• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 70: The City That Never Sleeps

It was morning. The morning of the day that was finally here. It was Saturday, but more importantly it was the day of the trip that Celestia and Luna had planned for the Canterlot group. Safe to say that almost everybody was full of excitement that they couldn't sleep. That couple with the fact that they would be on a plane in a few hours meant they would have plenty of time to catch some sleep. Isaac was currently having breakfast with his parents as it would be quite a while till he saw them again.

"You nervous, mijo?" said Isaac's dad.

"A little, I know this is a good opportunity for everybody to see how talented I am as a duelist. But I'm still scared of being away from you and mami. I may be a teenager going into adulthood in a few years, but I'm still a kid when it comes to family." said Isaac as he had a sad look on his face.

"Don't worry about us, Isaac. Me and your dad are proud of how far you've come. You're at a school that you enjoy, you're at the top of your game when it comes to Duel Monsters. And now you have a chance to inspire other little kids to possible follow in similar footsteps like you. Not to mention that you finally found yourself a girlfriend. I dare say that Twilight is a perfect fit for my son." Isaac's mother was happy that her son had manage to find a girl who can take care of him.

"Thanks, mami. Twilight really is amazing." Isaac then looked at his deck and tightly gripped it as he focused his mind. Soon his phone went off as Isaac checked his messages. It was from Twilight who told him that they were outside. With that Isaac went upstairs as he grabbed his backpack and his luggage bag as he made his way downstairs. Isaac's parents then accompanied their son to the front door and opened up to see a huge van in front of their gate. Out came Celestia as she was wearing causal clothes for once, other than her principal attire.

Isaac turned his towards his parents as they hugged and kissed their son.

"Remember, mijo. No matter what, you'll always make us proud." said Isaac's father.

"Dear God, please watch over our son during his travels. And may he have a safe return." Isaac's mother said a quick prayer to give her son some extra protection and guidance. She then blessed her son and gave him a deep hug and kiss.

"I'll be back." Isaac as he started down the stairs and went through their gate. "Hey, Celestia." said Isaac.

"Good morning, Isaac. Ready to go?" asked Celestia.

"Yeah." With that Isaac put his bag in the truck and carried his backpack with him as he entered the van. Inside were the other girls as they were ecstatic that Isaac was finally here.

Once Celestia made sure that everybody was ready, they all then began their way towards the airport. It took about 45 minutes, but the group then arrived at the place. The thing that surprised them all was that they weren't taking a normal plane as they took a different way into the place. They were now on the runway as there was a private jet waiting for them. They all got out as they grabbed their bags and then started to get on, the only thing that caught Isaac's attention was the initials on the side of the plane that just said 'K.C'.

"How did you afford this, Principal Celestia?" asked Sunset.

"Well, I made a few call to some old connections and they sent me a plane that we could use. Not to mention we've got our own private crew and pilot to take care of us during our trip. Now come along everybody." Celestia then spoke with the pilot as Isaac and the girls all got on board.

After running some last minute preparations, the flight tower then made sure the runway was clear as they began to take off. Everybody inside could feel the plane take off as they held on tight during liftoff and some turbulence when they were gaining some altitude. Now they were soaring high above the clouds, as the pilot gave the signal that they could move about the plane. With that Celestia and Luna then swiveled around in their chairs as they faced the group. On the left side was Fluttershy, Pinkie, Twilight and Isaac while on the right side of the plan was Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Sunset.

"Now that everybody is here, let's go over a couple of things. Luna, if you please?" Celestia then motioned for her sister to start the presentation. With that Luna pushed a button and out came a giant touch screen like the ones they use in heist movies to collect and plan information. Celestia then stood up.

"First off, let me say that I hope your summer so far has been great. Given how much Canterlot High has changed with you 8 attending, I thought it might be nice to give you all a vacation of sorts. You should all be proud of yourselves." mention Celestia.

"No sweat, principal Celestia. But we really should thank, Isaac. Ever since he enrolled at CHS, he's shown the desire to be the best and he proved that when he became duel champion. Since then he's brought back what it means to have fun in a duel. We should all give a round of applause to Isaac." exclaimed Dash. The others agreed at they gave Isaac a quick applause which caused him to rub the back of his head.

"Indeed, you've been the face of CHS's dueling division for quite sometime. And I hope you'll continue on making it that much better." said Celestia as she was directly addressing Isaac. "Now then, let me brief you'll on the trip. As you know we'll be traveling to different cities and showcasing dueling not just at CHS, but also to provide some entertainment to parts of the country that don't get to see it often."

"Keep in mind, that this is also to serve as a way for us to plan Isaac's future opponents. You girls will be competing and be ranked based on your win/loss record in your duels." said Luna as she took over the presentation. "Now then, let me show you'll where our first stop will be." Luna then touched the screen as she pressed a picture and out came a photo of a giant city. "Our first stop will be Manehattan."

"Manehattan!!" screamed Rarity as she was ecstatic that the first place they were going to was a place she always dreamed of visiting. "Darlings, I've always dreamed of going there, the glamour, the sophistication. Not to mention the fashion! Oh, maybe I can pick up some inspiration on my next trend of clothes." Rarity was now giddy like a little girl as she pulled out a notepad and began to jot down some notes.

"Ok, ignoring Rarity's outburst." said Sunset. "Where exactly is our first stop?"

"Glad you asked, Sunset." Luna then pulled up the map of Manehattan; she then touched a section of the city as a school came up. "This school is home to lots of young kids, while most of them are about 6 or 7 years old, they don't have the necessary means on giving their students some cards for them to practice dueling. So, this will be a way for us to give them some entertainment while also helping to raise some funds for them. Their school has invested in a lot for us to come that they've invited sponsors to attend, so if we can put on a good show then they'll gladly help out the school and the students."

