• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 171: Blast from the... Future?

The world was dystopian. All around there was nothing but debris and metal scattered all about. Nothing but a barren wasteland, grey smog and smoke covered the skies. Nothing left but the sound of the wind as it carried the whispers of the people who once lived in this place they called home. Nothing remained, those that survived or were still around all went into hiding.

This city was Ironhaven and it was once a place filled with joy and laughter. Every day tons of people would walk these very streets, cars passing by as they zoomed through the beautiful buildings that made this city so wonderful. But the greatest thing about this place was the children and the families that would attend the park as they were filled to the max with so many duels as it served as people's main attraction for entertainment. We thought life here in Ironhaven would always be like this, especially for me and my little sister. But little did we know on what would happen next. One moment, we were minding our business and enjoying ourselves, then the next everything was left in ruin and destruction. And there was one person who was responsible for that, he called himself Malum. And he was a man on a mission.

There was now a person running through the scrapyard as she was trying to run away from several mechanical noises as they were hot on her trial. The person running was a girl about the age of 18 as she had blue hair and was dressed in a black jacket as the outer part was made of nylon to provide rain protection while the inside of the jacket was made of cotton. Underneath her jacket was a black round neck shirt as she wore pine green trousers and had some hiking shoes that were made of leather and fabric with Vibram sole. The girl also had a small backpack slung over her shoulders as she wore a bracelet on her right wrist while she had a small device on her left wrist. She noticed some obstacles in the path of her as she slide under them and jumped over the next set behind it as she hoped it would slow down the machines chasing her. Safe to say it didn't as they blasted through the scraps of metal as they were still on her tail and gaining.

"Sons of bitches." said the girl as she noticed a huge pile of debris blocking her way that there was no way to past it.

She then turned on the device she was wearing as she played a card while running and summoned a monster as she commanded it to blow the stuff. Her monster obeyed its command as it did just that and took it out which was good cause a few seconds after that a blast was fired as it took out her monster as she kept on running. She then turned a corner and now found herself face to face with a huge wall. She tried to turn back but immediately was met with the machines as they caught up with her. She was now surrounded as she was backed up to the wall and around her were huge piles of junk. The girl then activated her device as she prepared to fight; the machines then lifted their weapons as they prepared to fire when another blast came and took out one of them. The other looked to see who fired it as there was another person standing on the junk pile as he had a similar device as the girl and had a monster on his side. The machine then tried to fire at the monster, but it was able to dodge its lasers as it took a shot and blew up the machine as it fell over into tons of pieces.

"Took you long, enough. Next time we decided who becomes the bait, we do rock, paper, scissors." stated the girl.

"You really think I was gonna let them capture you." said the boy as he slid down the junk pile.

The boy was a year older than the girl as he wore a black, hooded jacket that was kept unzipped, with short sleeves, gold buttons, and a checkered pattern at the hem. Underneath, he wore a pale blue t-shirt with a V-neck. He also wore blue cropped trousers that are hemmed with the same checkered pattern as the jacket, black fingerless gloves on each hand, and black high-top boots.

"Anyways, I think I'm close to finding out what Malum's plan is." said the boy.

"Yeah, cause taking apart our home wasn't enough. Now word is he's got a grand master plan that involves not only him becoming ruler of this place but of all of time." said the girl.

"Which is why we need to report back first. Hopefully HQ has some info for us. Come along." said the boy.

"Yes, big brother." said the girl with some attitude as she followed him.

The pair made it back as they avoided running into any unwanted attention as they soon pushed past some covered up junk as they slid down the hole and then began to walk even more. It was a trail that went on for about a mile long and soon they came to a giant door as the pair then grabbed the devices on their wrists as they placed it in the side of the door as it scanned them to make sure they weren't intruders. Soon it gave the signal as the doors opened and allowed the two to enter. Inside there was a small gathering of people as they were busying doing their own thing. Some of them were on guard with the other entrances, while others tending to the ones in need of food, and attention. The women were taking care of any laundry and other chores as they did their part in helping the remaining resistance. There were some kids who all just played together with each other as they tried to have some fun.

The sister and brother duo were making their way to HQ which was a building in the center of the plaza as they entered through the front door and started to make their way up several floors. They arrived at the Warden's place as they saw several of their fellow comrades hard at work on making sure they survived while also talking about their plans to take down the evil Malum and his machines. The commander saw the two enter as he wrapped his conversation with one of the other soldiers.

"So you both returned alive?" said the commander as he sat back in his chair while the noise around him was still going on.

"Wow, you really have no confidence in us." stated the girl.

"Sorry, it's just... we've already lost so many of our soldiers to the enemy. And I can't begin to imagine if you two were captured."

"Nice to know you care about us, Commander." joked the girl.

"Sis. Focus." said the boy. "Anyways, Commander. Is it true? Do you have a plan to end this fight?"

"Yes, but it's a rather dangerous one."

"Yeah, more dangerous than what's already happened? I don't think shit can't get any worse." said the girl.

"Well as you know the rumor is that Malum has plans to take over all of time so that he may reign as ruler. But what the reports didn't mention was that he not only plans to ruler, but to make our future disappear."

"You're joking right." said the girl.

"We got word from one of the machines we destroyed. Our scientist hacked into its mainframe and saw the plans that Malum had for building a time machine and is planning to use it anytime now." said the Commander.

"So how long do we have till he uses it?" asked the boy.

"12 hours, possibly less." stated the Commander as he got up from his chair and looked out of the window to see the small population. "We've all been having it rough, since Malum showed up and designed those war machines, we're struggling each day. And soon it'll be a matter of time before he finds us. But with that device, he doesn't need to find us, cause he could just erase our existence were he to change something significant in the past. All these people, their homes, the loved ones they miss. All of it would be gone. Which is why we need to secure that device before he uses it himself."

"So you gonna have us steal it?" asked the girl.

"Tell us what we need to do." said the boy.

"You two kids are just like you're father. He was always willing to help those in need, even if it meant that he would sacrifice himself. He would be proud to see his children took after that." said the Commander. "Now, let's discuss the plan." the Commander then had one of his men bring over the blueprints as the duo saw the device and what it looked like. The plan was for the two of them to infiltrate Malum's lab and used the device to go back to the time when Malum first arrived and have both of them challenge him to a showdown in hopes of them taking him down before he could start his invasion or else the whole thing would start over.

"Alright, are you two sure you're up for this?" asked the Commander.

"Nothing we can't handle." said the boy. "Besides, if we can be beat him and stop him before he started all of this messed up shit, then it could allow us... to see... our..."

"Leave it to us." said the girl as she looked at her brother and saved him from breaking down in tears at the mention of their parents.

"Then we wish you the best of luck. After this, if you're successful, we won't ever meet again. But know that in this time, right here right now. You both are highly seen warriors and we salute the two of you." said the Commander as he and the rest of the men inside of the office also gave the pair a salute of respect. They both returned it as they prepared to leave.

The pair had one hour to prep as they filled their backpacks with things they might need. For both they prepared their duel disk and decks as they looked over their cards that were given to them by their parents. They both looked at a portrait they each had as it was one of the last times before the whole Malum incident occurred where they were a happy family. They both remembered what was at stake as they got the map of Malum's lair and soon were off as they were walking through the plaza all around them, their fellow citizens were showing their support for the pair as they prayed that if they were successful they would all be back to normal. And so they waved for the final time cause whether they were successful or not, they knew they weren't coming back. And so they opened the door for one last time as they stepped through it and it closed behind forever locking them out.

The trip to the lair was relatively easy given the map they had secured from one of their comrades. The hard part was trying to get in without alerting security and Malum himself as he never once left his hideout unless he went on patrol. And right now their window was closing in as Malum had already gone scouting which meant there wasn't a lot of time left for the brother and sister to get inside, steal the device, and go back in time to stop him. They arrived at the fortress as they saw how heavily guarded it was. It took some thinking, but eventually the pair had managed to hitch a ride on one of the transports moving into the hideout as they were underneath the truck as they held on for dear life. Once they made it pass the front gate, they immediately got off and stuck to the shadows as they were now in the courtyard of the place as guards were posted in each corner looking for any intruders or attackers.

They stuck to the left as eventually they saw the lab building. However, there was a huge machine being posted as well as tiny other guard bots next to it. The girl strapped on her duel disk as she looked to prepare to fight until she was stopped by her brother.

"We don't want to sound the alarm and risk the mission, sis."

"So what do we do?" asked the girl as the two were hidden behind a small wall.

