• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 25: The Fan Club

"... And so if you separate the variables from each other, then you can be able to solve for what 'x' is. The last thing would be to plug it back into the original problem to find your answer."

"Exactly, Isaac. Now that everybody knows the answer, lets have the rest of the class figure out the answer to this problem."

Algebra. Or in simpler terms, math. The most stressful subject to anyone unless you know what to do. Thankfully, I was pretty decent at the subject that more often than not I had no trouble with solving the problems; it was when I didn't know what the problem was asking or didn't know the proper steps that it turned into bitch. Nevertheless I could see the expressions on some of my fellow classmates as they tried to solve the problem that out teacher had given us. After a couple of minutes, the teacher showed the answer and asked if anybody had an questions before she explained how to solve it step by step. I already knew how to solve it, so I was going tune out for a bit until Pinkie started to get my attention by tapping my shoulder. I turned around to see what she wanted.

"So Isaac, about this morning, what do you think?"

To understand what Pinkie meant, lets go back a bit. My morning had started like any other with me waking up and getting ready for school. The night prior, before heading to bed, Sunset had sent me a message saying that she had managed to get a hold of some support cards for her Red-Eyes Black Dragon. She spent a good chunk of time putting it together and asked if I could look at it sometime during the day, so that I could give my honest opinions and offer any last minute additions. So I was stoked for today, until I got to school. Remember when Celestia had told me that being champ meant I had some new responsibilities. Apparently, one of those responsibilities was having to attend a monthly meeting. Although I had a feeling that Celestia just made this as a new act. Regardless I had to take part in this. It was mostly a meeting with the different heads of the extracurricular activities; this meeting was to discuss how each activity was doing and if there was any major events that were coming up that needed attention.

Now what did I have to do with being here. Well I was mostly served as a representative for Celestia whenever she couldn't make the meeting. That alone would suck for anybody, but there is a positive side. Despite there being so many activities, any events that were coming up had some kind of dueling exhibition. So it only made sense that they needed the approval of the champ to officiate it and if possibly for me to take part in it. Of course, it also meant that it would be an official duel and if I lost then the person who beat me would earn the title/rank as champion. I didn't mind that because it meant that I was guaranteed to get in on some action when it came to Duel Monsters. The other good thing was that Pinkie was also part of this meeting as she was the head of the Party Planning Committee, so at least I had a friend with me. Plus with Pinkie being here, she always brought snacks for everybody after it ended and was always able to lighten up the mood so that the meeting was as tedious as it was meant to be. Pinkie even made sure to bake me a special cupcake seeing as I was the champion, I'd appreciated Pinkie for her efforts. Pinkie was able to control her craziness more so thanks to me being able to real her back down to earth; Pinkie was a really nice friend, in fact, I saw her as more of a little sister to me. Sure she could be a handful at times, but she knew how to put smiles on other peoples' faces. Of course being like a sister, meant asking their older siblings for stuff which often lead to Pinkie asking me for some stuff to which I had to decline. Anyways the meeting had ended with Pinkie letting the rest of the board know about the major parties she had planned in the next few months.

"So as everybody knows, we just had the Fall Formal which provided us with some craziness let me tell you. We also happen to crown a new champ. Spoiler alert: he's sitting right next to me."

"Pinkie, I can literally hear you! Plus it's no spoiler alert, everybody here at school knows about my victory against Sunset." said Isaac as he looked at the other people in the room who confirmed his statement with nods.

"Oh, you're right. Silly me." giggled Pinkie who patted Isaac on top of his head.

I just merely rolled my eyes before I waved her hand off from touching my head. "Anyways, are you going to tell us what parties you had planned, so we can get the hell out of here?"

"Okey dokey lokey, well as you all know we just had the Fall..."

"Pinkie!!!" I was really starting to lose patience with how much I wanted to leave.

"I'm teasing you, Isaac. Don't worry, I know how much you love dueling that's why I've proposed there be a dueling exhibition match as part of a Halloween party. This year the holiday happens to fall on a school day, so Celestia has decided to host a party the weekend prior as a way for us to enjoy ourselves. Of course there will be tons of students who will be attending the event, so why not give them some entertainment. So I was hoping to get your opinion on what you think about it and if you have an opponent in mind?"

