• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 68: Relationship 101

"Thank you for your purchase, is there anything else that I can help you with today, madam?" asked Isaac.

"No thanks, I think I'm all set." said the women.

"Well if you need anything, don't hesitate to stop by and ask." smiled Isaac.

"I will. Have a nice day, young man." With that the women left as she gave Isaac a goodbye.

Isaac waved back as he started to clean the counter. He was so focused on his task that he didn't notice someone sneaking up behind him until they put their hands over his eyes.

"Guess who?" said the voice with full of cheer.

"Hmmm. Is it Dark Magician Girl?" said Isaac with a smug look on his face.

"No, guess again. I'll give you a hint, she thinks you're the best boyfriend she could ask for."

"So many choices, how do I narrow it down?" said Isaac in a sarcastic voice. He then cracked a smile after having his fun, "Is it, Twilight?"

Twilight lifted up her hands as she allowed Isaac to see. "Ding ding, we have a winner." Twilight just giggled after her little foreplay with Isaac.

"What's my prize then?" said Isaac with a sly tone.

"You get me." said Twilight.

"That's the best thing I could ever ask for." Isaac then gave Twilight a hug, "So what are you doing?"

"Well, I was at the library reading some books. When I came across this," Twilight then pulled out a book as she showed it to Isaac.

"Dating Do's and Don'ts... How To Start and Keep a Healthy Relationship!" said Isaac as he read the title out loud. Twilight gave Isaac a kiss on the cheek.

"This is perfect!" she said. "I thought it might be a good book to take a look at... seeing as I've never really been in a relationship like this before... or any for that matter..." Twilight fidgeting her fingers, "Do you want to read it together?"

"Sure." said Isaac as he leaned against the counter.

Twilight was standing across from Isaac as she opened the book and began to read from it. She turned several of the pages. "The first parts are talking about how to start the relationship." She looked up at Isaac with a smile as the two of them laughed simultaneously, she then turned her attention back to the book. "So it says here that the first thing couples do is... kiss." They turned to one another. "I think we already did that part."

"I wouldn't mind a refresher, though." Isaac suggested as he had a sly smile.

Twilight flashed a grin, leaning in close to him. "I think it went something like... this." She leaned in and pressed her mouth against his. Isaac leaned into it, and they lingered for a few seconds. As they separated, Twilight swept her hair away from her face. "Is that right?"

Isaac looked Twilight, enamored by his girl. "Yeah, I think that was it. But I may have to make sure later, okay?"

Twilight giggled. "Whatever you say, lover-boy." She then turned back to the book and took a pen out, placing a check mark next to the step. "So, next it says... nicknames?"

"Well, everybody just calls me by my name. Not to mention that you can't really come up with a nickname for it." Isaac told Twilight. "But you, well there's a couple of options. Right, Twily?" Isaac gave Twilight a wink.

Twilight just blushed from Isaac calling her by a pet name. "Oooookay. Let's just consider that checked." She placed another mark next to the step. She then turned to face him again. "What about things like behavior? Do we have to change how we interact normally?"

"Well, you being you is what I feel for in the first place." Isaac explained. "It's not like I expect you to be different from how you've always been."

Twilight let out a blush as she turned back to the book. "I feel the same way about you, too. Now let's see what's next!" She turned the page. "Always communicate and be honest." She turned her gaze. "Got any secrets?"

"Nope. Well at least nothing I can think of, off the top of my head." responded Isaac.

"Me neither." She checked the box and moved on. "Going on 'dates'... We haven't done that yet."

"It's only been a day since we arrived from Cadance's wedding. So you can't expect us to do everything." said Isaac.

"All right. I'll set up a schedule for it, later." Twilight commented, placing another check mark. "And... here... Oh." She looked back and forth between the book and Isaac. "I don't think we're quite there yet."

Isaac grabbed the book and looked at the section she was concentrating on. He saw an image of a grand wedding. "Ah..." Isaac turned red and looked at Twilight. "Yeah, I think going into that step is moving a little too fast." The two of them laughed as Isaac handed the book back to her. "Anything else?"