"Let me see." The boy then took off his backpack as he was looking for something that might help. He found a metal object of his as it was a gift from their parents. "This is all that I have." The boy was now holding small toy train as it was a gift from when he was 2 years old. His parents had given it to him, but even moreso it brought back tons of other happy memories.

"But that's... mom and dad gave that to you. Even before I was born, you told me how much it meant to you." said the girl.

"I know... but we have no other choice." said the boy as he avoided shedding some tears. "Now all I need is some wire."

"Then take this." said the girl as she unclipped her bracelet and presented it to her brother.

"Sis. No. That's bracelet is special to you, mom gave it to your for third birthday."

"It's my turn now to help out. Plus, if you're giving up something, it's only fair I do it as well. You're my brother and I want things to go back to the way they were. Before all this shit started, we have a chance to see our friends, our family, the people we love. So if that comes at the cost of this, then I'll willing to take that risk." said the girl as she held back some tears.


"Take it, bro."

"Thank you. I'm glad to have a little sister like you." said the boy as he hugged his sister and kissed her on the forehead.

"And I'm glad you're my big brother." responded the girl as she returned the gesture and kissed him on the cheek. "Besides, if this is successful, we won't have to say goodbye to our things. Cause they'll be waiting for us when we return."

The boy then grabbed his sister's bracelet as he began to work his brain in creating an EMP. Once he completed it, he then gave it to his sister as she took her aim and then tossed it towards the ground near the robots. Once the thing landed on the floor, the machines all looked at it as it was slowly starting to countdown as the machines looked at it. Soon the timer went off but nothing happened, then one of the machines picked it up and looked at it before giving a shake. Then it went off as the device gave a small explosion as the EMP knocked them out and the nearby cameras around the lab as they all fell. Both brother and sister gave a high five as they soon made their way inside of the building. They entered as it was full of experiments and other stuff. They soon found what they were looking for as there was the small device as it was being guarded by some lasers. The boy then approached the panel as he got to work on disabling the security measures as the device was no longer guarded. The girl then approached the podium as she grabbed the device and looked it over.

"So how the hell do we get this thing to work?" asked the girl.

"Well..." said the boy before an alarm went off.

"Intruder alert! Intruder Alert!!!" went off the alarm.

"We'll figure this out later. We need to go!" shouted the boy as the two grabbed their backpacks and were heading towards the entrance when it was suddenly blocked by more guards as they locked their weapons on the two and soon some footbots appeared as they had duel disks already projecting card trays as they stepped forward. The entire building was surrounded as almost all of the forces had their full focus on the lab.

"Intruders detained!" spoke the robot in command. "Securing them for Master Malum." He gave the command as he had his troops step forward robotic like as the were starting to secure the duo.

"Stay behind me, sis. Big brother will protect you." said the boy as he raised his duel disk and projected his card tray as he prepared to fight.

The girl looked at the device and then looked at the situation as she figured there was only one way out. She then opened the device as she pushed the buttons she saw and clicked the nob at the top as it started to function.

"What the hell did you do?!" shouted the boy.

"You'll thank me later. Besides, we have a mission." said the girl as she held onto her brother's arm as the device was now starting to shine a white light as it caused the pair to close their eyes as soon it covered the entire lab.

The light died down and soon standing where the pair was nothing. The machines were all confused, except for the one in charge as he told them to scout out the area incase they were still nearby. But he knew exactly where they were.

"Contact the master. Tell him we have a problem." spoke the robot.

The morning sun was coming as it warmed up the air and brought a nice toasty feel. The rays of sunshine entered Twilight's room as the bookworm covered herself from with her sheets. Soon she felt the rays hit her face as it was enough of a wakeup call as she slowly opened her eyes and stretched her arms.

"Morning already?" asked Twilight as she sat up and rubbed her eyes.

She then touched her necklace that Isaac had given her from Valentine's Day from over a week ago. The previous necklace he had given her, she wore almost all of the time and only took it off to avoid getting it dirty. But now she wore this new necklace all the time as it brought her happiness and joy.

"Good, you're up." said Isaac as he entered Twilight's room as he was carrying a tray. He then set the tray before Twilight. "I made you breakfast in bed. Wish I could join you, but I got to get to work."

"Okay." said Twilight as she put on her glasses and began to enjoy her breakfast and Isaac let her be. Since his back was turned, he didn't notice that Twilight was watching him the entire time with a smile on her face. When he was out of view, she giggled happily, clapping to herself as she continued eating.

He made me breakfast in bed! Oh he's such a sweetie! Twilight thought, but then nearly choked when she realized her train of thought, Wait... since when do I gush over him?! He's done stuff like this for me before. How is this time any different?

Isaac was heading on his way towards Mr. Johnson as he was walking down the side of the street. He kept on walking as he continued on his path to his job. He decided to take a shortcut through the park as he had some extra time to kill.

"What a nice day. The sun is out, spring is starting to bloom. And soon we'll be on Spring break. Can't believe its been one year since I took that trip with Rainbow and Sunset to Neo Domino City and we got to Turbo Duel. And it was there I meet him." said the boy as he thought back to his duel. "After that encounter, I soon met the others. And now it's just 4 months till graduation. But more importantly, till the students have their final test in front of the Board of Education."

Isaac now looked at his watch as it was still ticking down the final moments and reminding him of how much time he had left. He quickly put it out of his mind as he kept on walking and enjoyed the sounds that nature and the small creatures were making.

"Yes sir. It's a nice day and not a cloud in the sky." said the boy as he glanced up at the sky. At that moment, a small portal appeared as it caused the boy to have his eyes widen. Especially cause soon there was some screaming as two objects came out of it.

"Ahh!" screamed the pair as they were falling.

"Ah shit." stated Isaac bluntly as the pair fell on top of him as they tumbled to the ground as the portal that opened up now closed and disappeared.

"Maybe I should have thought about that before I did it." said the girl.

"Typical with weather forecasts," said Isaac, "They said it's to be clear skies this evening and we get people raining down from the sky."

"Ugg, my head." said the boy as he sat up. "Hey, what are you doing? Get your hands off of my sister!" shouted the person as he saw that his sister was on top of Isaac.

"Hey, she fell on me!" shouted Isaac as he was defending himself.

"Likely story. I'm her big brother and nobody touches my little sister unless I say so!" said the boy as he got up in Isaac's face.

"And like I told you, she fell on me!" responded Isaac as he butted heads with the boy who was his same age as they looked like two bulls preparing to fight. "Matter of fact, you both fell on me. So I expect an explanation or apology."

"Look, we're sorry." said the girl as she was hoping to get her brother to calm down. "But we're not here to start a fight. We need to get back home."

"And where is home?" asked Isaac.


"Hold on, sis." stated the boy. "Don't tell him, all we know is that he could be working for Malum."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." said Isaac.

"You've never heard of him?" asked the girl to which Isaac shook his head. "If I may ask, just where are we?"

"You're in Canterlot." responded Isaac.

"Canterlot?" said both the boy and the girl as they looked at each other and then looked around them. They saw the green and the small creatures as they took in the sight to see that they weren't back home, nor were they when they needed to be.

"I think we may have miscalculated on where we landed." said the girl.

"You mean where 'you' miscalculated. I told you not to use the device, we had no idea how it worked." responded her brother.

"Hey, it was either that or risking being captured by Malum's forces. And I was not going to take that chance, besides we have a mission to complete."

"Okay, can you both explain to me just what the hell you're both talking about?" asked Isaac as he crossed his arms.

"That's none of your business." responded the boy.

"Hold on a second, bro." said the girl. "If I may ask, what's your name?"

"It's Isaac."

"Isaac? Huh, why does that sound familiar?" said the girl as she was thinking about that name. Soon a small lightbulb went off in her head as she realized something. She then grabbed her brother's arm and pulled him to the side, "Give us a few moments."

"What's up?" whispered the boy to his sister.

"Don't you see it, bro."


"That's Isaac."


"Pull your Duel Monsters archive history." said the girl as she and her brother touched their duel disks as they began to scroll through the history section that was recorded in it. "There."

"Let me see... you're kidding me. Him." said the boy as his duel disk showed a holographic image of Isaac, but it showed him from when he was older.

"That's our guy." said the girl.

"So this is what he looked like when he was our age." said the boy as he quickly glanced over at Isaac before going back at the image.

"That's not all, look at his accomplishments." stated the girl as the small profile they had accessed to showed that Isaac had mastered all known summoning methods. "It really is him, don't you remember learning about him in our class. I hate to say this, but somehow the device has sent us back in time. Not to when Malum first arrived, but moreso to when Isaac was still in his teen years before he became a pro."

