• Published 11th Oct 2020
  • 4,582 Views, 856 Comments

Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 181: Unsanctioned Match

Author's Note:

Alright this is it, once again this is your final warning. I mentioned in the previous author's notes of the last chapter that you needed to refresh on certain chapters and moments of this story so that you could have a better understanding of what's going to transpire in this chapter. So again, if you haven't done it, do so before reading this chapter. And for the ones that did it, then prepare yourselves... everybody get settled in, grab food/drinks, use the bathroom, put music on or whatever you guys do when you read this story. Cause this chapter is about to make you feel emotions. In simple terms, shit's about to go down. Now then... here... we.... go!

It was the day after Starlight had done her little pipe bomb as it seemed to be taking an effect on the whole school. For the younger students, Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna were doing their best to tell them that the bad person wasn't going to harm them. But for the older classes, they were now starting to take Starlight's words to heart. Seems whenever the Principals were walking past them, they couldn't help but murmur some chattering as they looked at the older women. And it wasn't easy for the two girls either.

Principal Celestia was in her office as she was currently dealing with the issue of Starlight invading her school and hacking into the school feed to deliver her message. As much as Celestia wanted to deal with the girl personally, she couldn't get involved since both she and her sister were retired duelists and would put their position as school officials in jeopardy with the Board of Education if they took matters in their own hands without their permission. Soon the door to her office opened up as there was Isaac who was still recovering from the sneak attack that Starlight did to the boy the previous day.

"Celestia, where is Starlight?!!" asked Isaac.

"Isaac, I have no idea where she is. Seems she's gone from the school grounds. But next time she sets foot on this place, she will be dealt with." stated the older woman.

"You're damn right, cause I'm going to see to it personally." said Isaac.

"You will not get involve..."

"Shut the hell up, Celestia!!!" shouted Isaac as he slammed his fists on his principal's desk and yelled at her.

"I would strongly suggest you watch what you say to me, I'm your principal!!!" said the older woman as she got her face in Isaac's.

"And you're the one who I made my personal bitch by retiring you!" responded Isaac as he wasn't bothering to listen to what Celestia was going to say. "I'm going to make this crystal clear. The next time, Starlight shows her face here, you make it official. Me and Starlight in a duel!"

"Maybe I should remind you who the hell makes the rules around here!!" yelled the girl.

"Yeah, the person who's done more for this school than you ever did!" fired back Isaac. "Make it official!" said the boy as she stepped through the door and made sure to slam it as the photos hanging on Celestia's wall fell down and broke.

"Starlight! Where are you!" shouted Isaac through the halls of the school as some of the students could hear him from inside their class as they didn't want to get in the way of his wrath.

"Where are you bitch!" shouted as he started to bang his fists on some of the lockers seeing if she was hiding in one of them. "Where are you!!"

"Isaac, calm down!" said the girls as they all appeared as it took all of them to pull Isaac away into a separate room as the boy was filled with rage on getting his hands on the girl.

"Let me go!" yelled the boy as she struggled to move as the girls were doing their best to get him to settle down.

"Sugarcube, she isn't here." said Applejack.

"Let it go, big bro!" shouted Pinkie as she tried to pull back her friend.

"Isaac, look at me." said Twilight as she put her hands on her boyfriend's face. "It's me, Twilight. And our friends." Seems Twilight's voice was reaching Isaac's mind as all the anger inside of him was starting to settle down as he quit struggling. the girls noticed this as they let go and all fell down as they were exhausted from keeping their male friend from doing something he was going to regret.

"Isaac, we'll get through this together." said Twilight as she grabbed his hand.

Isaac didn't say much as he looked at Twilight as he gave a quick peck on the cheek as he walked past her with a determined look on his face.

"Isaac." said Twilight as she was now worried for her boyfriend and what he might do.

The next day arrived as Isaac was currently at his job as he was in the back in his office room as he was busy trying to deal and track down Starlight since her little appearance at school. For him, he wasn't going to stop till he confronted the girl and settled this issue with her in the way they both wanted. And that was a duel. Mr. Johnson and his nephew Dominik saw their business partner and friend having an issue based on how usually Isaac would always deal with customers face to face, but ever since he came in for his shift, all he had done was stay in the back. So they knew something was up.

"Isaac, we need to talk."

"What is it, Mr. Johnson?"

"Is there..."

"Oh, Isaac." said a voice as it appeared to be coming from a megaphone of sorts. "Isaac."

"Starlight." said Isaac as he recognized the voice and got off his seat as the pair stepped to the side and followed the boy as they felt like something was about to go down.

Isaac walked through the storage room as he opened the door and scanned the room as he looked to pinpoint where the voice was coming from. He then saw Starlight standing by the door with a megaphone in her hand as she was accompanied by Sunburst as the girl had an evil smile. At that moment, Isaac started to walk towards the pair.

"Get the hell out of my store, Starlight! Get the hell out of my store!" shouted Isaac as at that moment he was being held back by Mr. Johnson and Dominik as they didn't want their friend to do something he regret.

"I'm right here, Isaac." taunted the girl.

"Get the hell out of my store!" shouted the boy as he was being held back.

"Isaac, settle down!" said Mr. Johnson as he didn't like seeing his best employee acting like this.

"Seems we came at a bad time." snickered Starlight. "I was hoping to get some new cards and well, seeing as how you work here. I'd figured why not come here to see about making some improvements."

"You know damn well, that ain't what you're here!" yelled the boy.

"You're right," chuckled Starlight evilly, "I just wanted to say thank you and that I'll be dropping by your school on Monday for another one of my messages. So thank you, thank you for welcoming me to CHS, to letting myself just speak my mind. Thank you." Starlight just kept that evil smirk as she enjoyed taunting Isaac.

"You done talking?" asked Isaac as he settled down a bit as Dominick still had his arms around Isaac in case he go wild.

"Let's be honest, probably not. But would you like to say something?" smiled the girl. "I got a megaphone."

"No, no, I just want to make sure that you get it all out because you made a very truthfully statement the other day. We've been waiting for about 22 months for you to actually say you have a set of balls! Congratulations." said Isaac as he held a scowl on his face. "And apparently you also have a mouth and you like to run it. I'm here to set you straight! It's been three days since you hijacked that little screen and delivered your message. You said you're tired of being held down by the system and you were going to change things about Duel Monsters. You know that you got to go through me to do that, and you just act like I'm some kind of push over. Like because you're Starlight Glimmer and you a live mic in your hand and it's irrelevant on who face because nobody is going to stop you on your little crusade. I got news for you, jack. I'm no pushover. And nah, nah, nah, easy I know why you're thinking that."

"Why?" answered Starlight with a smug smile.

"Cause I was halfway knocked when you came up on screen and you said you were the 'best' duelist in this game."

"Wait, I'll stop you right there." responded the girl.

"Go ahead." replied Isaac.

"I am the 'best' duelist in the world!" said Starlight as she corrected the boy's statement.

"Congratulations, you got a set of balls, a big mouth, and self-confidence." said Isaac. "And you also said that I am a vision of what kind of duelist this game believes the best should be. Because I prance around for all these appearances and the readers, and smile for the camera. You got it twisted, I do it because I love it. I'm the best because I have this and I've earned it. You think you are the best duelist." stated the boy as he looked at Starlight. "Congratulations, for thinking that. I hate to tip my ace to you, there was a lot of people who thought that. A lot of people. Names like Yuya Sakaki, Jaden Yuki, Yuma Tsukumo, even Satellite's Shooting Star, Yusei Fudo! Every single one of them, thought the kid couldn't hang with me. Thought there's no way that he can duel with me on this dueling field! Every single one was disappointed! I didn't come here to run my mouth, you think you're great, here's what I think. I don't care if you've got a mic or a megaphone. I don't care if you stay or go. I think I'm coming to whup your ass!" shouted Isaac.

Starlight just smiled at Isaac as the two began to open their mouths as they read each other's lips and understood what the other was saying as they began to banter a bit more. Soon Sunburst grabbed Starlight by her shoulders as he started to lead his friend out of the store to avoid any fighting as the pair left. Isaac then broke free of Dominik's arms as he let out a sigh and then disappeared back into his office as both Mr. Johnson and his nephew saw that the issue with Isaac and Starlight was going to be something not only ugly, but brutal.

The weekend went by as soon it was Monday. Mr. Johnson had informed Twilight about Starlight entering the store and had gotten Isaac riled up; Twilight then told the girls about this as now they were all scared of what was going to go down with Starlight showing up and Isaac looking to confront her and challenge her to a duel. And to make matters even worst, Starlight had Sunburst to send a message for all the student's phones saying as she was able to hack into a satellite feed and sent her message saying that they were all invited for the little face-to-face she was going to have with Isaac as she planned to expose somethings for all to hear.