"Then lets make sure we wow those judges." said Isaac as he stood up from his seat. He then faced the other girls as well as Celestia and Luna. "This is more than just some duels, this is a chance for us to give back to the community and help those in need. Those kids based on these photos show that they want to learn how to duel, but they can't due to things outside of their control. So it's up to us give them access to some valuable resources, we all got some help in getting out decks. But these kids don't, so it's our responsibility to make sure that succeed." Everybody took Isaac's words to heart and they all nodded.

"Thank you for the motivating speech, Isaac." said Celestia. "Now then, once we land, we'll head to hotel room. The next day we'll be heading to the school, but prior to entertaining these kids, we'll all be engaged in a panel which will allow the kids to us you'll some questions pertaining to dueling and just wanting to get to know all of you. Is that okay with everyone?" Everybody agreed with Celestia's proposal. "And don't worry, you'll all get a chance to sight see. Now lets go over the match card that will take place. Since it's our first stop, it's expected that the champion kick things off. So it'll be Isaac taking on... Rarity."

Both Isaac and Rarity looked at each other as they weren't expecting to face each other in the first duel of the trip. Regardless, they both nodded as they looked forward to their duel. Celestia then ran down the other matches: Fluttershy vs Pinkie Pie, and the last duel being Sunset taking on Applejack. Rainbow was upset that she wasn't going to be participating this time around, but Luna told her that she would get her opportunity soon. Twilight was fine not dueling as she wanted to see her friends have fun, not to mention see her boyfriend get to put smiles on the kids faces. With that the meeting was over as Celestia and Luna told them that they would inform the group once they landed, they then disappeared behind the door as they went to their section of the jet. That left Isaac and the girls to discuss among themselves about all the sight seeing they planned. Eventually, the movement of the plane caused most of the girls to fall asleep. The only ones who were awake were Rarity who was using the plane's laptop to search the fashion trends currently happening in Manehattan; Rainbow was currently watching a movie while having headphones in her ears. Isaac was just looking out the window of the plan while Twilight was currently napping next to him.

Twilight had her head on Isaac's arm as she mumbled a bit in her sleep. Isaac just smiled at how cute his girlfriend looked, he pushed her glasses up to keep them from falling and gave her a kiss on her forehead. Isaac then turned back to look out the window as he thought about how he wanted to do everything he can to help those kids. Soon he caught whim of some buildings as they started to get into focus and Isaac could clearly see some cars on the freeway. Then the P.A. system on the plane went off.

"Good afternoon, everybody. We'll be landing in Manehattan in a few minutes. Please keep your seatbelts on until the plane comes to a complete stop." said Celestia.

That announcement soon woke up the girls from their nap as they rubbed their arms and stretched. Soon they all looked out the window as they took in the many buildings and sights of the place. Twilight started to stir as she rubbed her eyes and fixed her glasses. She then saw that she was currently holding onto Isaac's arm; she looked at Isaac who simply gave her a smile. She then looked out the window as she was amazed by what she saw. Soon the plane touched down as it skidded on the freeway and eventually it came to a stop.

Celestia and Luna then came through the door as they told the group they had arrived. With that they all got off and grabbed their bags and then hopped into two SUVs as they took all of them to their hotel. They all got to the hotel as Celestia and Luna checked them in and gave everybody their hotel keys. This time everybody had their own room so they didn't have to worry about sharing. With that they all took the time to settle in their rooms as each person unpacked their belongings. After an hour, Celestia had notified the entire group that she would take them all out for dinner which meant that they could explore on their own. So the girls all met up with Isaac as they began to explore some parts of the city.

They all pasted by Bridleway as the most popular musical, Hinny of the Hills, was playing. Rarity was insisted on purchasing some tickets, but the group reminded her they were on a time limit. They would have plenty of time to see the musical after they were done with the kids. They managed to pass by Times Square as they was tons of billboards and food hotspots. Thanks to Rarity's internet surfing she was able to pick the 'it' place to eat. After that they all caught a boat ride as they explored around on the water and eventually saw the great Statue of Liberty. While the girls were on the lower deck, Isaac and Twilight had manage to sneak away from them and were on the top deck as they stood side by side admiring the view while holding hands.

It was now approaching nighttime as the whole group decided to head back to the hotel to meet up with Celestia and Luna. Once everybody was there, both women took the group to a secret place that was popular for both regular and celebrities. They got there and they all sat at a long table as the chefs and waiters brought in tons of food and they all chowed down. they found out first hand why Manehattan truly was known as The City that Never Sleeps. They all enjoyed spending time together and all looked forward to tomorrow's duels.

It was now morning as everybody was gathered in the lobby of the hotel. The chosen participants were currently going over their decks and making any changes they saw fit. They were currently waiting for Celestia and Luna as they would all head over to the place, soon Luna and Celestia came down the stairs as they checked to make sure that everybody was ready. With that they all hopped into the SUV and were on their way to the school. They arrived to the place as there was a couple of kids playing outside. The vehicle arrived and Celestia and Luna were the first ones out followed by the group. They made their way into the building and entered a room that had several people in them. Celestia and Luna talked with the principal of the school as they went over some last minute things. Then she led the group into a corridor as it led the auditorium where they could hear the noise of the little kids as they were cheering for what was about to happen. Dash had peaked behind the curtain as nearly everybody did the same and saw the massive crowd of kids that were waiting to meet them.

"That's a lot more than I was expecting." said Twilight.

"All those people, staring at us." said Fluttershy as she quickly hid her head.

"Don't sweat it Fluttershy, you'll have us there." mentioned Dash as she did her best to cheer up her friend.

