girls waking up on Christmas. With that Sunset began to make some popcorn for all to enjoy, Twilight had even managed to bring Spike along with her. Rainbow even told Isaac about the deal she made with getting Rarity to come to this hang out; safe to say it took everything for Isaac to hold his laugh in as he was dying on the inside on the deal that Rainbow had made. He made sure to tell Rarity to take a picture so that they could all look at it later.

"Ready to do this Sunset?" asked Dash as she picked up her control and headset.

"You know it, Rainbow." Sunset then did the same as she got into gamer mode.

The rest of their friends just watched from behind.

"Alright, time to start this game." said Sunset as she picked up her controller and pushed the start button.

Soon the entire screen turned on as it showed a map of the game. From what they could make out it consisted of a woodland, iceland, a castle, a canyon, etc... Then the screen started to flash white as it caused everybody to cover their eyes.

"Uhm, is this part of the game, partner?" asked Applejack.

"What's going on?" shouted Sunset. Soon she was engulfed by the bright light as she was sucked into the game.

"Sunset!!!" shouted everybody else as they saw their friend get sucked into the game. Soon the light brought sucked them all including Spike.

"AHHH!" they all shouted. Well Pinkie just had a smile on her face as she was enjoying this.

Isaac opened his eyes as he saw himself in a white room. The rest of the girls were near him as they were on the floor and starting to stir. He saw Twilight on the floor as he rushed to check on her to which she slowly opened her eyes. Isaac helped her up as they checked on their friends.

"Is everyone okay?" asked Sunset.

"Where... are we?" asked Fluttershy as she was a bit scared.

"Seems we're in the game." stated Twilight.

"How can that be?" stated Rarity.

"I don't know, but we better figure out a way to get out." claimed Applejack.

"Ohh believe me there's no way out." said a deep voice.

"Who's there?" shouted Isaac.

"Allowed me to introduce myself, I'm the gamemaster of this place. And I plan to lock your minds away forever!!" chuckled the voice.

"What do you want with us?" shouted Twilight.

"Oh, you know exactly what I what, Twilight Sparkle."

"How- how do you know my name?"

"I know all your names, including you Twilight Sparkle. And more importantly, you Isaac." chuckled the voice. "But all be revealed in due time, for now you've all been selected to participate in a few games. Win and you get to escape, but lose and your minds will be trapped in her forever!!" boomed the voice.

"Well then, get on with it!" shouted Rainbow as she was happy.

"Rainbow!!" shouted the girls.

"Oh, I can assure you all. That this game will be unlike anything you've experienced." said the voice. "Now then if everybody is ready, let's go over some rules. It's a game that you're all familiar with, a Duel Monsters game. But not just any old Duel Monsters, but a virtual Duel Monsters!!"

"Virtual? What do you mean!?!" shouted Isaac.

"Just see for yourself!" With that the the voice then caused a bright light to shine in the face of everybody as they were sent on another mind trip.

The light died down and they now found themselves in a different place. There were tons of trees and shrubbery. Along with a few animals that passed by. They all were on the ground as they got started to stir and get back on their feet.

"It's a jungle." said Sunset.

"Not quite."

"What do you mean, Isaac? It looks like a jungle to me." said Rainbow.

"Didn't you hear the voice? This environment is virtual." stated Twilight.

"You sure this isn't real?" asked Applejack. "Because it sure smells real."

"That was me." said Spike.

"Spike, that's gross!" shouted Twilight.

"Attention fools!"

"It's that voice." said Sunset.

"It's time for me to explain the new dueling rules!"

"What do you mean 'new rules'?" asked Pinkie.

"I devised a new system of dueling that will bring everything you see and feel so lifelike. So pay attention, And try to keep up. In this world, you'll play by a new set of rules called the Deck Master System. First, each duelist must choose a Deck Master. Your Deck Master will stand by your side until you decide to summon it to the field. However, if your Deck Master is destroyed, you automatically lose the duel, regardless of life points. And when each one of you loses a duel, each of your minds will be trapped forever in this cyberspace." said the Gamemaster as it chuckled. Soon the environment started to shift and phase as they were back in the white room.

"Look whatever these new 'rules' are, we don't care! Cause one way of another we'll win!!!" shouted Sunset.

"You seem to not understand, you kids aren't going anywhere for a long while. You're trapped and your only chance of escape is to defeat each of my challenges and me in a virtual duel." snickered the gamemaster.