"So, you got the video too?" asked Sunset as she looked at her friends.

"Seems, like Starlight is makin' a big deal about whatever she wants to say that our whole class needs to be present. At least, Applebloom and the other kids aren't involved in this." said the country gal as she was thankfully that Starlight hadn't gone after their little sisters and dragged them into all of this drama.

"Then we better get going." said Twilight as she and the others all started to make their way to the auditorium.

"Did any of you?" asked Shadow.

"Seems like out of everybody not in our tutor's class, we got the video." stated Penny.

Starlight had done a bit of digging on her part as she saw that Isaac had created a little program that he was hoping to get the Board of Education to see it as a legit program and that they would hopefully implement into the system. She also saw the students that Isaac had given to the girls as she believed that they deserved to know some hidden things about their head professor.

"Any of you have an idea on who this girl is?" asked Lucky Star.

The others all shook their head at their companion's question.

"Well, we can't just show up to this little gathering, it's only for our tutor's class grade." stated Bryant.

"Yeah, but doesn't mean we can't listen in." said Jack as he had a plan to listen in on the meeting in the auditorium as they all began to make their way to the place.

The whole class of the girls were now gathering in the auditorium as they were currently sitting on the bleachers as they were creating some small talk with each other about what could potentially go down. Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna showed up as even more chatter was among the students, seems the little message that Starlight directed to the to woman and what she was about to expose about them before the transmission was cut seemed to be on their mind. As for the students, they managed to get a hold of Twilight's drone and connected it through Amber's laptop as they were now getting a bird's eye view of the room as it was filled with the graduating class as they now could see and listen to what was going down. The girls arrived as they sat down as soon everybody was waiting. Then the doors on right side opened up as Isaac walked in as both Principals tried to warn him about confronting Starlight but shoved off their arms off his shoulder as he walked in the middle of the room as he waited for the girl. The doors on the left side of the room opened up as standing there was Starlight and Sunburst behind her as the girl had a smile.

"Starlight, m-maybe we should forget about this." said Sunburst with a stutter.

"Sunburst, are you saying that you don't have faith in me." responded the girl.

"No, I... I have full faith in your plan. I'm by your side, you're my friend." said the boy.

"Exactly the answer I was looking for." said Starlight with a smug expression as she knew the boy would answer what she wanted to hear. "Now let's get to talking."

"Yes, Starlight." said Sunburst as he obeyed Starlight's command and followed his friend into the room as now they were standing across from Isaac.

Silence came over the room. Everybody, the girls, both principals, and even the students watching from Twilight's drone could see how tense it was. The situation was a gasoline waiting to be ignited as the tiniest bit of spark could set off a raging inferno. Neither Isaac nor Starlight said anything as they looked at each other with a stare down. Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna were watching this from behind Isaac in case things went south in a hurry. For the two woman, they had never seen Isaac so fired up and wound up, but yet Starlight was able to do that in just the first few seconds she showed up.
Both Isaac and Starlight then stepped forward as they each had a microphone in their hands so that everybody in the room could listen to what the two were going to say.

(Everybody reading right now, it's time... get ready.... here we go...)

"Well, here we are, Isaac. Me and you, right in the middle of this room with all eyes on us and everybody reading this story wants to know. And-- I don't wanna speak for you, but I'm fascinated at the fact that the entire world is watching, and they're waiting and they're wondering exactly what you and me are gonna say to each other. So if you don't mind, I'll go ahead, I'll start." said the girl as she cleared her throat.

"I respect you. I especially respect you for wanting to start a program that will help future generations get into Duel Monsters. But just because I respect you, doesn't mean I like you. And I know that that doesn't matter to you, because you don't like me." said Starlight as she pointed to herself. "I've known that since day one, and I know that because people like to talk. People tell me all the horrible little things you say behind my back. I also know this because I'm a great judge of character, and I can tell, it's all over your face. Everytime me and you are in a room together, when we share the dueling field together, anytime we have to have a conversation, your skin just crawls. You don't like me. I think when you first saw me, you referred to me as a pompous, undersized indie darling who couldn't be in the same league as the mighty Isaac."

"All right. That's changed a little bit." replied Isaac.

"That's the problem!" shouted Starlight.

"That's the problem. The fact that your perception of me has only changed a little bit, that's not good enough, just like it's not good enough that nothing around here has changed after you basically took over this school from Celestia and Luna as the new head honcho. You're just as bad as they were." said Starlight as she made sure to point and look at the two women as it seemed Starlight's message was getting some of the students in the bleachers on her side.

"You're just like them. Okay, you stand still and let all of this pass you by. You both share the same opinions and philosophies that a gal who looks like me, doesn't belong on the dueling field with somebody who looks like you." said Starlight as she referred to Isaac. "The big thing that infuriates me is that for years now, you and everybody else who plays Duel Monsters have this weird good guy, righteous, fetish/fantasy about what a main event-caliber duelist needs to look like and be recognized as a duelist. And based on that, people who don't fit your image, or more importantly, people that do fit it your image are afforded 10 times the opportunities."

"Oh, my god!" interrupted Isaac as he had enough. "Jesus, is this-- is this-- this is it? This is what you've got, huh? The good guy/protagonist? That's what you're gonna blame it all on?! Let me drop a few names on you. Seto Kaiba, Kite Tenjo, Declan Akaka, Joey Wheeler, Syrus Truesdale, the twins Leo and Luna, some of the biggest duelists in history of Duel Monsters. All of them were World Champions at one point in their careers. I'll go out on a limb and say that protagonist are not words that you would use to fully describe any of them."

"Oh, so you're gonna deny to me and all these people right now that this mind set doesn't exist?!" interrupted Starlight.

"Are you gonna use it as an excuse?!" interrupted Isaac.

"No, I'm not using it as an excuse!" said the girl as he cut off Isaac again. "But this is-- this is always the land of the giants, right? This is the law of the jungle, and the strong survive, right? Tell me, tell me, you're not that naïve, you don't actually believe that, right?" asked Starlight as she got a response from the students listening to her.

"If you wanna use it as an excuse for your failures, Starlight, go ahead." said Isaac.

"My failures." chuckled Starlight in a low and evil tone.

"See? You're worried about my opinion all the time. You don't need to worry about my opinion. My opinion doesn't matter. Their opinion does." said Isaac as he was referring to the fourth wall and the readers.

"Are you listening to them?" said Starlight as she could hear some of the people reading the story as they were cheering her name for being on her side.

"No. I am, Starlight. And that's today. And that's where you've changed my opinion. You see, it's the first 16 years that you bitch about incessantly, where you didn't get that reaction, but yet you thought, for some reason, you were being held back. You see, it's not about my opinion, it's about theirs. You wanna be a star? All you have to do is get over with them. Those people, when you get them on your side will come in droves to see you, Starlight. And when they do, you'll get everything you ever wanted out of this business and this story. People will tune into this story so they can see and read Starlight Glimmer and find out what she's going to do next."

"Spare me the imaginary brass ring speech because I've heard dozens and dozens of them over the years. I remember fondly my first brass ring speech. Let me take you back, if I could be afforded to tell you a little bit of a story." said Starlight.

"It was 16 years ago, I was roughly 3 and half years old at that time, I had already gotten into the game for about a year. And one day, my parents bought us some tickets to see a live duel that was happening and I was ecstatic as could be because the person who they got tickets to see was none other than your idol, the King of Games. And back then, if you bought a certain ticket with a special number on it, you could be afforded to meet the duelists who competed for a few moments. So naturally, I happen to have a lucky ticket and when the show ended, I was approached by security who brought me and a few other children to special spot where we could actually meet the King of Games one-on-one and if possible you take a photo. So granted my parents gave me a few extra bucks so that I could pay to have my photo taken. Then it was my turn to meet him, I was a small child and I too looked at him as an inspiration and so after I got to have a picture with him; I extended my hand for one final goodbye and I said to him: 'Mr. King of Games, I'm going to be a duelist like you and I already won my first ever junior tournament in school'." said Starlight.

"And his response, you know what his response was, he said: 'Congrats, kid. I had almost lost hope in you'." said the girl. "And after that it dawned on me, who the hell was he to say something like that to me. And to make matters worst, I saw him interact with the next kid in line who told him the same thing I said that they were going to be a duelist and you know what he responded with, he said: 'Congrats, kid. I hope to one day face you on this dueling field, cause I know you'll give me a good fight'. And to add to that disrespect, it was the person who he said it too, which I'm sure you know."

"What do you mean?" asked Isaac.

"Don't play coy. That kid who he said he was looking forward to one day battling against, was... you!" said Starlight in an pissed off tone as she pointed at Isaac.