Twilight turned the page and well her face dropped when she read the first word. Isaac wanted to know what made her act that way, so he grabbed it and he now knew why. "Interco.." Isaac quickly stopped himself from finishing that train of thought. "Okay, we're not reading that aloud. This story is PG-13, may a bit TV-14 due to the excessive language but that's all." said Isaac as he closed the book. "I think we've got it handled. It's not like we're any different as individuals than we were before. I think the biggest thing is that we should be more open with one another." Isaac put a hand on Twilight's shoulder. "Things will go where they may. So let's not rush into big changes."

Twilight gave a knowing nod. "You're right. It's not like our relationship is going to change the fate of the entire world!" She paused for a moment, bringing her hand up to her chin. "Or is it...?"

Isaac just booped Twilight on the nose. "Twilight. I know this sounds strange to you, but you're thinking too much."

Twilight snapped out of her trance once more. "Yeah... You're probably right! And that's one of the reasons why I'm glad you're my boyfriend." Twilight then leaned forward as she gave Isaac a meaningful kiss.

Isaac broke away as he put his hand to her cheek. "And this is why I'm happy that you're my girlfriend." Isaac then gave her another kiss as it lasted a bit longer than normal.

After another look through the book, just to be certain, Twilight then said goodbye to Isaac as he had to get back to work. She left but not before giving her man one last kiss, she still couldn't get enough of kissing him. And Isaac felt the same way, he never once felt tired of kissing Twilight. With that, Twilight was gone and Isaac was left with a lovestruck look on his face.

"That girl is very special." said Mr. Johnson as he had emerged from the back to watch Isaac and Twilight's final interaction.

Isaac turned around to address his boss, "Oh, Mr. Johnson. Yeah, Twilight really is something." Isaac let out a happy sigh. "I'm lucky to have someone like her."

"And I'm sure that she feels the same way. You both are head over heels for each other and it's natural. You're both young teenagers who are just starting a relationship. It's only normal that she would constantly be on your mind." chuckled Mr. Johnson as he was happy that his favorite employee had managed to land a girl that was giving him happiness. "Just remember to not get too distracted, you still have a job to do."

"Don't worry, Mr. Johnson. I won't let that happen." assured Isaac.

"Good, also try not to create a mess when you're kissing her, especially in front of the little ones." said Mr. Johnson with a smile.

Isaac knew what his boss was saying, "Woah, there. That's a bit much, I don't think Twilight wants to take our relationship that far yet." chuckled Isaac. With that he soon got back to work as some parents approached asking him about dueling.

The day passed as Isaac did his normal duties. He even showed Mr. Johnson his Slifer the Sky Dragon card as it caused him to go big eyed. Mr. Johnson was surprised that Isaac had obtained such a card that he asked where he got it, Isaac just told him that he got it from a secret person and he was currently holding onto it for the time being. Nevertheless, just looking at the Egyptian God card brought back some memories of when Mr. Johnson was younger. During the time, the girls had stopped by the card shop as they were looking to get some last minute additions for their deck for the upcoming trip from Celestia.

Speaking of which, now that Isaac and Twilight were boyfriend and girlfriend, it left you to wonder how the others took it. Well let me tell you... it was actually Twilight herself that texted the girls and told them about the details of Cadance's wedding. She told them how much her brother was happy and how it turned into a wonderful event. Soon she told them about her and Isaac being alone in the garden and then how Isaac had confessed his feelings towards her. She mentioned how she also had similar feelings toward him and as a result they kissed and became an item. The girls actually took this very nicely; in fact, they were happy that their friend had managed to find someone to be with. It pained them a little that Isaac had chosen to be with Twilight, but they were happy nonetheless.

