• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 92: Robots

The door closed as it was dark; soon that dark started to fade away as the background started to come into view. Isaac was currently lying on the floor as he slowly lifted his head up. He felt something on his chest as he saw that Sunset was lying on top of him. When he was escaping from the volcano, he had his arm out as Sunset was able to pull him to safety. However when Sunset pulled him in, it caused both of them to tumble through the doors as they landed on the hard floor as Sunset had managed to land on Isaac. Sunset then started to open her eyes as she took in the position that she and Isaac found themselves in.

"Well this is sight that I didn't expect to wake up to." said Isaac.

"You really want me that badly, boy toy?" said Sunset as she teased Isaac. "I don't mind being on the side, as long as I get to have a hands-on experience." Sunset was now starting to caress Isaac's cheek.

"Hope I'm not interrupting anything." Twilight was now standing over the two as she addressed them with a stern tone and had her arms crossed.

"You really can't let me have any fun, huh Twilight?" Sunset then got off of Isaac as she dusted herself.

"Thanks, Sunset." said Isaac as he too got up from the hard floor. "Where are we?"

"Seems to be some sort of cave." said Spike.

"Great, so now what?" asked Isaac.

Rarity and Pinkie Pie were still walking along the hallway that they found themselves when they woke up. They figured that they could potential find a way out but it seemed that the hallway was endless. No matter how much they kept on walking it seemed like they were stuck in an loop.

"Pinkie darling, let's take a break. We don't seem to be getting anywhere." complained Rarity.

"I know we're close to finding the exit."

"What gave you that assumption?"

"Duh, my Pinkie sense. It's a tingling." said Pinkie. She then put her hands on the wall as if she was looking for something.

"This is a tragedy, how are we gonna find the exit? Let alone that, what about our friends? I can't imagine what that dastardly, Gamemaster has in store for us all." said Rarity as she was sitting up against the wall.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy was by a pond as she looked at the animals.

"This place feels real, but yet it's a virtual. I don't get it." said Fluttershy was she dipped her hand into the water. "The breeze, it's as if I was back in the real world. I've changed my mind, I don't want to be alone anymore." shouted Fluttershy. Soon from behind her there was a rustling from the bushes, Fluttershy noticed this as she slowly backed away. "Who's there? Rainbow Dash? Isaac?"

"Pinkie, will you give it up already? There's no way for us to get out of here." said Rarity as she was trying to keep her hair in check.

"There's a door here, I can taste it." said Pinkie as she started to sniff the wall.

"Oh god, why did I have to get stuck with her?" complained Rarity.


Both Rarity and Pinkie heard a scream as it echoed the hallway.

"Did you hear that? That sounds like Fluttershy!" Rarity was now concerned about her friend. "She must be in danger. We have to help her."

"Found it!" shouted Pinkie as she put a finger to the wall and the entire wall crumbled to reveal the outside.

"How? Did? I'm not gonna ask." said Rarity as she didn't understand Pinkie Pie's antics.

Both girls stepped through the opening as they found themselves on a castle as they were on the castle wall. They took in the sight before their eyes as they were surprised with how big the world was. Soon they heard a growl that was so loud, with that they found some stairs as they followed the noise to its very source. They then exited the castle as they came to a pond as they saw a sight that had their jaws drop.

"Does that feel better, Mr. Bear?" said Fluttershy as she was rubbing its sore paw. Soon a couple of squirrels and bunnies came as they brought some things from the forest to help heal the bear. "Thanks everyone." Fluttershy then took the stuff from the woodland critters as she began to make a cast made from leaves and applied a sap from berries and other stuff as it was to help sooth the pain. "There we go, all better. Now remember no climbing trees, you need to let that paw rest." demanded Fluttershy. The bear nodded as it nuzzled Fluttershy who just let out a giggle.

"Oh, hey girls."

"Fluttershy, we heard a scream and thought you needed help." said Rarity.

"Oh, yeah. Well turns out it was just a bear that was suffering from some pain. So I decided to help him and I asked all the other creatures to get me the supplies I needed to make him feel better." said Fluttershy.

Soon the animals all sense something as it caused all of them to fully retreat into the forest. The girls all noticed this as they felt a strong breeze starting to blow in their face as they tried to keep the skirts down. They then looked in the direction that the wind was blowing to see what was happening.

"That breeze feels nice... Ahh!" said Pinkie as she wasn't concerned.

"As much I hate this place, I'll admit it does have some good points." said Rarity. "Still I miss the real world and I hope the others are safe."

"We've got to work together to find a way out of here! And time's running out!" stated Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy is right, the Gamemaster could show up at any minute. It did say that every one of us will be dueling; so the Gamemaster is not only after Isaac, Twilight, Rainbow, or any of others who're more skilled. They'll also be targeting us." said Rarity.

"I just hope that everybody else doing better than us." said Fluttershy with concern.

"Don't worry about it. Nobody can defeat big bro, why I bet he's already looking for us." said Pinkie.