"What?" Isaac was fully shocked at Starlight's story because he himself never remembered ever meeting the King of Games ever in his life.

"He somehow chose you to be the one to hand the keys to the kingdom. After that meeting, well unfortunately, the story doesn't have a happy ending because why would it. See, that was the first time I grabbed that imaginary brass ring, and went absolutely nowhere with it. See, Isaac, I don't play games. What you see with me, is what you get. And I would much rather be hated for who I am, than loved for something that I'm not."

"That's mighty heroic of you. So-- are you-- are you gonna tell me all this time, you've not had opportunities, is that what this is all about, right?" asked Isaac. "Let me see, multiple tournament wins in your school, several tag team trophies between you and Sunburst on independent scene. Tons of medals and awards given to you for small-time venues that you performed for. How about that little rock star, punk band that you made that has a record song, hmm?" stated the boy as he listed off some of Starlight's accomplishments that she had done. "You know, those sound like a lot of opportunities, Starlight, I don't know. Maybe, at some point in time, you have to look in the mirror, and look at yourself. Stop blaming everybody else and saying, I don't know, maybe you're not as good as you thought you were. Maybe you're not the best in the world." said the boy.

"You know, you told your story, how the King of Games came to up to you and he said, 'Congratulations, I'd almost lost hope in you'. And you were flabbergasted by this. How dare, the King of Games talk to the almighty Starlight Glimmer that way? Who the hell is he? Let me tell you who the hell he is!" said Isaac as he looked Starlight straight in the eyes. "He's a guy like all the other members of the Big 5 that came from nothing, and made themselves into the biggest stars in this industry. Some people love them, some people hate them. But the fact remains is that they draw attention and popularity all around the world. They did that on their own. They did it by winning these people over." said Isaac as he looked at the people in the room and acknowledged the readers. "See, you're worried about my opinion when it's theirs you need to worry about all the time. People ask me my opinion. I'm honest with them, I tell them the truth. Sometimes I'm right, Sometimes I'm wrong. Sometimes, I look at somebody and I say, 'Yeah, that person to me looks great. I think they're gonna probably be the biggest thing in Duel Monsters'. Turns out to be nothing. Other times, I look at someone and I say, 'You know what? I don't think they got anything to offer this business'. And then that person turns out to be someone like the Big 5, the biggest stars in this business. See, Starlight, it's all about winning them over. That's all you gotta do. Hey, they're with you here today."

"Wait a second, wait a second!" said Starlight as she cut off Isaac in an steamed tone. "Are you actually listening to this audience that you supposedly listen to?" asked the girl as she was hearing a different thing from the people that were actually on her side. "Are you-- hearing them? Don't tell me that I have to win them over!"

"These people right here reading this story take time out of their busy lives to watch and read what they enjoy. And you call them out, these people over here, these people over there. You talk about hypocrites, Starlight you're the biggest hypocrite of them all."

Starlight just made a "what" face at Isaac's statement.

"You will ask these folks if they want to see an apology, you will ask these folks to be the voice of the voiceless. My point is, your strongest attribute is also your biggest flaw. You are Starlight Glimmer, you beat to your own drum and I admire that. But in the path of doing things you wanna do, you've lost sight of everything."

"Oh, hold on, I'm gonna stop you right there, I'm not gonna have you stand here and belittle me and say I've lost sight of everything. I've lost sight of things, Isaac?! The reason I say all this is I don't fit a certain mold and because I am the underdog and that's exactly what you've lost sight of. Earlier you told me how you 'supposedly' had met some of these duelists, Yuya Sakaki, Yuma Tsukumo, Jaden Yuki, and Satellite's Shooting Star, Yusei Fudo and you said that they used to look at you and think that the kid couldn't hang and now you stand here and look at me as the kid that can't hang!!" shouted Starlight.

"Isaac met them?" said the girls as they were the most shocked to hear that statement about their male friend.

"Isaac, I was there when I saw you meet with your idol and how he acknowledge you as the next big thing for Duel Monsters. And I stood there and said to myself that someday I'm not going to be standing out there in the stands watching you on the dueling field, I was going to be standing on that dueling field watching you go down to Starlight Glimmer!"

"See, here's the thing, Starlight. Yes, today, they're chanting your name. 22 months ago when we first crossed paths, not so much, and you know that to be a fact! You just started to get these people, but don't look back over the last 16 years, and play the martyr, and say you were held down, that's a load of shit!"

"Everything I've had, in the last 16 years, I've earned!" shouted the girl. "I was handed nothing! I busted my ass and I sacrificed for this business!!"

"Your damn right you did!!" shouted Isaac. "And congratulations, that's what you do to make it here in this industry!! You bust your ass each and every night! You leave it all in this field!! The blood, the sweat, the tears, all of it!! That's what you do, you're handed nothing!! But here's the thing, that's how you get over in this business. Whether it's your warped internet philosophy, if that doesn't match for you, that's a fact! That's how you get over in this business. But this is not about business!! This is going around in a circle here, this is about me and you, and this isn't business, it's personal!! You made it personal!! I tried to keep it business, you made it into a personal issue!! That's why when we have our duel, you're gonna step onto the dueling field with me. Not the business man!! Not the golden boy of CHS!! Not the multiple time defending champion!! Quite frankly, and quite simply, just a man!! A man you've insulted, and a man that is gonna kick your ass!!!" yelled Isaac as he got in the face of Starlight as they were inches away from each other.

"Well, la dee da. We can just add that little chestnut on top of all the other things you're dead wrong about." said Starlight. "This isn't about the King of Games. I am the best in the world. And yeah, you know what? You're gonna kick my ass, fantastic. Guess what else? I'm gonna kick your ass and at the end of the duel, I'm going beat you, one, two, three in the center of the field. I'm gonna make you go to sleep, because my quest for change in the world of Duel Monsters, it doesn't stop until you're no longer in my life. And I wanna tell you a little secret. Why it's gonna be so satisfying to me to kick your ass? And right not, this isn't bad guy talking to good guy, this Starlight Glimmer talking to Isaac straight up. The reason why it's gonna be so satisfying to kick your ass..." Soon Starlight's mic got cut off. She then hit it a few times as it was shut off completely as she looked at Isaac.

"Really?" asked Starlight to Isaac as only he could hear her as it seemed the students were making some noise as to why Starlight's mic got cut off. "Is this you doing it? Did you cut off my mic?"

"I ain't got nothing to do with this." said Isaac as Starlight threw her mic to the floor as he began to argue with Isaac. "You wanna say something? Say it to me. I don't care if they hear it or not. Say it to me."

"I want everybody to hear what I got to say." said the girl.

Isaac then touched his mic as it was still active. "Is this working?" echoed Isaac's voice so that everybody could hear him, "Hey, this is working use this." stated the boy as Starlight grabbed his mic and began to talk.

"Good, Isaac. Because the reason I'm gonna be so satisfied after I kick you..." Now that microphone was cut of as Starlight was legit pissed off as she threw it on the floor as her and Isaac started to argue as the students were starting to boo for not hearing what Starlight was going to say.

"What you doing?!" asked Starlight.

"I've got nothing to do with that!" replied Isaac.

"You're the champion! You walk around here since you own the place." argued Starlight.

"Give me a microphone. What the hell is going on?" demanded Isaac to one of the sound engineers of the school. He was then given a mic from one of the staff members. "What is going on, Frank, huh?" Isaac's voice was now projected for all to hear. "Who's pulling the strings? Celestia, Luna are you two the ones turning these mics off." stated Isaac as he called out the two women who was standing a few feet away from as he gave them a scowl before turning back to Starlight.

"You want this? Come on. Lay the pipe bomb on me, Starlight. Go ahead." said Isaac as he offered the mic to the girl so that she could say what she wanted.

Starlight looked at Isaac as she felt like the same thing was going to happen again. Isaac still held the mic out for her to speak her mind as she grabbed it from the boy. Starlight then slowly brought it to her mouth as it looked like she was going to speak. Then at that moment, as hard as she could, she used the microphone and clocked Isaac straight in the head the feedback from the mic picked it up and everybody could hear it in the room as Isaac went down hard.

"Isaac!" shouted the girls.

Starlight just tossed the mic away and smiled as she turned around and grabbed Sunburst as they began to leave.

"Isaac, you okay?" asked Fluttershy as she and the others checked on their friend as his cap was knocked off his head when he went down.

For Isaac he felt the impact of the mic hitting his head as there was a small bump in his head, seems Starlight was able to make sure she got a good hit on the boy despite him wearing his cap. Isaac put his hand to his head as he felt the area where Starlight clocked him as he was now more angry, in fact, if Starlight had aimed a bit lower when she hit the boy, the mic would have collided with his left eye. He shot a quick glance in the direction of Celestia and Luna as he was thinking of how the mics were turning off as the ladies just gave him some stern looks as they left the room without saying anything.