Twilight was ecstatic that her friends were supportive of her relationship, but she couldn't help but feel sorry for her friends as they still had a bit of a crush on Isaac. So to compromise, she said that they could be able to show Isaac some affection by giving him kisses but only on his cheek as she still needed to show them that she was the one he picked to be with. She was willing to share her boyfriend a bit with the others, but she needed to mark her territory. So if any of their friends decided to kiss Isaac on the lips then they would need to answer to Twilight and it seemed she was not messing around with that part. Her friends were fine with that stipulation, overall they still maintained their friendship. The real treat was seeing Isaac's reaction when she mention it to him and he only responded by saying, "Now I know why harems are so popular".

Other than that, it proved to be another normal day. Once Isaac finished his shift, he saw Twilight waiting for him as she was just arriving. She popped through the door and rushed at Isaac as she gave him a hug. Of course they gave each other another kiss as hearts seemed to be flying around them. With that Isaac did one final check on inventory as he said goodbye to Mr. Johnson who waved goodbye to him and Twilight. Both of them then left the store as they began walking hand in hand; they stopped by the Sweet Shoppe to get something tasty. Once they placed their order, they then sat in a booth that had a window. Twilight then snuggled up next to Isaac as he placed his arm around her; Isaac undid Twilight's ponytail as her hair flowed down till it touched her shoulder. Isaac then gave her kiss on top of her head as Twilight pulled out the book from earlier as they read more from it. Soon a thought crossed Twilight's mind as she looked at her boyfriend.

"Hey, Isaac?"

"Yeah, Twi."

"When you took on my brother at his wedding, you manage to summon an Egyptian God." said Twilight. "How did you get that in your deck?"

Isaac let out a sigh as he knew he would have to answer that question sooner or later. Nobody knew that he was currently in possession of said card, not even their friends knew. Isaac then started to stroke Twilight's hair as he began to tell her, "Well, you remember when you had to distract me due to the girls planning my surprise party. Well, in the morning, I received a package from Mr. William. He sent me a present for my birthday; in it was the legendary cards that I showed you'll. What I didn't show you was the last card of that stack was none other than Slifer; I can't tell you just how shocked I was when I found out. There was also a note attached to the card, in it Mr. William thanked me for helping him catch the thief. He also had a request; to avoid another incident to occur, he sent that card to me. He felt like it would be the most safe if it was under my possession, at least for the time being."

"Wow, so you're really holding an Egyptian God card in your deck?" Twilight couldn't believe that her best friend was currently holding one of the most powerful creatures in Duel Monsters.

"However, that doesn't mean I'm going to abuse it. I made a vow that while Slifer is under my care, I wouldn't use it whenever I want. I plan to use him only in emergencies or under special circumstances. Besides, if I constantly used that card, everybody would be scared of me and I wouldn't have any challengers left. And you know how I always love to battle." said Isaac as he stared into Twilight's eyes.

"Makes sense, if I had a powerful card like this, I too would want to limit myself on how many times I play it." Twilight was now currently holding said card in her hand as Isaac pulled it out for her.

"Still, as nice of a present as this was, I got something better." Isaac then showed Twilight the watch she gave him. "Because of this present, I finally realized my feelings for you. And that led me to have the most wonderful girl in the world as my girlfriend. I couldn't ask for better result than that." smiled Isaac.

"Well, I'm lucky that I got someone as awesome as you to be my boyfriend." Twilight returned Isaac's gaze with her own. Soon she leaned in as she caught Isaac's lips with hers and they shared another tender kiss.

After they finished their little hangout, they then left as it was starting to get a bit late. Isaac was currently walking Twilight home as he wrapped his arm around his girlfriend. They arrived at Twilight's home where she told him that she had finished finalizing the plans for their date; Isaac just nodded and said that he was looking forward to it. With that Twilight gave him a farewell kiss as Isaac watched her disappear into her home. Isaac was left standing with a smile as he started on his way back to his place.

The next day came and the thing that was unexpected is that Celestia was actually contacting Isaac on his duel disk. She was currently going over the details she had mentioned about the trip she had planned for Isaac and his friends. Twilight was with him as she was sitting next to him taking down notes on her notepad.

