• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Ninety-Three: Games of BOREDOM!

I expected a lot of things to happen this morning.

This wasn't one of them.

Being escorted through the kingdom via ride on a rather comfy chair carried by two large crystal guards, their pace rather hurrying as I was guided straight to the castle. Upon arrival, I had offered to help Spike with the luggage, but instead I was whisked away from the dragon and Crusaders at the station by two stallions who carried me off despite my initial objections.

Although despite this, still a better welcoming party than the last time I visited the Crystal Empire.

And waiting for us outside the castle were none other than Twilight and Cadence, both smiling warmly in greeting. Both stallions halted before them and bowed-


One of the guards spoke humbly from behind as I rubbed my flank. "A thousand pardons oh great and honourable Stardust the Crystal Champion."

...What did he just call me? "The what the who now?"

"Thanks for bringing Stardust to us." The two large crystal guards departed upon Cadence saying that, then addressed myself. "Come on Stardust, we should get inside where-"

"Hang on a minute!" I exclaimed, both baffled and exasperated. "Why did that guard call me that... What was it...?"

Twilight and Cadence exchanged humoured glances, the former answering in fond pride, "It's in recognition of your part." My part?

"In saving the Crystal Empire from the dreaded King Sombra," Cadence clarified next, "The ponies throughout this kingdom here now acknowledge you as the Great and Honourable Stardust Balance, Crystal Champion of the Empire." The pink alicorn then gestured around, citizens walking by gazing at us - especially me - in hushed whispers and short bows.

...Huh. Well that's... Hm...

Didn't know whether to be humbled or amused.

Wait a sec. "I don't recall receiving this type of welcome the last time I came here."

"You knew you weren't fond of the attention, so we kept the knowledge about your involvement from our subjects until now." The Princess of Love explained. "But now, in light of the Equestrian Games, considering you shall be lighting the torch which will commence the games, it was unavoidable."

"I'm so proud of you Jack." Before I could process everything that was going on here, Twilight enveloped me in a brief but warm hug, which incited my own smile. My girlfriend then pulled back, beaming. "Not just anyone gets the chance to begin the opening ceremony. You deserve this honour."

Just her saying that made me feel more proud of myself than I should feel.

My hoof rubbed the back of my head, my own silly grin appearing. "To be fair, love, I'm doing this because Shining asked me to in his stead."

"And we are grateful for it," Cadence responded merrily, "Shining is busy enough as is organizing the teams for the upcoming games."

"And who knows, you might actually enjoy all this after igniting the torch." Twilight winked playfully, gesturing for me to follow. "I know you said you weren't fond of sports games, but you've come here regardless, haven't you?"

"Only because you practically begged me to come..."

Twilight only smirked, whereas Cadence observed us over her shoulder in amusement. The purple alicorn said knowingly, "I seem to recall you submitting to my insistence after giving you just one look."

Scoffing, I turned away at that. Goddammit Twilight... "Not my fault you're hopelessly adorable to say no to..." My ears felt like burning up at the light giggles exchanged between both mares as we entered the castle.

Okay... Don't be nervous Stardust... You've got this.

Why, the crystal ponies fawning over you inside the castle didn't pressure you. The giant crystal statue of you outside the castle didn't pressure you. And the thousands of cheering ponies outside from lands all over, waiting eagerly for the games to begin as we drew closer certainly doesn't pressure you.

Yep, no pressure at all...

The sneering formal mare walking beside me with her snide expectant tone wasn't helping. I groaned at her repetitive question. "Yes, I understand precisely what is expected of me." Please shut up.

As though hearing that inward after-comment, the mare sniffed. "Hm, just making certain." The orange Earth Pony turned her head promptly from me, looking as stuck-up as you'd expect from the representative of the Equestrian Games. The same mare who the Mane Six convinced to host the games in the Empire, and who the Crusaders managed to impress enough with their flag representing the Ponyville Team.

You will be fine.

Specter's reassuring calm tone helped stop my hoofs from shaking slightly. Yeah, you think so?

You will not be judged for your anxiety.

Well, that's comforting.

But the send we stepped outside into the large arena, on a balcony overlooking the large area, that anxiety hit back in full force. Ponies. Ponies everywhere. As much as there were during Twilight's coronation. And the screams only grew louder and louder as stepped closer towards the waiting torch. Bearing my teeth, my breath was already beginning to grow shallow. Just seeing all this Earth Ponies, pegasi and unicorns alike expecting the torch to be ignited very soon was beginning to have its impact on me. The large purple torch in question looming menacingly over us, and I steadily kept walking, only pausing when the snide Earth Pony beside me made the signal, right before the ginormous unlit torch itself.

...Yep, feeling the pressure.

Meanwhile, below on the sports field below, representatives from all towns and cities entered the arena, announcing their homes through flags and showing off. Even Rainbow, Fluttershy and Derpy.

Wait, Derpy?! What was she doing on the- Ah [BEEP] it, I've got other things to worry about right now!

Look upwards, to your right.

My right? What- ...Oh.

Seeing into those warm, sparkling eyes which screamed pride and encouragement, and suddenly the anxiousness washed away by just a simple look. Twilight looked down at me from her place beside the Princesses and... Whoever the [BEEP] those other important ponies were beneath them, smiling back at me with a look that says everything will be okay. I had nothing to worry about.

