• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 42: Sunset v. Twilight- Round 4

Darkness. That's all there was. For Isaac he was just drifting; drifting through the darkness. Despite having his eyes closed, Isaac could still talk with his mind.

What is this place? It's quiet and it's kinda of welcoming. Is this the end of me? Am I doomed to wander and drift in this place forever? My friends, gone?

Then a light started to faintly shine. It then got brighter and there was even a voice,



"Isaac. Wake up."

"Who's calling me? That light, am I dead? Is this how I'll meet my end?"

"Isaac, come on, wake up!"

Soon the light became brighter as it started to light up the darkness. Isaac felt himself getting closer to the light as it filled him with warmth. Then it enveloped him as Isaac was starting to open his eyes. Once Isaac opened his eyes, he saw that he was in some sort of medical room as there was a nurse's symbol on the door. He looked around and saw there was a heartbeat monitor attached to him as it was making sure he was alive. Isaac then sat up on the bed as he took off the damn thing and looked to the table on his side. He was able to see that his duel disk was there, but when he looked in the deck slot his cards were missing. Isaac then started to panic as a lady came in.

"Seems you're awake." The lady said as she walked in with a clipboard in her hand and began to scribble down something.

"And you are?"

"Pardon me, I'm Nurse Redheart. I'm the school's nurse/caretaker." she gave a smile to Isaac.

"You said I just woke up; how long was I out?"

"About 30 minutes. I'm must say I'm impressed; after your duel, you collapsed from exhaustion and your friends all helped to carry you to this room where I tended you."

"Thanks for that; well guess I better get going." Isaac then jumped off the bed.

"What!? You just woke up from an intense battle, in fact your morale was severely depleted. It's best that you take some more time to rest."

"Nah, I'm fine. In fact, I feel relaxed and refreshed." Isaac then began to move in place and do a couple of jumping jacks to show that he full of energy.

"Incredible, someone in your state should have taken longer to recover."

"Well I've been know to be a quick healer. Now then, I have to get back to the event." Just as Isaac was about to leave the nurse's office. Nurse Redheart stopped Isaac from leaving.

"I still think it's too early for you to leave. I insist that you get some more rest."

"While I appreciate the thought, I'm fine." Before she could protest, Isaac quickly bolted out the door and was on his way.

Nurse Redheart was just left stunned at how a student had disobey her orders. She then decided to go lie down as she was starting to have a headache herself.

Isaac soon found his way back into the locker room where he was expecting to find someone. Once he turned the handle and opened the door, he was quickly bombarded with a pair of arms that wrapped around him as it caused him to fall down.

"You're alright." shouted Rarity and Fluttershy who had thrown themselves at Isaac as they hugged him.

"Girls, mind letting me get up; I can't breathe!" Soon they let him go as he sat up and was catching his breath.

"Good to see you're not hurt too badly, sugarcube."

"Thanks, Applejack." Isaac then got to his feet. "So what's going on? Why are we all here? Shouldn't we be out on the duel field?"

"Actually, Principal Celestia requested that both teams take a break as they tried to fix things. That last duel really rocked everybody that they've had to restart the system and make sure that nobody suffered any major injuries." said Sunset.

"Last duel?" Isaac then began to think back."Wait, I think I remember. Yeah, it's all coming back to me. I was facing off against Shining Armor and his Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon; then just when things looked hopeless I had summoned out my Quintet Magician and then played Battle Fusion to win the duel."

"You're partly correct, buddy." Rainbow then stepped forward. "All that you just said is correct, except for that last part. You see while you did play Battle Fusion, you didn't win the duel. Shining Armor had one last trick up his sleeve and he activated Final Fusion as a result both of you ended up taking damage from both of your monsters' combined attack and it ended in a draw."

"What?" Isaac now stood with stunned look. "That's impossible, no that can't be it. I know I won. I had too!" Isaac looked to the girls to confirm his suspicions but they all had their heads down. "I didn't win? No! No!" Isaac then started to hit the lockers with his fists as he was letting his emotions out. "God damn it! Fuck! I failed! Everybody was counting on me to win and I failed! AHHHHH!!" Isaac let out a powerful scream as he fell to his knees.

"Calm down, Isaac." Applejack was trying her best to reassure her friend.

"Calm down!? How the hell can I calm down, Applejack? This was our one chance to get CHS back into the fight and I failed! I did my very best and it still wasn't enough to get us a point. Everybody was counting on me and I let them down!" Isaac now had his head.