Sometime later, Principal Celestia was in her office as she had her hands on her head as all day since the little confrontation between Isaac and Starlight, she had been bombarded with student's comments and Luna was receiving calls from the Board of Education asking her how the hell she could let something like this happen. They told her to figure out the solution of she and Luna would be removed from their position effective immediately and the entire school would run the risk of shutting down. All of it was giving Celestia stress and it didn't help that her door opened up as in came someone.


"For the last time, Isaac. No!" shouted the women as she had snapped.

"You know what needs to happen!" said the boy as the bump on his head was slowly going away. "Give me the duel with Starlight!"

"I told you already Isaac, I can't sanction that! She doesn't go here as a student, so I have no control over her. But I do have over you."

"You wish you had control over me, bitch!" responded Isaac.

"Repeat that shit to me again, boy. And let's see what happens!" said Celestia as she wasn't playing around.

"You want your career to really suffer. I got no problem doing it again, in fact, I can beat you in three turns guaranteed. Old Yeller!!" said Isaac as he was flexing his skills at his principal.

"Don't call me that!" said Celestia.

"Listen to me, Old Yeller. Give me the duel with Starlight, one way or another, unless you want the Board of Education to take matters into their own hands! Give me the match!" said Isaac as he left Celestia's office as she slammed her fist on her desk as Celestia's anger was let out.

"So, do you all think it's true?" asked Rainbow.

"That Isaac met those Big 4 duelists he mentioned, come on, maybe?" said Sunset.

"Well if he has, why hasn't he told us?" asked Pinkie.

"We're his friends, he wouldn't hesitant to tell us that he got to meet them." replied Pinkie.

"So, you think Isaac kept it a secret, darlings?"

"Or do you think it's something else." suggested Fluttershy.

"Maybe they told him not to mention his experience." said Applejack.

"What do you think, Twilight?" asked Rainbow.

"I don't know. I don't know what's happening right now, Isaac is not himself, and then Starlight appears and it's like all they both can think about, they want to destroy each other, they want to tear each other from limb to limb. I'm scared of what's coming." said the girl.

"Best to make sure the students don't get involved." stated Sunset. "Starlight's beef may be with Isaac, but that doesn't mean she won't find ways to under his skin even more."

The girls all understood what was said as they prepared for what was going to happen between Isaac and Starlight as they knew both individuals were set for a full on collision course that was going to be bloody. They knew the only thing they could do was be there by Isaac's side in case of the worst case scenario happened. And it seemed it was about to happen.

The next day, Celestia had finally talked with the Board as she told them about her idea to handle the issue. The Board told Celestia that this was her only chance as should it fail, then she would be terminated from her position and her status as a duelist would be tarnished, along with Luna. Celestia understood the repercussions as she gave the Board her promise that this solution would solve everything. Luna then entered her office as she was holding a certain piece of paper as the two looked at each other and prepared to walk towards the auditorium. They made sure every student from the day before was present so they too could know what was going to happen, as well as the two individuals it concerned. The two ladies entered the place as all the students of the graduating class were present as there in the middle of the room was a table set up. Standing on one side were the girls as they had been told by Celestia herself to be present as she had a feeling things were going to get physical. Both ladies then approached the table as they stood on the side of it as the doors on the left opened up and there was Isaac as he was called by the principal. He then took a seat at one end as the doors on the right of the room opened up and there was Starlight being flanked by Sunburst as Isaac wanted to right then and there hit her in the face but was told by the girls and the principals to not engage until they informed the pair what was going on. Starlight then took her seat at the opposite end of the table with Sunburst standing behind her as Celestia stood in the middle of the table and began to speak into the mic.

"Ladies and gentleman, thank you for joining me here. Now it's obvious that situation between the two of you has gotten completely out of hand!!!" shouted Celestia as she had enough of Isaac and Starlight's fighting as the two just kept their eyes on one another not ever looking away as they listened the older woman. "It's reach boiling points, in fact it's got the whole bloody Board of Education involved!!! It's only a matter of time before the police are going to be involved with the two trying to kill each other!!! And I will not, nor my sister, have you both embarrass this game that so many people have worked hard to create!!! Now what I have here is a solution to this situation!!!" Luna then handed her sister the piece of paper as Celestia dropped it hard on the table in front of her. "This is a contract that the Board has approved of, for Starlight Glimmer to face Isaac in an unsanctioned duel. Now Starlight, you are not a student here, therefore I can not give you an official duel against Isaac; so this duel can only take place when you have both signed this contract! And you acknowledge that CHS, nor the Board of Education, is not held accountable for anything that happens to the two of you!!!" said the older women as she first presented the document to Starlight so that she could sign first.

"An unsanctioned duel?!" said the girls and Sunburst as this was a first they were hearing.

Starlight flipped the contract open to the page that she and Isaac would need to sign. She had the pen in her hand and was about to sign until she decided to say somethings as she put it down and grabbed the mic on the table.

"I want to tell a little story, Principal Celestia. I want you, and everybody here both present and reading this story to picture this. Really picture this. Imagine that you were born blind, that you could not see and then one day you wake up and you can see everything. You know what we can that, everybody. We call that a revelation. And I had one. That Isaac is still the same asshole that walked into this place three years ago. There is no Batman without Joker, there is no Luke Skywalker without Darth Vader, and there is no Isaac without Starlight Glimmer!!" said Starlight.

"You have disrespected me, you have disrespected my..." responded Isaac as he grabbed his mic and began to speak.

"I knew it!" said Starlight as she cut him off.

"No, shut the hell up, bitch!!!" shouted Isaac as he got up from his chair and wasn't going to let Starlight interrupt him talking. "Shut up! I'm not done talking, shut your damn mouth!"

"Say it! Go ahead!" taunted Starlight with a smug smile.

"Ever since I've been champion around here, despite of you disrespecting me, my family, my friends, this story, Twilight!" said Isaac with venom in his tone. "Despite all that, I tried to work with you. I bent over backwards to work with you and it still wasn't good enough, was it?! No, no, no, you had to push. And maybe, maybe I just need to be the bigger man. You know, maybe I just need to swallow my pride, do a better job. But I'm trying, Starlight, I'm trying my ass off to be the man and be the champion around here!! But the thing is, I can only take so much. You disrespected me. You insulted me as man. Now, you deal with me as a man!!!"

"I expect nothing less. You see, I don't want to fight the champion of CHS in our unsanctioned duel, I want the old Isaac. I don't want the new you, the new you sucks. I want the old you, everybody reading this agrees with me, ever since you became this business person, you've gone soft. You're the not same old Isaac you used to be." stated Starlight. "And you're right, maybe you're not the guy for the job and that seems to be my point all along. The last people who ran this place, maybe you know them, Luna and Celestia. Oh, hi ladies didn't see you there." mocked Starlight as she looked at the two women. "See they when they were in charge, they couldn't separate personal issues from business. And now, look at you. You can't separate personal issues from business issues. You think I hate Duel Monsters, I don't hate Duel Monsters, I love this game!!!" Starlight slammed her fist on the table to make her point.

"If I hated this game, I wouldn't be sitting here right now. I'd be at home a lot happier. You would be rid of the evil Starlight Glimmer and you'd be a lot happier. Want I want is change! I recognize when things suck and I speak my mind!! I want things to be different. I want things to be better! I want things to be better not just for me but for everybody!!!" stated the girl. "I am dying for a change. We are dying for a change. I want to be the catalyst for that change."

"Oh, save me!!!" yelled Isaac. "You want to be the catalyst as long as it benefits you!! I am sick to death of listening to you talk at how you're doing all of this for them!! Yeah, there are a lot of people out there and reading this story, maybe half of them agree with what you're saying, the other half, they don't give a damn! You know what, Starlight? Some of these people and readers actually like this story. Some of these people dig it, they tune in every single chapter. They love what they see, they come here to have a good time. They like it the way it is. Can it be better? Sure, it can be better. That's right. And that's my job to make it better. But when you talk about being the catalyst for change, really what you mean is, you will only accept change if it means Starlight Glimmer is on top, because unless Starlight Glimmer is the gal, the man, that's not enough change for you. That's not really what you want. See, you're no different than anybody else that's ever been in this business, including me. We're a lot alike. We did what we had to do to get on top. The difference is? I looked everybody in the eye and told you, I'm gonna step on you, I'm gonna walk through you to get to the top. You, you don't have the balls to do it! What you did is you backdoor your way around. You tried to do it being a martyr."