Soon they heard a microphone being turned on, as the group looked at Celestia who was up on the stage. "Good morning boys and girls." Celestia's response was meant with a welcoming cheers and applause from the little kids. "I'm sure all of you are most excited for what is planned for today. Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Principal Celestia and this is my sister, Vice-Principal Luna. We're currently the head figures that run Canterlot High; and let me say that it brings me joy to see people like yourself be so fulling invested in wanting to learn about Duel Monsters." The kids just cheered some more as they began to hold handmade posters. It made the girls nearly breakdown in tears as seeing the kids be so passionate about learning the game.

"Now then, before we begin the festivities, I've brought along some students of mine who I believe can help you all to know the wonders of dueling. These same students will also be showcasing their amazing skills in dueling by putting on a show for you all. Now with out further ado, let me introduce you to the students, I've invited for today's showcase." Celestia then signaled for the group as Isaac and the girls made their way onto the stage as they waved to the kids as they received some cheers. Soon they all sat at a long table as they took their seats as predetermined by their names with a microphone in front of each of them; once everybody was seated, Luna then took the microphone as she began this discussion panel.

"Now before you kids ask these students some questions, let's allow the students to introduce themselves." mentioned Luna. "We'll start at the far end and go from left to right." suggested Luna.

"Hello... I'm Fluttershy." Fluttershy was still a bit scared at being in front of so many eyes, but her friends all gave her warming smiles.

"Howdy, y'all. Name's Applejack, but you can call me AJ." Applejack tipped her hat at the little tykes.

"Morning students, I'm Twilight Sparkle."

"Hey everybody, I'm Isaac. And I'm currently ranked as the champion of CHS." Once Isaac made that comment, nearly all the kids started to murmur among themselves as they couldn't believe someone who was considered the best took the time to visit them.

"Name's Rainbow Dash."

"Greeting darlings, my name is Rarity."

"Pinkie Pie."

"And I'm Sunset Shimmer."

"Now that introductions are out the way, let's take a few questions from the kids." suggested Luna. Soon there was a couple of hands that were raised as the staff then got a microphone and gave it to the kid as he stood up.

"So, first all hi. I hope you like our school, so my question is: What decks do you all have and why?" asked the little kid as he sat back down.

"I'll start off," said Sunset. "Right now, I'm currently using a Red-Eyes deck." Sunset's response was met with positive reactions as most of the little ones weren't expecting a card as well know as Red-Eyes to belong to a duelist that was visiting their school. "And as for why I chose this deck, well I actually received the card from one of my close friends whose also on this panel. And he said that it represented my untapped potential, because prior to that, I'll admit I was a bully at my school. I did some horrible stuff to other students and I was so focused on making everybody obey my authority that I lost sight on who I was. Thankfully, he was able to stop me and helped me to get back in good graces with everybody. Since then, I made a vow to treat my new deck with honor and respect." After Sunset finished giving her answer, the audience gave a her an applause as well as her friends. They all resonated with Sunset sharing a part of herself with the little ones.

Applejack then cleared her throat as she began to speak. "As for me, ah got a Predaplant deck. Sure they may be a bit scarier at first, but they're some mighty powerful critters. As for mah reason, ah been a regular old down to earth girl. Not to mention my family and ah work hard to keep our farm runnin'. So ah figured ah went with a deck that shows just how tough ah am."

"Please, as much as those dusty old plants are, they're nothing compared to my team of all-stars." quipped Rainbow as Applejack gave her an angry scowl for downplaying her deck. "Hey kids, if you want to see what true deck looks like, look no further than U.A. Or in other words, ultra athletics. What better way then a deck made up of monsters that can switch out for any situation; not to mention that they're just as awesome as me. If it's cool looking, it's okay in my book." bragged Dash.

"Rainbow, darling." exclaimed Rarity. "The little ones asked what deck you used, not to talk about your overinflated ego." Everybody else just let out a chuckle as they admired Rarity on knocking Rainbow off her pedestal, Rainbow started to get angry and how steam coming out of her ear as Pinkie grabbed some kababs and started to hang them around Rainbow's ears. "Please excuse, my friend, dearies. My deck is just as fabulous as moi, no other deck can suffice or match my definition of perfection other than my Crystal Beast. They're all the rage and while dominating the field, they look stylish while doing it." said Rarity as she put her drama voice on.

"Being the intellect that I am, you would expect me to have a deck that revolves around books/literature. Well you're partially right, the deck that I'm currently using is a Spellbook deck." said Twilight as she fixed her glasses. "While I'm a big fan of science and math, I've always had a fascination when it came to learning and magic. So I picked a deck that compliments my interests."

"Nothing is more enjoyable than furry little creatures. My beast-deck may look intimidating, but I promise they're just a gentle as a little bunny. They wouldn't harm anybody on purpose." said Fluttershy as she promised the little kids that her animals wouldn't cause trouble.

"Who doesn't love cartoons!?" shouted Pinkie. "Toons are just the best thing ever. They're always there for you and they always up for some fun and mischief." Pinkie then pulled our her party cannon as she pulled it and out came confetti as it landed all over the place as the kids laughed at the scene.

"Well, I guess that leaves me." said Isaac as he wiped some confetti off his shoulder. "So being the champion means you kids must be expecting some kind of grand deck that is top notch and is widely known in the dueling community. Am I right?" Almost all the kids shook their heads in agreement with Isaac. "Well that's partial the case, I mean currently, I have the Dark Magician along with Dark Magician Girl in my deck. Any of you kids about these cards?" Almost all the kids started to make loud rumblings as they couldn't believe two legendary cards were currently in the possession of a duelist sitting in front of them. "By that response, I take it you'll know them. As as for my story, well I've told the girls a million times. But growing up, I was always fascinated with dueling. With just the way the game worked and how you had a certain objective that relied on you coming up with a strategy to take down your opponent. Also there was a huge role model that I looked up to, I didn't know his exact name other than that people just referred to him as the 'King of Games'. From that moment on, I wanted to be just like him and put on quality duels for all to enjoy." Isaac's response was met with a round of applause as the kids really liked his answer.

