• Published 11th Oct 2020
  • 4,597 Views, 856 Comments

Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 170: Crushes

"Nicole, respond." said Twilight.

"Scanning, Twilight. Restoration at... 35%." said the A.I.

"Alright, well... progress is slowly growing. But is it moving fast enough?" said Twilight as she leaned against her chair and let out a stressed sigh.

Twilight then took out her phone as she opened it and looked at her wallpaper as it was a shot of Isaac and his Dark Magician in a dueling pose. She then opened her photos as she had tons of photos that highlighted her journey since transferring to Canterlot High. She then opened one of the files she had labeled in her gallery as it pulled up the photos of her and Isaac smiling and enjoying each other. It had tons of photos that showed the many dates they went on, the times he made a fool of himself in front of her as she facepalmed herself, the times he was shown to be dominate and confident when competing in duels, and of the times he made her feel special. Twilight looked at the first photo that was taken of the two of them together as it was the night of her brother's wedding where she and Isaac confessed each other's feelings in the garden. After sharing their first kiss, she pulled out her phone and took a selfie of the two of them holding each other's hands as she had her head on Isaac's shoulder.

Twilight couldn't help but smile as she touched her necklace. The necklace that Isaac had given her the previous Christmas served so much meaning for the lavender girl. To think that not only would she gain friends and have a more friendly life, but that she wound up in a relationship. And with someone who was very passionate about Duel Monsters, but was able to bring her happiness every single day.

"I can't believe how lucky I am." said Twilight as she smiled. She then closed her laptop as she decided to let her program continue scanning in rest mode. Twilight then laid down on her bed as she reached into her drawer and pulled out her deck. She then pulled out her High Priestess of Prophecy as it served as her ace card. "Isaac's like his magician, both are dedicated, tough, and willing to make other smiles. Not to mention handsome. So... am I like my High Priestess?" asked the girl as she held her monster. "Isaac says that the monsters in our decks take after us, so do I feel like I'm connected with my monster in the same way as Isaac?"

Isaac was downstairs as he on his laptop currently in a group call with some people.

"So, if I were to do that, would it work?" asked Isaac.

"Well, it worked for me." joked the first person as he let out a laugh to which the others and Isaac just gave him a glare. "Sorry, about that. But yeah, all you gotta do is play the card and if your duel disk registers it, then you should be able to summon the monster."

"And what about these two cards?" asked Isaac as he showed them to the screen as they had a white frame.

"You still have that tuner monster I gave you?" asked the second person. "Then just met the levels and you can summon it. Then have your Dark Sorcerer Magician out and combine the two of them. Just remember to say the phrase when you summon it."

"Well, compared to what I have to say when I summon the Winged Dragon of Ra, this isn't as long as that." chuckled Isaac as he got the other four people he was currently talking with all laugh too.

"And have you been practicing the skill I taught you?" asked the third person.

"More or less." said Isaac as he pulled out a certain card. "Just haven't had the time to actually use it in a duel."

"Well, you'll probably experience it sooner or later." said the person.

"By the way, Isaac? You still have that secret box I gave you after we met?" asked the fourth person.

"Of course, I haven't let anybody see it." replied Isaac. "And I haven't opened it, either. I obeyed your wishes and have not touched it. Just wonder what's inside of it." said the boy as she shook the box to try to hear what may be in it.

"Don't worry, you'll know when the time is right to open it." said the fourth person.

"Alright. Look guys, I appreciate this. I know I've said this multiple times, but I am truly thankful for all you've done for me. And not just the cards you've all sent me for the kids and the program, but just for taking the time out of your lives and busy schedule to teach me. Thank you, seriously." stated Isaac.

"Anything for a friend." said the first person.

With that all four persons said goodbye to the teen as the call ended as Isaac was now staring at a blank screen.

"Feels nice that I can talk with them." Isaac then leaned back on the couch as he pulled out his phone and open it.