"It's not over, Isaac. You may have not won your duel, but you did stop Crystal Prep from gaining another point. Now we know for sure they won't win all the duels today and completely sweep us." said Sunset as she bent down on her knees and put her hand on Isaac's shoulder.

"Like that's going to change anything." Soon everybody turned their heads to Rainbow who were all giving her glares. "What, I'm just stating the facts. The first two duels they completely owned us; then we had a chance to get some payback in the third duel. However, not only didn't we win, but we're now down a powerful teammate. Isaac was suppose to be our key to winning this and even he couldn't beat them! What chance do the rest of us have?"

"Darling, you know well that Isaac's opponent was no easy task. He was taking on their top duelist for Christ sakes; not too mention that he was in the fight of his life as he did everything to take down those powerful dragons. Give him some credit, he did his damn best!" shouted Rarity as she was defended her friend's honor.

"I'm just saying that we took our best shot and it still wasn't enough. You think I don't know that Isaac's opponent was a powerful individual. You think I want to spend another second listening to how Crystal Prep is better than us at everything!"

"Enough!!!" shouted Isaac as both Rarity and Rainbow looked at him. They could see the fury in Isaac's eyes as he rose to his feet which gave them a bit of fright. "Enough! Look I get it, we're at a really tough disadvantage. But we've still got a chance to turn things around." Isaac then turned to Sunset to address the point she made earlier. "It's like you said, we know they can't sweep us. Which means we've still got an opportunity to swing the duel in our favor. Just because I couldn't do my part, doesn't mean the rest of you guys can't. I told you a duel isn't over till the last card has been played, and right now we've got tons of cards left to play. So what do you say we get back out there and continue to fight?" Isaac was able to rally the girls as they felt the inspirational speech given to them by their captain.

"You're right, Isaac. We've still got some fight left in us. Come on gang, let's show them that we Wondercolts never quit." exclaimed Rainbow.

They all nodded their heads as they began to head back to the field. Just as they were about to leave, Fluttershy had something to give Isaac.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Here you go, Isaac." She handed Isaac back his captain cap as he put it back on. Isaac once again started to feel the flow of power come from it.

"Thanks, Fluttershy. Now all I need is... wait, where are my cards!?"

"Don't worry big bro. We made sure to keep your cards safe." Pinkie then pulled out some cards that belonged to Isaac.

She then handed them to him which was soon followed by the others as they pulled out some more from their pockets. Once he had them all in his hand; Isaac then began to count to make sure they were all there. He then shuffled them and then began to look for something; eventually Isaac found his targets. Isaac was happy to see that both his Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl were perfectly fine as it would have devastated him if he lost them.

"We know how much you treasure your magicians, sugar. That's why we made sure they were extremely taken care of."

Isaac let out a small tear as he was happy to be reunited with his companions. "Thanks guys." Isaac then slotted his deck into his duel disk as they all made their way back to the field.

The Shadowbolts were all in their locker room as they were talking amongst themselves. Unlike Isaac, Shining Armor didn't faint from exhaustion, but he was rather tired from his encounter against Isaac.

"Well there goes our chance at dominating CHS. And I've still yet to get my chance to compete." yelled Indigo Zap as she was anxious on wanting to battle.

"Indeed dearie. That last duel really screwed this up for us." said Sunny Flare as she was attending to her makeup.

"What do expect when two great duelists go head to head? Of course the duel was going to end with no winner; it's pretty obvious." Sugarcoat then pushed her glasses up.

"Talk about turning it up to 10. Hell, that match was even bigger than 10!" Lemon Zest was just rocking out from watching an epic battle.

"That Isaac really showed his true strength; I can't wait to take a bite out of him." snickered Sour Sweet.

"That's enough!!" shouted Shining Armor as he made his presence know by walking into the room with Twilight following behind him. "If you think that Isaac is some pushover, then you're sadly mistaken. That battle showed that not only is he a phenomenal duelist, but he has the potential to become one of the greatest. And if any of you don't see that, then I kindly ask you to walk out of this room and get the hell out!" Shining Armor now had a serious expression. "Crystal Prep has taught us to be winners, but they've also taught to respect and recognize when someone pushes us to our limit. To recognize true talent when we see it; to pay respects to people that can actually make us become better! If you think that someone like Isaac is to be taken lightly, then you may what to reconsider calling yourself a duelist. That battle showed me a lot of things, but the one thing it really showed is that Isaac duels for love. He duels because he loves this game; so let me ask you all, do you do the same or are you just a sorry excuse for being called a duelist?"