"Well seems those were some good answers." said Luna. "Now whose got any question they would like to ask either to the group or for a specific individual."

More hands were raised as the students were really interested in wanting to ask their questions. Soon a little girl was chosen as she gripped the microphone so that it didn't slip out of her hands as she took a deep breath before speaking.

"Uhm... I have question for Isaac. So what's its like being champion and do you have fun dueling against your friends?" asked the girl as she took her seat.

"How do I like being champion? Oh it's terrible." said Isaac with a mocking tone as all the girls and the kids laughed with him at his answer. "I'm joking, uhm... honestly, it's life changing. And what I mean by that it is that there's a lot responsibilities that come with it; like making sure that everybody sees that you're not just someone who everybody hates. And with that it's also making sure that people see you as just a normal human being. Usually at times, the people who we view in a some sort of limelight, we kind of see them as somebody else and we don't stop to think that their just like you and me. So I try not to view myself as some sort of 'celebrity' and think I'm more important than anybody else. As for the second part of that question, I do enjoy dueling against my friends. It's a way for me to push myself and to help them get better with decks and tactics."

Another student then raised their hand as they stood up and were given the microphone. "This is question is for Rainbow Dash, so who really has been your favorite person to duel against?"

Rainbow was currently drinking her bottle of water as the question was asked to her. She then swallowed her drink as she approached the microphone to give the girl her answer. "Whose been my favorite to duel against? Off the top of my head, I have to say that it's Applejack. Ever since we first enrolled at CHS, she's shown that she can definitely give me a challenge. As much as I talk about being the best, I got to say that she knows how to keep up with me." Rainbow then gave Applejack thumbs up to show that she meant every word she was saying. "But in addition to that, I have to say that Isaac here is really one of the best individuals I could ever ask to be my opponent." Rainbow put her hand on Isaac's shoulder as she talked about him. "He's truly is the definition of what it means to be the best as a duelist, I've come to respect him both as a friend and a rival. I'd be lying if I said that I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Isaac to push me past my limits and to not just be content with where I am." Isaac just had a smile on his face at how Rainbow was being genuine in her answer.

"I have something to ask Fluttershy, how did it feel to get into the top 8 of the Fall Formal for your school?" asked another girl.

Fluttershy was now more confident in herself as she began to speak into the microphone. "Well for starters, I was genuinely shocked to find out that I had actually made it. I'll admit, I had some confident issues, but despite all that I managed to show everybody that I was not to be taken lightly and showed that I deserve to be on the same stage as the other competitors. Even if I didn't win the tournament." Fluttershy looked at Isaac while she said that giving him a scowl.

"Sorry." said Isaac as he tried to dissolve Fluttershy's expression. Everybody else just laughed at how the two of them acted.

Another kid raised his hand as he had a question to ask. "So, this question is for all of you? What advice would you give someone who's starting their own deck and in choosing their signature monster?"

Isaac and the girls thought about this really hard as they wanted to give an honest answer. Twilight then took the reigns as she was the first one to answer that question.

"Honestly, just pick a deck that you feel comfortable with. It may not be perfect, but that's the point. Overtime, you'll learn which cards work best and that will help you to improve your deck so that it flows to your playstyle." said Twilight. "All of us up here have made tons of changes to our decks everytime we engage in a duel. No deck is perfect and that's fine."

"And to add on with what Twilight is sayin', a deck is suppose to symbolize your bond with your monsters. If you don't feel that with your monsters, then what's the point." stated Applejack. "Your deck is suppose to be a reflection of who you're as an individual; it's to show everybody your personality and what makes you so special."

"In terms of what your signature monster should be, just go with the flow!" exclaimed Pinkie. "I mean so what if your opponent doesn't like it, you do and that alone deserves a celebration." Suddenly more confetti fell from the ceiling. "Have fun with your monsters, their your friends."

"Another thing I want to say is that don't let other people's opinion change your perspective on how you see things." state Sunset. "In the end, the only opinion that really matters is your own."

"Adding my two cents, darling. Just know that as long as your content with making your deck your own then that's all that should matter. Each one of us up here knows that our decks were inspired by someone, but yet we don't feel like we're copying them. We've took the time and put in the effort to make our decks our own." mentioned Rarity. "You know we've all had doubts in our abilities, but thanks to a certain someone. He's shown that anything is possible." Rarity quickly looked at Isaac. "He introduced us to his motto and its:..."

"Put your trust in your deck and it will trust in you." said all the girls in unison as they all looked at Isaac who just smiled sheepishly.

"So, my question is directed for the girls? How annoying is that Isaac uses Kuriboh to save himself when he's about to lose?" asked another kid.

"Always!" shouted the girls as they looked at Isaac who immediately put his head down.

"Come on!" shouted Isaac. "It's not my fault that I always draw the little guy at the right time."

"Yeah, it just happens to be in your hand at the exact moment that one of us is about to beat you." exclaimed Dash.

"Ah know you're a crafty city boy, but even ah got to question how you manage to survive due to Kuriboh?" said Applejack.

"Ever hear of the 'heart of the cards'." said Isaac as he was trying to defend himself from the girls turning against him. Soon all the girls giggled as they were enjoying themselves on teasing Isaac. Celestia and Luna even joined in on the fun as they broke into a small laughter, even the kids started to laugh at Isaac. "Alright, enough that. Now then are we going to get these duels started or not? I know these kids would rather see our decks in action rather than just talking about them."