"If we stick together, then the gamemaster doesn't stand a chance!" said Isaac.

"Don't worry, ah got yer back, sugarcube!"

"Me too!" shouted Sunset.

"Pass the jam, cause this gamemaster is toast!" stated Rainbow.

"Huh, did someone say toast? Ohh, maybe some strawberry, some honey, sugar..." Pinkie then licked her lips as her sweet tooth was kicking in.

"Hold on, darlings. Whoever this gamemaster is never said which of us will actually have to duel."

"Very astute observation, Miss Rarity." chuckled the gamemaster. "To ensure that you all suffer equally, I will be dueling against every one of you! My analysis shows your chances of escaping are slim and falling sharply! In other words, you all are finished!" laughed the Gamemaster the loudest it had been.

"Let's start this party!" shouted Dash as she was raring to go. "You're going down!"

"Who's going down?" said the Gamemaster. Soon a hole appeared under Rainbow's feet as she fell through down into it.

"Rainbow, no!" shouted everybody as they saw their friend vanish and disappear before their very eyes.

"As you can see, before the virtual dueling begins, I plan to separate all of you."

"What?" asked Twilight.

"Ta-ta!" said the Gamemaster as another hole opened up and Twilight fell through.

"Twilight!" shouted Isaac as he tried to grab her hand but the hole soon closed.

Soon a hole appeared under Fluttershy as she screamed.

"Fluttershy!" shouted Pinkie and Rarity as they too suffered the same fate by falling through their own hole.

"Isaac." said Sunset as she tried to stay next to him only for her to fall through as Applejack tried to pull her up only for the hole to get bigger and plummet both of them.

The only ones left were Isaac and Spike. "That is enough! Where did my friends go?" shouted Isaac.

"You'll soon find out!" said the gamemaster as he made a hole open at Isaac's feet as he fell through with Spike jumping in after him. "Let the games begin!!"

Sunset was lying on the ground as she was unconscious. Soon she began to stir as she opened her eyes; she then stood up as she took in her surroundings. From what was around her, she was near a castle of sorts. "Man, I don't think I'm in Kansas anymore." she said.

Twilight had awaken and she began to stir. Unlike Sunset, she was in a different environment as she was in what seemed like a canyon of sorts. Based on the many rock formations and dry heat, she definitely knew that she wasn't in the real world. "Oh, great... Now what?"

Fluttershy was in some sort of woodlands as she came to a lake as her reflection showed in the water. "Hello? Can anybody hear me?" Fluttershy was scared about being all alone and not having her friends around. "Where am I? I'm scared."

Seems Pinkie and Rarity were able to stick together as they both awoke next to each other. They appeared to be in a hallway of sorts as it had a couple of suits of armor.

"Pinkie Pie, are you okay?"

"Yeah, but where are we?" she asked.

"I'm not quite sure, darling."

Applejack had managed to land in a forest of sorts as their was tons of trees and flowers appearing next to her. "That's the last time ah let Rainbow Dash invite me to play some video games." said Aj as she looked around. "Hey y'all! If you can hear me, give me somethin'!" shouted Applejack as she waited for a voice but nothing.

Rainbow Dash had landed in a prairie like setting as all she saw was nothing but grass. Despite being trapped in a virtual environment, she seemed to be happy. Well, except for one thing, "Oh come on! Why couldn't I get a cool setting!"

"Make yourselves at home." said the Gamemaster as it sat in a chair. "Fools. I have them all right where I want them! Each one isolated in my virtual world. And I'll be watching from the front row, as I take care of business. Now who should suffer be the first to suffer?" The gamemaster all flipping through all his screens as he was figure out who he wanted to target first. Soon it made up its mind as it saw the person that caught their interest. "Ahh yes. Who better to destroy first than the infamous Isaac? What better way to get my revenge on him by sending a message to his friends." chuckled the voice as it let out an evil laugh. The gamemaster then pushed a button as he selected which one of his associates to dispatch to deal with Isaac.

"All this looks pretty real." said Isaac as he took in his surroundings. Upon awaking, Isaac found himself in some sort of swamp, fresh river location.

"I know what you mean, it's hard to believe that everything here is virtual." said Spike as he awoke next to Isaac.