"Where the hell are we going!?!" shouted Isaac as he walking along with Spike and the girls along the cave.

"I told you the best way to get out of here is to find the exit. There should a be opening somewhere in this place." said Twilight.

"Well guys, the good news is that each of us has defeated the Gamemaster at least once." said Spike as he tried to lift their spirits. "Aside, from Isaac."

"The bad news is we don't know where the Gamemaster is gonna strike next! Or who they're gonna strike next!" stated Sunset.

"Well we better get moving then!" said Isaac as he began to run.

"Isaac! Wait up!" said the three of them as they chased after Isaac.

Back with the three girls, they were talking when they noticed a door appear out of nowhere. Safe to say that it was pretty obvious what this meant.

"Please tell me we're not going through that door!" said Fluttershy. "Right, girls?"

"Well... What if it leads back home to the real world?" said Pinkie with a cheery expression.

"And what if it doesn't?" Fluttershy was now hiding behind Rarity. "Maybe we should just turn back." Fluttershy then tried to walk away only for the door to follow her and appear in front of her. She then changed direction only for it to do the same. Seems like the door wasn't going anywhere.

"I hate to say it, but it doesn't seem we have a choice." stated Rarity.

"Okay then." said Pinkie as she rushed to the door and opened it.

"Pinkie! Hold on!" shouted the two of them.

It was too late as Pinkie opened the door and a bright light came out of it as it caused them to shield their eyes.

"Oh, it's too bright to see!" stated Rarity.

The light died down and the girls all opened their eyes. That light was more than just a visual effect as the girls realized they were no longer in the same terrain from before they opened the door. They were now in some sort of factory as they could see tons of machines and appliances at work. It seemed they were creating something.

"Where are we?" asked Fluttershy.

"My guess is that this is another part of the Gamemaster's virtual world." said Rarity. "Ugg, talk about messing, I could break a nail. Let alone the stench in this place." Rarity wasn't the biggest fan of what she saw.

"So... are we in the real world?" asked Pinkie.

"I don't think so... look!" said Fluttershy as she pointed up.

"It's some kind of a giant robot or something?" said Rarity.

The robot was now being lowered down as it stood across from them. Soon its systems were starting up as its eyes light up and it began to move and speak.

"Greetings, duelists. I've been waiting to meet all of you. As you're all aware, I'm the Gamemaster. But for this battle, I've taken the form of Machine King. A creature that represents the power of machine over man." stated the Gamemaster. "You see I've got a hobby of creating some advance machinery in my spare time. Now then... the shy one is first!" said Machine King as it pointed at Fluttershy.

"Me?" said Fluttershy as she was scared that she was the first target.

"Now hold on there, leave Fluttershy out of this!" stated Rarity. "If gonna duel someone, then duel me."

"No, fight me!" said Pinkie as she was bouncing up and down.

"Pinkie, now's not the time to games." she stated.

"Games? Oh, I love games." A lightbulb then went off in Pinkie's head, "I just thought of a great game we can play. How about me and Rarity team up and take on you?" giggled Pinkie with a smile on her face.

"Negative. But... you've given me an idea. The duel shall be three, against one!" said Machine King as he pointed at each of the girls.

"You're kidding!" said Rarity in disbelief.

"No. You see I know that you three don't spend as much time dueling as your friends. Which means this will be an easy task, for once I win, I'll be leaving your three minds trapped here forever!" stated Machine King. "When this duel is over, I'll have proven once and for all that machines are more powerful than people!"

"In your dreams." said Rarity. "Are you ready, Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy was hiding behind Rarity, she was still scared about dueling seeing as if she lost then her mind would be trapped here. But now that she knew she would have the others by her side, she felt a bit more confident as took a deep breath and put on a serious face. Pinkie just kept bouncing up and down with a care in the world as she was excited to have some fun with her friends.

"Seems we're all ready!" said Rarity as she flipped her hair.

"I intend to pull the plug on all three of you. So let us begin this duel!" The Gamemaster then activated his duel disk as the girls all did the same as it projected their individual color card tray. "It's time to build your decks for the duel. Simply touch the cards you desire."

"All right girls," said Rarity as she was in the middle of the two, "Remember what Isaac always says. Trust our instincts and make sure we pick a nice variety of cards." With that Rarity and the others began to select the cards they wanted.

"This... and this... and... Oh, that one!" said Pinkie as she was picking her cards in a fast pace. "Big bro would kill me if I didn't pick this one!" Pinkie then touched her card, "Whew, glad I got that over with." she said with a smile on her face.

"Well, here goes." said Fluttershy as she was picking the last bits of her cards for her deck. With that all three girls had their decks made as it appeared in their hands.

"Now it's time to choose a monster to act as your Deck Master!" stated Machine King.

"All right, my deck master is gonna be Crystal Seer!" said Rarity as her monster appeared next to her.

"Ohh, a new monster. Nice one, Rarity." Pinkie just kept on smiling. "As for me, I pick Madolche Magileine!" Out came a girl monster as she had a big fork in her hand.