"Okay, so then how does that help us in our current situation?" asked the boy.

"You forget that he also had to take on some evil forces as well while being a high schooler. I say that if we want to rid the world of Malum forever and get back our home and future, then we might need his help." said the girl.

"I don't know, I don't trust him." stated the boy.

"You don't trust anybody cause you're worried they'll get near me." responded the girl as she pointed out the fact that her big brother was rather protective of her. "Look, trust me on this one."

"Fine, little sis. But try not to tell him of anything from his future. We may be in the past, but we better be careful about not changing anything significant that may alter our future." said the boy as the pair made their way back to Isaac.

"Look, Isaac. This may sound strange, but we need your help." said the girl.

"I'm listening." said Isaac nonchalantly.

Just as the girl was about to answer, there was a growling sound heard as it caused both boys to looked at her. "Heh, guess I need some food, first." responded the girl as her brother facepalmed himself. "Got any?"

"Oh, boy." said Isaac as he pulled out his phone and touched a contact. "Hey, Mr. Johnson. It's me, Isaac. Something's come up that needs my attention."

"Good to know that Hayburger still taste the same as they do in the future." responded the girl as she began to chow down on her food as she and her brother were eating the huge meal they had ordered.

"Yeah, and pricing." said Isaac as he had to pay the bill.

The pair was eating their fill as it had been a while since they had a meal as filling and huge as this. Safe to say the idea of keeping a low cover was not working as there were other customers looking at Isaac as he sat with the pair. They weren't suspicious of the pair, but more so that they were acting like pigs when they ate that Isaac just told everybody that they were really hunger as they seemed to buy his lie as they went back to their business.

"Ahh, been a while since we had a meal that filling." said the boy as he let out a burp.

"Right." said Isaac as he took a sip of his beverage. "So, how about we start with what your names are?"

"Well, if you must know. My name is Shane."

"And I'm Aqua." said the girl.

"Well, nice to meet you both." responded Isaac. "So, tell me why you both suddenly appeared out of nowhere?"

"That's kind of hard to explain? Let me ask you, ever hear of a place called Ironhaven?" asked Shane.


"Well, you wouldn't since it doesn't exist. Well, at least not yet. See... my sister and I are from the future."

"The future?" said Isaac as he raised his eyebrow. "Are you serious?"

"Didn't expect him to believe our story." said Aqua as she zipped on her soda.

"Didn't you say that he had to face tons of evil forces and magic." said Shane as he gave his sister a look.

"Okay, let's say I buy your story and believe it. What exactly are you doing here?" said Isaac.

"Well, we actually landed here by mistake."

"You mean you screwed up." coughed Shane into his hand as Aqua immediately clocked her big bro in the head as she stuck her tongue at him.

"As I was saying," responded Aqua as she looked at her big bro, "we didn't mean to land in this time period. We were actually hoping to go back to when Malum appeared and stop him from turning our world into his kingdom."

"You mention this Malum person, who is he?" asked Isaac.

"We don't know. All we know is that he showed up one day and started to terrorize our home. It happened so fast, that soon there was nothing but destruction left in his wake." said Aqua.

"Trust me, he's going to pay for what he's done." said Shane as he tighten his fist.

"Mind explaining?" asked Isaac.

"Well... it all started like any other day. A normal day." recalled Shane as he began to tell their story. "It was peaceful day, people going about their business, kids laughing in the park, smiles all around. And duels happening left and right. We thought things would always be that way forever, how wrong we were."

"It was like he came out of nowhere. He arrived and he started to tear apart out home." stated Aqua as she continued on the tale. "For 3 years, we all cowered in fear from Malum's reign. During that time, we all had to hide and fight for our survival. But that attack on that day, was the last time we saw our parents. I found Shane, but we had to hide. And when it was over, our parents were no where to be found, our home destroyed, our friends gone. Seems Malum probably captured them or possibly worst. But me and Shane knew we had to move on to survive. Soon there was a resistance that we joined, turns out we could fight against Malum and his machines with our duel disks. But they weren't easy targets, especially Malum himself. Tons of fellow comrades all faced him head on, but none prevailed."

"What about you two?" asked Isaac.

"Well, we were on a regular scout mission. Looking for supplies, rescuers, anything. I noticed some people who were being captured by Malum and so I leapt into action." stated Aqua. "Safe to say that he was not messing around."

"Moreso you were under experienced." stated Shane. "My sister just rushed head in without a plan. Luckily, I showed up in time to help her."

"Yeah, cause that was much better." stated Aqua as she looked at her big bro. "Shane did help, but with the two of us working together. Malum disposed of us with ease. After he defeated us, we feared that he would take us as prisoners and make our lives even more hellish."

"What happened?" asked Isaac.

"I grabbed Aqua and pulled her into my arms. I was doing my job as her big brother and willing to sacrifice myself to protect her. But... he didn't do anything."

"He didn't bother with us, said that our skills were weak. And that capturing people like us wasn't even worth his time. So he just left and took his prisoners to work in mines." stated Aqua. "For us we were glad he didn't take us, but also angry that he disrespected us. Saying that we didn't have the skills as true duelists. So for the next three years, me and Shane practiced our skills with one another and motivated each other to get better. So that the next time we confronted him, we would have what it takes to take him down. And all the training paid off, cause soon me and my brother became two of the best soldiers in our platoon and for the Resistance."

"Whenever the Commander needed a mission done, or to do a scout surveillance. He had me and my sister for the job. Of course, we realized the danger that every mission we were sent on could mean the possibility of us never coming back. So we made a quick promise to each other, that no matter what happened, we would always be together till the end." stated Shane as he looked at his sister. He smiled as he wrapped his arms around his sister and gave her a kiss on her forehead. "As much as she's a pain in my ass, I love my sister."

"And as much as you order me around, I love you big brother." said Aqua as she kissed Shane's cheek.

"I can tell you both are there for one another. And I know that you'll both figure out this issue and then you can return home to your time." smiled Isaac.

"I hope so. I can't wait to see mom and dad again." said Aqua. She was looking to find her bracelet on her wrist, but quickly remembered that she and her brother had to get rid of their prized possessions to secure the device. "I know we'll beat Malum."

"Especially since I'll be helping." said Isaac.

"What?" said Shane in shock.

"Hey, I'm willing to help out those in need. Just didn't expect that to apply to people from the future, but nonetheless, I'm willing to do my part in helping the two of you restore your home."

"I don't what to say."

"How about 'thanks for helping'?" stated Aqua with a mocking tone.

Shane just ignored her sister's tone as he extended his hand out to Isaac as the boy shook it, "We appreciate you helping us, Isaac. Thanks."

"Anytime." responded the boy as soon Aqua put her hand over the boys as she too smiled.

"So, what's the first step?" asked Isaac.

"Well, we have this time travel device. Our initial plan was to go back to when Malum first appeared and defeat him before he could start his plan. But turns out we accidental landed in the wrong time period and now we need to figure out how to get this device to properly work." stated Shane.

"Hmm, I think I know someone who might be able to help us. Just hope that Twilight is gonna believe this story." said Isaac.

"Did you say, Twilight? As in 'Twilight Sparkle'." stated Aqua.

"Yeah." responded Isaac.

"I always did want to see what she was like before she became a famous card designer." said Aqua.

"Huh", was all Isaac said, Guess, Twilight gets her dream of being a successful card designer in the future. "Say, you said that I'm in your archives of Duel Monsters history? Any chance, you could tell me what I become?"

Both Shane and Aqua looked at each other when they heard Isaac's request.

"Unfortunately, we can't tell you that." stated Shane.

"Why not? You told me Twilight's future."

"Yeah, but you're not Twilight. If she was here and heard that news then it could affect her mindset and then her future could be altered." stated Aqua. "So as you can see, if we told you what you become in the future, you could change somethings."

"And based on where we landed in your time, you're busy with the program that you have the students participating and you're dealing with issue of graduation coming up." stated Shane as he caused Isaac to be shocked that both of them knew what he was doing.

"I guess. It's just... I can't help but feel like if I know what my future holds, it may help me to relax a bit." stated Isaac.

"Let's just say that you'll be fine." said Shane as it caused the boy to smile a bit.

"So, care to head over to Twilight and figure out this plan?" asked Isaac to which the duo nodded.

"But first, can we make a pit stop?" asked Aqua.

"Where?" asked the boys.