He then pulled up the calendar on his phone as he saw that Valentine's day was coming up fast. Which normally meant that all the couples would require the male to buy lavishing gifts and other stuff for their lady/girl. But seeing as how Isaac and Twilight had gotten on so many dates and spended a lot of time together, she didn't need anything special from the boy on this specific day. As long as they got to spend it with each other, that was as good enough present for the bookworm. Isaac however, quickly put that out of his mind as he looked at several other dates on his phone. One was marked for Spring Break that this year Twilight had planned a cruise in advance for their class and were all set to sail when they got on break. Another was a music festival of sorts coming up just at the end of the Spring Break as it would be the final thing before they all returned back to school. But the major thing weighing on Isaac's mind was the date of the final exams for the students. On that date, the Board of Education would send some representatives to monitor and judge the kid's skills and see if they were successful in one final duel to determine whether or not CHS could finally get Duel Monsters as a part of the curriculum and help Celestia and Luna get the proper funding from the system and state that they so longed for many years.

Once more Isaac looked at his watch as he started to remember that Twilight gave it to him for his birthday as it was that small act of gift giving that tugged at his heart strings and allowed him to realize the feelings he harbored for the nerdy girl. Soon thereafter he confessed to Twilight the night of her brother's wedding as soon they became much more happier. But the watch also meant something else for Isaac. For him, in this moment, at this present time, it was the countdown for the young boy. The countdown to his time at CHS, the countdown till he would be gone, the countdown till all would be no more. And for Isaac, he was racing against the clock, trying to beat Father Time himself.

"Time. Time... is running out." muttered the boy. He then reached back into his pocket as he pulled out the slip of paper as it was the contact info that Shining Armor gave him as he was willing to help the boy by having him sign with his agency as they would take good care of him. "Is this my answer?"

Before Isaac could say anything else, his phone received a message. He then looked at it, as it was from Pinkie. Seems she wanted some extra help from the boy in setting up the auditorium up for the school event. So Isaac put the slip of paper back in his pocket as he grabbed his cap and hoodie and was on his way to help his little sister.

The special "love day" was upon the whole town as once again everything was painted in the colors of red and pink. And like always, it was about spending the time with that special someone. Twilight was in her room doing her studies on the history of this holiday when she heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." she said plainly as Isaac entered the room with a smile on his face and hiding some items behind his back.

"Happy Valentine's Day." said Isaac as he placed a bouquet of dozen pink roses and a box of candy in front of her. Twilight smiled excitedly.

"Oh, thank you!" Twilight said happily as she gave him a hug, "You didn't have to get me anything!"

"Well, you know how I feel about you," said Isaac as Twilight kissed his cheek, making him blush when he remembered something, "I hope you'll enjoy the candy."

"Of course, you know how much I love chocolate." said Twilight as she returned to her desk.

"You should know that these chocolates aren't store bought." Isaac told her with a smirk and Twilight gasped.

"Isaac... you made these chocolates?" she exclaimed, deeply touched.

"Try them out." Isaac said as Twilight excitedly opened the box and gobbled down a candy. The taste and the texture of the candy were pure bliss as Twilight let out a long happy sigh.

"So good," Twilight exclaimed as her mouth was still full before swallowing, "I didn't know you could make chocolate candy."

"I had some help from Bon-Bon," Isaac explained, "it took me four tries to get them just right. I put alot of love into these candies and I'm glad you enjoyed them." Twilight just placed a hand to her heart and smiled as she walked up to him. They were just inches away from a lip to lip kiss...

"Hey Twilight!"

... the moment was spoiled thanks to a certain dog.

"Yes, Spike?" Twilight asked with a hint of annoyance in her tone as Isaac gave the little dog a discreet glare.

"I was coming inside from my walk when I saw this on the front porch." said Spike, holding a freshly cut red rose in his mouth with a piece of parchment attached to it.

"Somebody else sent you something?!" Isaac said in shock as Twilight tore off the parchment.

"Ever since you came to town," Twilight read aloud, "I can't take my eyes off your natural beauty. I've been waiting for a day when we could finally speak to each other face to face. I have hidden several of these red roses about town. If you can find them all, we can have a special date together. Here is the first clue:

Just as the sunrise glows
you go to this person for such a beautiful rose."

"Oooo-ho-ho-ho!" Spike snickered as he nudged the teen boy standing next to him, "Looks like you've got some competition for Twilight's heart, Isaac!" Isaac glared indignantly.

