• Published 11th Oct 2020
  • 4,582 Views, 856 Comments

Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 120: Independence

The sun rose up as it signaled another day to start. Rainbow Dash was already up as she was currently doing some laps around the camp as she enjoyed these morning jogs. For one it helped her to not only stay fit, but to calm her mind. It was about half an hour past 7 when she returned to the showers as she saw some of her campmates talking.

"So, how'd you enjoy your morning jog?" asked Spitfire as had just finish changing into her clothes.

"Standard stuff. Also trying to come up with some new strategies for my deck." stated Rainbow as she sat on the bench and started to wipe the sweat off her face with a towel.

"Well, whatever plan you come up with. It won't save you from me beating you." snickered Fleetfoot.

"We'll see about that." replied back Dash. "Don't forget who helped tune my deck."

"Yeah, yeah. Your little 'boyfriend', the champ." stated Misty Fly.

"Technically, he's Twilight's boyfriend. She just allows me to kiss him on the cheek whenever I want to show affection towards him." said Rainbow Dash as her face turned a bit red at saying stuff like this to her teammates.

"Yeah, but that didn't stop you from breaking Twilight's sacred rule when you kissed him on the lips." said Blaze as she had a smug smile on her face.

"That was just to get Zephyr off my back. God he was so annoying, and Isaac just happen to be by. Look can we just drop this?" asked Rainbow as her friends just laughed at how the rainbow haired girl was turning all shades of red.

"Either way, you should consider yourself lucky. I would love to have the champion look at my deck and make some adjustments." said Spitfire. "Based on when I battled him, he's the real deal. It makes me wonder just how successful of a career he'll have once he goes pro."

"He'll easily be the next King of Games, hell, he might be the next duelist to become a legend." said Misty Fly.

"I mean he knows all the summoning methods, not to mention that Pendulum power of his." stated Fleetfoot. "I want to take a crack at him before we graduate."

"Well, I could put in a good word for you." said Rainbow. "Though don't get your hopes up, cause when it comes to beating Isaac. I'm the one for the job." said Dash as she pounded her chest.

"Well, we better get going. The counselor wants us to get on the course." said Spitfire as she let the other members of the team know as they all started to exit the room.

"I'll catch up, just want to take a quick rinse." said Rainbow.

She then opened her locker as she looked at a photo of her friends. She let out a smile as she also saw her deck; she then grabbed it as she began to look at each of the cards as it brought her memories. Rainbow was now reminiscing on the past years of CHS and how once school started at the end of the summer, she and their friends would enter their senior year before they would all head out on their own individual lives. For Dash, she knew that she wanted to become a star athlete in the world of sports while also becoming a dueling superstar. Granted it was something that would require a long road, but she knew it was what she wanted. Rainbow Dash also thought back on when she first met Isaac and really began to think on how much had happened since that first encounter.

"Isaac really has made an impact in my life, and also my deck. To think I was content with how it was; I never once thought that I could change it. But Isaac showed me that no deck is perfect and that you can improve on it. Gonna miss the geek when this is all over, but I'm glad to have got to have met him." Rainbow Dash then put her deck in her pocket as she grabbed a change of clothes and began to wash herself of all the sweat on her body as she couldn't wait to see her friends in about a week.

"So what I hope to have is a beautiful habitat where every animal – whether sick or scared or even just lonely, feathered or furry, scaly or slimy – every critter would be welcome. My sanctuary can be the one place where they call home 'til they feel ready to take on the world." said Fluttershy as she pitched her idea.

"Interesting." said the person who was a women by the name of Dr. Fauna. "So... do have any blueprints?"

"Um, not exactly. It's more of a dream board." said Fluttershy as she showed off the board behind her.

"Hmmm, that sure doesn't look like an animal hospital." said Dr. Fauna.

"Well, that's because it's not. It's a sanctuary. A place that is safe but not restrictive. Cozy but natural. A place where the animals can come and go as they please." said Fluttershy as she went over some more of her ideas. "I want the sanctuary to have an open floor plan. No walls. More like an enclosure that melts into the trees. With a gate in the back. That way, the animals can return to the forest right when they feel ready."