"About time I bought some new clothes." stated Aqua as she had wanted to do a bit of shopping in Isaac's time period. "These kinds of clothes are expensive in our time, but during yours they are dirt cheap. Can't wait to show them off to my friends when we get back home."

"I can't believe you want to shop for some clothes when we need to stop Malum from tearing apart our home." said Shane.

"Hey, you bought some too. Don't single me out, bro!" shouted Aqua as she pointed to the bag her brother was holding.

"I'm the one whose paying for both your asses." stated Isaac as he looked at the bill he was holding.

"Don't worry about it, your good with your money. So your future self doesn't have anything to worry about." stated the girl as she came out in a blue short dress that stopped at her knees.

"Yeah, and I'm also going to be looking back at this time and questioning why I spent this much money." exclaimed the boy as he waited for the girl to finish modeling in the mirror.

After a while, both of the boys fell asleep as Aqua had finished the last of her clothes as she put them into her bag. She clocked both boys on the head as it got them to awake as they all left the mall. As they were making their way towards the house to talk with Twilight, the pair began to talk with Isaac about some of his adventures they had learned from class. Turns out it was much more pleasing from learning about it from the person himself instead of learning it from a textbook or teacher. Isaac then began to ask the brother and sister about themselves as they showed him the decks they used as he found them to be rather impressive. Just as they were about to make their way to the house, they all heard a loud boom sound. They all looked to the sky as it was starting to crackle a bit as storm clouds were gathering. It was looming over the park where Isaac first met the pair. Soon a pillar of light came down as it caused all three of them to look at each other as they headed over to the place to check it out. They arrived as the pillar of light was still coming down, soon an arm stretched out as slowly there emerged a presence.

The thing that came out was an individual as his body was covered in armor. It had a large, ornate crest (colored gold) and the long, segmented section (each segment alternating between dark grey and dark red). He also wears a black, fingerless glove on his hand and what appears to be a black gauntlet on his forearm, over the segmented armor, which also has small pieces of dark red armor on it. Finally, his armored boots are dark brown and gold. Soon the face part of the helmet revealed itself as the person's face was shown as he had yellow eyes.

"Malum!" said Shane and Aqua as they recognized their old foe.

"So he's the bad guy." stated Isaac.

"I believe you have something of mine." said Malum as he lifted his hand. Soon the time travel device from Aqua's pocket flew out and appeared in Malum's hand. "To think that two insignificant kids stole something this valuable. I expected more worthy soldiers to be the cause."

"Who you calling kids!" shouted Aqua.

"You made our lives a living hell! All the innocents you captured, our homes destroyed. That kind of action can't be justified." stated Shane as he was balling his fist.

"To think that when I first met you two, you were nothing more than street rats. I didn't much of it at the time based on how poor your skills were, but I should have expected something. Well, I won't make the same mistake that I did back then. This time I'll dispose of you two properly. And then I can continue with my original plan of ruling all of time and space." stated Malum in a cool, calm, evil voice.

"Like we'd let that happen." said Shane as he slotted in his deck and activated his duel disk as it projected a sunflower color card tray. "I won't let you harm others. This stops here and now."

"And that's double for me!" shouted Aqua as she too strapped on her duel disk and slid in her cards as it projected a baby blue card tray.

"You two could barely land a hit on me last time. What difference will this make?" asked Malum with a smile on his face.

"This time they have me fighting with them." said Isaac as he stepped forward and strapped on his duel disk and his cards as it projected a gold card tray.

"Isaac, leave him to us. We can take him." stated Shane as they didn't want him to get involved as it could make things worse for them and the future.

"I told you before, despite us being from different time periods. I'm willing to help those in need, especially my friends." said Isaac as he looked at the pair before turning back at Malum. "Besides, Malum is also trying to hurt the game I love, so I'm more than willing to help you two any way that I can. Let's make this guy sorry he ever messed with us!"

"Glad to you have you on our side." smiled Shane.

"Glad? Try ecstatic!" shouted Aqua as she couldn't contain her inner excitement. "We've got none other than Isaac in our corner! Oh, I always dreamed of teaming up with him on the dueling field, now let's do this!"

"Ahh, Isaac." said Malum as he examined the boy.

"You listen here! We know what you plan to do and we're not gonna let it happen. Got it?" shouted Isaac as he addressed Malum. "So why don't you just make it easy on yourself and go back to wherever it is you came from!"

"Where I came from is why I'm here." said Malum. "Isaac, I know all about you. Your past, your present, and of course your future. And I must say, despite us meeting under such circumstances, it's an honor to meet you." stated Malum as he gave a respectful bow to the young boy. "I must say you were one of my aspirations in life."

"We don't care about your backstory. We just care about keeping our world safe! Especially what you did to our home." stated Shane.

"Is that so? Too bad, the future doesn't look that way." stated Malum. "For you see I come from even further in the future than that of you two. I come from a future where there is nothing but pain and suffering; but now I will have my revenge. Because I realized something about this game you love so, this Duel Monsters. The world would be a far better place without it. The monsters, the spells-- what good will come of it?" Malum then looked at Isaac as he examined the boy. "True, like you and all the legends that you looked up to, saved the world many times over with your precious cards, but against adversaries who were using the same cards to destroy it."

"So that's why you're here!? To rid the world of Duel Monsters?" shouted Aqua.

"That's correct, once and for all."

"Not on our watch you won't!" stated Isaac.

"Don't you see the world that I come from is a desolate place. So desolate that I couldn't bear to see it anymore through my own eyes. But eventually I saw the reason why this happened and it was thanks to Duel Monsters. People fighting for power, destroying everything in their path, all of it stems from this game. So what better way to destroy this virus than by traveling to back to the beginning and putting a halt to it." stated Malum. "Of course, there was an unexpected result that has caused me to put those plans on halt. But it has allowed me to come up with a better plan. And that was too take out every single great duelists of the past one by one and soon the whole world would be at my control and I could create the home that I always envisioned. And so it seems I'll start with none other than the great Isaac who's been blessed by his role models."

"But don't you realize? You're not just wiping out Duel Monsters, but people, too! You're destroying everything and everyone ever touched by the game!" shouted Isaac.

"Of course I realize that, Isaac. As a matter of fact, that's what I'm looking forward to the most." stated Malum.

"You're one sick bastard!" said Aqua.

"Maybe the game's not perfect, but it's created more good things than bad!" responded Shane.

"And another thing, the future isn't written yet. There's still time for things to change! I should know." said Isaac as he thought back to when Celestia and Luna first mentioned that Isaac's destiny was to become a pro and nothing more. Sure he was hesitant and anger with the two, but he eventually opened to the idea and decided that he would write his own future and not let it be dictated by what someone else says.

"Well, then, it seems we have a difference of opinion, and since I doubt anymore words will settle our impasse, perhaps we should seek to settle it another way." stated Malum as he had a duel disk that matched his armor appeared on his arm as it projected a scarlet card tray.

"If you're saying you want to duel, bring it on, Malum!" stated Isaac.

"Fine, then. I think it's fitting to destroy the three of you with the very cards that you're trying to save." Malum soon had his duel disk shine a light as it caused the three individuals to cover their eyes. The light was now affecting everything as all around them time stopped as people, cars, animals, etc... were all frozen.

"What is this?" asked Aqua.

"We'll be dueling in a pocket dimension of sorts. So prepare yourself, you three. Cause once you all lose, not only will you have failed to defeat me, but you'll have failed to save the world.

"Then what are we waiting for. Let's throwdown!" shouted Aqua.

"Your twisted time crusade stops here!" responded Shane.

"I have just one thing to say to you, Malum. It's time to duel!" shouted Isaac.

"So cool!" shouted Aqua. "I always wanted to hear Isaac say that."

"Me too." responded Shane.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Shane, Aqua, and Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

Malum's Life Points: 8000-

"For this duel, you'll all be sharing a field and life points. That way I can take care of all of you at once." stated the evil lord.

"Let's do this!" shouted the trio as they drew their hands.

Turn 1: Malum

"I'll go first," said Malum as he drew his card, "And I'll start by activating the field spell, Cyberdark Inferno!" stated Malum as soon the entire field began to change as all four of them were now standing a piece of rock as they were surrounded by lava and fire as it shot in the sky as geysers.

"Not again." said Aqua.

"This is how he beat us last time." stated Shane as he informed Isaac.

"Correct and it will be the key to your demises. But for now, I'll play the spell card Polymerization and I'll fuse together my two Cyber Dragons in my hand to summon Cyber Twin Dragon(2800/2100)!" Out emerged a dragon as it had two heads connected to the same body as they let out a roar.