And that leads us to where we started off, with me talking to Pinkie about the idea she had proposed earlier. Pinkie had huge eyes as she was looking at me to see what my answer was to her request.

"Look Pinkie, I'm always up for a challenge. Especially when it comes to Duel Monsters. However, in terms of who I want to face, I just don't know. There's a lot of potential candidates, but I don't know who."

"Don't worry about it big bro. Let Auntie Pinkie worry about that sort of stuff, you just focus on preparing as champion." Pinkie gave a big smile at Isaac.

"Okay two things wrong with that statement: One, we're not blood related and second, I'm one year older than you."

Nevertheless, Pinkie just keep on smiling as she went back to her work. Isaac then turned before he got in trouble and proceed to do his own work while trying to take his mind off of who he might want to face. Soon it was lunchtime and Isaac was preparing to head to the cafe to get some food in his belly. Along the way he happened to bump into Applebloom who was racing in the hallways.

"I wonder what's on the...Ohf."

"Ow, my head. Ooh, sorry Isaac didn't see you there."

"It's alright, Applebloom. I've taken tougher bumps; anyways, what are you doing running in the halls?"

"Well I'm actually going to meet my friends, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. Have you met them?"

To be honest, I didn't know who Applebloom's friends were. During my battle with Applejack, I only caught a glimpse of Applebloom sitting in the crowd and cheering her big sister. That being said I only saw for a moment two other people sitting next to her, but I quickly dismissed it as I was focusing on my duel with Aj.

"To be honest, you never mentioned them. Are they the two individuals who were sitting with you when you were cheering on your sister?"

"Correct, just like you have your friend group. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo are part of my friend group. In fact, we often spend time together. We're always doing things together, even dueling. We hope that one day we can be as good as our sisters and fill in their shoes when our time has come. Say Isaac, how would you like to meet them? I told them that I was friends with the champion, but they don't seem to believe me. Maybe you could swing by and show them that I'm telling the truth." Applebloom had a smile on her face with a bit of an evil intent.

"Applebloom, you know I can't abuse my power as champion for petty things. But seeing as how you're genuine in me wanting to meet your friends, I'd be willing to say hello."

"Thanks, Isaac. You don't how happy that makes me." Applebloom then gave Isaac a hug, as Isaac just patted her head. "After school meet us in the library, I'll make sure to round up the girls. See you later." Applebloom then ran in the opposite direction of Isaac.

The rest of the day went by, during that time, Isaac had met up with the girls and told them about his first of many meetings he would have to endure as champion. Even Sunset was smiling/laughing at Isaac and was kind of glad she didn't win. The girls assured Isaac that he would be alright; Pinkie then arrived and told the group her plan.

"So what do you girls think?" Asked Pinkie.

"I for one think it's a marvelous idea. Just imagine the many costumes I could design. Why everyone would be stunned with the many outfits I came up with."

"A party sounds nice, especially if it means I get to face you Isaac. Keep in mind that we never got a chance to face each other in the Fall Formal. So what do you say, Isaac? How about picking me as your opponent for the exhibition duel?"

Just before Isaac could address Rainbow's proposal, they were interrupted by someone.

"Hold on an apple picking minute! What in tarnations makes you think that you're the one who's going to challenge Isaac?"

"Uh, cause I'm clearly the best out of all of us. I made it to the top 3 in the Fall Formal; besides you had your chance to take on Isaac and you failed, Applejack. So that stands to reason that I should be the next one in line for a title shot."

"So doesn't mean you can jump the line whenever you want. Besides Isaac doesn't want to face someone he knows he can beat." Applejack's comment seemed to have ticked off Dash.

"What did you say? Are you insinuating that Isaac can be me so easily?"

"I ain't asking, I know he can. That's why he should have someone who could bring the fight to him. Someone who will make sure that he has a good time with; someone who actually understands him" Applejack was having a smug look on her face while she looked at Rainbow and then Isaac.

"Please, I know Isaac way better than you?"

"Do not."

"Do too."

"Do not!"

"Do too!"