The rest of the Shadowbolts didn't answer right away as Shining's statement was all true. They all had their heads turned down as they didn't have a response. "I'll admit this the only reason why the duel ended in a draw is because I was able to draw the right card. Had I not drawn it when I did, I dare say that Isaac would have beaten me, no doubt. Take that to heart, he's also been responsible for his team catching us by surprise. They've shown us new cards that weren't in their decks when we first looked at their files, so that alone tells you that he's done everything he can to ensure that his school comes out on top. Now then we must shift our focus to winning, am I understood!" The girls just nodded as they all began to leave the room.

"Shining wait." Twilight had wanted to talk with her brother alone.

"Yes, Twily?"

"It's about your duel with Isaac; while you two were battling I was observing somethings and I..."

"Twilight, look I know you see me as some sort of undefeated duelist, but the truth is that I can say that me ending the duel in a draw was just purely luck. Overall, Isaac was the one in control and I was the one playing catch up."

"That's the thing. I ran all the calculations and it showed that you had a 95% of winning. Especially, since you used a deck that rivals his in every capacity. So how did he manage to be better than you; it just doesn't make sense. Numbers don't lie."

"Twilight, there's more to dueling than just the probability of someone winning. A duel is all about how you play your cards and how far you're willing to go to reach the next level. Someday you'll understand what I'm talking about." Shining Armor then left as he was making his way to the field.

Twilight was left all alone as she began to process her thoughts. "I wanted him to know that during the duel, I noticed Isaac being surrounded by a powerful force, based on the device, the readings were off the chart. It was like Isaac was tapping into some hidden magical force inside of him, the question is: what is it?"

Both teams had made it back to the field as the students of their respective school were also taking their seats. Both Celestia and Luna had managed to get the system up and running; with that it was soon time to start the last duel of the day. Cadance then spoke into the microphone.

"Students, I hope that all of you have had a chance to collect yourself after that...unusual display. Now then let's begin the final duel of the day. As it stands now, Crystal Prep leads with a commanding 2-0. With the tie that occured in the last duel, it's safe to say that the duels schedule for tomorrow are going to happen. Should Crystal Prep score another win, then come tomorrow they will only need one more victory to be declared the winners. However, this could be Canterlot High's last chance to score some major points. Now lets see who'll be battling." The screen then brought up the remaining portraits and began to randomize. Soon they slowed down as the results were and the two people battling were shown.

"The fourth and final duel of the day will pit Canterlot High's Sunset Shimmer against Crystal Prep's Twilight Sparkle."

"Good luck, Sunset." said Isaac.

"Don't worry guys, I've got this." She then made her way to the field as Twilight was doing the same.

Opposite her, Twilight reached down and activated her duel disk, the card tray projecting in a beam of purple light. Sunset looked down at her own disk and turned it on, as a beam of red light came out. She raised her head and took a breath.


Twilight looked up at her.

Sunset nodded. “May the best duelist win, right?”

Twilight’s nose twitched. “Indeed.”

“And now, let the final duel of the day begin!”

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said the voices of their duel disks.

"Let's go!" they both shouted.

Twilight Sparkle's Life Points: 8000-
Sunset Shimmer's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Sunset

“Right…” Sunset looked down at her deck as her opening hand ejected. She reached down and fanned out her cards. "I'll start this duel off with playing Red-Eyes Baby Dragon(1200/700) in attack mode." Sunset played her card and out came a tiny little dragon that tried it best to put on an intimidating roar. Like a baby, it was looking for attention from its mother; so it saw Sunset and then jumped in her arms as it nuzzled against her. It led out a cry that said "Momma" as Sunset just simply hugged it tightly before letting it go and returning to his position. "With my baby out, I'll just set a card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 2: Twilight

Across the field, Twilight drew her first card. “Very well.” She looked at her drawn card and reached over to her hand. "I'll start by playing my Amores of Prophecy(600/2000) in defense mode. Next I'll activate its effect, by revealing a 'Spellbook' card in my hand, I can special summon a level 4 or below spellcaster from my hand. So I'll reveal my Spellbook Star Hall and summon my Chocolate Magician Girl(1600/1000)." Twilight then summoned her second spellcaster to her field. "Then I'll play my Spellbook Star Hall, now each time I play a 'Spellbook' is played it gains a counter furthermore all my spellcasters gain an extra 100 points for every counter. I'll then end my turn with a facedown."

"So it was her?" Isaac got a look at Twilight's field as his memory of a couple of weeks ago came flooding back. "Twilight was the one I faced; now I really hope to see her again, so that we could finish our battle."