"I might have to turn this guy into mashed hay." Isaac remarked jealously.

"Oh, stop it, Isaac," said Twilight, "We are dating after all. This guy will just have to accept the fact that I'm not interested." Twilight then tossed the red rose into a nearby waste bin, including the parchment. And then got back to reading her book. Isaac and Spike just looked at her blankly.

"So... you're not gonna find out who sent you that rose?" asked Spike.

"Nope." replied Twilight.

"You're... not the least bit curious?" said Isaac.

"Nope." said Twilight and kept on reading. There was a long silence as Spike's eyes shifted from Isaac to Twilight and back again.

"Okay," said Isaac plainly, "Well, I need to help Pinkie in finishing up the school auditorium for the Valentine's day party tonight. I'll see you later, Twilight. Hope you enjoy the other pieces of chocolate candy!" Twilight just waved him off as she kept on reading. She waited a few seconds until she rushed over to the nearby window in her bedroom and peaked out of it. She watched Isaac disappear out of sight before she went back to the bin and grabbed the red rose and parchment. Spike looked at her skeptically.

"I thought you said you weren't interested." Spike remarked with a teasing tone. Twilight snorted.

"Well... look at it this way, Spike" said Twilight, "Someone went through all this trouble to set this up for me and it would be kind of mean for me to leave them hanging. Either way, once I found out who this mysterious person is, I'll tell them that I'm dating someone else and if he wants to be friends. Now... let me see... person with roses... oh! Roseluck! See you later, Spike." Twilight then grabbed her satchel, a small book, the rose, the parchment, and then headed out of the house. Spike then noticed that Twilight had left her candy box behind. He tiptoed towards the box.

"And no touching my chocolate candy! You know what it will do to!" Twilight shouted, making Spike flinch.

Pinkie was doing her best to set up the place for the party tonight, Isaac arrived in time as she immediately started to put stuff in her big brother's arms for him to hold as he trailed behind the pink girl as she went into 'concentration' mode as she was very critical when it came to designing any kind of party. Isaac wasn't the only one there, turns out the boys where also helping Pinkie and the party planning committee in decorating. Okay, well mostly Pinkie had given Shadow no say in whether or not he wanted to help. She just considered it a good time for student and teacher to bond, at least in her eyes. Not so much for Shadow.

"Hey, Bryant." called out Shadow.

"What is it, bud?" asked the boy.

"How about switching tutors with me?" asked Shadow.

"Dude no way, I like have Fluttershy as my teach." stated Bryant.

"Jason, how about you?"

"Yeah, that's a big no." stated Jason.

"Jack, man. I'll give you money, just switch places with me. Rainbow won't notice."

"Yeah, she won't notice the difference in our skills and our deck." stated the boy bluntly.

"Ahhh." said the boy as he let out a scream which then turned into a cry as he slumped down against the bleachers.

"What's your problem with Pinkie?" asked Jason.

"Look at her." said the boy as he pointed at his teacher.

"The cupcake needs to be hanging from the wall, that punch needs to be sprayed all over the Dj booth. Big bro! Where's my speaker set!?" shouted the Pinkie.

"On it, little sis!" shouted the boy as he rushed over.

"Ya see." said Shadow as he exclaimed. "She's nuts. She's making me lose my sanity each day of my life. Please, I'm begging you guys, help a bro out."

"Why don't you ask Isaac?" asked Bryant.

"I already tried. He says he's not changing groups." complained the boy. "I know he wants us to get ready for the final exam and whatnot. But I don't think I'm gonna make it that till then with this girl."

"I don't envy your pain at all." mocked Jack.

"Big Bro!!!!" shouted Pinkie as she had a crazed look on her face.

"Coming little sis!!!" yelled out Isaac as he rushed over towards the girl.

"I'm glad Twilight isn't like that." said Jason as he watched their professor overdo himself in pleasing Pinkie with the decorations.

"It's bad enough that I got to deal with her all the time, but especially today." stated Shadow. "This is the worst day for any guy that's single."

"You mean us?" stated Bryant.