Eventually it turned into a massive argument with Applejack and Rainbow Dash both trying to make justifications on why they should be the one to challenge Isaac. The rest of the girls and Isaac just rolled their eyes as they ate their food and watched the show happening in front of them. Once Dash and Aj had finally run out of steam arguing, Sunset then pulled out her deck and gave it to everybody to see the improvements she made since yesterday. When Isaac finally got a look at them, he spent a good amount of time looking over Sunset's cards. He saw what she was able to come up with and began to go over the different plays he could potential see in his mind. He then gave it back to her and told her that she had a pretty foundation, but that in the end she would have to come up with her own play style if she truly wanted to master the deck.

After lunch, the group then headed outside to get some fresh air. Also to settle the issue between Rainbow and Applejack; it seems they were still trying to justify on who Isaac should face for the exhibition match. Pinkie had suggested that they both duel each other and whoever won she would consider to be Isaac's opponent. Without missing a beat, both girls activated their duel disk and prepared their decks for battle. The rest of the group decided to sit by a tree with Isaac sitting up against the bark as they prepared to watch the sight unfold in front of them. The battle for the most part was a standoff between Dash and Aj, as they kept countering the others to the point that neither was willing to make a mistake. Meanwhile their friends were just doing their own things while they waited for the duel to be over. Fluttershy was feeding some birds who landed by her; Rarity had pulled out her notebook and was brainstorming some ideas for the costume party. Pinkie, Sunset, and Isaac were just playing a rowdy game of rock paper scissors. Just then the duel had ended as both girls had managed to end in a tie.

"Well looks like I was right, that means I win the bet. Pay up Sunset." Said Isaac who hand his hand out as Sunset was kicking herself.

"I knew I shouldn't have made this wager." Sunset was a bit upset as she pulled out a five dollar bill and handed it to Isaac.

"Pleasure doing business with you." said Isaac who had a smug look on his face as he had managed to hustle Sunset and put the money in his pocket.

The school bell then rang which meant it was time to return to class and the group then started to make their way back into the building. Once the final class had led out, everybody started to gather their stuff and head either home or to their after school activities. The girls had suggested they go hang out, but Isaac had told him that he had other arrangements so he couldn't join them. They understood and then said goodbye to him. Once the girls had left, Isaac then made his way to the school library where he was planning to meet with Applebloom and her pals.

It took a while, but Isaac eventually found the place. At first glance there was thousands upon thousands of books that lined the shelves of this place. The nerd in Isaac was coming a bit out as he took in a deep breath and took in the scent of paper and ink. Before he was lost in his own world, he heard a noise coming from another section of the room. Eventually he found the three little kids who were sitting together at a table and were playing a card game. It wasn't anything fancy but just a piece of paper and a calculator. One of those people happened to be Applebloom who was busy writing some stuff down on that sheet of paper. Isaac then made his way to the group as he heard their conversation.

"Come on Applebloom, we've been waiting long enough. Just admit it, he's not coming." said the girl who had light gamboge skin and bright purple hair.

"Besides, you probably made that whole thing up. There's no way you know the champion." said the third girl who had pale purple and pink hair and had pale white skin.

"I told you girls he's coming and that I do know him. He's just running a bit late is all." said Applebloom as she had a nervous sweat rolling down her face.

"Sure, sure. Look I'm been waiting to get in a game all day." said the girl with purple hair.

"I told you that he's coming, if I know Is..." Applebloom then looked to her side and saw Isaac walking towards them. "Isaac, you made it." Applebloom then got up from her seat and tackled Isaac's lower body as she gave him a hug. The other girls just simply looked on with an intriguing eye.

"I knew you come."

"Well of course, I never break a promise."

"Darn tootin. Oh Isaac, let me introduce you to my pals, this here is Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo."

"Pleasure to meet you girls." Isaac then gave them a smile and a wave to which they returned before talking directly to Applebloom.

"Okay, Applebloom enough fooling around. There's no way he's the one you're talking about. I mean how can he be Canterlot High's duel champion. I mean he didn't even face Rainbow Dash while he was in the tournament." said Scootaloo who looked at Isaac with an unimpressed look.

"Yeah, Scoots is right. I mean do you really expect us to believe that this gentleman right here is the winner of the Fall Formal. No offense sir, but you don't seem to be the type of person who could have beaten Sunset and become champion." said Sweetie Belle.

"Well I a..."

"Of course, Isaac is the one who beat Sunset. How else do you explain the atmosphere at CHS being a bit nicer than it was prior? It's thanks to Isaac that we can all relax and enjoy dueling the way it used to be and that's to have fun." Unfortunately, Applebloom's friends weren't buying what she was selling.