"Did you say something, darling?"

"It's nothing."

Turn 3: Sunset

That's weird, why didn't she attack with her magician girl. She must be up to something. Sunset then drew her card. "I'll play the spell Pot of Greed to draw two more cards." Sunset picked up her two cards. "Next I'll play Gearfried the Red-Eyes Iron Knight(1800/1600). Then I'll play the ritual spell Dark Dragon Ritual, so I'll send my Soul Tiger to the grave in order to summon out Paladin of Dark Dragon(1900/1200)." Similar to Shining Armor's monster, out came a monster that had both rider and dragon covered in full body armor but was colored black. Twilight just simply looked at Sunset's monster and was comparing it with that of her brother's.

"Now time for my Paladin to attack your Amores of Prophecy, my Paladin has a unique ability, at the start of the damage step if he attacks a defense position monster then that monster is then destroyed." With that Dark Paladin swung its weapon at Twilight's monster which just grabbed it and tossed it aside, before it felt itself disappearing.

"Next I'll have my Gearfried attack your Chocolate Magician Girl."

"Now my Chocolate Magician Girl's effect activates, whenever she becomes the target of an attack, I can target 1 spellcaster in my grave and summon it and it becomes the new target of your attack." Amores Prophecy then rose up back in defense mode. "Furthermore your monster loses half of its attack, which means you're about to lose some damage." Gearfried powered down as it swung at Amores Prophecy before being flung back onto Sunset's field.
Sunset's Life Points: 6900-

"Looks like I walked right into that one, I'll just end my turn."

"Incompetent. You just took a shot at my monster without even considering any effects it may have had, at least you could've taken my facedowns into consideration. Honestly people, don't you ever take the time to see all your options instead of just blindly attack. It's moves like that, that make me think people are just simple minded." said Twilight as she was letting out her thoughts.

"Hey now, don't take it personal. I was just doing what I thought would work."

"Well do better next time! Duel Monsters is all about numbers and statistics; right now my calculations are saying if you keep doing moves like this then my victory is 100% guarantee." scoffed Twilight.

Turn 4: Twilight

"Now time to show you how to properly play." Twilight drew her card and then used her screen to see Sunset's field. "Now that I've accessed the situation properly, time to implement the proper counter. I'll play the spell card, Spellbook of Secrets to add a 'Spellbook' to my hand." Twilight's star hall then light as a spell was activated.(Counter: 1) "Next I'll play my Magician Valkyria in attack mode. Then I'll play another spellbook, Spellbook of Power. So I'll play Spellbook of Power and with it I can give my Chocolate Magician Girl an extra 1000 points. Now my magician lay waste to her monsters; my Chocolate Magician Girl will attack your Paladin of Dark Dragon and Magician Valkyria will take out your Gearfried."(Counter: 2)
Sunset's Life Points: 5300-

"All according to plan, now since my magician destroyed a monster, I can add a 'Spellbook' to my hand. I'll end my turn. Please try to put more effort in your moves. I wouldn't want to waste my time."

"Damn, that girl is pretty harsh." said Rainbow as she was getting a disturbed look.

"Indeed darling, not only is she in control of the duel, but she's also bad mouthing Sunset. The nerve of her and what she says about dueling." huffed Rarity.

"She's not wrong." All the girls looked at Isaac with surprised looks. "I always tell you guys that dueling is about the passion of your play and putting your trust in your deck so that you can pull off some insane moves. But Twilight is right. If you were to break down this game to its core and mechanics then it's just a bunch of numbers and statistics that anybody can understand." Even so, there's more to dueling than just that. I just hope she can learn that.

Turn 5: Sunset

"You want something then hold on." Sunset drew her card and looked through her hand. "To start I'll activate the effect of my Black Metal Dragon from my hand, since I control a 'Red-Eyes' monster I can equip this card to that monster and it gains 600 extra attack points. My Red-Eyes Baby Dragon now has 1800 attack." Sunset's dragon then powered up as it led out a small roar which manifest into a larger cry that echoed. It then snuggled over to Sunset's legs as it was showing its love towards her. "My sweet baby." Sunset was just like a mother as she showed her monster some affection. "Now then I'll play The Black Stone of Legend(0/0), but thanks to its ability it won't be out for long. Now I'll tribute it to summon out a level 7 or lower 'Red-Eyes' monster from my deck, so I'll bring out my Red-Eyes Black Dragon!" Sunset held her card up high before slapping it down on her tray. Then from the sky came Sunset's dragon as it descended from the heavens and let out a mighty roar.