"Very well, Isaac." Celestia then signaled for the staff to clear the way as they told the kids to sit on the sidelines as there was a large space in the middle for the duels to take place. "Now then, boys and girls, we'll now begin the duels we have scheduled. To start things off, the first duel will feature the champion taking on Miss Rarity and her Crystal Beasts. Duelists take your place."

With that Isaac and the girls all stood up from their seats. Isaac and Rarity then wished each other good luck with Rarity giving Isaac a kiss on the cheek. They both took their positions as they now faced each other, their friends were now next to Celestia and Luna as they prepared to watch their friends had an awesome battle.

"You ready, Rarity?"

"Always, darling." Rarity then activated her duel disk as it projected an indigo card tray.

"Alright then, it's time to duel!" shouted Isaac as he activated his duel disk which caused a gold card tray to appear.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Rarity's Life Points: 8000-

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

"Well then, care to start us off Isaac. You are the champion of course." stated Rarity.

"You're right, but I'm also a gentleman." Isaac then did a quick bow to Rarity. "And as a gentleman it's his duty to allow a lady to go first."

"Still the charmer, Twilight is lucky to be with you. Alright then, I'll start thing off." said Rarity as she let out a giggle.

Turn 1: Rarity

Rarity drew her card and started to formulate her plan. "I'll start things off with the field spell Ancient City- Rainbow Ruins." Soon the entire field changed as a rainbow appeared above Isaac and Rarity as they were in an open arena. "My field spell comes with many special abilities depending on the number of my Crystal Beasts. Like this for example, I summon Topaz Tiger in attack mode." Rarity now he her tiger out as it let out a mighty roar that caused some of the kids to be scared just by looking at him. "Don't fret darlings, my topaz is as gentle as he can be. Why wouldn't hurt a fly unless I told him to, isn't that right my sweet topaz." Topaz Tiger then approached Rarity as it got on its hind legs and started to lick Rarity's face to show its affection. "Down my sweet darling, mama promises to give you a treat after the duel." With that Topaz Tiger then got in front of Rarity as he prepared to defend his owner while Rarity gave him a petting on his head.

"Next, I'll play the spell Crystal Bond. So now I'll add a 'Crystal Beast' to my hand and place a different one in my spell/trap zone. I chose to add Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus to my hand and place Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth in my spell/trap zone." Rarity used her duel disk to get the cards she wanted and then placed her Amber Mammoth in her backrow. "Now then with my Amber Mammoth in my backrow, my field spell now gains an effect, an ability that lets it be immune to being destroyed by card effects. With that I'll lay a facedown and pass it over to you, Isaac."

Turn 2: Isaac

"Not bad, Rarity. Now time to see what I got." Isaac drew his card and based on his options, he saw what he could do. "I think I'll change things up a bit for this first turn, first I play the spell card Reincarnation of Hope! By sending two monsters to the graveyard now, I can draw a monster card later." Isaac then selected his two cards he wanted to get rid of and slotted them into the graveyard slot of his duel disk. "Now I'll summon Junk Synchron to the field. And because I was able to summon him, now I can summon a Level 2-or-below monster from my graveyard! Sonic Chick(300/300), fan your feathers in defense mode! Next I'll play Quillbolt Hedgehog's ability from my graveyard-- an ability that, since I have a Tuner monster already on my field, allows me to summon my Hedgehog straight to the field." Now Isaac had three monsters that he didn't normally use which really confused everybody, especially Rarity.

"Talk about a new trick." said Dash.

"It's Isaac, what do you expect." stated Sunset. "He's always finding new ways to surprise his opponents and catch them off guard. Plus I have a feeling he's setting up for something big." All the girls smiled along with Sunset at how Isaac was being his normal self and constantly being unpredictable.

"So tell me, darling? You plan to show us a new monster?" suggested Rarity as she had her hand on her hip.

"You know me, Rares. I'm always changing up how I duel, sometimes that means playing monsters that aren't a major part of my deck. But I do love showing them off for everyone to see." Isaac smiled back at Rarity. "Now then I tune all three of my monsters together." Isaac's monsters then jumped into the air as Junk Synchron turned into orbs of light that surrounded Hedgehog and Sonic Chick in rings. "From three come one, and from one will come great power! Watch as they merge their might! Combine their courage to Synchro Summon Junk Gardna(1400/2600) in defense mode!" Out came a new monster from Isaac as it was made up of metal parts and puts its arms together to create a sort of shield.

"Impressive." said Rarity. The others all agreed as they were stunned by Isaac's new monster.

"I'll then place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 3: Rarity

"Back to me," Rarity was now thinking twice about how to approach the situation given that she didn't know what abilities Isaac's new monster had. "Well now, I'll play my Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus. Now Pegasus' ability allows me to place a 'Crystal Beast' from my hand, deck, or grave in my spell/trap zone. So I choose my Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle." Rarity then used her screen as she got the card she wanted and placed it in her backrow. "Now, I'll play the spell card Crystal Promise. So now I can select one of my Crystal Beast in my spell/trap zone and special summon it, so I choose my Ruby Carbuncle. When my Ruby Carbuncle is special summoned, all other Crystal Beasts in my backrow get released." Ruby Carbuncle then appeared as it used its tail to release the other crystals as Amber Mammoth came out, now Rarity had 4 monsters out on her field.

