• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 191: Build Up

"Isaac, are you sure?" asked Celestia.

"Yes." said the boy.

"You do this, and we will not be responsible for what happens." said Luna.

"I know, which is why I'm... willing to die for whatever occurs." said Isaac as he knew there was no going back.

"Then we pray that you live." said both women as they hugged the boy as they walked past him through the door.



"I... I... you know..." Twilight didn't get to finish her sentence as Isaac grabbed her by the waist and pulled her in as he wrapped his arms around her and lifted her in the air as the two had a deep and passionate kiss as they were letting their hormones take over as their tongues were dancing with each other.

Isaac then put his girlfriend down as he looked at her and then touched her necklace as he smiled. Isaac then gave one last kiss to Twilight's chin as he turned around and prepared to open the door in front of him as a voice went off.

"Ladies and gentleman, it is time..."

It was now another day at CHS as the whole school was getting ready for what was about to go down. In just a few days, it would be Isaac versus Starlight in a rematch that would determine the fate of the school and the fate of the game of Duel Monsters as they all knew it. Both competitors were getting ready as the days leading up there would be two big gatherings for both of them. One to have them sign their contract making their duel official and one debate before their duel to let them express to everybody what was going to happen. Safe to say this was the calm before the storm as everybody was getting ready for a war that was about to take place. But before all that, there was a to be a third thing for each to do.

Isaac was now making his way to school's newscast room as he was scheduled to have a sit-down interview with Luna as a way for everybody to hear what Isaac's mission was when looking to take down Starlight. He approached the media room as there was Luna already sitting in a chair as a few of the media students had a camera set up as they shook Isaac's hand and put the small microphone in the collar of his shirt so that they everybody could hear his message. Soon the cameras started rolling as every student saw the interview on TVs scattered around the halls as they listened.

"Good afternoon, everybody. As you know there where will be a huge duel being held in a few days. And later today, both individuals will be present in the auditorium later to sign their contract for their duel. Now after an unexpected circumstance, the duel will no longer be a normal contest, but rather the duel... is to be a championship duel. So both Isaac and Starlight will be fighting for the rank of Duel Monsters Champion of CHS. Now more on why that has happened in just a few moments." said Luna to the camera. "Right now I want to take a moment to introduce one of the competitors, you know him, he's the current champion of CHS. Please welcome, Isaac."

"Thanks for having me here, Luna." said Isaac as he address Luna and the camera.

"Now, Isaac before we start. I want to bring up something that you said before. Let's play what you said." Luna then directed the team of students to play the message as the TV next to them showed Isaac as he was addressing a small group of students who asked him what he was going to do in his duel with Starlight.


"My name is Isaac and I've given the last nearly 2 decades of my life to this business/game. And ironically enough, I am in the same place where my career started and I'm doing the same thing right now as I did back then. I am standing tall right here! I wanna say something just so I can get it off my chest and help me come to grips with it. I'm afraid of Starlight." said the boy to the crowd. "I'm afraid of who she is, what she stands for, I'm afraid of what she says, but my biggest fear is that you people, you readers, are actually listening to what Starlight says. You see, Starlight Glimmer is different than any other person I've ever faced, everybody I've faced in the past, the object has always been who is the best on this field and get in here and prove it. Starlight, you don't give a damn about being the best. All Starlight Glimmer wants to do is destroy. Starlight will stop at nothing to destroy my legacy, every single thing I've worked for. And I can hear it, I can feel it happening. Starlight is trying to convince you, for 20 years I've been living a lie."

"Starlight is trying to convince you that when the lights go out, all of this is phony. That I am not who I say I am. And most importantly, Starlight Glimmer is trying to convince you that Isaac is filled with evil. I say, to hell with that!!" stated Isaac. "I've been here too long. I've been through too much. I am afraid of Starlight Glimmer, but I believe, I believe in everything I've done, everything I stand for, and everything I will do! For me, our duel is not about me fighting Starlight Glimmer. For me, our duel is about fighting for every scar I got on my body, fighting for every injury I've had to work to come back from, fighting for every man, women, and child that has ever believed the word that I have ever said!! In our duel, I will fight for my legacy!!"


"Okay, that's enough." said Luna as she had the video pause. She then looked back at Isaac to continue their interview. "Isaac, I've known you for what seems like a long time. Since the moment you stepped foot in this school, my sister and I knew, you were destined for great things. We put all our investments and time into making you the diamond that we knew you were going to be. I've had the honor and the privilege of calling all of your main event duels. Including the two with Sunset Shimmer during your first Fall Formal and the second one being my sister's retirement match the year after that."


"And I know how those matches affected you. Professionally and personally, in fact you and I have talked alot about them. And of course, my retirement match with you. All of these duels we've talked about them."

"Yes." responded Isaac.

"That video, I saw something in you that I've never seen before. Starlight Glimmer is affecting you in a way that nobody else has in your history."

"Uh, yeah. Uh, I reference those two duels with Sunset, Celestia and of course you, Luna. I wanted to beat them, I felt as if I needed to beat them. To justify my being, to justify my place in Duel Monsters. And regardless of maybe I'm here and I should be here, at least you understand that my work has meant something. I have been putting in all this time, I have been sacrificing myself, I've been donating my time for something. For purpose. I can give myself solace at the end of the day, sleep fine at night because I know everything is for the greater good. Everything is going in the right direction. Uhm, that's where Starlight is different. Because like I mention with those three duels that I had with, it was always about being the best. And you-- you know, you knuckle up and say, 'No, I'm the best'. Well let's get the two best on the dueling field and see who the best truly is."

"Starlight maybe it's because she's new, uh, she doesn't put any of that in perspective. And-- and it's just different cause here I am having worked day in and day out for almost my whole life trying to build this. I'm 19 years old, going on to be 20 in just over a month and by then I'll have already begun my career as a pro duelist. My goal not being, okay, a certain amount of dollars and I'm done. No! No, I wanna leave Duel Monsters a better place than when I walked in through that door the first time. That's what I want as my legacy. And someone like Starlight, who doesn't care about rhyme or reason or anything, she doesn't care about who the best is. She sees Isaac and-- and says I wanna turn that guy into a monster."

"Isaac, you said in that video, quote: 'I'm afraid... of Starlight'."


"'Who she is? What she stands for?' You said you also fear that people might be listening to what she says."