"Red-Eyes Black Dragon. So tell me did you bully someone into getting that card or did you steal it?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I know all about you Sunset; I know that you used to be a former bully that ran roughshot around here. You made people's lives so miserable that when they lost to you in a duel you would sometimes force them to hand over some of their best cards. In some cases, you even tore them apart. So who did you beat to get that card?"

"I didn't beat anybody to get this card, this was given to me by my friend."

"Oh please, do you actually want me to believe that someone gave you such a card? Whoever they were was stupid to just hand over a powerful card to a former power hungry maniac."

"I'm not that kind of person anymore, I've changed."

"Please, you may fool these people and your teammates, but I see right through you. You're nothing but a phony, in fact you've hit rock bottom so hard that you've resorted to using a normal deck so that they can actually think you're one of them."

“If you have something to say then say it!” Sunset snapped.

"Fine, I will.” Twilight crossed her arms. "When I did some research on you, I found that when you were the villain of your school and you had a deck that consisted of cards that never existed. Not to mention that nobody even bother to question as to whether or not those cards existed, they just simply looked the other way. You have no business playing Duel Monsters. You cheat and use fake cards to play, making up their powers as you go along. And now you think that everybody has just moved on from what/who you were! Whoever is saying/believing that must be completely blind and stupid!"

"I’m a cheater?” Sunset replied, glaring. “You have no room to talk! I’ve spent all day watching Crystal Prep duelists use cards my friends and I can’t hope to get our hands on, nevermind knowing how they work or how to counter them!” She clenched her fist. “My cards symbolize the bonds I’ve forged with my friends. They’re unique and special, they’re proof of how far I’ve come!”

“How far you’ve come? Look at your duel disk. You’re supposed to be one of, if not the second best duelist this school has to offer, aren’t you? From the way the cards stand now, you’re about to lose very quickly.” Twilight snorted. “At least your friend on the bench knows what he's doing, seeing as how he was able to nearly beat my brother which few people have done. That I can respect, but you, a duelist for so long who would make up things as she went along that isn't someone I can't give the time of day!"

"You want to come at me, then what about Crystal Prep? You guys said you did research on us prior to this event; how is that fair when we couldn't do the same and then you also have cards that not even one of us here at CHS even know about. Do you know how many people would be lucky just to even hold such cards as yours, let alone have the chance to actually get to use them!"

"That’s not the same thing!” Twilight scowled and stamped a foot. “For one thing, we train hard at Crystal Prep, we actually have to build our decks and get the cards for them, the same as Canterlot High duelists. Everyone who’s here, from either school, has worked hard to refine their skills and make it this far. Except for you. You didn’t earn a spot in this tournament. You faked your way to the top.”

"No, I didn’t. I can’t, not anymore.” Sunset sighed and looked down at her duel disk. "Make what you want of me, but I'm serious when I say that I'm not who I once was and that this deck is a reflection of my new attitude. Someone gave me a chance when no one else would and that alone is reason to keep fighting." She looked to her side and saw her friends giving her smiles; Isaac was just standing with his arms folded while looking at her. "Now time to show you, now my beast take out her field. Red-Eyes Baby Dragon will take out your Chocolate Magician Girl while my Red-Eyes Black Dragon will take out your Amores Prophecy." Sunset's dragons then took flight as they manage to be successful in clearing Twilight's field.
Twilight's Life Points: 7800-

"With that I'll end my turn."

Turn 6: Twilight

"Are you finally seeing that everything I've been doing in this duel has been fair and square, on my own skills as an individual?"

"Please, you just got lucky." snorted Twilight. "Now watch how a real duelist does it, draw." Twilight drew her card while adjusting her glasses. "I'll play Spellbook of Knowledge, so I'll send my Magician's Valkyria to the grave and draw two more cards." Twilight's monster then left the field as she picked up two more cards.(Counter: 3) "Next I'll play the spell Graceful Charity, so I'll pick up three card and discard two. With that done, I'll then summon my Strength of Prophecy(1500/1400). Then I'll trigger its effect, so I'll add my Spellbook of Secrets back to my deck and then increase my spellcaster by an additional level and 500 points. Plus the extra 300 points from my Star Hall which makes him have a total of 2300." Twilight took her card and put it in her deck to shuffle. Her monster then powered up. "Now I'll have my monster take out your Red-Eyes Baby Dragon."
Sunset's Life Points: 4800-

"The effect of my Red-Eyes Baby Dragon activates, now I'll summon a level 7 or lower 'Red-Eyes' from my deck and equip this card to have 300 more points. I call upon Red-Eyes Archfiend of Lightning(2500/1200). Thanks to the boost, he now has 2800 attack points." said Sunset as she had a brand new monster on her field. "Now, my Black Metal Dragon lets me add a 'Red-Eyes' from my deck to my hand."