"So many things to say to you right now. You see me as a martyr? Well, unlike you, I'm not trying to step on anybody. I'm certainly not trying to be a martyr. But if you see me as a martyr, then maybe, just maybe, there's a lot of weight to what I say, maybe I'm saying the right things. And you talk about half these people tuning in and liking what they see and the other half not liking what they see. I want everybody to like what they see!!! I want everybody to tune in and enjoy this!!!" said Starlight as she slammed her fist repeatedly on the table.

"I want this to be fun again, all right? And if you think that I'm being selfish because I want to be the man? Well, you're right, I'm not gonna say I'm doing this for everybody, I'm doing this for me, absolutely. Because before I was a duelist, I was a fan. And at my core, I'm still a fan, I'm a fan of this and I will do what I can and what I know will make this better, will make this place fun again!! You became champion, I immediately started testing you, trial by fire, call it, and guess what, you failed. You're just like everybody else, you're just like Celestia and Luna, you're just like the Big 5. You know, I thought maybe since me and you, yeah, we are a lot alike, I thought maybe we wanted the same things, I thought we were on the same page, we wanted the same goals, but it turns out, you're egotistical, you're vindictive. It's the same old thing I've seen before, I mean, you hire your buddies to do your dirty work because you can't get your hands dirty." said Starlight as she pointed and looked at the girls.

"If I have to be the catalyst of change, if that catalyst of changes from going through you, so be it. Frankly, I think it's been a long time coming, me and you have never liked each other. Just do me the favor, since you're the guy that runs this whole school, after our duel, don't fine me, don't report me to the Board, after I kick your ass." With that Starlight then signed the contract as she slide the contract over to Isaac for his signature to be signed.

"You compare me to the Big 5, right? You think that I'm like them, that I can't separate the two. Let me tell you something, Starlight, one of the differences between me and you is something called respect. I respect them for what they've done, I respect them for building this game/industry into what it is!! We wouldn't be standing here right now if it wasn't for them and their friends/allies!!!" stated Isaac. "You wanna compare me to the Big 5, I say thank you, you couldn't give me any bigger of a compliment, but understand this, and this is where I'm nothing like the Big 5..."

"No, wait. Before you sign, the problem is, you respect them so much, especially your idol the King of Games and you, like everybody else looking at this story, wanna live in the past, you don't see the future, and trust me, I weep for the future, you're too shortsighted to see that they lost touch so very long ago and you are living in that shadow, you have lost touch, and I want change!!! And for the first time in 16 years after I beat you in our duel, I can finally sleep like a baby!!!" said Starlight.

"You want change? You're gonna get it. Let me tell you something, this is where I'm not like the Big 5, either one of them would've got on the dueling field with you and they sit there and taken a beating from you because it was good for business. This has nothing to do with business now with me and you. It's completely personal and I am gonna kick your skinny fat ass!!!!" said Isaac as he put the microphone down and picked up the pen as he prepared to sign the contract.

"Atta boy, Isaac. Go ahead and sign it, sign that death warrant." said Starlight as Isaac finished signing his name on the contract as the match was official. "You just signed your own death with that."

"You signed yours too, bitch!" said Isaac as he flung the pen in Starlight's face.

At that moment, Starlight immediately flipped the table over to the side as the contract went flying as both her and Isaac looked to punch each other in the face. The girls and Sunburst saw this and were quick into action as they stopped the two from delivering a hard right to the other's face.

"Come on, take a swing!!! I dare you!!! HIT ME!!!!" shouted both Starlight and Isaac as they were inches away as they were being held back. Soon they started to try to kick each other as the girls and Sunburst pulled more.

"Separate them now!!!" shouted Celestia as she didn't want a fistfight to happen in school.

"Come on, Starlight, you motherf*#@@#$@!!!!!" shouted Isaac as it took all the girls combined to drag him away.

"I'm gonna kill you Isaac, you rat@#$*@#@!!!!!" screamed Starlight as Sunburst wrapped his arms around his best friend's waist and was pulling her away.

"GET THEM OUT OF HERE!!!!!" shouted Celestia.

"GET THEM OUT!!" yelled out Luna as she helped the girls to pull back Isaac from breaking free as he so badly wanted to jump his enemy.

The contract laid on the floor as it was open to the page where it had Isaac's and Starlight's signatures as it was made official.

"Let me go!!!" shouted Isaac as he was dragged out of the auditorium by the girls and Luna as they opened an empty classroom and put the boy in as Twilight entered alone and closed the door.

"Isaac! Please calm down." said the girl as she was worried about her boyfriend's mental state.

"Let me at Starlight!" shouted Isaac.

"Isaac! Calm down!!" yelled Twilight as she brought her hand up and was looking to slap him but Isaac caught her wrist as it was inches away from making contact. Twilight tried to break free from Isaac's grip but he wasn't letting go, in fact, it seemed like he was applying some pressure. "Isaac? Let me go, you're kind of hurting me." said Twilight as Isaac gripped her wrist even tighter anymore pressure and there would be a mark on her wrist.

"I meant what I said, Twilight!!" shouted the boy in her face as he gripped her wrist even tighter. "I was gonna climb that mountain and confront Starlight, I'm gonna look that dragon in the eyes. And I'm gonna chop her damn head off!!!!" yelled the boy as he let of Twilight's wrist as he immediately grabbed a foldable steel chair and as hard as he could he flung it against the concrete wall as it ricocheted off the wall and made a gunshot sound go off. The force along with Isaac's power when he threw the metal object actually made a crack appear on the wall as Twilight was scared as she brought her hands to cover her mouth as she saw the sight before of.

Isaac was like a man possessed, the demon inside of him was letting his anger out as he then kicked the door open as he left the room; Twilight didn't know what to do as for the first time ever, she didn't know who or what her boyfriend was becoming. Twilight felt like crying as she touched the wrist that Isaac held as to her surprise there wasn't any mark from when Isaac was applying pressure; Twilight clutched her heart and sat down while letting a few tears fall.

Sunburst managed to bring Starlight to an empty room as she was still kicking.

"Sunburst, let me go!!!" shouted the girl as she stepped on his feet.

"OW!" said Sunburst as it caused him to let of Starlight as she immediately brought her hand and as hard as she could she bitchslapped Sunburst in the face that his glasses came off and huge red mark formed on his cheek in seconds.

"Starlight?" asked the boy as he dropped to his ass and felt the slap hurt.

Starlight was fueled by rage and hate that she didn't care she slapped her friend/ally. She then immediately grabbed a rock that was on the teacher's desk as she threw it as hard as she could and broke the window as glass shattered and could be heard as it got Sunburst to gasp. Starlight just growled at Sunburst as she too decided to leave CHS. Sunburst just picked up his glasses as he kept his left hand to his cheek as he knew that his friend and his only chance to get Starlight to be his special someone wasn't going to happen so long as Isaac was around. So he came to terms that if he was ever going to have a chance to be with her, then Isaac would need to be taken out.

The rest of the girls and the two principals all too had worried looks on their faces as they knew that Isaac vs. Starlight was going to be a blood bath and the only way a clear winner was going to happen was if one of them literally killed the other.

Nighttime was now over the town of Canterlot. The whole town was fast asleep. The moon was high up in the sky as it served as the only light; everybody was fast asleep, well except for one person. Isaac was sitting on his bed as he was awake; his small rectangle device next to him as his deck was on his nightstand. He had his eyes closed as he was in a thinking position as his hands were clutched together. Soon his alarm went off as it read midnight. Isaac then turned it off as he let out a breathe.

"It's time." said Isaac as he grabbed his duel disk and put it on his arm, he grabbed his deck and placed it in his deck box on his belt as he opened the door of his room. Isaac closed it quietly and slowly tiptoed his way down the stairs as he didn't want to wake the girls as they were fast asleep. He then exited out of the front door and then began to walk towards the site of his battle with Starlight.

While Isaac may have been silent when sneaking out of the house, there were some people who were still up. One of those was Fluttershy as she was worried about her friend and his mental health. So she had been secretly waiting for Isaac to leave the house to go for his battle with Starlight as she wanted to follow him to make sure he was safe. She wasn't the only one as both Pinkie and Rarity also were concerned as they made a plan to have the three of them follow Isaac when he left. So once the boy exited, they all snuck out in their Pjs and followed Isaac at a distance as they followed him.

Isaac eventually made his way to the place of his battle with Starlight as he stepped through the school gate and found himself on the field in the back. Isaac didn't wait long as soon the doors that connected the school to the field opened as there stood Starlight as both individuals clenched their fists as they prepared to do battle. Starlight then stepped onto the field as the cool wind blew in their direction as it was dark with the moonlight being the only light that provided them with enough vision to duel. Neither made a move as they waited to see what the other would do. The girls all hid in nearby bushes as they were out of sight from the two and could spring into action incase things went south.

"They're about to start, darlings." said Rarity in a low voice as the others all peaked through the bushes.