"And that's-- that's the biggest thing. Uhm, I've had a lot of competition in my day. I've squared off in that dueling field with a lot of duelists. But every one of them was focused on defeating me for the purpose of climbing up the ranks. Starlight, I don't think she cares about winning. Uhm, she just wants to destroy everything I've worked my life to build and falsify everything. Uh, not necessarily wins and losses in a duel. But if she can weaken me to a point, to make more people listen to her... then that's the thing, people are listening to her. Uh, she has a weird way of holding people's attention. I listen to her, and that's why I said what I said. I had to-- had to come to grips with it, and I'm afraid of this. But I even sent out a message to the whole student body. I said: 'Fear is just an emotion and we all have it. Cowardice is a decision. So be brave enough to face your fears and give it your best shot'. Uhm, I just don't know-- she's unscoutable, I don't know what her endgame is. And uh, it would be like a tabloid photographer with, uh, criminating photos of a well respected politician or entertainment official and saying, 'At the right time, I'm gonna let these go. And it's all gonna go to hell'! I don't know what her plan is, but people are listening to her. And if she's successful in our duel in a few days, more people will listen because in this business the more momentum you gain, the more impressions you make." said Isaac.

"Isaac as you prepare for your duel with Starlight, uhm, finally. This match with Starlight in a few days, is it as simple as being... about your legacy?" asked Luna.

"I... I think it's protecting it. And-- and like I said, my biggest fear, this loose cannon, uh, gains enough momentum for people to be hypnotized. Uh, I've-- I've openly said all the time, you want to buy into my stock, this is what I believe in. You work hard, you show up on time, you stay loyal to those who support you, you respect enemies and friends. That's my stance. By the way, I don't ever give up. Either you're in or you're out. Never asked you, 'Hey, you need to do this, you need to do that'. Starlight is trying to shield this idea that those are just words. That all my sentiment, all my... genuine passion for all this is just false. And when the lights go off, there's a bad Santa back there, uh, giving the middle finger to everybody. That's tough, that's... that's tough to swallow especially for somebody like me who, breaks his bones and comes back in 25% of the recovering time. Who gets back up to finish a duel, despite having internal pain and bleeding, because I can't stand being away from the dueling field. I don't... refuse any challenge... I never get, uh, frustrated with any situation. But what I fear most is, all the sacrifices I've made to try to not win anybody over, but just to try to... get people to believe, yes this is what he stands for. So many times, people say, 'Ahh, I-- I hate your character, but I totally respect you'. That is-- that's it. That's my legacy. That's what I want. I don't agree with you, but I respect you." said Isaac.

"What Starlight is trying to do is take that respect away. Make, me... you know everybody talks about, 'Well, there's the Big 5 and there's just Isaac'. And Starlight is trying to make Isaac, some bullshit character, and uh, the belief and the respect will be gone. So all those opposed will say, 'I told you so'. And all those in favor will just simply say, 'Why'? And then I'll be back at square one and I'll have to start all over again and I've been here too long to do that."

"Isaac, before you go. There's one more thing I wanna talk about. You say that you have this 'demon' that lives inside of you. You've told it to me and my sister, but we want to know. Where does it come from and what is it?" asked Luna as she was curious about this.

"Everyone wants to know where the demon comes from. The demon comes inside." said Isaac as his eyes began to swift and change. "The demon is manifestation of everyone that's ever told me no or doubted me, or disrespected me. The demon unlocks a rage inside of me that cannot be controlled. I don't summon the demon, the demon summons me. Now Starlight and her posse, their disrespect it's just adding fuel to the fire. But Starlight will see, that the fire that burns inside of me, burns much brighter than the fires that burn all around me. You are looking, at the face of Isaac, but in our duel, you will see the face of the demon." Isaac's inner demon now had taken over the boy as his eyes had changed, soon he closed his eyes as the demon inside him was gone.

"Thank you Isaac. Good luck, and I'll see you later for the contract signing."

"Thank you Luna." said the boy as he shook her hand and left the room.

Sometime later, Luna was waiting for her next client as in came Starlight as she was by herself as she was here to do her interview with the vice-principal. Soon the cameras were rolling as now it was her turn to be heard.

"Starlight, first off, thank you. For granting us this opportunity, I've wanted to interview you for quite some time now. And there's so many things, I want to discuss. I wanna know about you, but let's start with Isaac. What does, 'Anyone but you', mean?" asked Luna.

"Before I answer that, let me say a few things to Isaac, cause I listening to his little interview earlier." said Starlight as she was looking directly at the camera as she knew Isaac was listening and watching. "You built this empire all around you and can you feel the energy? Can you feel these people, Isaac? You know, you remind me of one of those championship thoroughbred horses. One that's been running for a long, long time and it races and it wins. And it wins and the people, they just cheer for him! But one day, this championship horse, he starts to slow down. And that is when reality sets in. And now he finds himself not just looking for the next finish line. He is now sitting somewhere in the back of a barn laid out on a slab." said Starlight in a cult-like voice.

"And when-- oh, when your reality sets in, Isaac, how long do you think that you can just fend us off? Mercy is calling you by name." sang Starlight that last bit. "I am the reaper and I am going to put you down. Now, let me in on a little secret, Isaac. I know what you're really afraid of. For the loneliest man on earth, is the man who sits alone atop his empty castle. Who will be left for you, Isaac, when I take it all away?"

"Children believe in superheroes, Isaac. They wear masks and costumes because they wanna believe that the world is good. They haven't lived long enough to understand that everything, everything is a lie! My childhood, Isaac, let me-- let me fill you in about something about Starlight Glimmer. My childhood, it wasn't all rainbows and butterflies. You dare-- you dare talk about your scars, Isaac. Well, I've got a few scars too. The world gave them to me. They gave them to me because it was my birthright to have them." stated the girl. "They taught me that fire is hot and that blades are sharp. They taught me that everything that I love in life sooner or later is going to wither away and die!! But look at me now, Isaac. I could be just like you. I could sign autographs and kiss babies, and make sure that everyone buys what I'm selling. I could take everything I fear and hide behind laughter, tell jokes, make sure that I feel better about myself. Yeah, Isaac, that's you, man. But you were right about one thing. I am different than anyone you will ever face because in our duel, I don't care if I never live. I don't care if I die as long as the world sees you the way that I do." said the girl as she then finished and looked at Luna to answer the question she asked.

"You're an intelligent woman, Luna. I can tell. I can tell a lot of things by just looking at someone. From being around someone. May I see your hands?" asked Starlight. "Will you put your hands out?"

Luna was hesitant on doing what Starlight ask, especially since she was using her cult voice. Luna then did what Starlight asked as she had her hands just in front of her so that they were near her but Starlight could see them as even Starlight was copying her action.

"Do you see my hands?"