"Not good." said the trio as they saw Malum's monster.

"Indeed, for you all that is. But for now, I'll lay a card facedown and end my turn."

"Listen, Isaac, Aqua. We know what's at stake here." stated Shane. "Our friends, our very future-- it all hangs in the balance."

"Yeah we know this shit, bro. Are you really trying that speech?" said Aqua as she gave a look to her brother.

"I'm being serious it all hinges on this duel." stated the boy as he looked at his little sister.

"Shane's right. We may have just met and don't know each other's duel styles and strategies, but even so, right now, we have to fight as one." stated Isaac. "All our skills, all our past experiences, let's use them. Let's focus all of them to this one common cause!"

"Now that I can get behind." said Aqua.

"Why do you agree with his statement and not mine, I'm your brother."

"Yeah, but Isaac makes it sound cooler." snickered Aqua.

"I hate you." said Shane.

"Well, then. Shane, care to be the one to start us off." suggested Isaac.

"Me? But shouldn't you..."

"You both have a score to settle with Malum. And I trust you in giving us a good first turn. My faith is with my friends, with you two." said Isaac.

"See he totally makes stuff sound cool and motivating. This is a dream come true for me." said Aqua as she couldn't hold back her excitement and inner fangirl.

"Alright." said Shane as he trusted Isaac.

Turn 2: Shane

"Here we go!" stated Shane as he drew his card. "First I play the spell card, Reincarnation of Hope! By sending two monsters to the graveyard now, we can draw a monster card later." Shane then sent Quillbolt Hedgehog and Boost Warrior to his graveyard from his hand.

"Fool! Don't you realize there won't be a later for you or any of your friends." stated Malum.

"Well, right now I'm summoning Junk Synchron(1300/500)! And because I was able to summon him, now I can summon a Level 2-or-below monster from my graveyard! Boost Warrior(300/200), rise up in defense mode! Next, I'll play Quillbolt Hedgehog's ability from my graveyard-- an ability that, since I have a tuner monster already on the field, allows me to summon my hedgehog straight to the field." stated Shane as he now had three monsters on their field.

"Do you really expect this to work? The last time you used your Junk deck to take me down, you barely made a scratch." informed Malum.

"True, but I've grown since then. And I've picked up some new tricks, cause none of my monsters are going to be on the field for long, at least not in their present form, cause I'm tuning them altogether. Just as Isaac, Aqua, and I are combing our might, these three have now combined theirs. Now Level 3 Junk Synchro tune with Level 1 Boost Warrior and Level 2 Quillbolt Hedgehog!" Junk Synchron then pulled its cord as it turned into three giant green rings as it circled around Shane's other two monsters as they were in between them. "I summon forth, the synchro monster, Junk Gardna(1400/2600)!" Shane's monster now appeared as it used its two arms and combined them together to make a shield.

"How truly pathetic." said Malum as he wasn't impressed. "If that's all the best you can do, you might as well just give up here and now."

"Well, I'll place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 3: Malum

"It's my move, now." stated the evil lord as he drew. "And I'll start by playing Graceful Charity. So now I can draw three cards and discard two. So I'll choose to send my Cyberdark Cannon and Cyberdark Claw to my graveyard. Then I summon Cyberdark Horn(800/800)." Out emerged a monster as it was black and let out a menacing roar. "Now since I normal summoned my Cyberdark Horn, I can take one Level 3 or below Dragon-type monster from my graveyard and equip it to my Cyberdark Horn, so I'll take my Cyberdark Cannon and equip it onto my Cyberdark Horn. And by doing so, Cyberdark Horn now gains the attack points of the monster that's equipped." Cyberdark Horn then attached to its comrade as it absorbed its stats and took control of his ally as it now had a total of 2400 attack points.

"Now Cyber Twin Dragon attack!" commanded Malum.

"I play Junk Gardna's ability, and with it, your dragon is about to get switched into defense mode." stated Shane as his monster clapped its arms together as it made a sound and stopped Malum's attack dead in its tracks.

"Fine then, you stopped one of my dragons. But how about this one, Cyberdark Horn attack his monster. And by doing so, I'll give it a boost with the spell, Rush Recklessly. So now my dragon gains 700 more attack points for this battle and thanks to my field spell, since my Cyberdark Horn has a monster equipped to it, you can't target or destroy it with card effects!" shouted Malum as his dragon fired off an attack as it took out Shane's monster. "Oh and did I mention Cyberdark Horn's special ability, it can inflict piercing damage!"
Shane, Aqua, and Isaac's Life Points: 7500-

"Uhh! Ohh..." said Shane as he was tossed onto his back.

"Shane!" called out Isaac.

"Say something, bro!" said Aqua as she was concerned for her brother's health.

"I'm alright." said the boy as she slowly sat up.

"Well, you won't be when your life points run out." snickered Malum.

"I may not be able to use Junk Gardna's second ability on your Cyberdark Horn, but that doesn't mean we're defenseless. I play the trap-- Miracle's Wake!" Shane's facedown then flipped up as it brought back his monster. "It allows me to wake up a monster from my graveyard that was destroyed this turn."

"Good recovery, brother." said Aqua as she smiled. "I knew you had a plan."

"Sorry. I lost us some points there." said Shane as he put his head down.

"Don't be sorry, Shane. You did what you could and you at least halted Malum from dealing us anymore damage." said Isaac.

"Totally. See Shane that's why you're not only my big brother, but my hero. You always find a way to survive and I can't ask for a better sibling than that."

"Thanks, guys. I did my best."

"Against an opponent that's powerful, that's all we can do. And that's what we're going to have to keep doing to win this duel!" said Isaac as the sibling pair nodded at that statement.

"You've been known to make some inspiration pep talks, Isaac. But that was by far your most pathetic one." snickered Malum. "I now end my turn."

Turn 4: Aqua

"Well, all right, then, it's my turn to take a crack at you!" stated Aqua as she wanted to get in on the action as she drew her card and looked at it. "Here goes! Hey bro, cool if I piggyback off your play?"

"Go for it, sis!"

"All right. Then here goes, I play the spell Falling Current! Now I can target one face-up monster I control and then I declare a level between 1-3. Then that monster loses level equal to the number I choose, so I'll choose number 3 so now Junk Gardna drops from Level 6 to Level 3. Then since I play a spell, I'm allowed to special summon this guy, time to chomp at the bits, Big Jaws(1800/300)!" Aqua's now had a small river appeared as out jumped a shark as it had razor sharp teeth and sharp fin on its back. "Then I'll take things to the next level or should I say 'rank'. I overlay Level 3 Junk Gardna and Level 3 Big Jaws to build the Overlay Network!" The two monsters then transformed into dark orbs of light as they hovered in the air for a bit as a portal opened up in front of the girl. Soon the orbs disappeared into the portal as a pillar of light emerged.

"Here's a first, two different monsters working together to summon a brand new specimen of the deep. I summon a monster that's both feared on the land and in the water. I Xyz Summon, Submersible Carrier Aero Shark(1900/1000, OLU: 2)!" Aqua's new monster now appeared as it was a pair of sharks attached to a flying device.

"Your new monster doesn't impress me." stated Malum.

"Then how about this, I activate Aero Shark's ability. By using one overlay unit, you take damage equal to the number of cards in my hand times 400 and I'm currently holding four." stated Aqua with a grin. "So go, Torpedo Launch!" shouted the girl as her monster absorbed one of its Xyz materials and then shot a load as it opened up and several small torpedos being launched as it collided with Malum who put his arm up as the explosions went off around him.
Malum's Life Points: 6400-

"Nice shot, Aqua." exclaimed Shane as he was proud of what his little sister did.

"So what? You may have dealt me damage, but I still have my monsters and my field spell."

"Then I should probably do something about that. I now play Surging Erosion. So now I can destroy one faceup field spell card on the field and then all my 'Water' monsters gain 500 more attack points until the end of the turn."

"What?!" said Malum as he was surprised by this move. "Since when could you pull off a move like that?"

"We told you, we've been improving since our first encounter. So now with your field spell gone, all your 'Cyberdark' monsters lose their extra protection. And now time to strike, Aero Shark attack his Cyber Twin Dragon!" shouted Aqua as her monster then swam over in a tidal wave as it unleashed its pair of jaws and chomped down on the dragon as it rusted and was washed away.

"You'll pay dearly for that, little girl! Since you destroyed my field spell, I can add a 'Polymerization' or 'Fusion' spell from my deck to my hand." shouted Malum.