However, he wasn't a dog, seems the gamemaster really did mean it when it said that everybody would be dueling. So as a token, the gamemaster was able to transform Spike and give him a body as he was now a young boy. He wore a hoodie that matched his the color of his skin when he was a dog as he wore green shorts and shoes with white laces.

"Got to say, still hard to believe that you're actually human. In a weird, sort of way." mentioned Isaac.

"Yeah, no offense but it feels weird walking on two legs." Spike began to take a few steps as he stumbled before landing face first in front of Isaac.

"Here let me help you," said Isaac as he helped the little dog turned boy onto his feet, "One foot in front of the other and that's all."

"Okay?" Spike did just that as he began to slowly walk, it proved useful as he soon began walking like he had his whole life. "Wow dude, that worked. Thanks, Isaac."

"No problem, Spike." said Isaac as he ruffled his orange hair.

"Hope you're comfortable, cause you're the first challenger." said the gamemaster. Soon a pair of monsters appeared from the water.

"What is that?" asked Spike.

"Who are you?" demanded Isaac.

"Why, you look as though you don't recognize me, boy. Now you've gone and hurt my feelings." said the monster.

"It's you." said Isaac.

"Correct, you catch on fast, Isaac. It's none other than me, the Gamemaster. And for this duel, I've taken the form of Legendary Fisherman."

"Big deal, Gamemaster. You don't scare me!" shouted Isaac. You wouldn't stand a chance in a duel against me if your life depended on it!"

"Big words coming from someone who's about to lose everything. But you won't be dueling me, at least not yet anyways."

"What do you mean?" asked Spike.

"Don't tell me you've forgotten the rules of our competition already. If you both win-- which you won't-- you're both free to go. But should either of you lose, then your minds will be trapped here forever!" stated the gamemaster.

Spike then looked at Isaac, "This has to stop. Twilight and the others are in great danger."

"Yeah. Cause if they lose, they'll be stuck here! So we have to defeat this Gamemaster at its own twisted game!" affirmed Isaac as he looked back at the Gamemaster and its monster. "Listen, Gamemaster! You and your associates won't succeed in trapping my friends here! Mark my words!"

"Really? That's if you can keep up with the new rules."

"Just try me!" shouted Isaac.

"Very well. But keep in mind that you and I aren't going to be the ones dueling. That little mutt over there is who I'm challenging first. As for you, I'm sure my minion will have a fun time defeating you." The Gamemaster snapper his fingers as the monster behind him was none other than Water Magician who smiled evilly at Isaac.

"Hey, who you calling a mutt!?!" shouted Spike.

"Leave Spike out of this, if it's a duel you want then duel me." Isaac didn't want Spike to get involved seeing as Twilight would probably never forgive him if something bad happened to him. Plus he doubt the he knew how to duel.

"Isaac, it's alright. I want to duel." said Spike.

"But Spike."

"Hey, I'm not a dog anymore. Well at least right now, point is I can handle whatever this Gamemaster throws my way."

"I understand Spike, but out of the two of us, I'm the one with the most experience. So let me handle this, I don't want Twilight to worry." Isaac was trying to plead with Spike to stand down and let him deal with it.

"Not a chance, you said so yourself. If we stick together, then there's no way the Gamemaster stands a chance. And if that means taking part in a duel, then so be it." shouted Spike as a duel disk appeared on his arm that was similar to Isaac's. "Woah, that's cool. I didn't even have to ask to make this appear."

"Enough chit chat, it's time for the duel to begin." shouted the Gamemaster.

"Just be careful, Spike. Once we defeat this Gamemaster and its monster, we need to find Twilight and the others." said Isaac.

"Agree, so lets make sure that we win." said Spike as he took a position next to Isaac as he activated his duel disk which projected an orange card tray.

Isaac did the same as he projected a gold card tray, "Prepare yourself, Gamemaster. Because it's time to duel!"

"Dude, that sends chills down my spine. I like it." said Spike.

"Well let's see how you like this." said the Gamemaster as they snapped their fingers. Both Isaac and Water Magician disappeared.

"Isaac? What did you do with him?" asked Spike.

"Stupid dog! I've just sent him away for the time being, I don't need him giving any advice to you. Plus, my minion will make sure that his mind is trapped in this cyber prison. Now then, each of us will pick a monster to serve as our Deck Master for the duration of the duel." informed the Gamemaster. "And since you'll be dueling my Legendary Fisherman, it will serve as both the Deck Master and the duelist! Now it's time for you to build your virtual deck."