"It's okay, Applebloom. It's no big deal." Isaac had put his hand on her shoulder as he tried to comfort the little girl.

"But it's true. You're the champion and you did beat Sunset. They just don't see it." Just then Applebloom had an idea pop into her head. "Say Isaac, why don't you show them? I mean what other way than for you to prove that what I'm saying is true than with a duel. Besides, Scoots here has been itching for a duel."

"If you think this is going to change my mind about him, forget it. But I have been itching for a match, so what do you say, are you man enough for a little contest?"

Isaac looked at Scootaloo and then at Applebloom who was pleading with him to accept the challenge and prove that she was telling them the truth. Ultimately, Isaac decided to humor the little girl and told her that he be up for a little friendly game. He then made his way to the table they sat at and took a sit opposite of Scootaloo. He then pulled out his deck, and shuffled it before putting it down. Applebloom then wrote down on the piece of paper each of their life points while Sweetie Belle just watched from the side.

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-
Scootaloo's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Scootaloo

"Alright, Mr. Big Shot. If you're really the champion then lets see how you handle when there's no fancy smoke and mirrors. It's just you, me, and the cards we play. Draw." Scootaloo then picked up a card from her deck and looked through her hand before looking at Isaac. "I'll start by playing Cycroid(800/1000) in defense mode. Then I'll end my turn. Lets see you get through that!"

Turn 2: Isaac

It was now Isaac's turn as he picked up a card from his deck and looked at Scootaloo's field. It had been a long time since Isaac played Duel Monsters this old fashioned way, but it was a nice breather from all the holographic of the duel disk. He then began to his cards. "I'll play my Magician's Valkyria in attack mode. Now I'll have my magician attack your Cycroid. Then I'll place 1 card facedown and end my turn."

Scootaloo was upset that Isaac had managed to get rid of her monster with so much ease. She was a bit angry at what had occurred, but refocused on getting her head back into the game.

Turn 3: Scootaloo

"Alright, you just got lucky." Scootaloo then picked up her next card and had a smile on her face. "But you won't be lucky this time. I play Steamroid(1800/1800) and then I'll play the spell Double Summon, now I gain an additional summon this turn and I play Submarineroid(800/1800). Now time to attack, my Steamroid gains 500 extra attack when it engages in battle so now it's stronger enough to destroy your monster and then I'll my Submarineroid attack you directly. When it attacks directly, I can then change it into defense mode. I'll then lay 1 card facedown and end my turn."
Isaac's Life Points: 6500

Isaac then picked up his card and put it in the graveyard pile as he watched Scootaloo have a smirk on her face. Sweetie Belle had a similar look on her face, while Applebloom was trying to hide her face out of embarrassment.

"Seems Applebloom was wrong about you. I knew there was no way someone like you could become champion. Heck your victory was probably a fluke."

Isaac just put his hand on his deck and was preparing to draw his card. He then looked at Scootaloo who had a confident smile appear on his face while she started to sweat a little.

Turn 4: Isaac

"Well now, Scootaloo if you believe my victory was a fluke then lets find out. Draw. I'll start by playing Graceful Charity, so I'll pick up 3 more cards and then I'll have to put 2 in the grave." Isaac then picked up the top 3 cards and added them to his hand before choosing which 2 cards to put into the discard pile. Scootaloo was confused by what Isaac was doing; Isaac still had a smile on his face.

"What good does that do, you just basically forced yourself to get rid of cards? Do you really expect me to believe you won using moves like that?" Scootaloo was not impressed with what she was seeing so far. Sweetie Belle had a similar look on her face, however, Applebloom had a huge smile on her face as she knew exactly what Isaac was about to do.

"Well, sometimes looks can be deceiving. Like this one, I'll play Watapon in defense mode. Because I drew him from a card effect, I can special summon him."

Isaac then played his card on the table for every to see. The immediate reaction he got from the girls was just a simple 'Aw' as they found Isaac's monster a tad bit cute. Even Scootaloo was showing how much she found it to be adorable.

"I'll admit your monster is so cute and fluffy! But he can't do anything by himself."