"Oh, I'm scared." mocked Aqua as she did a quick hair flip. "I'll lay two cards facedown and end my turn."

"Nicely played, Aqua." complimented Isaac.

"Thanks." said the girl as she blushed from Isaac praising her. He totally like my move. This is the greatest day of my life.

"You have to tell me, where did you learn to duel with such heart and passion?" asked Isaac.

"Ohh, just a little thing here and there." smiled the girl sheepishly.

"You mean all the videos that you secretly watched on Isaac cause of your celebrity crush on him?" snickered Shane as he made fun of his little sister's crush.

"Shut up, bro!" said Aqua as her face was turning even more red. "That was when I was younger, I've grown out of that." Aqua quickly looked at Isaac as she still had parts of the celebrity crush on display.

"Well, I'm certainly impressed with your skills." stated Isaac as he gave the teen girl a thumbs up. Aqua was blushing even more from Isaac giving her more praises and one of his signature thumbs ups.

"Hey, no hitting on my sister." said Shane.

"Stay out of this, Shane! You're ruining the moment between me and Isaac." yelled Aqua.

"If you're both done flirting with each other, it's time to get back to business!" shouted Malum as he got the attention of the trio.

Turn 5: Malum

"It's my turn," said the dark lord, "you may have taken out my field spell, but my monsters are still as strong as they can be. Now I'll play Pot of Greed to draw two cards. I then summon my Proto-Cyber Dragon(1100/600) and then activate the spell card, Overload Fusion. With this I'm allowed to remove any fusion material monsters from my field or graveyard. Then I can summon a machine type monster, so by removing Proto-Cyber, and my two Cyber Dragons I can then summon Chimeratech Overdragon(?/?)!" Out emerged a hollow body as soon three separate heads appeared as they let out a roar.

"By sacrificing those three monsters, my Chimeratech gains 800 attack and defense points for each one for a total of 2400. But it doesn't stop there, my Overdragon can now attack three times since I used three monsters to fusion summon it." stated Malum. "Of course, that means my Cyberdark Horn i destroyed, but I'll bring it back with Monster Reborn.

"Uh, did he just say three attacks per round?!" said Aqua as she was a bit worried now.

"And we got two dragons to worry about again." said Isaac.

"Indeed, and now to put those attacks to use, so Chimeratech attack Aero Shark!" commanded Malum.

"I reveal my facedown, Zeus' Breath, now when you declare an attack I can negate it. And since I control a 'Water' type monster, I can deal you 800 points of damage!" shouted the girl as soon arising from a tide was a sea god as he raised his trident and caused a tidal wave to protect all three of them and soon a stream of water was shot towards Malum as he put his arms up to cover himself.

"So what? I'll activate my facedown, Damage Polarizer! So now I can turn all that effect damage to zero and then we each draw one card." stated Malum as all players drew a card. "But now you have nothing to protect yourself from my Chimeratech Overdragon, and don't forget it can attack two more times this battle. So looks like you all lose!"

"Aqua!!!" shouted Shane as he saw the attack heading for his little sister as he had nothing to save her.

"I told you big bro, I'm old enough to take care of myself. But that doesn't mean I won't ever stop needing you." said the girl as she looked at her sibling with a smile as it caused the boy to soften. "So let me show you, I activate my other facedown, Final Offering. So now I can end the battle phase, and then I give a card to another person, so big bro it's all yours!" said Aqua as she took one of her cards and tossed it to her brother as a huge wave came and stopped the attack of Chimeratech Overdragon as it washed over the monsters as they were soaked and showing a bit of rust.

"A perfect counter!" said Isaac.

"Aw, I just figured it would be rude of me to let you go without a monster out there with you. Especially for you, Isaac." said the girl.

"Thanks. And you can count on me to put your monster to good use." stated the boy.

"I'm sorry, Isaac. It truly is an unfortunate accident that you had to find yourself involved in all this. I would have loved to have met you under different circumstances, you have all the respect from me. But yet you've decided to help these miscreants and for that I must take you out as well." stated Malum.

"I now end my turn."

Turn 6: Isaac

"Then it's my move now! So get ready!" shouted Isaac as he drew his card.

"Very well, let's see what you got, Isaac." said Malum as he too wanted to see the skills of the person he had respect for in with his own eyes.

"Always wanted to him see in action!" said Aqua as her inner fangirl was showing.

"Isaac, my cards are your cards!" said Shane.

"Well, in that case, I'll use Reincarnation of Hope's effect to add a monster from my deck to my hand, and the monster I choose is Dark Magician!"

"As thought I didn't see that coming." said Malum as he wasn't too surprised by Isaac's choice but still was smiling on the inside of seeing one of Isaac's ace monsters.

"But before that, I think I'll play something to help give us the edge. So now I'll use my Scale 1 Sorcerer Swordsman and Scale 3 Black Arts Trickster to set the Pendulum Scale. I'm taking control of this duel, starting now!" shouted Isaac. Isaac's duel disk registered what he was doing as he placed the Pendulum cards on the far side of his card tray as the word 'Pendulum' in rainbow coloring spelled out to signal it worked. Isaac's two cards then appeared in columns of light as they stood still as the numbers showed in front of them.

"Is that Isaac's Pendulum Summoning?" said Aqua with the biggest smile on her face as the two of them watched Isaac in action.

"Now I activate my Black Arts Trickster's pendulum ability. Since I control a 'magician' in my other Pendulum Zone, I can raise the scale of my Black Arts Trickster's up to 10. Now I have brand new scale to work with and now I'm allowed to summon monsters from Level 2 through 9 all at the same time. Back and forth, to and fro, what's coming next? You'll all soon know! So swing far Pendulum and carve the arc that will lead me to victory! My monsters are ready to swing into action!" Isaac then thrusted his hand into the air as two lights came out of the giant portal above him. "Prepare to have your fortune told, it's my Black Robe Mentalist(1700/1300, Scale 7, Level 4). And lastly, meet the star monster of our show, Dark Magician!" Isaac now had two monsters appear at once as one of them was his ultimate spellcaster.

"According to the history books, that card was one of Isaac's most beloved monsters." stated Shane as he looked at the monster as it stood next to Isaac as he had only seen images of the two in his textbooks and from teachers.

"I know right, it's so cool. And we get to see it in person!" shouted Aqua with glee. "Man, this is the best day of my life!"

"Very well, Isaac. You managed to summon one of your best monsters, but even then you can't take me down." stated Malum.

"We'll see. Cause now I activate my Black Robe Mentalist's special ability, since there's 3 monsters currently on the field, I can now look at the top three cards of my deck and then add one of those to my hand." Isaac's duel disk screen then showed his options as he began to select the one he wanted as it ejected for him to grab. "Next, I'll use Aqua's monster so by using the last overlay unit, I can now deal you damage 400 points of damage equal to the number of cards I'm currently holding. So since I hold 5, that means another 2000 points of damage at your life points!" shouted Isaac as Aero Shark used its last Xyz material and dealt some more heavy damage.
Malum's Life Points: 4400-

"Nice shot, Isaac!"

"Thanks, Aqua. But I couldn't have done it without you or your monster." said the boy as she smiled at her.

"Oh, boy." said Shane as he saw his sister starting to blush as Isaac complimented his sister.

"So what, Isaac? Your magician is only strong enough to take down one of my monsters."

"True, that's the normally the case. That is until I play this, the spell card, Diffusion Wave Motion. So by giving up 1000 of our life points, I can now have my Dark Magician attack both of your monsters!"
Shane, Aqua, and Isaac's Life Points: 6000-

"What?!" said Malum.

"So Dark Magician take out his monsters with Dark Magic Attack!" shouted Isaac. Dark Magician then raised its wand as it took out Chimeratech Overdragon as it was destroyed. He then fired another spell as it was heading towards Cyberdark Horn.
Malum's Life Points: 2600-

"All right, I knew Isaac could find a way to takedown Malum's monsters." said Shane.

"Well, would you expect anything less." stated Aqua.

"Now, I'll place two cards facedown and then play the card I drew with my Black Robe Mentalist's ability, Card of Sanctity. So now we all draw to refill out hands. And with that, I'll end my turn."