"Ain't having rich parents something that works in favor of today's holiday?" asked Jason.

"Yeah, if all you want is gold-diggers." stated Shadow.

"It's not all bad, so what if we're single. That means we don't have any commitments to anybody and we admire any girl from afar."

"Or card crushes." said Bryant.

"Card crushes?" asked Jason.

"Come on, almost any guy has a crush on a card." stated the boy as he pulled out his deck. "For me, it has to be this girl. Performapal Revue Dancer. Look at her, all cute and the outfit she wears. Makes my heart stop a bit."

"I'll admit that's a good choice." said the other three boys as they looked at Bryant's choice of cards.


"Now where did that clue go," said Twilight as she tried to remember her next clue, "Whenever you slice this fruit apart, you'll find it resembles the shape of a heart. Hmm, what fruit would resemble a heart?" Twilight then noticed a particular girl selling various baskets of freshly grown strawberries. Twilight then looked at them when she picked one up and noticed something.

"Wait a second!" said Twilight as she looked at the strawberries, "The shape of a heart! Strawberries! Um, excuse me... someone said I that would find a rose here with fruit that's shaped like a heart?" The girl giggled to herself as she handed Twilight another red rose with a piece of parchment on it. Twilight smiled as she tucked the rose into her satchel, as well as paid for some strawberries for later. She had already collected a few roses from her travels about town. She then walked away reading the next clue by tucking it in front of her book.

"What about you guys, don't you all have a certain card you have a crush on?" asked Bryant.

"Easy." said Jason as he pulled out his deck and showed off his Maiden with Eyes of Blue. "Ain't she a looker. Cute, majestic, beautiful. And like all best partners, she understands what men want: women and dragons. All that wrapped into one package. Tell me that ain't a good deal."

"Hard to argue with that logic." said Jack.

"What about you, what's your card crush?"

"Tricky one, but if I had to answer. It would have to be this gal." Jack then used his duel disk to project the image of his card crush. "For me, it's this little cutie, Blizzard Princess. They say happiness is scientifically proven to be attractive, and that's why spirited girls like her are hard to overlook." replied the boy as the others did agree to that statement. "Plus her hair is nice shade of blue, eyes that say 'I'm a nice girl' or 'You mess with me and I'll hurt you'. Not to mention she's a princess, boys. So not only are we talking about cash, but her attitude. I'm thinking of her as elegant, but also the playful tomboyish that loves to pal around. Also got a thing for strong girls." stated Jack as he pointed to her weapon.

"Nice one, man." said the rest of the boys.

"Alright, Shadow. What about you? What's your ideal card crush?" asked Jack.

"Well, I got a few. But two that come to mind are Hiita the Fire Charmer and Silent Magician." said Shadow as he used his duel disk to projected the images of the cards for the rest of the boys to see.

"Nice one, dude." said Jason. "Definitely a killer."

"She is, isn't she. But there is one that I do harbor a more of a crush on?" said Shadow.

"Which is?" asked Bryant.

Shadow then looked to his side as his eyes shifted from left to right. "Is Professor Isaac nearby?"

"Coast is clear, why?" asked Bryant.

"Cause I don't want him to hear this." said Shadow as he told the guys to huddle up as he wanted only them to hear his response. "Okay, real talk. Nothing gets out of this little huddle. Guy code, none of this happened, okay?"

"Yeah, we understand the guy code. So what, is that bad you don't want anybody else to hear it?" asked Jack.

"Yes." Shadow peaked his head up one more time to make sure that nobody was around. "Okay, I will admit, I do have a strong card crush on Dark Magician Girl."

"You two, bud." said Jason.

"Shit, you're right. She is good looking." stated Bryant.

"She's cute, I'll admit that. Fine figure too, but not so much for a crush for me. Still she's smoking, can't deny that." replied Jack.

"If she was real, I wouldn't even leave her side for a even a second." stated Shadow.

"And then what would you do?"

"I would... wait, who said that?" stated Shadow as he looked at the boys to see if one of them said that statement.