"I'll end my turn."

Turn 7: Sunset

"My turn. Now, I'll play my Red-Eyes Wyvern(1800/1000) in attack mode." Sunset now had two monsters on her field. "Now I'll strike with everything, go my monsters take flight."

"I came prepared, I reveal Magician's Institution. Now whenever you declare an attack, both players can summon a magician with 2000 or less attack from our decks. So I'll choose to play my Apple Magician Girl." Twilight touched her screen and selected the monster she wanted.

"You may have gotten another monster, but I'm still going to destroy your Strength of Prophecy."

"That's fine, cause your Red-Eyes Wyvern just triggered my Apple Magician Girl's effect. Now I can special summon one level 5 or lower spellcaster from my hand and it becomes the new target. Not to mention that it's strength gets cut in half. So I'll play Lemon Magician Girl." Out came a similar monster like Apple Magician Girl as it zapped away Red-Eyes Wyvern's attack. "I'm not done, my Lemon Magician Girl has a similar effect like my previous magician, so I'll play another magician from my hand and it becomes the new target. It loses half of its attack once again, so I'll play Dark Magician Girl!"

"What, did you say Dark Magician Girl!?" Sunset had her eyes widen.

Twilight played her card and out came a female spellcaster that twirled around before striking a pose. It then jumped in front of her allies before pointing her wand at Red-Eyes which reduced it even more and then launched a counteract which caused it to be destroyed. Sunset's Red-Eyes Archfiend of Lightning did manage to take out Strength of Prophecy.
Twilight's Life Points: 7500-
Sunset's Life Points: 3250-

Once the battle resolved, the rest of the girls all had to do a double take as they looked at Twilight and then at Isaac. Isaac just had stern look on his face while he watched on. Sunset took a moment to register what Twilight said and then quickly shot a glance at her captain.

"I thought only Isaac had that card. This duel just got a lot more difficult because if Twilight has that monster, then does that mean?"

"Are you just going to stand there talking to yourself or are you going to end your turn?"

"Before I end my turn, I'll activate my Return of the Red-Eyes trap card. Now since I control a 'Red-Eyes', I can special summon back my Red-Eyes Black Dragon from the grave." Sunset's dragon was then back. "I'll then throw a facedown and end my turn."

Turn 8: Twilight

"This duel will soon be over." Twilight looked at her hand as she drew. "Now I'll reveal three 'Spellbooks' from my hand, Spellbook of the Master, Spellbook Organization, and Spellbook Library of the Crescent. By doing so, I can summon this card from my hand. Appear High Priestess of the Prophecy(2500/2100)!" Out came one of Twilight's star monsters of her deck as it bedazzled the stage. "Then I'll activate my Priestess' ability, so I'll banish my Spellbook Library of the Crescent to destroy one card on the field and I choose your Red-Eyes Archfiend of Lightning." With that Sunset's monster was gone.

"Now I'll take the offense and have my Priestess take out your Red-Eyes Dragon, while my Dark Magician Girl and Apple Magician Girl will attack your life points directly!" Twilight's spellcaster pointed their wands at Sunset's field as they got rid of her monsters with ease and then the rest of the attack was racing towards Sunset.

"I'll activate my Miracle's Wake and with I'll bring back my Red-Eyes Archfiend of Lightning."

"So be it, I'll call off my assault, but not before playing my Spellbook of Desire. Now I can deal you damage equal to my Dark Magician Girl's attack points." Dark Magician Girl then fired off a powerful spell as it shot Sunset in the chest as she fell to her knees.
Sunset's Life Points: 1250-

Twilight lowered her duel disk. "I only need to attack you one final time and this duel will end. Draw and make your final move."

Kneeling on the ground, Sunset’s fingers dug into the grass. She stared at her hands, eyes narrowed. “I can’t lose… I can’t…”

“Why do you care?” Twilight asked. “You didn’t bother to enter this tournament in the past. And now that you’re here you complain that we have cards you can’t measure up to. You could have just walked away at any time. Why does the Friendship Games suddenly mean so much to you now when you never entered before?”

“Because…” Sunset inhaled deeply. “My friends are counting on me… they want to win this tournament. I have to win, for their sake.”

“Their sake?”