Turn 7: Malum

"Very good, Isaac. I expected nothing less from your caliber; it truly is an honor to be in your presence, as evil as I may be, I must admit that you are truly someone I'm honored to call my enemy. Which is why my victory will that much more satisfying when I do destroy you." stated Malum as he drew. "And I must thank you cause now I have a brand new hand. So to start I'll activate the effect of my Future Fusion spell card. So by sending monsters in my deck, then during my 2nd Standby Phase, I can then summon a fusion monster that use those materials and summon it." Malum then grabbed five monsters from his deck as he sent all of them to the graveyard.

"Now I'll play the spell Fusion Recovery so that I can add my Polymerization and my Cyberdark Horn back to my hand. Then I'll play Graceful Charity to draw three cards and discard two. Then I play my Polymerization so that I can fuse together my Cyberdark Horn, Cyberdark Keel, and Cyberdark Edge in order to summon Cyberdark Dragon(1000/1000)!!!" shouted Malum as one of his most powerful monsters was on the field. "Now when its summoned, my Cyberdark Dragon gains the attack points of a dragon in my graveyard, so I choose my Spear Dragon so now Cyberdark Dragon has 2900 attack points and then for every monster in my graveyard, it gains an additional 100 attack points, and I have 11 which means my monster now has a total of 4000 attack points!"

"4000?!" said the trio as they saw the dragon powered up and let out a roar.

"Indeed, and now to put those points to use, Cyberdark Dragon attack Aero Shark!" shouted Malum as his dragon fired a beam of darkness as it took out Aqua's monster as she was tossed onto her back.
Shane, Aqua and Isaac's Life Points: 3900-

"Ahh!" said Aqua.

"Sis!" shouted Shane as he was concerned for his sister.

"I'm fine, bro. It takes more than that to keep me down."

"Next, I'll lay two cards facedown and end my turn."

Turn 8: Shane

"Then it's my turn." said Shane as he drew his card and hoped to do something better than his first turn. "Since you control a Level 5 or higher monster on the field, I can special summon this guy, come on out, Junk Giant(2000/2400) in defense mode!" said the boy as soon behind him rose a giant metal creature. "Then I'll summon my Jet Synchron(500/0). Now I tune my Level 6 Junk Giant with my Level 1 Jet Synchron." Jet Synchron then turned into one giant green rings as they circled around Junk Giant as it was in between them. "The spirits merge to form the arrow that pierces the sky! I Synchro Summon! Ready your bow, Junk Archer(2300/2000)!"

"Am I suppose to laugh, cause that monster doesn't seem much."

"Well, let's see about this. I activate Junk Archer's special ability, by I can banish your Cyberdark Dragon until the end phase of the round."


"I told you we improved since last time, now Junk Archer take out Cyberdark Dragon with Bull's Eye Banishing!!" shouted Shane as his monster pulled back it bow and then fired an arrow as it made Malum's monster disappear. "And with no monsters to protect you, time to go for your life points. Take it too him, Junk Archer!"

"Not so fast, I activate my Quick Summon spell card." said Malum as his facedown flipped up. "Now I can summon a monster to the field, so rise up Cyber Phoenix(1200/1600) in defense mode. So now since I have a monster on my field, you can't target my life points anymore."

"Fine then, I'll just take out your monster. Scrap Arrow!" shouted Shane as his monster took it target out.

"Now Cyber Phoenix's effects, since it was destroyed, I can draw one card from my deck."

"In that case, I'll place two cards facedown and end my turn."

"And now my Cyberdark Dragon rises up and don't forget it gains attack points for each monster in my graveyard, so it now has 2300 attack points."

Turn 9: Malum

"My turn, and now I'll play Exploder Dragon(1000/0) in attack mode. Then I'll have my Cyberdark Dragon attack your Junk Archer! Next, I'll reveal my facedown, Dragon Entitlement, so for this turn I can give my monster a temporary boost of 900 attack points." stated Malum as his dragon fired a beam as it took out Shane's monster.
Shane, Aqua, and Isaac's Life Points: 3000-

"With that done, I'll end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 10: Aqua

"Then it's my turn once again, and time for us to win. Now I summon Double Fin Shark(1000/1200)!" stated Aqua as she had her monster rise up from the water. " Then since I control a 'Water' monster, I can special summon my Silent Angler(800/1400) to the field. And Double Fin Shark counts as two monsters when I Xyz summon a 'Water' monster. So I'll overlay my Double Fin Shark to build the Overlay Network once more!" Double Fin Shark and Silent Angler then turned into three orbs of light as they shot into the air for a bit as a portal opened up in front of the girl. Soon they disappeared into the portal as a pillar of light emerged. "Make way for the killer of my deck, rise up from the briny depths of the sea. I Xyz Summon, Number 32: Shark Drake(2800/2300, OLU: 2)!" Aqua now had called upon of her most fearsome creatures of her deck as it appeared with fierce look on its face as it let out a growl.

"Incredible." said Isaac as he looked at Aqua's monster.

"So, Isaac what do you think? On second thought, hold that applause, cause I'm activating the spell card Deep Sea Attack. Now by sending a 'Water' monster with 2000 or more attack points from my hand to the graveyard, I can target one of our monster to attack you directly this turn. And I'll choose Isaac's Dark Magician." said Aqua as she sent her Sharkraken to her graveyard. "So now Dark Magician will attack Malum directly!" shouted Aqua.

"That won't work, cause I reveal my facedown, Power Wall. So now I can send cards from my deck to the graveyard so that I can reduce the damage I take by 100 so I choose to get rid of 25 cards in my deck to nullify all the damage."

"25 cards?!" said the trio.

"And now since all 25 of those were monsters, my Cyberdark Dragon gains more power to the tune of 5800 attack points!!!"

"Not good, in that case, Shark Drake attack his Exploder Dragon! Deep Sea Destruction!!" shouted the girl. Shark Drake heard its mistress command as it fired off its attack and made contact with target.

"You fool! When Exploder Dragon is destroyed, I don't take any damage. But not only that, your monster is now destroyed."

"What?!" shouted Aqua.

"So much for your plan." said Malum as a wall of fire was heading towards Shark Drake.

"I don't think so!" shouted Shane. "I reveal my facedown, Scrap-Iron Barricade. Now Shark Drake can't be destroyed by card effects this turn!" Soon a metal barricade formed around Shark Drake as it stopped the flames from turning it into fry calamari. "Then my trap flips back down so that I can use it again later."

"Thanks Shane."

"It's my job as your big brother to protect you." smiled the boy.

"So be it, you just made my Cyberdark Dragon even more powerful it now has 5900 attack points."

"True, but you won't win this, I'll lay a card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 11: Malum

"Then it's my turn, and now that two turns have passed since I activate my Future Fusion. I can now summon the monster I selected, so rise up my ultimate creature, Cyberdarkness Dragon(2000/2000)!!!" Out emerged another powerful dragon as it let out a roar as it looked at the trio. "Now my new monster can take the attack points of a monster in my graveyard and gain its attack points, so I'll attached my Cyberdark Cannon to raise its strength to 3600 attack points and now my Cyberdark Dragon lose 100 attack points but even so I now have the strongest monsters on the field." stated Malum as he looked to end this duel.

"Now Cyberdark Dragon attack her Shark Drake and end this duel!!" shouted Malum.

"Don't think so, I'll send Kuriboh from my hand so that we don't take any damage!" shouted Isaac as his tiny monster then appeared in front of Aqua as he nuzzled against the girl as she laughed and then together with Shark Drake used all their power to turn the damage to zero as both vanished.

"No way, you used Kuriboh, just like we told." smiled Aqua as she got to see Isaac's little monster in action but more importantly, the boy used it to save her from losing.

"Grr!!! Even now, you still manage to piss me off by using a weak and pathetic monster like Kuriboh to survive."

"I simply looked out for my teammate." said Isaac as he gave a smile to Aqua.

"Thanks, Isaac. And I promise it won't be for nothing, cause I reveal my facedown, Xyz Reborn! So now Shark Drake rise up once more from the graveyard, and then this trap turns into an Xyz material for my monster to use." said Aqua as she had her monster back.

"Very well, but let's see if you can save it a second time. Cyberdarkness Dragon attack Shark Drake!"

"You best believe I can, I reveal my facedown, Spellbinding Circle! So now your Cyberdarkness Dragon loses 700 attack points and can't move at all." said Isaac as he activated one of his facedowns and put a stop to Malum's second attack.

"You saved me twice." said Aqua as she looked at Isaac with a bit of red on her face.

"Anything for one of my fans." stated the boy.

"Then about this move, I activate the spell card, Dark Soul Extraction! Now I can deal damage equal to half of my Cyberdark Dragon's attack points. I warned you three to not interfere and now you'll see why. Now Duel Monsters shall perish, and buried beneath its ashes will be you three and all the monsters and cards you hold so dear!!!"