They all were still huddled up as they shook their heads at their friend. Shadow then raised an eyebrow until he heard a cough as it caused him to let out a gulp as he felt a presence behind him and he had a feeling he knew who it was. All the boys then lifted up as Shadow turned around and standing there was none other than their head professor Isaac as he had his arms crossed.

"Shit." said Shadow as he saw the boy standing there.

"So, which one of you mentioned 'Dark Magician Girl'?" asked Isaac as he cracked his knuckles a bit.

"It was him!" shouted the boys as they pointed at each other in hopes of not upsetting their professor for talking about his card and ace female magician.

"For the record, I just said she was cute and looked fine. I don't have the level of interest as these guys do." stated Jack as he was a bit worried and hoped his explanation was enough to not get beat up too badly.

Meanwhile, Twilight had arrived at the Sweet Shoppe.

"Hi, Mrs. Cake. I was told that by this note here that I was to ask this person if you are sweet, and you will get a rosy treat." Mrs. Cake giggled to herself as she ducked under the counter and presented Twilight a chocolate frosted cupcake that had a tall rose sticking out of it. Like the other rose stems, this one had another note attached to it.

"Thank you." said Twilight as she held the rose with her hand and began to eat her cupcake as she walked away. Sometime later, she found the answer to another clue.

"Good day there miss," said the jeweler person named Karat, "How might I help you?" Twilight approached the counter as she held the sheet of paper.

"Ask this person if you are pretty as a diamond, you'll find that you and this gem have much in common." Twilight recited to Karat. Karat smiled as he presented Twilight with a rare purple diamond that matched the color of her eyes. Alongside of it was another red rose. Twilight took the rose and found another note.

"Just how many of these roses are around town?" Twilight wondered as she examined her satchel, which was loaded with lots of red roses.

"I should inform you that this purple diamond was paid for by the person who sent you the rose," said Karat, "If you give me a second, I can have it fitted for a ring or necklace. Your choice, miss." Twilight's eyes sparkled. It wasn't often she got the chance to wear or own jewelry.

"So who muttered the words 'Dark Magician Girl' through their lips?" asked Isaac.

"Shadow started it!" said the rest of the boys.

"So much for guy code." stated Shadow as his friends left him to fend for himself. "Look, Isaac before you kick my ass for talking about your magician girl. I just want to say that she's lucky to have someone like you. Plus, you probably have the biggest crush on her since she is your card." Shadow was now sweating bullets as he was trying to avoid upsetting his head professor.

"Keep going." said Isaac in a nonchalant tone.

"Huh?" said the boys as they were shocked to hear their teacher just have a straight face.

"Don't let me stop you, finish what you were gonna say about my Dark Magician Girl."

"Uh, that's she hot."

"I can't deny that part." said Isaac with a bit of a chuckle.

"Hold on, you're not angry at us for talking about your magician girl even if she's with you." said Jason.

"You think I don't know about this type of shit." said Isaac as he sat down on one of the bleachers as he let out a small laugh. "Guys, I've literally seen it happen since I was a young boy. You won't believe how many other kids fell in love with her. And to be honest, I can't blame them or her." Isaac then pulled out his deck as he flipped the top card over and he showed off his Dark Magician Girl.

"Well, what about you?" asked Bryant. "You gotta have at least a tiny crush on her before you met Professor Twilight."

"Well... I mean... yes-no." responded Isaac.

"What kind of answer is that?" stated Jack.

"It's... complicated. Let's say that the relationship between me and my Dark Magician Girl is rather mutual, but also affectionate." said Isaac as that was the best way he could describe it to the boys since they couldn't physically see Duel Monster spirits to fully understand how Mana acted whenever she was around Isaac.

"What the hell does that mean?" stated Jason.

"I'm starting to think that Isaac doesn't have a card crush." said Shadow.

"Look, I'm not going say that having a 'crush' on a card is ridiculous, I get it. Card crushes are a thing that people have, and not just boys. Girls also have them, but you mostly see boys into it. Plus, no offense but I was a late bloomer when it came to romance; my first ever kiss came when I was still a sophomore at CHS. And I will admit that my Dark Magician Girl is cute, she's a hell of an eye catcher. Which is also why I tend to be cautious whenever I play her." stated Isaac. "But it's also because of what I went through when I was young."