"I look at your hands, and I... see they're delicate. They're taken care of. My hands, not so much. Things have happened at the helm of these hands. But your hands... they tell me that your life story is very predictable." said Starlight as both girls put their hands away. "You went to college, you have parents and family that loved you. Support. People that care for you. Me. And my people, it was different. The world was too busy cleaning us out from underneath their fingernails. Pay attention to see if we had any true moral. They didn't think we were worth anything, they condemned us. Here's something Vice-principal Luna, what if I told you today, that everything that everybody has ever said about me is all true. Okay, so I came down from this world, okay? Just play along with me. I came down from some other world, some heaven. I came to your world and I said that I could fix everything that is wrong here. I could rewrite all your wrongs and past mistakes you've made. I could correct them. I walk on water in plain sight. What would your people think of me?" asked Starlight.

"Educated by a system. To think, hmm, she must be crazy. That's what you'd think, am I wrong? You would think I was crazy. You would put a label on me cause that's what you people do. You put labels on things that you do not understand! Like Isaac. Put a label on him, look at him and then look at me. You label me this, you label me that. Isaac, unique, unattainable. He's everything that every little child in your world should want to be. This world needs fixing! Me, I'm judged upon these things I do. People ask me all the time, they walk up and ask me, just right blunt to my face, 'Do you feel guilty? Do you feel guilty of all these horrible things that you do'? And I answer them, 'How can I feel guilty'? I would never do anything that I feel guilty about. How could I feel guilty for doing what in my mind, is the only right thing. I didn't make the world the way it is. You did." said Starlight pointed at Luna.

"You did. People like you did cause you think you're better. Think you're better and you crave things. And you can never have enough and you just want more, and more, and more, until you fill your mouth and it explodes out of your ears!! Me, I just want to fix things. If I was to feel guilty about something, it would be the fact that I haven't done enough. I wish there were a million of Isaacs, so I could take them all out at once. Then, then I'd, I'd would've accomplish something. I would've done something for the world, I would have made the world a better place."

"Starlight, you seem to really believe in everything that you say. That there are many out there who believe, your preachings for lack of a better term as well. Uh, there are others who don't. You've been called, a false prophet. Charlatan. Even been called a messiah." Starlight just chuckled evilly as Luna calling her a messiah. "But who is Starlight Glimmer?"

"You're all born the same way. Came into this world. And you didn't know how to lie, you didn't know how to cheat. You didn't know how to steal, how to hurt other people. You were taught this. You learn this. Through all this ridiculous, ridiculous teachings of a rotten, horrible, miserable society. Me... I came from somewhere else. And I have to teach the world, I have to victimize the world, I have to victimize Isaac and when he enters his domain. He has to understand that he's not walking in there with some person. I'm a beast, man. I'm a beast, but I understand things. Just like I understand that Isaac is dangerous. I understand that when you corner a dog, you should expect them to bite you. But like I said, I am a beast as well. And when the master raises his hand, the dog will sit down. It is imperative that Isaac collects his thoughts. It is imperative that Isaac goes around everyone he loves and tells them that he loves them one last time. Because uncertainty is awaiting Isaac. When he tells his parents, his friends, goodbye. He can't possibly know... that he'll be returning. You understand?" asked Starlight to Luna.

"Now who is Starlight Glimmer? I can give you only indefinitions, cause I have a thousand names, but in truth, I... am no one." said the girl as she got up and left as she said her piece.

It was now later as everybody of the senior class had gathered in the auditorium as they were waiting to see this contract signing that was about to be taking place. The girls were with their male friend as they were waiting for Starlight to show up. Since the morning, everybody had a chance to listen to what both said as they were being convinced to pick a side which was clear as the line in the sand was evident. Eventually the doors opened as in came Starlight being flanked by Sunburst and Trixie as they saw Isaac waiting for them. The trio approached the table as both Isaac and Starlight looked at each other with disdain and bitterness in their eyes. It felt like everybody was getting ready for a fistfight to break out, but both Isaac and Starlight did something surprising. Each of them told their group to go take a seat as they didn't want the other to be involved. It shocked the groups as they felt like that was a mistake, but based on how Starlight and Isaac were looking at each other, it seemed like they knew the other one wouldn't get physical during this contract signing. So both groups obeyed the request as they sat down but were nearby in case things went south. With that done, Isaac and Starlight approached the table as Luna and Celestia were the moderators as all four of them sat down.

"Welcome you two, now as you know Isaac laid out the challenge to have a duel with Starlight to which she agreed. Now under normal circumstances, this duel shouldn't even be taking place, since Starlight doesn't go here as an official student and any duel that Isaac is involved in on school grounds is a championship match. But given that both of you gave me compelling arguments and to the Board, they have signed off on this request. So it will be Isaac taking on Starlight in which the winner will earn the rank as Champion." said Celestia.

"Now then, that duel will take place in a few days and it will be a brutal encounter I can assure you. It is a duel, 16 years in the making. With that said, we have a contract to sign between the two of you." stated Luna as she turned it over to Isaac and Starlight.

"For the past few weeks, I have turned your world upside-down." smiled Starlight smugly. "Speaking of the world, they're still talking about what Starlight Glimmer did to you right here in this place. You know what, Isaac? In our duel, I'm gonna do it again. When that bell rings, I'm gonna run circles around you, because you can't beat me." laughed the girl. "Now, where do I sign?"

"That all depends on you, Starlight. See our duel is on, but I personally contacted the Board myself, hell not even Celestia and Luna know about what I said to them so this is the first time they and everybody else in this room and reading this story is gonna hear what I have to say. I talked with them and they agreed to my idea. Our duel will be a championship match, but it's a special kind. It's an ironman match." said Isaac as his response got everybody confused.

"Ironman, what kind of shit is that?" said the girl.

"Let me explain, you and I will fight. And for one hour, one hour, 60 minutes, we will duel. Nonstop. And everytime we win a duel, we're awarded a point. And whoever has the most points by the time the hour is up, will be declared the winner and is the undisputed champion of CHS." explained Isaac. "Now as you can see there's two contracts in front of you." Isaac now began to point at each of them. "One, right here that guarantees that our duel is a singles match. Starlight Glimmer versus Isaac. One, right here that guarantees a duel, but it's Isaac versus Starlight's club."

"Whoa, whoa, what the hell do you mean?" asked Starlight as she was confused by what Isaac said.

"What I mean is both will be ironman matches." Isaac then pointed to the contract on Starlight's right, "You sign this one right now and 16 years of what if, right here, right now, is answered. Because with your buddies by your side, you on the dueling field, and everybody allowed to be there, you're gonna get my best, until I can't fight, but you will win our duel and also secure your spot as Captain of the Bitch Club!" exclaimed the boy as it got Starlight to be angry. He then pointed at the contract on Starlight's left.