"I activate my other facedown, Emergency Provisions. So now I can send one spell or trap on our side of the field to gain 1000 life points. Shane, you mind?"

"Not gonna happen, cause now I send the my Cyberdark Cannon from my Cyberdarkness Dragon so that I can negate your little spell, Isaac." said Malum. "And like before my Cyberdark Cannon allows me to draw an extra card since it was sent to the graveyard when it was attached to my monster.

"AHH!" shouted all three as they were all tossed onto their backs as they had some scuffs appear on them.
Shane, Aqua, and Isaac's Life Points: 100-

"That's right lie there. There's nothing you can do!" said Malum as he let out a evil and sinister laugh.

"Can't give up..." said Shane as he struggled to stand on his feet.

"Have to keep going..." said Aqua as she stood up.

"The future... depends on us..." said Isaac as he too tried to muster up the courage to stand.

"I will admit you two did put up a fight, but not even the mighty Isaac by your side made a difference." said Malum as he ended his turn.

"Isaac, it's up to you now." said Shane. "It's your move."

"Just know that we're behind you-- all the way." said Aqua.

"Right. And I won't let you guys down." said Isaac as he looked at his deck. For Duel Monsters and all my friends!

Turn 12: Isaac

This is it, if there was ever a time for me to draw the right card, it's now. Come on deck, don't fail me now. Isaac then closed his eyes as he drew his card. The card was now surrounded in a white light as it was followed by a trail of rainbow coloring.

"Now let him have it!" shouted the siblings.

"Now for our draw-- and for your downfall, Malum!!!" said Isaac with a determined look on his face. "Hey, Aqua mind helping me with this next move."

"Sure thing."

"Now time to evolve! Go Chaos Xyz Evolution!" shouted Isaac and Aqua as both Shark Drake started to change itself into a more powerful version of itself. "Appear, Chaos Number 32: Shark Drake Veiss(2800/2100, OLU: 2)!" Now Shark Drake was a different color as it went from black to a lighter whiteish color as it let out a growl.

"What is this?!" said Malum.

"Now I'll sacrifice my Black Robe Mentalist so that I can summon my Dark Magician Girl!" said Isaac as he now had his female magician appear.

"Woah." said Shane. "Okay, seeing Isaac's Dark Magician Girl; she is way cuter and more beautiful in person."

"Who's the one blushing now, huh bro?" said Aqua as she teased her brother.

"You both ready." asked Isaac.

"Always, master." said Mahad.

"You can count on us, Isaac." stated Mana.

"Right, he can talk with his magicians." said Shane and Aqua as they saw in action Isaac speaking the spirits of his monsters.

"Then let's finish this, cause now I play the spell Monster Reborn to bring back Junk Archer." A portal opened up as Shane's monster was present. "Then I play my final card, Dark Magic Twin Burst so my Dark Magician gains the attack points of my Dark Magician Girl!"

"It doesn't have enough strength to take down my Cyberdark Dragon and the rest of my life points."

"Maybe not, but I think I might have something. I reveal Scarp-Iron Idol. So since we control a 'Junk' monster, I can double the attack points of a monster on the field and I choose Isaac's Dark Magician." said Shane.

"Hey let me get in on the fun, and I can with this. By activating my Shark Dark Veiss's ability, since our life points are 1000 or less by using one overlay unit, I can banish a monster from my graveyard and reduce your Cyberdark Dragon to 0 until the end phase!" shouted Aqua as her monster used its material and made a massive tide flood over Cyberdark Dragon as it was rusting and malfunctioning.

"No!!" said Malum as his monster was weak and Isaac's magician had 9000 attack points.

"Now time to end this!" said Isaac as he looked at the pair as they nodded in agreeance.

"Let's do this!" shouted the trio as Isaac's magician and each of their respective monsters all leaped into the air as they prepared for one final attack.

"Dark Magician, Dark Magician Girl! Attack!" shouted Isaac.

"Junk Archer attack!" shouted Shane as his monster transferred its power.

"Shark Drake Veiss attack!" shouted Aqua as her monster did the same.

"Let this be proof-- the light will always overcome the dark!" stated Isaac as his magicians were powered by their comrades.

"Now go, Twin Dark Destruction Arrow!!!" shouted all three of them with Isaac's magicians. Soon the massive attack combined into one as it was heading towards Cyberdark Dragon as it let out a cry as soon the explosion soon enveloped Malum.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" shouted Malum as he was defeated and was gone.
Malum's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Shane, Aqua, and Isaac

There were kids in the park as they were laughing and having fun. Couple were talking nice long walks as they enjoyed themselves as the small creatures were doing their own thing. The sun was still high as it looked to be setting as an orange light casted over the town of Canterlot. Watching all this was the trio as they were taking in all the peace and quiet as it served as a sense of tranquility and accomplishment.

"So looks like our work here is done." said Shane.

"Looks that way." said Isaac.

Soon a portal opened up behind them as the device Aqua was holding was responding as it seemed to open up the way home for the duo.

"Well, guess this is good-bye, then. It was great meeting you, Isaac." said Aqua.

"It was my pleasure."

"Hey, think we'll all meet again sometime?" asked the girl.

"Probably not." joked Shane as it got all of three to let out a laugh. "But if we do, let's make sure that the whole world of Duel Monsters isn't on the line again."

"You said it, Shane. Maybe we could duel each other. Whatever happens, I know the bond we formed here today is one that's going to stand the test of time." said Isaac.

"All of time." said Aqua as she put her hand in.

"Absolutely." stated Shane as he put his hand on top of his sister as Isaac did the same as all three looked at each other with a smile.

"Well, time to head home now." said Shane as he and Aqua grabbed their backpacks and their bags from the shopping they did in Isaac's time as they prepared to head through the portal.

"I'm probably never going to ever get a chance to do this, so I'm gonna go for it." said Aqua as she leaned in and kissed Isaac's cheek for a few seconds. She then pulled away as her excitement went through the roof. "Just something I can hold on to."

"Then about something even better." said Isaac with a sly smile as he returned the kiss from Aqua as he gave her a quick peck on her cheek as he pulled back and winked at her for being a fan of his.

"Definitely never gonna wash this cheek again." said the girl as her face was turning different shades of red from getting a kiss from her celebrity crush.

"Alright, enough of that. Let's go, sis." stated Shane as he and Aqua prepared to walk through the portal. They were about to step through when Isaac called out to them.

"Hold on! I know you guys can't tell me anything about what I do in the future. But can at you at least give me something, like how I turn out? If I ever get to be happy?" asked Isaac.

The pair just looked at each other and smiled as they addressed the boy. "Well, who do you think inspired us to become duelists." stated Shane as he pointed at him and his sister. "Even with the great legends of the past, you were the one that we related to the most." That answer got Isaac's eyes to widen as he couldn't believe that Shane and Aqua were people who looked up to him in the future and was the reason they got involved in the game.

"Keep doing what you're doing, and everything will work out." said Aqua. She and Shane then entered the portal as it closed up behind them as Isaac was left alone staring at where they once stood a moment ago.

At long last, I finally feel like I focus on the future. Malum may have painted a bleak picture for world, but I know nothing is ever set in stone. Because the true magic of Duel Monsters isn't just in the card, it's in all the friendships I've forged thanks to this game. Isaac now had a smile on his face as he began to head home as nighttime was starting to fall.

The portal opened up and soon both Shane and Aqua stepped out of it with their bags as the device broke apart and the portal closed up forever. They looked around and saw that their home and the city of Ironhaven was back to its rightful glory as there was people about having fun and just enjoying themselves. The sun was high in the sky as it was the middle of the day, the sky was blue and clear, and the sounds of cars and animals were going on about them.

"Home." said Aqua.

"It's good to be back." said Shane. He then put his left right arm over his sister's shoulder as he kiss her head to which she wrapped her arms around her brother to give him a hug. "Let's go, mom and dad are waiting for us."

"I'll race you there." said Aqua as she grabbed her bag and backpack and began to run in the direction of their home as Shane did the same and chased after his sister as the two of them were laughing as the scene slowly started to move up as on the sign of a billboard was a picture of Isaac from their time period.

Author's Note:

Hope you enjoyed this little time travel adventure. Also a little thing, that scene with Twilight means a bit more, it's not going to be something per say in the final arc, but moreso for the finale of this story. So for now, don't think too much about it, but keep it in the back of your thoughts.

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