"Virtual deck?" asked Spike. "With what?"

"With these." The Gamemaster then pulled up tons of Duel Monster cards as they appeared in front of Spike. "Your cards aren't valid in this world, so you'll have to build a new deck from my card database. When you see a card you desire, simply touch it."

Spike then began to touch the cards they wanted as they began to build their decks.

"Choose wisely, for once you make contact with a card image, it's yours for the entire length of the duel." stated the Gamemaster. "Careful. Don't let any gems slip by."

"I'm set." Spike then grabbed his deck as he put it into his duel disk.

"How quickly we forget. You both still have to choose your Deck Master." reminded the Gamemaster. "Each monster card has its own special Deck Master ability under our new system. However, I won't tell you what those abilities are. You'll have to figure out what those abilities are. So choose wisely."

"Right." Spike was now trying to figure out what he should do. "Well in that case, I'll choose this as my Deck Master." Spike then showed his monster as it was a dragon. "Meet Lord of Dragons." Spike now had a monster appear next to him.

"Interesting choice." said the Gamemaster. "Suit yourself." The Gamemaster then merged with Legendary Fisherman as it took control. "But enough chattering, let's get down to business!"

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said the duel disk.

Legendary Fisherman's Life Points: 8000-

Spike's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Legendary Fisherman

"I think I'll go first if you don't mind." said the Gamemaster as he drew his card. "I summon a monster facedown in defense mode! And that's all for now. What fun would it be if I wiped out everything you both own so soon?" chuckled the Gamemaster. "It's your move. But realize it's only a matter of time before I eliminate both of your life points!"

Turn 2: Spike

"Guess I'm up, draw." Spike picked up his card as he looked through his options. "I guess, I'll play Baby Dragon(1200/700) in defense mode. And that's all." said Spike. I may be temporary a human, but when I was a dog, Twilight was always talking about the game to me. So I picked up on the rules and got to understand what she said, most of the time.

Turn 3: Legendary Fisherman

"Now that we've each taken a turn, we're now free to attack." said the Gamemaster as he drew his card. "And I'll do so by attack your life points, boy." said the Gamemaster as he pointed at Spike. He then made a harpoon appear as he threw it at Spike who put his arms up, but still felt the pain.

"Ahh!!" screamed Spike.

"That attack almost felt real. What gives, how can you attack my life points when I have a monster on the field. You're cheating!" shouted Spike as he slowly got back to his feet.
Spike's Life Points: 6150-

"Actually, all I did was fair play. For you see I activated my Deck Master's ability, Legendary Fisherman can be able to attack an opponent's life points." chuckled the Gamemaster. "Now then I think I'll end my turn."

Turn 4: Spike

"It'll take a lot more than that to keep me down. Now then, prepare yourself Gamemaster." Spike drew his card and he had a smile on his face. "Now then, I'll play the spell Polymerization and with I'll fuse together my Baby Dragon with my Alligator Sword in my hand. I Fusion Summon Alligator's Sword Dragon(1700/1500)." Spike had managed to pull off a fusion summon as he had a brand new monster on his field. "Now I'll play Ancient Dragon(1400/1300)." Spike now had another dragon on his side of the field.

"Now time to repay the favor, Alligator's Sword Dragon. Why don't you attack his life points and see how he likes it?" Spike's command was given as his monster took to the sky and flew high above. It then brought its sword down on the Legendary Fisherman as he felt the attack.
Legendary Fisherman's Life Points: 6300-

"Bet you're wondering how I was able bypass your monster, huh?" said Spike with a smug look. "Well check it out, my monster also had an ability. An ability that allows him to attack you directly whenever you control an Earth, Fire, or Water monster on your field. And since your Deck Master counts a monster, it's fair game.

"Grr. You'll pay for that little stunt, you punk kid." growled the Gamemaster.

"And then I'll attack your facedown monster with my Ancient Dragon." Spike's dragon then took it out with no problem.

"Thank you."

"Why are you thanking me for destroying your monster?" asked Spike.

"The card you destroyed was Ashinigray!"

"And?" said Spike.

"When it's sent to the Graveyard, its attacker must throw out a one card." he said while looking at Spike.

"Fine." Spike then chose the card he wanted to get rid of as he sent it away. "I have plenty of other cards left."