"But you can sign this one. You could sign this one and bring back the electricity and intensity that we had in our last encounter. 'Let's go Isaac, Starlight Glimmer'." chanted Isaac. "'Let's go Isaac, Starlight Glimmer. Let's go Isaac, Starlight Glimmer. Let's go Isaac, Starlight Glimmer. Let's go Isaac, Starlight Glimmer. Let's go Isaac, Starlight Glimmer'!" Isaac then stopped chanting as it seemed the students copied his actions as they were chanting the words he said as it was literally split down the middle. "A universe divided. You could sign this and we get a real answer to the question, 'what if'?"

"I see what you're doing here, Isaac. I see. Everybody, both here and reading the story, it's Isaac. It's Isaac, he's got a silver tongue and he can spin anything. That's what he does, he's the king of all this. You got a big ass shovel in your hand and what are you gonna do, you're gonna do the same thing that you've always done. And that's bury as much young talent as you can. That's what you do, right? That's how you stay on top of the mountain, you'll do anything. You're just a backstabbing shark. But the thing is why you don't like me, Isaac. Is you can't bury me."

Isaac just laughed at Starlight's comment as he prepared to speak, "Okay, so everybody thinks I got this mythical golden shovel? That I got these magical powers, that I can control anything and keep everybody's fate. Girl, I can't tell if you're blind or stupid. Look and listen, they hold the keys. They always have, they always will." said Isaac as he pointed to the fourth wall and the wall of reality itself. "But you actually believe that I'm a shark, that I hold everybody down and that I swim to the top and keep them underwater at any and all costs. I'm level with you, homie. I haven't been in a big time duel, since the Fall Formal of this year, that was 37 chapters ago. When it comes to this yard, there's only one rule, step up or move aside. And over the years, there have been a lot of people to step up, but nobody to ever keep up. And then I finally hear about this one person, the Starlight Glimmer, the one who can keep up. Now I look at you, and I listen to you." Isaac had a face of disgust as he looked at the girl. "And you call me a part-time of sorts, you should be ashamed then, cause I'm doing this part-time, better than you could ever do at full-time."

The crowd was hot as both Isaac and Starlight stared at one another as they kept their glance at each other. The personal and verbal jabs that both were taking at each other. It was personally no doubt. And the thing was... they weren't done shit talking each other.

"I see what this is about, Isaac. You don't think I can beat you one-on-one, is that it? Oh, is it because you've defending your rank as champion multiple times? Is that it? Oh, no, no, no. Maybe it's because you retired both Celestia and Luna, two great legends of Duel Monsters? No, no, no, no. That's probably not it. Maybe it's because you're the face that runs this place?" said Starlight. "You want to talk about what ifs? Let's talk about it. What if Starlight Glimmer would've been here 16 years ago? Hell, 3 years ago even. I'll tell you, you wouldn't have been a champion. You've wouldn't have been blessed by your idol. You wouldn't have retired Celestia and Luna. You wouldn't be on magazine covers; you wouldn't be in a shitty movie! If the powers that be hadn't had kept me out of Duel Monsters and CHS for so long, I would have all those accolades, and I, Starlight Glimmer, would be the face that runs this place!!" shouted the girl.

"SHUT UP!!!!" shouted Isaac as he slammed his fists on the table.

"Enough, man! Your club isn't full of bullets, it's just full of bullshit!! Every single thing you've done, and I sit here and give you respect, and you waltz out, and whine, and bitch, and complain like every other single person before you entitled, thinking, 'It should've been me. It could've been me. I deserved that'. You didn't do it, chipmunk cheeks, but you're too stupid to see that you got a chance right in front of your face, to man up, knuckle up, and do it now!!" said Isaac as then pointed at the contract on Starlight's left. "So, you sign that and you prove me wrong. Or you sign that," Isaac then pointed at the right contract, "And you're not gonna need me to bury you, homes. Everybody here knows you're gonna bury yourself. We're gonna put your ass on a bullet train back to Sire's Hollow, cause apparently, you left your balls over there!!!"

Safe to say that comment alone got Starlight's pressure through the roof as she felt like punching the boy in front of her. She then furiously looked at the two contracts as she grabbed the left one and looked like she was going to sign it as she had the pen in her hand. She then stopped to look at Isaac.

"What's it gonna be?" taunted Isaac.

Starlight stared at the contract she grabbed as she looked over to the one on the right. She did several double takes looking between the two of them, as soon she made her decision. She then signed the contract on the dotted line for... a singles duel with Isaac. Isaac then grabbed the pen as she put his signature and their 1 hour ironman championship duel was now official. Starlight then grabbed the contract to show both of their signatures to the boy as she spoke.

"You see that right there? You're gonna fine out real quick, I'm not every other person with your Kmart shopping ass. After it's over, after our duel, maybe you'll get the message. Your time is up, my time is now!" said Starlight as she slammed the contract on the table as she began to leave with Sunburst and Trixie following behind her.

With that it was set, 16 years in the making, Isaac and Starlight going one on one with no backup from any of their friends. Both people going all in with everything to lose and everything to gain.

After that face to face, everybody was going about their day. Isaac was now walking in the hallway as he was minding his own business and preparing himself for his upcoming duel when he was attacked. It happened fast as Isaac was clocked in the back of his head as he fell down to both of his knees with his hands on the floor. He looked up as his vision was blurred as he saw two people standing over him as the last thing he saw was a fist coming at him as it went black.

"Pick his ass up! Pick him up!" shouted a voice. "Bring him to me!"

Isaac slowly was gaining conscious as he opened his eyes as saw two people dragging him by the arms as he looked forward and saw Starlight as she was standing in front of the boy. The persons who were dragging him were Trixie and Sunburst as they managed to launch a surprise attack. Isaac tried to break free when Starlight grabbed his chin and looked at him as Isaac had a scowl on his face.

"You didn't think I'd let what you said slide? I promise in our duel, I will kill you. You can forget about being a pro, you can forget about seeing your family or friends ever again. Cause I will kill you. I may go to hell, but that to me is my own personal heaven." said Starlight as she then brought the back of her hand and slapped Isaac across his face as hard as she can as she left a decent mark on his cheek. She then brought her knee and hit Isaac in the stomach as he couldn't even defend himself as Isaac let out a cough. She did it again and Isaac was now struggling a bit to breathe. Starlight was enjoying herself on brutalizing the boy but she knew she still needed him alive. So she did the necessary amount of pain to get her message across, as she kept punching the boy as he was being held down by Trixie and Sunburst. After a few minutes, her hair was a mess as she looked at Isaac as he was coughing heavily from being repeated punched in his stomach and gut.