"Next, I'll play my equip spell, Crystal Release and give my Pegasus an extra 800 attack points. So now, my Pegasus now had 2600 attack points." With that Pegasus then spread its wings as it powered up. Now my Sapphire Pegasus has the same amount of attack points as Isaac's Junk Gardna, so they'll both survive. But maybe I could use that to my advantage. Rarity then looked at Isaac who just had a straight look on his face, so she couldn't really grasp what he was thinking which made it that much harder. Well, only one way to find out. "Now Pegasus, take flight and attack Junk Gardna." Pegasus the took flight as it started to make its way towards Isaac's field.

Isaac's look then changed as he had a smile on his face. "I now activate Junk Gardna's ability. Now once per turn, I can change one of your monster's positions. So with that Sapphire Pegasus' attack is nullified and switched into defense mode." With that Junk Gardna clanged together its arms as the sound wave resonated and it caused Rarity's monster to change modes.

"So that's what it can do, very well. I'll end my turn."

"So now we know what effect that monster of Isaac's has, the question is how will Rarity deal with it?" said Applejack.

"It's going to be tough, seeing as how Isaac can activate his monster's effect during any player's turn." stated Fluttershy.

Turn 4: Isaac

"My turn," Isaac picked up his card and wasted in no time activating it. "I play the spell Card of Sanctity. So now we each draw till we're holding 6 cards in our hand. Since I've drawn Watapon, I can summon it to the field. Then I'll activate my Reincarnation of Hope's effect and add the Dark Magician to my hand." said Isaac as he used his duel disk to search for it and then show it to Rarity.

"As if I didn't see that coming." said Rarity with a bit of sarcasm in her voice.

"Now, I'll play the spell Ancient Rule. Now I can special summon a Level 5-or-higher spellcaster from my hand, so I choose my most loyal companion, Dark Magician." Isaac now had his trusting ace on his field as the kids were in awe based on how big their eyes grew. They looked so innocent as they were amazed by Isaac's monster. "Next, I'll sacrifice my Watapon to summon Dark Magician Girl." Now both magicians took their rightful positions as the kids cheered even louder.

"So what do you guys think?" Isaac asked his magicians.

"I just adorn all those little kids, Isaac." Mana was all excited as she thought all the little kids were so cute. "To think they all want to learn about Duel Monsters and dueling. Oh it makes my heart just melt."

"Mana, contain yourself. Bear in mind that we're currently engaged in a duel with Lady Rarity." said Mahad. "We must make sure that we focus on the task at hand, for our master's sake."

"Mahad, when are you ever going to just let go of your serious tone for once and just be normal!" Mana then let out a sigh. "Honestly, I don't know how both our pharaoh and Isaac ever put up with your stern attitude."

"Come on, Mahad. This trip is for us to just relax without having to worry about some evil magic trying to ruin the world for once. Plus these children really are depending on us to put on a good show so that they can gain the funds for their school to give them cards." Isaac now looked at his magicians. "So mind letting me a hand in giving these kids something they can be happy about." Both Mana and Mahad took in their master's words and they gave him a nod.

"Darling." said Rarity as she got Isaac's attention. "You're talking to your magicians again, aren't you?"

"Oh yeah. Sorry about that." said Isaac as he forgot that sometimes when he talked with the spirits of his monster he got carried away.

"It's fine, darling." giggled Rarity as she still found Isaac rather attractive that he could talk with his monsters. Despite his choice on choosing Twilight, Rarity would still love Isaac with all her heart, especially when they went on their date from so long ago. Just thinking about that caused her to blush, as she quickly got rid of it to avoid ruining the kid's pure innocence.

"Now then, I'll play my De-spell to get rid of your field spell. Since you have no Crystal Beasts in your backrow, your field is free for me to target." Dark Magician then raised his wand and fired off a powerful shot as Rarity's field spell was destroyed and the field returned to normal. "Now I'll have Dark Magician attack your Ruby Carbuncle and Dark Magician Girl will attack your Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus." With that Isaac's magicians took flight towards Rarity's field.

"I reveal my facedown trap, Crystal Concave. Now once per turn, when a face-up 'Crystal Beast' monster(s) are destroyed by battle or card effect, I can special summon another 'Crystal Beast' from my deck. So I choose my Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise in defense mode. Then I'll activate my Amber Mammoth's effect, so I'll protect my Pegasus by changing your Dark Magician Girl to attack him instead." said Rarity.

Dark Magician Girl then raised its wand and was about to bring it down on Sapphire Pegasus. Amber Mammoth then jumped in front of its comrade as it used its trunk to collide with her wand before it started to crack and then burst into a million of pieces.

"And now my Amber and Ruby are now placed in my spell/trap zone." Rarity's then used her duel disk screen to get her monster she selected and placed it on her card tray. She then placed the other two in her backrow.
Rarity's Life Points: 5500-

"With that, I'll just end my turn."

Turn 5: Rarity

"My turn, darling." Got to turn this duel into my favor. The real threat is Isaac's Junk Gardna, as long as it remains on the field, he'll keep switching any monster I attack with to defense mode. "I'll play the Rare Value spell card, so now you select one of my 'Crystal Beasts' in my spell/trap zone and send it to the grave, so that I can draw 2 cards. So what's your choice, darling?"

Isaac took a second to look at Rarity's backrow. "I choose your Amber Mammoth." said Isaac as he pointed to his choice.

"Very well," Rarity then grabbed her monster and sent it to the grave as she picked up two more cards. "Now then I'll just place this card facedown and before I end my turn, I'll switch my Sapphire Pegasus into attack mode."

Turn 6: Isaac

"My turn," Isaac drew his card and looked at Rarity's field. "Now then I'll activate my Junk Gardna's effect and switch your Sapphire Pegasus back into defense mode. Now I'll have my Dark Magician attack your Emerald Tortoise and Dark Magician Girl take out your Pegasus." Isaac then gave his command to his magicians.