"What?" asked the boys.

"Well, before I explain. Let me ask you all this, do you believe our cards have spirits?" asked Isaac.

"Spirits?" asked Jack.

"You know, do you think they have a soul of sorts." stated Isaac.

"Why would a card have that?" asked Shadow.

"Well, bear with me then. So since I was a kid, I kinda talked to my cards as if they were alive. I thought that they had a soul and that their spirits were watching over me."

"This guy is our head professor?" said Jason as he looked at the other boys as they weren't fully believing Isaac's explanation in saying that cards have spirits.

"Isaac, you really don't think that Duel Monsters cards have spirits, right?" asked Bryant.

"I mean, it's not like you can see them." said Jack.

"Look just listen." said Isaac as he began to speak. "I was about 6 years old, now by that time, I had gotten into Duel Monsters for about 2 to 3 years roughly speaking. Now I did have my deck with me, granted it's not what I have today, but most of the groundwork was similar. Anyways, at this point in my life, I had just gotten my Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl about a month or so ago. So one day while I was sitting on the front steps of my apartment, I was looking over my cards when one of the neighboring kids who was my friend approached me. He asked me if we wanted to have a battle to which I said yes. So we dueled and then I drew my Dark Magician Girl and so I summoned her to the field."

"Then what?" asked the boys.

"What do you think?" said Isaac sarcastically. "I played her and all the other boys just dropped what they were doing and looked at her. Even my friend who was dueling me didn't pay attention to the rest of the duel as I won. Then I was immediately swarmed by the other kids as they asked me what I would do to trade them my Dark Magician Girl card. I didn't know what to say so I just carefully walked away to my house and locked the door. It was the same thing that always happened when I played her, every boy would look at her and admire her. Then they would surround me as they tried to bribe me or make me some deals in hopes that I would give them the card. I said no for that fact that well, I didn't want to trade my cards."

"So how did you handle this issue?" asked Bryant.

"Well, I took a trip to one of my cousin's house. My cousin was more of a casual fan of Duel Monsters, so oftentimes since he was way older than me, he often played with me. So one time while we were battling, I summoned my Dark Magician Girl and right there he told me how lucky I was to have a card. He told me that any guy would kill to have a hot girl like that by his side, of course as a kid I didn't even know what he meant by that. Nor did I even think about it cause it's not something you think as a kid. To put it into words that I would understand, everybody else had white chocolate and I was the one with dark chocolate and everybody else wanted a piece of it. With that analogy, I understood it a bit better for a kid. And from then on, I choose to just accept the fact that people would always flock to my Dark Magician Girl. Now a days, I realize how luck I was growing up. To have such a highly like card and I was in possession of it." said Isaac as he looked at his female magician as he was admire his friend.

"Even to this day, I feel like she knows how popular she is. Which is why she likes to mess with me and have fun. But at the end of the day, she knows how I feel about her and that she'll always be by my side in the face of danger." Isaac looked at his card as soon Mana appeared as she was sitting next to Isaac as she had a joyous smile on her face. Mana then hugged Isaac as she nuzzled his cheek with hers as she planted a kiss for her master as she disappeared.

"Got any fives?" asked Jason as he and the other boys were on the floor next to Isaac as they were playing Go Fish during Isaac telling his story.

"Hey." called out Isaac.

"We heard it." said Shadow as he played his card. "You got lucky that you had the Dark Magician Girl, everybody else was jealous of you. You didn't know why and now you realize just how lucky you are to not only have a hot girl as your female ace but also have Twilight as your girlfriend. Got any sixes?" asked the boy.

"Go fish." stated Bryant.

"So much for telling my story." said Isaac as he crossed his arms and had a pout look on his face. "At least, you listened to my story, Mana."

"How can I not? It was the first time, I had a crush on you." joked Mana.

"You're not the only one." said Isaac nonchalantly as all the other female magicians of Isaac's deck appeared as they looked at their master with cute and lovestruck looks on their faces.

"I guess not only can you have a crush on a card, but a card can have a crush on you." stated Isaac as all of his female magicians were admire their young master.