Starlight smiled as she grabbed Isaac's chin again to look at him as Isaac was still defiant as ever with a scowl. She then did something unexpected as she put some hairs out of her face and then leaned down as she pressed her lips to his. Sunburst was shocked by what he saw as Starlight was really going in on the kiss as she moaned and used her tongue to make contact with Isaac's, almost like she lusted for the boy. Starlight then pulled away after 3 minutes of kissing the boy as she let out a gasp of air and a small trail of saliva connected their lips as she wiped them and smiled. Isaac then sucked in the saliva from their kiss and with a great big exhale spit at Starlight's face as he got her right in the eye.

Starlight backed away for a few inches as she wiped the spit on her face as she looked at the boy and gave one final slap and knee to him as Isaac fell down on the ground as he clutched his stomach. He groaned as he was in pain as he felt it. Starlight then reached to grab at Isaac's necklace as she slipped it off of his neck and looked at it with a devious smile. Isaac saw this and knew what she was thinking as he reached out with one hand while his other arm was around his body. Starlight just smiled and waved the shiny thing in front of the boy as she toyed with her food. She then smirked as she lifted it up high and as hard as she could she slammed it on the floor as the entire thing broke into tons of tiny pieces.

"NO!!!!" shouted Isaac. For him that necklace meant everything, he then could hear the spirits of his monsters in his deck as they all let out agonizing screams of pain as they felt their master's connection with them. "No, no, no." said Isaac as he crawled towards the broken thing as he grabbed a handful of the pieces in his left hand as he looked at it with tears in his eyes. Isaac could feel the pain as it caused him to legit break down in tears which added more to beating he just endured.

"She's got the whole world, in her hands. She's got the whole wide world, in her hands. She's got the whole world, in her hands. She's got the whole wide world... in... her... hands." said Starlight.

Starlight smiled as her work was done as she told Trixie and Sunburst to leave as they all began to follow her. For the two, they did look at Isaac as he was lying on the floor in pain with his necklace broken, as they felt bad for the boy. They soon heard Starlight shouting as they had to follow her. Isaac was still on the floor as he held the necklace when a voice called out.

"Isaac." said Fluttershy as she found her friend.

"How's that?" asked Fluttershy as she had managed to bring her friend back home where Twilight was waiting and was shocked to see her boyfriend.

"Better." said Isaac as the shy girl pulled down his shirt as she managed to put a couple of bandages on it as she finished applying her home made medicine. Isaac then tried to get up.

"Isaac, don't move. You need to rest." said Twilight as she had her boyfriend's head on her lap as she had her hand over his forehead as she tried to make him comfy.

"I'm fine, Twilight... just... a bit sore." said Isaac as he sat up as the pain was still there.

"Please, rest." pleaded the girl as she begged her boyfriend to listen to her.

"Not until..."

"I advise listening to Twilight, darling." said Rarity as she came from her room as she had her hands behind her back.

"Rarity, did you..." asked Isaac.

"It was tough, but I was able to fix it and put it back together." said Rarity as she moved her hands from behind her back and presented Isaac with his fixed necklace as it was perfectly fixed like nothing had happened to it.

"Thank you." said Isaac as he put his hand over hers as he stopped to look at the fashionista. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry that, I let Starlight destroy your birthday gift for me. That necklace meant a lot to me, but also to you. I'm sorry it had to happen."

"Darling, it's fine." said the girl as she gave it back to the boy as she planted a kiss on his cheek.

"I promise it won't happen again." said Isaac as he put it back on as he could feel his monsters spirits as they too were pleased.

"Isaac, rest." said Twilight.

"Sorry, Twi. But Starlight fired the first shot. Which means, it's time I get to training." said Isaac as he grabbed his cap and hoodie as he put them on. The three girls began to follow their friend out the door as they soon arrived at a gym.

Isaac entered inside as there was the rest of their friends as Rainbow was doing some exercises when she saw their friends enter. She then got the other's attention as they had heard about what happened.

"So, ready for this?" asked the chromatic girl as she was wearing a trainer's cap on her head and a whistle dangling around her neck.

"Let's get to it." said Isaac as he handed his cap and hoodie to Sunset as he began to begin his training and conditioning for his match with Starlight.

"Now all we need is some training montage music. Which I got covered." said Pinkie as she pulled out a boombox from her hair and pressed play as the training montage was underway.

(Training Montage)

Isaac then got down and began to do some pushups as Rainbow was acting as his trainer and instructing the boy. After a few minutes, they moved onto other exercises as that focused on the boy's condition and cardio as they knew that one hour of dueling meant three things, stamina, pacing, and energy. Isaac was determined to improve his physical and mental strength as the girls all cheered on their friend as both Aj and Rainbow were encouraging him. Sometime had passed as Isaac was sweating as he wiped his forehead and took off his shirt as he showed off his biceps and other muscles on his body as he kept going on. Seems the girls, apart from Pinkie who just kept rocking to the music in the background, all had some red on their faces as they watched their male friend shirtless, even AJ and RD who were the closest to the boy.

Isaac was now running some miles around the block as Rainbow was next to him as she encouraged her friend as Twilight's drone tracked them as it was recording Isaac's time and recording down his data as he got better with every trial. Soon they moved to box jumping as Isaac pushed himself. He then had a huge card stack in front of him as he used his drawing hand to pull the top one off the stack and then do it again and again as he got faster and faster with each of his draws. Twilight was recording each piece of data as she could see her boyfriend pushing himself.

Isaac now sat down on a stool as Sunset had a piece of paper in front of the boy with the alphabet.

"Name all the archetypes that start with A. Go!" shouted Sunset as Twilight started her stopwatch.

"Abyss Actor, Aesir, Agent, Alien, Ally of Justice, Altergeist, Amazemment, Amazoness, Amorphage, Ancient Gear, Ancient Warriors, Appliancer, Aquaactress, Arcana Force, Archfiend, Armed Dragon, Aromage, Artifacts, Assault Mode, and Atlantean." finished Isaac.

"Time." said Sunset.

"18 seconds." responded Twilight as she wrote it down.

"Name all the archetypes that start with B. Go!"

"Batteryman, Battlewasp, Battlin' Boxer, Beetrooper, Black Luster, Blackwing, Blue-Eyes, Bounzer, Bujin, Buring Abyss, Buster Blader, Butterspy."

"15 seconds." said Twilight.

Starlight was also training for her duel as she had Trixie and Sunburst help her. She had a program that had analyzed all of Isaac's deck as she began to run an A.I. and had it face her several times so that she could know what exactly was waiting for her. She even had her program run and produced a digital copy of Isaac's deck as she began to use it against other different decks as she won each time and was getting a better understanding of how it functioned. She then began to jump rope as Sunburst was asking her Duel Monster questions as she answered them while training. She then began to run a small homemade obstacle course as Trixie blew the whistle and she was off and running as she made sure to complete each one with a dominate finishing time. She even was doing some laps in a swimming pool as both of her comrades encouraged her to push past her limit as she kept on swimming.