"I'll say, it really is something that I haven't heard of. But I am fascinated by it; well Fluttershy I dare say we're in business." said Dr. Fauna as she extended her hand to the shy girl.

"You mean it?" asked Fluttershy as Dr. Fauna gave a nod. "Oh, thank you Dr. Fauna."

"No problem, now then may I request you join me for a stroll." said Dr. Fauna as she made her way to the door and the two of them exited out of the room.

The two girls then started to take a stroll throughout the nature reserve. The place had been founded about 50 years ago and the owners who were a married couple loved animals. Exotic, plain, even animals that were nearly extinct, so they wanted to make a place where all of them could be peacefully. Over the years the place grew bigger and bigger. Sure enough, it soon became the biggest place in the world. Now every animals ever listed in the animal kingdom was placed in the same spot. Both of the girls then walked through the entrance, as the beauty that they saw could not be described, for it was an amazing sight. For all around the land was as large as Disney Land's land property, with every part of the place that would fit for every animal perfectly. Soon both of the girls then made their way to the bird section of the place as they began to chat.

"To think that I started out helping Whitetail Woods when I was about your age." said Dr. Fauna as she fed some of the parrots that landed on her shoulder. "In fact, it was this very same place that caused me to become an animal doctor."

"Really?" stated Fluttershy as she too fed some birds that landed on her finger.

"It's just something about caring for animals that makes me happy. The way predator and prey can live in harmony and have better odds of surviving. The cute baby animals, it all just makes me feel..."

"Like you can talk with them. Like they listen to you about any problem you may have." finished Fluttershy.

"I guess you really do know the exact feeling." smiled Dr. Fauna. "Tell me, Fluttershy. What's your future plan? You're about to enter your last year of high school and after that, you're free to do whatever you choose with your life. So, do have any plans?"

"Well, I want to continue my passion. And that's helping to take care of animals. It's why I have this vision of creating an animal sanctuary. A place like this, where no animal is in danger and they can relax."

"A bold vision. Though some might call it impossible, even stupid." said Dr. Fauna.

"Well, I won't know unless I try. I'm not the same Fluttershy I once was, I've grown. My friends have told me about building my confidence and not letting others walk over me. And it's because of our friendships that I can finally have my dream come to fruition and give me the determination I need to tackle anything." said Fluttershy as she had a proud look on her face. "But... it also has to do with this." Fluttershy then pulled out her deck as she looked at it.

"Your deck? It's all the rage these days with you kids." said Dr. Fauna as she wasn't too heavily invested in Duel Monsters.

"Well, to be honest, this deck has played a pivot role in helping to shape my character." said Fluttershy.

"Tell me then." said Dr. Fauna as the two kept on walking.

"Well, when I first got into Duel Monsters, I wasn't the biggest fan. In fact, the only reason I had a deck to beginning with is because my parents wanted to get me a birthday gift. So they asked the lady of a store what was something that kids liked, and she pointed them to Duel Monsters. Of course they didn't know much about it, so they just bought me a random deck and some cards." stated Fluttershy. "I knew about the game from my friends and from Rainbow Dash as she would always be up for a challenge. So she would talk me into battling against her; granted I wasn't good as I was scared. All those big monsters, and the thought of them fighting against each other. It was almost too much for me to handle. so much so that I thought about throwing my deck and never playing again."

"And yet you didn't?" said Dr. Fauna.

"I guess, even after all that, I couldn't bring myself to doing it. Mostly cause my parents poured their money into getting that gift. So I kept it, but I did my best to avoid ever getting in any kind of confrontation. I just let my friends do most of the dueling."

"And what changed?"