"I reveal my Rainbow Path trap card, so now I'll send my Ruby from my spell/trap zone to the grave so that I can negate the attack of your Dark Magician Girl." Rarity then gave her Ruby Carbuncle card a goodbye kiss as she sent it to the grave to keep her Pegasus from being destroyed. However, she didn't have anything to protect her tortoise as it shattered and was destroyed.

"With that, I'll end my turn."

"As a result, my Emerald Tortoise is placed in my spell/trap zone." Rarity then grabbed her monster and placed it in her backrow. "Now the additional effect of my Rainbow Path allows me to add Rainbow Dragon from my deck to my hand." Rarity now had her ace dragon in her hand which caused Isaac to worry a bit. "And don't forget about the effect of my Crystal Concave, so since my Emerald Tortoise was destroyed by battle, I can place my Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle in my spell/trap zone."

Turn 7: Rarity

"I now have a plan, draw. Now I'll play the spell card, Crystal Abundance. So since I have two Crystal Beasts in my spell/trap zone, I can special summon another 'Crystal Beast' from my deck. So come out, Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat." Rarity then took her monster and placed it on her card tray next to her Pegasus and Tiger. "Now the time has come, since I have all 7 Crystal Beasts on my field with different names, I can call upon my most powerful monster." Rarity then flipped her hair as she did a quick twirl and held her card up high. "Prepare kiddies, let me show you my ace monster, I summon Rainbow Dragon!" Rarity now had her most powerful card as it radiated the room with all of its vibrant colors as the kids were amazed that something so big could be so colorful. Rainbow Dragon let out a roar as it caused some of the kids to jump back a few inches.

"Now, now, my dear dragon. Try not to scare these kids, they mean no harm." Rarity put her hand to her monster as it looked back at its master. Rainbow Dragon then lowered its head so that Rarity could pet him as he let out a warming growl as Rarity smiled and petted her mighty beast. She then gave him a kiss as he returned back to position ready to fight for his queen. "Now I'll switch, my Pegasus to attack mode. Now time to attack, my Sapphire Pegasus will attack your Dark Magician and my Rainbow Dragon will take out your Junk Gardna."

"I activate my Junk Gardna's effect, so I'll switch your Sapphire Pegasus into defense mode." said Isaac.

"My Rainbow Dragon's attack still goes through." Rainbow Dragon was successful in taking out Junk Gardna; Isaac put his arm up as he took the attack from Rarity's monster head on until it died down. "With your monster gone, I can finally get to dealing you some real damage." said Rarity as she was proud of herself for finally getting rid of her problem.

"Indeed, but my Junk Gardna doesn't leave without a parting gift. Now when he's destroyed, I can switch another monster into defense mode. And I choose your Rainbow Dragon." said Isaac as Rarity's dragon shifted battle modes.

"Even after it's gone, it's still a nuisance." gritted Rarity as her monster was changed to defense mode due to Isaac's monster. "I'll just bring my turn to a close."

Turn 8: Isaac

"My turn," Isaac drew his card and looked at Rarity's field. "Since I have a level 7-or-higher spellcaster on my field, I can activate this spell card Diffusion Wave-Motion. So now by paying 1000 life points, my Dark Magician can now attack all of your monsters. In addition, any effects of the monsters that my magician destroys are negated." Rarity gritted her teeth even more; with that Dark Magician laid waste to Rarity's entire field as all of her monsters were gone and none of their effects could activate.
Isaac's Life Points: 7000-

"Luckily for you, since I used this spell card, none of my other monsters can attack this turn." said Isaac.

"My Crystal Concave is still in effect, so now that a Crystal Beast is destroyed, I'll place another one in my spell/trap zone. I choose another Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth. In addition, my Crystal Release allows does the same thing since it left the field, so I place another Ruby Carbuncle." Rarity then placed her two new cards from her deck in her backrow as it was now completely full.
Rarity's Life Points: 4600-

"I'll then end my turn."

Turn 9: Rarity

"My draw," Rarity drew her card and looked at her field; she couldn't play any other cards in her backrow due to them being full, but she had a way to solve that. "I now activate the other effect of my Crystal Concave, so by sending this card to the grave, I'll return a 'Crystal Beast' and one card on the field to the hand. So I'll return my Ruby Carbuncle and your Dark Magician back to your hand." With that both Rarity's crystal and Isaac's magician glowed brightly as they were then transformed back into cards as they appeared back into their owner's hand.

"Now I have some free spots to play this card, Crystal Overfusion!" The images of all of Rarity's Crystal Beasts now appeared as they all combined their energies together. Isaac knew what was coming as he remembered the last time Rarity used this card. "I banish all my Crystal Beasts to fusion summon, Rainbow Overdragon!" Out came a beast that was much larger than Rarity's Rainbow Dragon as it unfurled its wing and let out a booming roar. "Now Rainbow Overdragon attack Dark Magician Girl!" Rarity gave her command and her dragon opened its mouth as it powered up and unleashed a powerful attack that took out Dark Magician Girl as Isaac put his arm up to cover himself.

"Dark Magician Girl!" shouted Isaac as he watched his magician be destroyed.
Isaac's Life Points: 5000-

"Now I'll activate my dragon's effect, so by offering it up as tribute, I can shuffle all other cards on the field back into the deck." With that Isaac's facedowns were now placed back into his deck. "Now I'll banish my Crystal Overfusion since my Rainbow Overdragon left the field, I can now bring back my original Rainbow Dragon and since we're still in the middle of the battle, my Rainbow Dragon can now attack you directly!" Rainbow Dragon then unleashed a powerful attack as it caused Isaac to fall onto his back.
Isaac's Life Points: 1000-

"Now, I'll end my turn."