"Like I said, don't judge a book by its cover. Sure my Watapon may not be tough on his own, but his true strength lies elsewhere. Now watch as I sacrifice my Watapon to summon my Dark Magician Girl. Now watch as my tiniest monsters lends it power to bring forth an even more powerful one, this is the power of teamwork. I play Dark Magician Girl." Isaac then switched his Watapon and put his Dark Magician Girl card on the field. "But I'm not done, next I'll play my facedown: Sage's Stone. Now since I have Dark Magician Girl on my field, I can bring out her teacher. So I'll then play my most loyal companion, Dark Magician." Just like that Isaac had both of his magicians on the field and it was safe to say that both Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were losing their minds at the sight of these cards in front of them. "Now I'll have my monsters take out your machines. With that I'll play 1 card facedown and end my turn."
Scootaloo's Life Points: 7800-

Turn 5: Scootaloo

"Alright, you got some skills, I'll give you that. Draw. For now, I'll just play a monster in defense mode and pass it over to you."

Turn 6: Isaac

"Think you may be reconsidering your opinion of me? Well maybe this will, I activate my spell card, Thousand Knives. Now I can destroy 1 of your monsters, so say goodbye to your defense. With that gone, I can then launch a direct attack on your life points. I'll then end my turn."
Scootaloo's Life Points: 3300-

"With that last attack, Scootaloo is nearly down to 3000 life points. One more attack and it's all over." said Applebloom as she wrote down the life total on the piece of paper.

Turn 7: Scootaloo

"Alright, I'm done messing around. Watch this, Mr. Champ. Draw. I'll play the spell Roid Recycle, now I can bring back 3 'Roid' monsters to my field. I'll bring back my Submarineroid, Steamroid, and Cycroid from my grave. Then from my hand I'll play the spell: Ace Pair. This means I can now summon out two monsters as long as their the same level; I play Stealthroid and Truckroid. Next I'll play one of my favorite cards it's called Power Bond; now I can fusion summon using the monsters on my field. So I'll combine my 5 machines and play Barbaroid, the Ultimate Battle Machine(4000/4000). The great thing about Power Bond is that it doubles my monsters' attack, however at the end of my turn I take damage that my monster gained from Power Bond. That won't matter because I'm about to end this duel here, plus my monster's ability allow him to attack twice and you take 1000 points each time I destroy a monster. Either way this duel is over; I'll attack for game!"

"Yeah, don't think that's happening. I flip over my final facedown, Mirror Force. Now this card will redirect your attack right back at you; in addition your monster is destroyed."

"No! Then that means I've got nothing to defend myself. How? How did you do that?"

Turn 8: Isaac

"It wasn't that hard. Now then I'll have my magicians attack you direct and win."
Scootaloo's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

"And with that, Isaac is the winner. Congrats, of course I'd expect nothing less from the Canterlot High's #1 duelist. So girls, do you believe me now?" Applebloom had a smug look on her face as she looked at her pals. Suffice to say both Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo had given her a nod that said they believed in what she was telling them.

"Wait then that means, if Isaac is the champion? Oh my god, we're in the presence of greatness. We're so sorry for treating you badly." Sweetie Belle was doing her best to try to get Isaac to not to be angry with her.

"And I'm sorry for thinking you were a phony, can you please forgive us?" They both gave Isaac the puppy eyes.

"It's alright, girls. No harm, no foul. Besides its been a while since I've had a duel as old school as this. It nice to just play regularly without having to look at the cool special effects of cards. Besides, Applebloom here wanted me to meet with you girls?"

"See girls, I told you'll he was a friend. Not to mention super nice. In fact, Isaac here helped to construct my deck."

"Really? Say Isaac, if it's not too much trouble could you possibly look at my deck and see if I can make any improvements?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"And then me after!" yelled Scootaloo who was full of excitement.

Isaac was happy that the girls were ecstatic about meeting him, as well as, being able to help the girls with their decks. Isaac looked at each of the girls' decks and offer them his suggestions as well as some tidbits of advice. They were happy to say the least; after talking with the CMC for a bit, they had asked Isaac for his backstory and he told them about his life and how he got into Duel Monsters.

"And that girls, is how I became invested into the game. It's also how I became the owner of two of my most loyal monsters. Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl." Isaac then pulled out his cards and passed them to the girls so that they could get a good look at them. The girls were amazed to see such powerful and amazing looking monsters; it made Isaac happy to see the girls just take such an invested interest in his monsters.