"Well, I met a boy. His name was Isaac and well, he showed me the wonders that Duel Monsters could bring. I know I'm passionate about animals, and he showed that same level of admiration towards the game." Fluttershy had a smile on her face as she thought about when she first met Isaac. "The first time we met, he offered to help me. I'll never forget that, and soon thereafter he discovered that I had a deck. Isaac couldn't say no and so he helped to rebuild my deck from the ground up; he even gave me some cards from his own collection. That's why I treasure this deck, not just because it was created by someone who's important in my life. But by someone who wanted me to get better, someone who was willing to push me past my comfort zone so that I can become a better duelist. And I did."

"Well, I'm sure he's proud that you've been able to make that deck your own. And no doubt he's happy of the duelist you've become." said Dr. Fauna.

"Yeah, Isaac really has made a difference in my life." said Fluttershy. And I'm going to miss him, once we go our separate ways. I just hope he'll remember me.

With that both girls then made their way into the other sections of the reserve as they checked on the other animals.

Manehattan was a busy city that was constantly on the move. In fact, it seemed to be even busier in the night rather than the day. And it was none truer than a certain fashionista as she was currently trying to finish a design for Sapphire Shores with the help of her assistance.

"My word, Rarity. You've been at this for two days straight; you've barely caught a wink of sleep." said Sassy Saddles.

"Forgive me, Sassy. But I have to finish this assembly for Sapphire Shores. All the work we've done is to help get our design into the magazine that will be viewed throughout the whole wide world." said Rarity. "So understand that I can't just simply take a break, at least not until I'm satisfied with my work."

"I understand, but you need to rest. I'm sure Sapphire Shores will understand if you take a quick break."

"Sorry Sassy. But I must press on, this is my chance to get an opportunity and I'm not throwing my shot." said Rarity as she started to get back to work with even more determination.

Sassy knew that there was no point in getting Rarity to stop, so she decided to help her friend as they worked all day and into the night. After some trials and remeasuring, they were able to finish the order for Sapphire Shores as both girls let out a sigh and collapsed on separate couches.

"Finally, we finished."

"Indeed. I can't thank you enough Sassy. I'm sorry for making you stay up just to help me finish this order."

"It's fine, Rarity. My only concern is making sure that you see your design featured." stated Sassy Saddles.

"And I appreciate that; and don't worry I'm going to keep my word. Once I've established a boutique here, I'll make sure that you're hired. It's the least I can do to repay for all the help you've given me." mentioned Rarity.

"Thank you, Rarity. By the way, I've been meaning to ask, your designs from when you first showed me. I love the work you've put into them, the colors, the patterns, even the different styles you chose to incorporate for each one. It makes me wonder where did you get the inspiration for all this?" asked Sassy.

"Well, darling. Those designs came from a special place in my heart, but also because of some close allies." Rarity then saw her duel disk on the table in front of her as she slotted out her deck and looked at her cards.

"Your cards? I don't understand." said Sassy.

"Indeed, my Crystal Beasts are my full inspiration for all my designs. Each one holds a special place in my heart, and they are the reason why I've had so many ideas. Of course, it's not just their fancy jewelry, but the way they dominate the battlefield while looking stylish. It's the major reason why I chose to have this deck. My Crystal Beasts know the value of style, grace, all while being ferocious in battle." smiled Rarity. "And I can't forget about my Rainbow Dragon, such a beast with incredible power, but yet even something as him can be filled with substance and caring for his mistress."

"I can tell your deck is something that you've treasured. Not to mention a certain boy." smiled Sassy.

"Yes, Isaac has brought me happiness in my life. I'll never forget the moment he arrived at CHS. From first glance, I knew he was special and he proved that right when he dethroned Sunset and became champion. But he also made me feel something that I've longer for. Something that parents only tell their kids about in fairytales and fantasy." Rarity then reached into her pocket as she pulled out something. The object that she was holding was the hair pin that Isaac had bought her when they went on their date. She remembered how Isaac had gotten her as a way to say thanks and she flashed back to that night on when she kissed him. It made Rarity have some red on her cheeks as it didn't go unnoticed by Sassy Saddles.

"Seems Isaac is still making you fall for him, even though he's taken." smiled Sassy with a smug smile.