"But that's not my monster's only special ability. It also allows me to summon another Ashinigray to the field." The Gamemaster's duel disk slotted out his card as he placed it in facedown defense position.

"Then I'll place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 5: Legendary Fisherman

"Get ready... to lose your mind!" He then drew his card, "Come forth, Ipiria(500/500)." Out came a tiny lizard that was teal and white as it gave a hiss. "This lets me draw another card when I successfully summon it. Then I'll change Ashinigray to attack mode. And by doing so, I triggered its special ability, forcing my opponent to discard one card from your hand!" said the Gamemaster as he pointed at Spike.

"All right." said Spike as he looked at his hand before figuring out which one he wanted to get rid of.

"Now then since I have two Level 3 monsters on my field, I think I'll perform an Xyz summon."

"Oh no!" said Spike with panic.

"Now then I build the Overlay Network and Xyz Summon, Number 17: Leviathan Dragon!" shouted the Gamemaster as he had a brand new monster. "Next I'll activate Leviathan Dragon's special ability, so by using one overlay unit, I can increase its attack by 500. So now it has 2500 attack points." Leviathan Dragon felt the power surge as it looked at Spike. "Now I attack Alligator's Sword Dragon with Leviathan Dragon!" Leviathan Dragon then opened its mouth as it unleashed a stream of water as it took out Spike's monster as he tried to put his arms up.
Spike's Life Points: 5350-

"Next I'll activate Deck Master's ability, so I can attack your life points." With that Legendary Fisherman raised its harpoon and launched it at Spike who fell to his knees.
Spike's Life Points: 3500-

"Now I'll place two cards facedown and end my turn."

Turn 8: Spike

"I guess I'm up," Spike drew his card, I need something to protect myself from his monster. But nothing in my hand is good.

"Just give up, it's only a matter of time before I defeat you and your mind is trapped here forever. Not to mention you little friends." chuckled the Gamemaster.

"I'll play my Swordsman of Landstar(500/1200) in defense mode. And I'll also switch my Ancient Dragon to defense as well." said Spike as he looked to form some wall of protection. Not much, but what can I do.

"Perhaps, I can help."

"Huh?" Spike looked to see where the voice came. He was shocked to see that it came from none other than his monster, more importantly, his Deck Master. "Did you just talk?"

"Of course. In this world, I can communicate with you through speaking or in your thoughts." said Lord of Dragons.

"Really, that's cool." smiled Spike.

"Then you should know about my Deck Master ability."

"Right? Just I don't know what it is." said Spike.

"My Deck Master Ability allows you to normal summon 1 Dragon-type monster in addition to your regular normal summon a turn. However, you must pay 500 life points to activate this ability." informed Lord of Dragons.

"Could come in handy." acknowledged Spike. "Still based on how much life points I have left, I'd better use it wisely."

"Such a wasted turn." snickered the Gamemaster.

Turn 9: Legendary Fisherman

"With moves like that, this will be easier than I thought. Now then," said the Gamemaster as he picked up his card, "First, I'll activate my facedown card, Gravity Bind. Now thanks to this spell card, any monsters that Level 4 or higher are forbidden from attacking. So any monster you had planned for taking out my Leviathan Dragon won't mean much; next I'll play the spell card, Stop Defense. So now your puny Swordsman is forced into attack position. Then I'll play the spell card, Cost Down. So I'll discard one card to decrease the Level of all of my monsters in my hand, with that I'm free to play my Legendary Fisherman II(2200/1800). Now I'll activate my Leviathan Dragon's effect, so I use the last Xyz material to increase his attack by another 500. Giving him a grand total of 3000 attack points! Now time to attack, Leviathan Dragon take out Swordsman of Landstar and prepare to lose this duel kid!!!" shouted the Gamemaster.

"I activate my facedown, Graceful Dice. Now I can increase my Swordsman of Landstar's attack points, by whatever number I roll. Go Dice Roll!" Spike's facedown then flipped up as a tiny little angel held a giant blue dice as he tossed it. Everybody watched as the dice started to roll around as it soon landed on a number. "A three!?!"

"Seems your roll failed, your Swordsman attack is only 1500, now Leviathan. Take it out!!"

"Hold on, who said I was done. Reveal my other facedown, Skull Dice. Now this little nifty baby decrease your monster's attack points by whatever number it lands." Just like before, Spike's facedown flipped up as a tiny little devil held a giant red dice as he tossed it. This time his roll was much more generous as it landed on a good number. "All right! I got a six! Now your Leviathan Dragon's attack is divided by that number making him only 500."