"Okay, just so that we don't miss any details. Mind telling us again, Celestia?" said Isaac as he was talking to Celestia in a live call from his duel disk.

"Certainly, as you know, I'm thankful for all you've done as duel champion of CHS. In fact, given how much stuff has occurred this past school year, I've decided to award you and your friends on a vacation of sorts. Not to mention that many sponsors and other school administrators had been impressed by your hard work. So I piled on a list of the many places you and your friends will visit on this trip where you'll showcase your skills in front of others, mainly kids. However, while we're on this trip, the girls will be competing in a sort of ranking system. This is so I can determine who your next opponents will be once school starts again. Also one of the many stops we'll be making on this trip is an event called the Duos Cup; this is basically a tag team tournament in which the winners will gain a trophy and be named this year's Duos Champions." Celestia then showed Isaac show photos of past winners with one of them being her and Luna from the year they won it. "Now I've already signed you up for it, but as for who you choose, that decision will be up to you. So choose wisely on who you want your partner to be for the event. In addition, I've also booked the girls' band to perform for a couple of spots. Is that all?"

"Twilight, anything that we're missing?" asked Isaac.

Twilight was comparing notes as she scanned for any missing detail that Celestia might have skipped. "According to my list, she's covered everything."

"Very well then, now then the trip will be in a week. Me and Luna will each pick you up and from there we'll be flying to our first destination. It's important that you'll give it your absolute best and don't forget to have fun while we're on this trip." said Celestia.

"Don't worry about us, Celestia. We'll be fine, plus I think I speak for the whole group when I say that we're all excited to visit some new places." smiled Isaac.

"Good." smiled back Celestia. "Now then I must take my leave, farewell Isaac and Twilight. Oh, and also congratulations on becoming a couple. I always did find the two of you rather lovely together." Celestia's comment caused Isaac and Twilight to turn red as the transmission ended.

"Well looks, we're all going on vacation." said Isaac.

"Yeah, gonna be nice to see the many places." Twilight then embraced Isaac from behind as she had her arms over Isaac's shoulders as she nuzzled against his back. She could feel some of the muscle on Isaac as she had a blush on her face. "Especially, when I have you there by my side. I know we'll make some wonderful memories together."

Isaac grabbed Twilight's hands and kissed them before turning his head to look at Twilight. "I look forward to it as well, just hope the girls won't get annoyed by us not refusing to leave each other's side." chuckled Isaac.

"I sure they won't mind." said Twilight as she gave Isaac a quick peck on the cheek.

"Now then, you said you figured out a plan for our first date?" said Isaac.

"Right." Twilight then let go of Isaac as she pulled out her phone and showed Isaac a picture of it. "This is a popular place that people go to. It's a pizzeria, however..." She then swiped left as she showed more photos of the place inside. "It's actually so much more than that. They have a couple of TVs with their own bar, not to mention a stage where they sometimes hold open mic night. So we can expect some stand up comedy; also it's pretty casual so we don't have to worry about dressing up." said Twilight.

"Sounds like a good place." responded Isaac.

"Plus, this place has a few Duel Monsters games that they hold. I figured that you would want to something like this on our date." Twilight had a smile on her face.

"Did I ever tell you just how wonderful you are?" asked Isaac with a lovestruck smile as he booped Twilight's nose.

"Every single moment that we're together." said Twilight as she returned the same look.

"And I mean every word of it. I really am grateful to have you in life, Twilight. And I'm never letting you go." smiled Isaac.

"You better not!" exclaimed Twilight. "Or else my family will come after you. And I'd like my best friend to live." laughed Twilight.

"Alright, well I need to get back to work." Isaac then broke from Twilight's embrace as he needed to prepare for his lesson for the kids.

Twilight then had an idea, "Mind if I help you? I'm not scheduled for my job, plus I always wanted to get a close look at seeing my boyfriend work." said Twilight with a bit of flirting in her voice as she caressed Isaac's arm. Isaac just gave her a smile as her answer.