"Yes, well. He's chosen to be with Twilight and I respect his decision, though he's still quite the charmer and I'll always hold a special place for him in my heart. Not to mention all the work he's done for my deck." said Rarity. She then put the hair pin in her hair as she pulled out a small hand mirror to look at her reflection. "To think, that I would met someone like Isaac would not only made my heart race, but showed me the wonders that Duel Monsters can bring. The passion he has for this game is not only makes him attractive, but it makes him determined. He's willing to go beyond his limits to prove to not just himself, but to others that the biggest dreams can still come true."

"I have no doubt that Isaac will be a successful duelist. You just make sure that if things don't work out with Twilight, you better be there to claim him before the others do." stated Sassy.

"As much as I would like that, I'm afraid I'll be too busy focusing on my career. Once I graduate, I plan to proceed forward with creating my fashion empire and showing the world my generosity. I even want to give back to the community and help other young designers seeking to make their mark and give them a chance to shine." stated Rarity. "And with my friends and my beloved Crystal Beasts along side, I know that I'll accomplish my goals." Rarity stood up with a determined look; unbeknownst to her, the spirits of her Crystal Beasts and Rainbow Dragon all appeared next to their beloved mistress as they too shared her sentiments and promised that they would always be there to protect her.

"Well, I'm glad to see the future you have planned. Now then, let's get some rest. We can't present our project to Sapphire Shores if we're tired." said Sassy as she let out a yawn and retreated to her room.

"Yes, of course." said Rarity as she too let out a yawn. I can't wait to see the others and I look forward spending our last year together before we each go our separate ways. Rarity then exited the room as she turned off the lights and prepared to get some long deserved rest.

Applejack and her family were just wrapping up their business in Coltifornia. They had managed to met some respective business that were looking to invest in some of their apple products, especially their apple cider and jam. So the apple family allowed some sample for the investors to try and it seemed they could taste the profits that they would make. With that, they talked with the entire Apple family as they shook their hands and were pleased to be partners. They also caught wind of Applejack being a duelist; so the country girl did her job of showing these investors as she showed off her skills with her trusty Predaplants. Safe to say, they now saw double the business as Aj showed off some potential in being a strong duelist.

Applejack was sitting at a table as she had her cards scattered out in front of her as she was holding several in her hand. She wasn't alone as Applebloom joined her as she took a seat.

"Can you believe all the sponsors we got? Our business is sure to boom, not to mention we can finally expand our farm back home." said Applebloom with excitement in her voice.

"Don't catch our chickens before they hatch, sugarcube. I've told you about overconfidence." stated Applejack.

"I know, Aj. But this is different, all we have to do is give them what they ask for and they'll help to spread our word to other places. Imagine how much money we'll be rakin' in."

"It's not gonna be say, plus trust works both ways, sugar. We have to trust them that they won't betray us as they have to trust that we can deliver the goods they demand." said Applejack. "Listen, sis. Granny is gettin' old and she's not gonna be around forever. Just like with Ma and Pa, when it's time for her to go, we need to accept that and move on. We can't mournin' over her too much or else we'll lose focus on other things and risk the family business and our home in great danger."

"I understand, but don't forget about what those businessmen mentioned. They were impressed by what they saw in yer skills. I mean you're the best duelist to come out of our family, big sis. You and yer Predaplants are really tough." said Applebloom. "Ah just wish, ah could be a sliver of that."

"Applebloom, don't say things like that. Ah may be a good duelist, but that doesn't make me the best in this family."

"But you are! You got skills that are top notch, you've got a powerful deck in Predaplants, and you're master at Fusion Summoning." stated Applebloom. "You've competed in lots of school tournaments that have propelled you to new heights. Ah just hope that ah can be like that."

"Applebloom." Applejack then set the cards she was holding on the table as she looked at her little sister. "Ah understand you look up to yer big sis. But you know that you can't be like me, cause you're you. Listen, sugar. Ah maybe a good duelist, but ah'm far from bein' a pro. That's not mah dream; mah dream is help carry on the family business. And ah appreciate you wantin' to follow in mah footsteps, but you can't do that." smiled Applejack. "Besides, look at mah deck. It wasn't always like this, ah've had plenty of changes made to it by one individual. And that same individual is the person who helped with yer deck."