"We love you, Isaac." said all the girls.

Isaac just smiled as he knew what the relationship was between him and his female spellcasters. Soon a noise was heard from the outside as all five boys rushed out of the auditorium and looked at the field as they saw a huge hole in the ground as Pinkie was at the bottom of it.

"Pinkie, what the hell happened?!" shouted the boy. Isaac and the other boys all rushed out to see the party girl was trapped in a hole that was a bit taller than her.

"Well, I was trying to get the right measurements for the bouncy castle. It needs to be dug deep into the the ground to avoid it flying away." stated Pinkie with a smile as she was covered in dirt and scratches.

"I think this is deep enough. Alright guys, time to get her out." stated Isaac.

"Do we have to?" asked Shadow. "Can't she just say down there for a bit longer. Perforable forever." said Shadow with a hopeful smile.

"Trust me, that is a good idea and I'm all for it." said Isaac as he too liked Shadow's thinking. "But we have to get her out."

"Alright." groaned Shadow as he and the others all began to find shovels to cover the hole as Isaac got a ladder for Pinkie to climb up.

It took about 3 hours to finally get the hole filled up as Isaac and the boys had patched it up as they were sweating and had a bit of dirt on themselves. Isaac thanked the students for helping him as he told them they should go home and freshen up for the event that was about to start very soon. The boys all agreed and said goodbye to their professor; at that time, Twilight arrived as she saw the boys all messy and dirty as she was still on her little quest.

"What happened?" asked Twilight.

"You don't want to know." answered Isaac.

"Okay..." said Twilight uneasily when she noticed Isaac glaring at her, "Yes?"

"I thought you said you weren't going to bother with... this mystery person and his little game?" Isaac asked sternly, "enjoying your new necklace?" Twilight then realized that she was holding one of the red roses and that her satchel bag was loaded with lots of red roses in clear view. Plus she was also wearing her purple diamond as a sterling silver necklace around her neck.

"Isaac, please..."

"If you don't see me that way," said Isaac angrily, "Just tell me!!! Tell me so that I can move on to somebody who will!!"

"It's not like that okay," Twilight yelled in Isaac's face as they were legit arguing with each other, "I'm just going to find out who it is and turn them down! I am dating you after all... despite your bad attitude!"

"Well, excuse me for being jealous!" Isaac shouted, "I'll even confess to it! Huh, can't believe I wasted all my time with you. If I had known this is was gonna happen, I would kicked you out of the house this morning." spoke Isaac with the bitter of bitterness in his voice. "I trusted you, and you betrayed me. I don't want anything else with you." Isaac then started to walk back inside of the auditorium as he could feel a bit of tears rolling down from his eyes. Twilight watched Isaac walk and enter the building with a sad look on her face. Suddenly looking at her necklace made her feel sick to her stomach as she took it off and tucked it into her satchel bag. Twilight just sighed as she made her way to the destination of the clue.

"Hello, Twilight." stated Rarity, "What brings you by this Valentine's day?"

"Well," said Twilight as she held the most recent rose she received , "The note said a beautiful girl like you always looks her best, visit this girl to find the perfect dress." Rarity giggled to herself as she reached under her counter and pulled out another red rose. However, unlike the others, this one had an envelope attached to it with the number 22 on it.

"Is... 22 the clue?" Twilight asked curiously.

"No darling," said Rarity, "I cannot give you the clue the next rose unless you have 22 red roses in your possession." Twilight blinked as she began to count the red roses she had. She was shocked to see that the total was just that.

"I have exactly 22," said Twilight.

"Then you can have this," said Rarity as she handed the purple girl the envelope, "Though I am a bit surprised that you are actually looking for this person. I thought you were dating Isaac."

"I just want to turn the guy down nicely instead of just... ignoring his efforts," said Twilight in annoyance as she opened the envelope, "it's bad enough Isaac is anger at me for actually trying to find him."

"Oh dear..." said Rarity with some concern, "The poor thing must feel so jealous..." Twilight just hummed in agreement, not wanting to tell Rarity that Isaac had taken off crying as she read the parchment inside of the envelope.