Sunset slowly raised her head. She grimaced and closed her eyes. “Yes. They’re counting me… if I lose this duel…”

“From the looks of things, that’s exactly what’s about to happen.”

“No. I can beat her. I can…” Sunset took a breath. “If I could… could…”

“Could what?”

Sunset didn't know what to do. Just then a voice called out to her.

"Do you want to win, Sunset?”

Sunset’s eyes widened. That voice…

"Do you want to win, Sunset? Are you willing to do whatever it takes?"

Sunset swallowed heavily and nodded. “I have to.”

“And what would you be willing to do for that victory?”


“Then you know what you need to do.”

A bead of sweat rolled down Sunset’s face. Her breathing heavy, her chin quivering, she slowly reached out her hand.

“For my friends.”

She clenched her eyes and put her hand on her deck as she kneeled down on the ground. Rays of red light shone up between Sunset’s fingers as the cards began to smoke and crackle.

Twilight frowned. “Sunset?” In the stands, Canterlot High and Crystal Prep students alike were whispering to each other.

Sunset was kneeling on the grass, her head down.

“Is she giving up?” Fluttershy whispered.

Rarity pursed her lips. “The poor dear, she did her best.”

Celestia looked at her phone. “It’s been almost two full minutes.” She looked over the table. Sombra removed his hand from the microphone and looked at Cadance, giving her a nod. She leaned closer to it.

“Sunset Shimmer has thirty seconds to take her turn. If she does not, we will deem this match a surrender and victory—”

A pillar of flame erupted from around Sunset. The watching students screamed. Twilight’s breath caught and she took a step back. Sombra’s eyes widened and he snapped his head to the field. The flames faded, embers glowing in the air. The grass around Sunset was scorched black in a perfect circle, smoke rising and blowing away. Sunset stood up, her head down, hair billowing, and lifted her arm above her head. The embers and smoke swirled around her and were drawn into her deck. She now had a red aura that was surrounding her as her team looked on. Sunset slowly raised her head, her hair whipping in the air behind her.

Pinkie whimpered. “Guys? Tell me I’m not seeing what I think I’m seeing.”

“Ah wish ah could, Pinkie. Ah really wish ah could.”

Rarity’s hands shook in her lap. “I remember those eyes…”

Isaac just looked on with his own shock. Sunset? This feeling, it's somehow different. She's not tapping into her darkness.

Twilight gaped. “S-Sunset?”

Eyes glowing bright red, Sunset lowered her arm and put a hand on her deck.

Turn 9: Sunset

"My turn!" Sunset drew her card. "First, my Return of the Red-Eyes trap will activate as I bring back my Red-Eyes Black Dragon." Just like that Sunset now had two monsters on her field. "You wanted to see my power, then you'll see it. I'll start by playing the ritual spell Red-Eyes Transmigration, so I'll send my Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon to ritual summon my Lord of the Red(2400/2100)!" Out on Sunset's field came a dragon that was standing on its hind legs like a human. "But I'm not done, next I'll play Polymerization and with it I'll fuse together my Red-Eyes Archfiend of Lightning with my Red-Eyes Black Dragon." Both monsters disappeared as they were sucked into a vortex and their energies were combined. "I Fusion Summon Archfiend Black Skull Dragon(3200/2500)!" Now Sunset had an even more ferocious monster as it stood tall on the field as it led out a loud roar and had flames shooting out of its mouth.

The entire field was soon engulfed in flames as patches of the grass were starting to burn up. Twilight was being cautious as she was avoid being burned as she could actually feel the heat from the flames. The girls just thought that the visuals were part of the holograms, but Isaac could tell/feel that it was all too real.

"Then I'll perform another fusion summon so I play Fusion Recovery! So I'll gain back Polymerization and my Red-Eyes Black Dragon. Then I'll fuse together my Red-Eyes Black Dragon with my Meteor Dragon Red-Eyes Impact." Once again another vortex opened up as the monsters selected were sucked in a pillar of light. "I Fusion Summon Meteor Black Comet Dragon(3500/2000)!" Now Sunset had a trio of monsters that all bared their fangs at Twilight and the pillars of fire started to really heat up.