"Who do you want to beat?! Who do hate?!" shouted Sunburst as he was watching his friend do sit-ups.

"I hate Isaac! I hate Isaac! I hate Isaac!!!" shouted Starlight as she was doing her sit-ups with a twenty pound weight on her chest as she did the exercises as she was using her hate and angry to motivate her.

Both were doing more training as a voiceover started to play.


"I've been expecting, Starlight for a long time."

"Isaac's, greatest strength coming into this duel. It's going to be his experience."

"This is my biggest match to date. And when the pressure's on, becomes hard to breath and the nerves make your legs heavy. You see those rules, they don't apply to Isaac."

"A lot of people might try to train endurance. Thinking that they're going to catch up to where Isaac is."

"Isaac doesn't get gassed out." said the boy.

"The training prep for this duel is very simple." replied Starlight.

"Starlight, is a tough person."

"To create maximum damage." said the girl.

"She's a skilled striker."

"I stick to my strengths, strategize, evaluate, and anticipate their next move, before they even think or do it."

"She's fierce."

"I'm trained to hurt people."

"Starlight may try to dictate the pace of the match/duel. She fights on emotion. And when you fight on emotion, you make mistakes."

"I'm gonna light his ass up with shots that he's gonna carry with him for the rest of his life."

"The deeper we get into the match that deep water that's where she drowns." stated Isaac.

"Expect to see a champion, dethroned." said Starlight.

Both individuals were pushing themselves for their upcoming fight. The girls had the students join in on Isaac's training as they helped their head master practice his skills as he had each of them challenge him to a duel. Sunburst and Trixie had some of the students who joined Starlight's side take her on all at once as Starlight demanded the challenge. Both even were testing their body as well as Isaac currently sitting in a tub full of cold ice water as he was testing his body temperature and seeing just how much he could tolerate before losing numbness. Starlight was sitting in a sauna as the temperature was rising up with each minute as she wanted to see just how much heat she and her body could handle as she was focused.

Both then had a split screen as they each had boxing gloves as Isaac was now punching a sand bag with Rainbow and Applejack encouraging him while Sunset was in her sweats holding the bag as the boy was punching it. Starlight was punching a tree as it had a photo of Isaac as she imagined that she was punching the boy himself. Both of their friends could see what was going through their comrades as they hoped that whatever happened, everything could go hopefully go back the way it was.

Twilight had awoken up from her bed as she was thirsty; she exited her room and went downstairs to the fridge. She saw Isaac in the living room as he had fallen asleep sitting as he had all of his cards scattered around him. Isaac was fast asleep from his training as Twilight approached the couch to see her boyfriend tired out as she smiled. She looked at the cards scattered on the table as she gathered them and put them together as she grabbed a pillow and laid down Isaac on it as she placed his hoodie over him as a blanket. Twilight smiled as she gave a kiss to her boyfriend's cheek as she prayed he would win.

Sunburst came into the room where Starlight was at her computer as she too had fallen asleep from her training and program. Sunburst looked at the screen as he shut it off and then picked up his friend in his arms as he took Starlight to her bed. He placed her in the bed as he put the covers over her as for the first time, Sunburst got to see just how beautiful his friend was when she was happy and smiling. He prayed that Starlight would win so... that he could get his wish he so longed for. He then did something unexpected as he kiss Starlight on the cheek as she was asleep as he left and closed the door.

Isaac and Starlight were now outside as they were running and running as they were reaching the final moments of their training. They each went on a long mile run as they were running to their final destination Rocky style. Soon Isaac arrived at the pier as he came to a stop and looked out at the sea as he could listen to the sounds of the world around him as he knew he was ready. Starlight now reached the top of the hill that overlooked Canterlot as she looked at it and was now imagining that her vision of Duel Monsters was about to be realized as she was prepared.

(End of Training Montage)

It was now the night before the scheduled duel. Tomorrow, both Isaac and Starlight would have one final face to face as they would have a debate of sorts where they would answer questions from both Luna and Celestia as well as their fellow peers on why this duel was going to be so important. Right now Isaac was currently on his laptop in his room as he was in a video call with his acquittances.

"I've done all I can, tomorrow... is the big day. I just can't help... but... fear the worst."

"Everything is going to be fine, Isaac." said Yuma.

"Just remember what you duel for, use that to help guide you in your match tomorrow." stated Jaden.

"Remember your training and even the basic steps of dueling." said Yusei.

"And remember we'll be there in spirit." said Yuya.

"Thanks guys, I pray this won't be the last time I talk with you all. But if it is... I'm glad to have had a chance to meet each one of you and learn something. Thank you for the memories and for the duels."

"Good luck." said all four as the video call ended.

"Tomorrow." said Isaac as he got ready for bed.

The next day rose as it was the day of the huge battle, tonight was set to be a huge event. So much so that Celestia and Luna had to do a lot on their part to make sure that everything was ready per Isaac's request as their match would be going for one hour straight. Soon the auditorium was filled with students as on the stage were two podiums with Luna and Celestia being in front of the stage as they sat at a table and had tons of small cards filled with questions for both Isaac and Starlight. Eventually each person's friends arrived as they all took a seat behind the two ladies as Isaac and Starlight got on the stage and looked at each other for a bit before stepping to their podiums respective.

"Ladies and gentleman, tonight will a duel like no other, standing before are two duelists who for one hour will fight. Fight until they can go no longer. Now before that happens, I've gathered everybody here so that they can express some last minute thoughts." said Luna.

"Before we begin with the questions, I'll allow each of you to say something." said Celestia she then nodded at Isaac as he cleared his throat to speak.

"Starlight, you don't know what it feels like to tell the world and the people reading this story, the people that you care about, you have to do something... and then fail. Last time in our duel, I told every single person who would listen, especially those very close to me that I needed that duel. That I needed to win that match... and I failed. That moment, that match, it wasn't just a lost to Starlight. That match, that moment sent my life into a tailspin. Both professional and personally, because I could not get over my obsession with the fact that I failed. I couldn't jump over that hurdle with the fact that I told these people I was going to get it done and I didn't. You were responsible for my collapse. But through failure, I became stronger because you are also responsible for my turnaround. I get a chance to rewrite history, this is more than just a match for me. This is a shot at redemption. You realize how many people don't even get a first chance. I get a second chance, I've been gifted a second chance to write the biggest wrong of my life. So I'd figured I'd give you a heads up, I am not throwing away my shot."

"As much as it matters to you, Isaac, it matters so much more to me. When I walk out here and I step onto that dueling field. And I connect with every single person in this room, from top to bottom. And all the way. And connect to everyone at home and reading this story, every man, women, and child. Our connection, our bond, our strength. Isaac, it matters to me! So you get something straight right now, in just a few hours, you ain't getting redemption, jack. You're getting your ass kicked!!" shouted Starlight.