"Ah know, Isaac. But compared to yers, mines are just wimpy petunias. Ah just want to carry on yer legacy." said Applebloom.

"Look, sis. You know ah only want what's best for you. And that means you have to stop tryin' to model yerself after me and make yer own path." stated Aj. "Mah time at CHS is comin' to an end, and after ah graduate, it'll be up to you. You and the rest of the Crusaders are wantin' to be like us, but you need to be yer own person. Me, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash are sorry we couldn't help y'all, but Isaac proved to be better mentor than we ever could. He took time out of his own life to give back and help you three to become better duelist than when y'all started."

"And I'm grateful for that, he's become like another big brother. And all those lessons he's given me and the rest of the girls; we can't express just how grateful we are for him helpin' us." said Applebloom. "Ah just want to make sure that ah can pick up where you left off. That's the only thing ah ask for."

"Come here." said Applejack as she gave her little sis a hug as both girls had tears in their eyes. "You're the best little sis, ah could ever ask for. And ah know yer more than capable of carryin' on mah legacy. But you have to promise me something."

"What's that?"

"That you create yer own path and that you build off of mine. Ah laid the foundation for our family, now it's up to you to make it yers. Ah believe you can go farther than ah ever did, heck, you may just surpass me." smiled Applejack. "And if that does happen, than ah couldn't be more proud to have a little sis like you." That was all Applejack needed to say as she broke down in tears as she held her sister. Applebloom too was crying as she had finally got the approval she had been looking for from her big sister. From that moment on, Applebloom was ready to fill the shoes left behind by her sister and looked to make her own path.

Thank you, Isaac. For all you've done for me and mah sister. Ah hope that whatever yer future is, you'll remember those who you helped along the way. I'm grateful for all you've done.

Pinkie had just finished another day at her job as she arrived back at her home. She was greeted by her sisters Marble, Limestone, and Maud Pie as they all looked at their sister. Despite maintaining her puffy hair, Pinkie still felt a bit of sadness as she missed her big bro.

"Quit the whinnying already, sis. 'Big bro' ain't coming back. Just accept it and move on, it'll make you feel better." said Limestone in a bitter tone.

"I can't!" shouted Pinkie. "I miss Isaac. I just wish he was here so I can him a hug."

"Uhhhh—" stated Marble.

"Huh, you're right Marble. I should plan a surprise party for him. He needs to know how much his little sis has missed him." said Pinkie.

"Again, he's not your brother!" shouted Limestone.

"I dunno know. He seems like a solid dude. Isn't that right, Boulder?" said Maud in a deadpan tone as she looked at her pet rock. "Boulder agrees."

"Still, I need to show Isaac how much I care about him. He's my big bro and it's my job as his little sister to make him smile."

"He's not your big brother!" shouted Limestone. "Just cause he made you a brand new deck and helped improved your old one doesn't make him a part of our family."

"Uhh..." whispered Marble.

"Exactly, Marble. Since the moment, Isaac arrived at Canterlot High, he's been helpful towards me and the girls. He's taken it upon himself to tune our decks and make them even better than they once were. And despite my antics sometimes driving him mad, he knows that deep down, I'm just trying to make sure that he smiles." Pinkie then cut off Marble once again. "And I know that this will be our final year before we're off to handle the world. For me that's my life's purpose: making people happy and spreading laughter." Marble was about to speak, but Pinkie cut her off again only for her to shove her hand in Pinkie's mouth as she could finally say what she wanted.

"Look Pinkie, I'm glad you have a brotherly figure in your life. I'll admit, it's something I wish for too. But you need to understand that Isaac isn't always going to be around, once this year rolls around, he'll have plans on what he wants to do with his life. And I think you know what that is, so the best thing you can do is make sure that he knows he has his little sis who will always cheer him on." state Marble Pie as she finally got to speaking. The other Pie sisters were shocked by hearing her speak, though Maud still had a straight face.