"Hey, Pinkie? Since when did you have a new deck?" asked Fluttershy.

"I was expecting you to go with your classic Toon deck." Seems Rarity was also caught off guard by Pinkie's new deck.

"Well, I've been practice it with Isaac in secret. Still, I'll always love my little beloved Toons. Oh the memories, we've had. Don't worry little guys, Pinkie's coming home soon." shouted Pinkie as she saw her Toon monsters appearing in front of her as they wore t-shirts that had Pinkie's face and had a couple of posters of her as they cheered her on. Rarity and Fluttershy just looked at Pinkie with a confused look on their faces as they saw nothing.

"Right, well I choose Gallis the Star Beast!" said Fluttershy as her monster appeared next to her. It then lowered its head as it nuzzled against Fluttershy showing its love and devotion to helping her and their friends to win this duel.

"And I'll be acting as my own Deck Master, Machine King!" Soon the entire field began to change. "And just to make this duel more interesting, we'll be battling above a sea of radioactive waste. Play by the rules and you won't fall in."

"Play by the rules!?! Darling, I can barely stand the stench of this place." Rarity was now covering her noise as she did her best to not throw up from the smell of the waste. Seems the real threat was whether or not Rarity was going to tolerate the smell rather than who was her opponent.

"There's one regulation in particular I'll be strictly enforcing. Under no circumstances are any of you to discuss your strategy with one another. Break this rule and you'll plummet into the toxic abyss below!" stated the Gamemaster as it was taking every precaution to not have a repeat with what occurred in Spike's duel with him receiving advice from Isaac.

"Well, that just changed everything." said Fluttershy as she was even more terrified.

"Party pooper!" pouted Pinkie.

"It's all right, darlings. We can do this! We just have to believe in ourselves and our decks!" stated Rarity. "Remember what Isaac says..."

"Put your trust in your deck and it will trust in you!" said all three girls in unison as they all slotted in their decks into the duel disk.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Fluttershy's Life Points: 8000-

Machine King's Life Points: 8000-

Pinkie Pie's Life Points: 8000-

Rarity's Life Points: 8000-

"The shy one shall begin this battle. Engage!" stated the Gamemaster.

Turn 1: Fluttershy

"Whatever you say. Here goes!" Fluttershy drew her card as she began to decide, "Let's see. Which card should I play? Ahh, that's the one! Now I summon my Bicorn Re'em(800/1600) in defense mode. And that's all."

Turn 2: Rarity

"My turn, so stand back, darling." Rarity drew her card and was figuring out her plan. "I'll play my Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle in defense mode. Next I'll place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 3: Pinkie

"My move, I summon Madolche Anjelly(1000/1000)." Out came a small girl as she floated above her pastry and had tons of little candies levitating near her. "Next I'll activate my monster's special ability, so now I can tribute this tasty treat for something even sweeter. So I bid farewell to Anjelly and with it I summon Madolche Puddingcess(1000/1000)." Pinkie's monster was then replaced with another tiny monster. This time it was a blond, cute little girl as she wore a dress that looked like pudding. "Since I used my Anjelly's effect to summon my Puddingcess, I have to shuffle her back into my deck at the end of my next turn. I'll then place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 4: Machine King

"It's time for me to accelerate into high gear, with this! I summon Giga-Tech Wolf(1200/1400)! Now I'll have my Deck Master's ability activates which allows my machine-type monsters to gain an additional 100 attack points for every machine on the field, including me. So now my monster gains 200 more points. Attack the pinky puffy haired girl's monster!" Giga-Tech Wolf then raced forward as it leaped high into the air as it sunk it's jaws onto Pinkie's monster as it disappeared.
Pinkie's Life Points: 7600-

"The thing about my Madolche is that I can using them over and over again, kind of like ingredients. So now instead of going to the graveyard, my Madolche Puddingcess is now shuffled back into my deck." Pinkie then picked up beloved Puddingcess as she placed it on top of her deck for the autoshuffler to kick in.

"It appears the machines are ahead." chuckled the Gamemaster.

"Pinkie, are you okay?" asked Rarity.

"Of course I am."

"Not for long you won't, we're living in an age where machines rule! And now all of you are paying the price!" stated Machine King. "It's time to for you to feel my iron fist again! Even the three of you combined can't take me down. Now observe as I play my Final Artillery continuous spell card, now each machine monster I discard will inflict 500 life points of damage to each one of you!" The Gamemaster then sent three cards as each of the girls were about to take a big hit.

"Uhhh!!!" All of the girls felt the blast as it caused them to be flung onto their backs as their life points took some major damage.
Rarity's Life Points: 6500-

Fluttershy's Life Points: 6500-

Pinkie's Life Points: 6100-

"That's enough torment for now. So I'll place this card facedown and end my turn." said Machine King.

Meanwhile, Isaac and the group were still running through the cave when they heard a scream.

"Did you hear that?" asked Isaac as he stopped. "That was Fluttershy screaming just now, I know it!"