"Swordsman of Landstar, counterattack. Slay that dragon!" Swordsman of Landstar then brought its tiny sword as it left a mark in the dragon's chest which soon started to grow brighter as the dragon was destroyed.
Legendary Fisherman's Life Points: 5300-

"You got lucky there, kid." gritted the Gamemaster.

"I'd like to think I outplayed you." smirked Spike.

"Then let's see you dodge this, now my Legendary Fisherman II will pick up where my dragon left off. Attack his puny little Swordsman." said the Gamemaster.
Spike's Life Points: 4650-

"And I'll also activate my Deck Master's ability, so now I'll attack you directly."

Spike noticed this and he had to act fast. "I'll send Clear Kuriboh from my hand to the graveyard, so that I'm protected from your Deck Master's effect." Soon a tiny monster came out as it took the attack for Spike as he fell on his bottom from the aftermath.

"Now I'll end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 11: Spike

"My turn, I'll play the spell Pot of Greed. So now I'll draw two more cards." Spike then picked up his cards as he looked at his hand. "I'll play Premature Burial and pay 800 life points to revive my Swordsman of Landstar." Soon Spike had two monsters on his side.
Spike's Life Points: 3850-

"Time to put my monster to good use. Now I'll activate my Deck Master's ability, so by paying 500 life points, I can conduct an additional summon this turn so long as the monster I play is a Dragon. But first, I'll play my own Cost Down. So I send a card to the graveyard to lower the level of all my monsters in my hand. So arise, as I sacrifice my Swordsman of Landstar to summon Gandora- X the Dragon of Demolition!" Soon a big dragon appeared as it let out a roar.
Spike's Life Points: 3350-

"Gandora's ability allows me to destroy the highest monster on your side of the field and then you take damage equal to the attack points of the monster destroyed by Gandora- X. In addition, Gandora- X than gains those attack points." Spike's dragon then took out Legendary Fisherman II as it exploded in a heap of smoke.
Legendary Fisherman's Life Points: 3100-

"You may have gotten rid of my monster, but Gandora- X still can't attack due to my Gravity Bind."

"That's why I'm using Gandora for a different reason; I play the spell A Wingbeat of a Giant Dragon. So now by returning Gandora- X to my hand, I destroy all spells and trap on field! So now your Gravity Bind is no more!" Gandora- X flapped it's wings as it blew away the Gamemaster's Gravity Bind and his facedown. "With that gone, now my higher level monsters can attack without any delays."

"When my Legendary Fisherman II was destroyed, its special ability activates. Now I can add 1 Level 7 or Water monster from my deck to my hand. And I choose my Legendary Fisherman III."

"Now I summon Panther Warrior(2000/1600) in attack mode. I'll then end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 12: Legendary Fisherman

"Now time to end you! AHHHH!" screamed the Gamemaster. "Now I play Monster Reborn and bring back my Legendary Fisherman II. And now I'll activate the effect of my Legendary Fisherman III, so I tribute my Legendary Fisherman II to summon my Legendary Fisherman III(2500/2000)!" Out came a much powerful monster as it let out a cry. "Next I'll activate my Fisherman's ability, when he's summoned, I can banish all the monsters that you control!"

"I activate my facedown, Gift of the Mystical Elf. So now I gain 300 life points for each monster on the field, so since there's two it means I gain 600 life points." said Spike as he was able to received some extra health as he prepared himself for the worst. A tidal wave of water came up as it headed towards Spike. The huge wave of water came down as it washed away Spike field as he had nothing to protect him. His clothes were drenched before he shook them dry.
Spike's Life Points: 3950-

"Since I used the effect of my Legendary Fisherman III, it can't attack. But that won't be a problem cause I activate my Deck Master's ability. So now this damage is now doubled. Say goodbye!" The Gamemaster then threw its harpoon at it was heading straight for Spike who was just barely sitting up. Spike was afraid as he prepared for the worst; the attack caused him to be flung onto the ground as he had his back towards the Gamemaster.
Spike's Life Points: 250-