"Off of just looks, your monsters are really cool looking. Why if I had cards like this, then I would want to show them to everybody whenever I got a chance."

"I'm with Sweetie Belle here, you got some awesome cards Isaac. It's no wonder you're champion, with monsters like these it will be hard to take you down. I found out first hand just how unprepared I was."

"Well what did you expect, Scoots? Isaac does have better cards than any of us; it makes sense why he would beat us so easily. We be luck to last even a turn with him."

"Tell me about it, even though you weren't even trying you still managed to wipe the floor with me. I can't imagine what it would be like if you were fully trying; you probably would have found a way to OTK me."

"Well that's probably a bit of a stretch. Anyways, it's not so much that I have better cards than you girls. It's simply that my skills are a bit more advanced than yours. Not to sound mean or anything but I've had tons of experience under my belt to know when to play a card and how to use it. I'm sure that if you'll had a bit more practice and worked at getting better, then you lot could laster longer than you think. Sure your opponent may have better cards, but ultimately it comes down to who has the better skills in a duel. No matter how much of a bind you may be in, if you have the skills to turn things around then that is what you should focus on."

"Words to live by." said Applebloom.

After their brief discussion the CMC wanted to test out their new changes to their deck and pleaded Isaac for him to play against them. They wanted him to see how well they did and also wanted to have fun. Isaac couldn't say no to these girls mainly because they were all giving him the puppy eyes which made his heart sting if he rejected their offer. Safe to say that they all suffered some form of defeat due to Isaac's deck but overall they were learning and more importantly having the time of their lives. In between sets, Isaac had given each of the girls some cards that they could use to boost the strength of their deck. The sun was going down and Applebloom saw that it was getting kind of late. So she decided to wrap up their little group activity. Isaac volunteered to help them clean up and gather girls' belongings as they were making their way to the front of the school. The girls were so happy that they got to learn from Isaac, that they decided to be official members/founders of the Isaac fan club to which they showed his appreciation by wearing what appeared to be Dark Magician hats. Isaac felt like he should have told the girls that they didn't need to do that, but didn't have the heart to tell them as they were jumping up and down with joy. They all made it to the front of the school where Applebloom's brother was waiting to pick up his sister. Then Scootaloo's aunts showed up and they waved at her to get in the car. Both of them said goodbye to everybody as they got in their respective vehicles and drove off. The only ones left were Sweetie Belle and Isaac.

"So Sweetie Belle, where's your ride?"

"Actually, I'm going to walk home. See I don't live far from here and I told my sister that I would be coming home a tad bit late. Though I don't want to worry her too much, so I should probably get going." Sweetie Belle turned in the direction she was about to walk in till she heard Isaac speak up.

"Hey, why don't I walk you home? I happen to live in that same direction, so I could drop you off. Besides, after giving me a fun afternoon it's the least I can do."

"You sure I don't want you to get in trouble or become a burden for you?"

"Don't worry about it, plus it'll be a lot safer for you if you had someone with you. Just because you told your sister that you'll be home late, doesn't mean that you can't worry her. She'll be devastated if she found out something bad happened to her little sis and wasn't there to protect her. With me at least you'll know you have someone who can keep you safe."

"Thanks Isaac, you really are a true friend." Sweetie Belle then hugged Isaac to which he just merely patted the girls head.

They then started to walk together in the direction of Sweetie Belle's home. It wasn't a long of a walk as they arrived at the place where Sweetie Belle lived in about 20 minutes. The moment they arrived at Sweetie Belle's place, Isaac took a second to look at the place and began to have a realization which was confirmed by Sweetie Belle's statement.

"Say isn't this?"

"Rarity, I'm home?" Said Sweetie Belle as she and Isaac stepped through the door.


"Oh, is that you Sweetie Belle? My word, you had me worried." Rarity then made her way from a different room and gave her sister a hug. "I was terrified of you coming home so late. I kept thinking of all the terrible things that could have happened; I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to see my little sister again and it would be my fault for not keeping her safe."

"It's okay, Rarity. I know that it's part of your job to worry about me, and I appreciate that about you. But I was completely safe, especially since I had Isaac with me to keep me protected." Just then Rarity got up from her knees and saw Isaac standing there behind her sister with a smile on his face.