"Then that means she's close by! We better hurry, who knows what the Gamemaster is doing to her." stated Sunset.

"Fluttershy! We're coming!" Isaac then resumed back to running as the rest of the group followed behind him as they tried to follow Fluttershy's voice and possibly find her.

Turn 5: Fluttershy

"Okay." Fluttershy then drew her card as she tried to figure out a plan. This is bad, I can't be able to discuss my plan with the girls. Which means I can't coordinate with them on how to take down this Machine King.

"Stay calm, Fluttershy." Rarity was doing her best to help her stay calm.

"Silence! No discussing moves!" shouted the Gamemaster.

"Alright, time for me to activate my Deck Master's ability." said Fluttershy. "Now thanks to Gallis the Star Beast's ability, I can draw the top card of my deck and if it's a monster then you take damage equal to its level by 200. I've drawn my Heraldic Beast Unicorn, and it's level 4. So that means you'll be taking 800 points of damage." Fluttershy then sent her card to the graveyard as the spirit of her monster charged forward as it hit Machine King right in the chest.
Machine King's Life Points: 7200-

"I'll then play one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 6: Rarity

"Fabulous job, Fluttershy. Now time for me to take action," Rarity drew her card, "To start, I'll activate my Deck Master's ability, now Crystal Seer allows me to excavate the top 2 cards of my deck and I choose which one to add to my hand while the other goes to the bottom of my deck." Rarity then picked up her cards as she looked at them, once she made her decision, she then added the card she wanted to her hand while she slid the other card into her duel disk as it placed the card on the bottom of her deck.

"Next I'll play the card that I got, so I call forth my Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat. Then I'll activate my Amethyst Cat's effect, so I can cut her attack points in half and she's allowed to attack you directly! Spring to it, my dear Amethyst!" shouted Rarity. Her cat then pulled out its sharp claws as it leaped into the air and left a good scratch on Machine King's chest.
Machine King's Life Points: 6600-

"With that, everything seems to be even." said Rarity as she ended her turn.

Turn 7: Pinkie

"My turn, I'll play the continuous spell card, Madolche Salon. Thanks to this card, I can now do two summons in my turn. So with that I'll summon a pair of Madolche Chouxvalier(1700/1300)." Pinkie now had two monsters that had a tiny cute boy riding a horse as they wielded what appeared to be a lance or sword that was made of peppermint. "Next I'll play Block Attack and with it I can change the position of one monster on the field."

"Nice effort... But it's time to reveal my facedown card: Riryoku Field. It destroys any card that's used on a monster!" The Gamemaster then got rid of Pinkie's card with ease.

"Aww, oh well. I guess I'll activate the effort of my Madolche Chouxvalier, now whenever he's summoned, I can add a 'Madolche' monster from my deck to my hand. And since I played two, I can double the fun by adding two 'Madolche' cards instead of one. "Now I'll overlay both of my Madolche to construct the Overlay Network; I Xyz Summon Madolche Queen Tiaramisu(2200/2100, OLU: 2)!" Pinkie's two monster transformed into orbs of light as they entered a vortex, a pillar of light then appeared as out came Pinkie's tiny queen as she sat on a throne of a taste chocolate sweet.

"Now time to fight back, I'll have my Madolche Tiaramisu attack your Giga-Tech Wolf!" shouted Pinkie. Her queen then took out her tiny scepter as she knocked it on the head of the wolf who fell over in a cartoonish way as it was destroyed.
Machine King's Life Points: 5800-

"I'll then end my turn."

Turn 8: Machine King

"Thanks for that, cause when a machine-type monster is destroyed, I can play my Reproduction spell card. So now I can replace the monster that I lost with a different one from my deck. So I choose to play a copy of myself, I call forth Machine King(2200/2000)." The Gamemaster then drew his card.

"What!?!" shouted all the girls.

"Now thanks to its special ability Machine King receives another 100 attack points for every machine-monster in play, including myself. And now it's time to put them to use! Machine King, attack the female's Madolche Queen Tiaramisu!" Machine King than lifted its fist as it pointed it at Pinkie's monster. Soon it detached its fist as it made contact with Pinkie's monster and then continued as it headed toward Pinkie who took the full brute of the attack as it caused her to fall to a knee.
Pinkie's Life Points: 5900-

"Pinkie!?!" screamed Fluttershy and Rarity as they were concerned.

"That hurt... now I know what Isaac goes through." Pinkie said as she tried to get back up. "I now reveal my facedown, Madolche Leftovers. Now I can bring back the monsters that I used to Xyz summon my Madolche Queen Tiaramisu in defense mode, but their effects are negated." With that Pinkie was able to get her monsters back as she had some form of protection.

"Now I activate Card of Sanctity! Requiring all of us to draw from out decks. Don't stop until you have six cards in your hand!" stated the Gamemaster as he and the girls replenished their hands. "Think of it as recharging your batteries to refresh the game!"

"Darling, are you done talking?" stated Rarity as she had a hand on her hip.