"With twenty-three roses, you have completed my little plight," Twilight read out aloud, "Now you can meet mister right. Meet me at this location just after sunset by following the clue: You will find me at this place where it is the best, where the sun takes its daily rest. Hmm, well the sun sets in the east... the best place to watch the sunset... (Gasp) I got it! See you later, Rarity!"

"Goodbye Twilight!", said Rarity as Twilight exited the shop, "And please don't be too harsh on the person!" Rarity sighed to herself before getting ready to leave for the party happening at the school.

The sun was now starting to lower in the sky. For most people they were at the school for the party that Pinkie was throwing; for the pink haired girl she was trying her best to comfort her friend and big brother as he was still upset with what transpired with Twilight earlier. As for Twilight herself, she had made it to the hill where you could watch the sun set as she slowly approached a particular mount of grass that allows a person to watch the sun set behind a vast green landscape. And right there was a person sitting alone on the hill; Twilight approached the person as he had black hair and purple skin wearing a pair of dark glasses with a black beret and a red sweater with a red heart on it.

"Umm, excuse me," said Twilight as she stood a distance away, "I'm Twilight Sparkle."

"Ah Miss Sparkle I presume?" said the person with a rough French accent, "I have been waiting for you. Quite zee lovely sunset, oui?"

"Oui... I mean yes it is," said Twilight, "I want to thank you for all the lovely roses and the diamond."

"Oh you are zee most welcome, mademoiselle," said the person as he turned to face her, "It is just a small way of expressing zee love to thee." Twilight just sighed.

"I appreciate the gesture," said Twilight, "But I'm afraid I can't accept any of these roses or the necklace." The person frowned.

"You... have zee boyfriend I presume?" he asked quietly.

"Yes." said Twilight. The person just looked at her blankly.

"Does he... treat you well?" he asked.

"I feel like a princess when I'm with him," Twilight replied with a smile, "and he is the sweetest and most loving guy I've ever met." The person smiled.

"He's a lucky guy to have zee affection of such a beautiful girl." the person remarked. Twilight just giggled. "I'm zee sure that Isaac is more than worthy of you." he added as Twilight looked stunned.

"Wait... you know Isaac?" Twilight said in surprise. The person then removed his glasses. With one smooth transition, he took off all of his clothes and standing there was a familiar boy as he wore a Dark Magician necklace and his cap with his signature hoodie. Twilight's jaw literally hit the floor as she was dumbfounded.

"Gotcha good didn't I?" said Isaac slyly as Twilight recomposed herself and snorted.

"I can't believe you!" said Twilight, trying to sound upset but failing miserably, "You tricked me! This was you the whole time?!"

"Eeyup," said Isaac, "I knew right away that I had to throw suspicion off of myself. So right before I gave you my present, I dumped the first rose off and acted like I was jealous to throw you off my trail. I know how much you like mysteries so I set up this little scavenger hunt for you to find some red roses and a very special diamond." Twilight couldn't help but smile as her eyes sparkled.

"I still can't believe you did all of this just for me." said Twilight, deeply touched.

"Well, today is Valentine's Day." said Isaac as he pulled out a red rose from under his hat.

"Not another clue." groaned Twilight.

"No clue," said Isaac, "Just answer this question: Twilight Sparkle, will you accept this rose and be my special someone tonight?" Twilight replied by diving into his arms, gave him a quick kiss on the lips, and hugged him tightly.

"Yes!" replied Twilight happily.

Isaac chuckled as they pulled away and he used his hand to tuck the rose behind into Twilight's hair and behind her left ear. he also grabbed the necklace inside of her satchel bag and then combined it with the necklace that he had given her for Christmas as the two combined together to form a new piece of jewelry as he slipped it around her neck so that she could wear it proudly.

"Time for an upgrade." stated the boy. Twilight giggled as she snugly herself under Isaac's chin and sighed happily.

"Happy Valentine's Day." said Twilight as she closed her eyes and relaxed as he held her in his arms.

"Happy Valentine's Day." Isaac replied sweetie as he held her lovingly and they watched as the sun set and the stars began to populate the early evening sky.

Author's Note:

So be honest. Were you fooled by Isaac's acting and his plan?

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