"Look at you, you're down to your last few life points. You have no monsters on the field and even if you did summon a monster to take out my Legendary Fisherman III, all I need to do is activate my Deck Master ability one more time and victory will be mine! I knew you weren't a challenge, and once I've disposed of you. I'll then deal with Isaac. The Gamemaster then checked on how his minion was handling Isaac as he saw Isaac currently engaged in a duel with his minion. He then turned back to Spike who was stilling lying on the floor as he tried to get back up. "Look at you, you're just a mutt pretending to be something he's not. Word of advice, leave the dueling to the real duelists, or in this case, human. Just lay on the ground like the mongrel that you are. That's all you're good for and that's all you'll ever be!!!" screamed the Gamemaster as they insulted Spike. "You are nothing more than an stupid side character!!! Nobody wants you here and nobody likes you, so do us all a favor and get lost!!! And anybody who is thinking you have a chance or is supporting you, they are just as stupid as they are dumb; they should simply crawl into a hole and die!!!" screamed the Gamemaster as they looked at the fourth wall and the audience. "You are useless; you could put a mask on a pig, but it's still a god damn pig!!! Or in your case, a stupid bitch!!!"

Turn 13: Spike

"My turn," said Spike as he collected himself from the ground; he then drew his card. I can't back down, now when so much is on the line. I have to keep on fighting, not just for me, but for Twilight and the rest of the girls. "I'll play Card of Sanctity, so now we each draw till we're holding six cards in our hands. Next, I'll play Monster Reborn to bring back my Panther Warrior. Then I'll play Bri Synchron." Spike now had two monsters on his field as the Gamemaster was just smiling.

"Really? This is what you choose to work with, none of those monsters are strong enough to take down my monster nor can they protect you from my deck master's ability."

"True, but I'm not gonna attack with either of them. Now I tune my Level 4 Panther Warrior with my Level 4 Bri Synchron. Out of two will come one, and out of one will come great cosmic might! Take flight, Stardust Dragon!" Spike now had a powerful creature on his field. "Now the additionally effect of Bri Synchron allows my Stardust Dragon to gain an extra 600 attack points till the end of the turn. Now Stardust, take out Legendary Fisherman III!" said Spike as he thrusted out his arm. Stardust Dragon then opened its mouth as it blasted away the Gamemaster's monster.
Legendary Fisherman's Life Points: 2500-

"With that, I'll end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 14: Legendary Fisherman

"Seems this duel is over, my draw. Now I'll play my own Monster Reborn and with I'll bring back my Legendary Fisherman III from the depths of the ocean." The Gamemaster now had its monster back. "Now time to put you down, mutt! I activate my Deck Master's ability, so now I can attack you directly!!! "Ha, ha, ha!!! Prepare to have your mind lost forever!!!" chuckled the Gamemaster as it looked to strike down Spike.

"And that's where we last left off," said Isaac as he finally finished telling his tale. "So as you can see, we've got a problem on our hands. But we'll get to the bottom of all this sometime soon, for now let's see how Spike gets out of this one. Oh, you're probably wondering what's happening in my duel, well... it's me, what do you expect the outcome to be. Anyways, I need to get back." said Isaac to the audience as he jumped back into the scene as he got into position for the rest of the story. "Whenever you're ready, author."

"My pleasure, cue in three... two... and scene."

"Say goodbye!!!"

"I'll... I'll activate the effect of my facedown, Take One Chance. Now this card allows me to select a random card in my graveyard and I can activate that card immediately." Spike's entire graveyard showed as all the cards were then flipped over as they spun around and around in a circle. Come on, give me something to stay in this duel. Spike was now sweating as this card could determine everything, soon the cards stopped spinning as it landed on the one it chose. Spike then grabbed the card as he was hesitant on flipping it over; he quickly looked at it as he had a smile.

"The card I've chosen is my Clear Kuriboh, so that means my life points are safe." Spike then had its tiny monster make another appearance as he protected the little boy.

"You may have survived this round, but come next turn, I'll defeat. So make your final move."

Turn 15: Spike

Whew, I barely managed to win. But what do I do now, my only monster is Stardust Dragon and it's not strong enough to take down the Gamemaster's monster. And if I don't win this turn, then he'll just use his Deck Master's ability to wipe out the rest of my life points. And I don't have anything in my hand that can protect me from another attack should he use that ability. Spike was put his hand on his deck as he was hesitant on drawing his card; he felt like there was nothing he could do as he put his head down.

"Don't give up, Spike!" shouted Isaac.