"Not yet. Next I'll activate my Final Artillery spell card, so I'll dispose of three machine monsters to deal each of you 1500 points of damage. Ready, aim, and... Fire!!!" With that three cannons shot out their ammo as it collided with the girls who all were brought to their knees as they felt the attack. "Soon you'll all be obsolete!" chuckled Machine King.
Fluttershy's Life Points: 5000-

Rarity's Life Points: 5000-

Pinkie's Life Points: 4400-

"Now I'll place this facedown and end my turn."

Turn 9: Fluttershy

"Here goes... I summon Vampire Koala(1800/1500) in defense mode! With that I'll just end my turn."

Turn 10: Rarity

"All right then, now I summon my Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise in defense mode. Then I'll switch my Amethyst Cat also into defense mode!"

Turn 11: Pinkie

"As for me, I'll summon my Madolche Petingcessoeur also in defense mode!"

"Looks like you've lined up your monsters for me to knock down one by one, as I move closer to disassembling all three of you." stated Machine King. "Or is it perhaps you're hoping that you can somehow stall long enough for all of you to implement a proper plan."

Turn 12: Machine King

"Unfortunately for you all, I won't let that happen." stated the Gamemaster as he drew his card.

"All right, you rust bucket! You'll never get past our army of defensive monsters." stated Rarity.

"Is that a good idea to taunt him?" asked Fluttershy.

"It's fine he doesn't have enough cards left to activate his Final Artillery spell card again, so our life points are safe." said Pinkie with a smile.

"Almost correct... but you've all forgotten about my trap card! I activate Backup Soldier."

"Oh no, what's that?" said Fluttershy as she trembled.

"Since I have more than five monsters in my graveyard, this trap card allows me to bring three of them back to my hand! So it looks like I'll be able to activate my spell card after all." said Machine King as she grabbed his cards. "Now I'll take the three monsters I've just received and deposit them back to the graveyard!" With that some more cannons appeared again.

"Darling, show some originality for once! You can't just simply rely on something out of date to stay relevant." demanded Rarity.

"Why change a good thing? Attack!" said the Gamemaster as all three of the girls took another major hit to their life points. "Reliability is the key to a good invention!"
Fluttershy's Life Points: 3500-

Rarity's Life Points: 3500-

Pinkie's Life Points: 2900-

"He's too strong!" said Fluttershy as she clutched herself.

"Affirmative... but you've only seen a small sample of my overall strength! What you're about to experience will blow your circuits! Meet Clockwork Night! This magic card has the power to transform all of your monsters into machines!"

"Say what?" stated Pinkie.

"Impossible." said Rarity.

"And in addition to turning your creature into metal, they'll each lose 500 attack points!"

Vampire Koloa (1800 → 1300), Bicorn Re'em (800 → 300), Emerald Tortoise (600 → 100), Cobalt Eagle (1400 → 900), Emerald Tortoise (800 → 300), Madolche Petingcessoeur (1400 → 900), Madolche Chouxvalier(s) (1700 → 1200).

"And don't forget, my Machine King gets an additional 100 points for every machine monster in play... and I count eight." The Gamemaster's monster then powered up as it now had 3200 attack points. "Finally, Clockwork Night gives my Machine King 500 extra points! Making it have a grand total of 3700 attack points!"

"Oh no, he can't be stopped now!"

"It's okay, Fluttershy. Everything's under control. Our monsters are in defense mode, remember? If we keep cool, that pile of scrap can't hurt us." giggled Pinkie.

"You must grow tired of being wrong all the time. Not to mention pretty annoying and down right stupid!!!" yelled the Gamemaster as it caused Pinkie to shed a few tears at the harsh choice of words. "Engage Malfunction! You see unlike humans, machines follow commands!"

"What's happening?" asked Fluttershy as their monsters were now standing up.

"I'm afraid we're about to find out, darling!"

"If you haven't already figured it out, this magic card gives me the power to change all your monsters from defense to attack mode! So once again, your life points are in danger!" stated the Gamemaster.

"I always did hate machines!" complained Rarity.

"He never lost control of this match for a second!" informed Fluttershy.

"Now witness the triumph of machine over man... or should I say 'female'! Now my monster prepare to attack Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise! End her life points! Your monster has sadly become last year's model!" With that Machine King then launched its fists at Rarity's Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise as it was destroyed and shattered into a million particles of gem dust.

"I reveal my facedown, Cut Jewel! Now I send a 'Crystal Beast' from my deck to the graveyard, as a result, I can cut your monster's attack in half!" Rarity then sent her Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth to the graveyard as she cut down Machine King's attack before it collided with her as she was sent flying back.
Rarity's Life Points: 1750-

"Rarity!!" shouted Pinkie and Fluttershy as they watched their friend get flung back.

"Uhh... I'm fine... darlings." said Rarity as she struggled to get back up. The attack really threw Rarity for a loop as her hair was now messing and she had a couple of scratches and dirt on her outfit. Rarity was trying to catch her breath as she was able to activate her trap card in time to save her from losing the duel all together. "Now since my Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise was destroyed, I can place it in my spell and trap zone instead of the graveyard." A green gem then appeared in Rarity's backrow.