"Good luck, Isaac." said Celestia.

"Principal Celestia? Vice-Principal Luna?" said Fluttershy as she saw the two ladies next to them in their own bushes spying on the duel.

"Girls? What are you doing here?" asked Luna.

"What are you doing?" answered Pinkie.

"Nothing." said both women.

"Same thing." answered Pinkie.

"Then we never saw each other." said Luna to which Pinkie nodded as both shook their hands as all five of them turned their attention back to Isaac and Starlight as they were about to start.

"Duel!!!" shouted both individuals as they activated their duel disks with Isaac projecting a gold card tray and Starlight producing a pale, light grayish heliotrope light. Both took out their decks and slotted them in as the autoshuffler kicked in as they both drew their hands.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disk.

Starlight's Life Points: 8000-

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Starlight

"I'll start off, prepare to duel your last duel, Isaac!!! Draw!!!" shouted Starlight. "I summon Constellar Shertan(700/1900) in defense mode!" Starlight summoned her monster as it was a ram who rose up in white armor. "And when I summon Shertan, I can add a 'Constellar' monster from my deck to my hand. So I'll take my Constellar Algiedi. Then I'll play the continuous spell card, Constellar Star Chart."

"I'll then end my turn."

Turn 2: Isaac

"My turn, and I'll summon Berry Magician Girl(400/400). And when I summon her, I can add a 'Magician Girl' from my deck to my hand." said Isaac as he then used his duel disk screen to make his choice as it slotted out for him to grab. "I choose my Lemon Magician Girl. Then I'll play one card facedown."

Turn 3: Starlight

"It's my turn, and now I'll summon my Constellar Algiedi(1600/1400). And by summoning my Algiedi, I can activate his effect to special summon another Level 4 or below 'Constellar' monster from my hand. So I choose my Constellar Acubens(800/2000) in defense mode!" Starlight’s first monster descended from the golden portal above her, a slim figure in silver armor wielding a club with a blue gemstone set in it. Algiedi raised its club and fired a ray of light at the ground. Within the circle of light rose a second monster, a massive silver robot with a pair of glowing orange scissor claws. “The effect of Acubens activates now, raising the attack power of all my 'Constellar' monsters by 500 points! Now Algiedi attack his Berry Magician Girl!" shouted Starlight.

"I activate Berry Magician Girl's special ability, now since you targeted her for an attack, I can switch her into defense mode. Then I can special summon one 'Magician Girl' from my deck, so I choose my Apple Magician Girl(1200/800)!" An apple then flew onto the field as it had wings before it transformed and then turned into Isaac's monster as she gave a wink.

"Either way your monster is still destroyed." said Starlight as Isaac's baby magician was gone. "And then I'll overlay my Level 4 Algiedi and Shertan to build the Overlay Network!" Starlight's two monsters then transformed into dark orbs of light as they hovered in the air with the nighttime stars and sky shining down on her monsters as a portal opened up in front of the girl. Soon both orbs of light disappeared into the portal as a pillar of light emerged. "I unite the light of the ram and the light of the goat! Open a path to the cosmos and gather the light of the stars! I Xyz Summon, Constellar Praesepe(2400/800, OLU: 2)!" Starlight’s newest monster burst out of the light, a burly knight in bright silver and gold armor with a massive pair of energy disks mounted on the back of its hands.

“Now the effect of my Constellar Star Chart activates, since I summon an Xyz monster, I can draw an extra card. I end my turn.”

Turn 4: Isaac

"My draw, and time I kick things up a notch, I place my Black Arts Trickster in the pendulum zone!" said Isaac as he placed one of his pendulum cards on the far right side of his card tray. "Now I activate my Black Arts Trickster's pendulum ability, now I can add a pendulum card from my deck and place it in the other pendulum zone. So I'll choose my Sleight of Hand Magician." said Isaac as he placed his other monster on the far left side of his card tray as his monster rose up in his column of light with his number in front of it. "Then Black Arts Trickster's other ability activates, since there's a 'magician' in my pendulum zone, I can raise her scale from 3 to 10!" stated the boy as the number in front of his female spellcaster went up.

"Isaac's already pendulum summoning?" said the three girls and the two principals in the bushes.

"Pendulum, huh?" said Starlight as she looked at what Isaac was doing.

"Don't worry, I got plenty of ammunition to take you out!" growled Isaac.

"Bring it, bitch!" shouted Starlight.

"La Puta!" yelled out Isaac in spanish.

"I now summon Obnoxious Celtic Guardian(1400/1200) in defense mode!" shouted the boy as his monster rose up as it swung his sword. "I end my turn!"

"Look at them, they both despise each other." said Rarity as the anger and bad blood between Isaac and Starlight was clear as light and darkness.

"Big bro isn't happy, nor is he smiling. He just wants to destroy Starlight." said Pinkie as she saw how Isaac was acting as her hair deflated a bit.

"Montague vs Capulet, Yankees vs. Red-Sox's, Ali vs. Frazier, I don't know if any of those rivalries have anything on this fight, Isaac vs. Starlight." said Celestia as her words really got everybody to how those two fit that analogy.

Turn 5: Starlight

"My turn!!!!" yelled out Starlight. "I draw!!! I'll now summon my Constellar Pollux(1700/600)!" A knight in spiked silver armor stepped out of Starlight’s summon portal, a sword with two parallel blades in its hand. "And by summoning Pollux, I can conduct an additional summon this turn, so now I summon my Constellar Siat(100/1600)!" A small knight hopped onto Starlight’s field, eyes gleaming inside its helmet. It barely came up to the knees of her other monsters. "I activate Siat’s ability, and let it copy the level of Constellar Pollux. And I’m sure you know what’s next.” Starlight smirked and held up her cards.

"I overlay my Level 4 Constellar Pollux and Constellar Siat!" Starlight's two monsters then transformed into dark robs of light they hovered in the air for a bit as a portal opened up in front of the girl. Soon both orbs disappeared into the portal as a pillar of light emerged. "I unite the light of the twins and the light of the waterbearer! Open a path to the cosmos and gallop to a shining new star! I Xyz Summon Constellar Omega(2400/500, OLU: 2).” Another centaur rose in front of Starlight from the merging of her two monsters. "Now, I'll switch my Constellar Acubens into attack mode and then it'll attack and destroy your Celtic Guardian!" said Starlight as her monster managed to take out Isaac's defense.

"With that I'll now take this things to the next level. I'll give my Omega an upgrade!" said Starlight as her monster glowed brightly, a golden silhouette weaving in the air around it. “With the galaxy as your guiding light, gallop down the path to the cosmos and take flight among the brightest stars!” She thrust her fist into the air. “Go Rank-Up, Xyz Evolution!” Constellar Omega burst apart in rays of light, the rays striking the silhouette around them and filling it out. “Using a Constellar Xyz monster I control as the sole Xyz Material, I Xyz Summon, Constellar Ptolemy M7(2700/2000, OLU: 3)!” The shape shattered to reveal a large silver and gold dragon, wings of the night sky spread into the air and its tail coiling down and around Starlight.

"And now I activate the effect of my Constellar Star Chart which means I can draw an extra card. I now end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 6: Isaac

"My turn, and I'll play the spell card, Pendulum Treasure. So now I can add one Pendulum monster from my deck to my Extra Deck face-up, and I choose my Sorcerer Swordsman." said Isaac as his duel disk ejected his card for him to grab as he then sent it to his Extra Deck compartment. "Now to use the scale I've set, I'm allowed to summon monsters from Level 3 through 9 all at the same time! Back and forth, to and fro, what's coming next? You'll all soon know. So swing far pendulum and carve the arc that will lead me to victory! My monsters are ready to swing into action!" shouted the boy as he thrusted his hand up into the air as a portal opened up and two monsters came out. "Batten down the hatches and drop anchor, it's my Sorcerer Swordsman(1500/1500, Scale 1, Level 4), time to seal the deal, meet my Magician of Dark Illusion(2100/2500)!" There was now two monsters on Isaac's side of the field as he prepared to execute the next part of his plan.

"Now since I pendulum summoned my Sorcerer Swordsman, he can lower the attack points of a monster on your field to zero." said Isaac as his pirate magician pulled out his silver sword and with a flick of his feather in his pirate hat chanted a spell as he plunged it into the ground as cracks made their way to Constellar Acubens as it was infused with the light in silver aura as it lost its strength. "Now I'll activate my Sleight of Hand Magician's pendulum ability, up to twice per turn, he can a monster's level on my field to match that of another. So I'll change my Sorcerer Swordsman's level so that it becomes the same as my Magician of Dark Illusion." stated the boy as his monster changed from Level 4 to 7.