Twilight was scared at what she was seeing. She took a few steps back as if to try to escape what was in front of her. Twilight raised her head, wincing. “Sunset, w-wait…”

"Now time to end this, go my monsters attack Twilight!" Her trio of monsters then took flight as they charged at Twilight's side of the field. "First the effect of my Archfiend Black Skull Dragon activates, whenever he attacks you can't activate any card effects till the end of the damage step. Then that triggers the effect of my Lord of the Red's special ability, now once per turn whenever an effect activates, I can destroy one card on the field. So your High Priestess is gone; furthermore his other effect allows him to destroy one spell/trap on the field so say goodbye to your Spellbook Star Hall." Now Twilight was completely helpless as she lost both a monster and her spell card. Now there was nothing to save her from Sunset's assault; she couldn't even activate her facedown even if she wanted to.

"So Archfiend Black Skull Dragon take out her Dark Magician Girl, Lord of the Red take out her Apple Magician Girl, and lastly Meteor Black Comet Dragon attack Twilight Sparkle directly!" Sunset's aura grew even bigger and brighter as her monsters received their command and fired off some most powerful attacks. Twilight screamed as she was sent flying backwards from the blast. She hit the grass heavily and rolled, her cards flying from her duel disk and scattering behind her.

Sunset’s hair fluttering in the air fell to her shoulders, and the red light in her eyes faded.

“I win.”
Twilight Sparkle's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Sunset Shimmer

Sunset blinked and gasped. She slumped forward, stumbling to stay upright, and put a hand to her head. The holograms of her monsters faded before her.

Up in the sky box, Candace covered the microphone and cleared her throat, then took her hand back. “The winner of the final duel of the day is Canterlot High’s Sunset Shimmer!”

Sunset blinked as the CHS crowd began to cheer. She looked up to see Twilight on her stomach, not moving. “Twilight?”

“The final three rounds of the tournament will begin at 10am tomorrow. Registered duelists are requested to be here by that time.” said Luna.

As Sunset watched the motionless body of her opponent, five girls clustered around her and obscured her view.

“That was awesome!” Rainbow put an arm around Sunset and shook her, grinning widely. “You kicked butt.”

“Not the words I’d use…” Rarity said quietly.

Sunset looked at her. “What do you mean?”

“You were scary!” Pinkie cried. “The red eyes and the sneering and the ‘grr-argh’ stuff.”

“I…” Sunset held her head and closed her eyes. “I remember I wanted to try and tap into my magic again… I drew a card, and…” She looked down at her duel disk and then her deck/cards as the light that embellished them disappeared. She pushed her way through the group and looked across the field. The other Crystal Prep duelists were standing around Twilight, and Shining Armor was kneeling beside her with a hand on her back. Sunset’s hand shook, her cards slipping from her fingers and floating to the grass. "I did this…"

“Sunset?” Fluttershy’s voice cut through her thoughts. “Are you okay?”

Sunset turned and ran across the field towards the school. Isaac just watched Sunset leave as he had a concerned look on his face. The girls look at Isaac hoping to have some answers; Isaac just returned a look as he began walking in the direction that Sunset ran hoping to get a chance to talk to her.

“Easy, Twily.” Shining Armor put her arm around his shoulder. “Come on, let’s go.” Twilight whimpered as he stood, bringing her to her feet with him.

“I…” Twilight blinked and reached up to her head to remove her glasses. The eyewear was bent, and one of the lenses had cracked. “That hurt.”

“Stop being a drama queen,” Sugarcoat muttered. “It’s just the feedback system in the duel disks. They put out—”

“I know how duel disks work!” Twilight gasped. She shook her head. “That was different. That hurt.”

“You’ve said before you don’t duel that much.” Sunny Flare shrugged. “Perhaps you’re just not used to it.”

“No… this…” Twilight winced. “And those eyes… I’ve never seen anything like that.”

“Yeah, she’s got pretty eyes. Nice legs, too.” The others glared at Indigo Zap. “What?”

“You didn’t see it?” Twilight looked between them. “Her eyes were glowing! Bright red!” The others looked at her blankly. Twilight’s jaw dropped. “None of you saw it!?”

“Girls.” The crowd turned as Candace approached them. “If you’d like a ride back to Crystal Prep, the limousine will provide one. Otherwise you are all free to go home.”

“Dean Cadance!” Twilight stepped forward, taking her arm from Shining Armor. “I need to speak to Principal Sombra, please.”

Cadance shook her head. “Principal Sombra had to depart to take care of administrative duties. I’ll be taking the seven of you back to the school. He’ll be here tomorrow if you need him.”


“Twily, let it go.” Shining Armor put a hand on her shoulder. “Come on, you’ve had a big day.”

Twilight closed her eyes and nodded. She heard the group begin to walk forward and let her feet follow them, stumbling slightly. She looked down at her broken glasses and carefully put them back on, the cracked lenses crooked in front of her eye.

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