Back in the cave, Rarity's scream from when she hit by the attack was heard by the others.

"That sounded like Rarity!" said Spike.

"Then we better hurry!" shouted Sunset as they raced forward.

Turn 13: Fluttershy

"My turn," Fluttershy drew her card as she looked to swing the momentum. "First up, I'll use the ability of Deck Master, so now I draw a card and if it's a monster then I discard and you take damage. I've drawn my Blade Rabbit, so you take another 400 points of damage." Fluttershy then sent her card to the grave, as her tiny rabbit appeared next to Machine as he gave scratch on his leg as it was nothing.
Machine King's Life Points: 5400-

"Next, I'll play Key Mouse(100/100). But this little guy won't be around for long, cause I'm to use him to call on a better creature. So now I tune me Level 1 Key Mouse with my Level 4 Bicorn Re'em." Both of Fluttershy's monsters then took to the sky as Key Mouse turned into a ring as Bicorn Re'em jumped in it. "Feel the winds blow and watch the storm clouds up above rumble with electricity as I Synchro Summon, Thunder Unicorn!" Fluttershy's great beast raced down from the heavens as it landed with the sound of thunder.

"Now with my Bicorn Re'em gone, your monster loses 100 extra attack points which drops it to 1550. Furthermore, the effect of my Bicorn means you send the top 2 cards of your deck to the graveyard, since I used it for a Synchro Summon." The Gamemaster then sent his cards to the grave as Fluttershy looked ready to strike. "Then I'll have my Thunder Unicorn attack your monster." The Gamemaster's monster then lifted its fist as both were destroyed.
Machine King's Life Points: 4750-

"Now I'll have my Vampire Koala attack you direct!" With that Fluttershy's other monster sank their teeth and claws into the Gamemaster as its body was having lost of dents.
Machine King's Life Points: 3450-

"I'll then end my turn."

Turn 14: Rarity

"My turn, now I'll activate my Deck Master's ability, so I use my Crystal Seer to excavate the top 2 cards of my deck and choose one to add to my hand." Rarity then picked up her cards as she grabbed the one she wanted while sending the other to the bottom of her deck. "Next I'll play my Crystal Bond spell card, so I'll add my Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger to my hand and place my Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle in my spell and trap zone. Then I'll play the card I added to my hand, my Crystal Promise. So now I release my Ruby Carbuncle and when Ruby is released so are my other Crystal Beast in my spell and trap zone." Ruby then came out as it lifted its tail and a red light emitted from it as it allowed Rarity's Emerald Tortoise to join the field.

" I'll then shift my Cobalt Eagle and Amethyst Cat to attack mode. Now time to end this duel, go my Crystal Beasts take this ruffian out!" Rarity gave her crystals their command as they looked to end the battle.

"Not so fast, one of the monsters I sent to my graveyard was Electromagnetic Turtle. So I banish it to immediately end the battle phase." A tiny turtle then came out as it released the stored electricity that was on its body as it created a wall that paralyzed Rarity's monsters.

"In that case, I'll end my turn."

Turn 15: Pinkie

"Guess it's up to me, here we go," Pinkie drew her card and she began to think about how she could potential end this duel on her turn. "I'll play the field spell, Madolche Chateau." Pinkie then changed the entire battlefield as a chateau made of cake and sweets appeared as a couple of her tasty monster came out to greet her and offer her some sweets. "Hmm. Tasty. Now I activate my Madolche Chateau, so now I can shuffle both all of the 'Madolche' monsters in my graveyard back into a my deck and in addition all my 'Madolche' monsters gain 500 attack and defense points. Next, I'll play Madolche Service. So I'll get rid of one of my Madolche Chouxvalier and as a result I can add a 'Madolche' card from my deck to my hand. Next I'll use my Deck Master's ability, Madolche Magileine allows me to add a 'Madolche' monster from my deck to my hand whenever I normal or special summon a monster. So I'll tribute my other Chouxvalier to summon my Madolche Puddingcess once again." Pinkie then picked the card she wanted from her deck.

"Don't forget that I also get an additional summon due to my Madolche Salon, so I'll tribute my Madolche Petingcessoeur to summon another Madolche Puddingcess!" Pinkie now had two of the same monsters, "Now I'll take this delectable duo of monsters and turn it into something even more tasty. I overlay both of Madolche Puddingcess and construct the Overlay Network; I Xyz summon Madolche Puddingcess Chocolat-a-la-mode(2500/2200)!" Pinkie now had a different cute little princess as she was wearing a dress that looked like chocolate with a couple of frosting at the ends of it making some swirls. "Don't forget that thanks to my field spell, my Madolche Puddingcess Chocolat-a-la-mode receives 500 extra attack points! Now I'll have my devilish monster give you a sweet surprise... attack him!!!!!!" shouted Pinkie as she levitated in the air a bit while waving her arms.