"With that, I now overlay both my Level 7 Sorcerer Swordsman and Magician of Dark Illusion to construct the Overlay Network!!" Isaac's two monsters then transformed into dark orbs of light as they hovered in the air for a bit as a portal opened up in front of the boy. Soon both lights entered the portal as a pillar of light emerged. "I Xyz Summon, Ebon Illusion Magician(2500/2100, OLU: 2)!" Isaac's new monster appeared as he opened his eyes as he had his staff in his hands. "I now activate my Ebon Illusion Magician's special ability, so by using one overlay unit, I can special summon one Normal-type spellcaster from my deck. So rise up, Dark Magician!" shouted Isaac as he now had his most loyal monster on his field.

"Now time to take you down, Dark Magician attack! Now the other effect of my Ebon Illusion Magician's ability activates in that whenever a normal spellcaster type monster battles, I can banish a card that you control, and so I'll get rid of your Constellar Praesepe." stated Isaac as his magician raised its wand and took out its target as it was removed from the game. "And now Dark Magician will attack your Constellar Acubens!" said the boy as he took out Starlight's monster.
Starlight's Life Points: 5500-

"And with Acubens no longer on the field, all your monsters lose the extra 500 attack points. I end my turn."

Turn 7: Starlight

"My turn, and now I'll use the special ability of my Constellar Ptolemy M7, so by using one overlay unit, I can bounce a monster of yours back to your hand. So I'll target your Ebon Illusion Magician, so that means it returns to your Extra Deck which means have to summon it all over again." smiled Sunset smugly.

"Now I'll summon my Constellar Aldebaran(1300/800)." A glowing portal of light appeared behind Starlight. A monster in silver and brown armor adorned with crests of stars jumped out and kneeled in front of her, a pair of curved horns rising from its helmet. "And when he's summoned, I can also special summon another Level 3 or lower 'Constellar' monster from my hand. So I choose my Constellar Leonis(1000/1800) in defense mode!” A second silver and brown-armored monster jumped from Starlight’s portal, this one covered in glowing blue spikes with a blue blade of energy extending from its wrist. "I then activate Leonis’ effect. Once per turn I can perform an additional normal summon of a Constellar monster. I summon Constellar Kaus(1800/700)!” A third warrior in silver armor jumped in front of Starlight, this one wielding a large silver and gold bow. Starlight pointed at Kaus, “I activate Kaus’ ability. Up to twice a turn I can increase or decrease the level of a Constellar monster by 1. I reduce the level of Kaus.” Kaus turned and fired an arrow at the sky above itself. The knight glowed gold as it was struck.

"I now overlay both of my Level 3 Kaus and Leonis so that I can build the Overlay Network!" Starlight’s two monsters turned transparent, their images outlined in gold. Within each of them a spark of gold light floated out and began to orbit them, leaving streaks of light in the air. Starlight grinned as the two forms slid together into a mass of gold light. “I unite the light of the bull and the light of the archer! Open a path to the cosmos and gallop to a shining new star!” Starlight’s Extra Deck ejected her card and she picked it up. “I Xyz Summon, Constellar Hyades(1900/1100, OLU: 2)!" Starlight's monster appeared as it swung its weapons as it was illuminated by the moon in the sky.

"Now my Constellar Star Chart allows me to draw a card. Now to attack, Constellar Hyades attack his Apple Magician Girl!"

"Now Apple Magician Girl's special ability activates." shouted Isaac.

"No, it won't, I reveal my facedown Constellar Cosmos. With this card, all your monster's special abilities are negated this turn." informed Starlight as Apple Magician Girl felt a shock to her as she couldn't move.

"Apple!" shouted as he saw the attack coming. "In that case, fine, I reveal my facedown Magicians' Defense. So now the damage I take is cut in half!"
Isaac's Life Points: 7650-

"Now Ptolemy M7 attack his Dark Magician!" ordered Starlight as her dragon opened its mouth and the fired off a powerful attack as it collided with Isaac's monster.
Isaac's Life Points: 7550-

"And I'm not done, cause now I'll activate the card I just drew, Constellar Tempest!" said Starlight as she held her card up high as soon the whole sky started to have rocks appear as they were now set on a course to Isaac. "Now by removing both of my monster's Xyz materials, I can halve your life points! Time to die!!!!" screamed Starlight as her anger was in full control.

The rocks were now coming towards Isaac at fast speed that one landed by his feet before he started to move. Isaac then started to run and try to get out of the way as a giant one missed him by a few inches as he still felt the attack as he tumbled onto the ground hard as he laid there for a bit.
Isaac's Life Points: 3775-

"I end my turn!!!"

"Isaac." said the people in the bushes in a tone that he didn't hear as they were worried about the boy.

Soon Isaac started to stir as his body had some scuff marks on him as his clothes got some dirt and dust as he shook them off.

Turn 8: Isaac

"That all you got!!!" yelled Isaac in a fit of rage. "I'm still standing bitch!"

"Good, cause I got more planned for you, asshole!!" fired back Starlight with disdain.

"My draw!!! I begin by activating the spell card Star Pendulumgraph. With this in play, all my Spellcasters are safe from your spell cards and effects!" stated Isaac. "Now I'll pendulum summon, so welcome my Sorcerer Swordsman!" said the boy as a portal opened up and out came his monster for the second time. "And like before his special ability activates, when he's pendulum summoned, he can lower a monster's attack points all the zero. And I choose your Ptolemy M7!" Sorcerer Swordsman then plunged his weapon into the ground as Starlight's dragon was stripped away of its power. "Now get rid of it!"

"Yes, master!" shouted Isaac's monster as he the order given to him by his master. He then raced forward and then leapt up high as he did a slash down the middle as it cut Starlight's monster clean in half as it resulted in an explosion.
Starlight's Life Points: 3500-

"They are both about even in terms of life points." said Luna.

"I end my turn."

Turn 9: Starlight

"My turn, and now I'll activate the effect of my Constellar Tempest, so now I can attach an Xyz monster in my graveyard to one my field, so I'll take my Constellar Omega and turn it to an Overlay unit for my Constellar Hyades." informed Starlight as a small portal opened as her dragon appeared for a second before it turned into an Xyz material.

"But don't forget, thanks to my spell card, your effects are useless." stated Isaac.

"Like I don't have a plan for that, now I'll play the spell Constellar Star Cradle, so now I can add 2 'Constellar' monsters from my graveyard to my hand, however I can't conduct my Battle phase this turn. So I'll take back my Constellar Kaus and Constellar Pollux." Starlight's duel disk then ejected the cards she desired as she grabbed them and added them to her hand. "Next, up I'm special summon Constellar Caduceus(1600/1550) and by doing so I can now add a 'Constellar' spell/trap card from my deck to my hand. I'll then play the card I got facedown."

Turn 10: Isaac

"My turn, and now I'll send my Magician's Soul and my Apprentice Illusion Magician from my deck so that I can activate my Magician's Soul special ability, so rise up, Dark Magician!" shouted Isaac as he now had his wizard back. "Next, I'll reveal my facedown, Pendulum Back. Since I control 2 Pendulum monsters in my zone, I can now take 2 monsters in my graveyard and add them back to my hand so long as their levels fall in the scale I've set. So I'll take back my Apple Magician Girl and Berry Magician Girl. Then I'll pendulum summon, so come on out." said Isaac as both monsters he added to his hand were now on the field.

"Then I'll use my Sleight of Hand Magician's pendulum ability, so now I can change both of my magician girl's levels to match that of my Dark Magician." stated the boy as both of his female monsters had their levels manipulated. "With that, I now overlay my Level 7 Apple Magician Girl, Berry Magician Girl, and Dark Magician!" Isaac's three monsters then transformed into dark orbs of light as they hovered in the air for a bit as a portal opened up in front of him. Soon all three lights entered the portal as a pillar of light emerged. "Show the world your wizardry and wonder, I Xyz Summon, Chaos Mageía(3000/2500, OLU: 3)!" Out emerged from the portal a brand new monster. It was a sorceress who had long flowing red hair with vanilla skin tone. She wore an emerald necklace and had white gloves that covered her smooth hands. Her outfit consisted of light blue dress that stopped at her knees; she wore black heels that weren't too high, as well as earrings that matched her necklace. She did a quick twirl for all to see as bits of magical particles surrounded her as it made her look even more beauty.

"A new card?" asked Sunburst as his voice came from Starlight's duel disk.

"So what? No doubt another special gift given to him because he was hand picked by the legends." said Starlight with disdain as she remembered the story she told about the tale of her and Isaac at a same young age getting different responses from the King of Games.