Soon the kids arrived, as they were excited for today's lesson. Isaac welcomed the kids and introduce them to Twilight as he mentioned that she was his special somebody. Isaac then began tutoring the kids, even Twilight stepped in as she began to talk about a few things with the kids. She even showed the kids her deck and they were surprised to see that she also possessed a Dark Magician Girl. Twilight's heart broke as she saw how happy the kids were and how invested they were in learning under Isaac. Now she found another reason why she was attracted to him. Safe to say that the kids really enjoyed today's lesson as both Mr. Johnson and their parents just watched on and smile at how in sync Isaac and Twilight were.

It was near closing time as Isaac and Twilight were cleaning up. Mr. Johnson was grateful that both of them had decided to teach the young ones as well as help to clean up. He even told them how the parents were making comments on cute Isaac and Twilight were when they worked together. Both of them couldn't help but blush as they looked at each other while bumping into stuff. Once everything was put away, Isaac checked in with Mr. Johnson to see if he needed any final help. Mr. Johnson said that he could handle the rest and told him to enjoy his evening with Twilight. With that Isaac and Twilight said goodbye as they exited the store; Twilight then checked her phone to see the address of the place. Isaac then grabbed Twilight's hand as they began walking to the place and to enjoy their date.

They arrived at the place and the atmosphere was welcoming to say the least. It was exactly like what Twilight said as there was a bar section for older people as well as TVs playing sports in the background. There was a stage where they was a couple of comedians doing some stand up as the crowd laughed at the jokes. A hostess was at the front entrance as she led the both of them to a table. She led them to a table as they had a good view of the place and it offered them some privacy from other customers. Isaac pulled out a chair for Twilight and then took a seat himself. She then handed them the menu as she let them decide what they wanted to order. Eventually, Twilight settled on getting some pasta as their side order, while Isaac order a deep-dish sausage pizza for the both of them.

The waiter came and to Isaac's surprise, he spoke a bit of Spanish due to him complimenting Twilight. Twilight wasn't sure what he was saying, until Isaac took initiative and responded back to which the waiter gave him praise for getting such a good pick. With that he took their orders, as he walked off. Twilight was shocked with how Isaac was able to handle that she couldn't help but smile.

"Tell me, what were you guys talking about?" asked Twilight.

"Nothing much, other than that he complimented on you being a beautiful girl. I told him that you were my girlfriend and we were on a date." smiled Isaac.

"Say, mind teaching me a few things? It's just that I find your dialect a bit fascinating, especially when you say it. It just sound so... sexy." said Twilight as she hesitated saying that last word.

Isaac was alright with teaching Twilight a bit of Spanish. So he told her a couple of basic sayings and words. As when learning a new language, Twilight had a bit difficulty speaking it. But she kept on trying until she was able to clearly pronounce the words Isaac was telling her.

"Now put everything together." motioned Isaac.

Twilight took a deep breath and then opened her mouth as she said the sentence. "Mi nombre es Twilight Sparkle."

"Not bad." said Isaac as he was impressed with how Twilight was able to pick up on it. "Buen trabajo. Eres una chica asombrosa". complimented Isaac.

"Thanks?" Twilight was confused on what Isaac was saying. "What did you just say?"

Isaac grabbed Twilight's hand, "Basically this." Isaac then brought his other hand and grabbed Twilight's chin as he kissed her. Twilight closed her eyes as she leaned into the kiss. They broke away as Isaac sat back in his seat, "That a good enough answer for you."

"Yes, yes it was." said Twilight.

Soon their waiter arrived as he brought them their food. Soon they began to dig in; Isaac was surprised that Twilight just went in as she had a couple of sauce on her chin. Isaac was expecting her to be a person who was one for proper manners. but here she was acting like a little kid as she just devoured her food, he now found another reason why Twilight had captured his heart. Twilight then offered Isaac some of her pasta as she lifted her fork and fed Isaac. Eventually, they both found themselves nibbling on the same pasta as they got closer until they were mere inches from each other.

"You know, this reminds me of a certain movie." said Isaac with the bit of pasta still in his mouth.