"Oh, Isaac. Nice to see you again. I trust that you kept my sister safe, I hope she wasn't too much trouble."

"It was no trouble at all Rarity. I made sure to keep Sweetie Belle safe while she was in my care; I even walked her home."

"I'd appreciate that."

"Wait, you know Isaac, Rarity?". Sweetie Belle had a confused look on her face when she found out that her sister knew who Isaac was.

"Indeed I do, darling. I just I got too busy with the girls' plan and designing the outfits for the Fall Formal that I guess it must have slipped my mind. Sorry about that, sis."

Sweetie Belle just gave her sister a warm smile as she forgave her sister for not informing her. "It's all right, Rarity. I get that you were busy with a lot of things. Anyways thanks for getting me home safe and sound; also I had a really fun time getting a chance to learn some new things from you."

"Your welcome, Sweetie Belle."

Isaac then gave her a quick wave/goodbye. Sweetie Belle then said goodbye and went to her room, leaving Isaac and her sister to be by themselves.

"She really is a nice girl, it's no wonder she has someone like you as her big sister. I see that some of your personality rubbed off on her."

"Still the charmer. But yes, I'm Sweetie Belle's sister and it's my responsibility to watch her while we're in school. If something terrible would happen to her, then I wouldn't know what to do. I'm just glad that she made it home safe and sound."

Isaac could tell how genuine Rarity's voice was. Apart from her beauty and her charms that could get boys to do anything for her, Isaac saw how much Rarity really cared for her sister. It kind of made her amazing in a way. Isaac was about to leave so that he could make sure to get home before it was dark when he was stopped by Rarity.

"Well it's going to be dark soon, so I better get home."

"Wait Isaac. I just wanted to say once again that I'm grateful that you brought my sister home. Not to mention that you helped her with her deck. She really wants to be good at the game, but I hardly have the time to practice with her. So I'm glad she has someone she can train with; not to mention that she can learn from the best. Anyways, I'm hoping that I can repay you in some way."

"You don't have to repay me, Rarity. I helped her because it was the right thing to do." Isaac tried to assure Rarity that she didn't need to do anything.

"But I must do something to show my gratitude/generosity." Just then an idea popped into Rarity's head which caused her to crack a small smile as well as a bit of a blush. "Perhaps, if you don't have plans this weekend. Maybe you and I could go somewhere, just the two of us."

"You mean like a date? Are you asking me out?" It took awhile for Isaac to figure out what Rarity was trying to say. When he said it, it caused both of them to show a shade of red as they looked away from each other for a few seconds.

"Yes, in a way. I understand if you don't want to?" Rarity then started to turn as Isaac grabbed her arm and caused her to turn around.

"It's not that I don't want to; it's just that I've never been on a date before. Is there some sort of book that I need to read to prepare myself?" asked Isaac who had a confused look on his face while Rarity just merely giggled at Isaac's lack of romantic knowledge.

"Darling, there's nothing to worry about. Just let me handle all the details, you just focus on showing up."

Rarity then did something unexpected as she stepped forward and gave Isaac a kiss on his check. This caused Isaac to let go of Rarity's arm and put his hand to his check as he took a step back. It was so sudden that Isaac didn't know what to do which made Rarity giggle even more at how Isaac acted when it came to romance. Still that one second of Isaac letting go of her arm left her with a feeling of wanting; she missed the touch of Isaac that it was taking everything in her power to not jump at Isaac and have him hold her in his arms for a bit longer. Nevertheless, Isaac then said to Rarity that he would take her up on the offer of going on a date. He then turned around and headed out the door before saying one last goodbye to her. Rarity then waited a couple of seconds before confirming that Isaac had left before she found herself sitting up against the door. Rarity's heart was pounding and she could hear it beating very fast as she put her hand over her heart. In her mind, that was probably the toughest thing she ever did mental. However she was a bit happy that she finally managed to muster up the courage and ask Isaac out. Just the thought of going on a date with Isaac was enough to drive her crazy, she kept imagining the different scenarios of how she would confess her feelings to Isaac that it caused her to be filled with so much happiness. After taking some time to compose herself, Rarity then made her way to Sweetie Belle's room to check up on her. Along the way she couldn't stop smiling as she was grinning from ear to ear, just thinking about Isaac holding her and him kissing her as they confessed their feelings towards each other.

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