"You really are a pain in the ass! So annoying, but you're even more stupid than you look!" stated the Gamemaster. "I discard Swift Scarecrow to negate your attack and end your battle phase!"

A scarecrow then came out as it stopped Madolche Puddingcess Chocolat-a-la-mode in her tracks. It turned it's head towards her as it let a horrifying look as it scared Pinkie's monster to death that she immediately returned back to Pinkie's side and hide inside Madolche Chateau as the entire castle was shaking.

"Hey, nobody scares my monster!" shouted Pinkie. She then looked at Swift Scarecrow who did the same to Pinkie as she was now shaking in her boots. "I end my turn with a facedown, so stop looking at me!!!!!" shouted Pinkie.

Turn 16: Machine King

"Excellent." said the Gamemaster. "Since I'm acting as my own Deck Master, I shall call myself to the field! Machine King is now in play!" With that the Gamemaster then began to move as it took center position.

"Oh no." said all the girls as they were afraid of what was about to happen.

"Then I'll play a magic card known as Recycling Plant! This allows me to revive one of my former monsters. So I choose to revive my other Machine King, then I'll merge both of us to call upon an even greater force, a new unstoppable creature!" A pillar of light surrounded the two as a new robot's outline was shown with only its red eyes showing while it let out an evil laugh. "I am now more powerful than ever!"

"Pardon me-- what have you done?" said Rarity as she along with the girls were surprised.

"I've merged with my monster to summon Perfect Machine King(2700/2200)! You all have no idea of the power I possess. I gain additional 500 attack points for every machine on the field! Including myself, you all still have three monsters that are still morphed into machines. But it doesn't stop there. Thanks to my Clockwork Night magic card, I get an additional 500-point boost! So now my strength rises even more to 4700!!!"

"No way!!!" stated the girls as they had their eyes grow wide.

"He unstoppable!" yelled Fluttershy.

"Precisely! Now prepare yourselves! For when I wipe out the three of you out, all of your minds will be trapped here forever. And then I can take my revenge!!! Now I'll get rid of the annoying idiot, I attack Madolche Puddingcess Chocolat-a-la-mode!"

"Hold on, I reveal my trap. Check, Please. Now whenever you attack, you must roll a dice and depending on what you determines what happens next." stated Pinkie.

"Very well." A dice appeared next to the Gamemaster as he tossed it into the air. "Yes, a five-- That must be good!"

"Sorry to disappoint you, but rolling a five cuts your attack points in half." smiled Pinkie.

"WHAT THE @##%#!?!" shouted the Gamemaster. "There's no logic to that, how does rolling a high number give you bad result!!!" The Gamemaster was really ticked off at Pinkie Pie's crazy and out of this world antics.

"It not all bad, I also get to roll too." said Pinkie in a happy, chirper voice as she tossed the dice. "Oh cranberries, I rolled a one. That means my monster loses a 1000 attack points." pouted Pinkie.

"No matter. Even with half the strength I'm far more powerful than you. Your Madolche Puddingcess Chocolat-a-la-mode has only 2000 attack points and I have 2,350! Which means I can blast it away with ease. Firing missiles!!!" The Gamemaster then unloaded a ton of heat seeking missiles as it took out Pinkie's monster. "And my remaining missiles will blow a chunk out of your life points! Let see if you're smiling now!!!!" screamed the Gamemaster.
Pinkie's Life Points: 2550-

Pinkie saw the missiles heading her as she was put her arms up only for her to let out a painful cry as she dropped to her knees. At that moment, Twilight and the rest of the friends could hear Pinkie's scream.

"That's Pinkie Pie!" she said.

"We're coming little sis! Just hang on, big brother is coming to save you!! Move!!!" shouted Isaac as all four of them were now sprinting with more force behind them.

"I knew you mere mortals couldn't stand up to the power of a high tech machine like me." chuckled the Gamemaster. "Next, I'll activate the effect of Robotic Blaster from my graveyard, so by banishing it, I can not only gain 500 more attack points, but it allows me to attack once more. And this time, I'll take out Thunder Unicorn!" The Gamemaster then pointed fired its missiles at Fluttershy's field as her monsters was destroyed as it caused her to be flung back.
Fluttershy's Life Points: 2850-

"Now then I'll end my turn. But let's face it, it's all over for you three. I'm the strongest monster on the field and don't forget about my Final Artillery card; once I have enough monsters to send to the graveyard, I can blast each of you with 1500 points of direct damage. In other words, you all have lost!!!" stated the Gamemaster. "So now I'll place one card facedown."

Turn 17: Fluttershy

"What do we do?" asked Fluttershy.

"We're coming, girls!" said Isaac as he was running.

"Does Isaac even have the slightest idea where he's going, Twilight?" asked Spike.

"I doubt it, but at this points his guess is as good as mine! Plus we don't have a whole lot of time!"

"Hey, check it out!" said Isaac as he noticed them seeing light coming at the end of the tunnel. "That could be the way!" Isaac then ran a bit more ahead as he pushed opened the door with his shoulder.