"What are you doing here?" shouted the Gamemaster as they were surprised to see Isaac. "I thought my minion took care of you."

"Maybe you should have done a better job. That was an easy duel." snickered Isaac. "Come on, Spike. Don't give up. Sure things look bleak, but if you put your trust in your deck then it will trust you."

Spike took in Isaac's words as he knew what he meant, "Yeah, you're right. Thanks, Isaac. All right, time to win. Draw!" Spike looked at his card and then at his hand as he started to see his plan to win. "Now I'll play Flute of Summoning Dragons, with this card, I can now up to 2 dragons from my hand. So I play Stardust Xiaolong(100/100) and Majestic Dragon(0/0)."

"Two pathetic weak monsters for someone who is just as if not more pathetic than his monsters. This duel is over!" shouted the Gamemaster.

"I'd check my math again." said Isaac. "Cause from I'm standing, the odds of Spike beating you is 100%."

"Let me show you, I tune Stardust Dragon with Stardust Xiaolong and Majestic Dragon..." said Spike as all of this three monsters were now calling upon an even greater monster.

"I harness all the power of the stars, I channel all the might of the dragons, I Synchro Summon, the Majestic Star Dragon(3800/3000)!" shouted Isaac for the little boy. Soon a dragon descended on Spike's field as it shined brightly.

"Now time to end this, Majestic Star Dragon attack Legendary Fisherman III!" said Spike. His dragon then took out its target as the Gamemaster put their arm up.
Legendary Fisherman's Life Points: 1200-

"Futile effort, mutt! My monster may be gone, but all I need to do is activate my Deck Master's ability on my next turn and I will win." stated the Gamemaster.

"Then it's a good thing, I won't let that happen. Now I activate my monster's ability, so I can target one monster that you control and negate its effects till the end of the turn. Then Majestic Star Dragon can use that effect as if it were its own." said Spike.

"Fool, don't you see. There's no other monster other than your dragon." shouted the Gamemaster.

"Wrong, don't forget you. Since you're on the field and you're a monster, it's fair game. So now I negate your effects and use them as my own." Majestic Star Dragon then shined even brighter as it caused the Gamemaster to loose all of his powers as he looked at Spike's monster. "Now I'll use your own effect, which means I can attack you directly. So take flight my dragon, finish this duel!" Majestic Star Dragon then fired off an attack as it collided with the Gamemaster.

"Ahh! You little brat, I was so close to winning and trapping your mind in here forever! AAHHHHHH!" A light started to form as Isaac and Spike covered their eyes, when it died down the Gamemaster was gone. Spike then collapsed to his knees as Isaac caught the little boy.
Legendary Fisherman's Life Points: 0-

Winners: Spike

Inside the control room, the Gamemaster was now looking at the screens while they were angry. "It looks like Isaac is still as annoying as I remember. Very well, I'll just have to see how well the others fare in the coming duels, won't I?" The Gamemaster was still looking at the screen that had Isaac and Spike on it.

"Amazing first duel, Spike. You've shown your no rookie."

"Thanks, Isaac. But I couldn't have done it if you didn't give me the courage I needed to draw the card. Now I know why you and the others love playing this game." chuckled Spike. "Huh?"

Soon a door magically appeared out of nowhere as it was in front of Isaac and Spike.

"Looks like a passageway." stated Spike.


"Let's check it out. We might find the gang."

"Your right. Hopefully, that's where it leads. Our friends could be in grave danger. Let's just hope we're not too late." said Isaac. "I don't know what's going on here or why this Gamemaster is targeting us. But one thing I know for certain is that we will escape this and we'll put a stop to whoever is behind this."

Spike nodded at Isaac's response. With that Isaac then approached the door as he opened it which led to nothing but black. So he then stepped through the door with Spike following close behind him. Once Spike was fully through the door, it then shut behind him as it disappeared. Seems like these games had only just begun.

Author's Note:

So some insider information, this wasn't the original chapter I had planned. Let's just say that due to a certain reason, I was forced to change things at the last minute. And when I say change, I mean I literally spent 6 hours rewriting this whole chapter from top to bottom. I even had to rewrite the stuff I had in the beginning because of said reason. Now I'm not gonna say what that reason is for both privacy and personal reasons, besides that's not what I want people to focus on. Just know that I had to start this chapter from a clean slate. Now then hope you'll enjoyed it and I'll see you'll in the next chapter.

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