"Now since I used 'Dark Magician' to Xyz summon this monster, I can negate all other monster's effects currently on your field. And now I'll use my Chaos Mageía's special ability, by using one overlay unit, I can remove all other Xyz materials from other Xyz monsters and then my monster gains 500 attack points and an extra attack this turn." said Isaac as his female magician used her wand to create a vortex as it started to suck away the Xyz material from Constellar Hyades as she boosted her attack by 500. "Now Chaos Mageía take out her Constellar Hyades and Constellar Aldebaran!" shouted Isaac.

"No problem, master." said Chaos Mageía as the order was given by her master and as the loyal servant she was, she had to listen to it. She then transformed her wand into a bow as she pulled out an arrow of energy from her quiver as she pulled back on the string as she closed her eye and had her targets in sight.

"Divinity Arrow!!" shouted Isaac and his monster as she released the arrow as it hurled at a fast speed and in a gold light as it then split into two as they took out Starlight's targets.
Starlight's Life Points: 1900-

"I activate my facedown, Constellar Nova! Now any damage I took during the battle phase, is also dealt to you!" shouted Starlight.

"Bring it on!" yelled Isaac as both him and Starlight started to glow from Starlight's card, soon the card had both of their spirits emerge as both collided in the middle as both raised their right fist and punched each other in the face. Soon both of their spirits then returned back to their bodies as they both felt the effect as both were tossed onto their back as the punch each other delivered hurt like hell.
Isaac's Life Points: 2175-

"They really do want to hurt each other." said Fluttershy as she clutched her heart as she saw how Isaac was acting.

"Big bro." cried Pinkie watching the boy's anger.

"Once again, their life points are about the same." stated Celestia.

"Seems the only way this issue will be solved is if one of them is sent to morgue at this rate." stated Luna as it got everybody to be worried even more.

Both Isaac and Starlight had bruises and scuff marks on themselves as they laid on the ground from getting hit in the face hard. Just as Sunburst and the girls were going to step out and check on them, both individuals started to stir as they slowly got back up, but their eyes were still filled with hate as it served as the main catalyst that made them immune to the pain.

"Come on, you chicken @#$$@$!!!!" yelled both individuals as it got Sunburst and the girls to gasp at what they heard.

"I now summon my Black Robe Mentalist(1700/1300, Scale 7, Level 4). And then I activate her special ability, which means since I have 3 monsters on the field, I can look at the three top cards of my deck and add one to my hand." said Isaac as his duel disk displayed his options; he made his choice as it slid out for him to grab.

"I end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 11: Starlight

"My draw, and I summon Constellar Rasalhague(900/100). And now I activate its ability, so by tributing it I can special summon a 'Constellar' monster from my hand or graveyard. So rise up once more Constellar Omega!" said Starlight as her monster was surround in a light as it appeared.

"Next, I'm playing Card of Sanctity so that we draw till we're holding six cards in out hand." said Starlight as both she and Isaac refilled their hand as they prepared to go another round. "I now play the spell card, Xyz Destruction! Since I control an 'Xyz' monster, that means all your spells and trap cards are destroyed this turn! Including your Pendulum cards!"

"No!" said Isaac as he watched his cards be destroyed by Starlight.

"My Pendulum cards go to the Extra Deck instead of the graveyard." informed Isaac.

"Maybe, but now you have no scale to work with for you to Pendulum summon."

"Fine because by destroying my Magicians' Defense, it allows me to bring back a spellcaster from my graveyard, so I choose Dark Magician."

"Fine by me, cause now I play the spell card, Xyz Revenge. So since you control an Xyz monster with an overlay unit, I can then special summon an Xyz monster from my graveyard and then detach one of your monster's overlay units so that I can use it as my own." Starlight's Constellar Ptolemy M7 then appeared as it let out a roar. "And now I activate Ptolemy M7's special ability, so now your Chaos Mageía is sent back to the Extra Deck!"

"My magician!" shouted Isaac.

"AHH!!!" let out Chaos Mageía as she was being sent away as she looked at her master as she let out a tear before disappearing.

"And now Constellar Omega attack his Sorcerer Swordsman and Constellar Ptolemy M7 attack his Black Robe Mentalist!" said Starlight as her two monsters then took out their respective targets as Isaac covered up from the attacks.
Isaac's Life Points: 275-

"When my Black Robe Mentalist is destroyed, if there's an empty Pendulum Zone, I can place her there instead of sending her to the graveyard." said Isaac as he took his female spellcaster and placed her on one side of his card tray as he sent his Sorcerer Swordsman back to his Extra Deck.

"With that, I now end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 12: Isaac

"My turn, and now time to take you down, I play the spell Bond Between Teacher and Student, so now rise up Dark Magician Girl." said Isaac as he had his two star magicians as they prepared to finish this duel. "Now my spell allows me to set my Dark Magic Attack, so I'll use it right now to nuke your entire damn field!" said Isaac.

"No!" shouted Starlight as Isaac's magicians had a face of anger as they combined their weapons and together they casted a powerful spell as it wiped out her entire field as she had nothing left.

"Now to finish this, Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl destroy Starlight!!!" shouted Isaac as his magicians just nodded. Both magicians then put their staffs together as they casted a powerful attack as it shot forward to the girl as she covered up as she was hit square on by the attack as it caused a huge smokescreen to appear.

Sunburst, and the girls all had their mouths drop at what they saw as Isaac fired his last command. Isaac still held a scowl as he felt as he watched the smoke, soon it ceased as his eyes widen.

"Nice try." said Starlight.
Starlight's Life Points: 550-

"How?!" asked Isaac.

"The card I had set previously when you nuked my field activates from the graveyard, now if I find myself for a direct attack, I simply can end the battle phase by taking damage to half of a 'Constellar' monster's attack points in my graveyard. So I choose my Constellar Ptolemy M7. Then the other effect of my card, is that I can banish it from my graveyard to add a 'Rank-Up-Magic' card to my hand."

"Rank-Up-Magic?" said Isaac.

Turn 13: Starlight

"I now play Rank-Up-Magic Constellation Force! Now I can target one 'Constellar' monster in my graveyard and then use it to Xyz Summon a monster that's one rank higher. So I'll use my Constellar Omega!" shouted Starlight as her monster appeared and then it turned into an orb of light as a portal opened up in front of her. Soon that light entered the portal as a pillar of light emerged. "This is the end for you, once this monster strikes the field, all shall be destroyed by its celestial light! Go Rank-Up Xyz Evolution, Annihilate everything in your path, Constellar Ursa Proeliator(4000/3000, OLU: 1)!!" Out emerged a warrior made whose body was made up of the night sky and star as the outline of its body was white lines connecting the stars as it wielded a spear and shield as it rode on a huge bear as it stood at 7 feet tall on its hind legs as it had fangs along with its mouth as it let out a roar as it too had the same shape and appearance as its rider as both wore white and gold armor.

"Now my monster attack his magicians!" said Starlight the warrior looked at Isaac's magician as it then launched the spear towards the two monsters as it caused a massive explosion to go off as the boy's monsters were destroyed.

"And that is that. See ya." said Starlight as she began to walk off the field.

"AHH!!!" shouted Isaac as he felt the attack as he fell face first onto the ground as all of his cards in his hand and duel disk flew out and scattered around him.
Isaac's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Starlight

"No!" shouted Rarity.

"Isaac!" yelled Fluttershy.

"Big bro lost?!" said Pinkie.

"His cards!" said Luna and Celestia.

Something doesn't feel right. Was Isaac's last thought as he fell down and his eyes closed shut.

"Isaac!!" shouted the girls as they all got out from the bushes and rushed over to the their friend as Rarity grabbed the boy and put his head in her lap as he still had his eyes closed.

"Wake up, Isaac. Wake up!" said Fluttershy as she tried to get the boy to open his eyes but he didn't.

"He's not opening his eyes." said Pinkie.

Starlight had met with Sunburst around the front of the school as he was waiting for her.

"So, you did it." said the boy.

"As expected, now onto to Phase 2." said Starlight.

"Yes, Starlight." said Sunburst.

The pair then began to walk when Starlight suddenly felt something as she fell down hard facefirst like Isaac as she collapsed.

"Starlight!!" shouted Sunburst as he checked on his friend. "Come on, Starlight. This isn't funny, wake up! Open your eyes!" said the boy as he held her in his arms but she wasn't responding. "I have to get her somewhere safe." Sunburst then picked up Starlight in his arms as he began to leave the place as he ran. Stay with me, Starlight.

Back at the field, the girls were trying to get Isaac to respond but he still didn't answer, Celestia and Luna told the three girls to help them move Isaac into the nurse's office inside of the school so they could check on them. They all agreed; the sun was now slowly rising up in the sky. While all of this was happening, Isaac's cards that were scattered all around the boy started to change as soon all the images of his cards flickered for a bit as soon they were replaced with nothing but white.

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