"Guys, any ideas?" asked Pinkie with some sadness.

"It's hopeless, darlings." cried Rarity.

"I guess we won't ever get to go home again." said Fluttershy as she let tears roll down her eyes.

"Don't tell me you girls are giving up now!!" shouted a voice from above.

The girls looked up on a platform and saw Isaac and the rest of the group there.

"It's really you?" said Fluttershy as she was happy to see her friends.

"Of course! Who'd you expect?" replied Isaac.

"Isaac! Twilight! Sunset! And... Spike?" said Rarity.

"Hey guys!" shouted Sunset.

"It's good to see ya!" replied Twilight.

"Sorry to interrupt this touching reunion... But I have a duel to win!" shouted the Gamemaster.

"You!" said Isaac with fury as he along with the others looked at the Gamemaster as they saw what monster they chose to take the form of.

"They need help!" stated Spike. "Maybe one of us could enter the duel."

"Alright, make room for me!" said Isaac as he was about to interject himself into the duel.

"Negative! Intruders are forbidden to duel." shouted the Gamemaster. Besides, I have more pressing plans for you, Isaac.

"Figures. Okay listen up, girls!" said Isaac as he got the attention of the three. "Whatever you do, don't give up! We're here for you all and we know you can do this!"

"We're gonna be your guardian angels, way up here in the rafters!" stated Sunset as she did her best to give them confidence. "Now show him what you got!"

"I'm afraid it's too late for all of you." said Perfect Machine King.

"Now..." Fluttershy then picked up her card as she began to figure out her plan to win. She quickly looked at Pinkie and Rarity to which they just nodded their heads to show they would back her up. As Isaac would say, I have to trust my cards. If I don't get the right card, then it's all over. Got to believe. Fluttershy put her hand over her deck and with deep breath drew her card. She nervously looked at it with one eye as she soon had a smile on her face.

"The card I've drawn is Rescue Cat so now I summon him to the field. Then I'll activate the effect of Rescue Cat, so by sending him to the graveyard, I can special summon 2 Level 3 or lower Beast-type monsters from my deck but their abilities are negated. So I choose two Baby Racoon Ponpoko." Fluttershy now had everything she needed. "Now I'll overlay both of my racoons, with these two monsters, I build the Overlay Network and Xyz Summon Number 64: Ronin Racoon Sandayu!" Fluttershy's small monster came out as it did a couple of tricks with his weapon.
Machine King's Life Points: 2650-

"Next, I'll activate Ronin Racoon's ability, so by using one overlay unit; I can create a token that's the same attack points as the monster on your field. And since you're the only one, my token now also has 2850 attack points." stated Fluttershy.

"Activate Rust Down. Now your measly token loses 1000 attack points. So much for winning." said the Gamemaster.

"That's not enough. They need more firepower." said Spike.

"Then let us help out!" said Rarity and Pinkie.

"For me I'm activating my facedown Glutton card, I can use this card to boost a monster's attack points by an extra 600." said Pinkie.

"And as for me, I'll activate Diamond Pressure card. Now each monster that I send to the graveyard allows me to add 100 extra attack points to any monster that I choose. So I choose to send all 4 of my Crystal Beasts that I have on the field and then I'll use their power to increase the Fluttershy's monster."

Both Rarity and Pinkie then gave Fluttershy's token a power boost as it showed off its tiny muscles getting bigger.

"Thanks, girls. Now with the extra boost, my token is now back to 2850 attack points."

"No!!!" said the Gamemaster.

"Now my monster, take him out!" commanded Fluttershy.

Fluttershy's Kagemusha Racoon Token then leaped high into the air as its katan got bigger and bigger as it headed towards Perfect Machine King. The Gamemaster tried to fight back as it raised its fist as it made contact with the tiny creature. Kagemusha Racoon Token then pushed forward as it was able to break through the defense and it broke Perfect Machine King's arm as it made a diagonal slash across the body of the Gamemaster as he was defeated.

"So what happens?" asked Spike.

"Well, since both monsters have the same attack points, they'll both be destroyed. However, since Perfect Machine King was the Deck Masters it gets destroyed and the Gamemaster loses." said Twilight.
Machine King's Life Points: 0-

Winners: Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie

"Yeah-- way to go, girls!" cheered Isaac.

"You fools! I may be going offline, but this is far from over! Mark my words!!!" said the Gamemaster as a bright light came and soon there was nothing left.

"Finally." said all the girls as they dropped to their knees in exhaustion.

"You guys okay?" asked Twilight as she and the rest of the group were climbing down the stairs and rushing over to the three of them.

"Hey, big bro."

"It's alright, little sis. You did good." said Isaac as he helped Pinkie up.

"We were worried about you." stated Sunset as she helped Rarity to her feet.

"I'm glad we're all back together, you guys." said Twilight as she put Fluttershy's arm over her shoulder.

"Not all of us," everybody turned their attention to Spike. "We're still missing two of us. Let's just hope that we'll bump into them soon and then we can escape this virtual hell."

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