"You're right, Isaac is moving on to better things in his life. And as my responsibility as his sister, I have to show my support for whatever he decides to do. Thanks! These Pie sister talks are the best!" said Pinkie as she gave all of her siblings a great big hug as they all had different expressions on their faces.

Twilight was busy wrapping up her meeting with Mr. William and his team of card designers as she was going over her latest idea.

"So, what do you think? Based on my calculations, it's quite possible to do it." stated Twilight.

"All the numbers are there, Twilight. But keep in mind the problem we've been encountering with those cards." stated Mr. William.

"Which is why I've come up with a solution, one that I think will help us to finally solve the mystery of these cards. Plus it could pave the way for us to release more to the general public." said Twilight.

"Very well, thank you Twilight. We shall review all that you've presented to us and report any new findings that might occur. You're dismissed." said Mr. William.

Twilight then gave a quick bow as she exited the board room. Spike was waiting outside as he was putting his ear to the door as he tried to listen in on the meeting. Soon the doors opened as out came Twilight. He then jumped into her arms as he started to lick her face as Twilight let out a giggle.

"So how'd it go?" asked Spike.

"Well, we'll have to wait and see." said Twilight as she began to walk with Spike in her arms.

They were walking in the hallways when Spike noticed Twilight as she was lost in thought.

"Hey, what's on your mind?"

"Oh, nothing. Just thinking about how the others are doing. Just wondering what Isaac is doing?"

"I'm sure he's fine. From the message we got from Sunset, it seems like whatever she needed his help with wasn't too much of a problem."

"It's not just that, Spike." Twilight let out a sigh. "In case, you haven't noticed. This year will be the final one I share with my friends."

"And is that a bad thing?"

"Well, yes and no. On one hand, it means that I'll finally graduate and hopefully get accepted into Everton University so that I can become a card designer. It's been my dream since I could read my first binary numbers. But it also means another thing; it means that I'll have to say goodbye. To everybody at CHS and more importantly, Isaac." Twilight then thought back to the time she and him were in the cottage house as she remembered Isaac talking with her about the future of their relationship.

"I see now what Isaac fully meant by when he questioned the future of our relationship. We both are about to become adults and with adulthood comes some big life changes. The major one being is what we want to do with our lives. My plan is already decided as I'm sure the others have. But Isaac, the logical and obvious choice is for him to become a pro. But then again... is that really what he wants to do?" asked Twilight as she contemplated.

"I mean, why wouldn't he? He's clearly a great duelist, a master technician when it comes to the game." stated Spike. "I believe he'll be fine a competitor on the pro scene; your brother is certainly doing alright with that career path."

"Still... is Isaac's path already been decided? Or is there something he's waiting on?" Twilight just kept her mind busy as she tried to answer all the questions she had.

Soon they came across to a fork in the road as Spike looked at Twilight as he wondered why she stopped. Twilight then put the mutt down as she began to walk on the path leading to the left.

"I thought we were going to the café." said Spike as he pointed to the right path with his path.

"I... I've got something I need to do." said Twilight while not looking at Spike.

"Oh, in that case. Let me come..."


"What?" said Spike as he raised an eyebrow.

"There's something I need to take care of by myself."

"That's ridiculous. I don't mind..."

"Spike! Stay!" shouted Twilight. For the first time ever in her life, Twilight had yelled a command at her dog. Spike was shocked by Twilight's tone as she let out a sigh. "Look, there's something that I need to work on in private. Something that I can't let anyone know about. Not even my own family, not even you. There's only one person who I can trust with what I'm doing. And I'm not talking about Isaac. So understand this, Spike. I need some privacy for a bit."

"Okay." said Spike.

"Thank you. Now go on and explore, just try not to cause any trouble." said Twilight as she continued down her path. Spike watched his owner until she was out of sight as she continued down his path.