"You know, Mike Tyson was once quoted for saying, 'I'm going to eat his children'. It's sad we actually remember Mike Tyson for that because Mike Tyson is responsible for one of the most powerful quotes I have ever heard, and everytime I hear it, it reminds me of you." said Isaac looking at Starlight. "Tyson, in his prime, was once quoted as saying, 'In order to be the greatest that ever lived, you have to beat everyone living.' I have accomplished every single goal. I have jumped every roadblock in my entire career and life except for you. Our duel, your time is up and my time is now."

"Your time is now and my time is up? No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Starlight's time is just getting started. You want to quote famous athletes? Well, I got a quote for you. I've got a quote for you from a famous athlete and it goes like this, 'Winning is about heart. You've just got to have it in the right place'. The man who said that quote, Lance Armstrong. He was full of shit and so are you!" stated the girl just smiled smugly.

"Well played, Starlight. Unbelievable confidence. That confidence in your eyes, I had that last time. Listen, in a few hours, history will not repeat itself. I make history."

"You just crystallized everything that is Starlight and Isaac. Right here, I tell you in front of everybody and the world. Isaac, that's the biggest difference between you and me. You think you can beat me? I know I can beat you. And in our duel, I will beat you... again."

Both Isaac and Starlight let their words sink in as they stared at one another. Celestia and Luna knew what to do as they began to get both individual's attention before a possible fight broke out. Celestia then cleared her throat as it got both of their attention.

"Alright, now we'll begin with the questions. Now I will ask each of you some questions and once one of you has answered it, the other will respond." explained Celestia. She then flipped her cards over as she read the question. "This is question is for Isaac: Are you prepared to live with the type of regret that might accompany another loss to Starlight this time around?"

"There is no-- There is no mistaking that today will be a historic day for Duel Monsters. And whether I win or I lose that duel it is safe to say it will change the face of game forever. Celestia if I win the story is an easy tell. I get satisfaction, I get to retain my rank as champion and most importantly I get much needed redemption. If you were to talk to me last time about losing I wouldn't even speak of the subject because I said losing was not an option. And then Starlight defeated me. So I know damn well that losing is an option. Losing is a very real option. Celestia, you want me to talk to you about regret? Well, that's a-- that's a tougher story to tell. Because it means I may be good, but it will make people see me as someone who couldn't win the big one."

Isaac then looked at Starlight, "Celestia, that's one hell of a lot of regret but at least I'll be able to look in that mirror because I can handle failure. This gal right here, Starlight Glimmer, knows nothing of failure. Well, not yet, but she soon will."

"Starlight, your response." said Celestia.

"I don't know about failure. I know about failure. Isaac, let me tell you something. When I was 2 years old, my parents were so broke they couldn't afford to get a single card, they were barely paying the expenses of our house. They were so broke that I had to dig through hourly dumpsters to find old throwaway cards that people didn't want anymore. Me and Sunburst! And I can't begin to tell you all the fun things that were soaked into those dumpsters that we had to dig around in. And about year later, what happened? I won my first junior tournament of my school and then sometime later, I met the King of Games and he said what I told you, 'Congrats, kid. I'd almost hope in you'. And what happened after that, I started to lose and lose and lose, cause the other kids who had more money than me, they had better cards! They started to overwhelm and push me around for holding trash in my hand. I flopped, they looked at me and said, 'Starlight Glimmer, it just ain't working. Go home'! And it wasn't just the kids, it was teachers who said that to my face. I went home and I cried. But what did I do? I could've quit right there, could've given up my Duel Monsters career, but I didn't."

"I worked my ass off and I came back and when I came back into this game... I came back into the game at that time and I said one thing, 'Just give me a duel disk'! Two years after that, I started to win and I became stronger, faster, more powerful, it was I who now stood over those rich kids and mocked in their face that they needed to get better cards. Then for the next 10 years of my life, I won multiple tournaments for my school. I teamed with Sunburst in tag duels all across the underground and the independent scene. Multiple awards given to the both of us, trophies for being a team. We were dueling in small-time venues with no more than 15 people max. And then it happened we were invited to the Duos Cup to compete and we were riding high, we thought we could single-handedly win the whole damn thing and what happened? We went out and got our asses kicked by you and your girlfriend!!" shouted Starlight.

"I sat alone in that locker room. I sat alone in that locker room, thinking about the loss, thinking about the failure that same night. But I decided and I made a decision that I was gonna come back stronger and work hard and become the hardest working person every of all time and then come back and become one of the greatest of all time if not the greatest of all time. So that person, that person, those failures led me to be the girl that I am today. And the girl that I am today is gonna kick your ass in a few hours!!" shouted Starlight.

"Okay, our next question," said Luna as she moved on to avoid tension, "It really pained me last time to watch the two of you. It seemed to me that you both got overtaken with bad blood. And now, looking at you right now, I can see that something's changed. And what I wanna know, and what I think everybody wants to know, what happened? What changed?"

"I'll tell you what happened. I'll tell you what changed. Two duelists went at it wanting to be the best, the absolute best. I give you this Isaac, you beat the living shit out of me and I beat the living shit out of you; that means to me that you are the best. There were no cheap shots, there were no screw jobs, just two people going at it. I beat Isaac in the middle of the dueling field, one, two, three, after that loss, he didn't bitch, he didn't complain, he didn't moan. He took it like a man. And I respect that fully."

"Starlight, I respect the hell out of you and I appreciate you say that I took my loss with class and I took it like a man. And in a few hours, we're gonna see how you handle yours."

"All right. Next question," said Celestia as she looked at another cue card, "My question is to you, Isaac? You say that you think that you could beat Starlight? Well, I wanna know why. Everyone here wants to know why. Why are you gonna beat Starlight this time?"

Isaac didn't fully answer the question right away as he looked at the two principals and then at his friends and then at the crowd of students gathered. He then looked at Starlight as she and everybody else was waiting to hear his response. For Isaac he was also thinking about his friends in the Big 5 and how they would answer if they were in his position. Isaac took his cap off his head as he placed it on the podium as he ran his hand through his hair as he finally spoke.

"Because I have to... that's it. Because I have to."

"Because you have to. That's it?" asked Starlight as she addressed Isaac as she thought that answer was stupid. "That's it? Because you have to? What kind of shallow, weak answer is that, because you have to? Biggest duel of your life, because you have to? How about you wipe a monkey's ass with I have to!!" stated the girl. "Why don't you tell everybody, Isaac, tell them the truth. Tell them why you got to beat me. Tell them why you think you got to beat me. Go ahead, tell the truth, be honest, rip yourself open. Tell the truth!!"

"BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T BEAT ME!!!" yelled Isaac as his whole voice echoed around the room. "You didn't beat me! You cannot beat me! I beat me!!"

"And that's the first time I had ever said that publicly but that is fact! One, one bad decision. I get caught up in one personal moment. You know, I come out here every single day. Some people like me, some people don't like me, it's fine. Every single day for 20 damn years, I've been coming out here and half of them are over here and half of them are over here and I just go along for the ride. You are the only person that has ever clouded my judgement enough to make a stupid decision!!! Celestia, Luna, you both were there hiding in the bushes. I've watched the replay of that duel a hundred times. I had your ass beat!!!" shouted Isaac while pointed at Starlight. "You threw every ace you had at me, not enough. I handled the best you've got and I had you down and out and what did I do? I didn't take into account everything, a rookie mistake. Me an experienced duelist made a rookie mistake, not taking everything into account and why... cause I was so caught up in beating you and getting rid of you!!"

"One time, you personally got in the way of me of making the easiest decision of my life. Here's the good news, that is never, never gonna happen again. This time, I step onto the dueling field with you and I do it my way on my terms because I know! You want a reason?! Here is your reason. I know, I know I am better than Starlight Glimmer!!! And much, much more importantly, you know I am better than you. I'm not some battered veteran at the end of their career just trying to cling on to relevancy using their name cause that's the only thing they have left." said Isaac as he made sure to direct his attention to Celestia and Luna to show he was right.

"Here's what I do know. If you had me beat, you would have beaten me. But you didn't. Here's what happened. Everyone was there, the readers were there, the whole world was watching. You threw everything you had at me, but I had an answer. I beat you, I beat your star magicians, I left you speechless, and I beat you in the middle of the field. So between me and you Isaac, you will never be the man."

"That's what I'm talking about. You all need to take the gloves off. Your duel isn't about respect, it isn't about redemption, it's about winning and losing." said Luna. "There ain't no guarantees in this business and in life. You know what I'm talking about? None. Sometimes, you don't always get what you want. Sometimes, what you want is not always what you get. So, let me ask you this question in public... What do you guys really want in your duel later?" asked the vice-principal.

"I wanna win the big one. Not only win the big one, I wanna dominate Starlight. At the end of the hour, what I want is Starlight to be looking up at the open air sky, and she'll finally realize that this ball-cap wearing punk she says should have never even belonged here, belongs. And not only that, Starlight will realize that I am better than her. What I want to do to Starlight is what she did to me, hand her a loss so devasting, it will haunt her for the rest of her life. That is what I want."

"Haunt me for the rest of my life? Who the hell do you think you're talking to? Haunt me for the rest of my life? I ain't made that way. Isaac, I ain't wired that way. After our duel, I'm gonna wake up champion, while you're gonna wake up stuffing your face with Fruity Pebbles!! Asking yourself why... asking yourself why you couldn't get the job done again. Isaac, you bring it like nobody else in this school. It's the reason why we're going a second time. The bottom line is this, you wanna prove me wrong? Prove me wrong. You wanna prove the world wrong? Prove them wrong. Prove them wrong in our duel. But better than that, how about you prove me wrong right now?" taunted the girl as she stepped away from her podium.

Isaac just followed her lead as he too stepped away from his podium as he was now face to face with Starlight as both stared at each other in the eye. Celestia and Luna signaled the girls as they all rushed to put their hands on Isaac as they slowly pulled their friend away as he didn't resist as he kept staring at Starlight who too was being pulled back by Sunburst as they managed to avoid a fight.

Soon it was time, the sun was slowly setting down, everyone was gathered. Final preparations were being made as Celestia and Luna were making sure that all was ready. The stands were filled to the brim with students, the girls and their mentees were already sitting down as they prepared to watch their head professor in what could very well be his final duel. Starlight was with Sunburst and Trixie as she had some headphones on as she was rocking out and getting her mind focused. Sunburst then tapped her shoulder as she put them around her neck as he gave her the special deck that she had requested.

"Good luck." said Trixie.

Starlight just grabbed the deck as she looked it over and put it in her pocket. Just as she was about to leave, she was stopped by Sunburst who gave her his card: Star Light, Star Bright.

"Take it." said the boy as he placed the card in her hand and closed hers while putting his on top. "At least you know you have your best friend there to support."

"Fine." said Starlight as she felt like she didn't need the card but did it so that Sunburst could stop being sentiment. With that she lead her group to the field as she passed through the door and was welcomed to a reaction.

Isaac was in a classroom with Celestia, Luna, and Twilight as they were trying to convince Isaac to let this go, but it wasn't working.

"Isaac, are you sure?" asked Celestia.

"Yes." said the boy.

"You do this, and we will not be responsible for what happens." said Luna.

"I know, which is why I'm... willing to die for whatever occurs." said Isaac as he knew there was no going back.

"Then we pray that you live." said both women as they hugged the boy as they walked past him through the door.



"I... I... you know..." Twilight didn't get to finish her sentence as Isaac grabbed her by the waist and pulled her in as he wrapped his arms around her and lifted her in the air as the two had a deep and passionate kiss as they were letting their hormones take over as their tongues were dancing with each other. Isaac then moved and sat his girlfriend down on a desk as he kept kissing her as she did the same. Twilight didn't want to let go of him as she wanted Isaac to stay here with her and just forget everything, but he was determined. Soon he broke apart as he looked at Twilight with one last smile, he looked at the necklace he had given her as he gave on last kiss on her chin as he then walked out of the classroom. He was now in front of the doors leading to the field as he took a deep breath as he gripped his deck and then setted through as he was given a reaction.

"Ladies and gentleman, it is time... for the one hour ironman championship duel. Between Starlight Glimmer and Isaac." said Celestia as both individuals were on the field and activated their duel disk projecting their card trays and slotting in their deck.

"One hour, one hour straight, they will duel. And the person with the most points at the end of the hour, will be declared the winner and gain the rank of champion." stated Luna. "So... without... any further ado... let the duel.... BEGIN!!!!!"

"Let's duel!!!" shouted Isaac and Starlight.

Author's Note:

And so we've reached the finale of this story arc. All of this now comes to a head in the next chapter. So the time is now... after all of the points made by Isaac and Starlight in this chapter, but also in the chapters when this story arc first start, what is your final decision on who you side with? The time is now... what is your final pick?

And for those of you that did enjoy all the jabs Isaac and Starlight did to everybody, including breaking the fourth wall a lot and getting personal. I'm glad, it was a fun thing to do. Also if you have a favorite point that either made, let me know what it was.

But either way, which side are you now? Your final decision needs to be decided now and before the next chapter gets posted.

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