The kids were concerned about Isaac as he was thrown for a loop due to Rarity's dragon. But the girls knew Isaac was alright as he was used to taking a beating. Isaac then did a kip-up as he was now on his feet and looking perfectly fine. He gave the kids a thumbs up and smile to assure the kids that he was fine. He then dusted his shoulder as he prepared to take his turn.

Turn 10: Isaac

"Not bad, Rarity." said Isaac as he drew his card. "Now time for me to take over, to start I'll play the spell Graceful Charity. So I'll draw three more cards and get rid of two." Isaac then drew his card and selected the ones he wanted to discard. "Now I'll set two cards facedown and then play my Emergency Provisions, so I'll get rid of my two facedowns to increase my life points by 2000." Isaac's facedown were now destroyed. "Now I'll summon my King's Knight in attack mode, and then play this new spell card, Legend of Heart. So now I'll pay 2000 life points and banish my Eye of Timaeus spell card from my grave." said Isaac.
Isaac's Life Points: 1000-

"Mind enlightening us on why you did that, darling?" Rarity and everybody else was confused at what Isaac was doing. "Your life total didn't change all you did was send some card to the grave and get rid of one of your most powerful cards."

"See Rarity, while my Eye of Timaeus is a powerful card indeed. It's true strength lies in unlocking its hidden power, which I'll now show you'll. I now offer my King Knight's," Isaac's monster then disappeared into a vortex as its energy was being used to summon a different monster, "Legendary Knights of Atlantis, hear my cry, lend me your strength. Unlock your true power, I summon my Legendary Knight Timaeus(2800/1800)!" Out came to Isaac's field a new monster, as it was a knight in full armor from head to toe. The most striking feature was his face as it had a scar running down his right eye, but even more importantly he looked like he had the face of Isaac's idol.

"Incredible." said Rarity as she and everybody else took in Isaac's new monster.

Legendary Knight Timaeus now turned to Isaac as they stared face to face making direct eye contact. Soon the valiant knight stabbed his sword into the ground as he kneeled before Isaac while bowing his head. Isaac then lifted his hand as Timaeus looked at him to signal that he obeyed his command. He then grabbed his sword as he took position to protect his master.

"Then I'll end my turn." said Isaac.

Turn 11: Rarity

"My turn, and time to finish this duel. Now Rainbow Dragon attack Isaac's Legendary Knight." Rainbow Dragon then powered up as it was getting ready to unleash its attack.

"Hold Rarity, when Legendary Knight of Timaeus is targeted for an attack, I select a spell card in my graveyard and set that card." Isaac then selected the spell card he wanted as he took it and placed it on his card tray.

"Be that as it may, you can't use it. And my attack still continues, darling." said Rarity.

"That's why I'll put a stop to your attack by banishing my Electromagnetic Turtle from the grave, so now your battle phase immediately ends!" shouted Isaac. A small turtle came out as it created a wall of electricity that paralyzed Rarity's great beast. The kids were amazed that such a small creature could stop a big dragon.

"Very well then, I'll end my turn."

Turn 12: Isaac

"Now my turn. I'll play the spell Polymerization and with it fuse together my Dark Magician with my Curse of Dragon to summon my Dark Magician the Dragon Knight." Isaac now had a monster that rode on a dragon that was similar in size to Rarity's dragon. "Next, I'll play the spell Monster Reborn and with it I'll revive my Dark Magician Girl. Then, I'll play Dark Magic Attack. So now all your spell/trap cards are destroyed!" Dark Magician the Dragon Knight then raised its sword and fired a powerful beam that took care of Rarity's backrow.

"My dragon is still the strongest on the field, darling." mentioned Rarity.

"That's why, I'll play my final card for this duel, my Dark Magic Twin Burst. So now my Dark Magician Girl gives my Dark Magician the Dragon Knight a boost equal to her attack. Now my monster slay her dragon!" shouted Isaac. Isaac's monster then took flight as the rider brought its mighty weapon downward and slashed her Rarity's monster across the chest as it glowed brightly before disappearing in a giant light. "Now Dark Magician Girl and Legendary Knight of Timaeus, end this duel!" With their command given, Dark Magician Girl raised her wand and shot a off a powerful spell while Legendary Knight of Timaeus and was preparing to bring his sword down on Rarity.

Rarity put her arm up to protect herself from Isaac's knight. But when she opened her eyes, she saw that the Legendary Knight just merely had his weapon touch her shirt to signal its attack made contact. Despite being engaged in battle, he was still a knight and his code dictated him to not harm someone who couldn't defend himself or a lady for that matter. Rarity was surprised to see how gentlemanly Isaac's knight was despite her being the enemy. She gave him a smile to which he merely bowed his head and then disappeared as the duel ended.
Rarity's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

The duel then ended as Isaac and Rarity made their way towards each other. "Hope my knight wasn't too rough with you Rarity." said Isaac as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"On the contrary, darling. He was very respectful, not to mention quite dashing. Kind of like you." smiled Rarity. "I do wish I could have given him my regards, but I guess you'll do." Rarity then gave Isaac a peck on the cheek as a way for her to say thank you to Isaac and his knight.

Their friends just smiled as they enjoyed the battle. The kids were now murmuring among their tiny selves as they couldn't believe the battle they had just saw. Celestia and Luna were currently talking with some of the sponsors that were in attendance for this school and safe to say that they were impressed with what they saw. They congratulated the two women on having a student with highly skilled talent and told her they would help this school by funding their cards and duel disks. With that every little kids cheered that they were going to get some cards as they all started to surround Isaac.

"Okay, hold on! One at a time!" said Isaac as he was swarmed by little kids grabbing his shirt. "Girls, a little help!" shouted Isaac to which they all just giggled as they watched their friend.

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