Twilight knew what he was talking about and an idea popped in her head. "Then we should replicate it." suggested Twilight as spoke with the string of food in her mouth.

With that both nibbled a bit more on the pasta until they met each others lips and found themselves in another kiss filled with tomato sauce. Soon then broke away while staring into each other's eyes. They just smiled while Twilight moved her hand over Isaac's; Isaac then booped Twilight's nose as she giggled and turned a shade of red. They soon sat back into their seats as they held each other's hands. The rest of the time was spent eating and enjoying the show from the several comedians who entertained the crowd. A different waiter came to their table as she wanted to see if either person wanted anything else. Isaac decided to treat Twilight for picking this date, by getting her some dessert. The waiter then gave Isaac an offer, she would give them a free treat if he could answer any question she asked. Isaac thought about it and he took the wager. With that she asked Isaac the question, it took a while, but Isaac gave her his answer as he was correct. With that she brought Isaac's his choice of dessert which happened to be a chocolate cake. Isaac gave the sweet treat to Twilight who couldn't believe that Isaac did all this for her. She felt guilty about eating all by herself, so she shared it with Isaac.

After they finished, Isaac then offered to pay for their meal. Twilight felt like Isaac did so much for her already that it was only fair that she paid for half of it; Isaac made no argument as he was contend with that choice. With that they paid for their meal, while Isaac left a nice grand tip for their service. Now they exited out and saw that the moon was out along with the stars. Twilight felt a bit chilling, so Isaac took off his hoodie and put it on Twilight which warmed her up. Isaac smiled as he tipped his cap to his girlfriend. Twilight then clung to Isaac's arm as they began their journey towards her house. The walk there was nothing but silence as both were contend on just being with each other and not taking their eyes off of one another.

Soon they reached Twilight's house as Twilight handed Isaac back his hoodie. Twilight had her hand on the handle of the door, as she looked at Isaac. "Well, this is it. Thanks for a wonderful date." said Twilight.

"The pleasure was all mine. I sure had a pleasant time, my lady." said Isaac as he added a bit of charm to his voice.

Twilight just giggled at Isaac's attempt to act like a gentleman. "Well, then. Do you intend to leave your fair maiden with just a simple goodbye?"

"On the contrary, it's but a gentleman to give his lady a proper sendoff. One that I'm sure thou shall be pleased by." said Isaac as he grabbed Twilight's hand. He then leaned in close as he and Twilight's face were close. "But I shall ask for thy lady's permission?"

"Just shut up and kiss me already." said Twilight as she grabbed Isaac and pulled him in.

They both felt alive as they just enjoyed this moment. While they were kissing, Twilight brought her hand up and took off Isaac's cap as she started to rub the back of his head. Isaac did the same as he stroked Twilight's hair. Soon Isaac's hands moved downwards as he wrapped them around Twilight's waist and he lifted Twilight into the air for a bit as they still had locked lips. Soon they broke away as they touched their foreheads together while Isaac still held Twilight. They just had smiles on their faces while also having lovesick expressions. Soon Isaac returned Twilight back to the ground as she put on Isaac's cap; she flashed Isaac a smile as he thought Twilight was even more cute wearing his hat. She then put Isaac's cap back on him as she left Isaac's arms and entered her house.

"Yes!!" shouted Isaac as he put his arms behind his head. He then began walking home as he whistled a happy tune. Isaac was really on cloud nine as not only did he have a wonderful time with Twilight, but he was excited for the upcoming trip that Celestia had planned. Not only was he going on a vacation with his friends, but he would get to spend quality time with Twilight on making some memorable moments.

After Twilight entered her home, she immediately leaned against the door as she let out a sigh of happiness. She clutched her heart as it was racing a million miles an hour, her date with Isaac went better than expected. Twilight had daydream eyes as all she could think of was Isaac; soon she would get to spend more time with him as their trip was drawing very near. She then made her way to her room as she collapsed on her bed and snuggled her pillow as she pretended it was Isaac in her arms.

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