Twilight then entered a blank room as she turned on the lights. She then went to a keypad on the wall as she entered some numbers. Soon the room registered her code as it locked the door behind her and soon the entire room started to change like it was in a spy movie. There was blackboards coming out with several tables coming up with one having a computer, while the other has pieces of paper along with different images of Duel Monsters. There was even a couple of pictures of legendary duelists that hung around the room so that people could see them. Twilight then approached one of the tables as she checked for a certain paper as she read it through and wrote down some important notes. She then made her way to the table with the computer on it as she sat in her chair and logged in. While the computer was verifying her access, Twilight then looked at the desk as she had several pictures on it. She picked one up as it was a group photo.

"Almost there. Just a few more days and I'll be able to see you guys. And I can't wait for our last year together." said Twilight. "Isaac, I may not know what's going to become of our relationship. I don't know if we're going to continue it after we graduate and should we part ways, well then... it was nice getting to know you." Twilight had a bit of a tear rolling down the side of her face. "Thank you for everything, you helped guide me back into the light when I fell into darkness. And that's something I'll never forget, cause since then my life has been a rollercoaster ride of emotions. I'll always be there and whatever the future holds, I'm just glad I was able to get close to your heart." Twilight then took her glasses off as she wiped her eyes. She then put them back on as she got back to working on her secret project.

Isaac had his eyes closed as he was in deep concentration. Soon he started for a sprint as he opened his eyes.

"Now come forth, Magician of Chaos!" shouted Isaac as his monster appeared. "Now merge with me!" stated Isaac as he was wearing the chest plate armor he got from Tartarus. Soon both of them combined as Isaac was now standing in his pony form as he wore the garments of his monster.

"Now Ebon Illusion Magician, combine with me!" shouted Isaac as he merged with another one of his monsters.

All day, Isaac kept at it as he practiced with his new equipment as he was testing out the limits of his armor. It seemed that whenever Isaac merged with his monsters, they were in complete sync. Isaac had set up some handmade targets as he practiced shooting some spells and attacks as he took them down with ease. He kept at it as he could feel his stamina and physical capabilities improve greatly. Soon he had finally gotten all he needed as he de-synced with his Dark Magician. Isaac then fell to the floor as he was exhausted as the device had transformed into a small orb as it fell on the ground in front of him. He then looked up as all of his magicians and monsters in his deck all gathered around their master as they helped him back onto his feet. In the front of that massive crowd were Mana and Mahad as they looked at their master.

"We're almost done, with this new device, we're that much closer to going back home. And then from there, it's just preparing for what's to come. With my life, and more importantly, my destiny." said Isaac.

"We'll follow you to the ends of the earth and time itself to serve you, master." said Mahad

"Our duty is to protect you." said Mana.

Both of them then bowed down as it caused all the others to do the same. All the monsters surrounding Isaac showed their love and admiration for their master, but mostly their respect. Isaac took the sight that laid before as he could see and sense the loyalty that his monsters, no his friends had for him. And as their friend and the role of their master, he knew that it was his duty to make sure that they were successful. Isaac then raised his hoof as he spoke.

"Thank you all. You've been the best group of monsters that I could call my allies and friends. And as your master, I promise that we'll all make it out. We shall end this fight and bring peace to this land. But it won't be easy, so that is why I ask you all for your answer. Should you choose to fight and stand by me, then I can't guarantee we'll be successful. But I can promise a tomorrow for these ponies. Know that I will fight till the end, till my last dying breath, until my body can't go anymore. So I ask again, do you ride with me?" asked Isaac.

"Till the bitter end." stated Mahad.

"I won't let them harm my cute master." said Mana.

All the others gave their answer as Isaac had a smile on his face.

"Then rise, all of you." stated Isaac as he gave his monsters their command. "Let it be known, that from here on out, we fight as one!"

"As one!" shouted all of Isaac's monsters.

"Then let's go forth and win!" shouted Isaac.

"Yes, master!!" shouted all of Isaac's monsters as they disappeared back into his deck.

"I promise." said Isaac as he saw Sunset waiting for him. He then started to walk towards the orange unicorn as they prepared to for their final mission.

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