And you know what... I didn't. Then the mare gazed back at the games, and I couldn't refrain the grin at her own outward cheering towards what was happening below.

...Ohoho... What's this now? While turning to look back, I met the gaze of another familiar pony, a white stallion who certainly didn't look pleased in seeing me. Blueblood was downright balking in fear and disbelief. Yeah, remember me [BEEP]hole-?

The sound of a hoof tapping the floor prompted my attention, and the stuck-up mare beside me nodded. Ah, it was time. Feeling a bit of heat, I looked behind at one of the guards wielding a much smaller lit torch, bowing and retreating as I carefully took it. Welp... Time to give the crowd a show.

With the handle part of the item held in my mouth, I slowly walked up the rather precarious ladder to where the part of the larger torch I was to ignite awaited me. Hate ladders, more of a stairs fan myself. Also I was more than certain this would easily fall.

But it didn't, and I made it up in time, placing the small torch back in my gripped hoof. The crowd was less noisy now, and the slight building of pressure returned. No... You've got this Stardust... You've got this...

With a quick glance to Twilight's eyes, that was all I needed. The small torch ignited the blazing blue flames without me even looking doing so-

Oh [BEEP]!

The smaller torch dropped from my hoof, caught by a guard in time, but I wasn't so fortunate. Pulling my own hoof back from the large flames caused me to slip and fall off the ladder myself. Welp, this is probably the most embarrassing ceremony ever. My back landed roughly on the balcony floor, and my dazed gaze met the mare's unimpressed own.

Shining's voice rose about the erupting crowd. "Let the Games... BEGIN!"

And from within my mind, Specter spoke in reminiscence with a hint of pride. It never gets old...

"Here you go." I smiled gracefully, passing the signed paper back to the grinning couple, who beamed at one another before merrily walking off. Phew, that's the third autograph written today and-

Oh, on cue. Another couple of crystal ponies approached, a photo of myself - which was somehow acquired - presented before me questionably. With a sigh, I took the delicate photo and wrote my name again. On the plus side, this was more of an improvement after watching the games - which were subpar at best - by actually doing something than sitting down with a dull mind. I'll enjoy this during the break in-between the games while it lasts.

In contrast to the beaming ponies, a unicorn in my mind sneered, This is what becomes of my kingdom, my legacy... Reduced to childish games, and worshiping a childish human. I would never have allowed these pointless events to be hosted anywhere near my domain. It is an insult to what I have left behind.

You mean, pure fear and dominance?

Mock me as you wish Wright. I get the feeling you wouldn't have permitted these games to commence in a kingdom of your own in turn.

...Not going to argue.

"Somepony's enjoyin' the fame." The voice of an orange Earth Pony perked up.

With a sheepish smile, I turned around after handing the crystal equines back their autograph. "I'm trying not to think about it too much." Which was almost impossible to do, since the giant crystal statue of me was only a few feet away in eye-sight.

God, look at that thing... I was torn between laughing or looking away from it. The blue coloured with multiple shades standing impersonation of me standing tall and majestic. At least they were kind enough the add the cape. But that hardly made it any less baffling and funny to look at.

"It does resemble you quite accurately," Twilight spoke from beside me, examining the tall intimidating statue.

"Indeed so, darling; why I'd say all the effort made into crafting this statue after Stardust's image here was worthwhile," Rarity commented in awe. "Are you not honoured and proud of it yourself, Stardust?"

"Oh I'm feeling a lot of things about this Rarity, but honour and pride is below the list..."

The mares exchanged amused looks at that, then the energetic Pinkie exclaimed excitedly, "So, did you see the way the Ponyville Team pulled off the javelin round just then?! It was amazing!"

"You know it!" Rainbow winked cockily, before fangirling herself. "And when the Wonderbolts showed off their awesome flying maneuvers the game before? That was so cool!" And the rest of the girls began chatting enthusiastically about how the games have been going so far, and I smiled, about to join in-


My head snapped forward, eyes regarding the far distant hills after feeling that sensation just now. Well that felt... Ominous. That gust of wind just then sent a shiver down my spine, as though warning of me of... Something.

What was that about...?

The time is approaching.

The time... Specter?

And our greatest foe awaits.

Greatest foe... You don't mean- But he can't be here now-!

Not now, Jack. Specter reassured me, but his voice was hardly far from somber. And if I could will it, not ever. But time is growing short, and your final test will unravel very soon.

My final test... "Tirek... Tirek is my final test...?"


Enjoy these last moments of peace while you can, boy.

And remember, your friends will always be there to save you from the fall.

But what are you-?!


Gah! The sudden curious tone forced me out of my stupor, startled gaze switching to Twilight. Oh. The mare raised a brow. "Are you okay? You were staring off at nowhere in particular with a serious expression, not to mention mumbling to yourself."

Oh... With a forced grin, I shrugged helplessly. "I'm fine, sorry for making you worry."

With a look that said she didn't believe me one bit, Twilight shrugged herself, choosing to drop the subject for now. Thank God; they should enjoy the atmosphere of these games they waited for so long.

But as the mare turned back to our chattering friends, I gave the distance a fleeting glance. If Tirek is coming very soon...

You must be ready.

...I will be.

Go to the games, they said.

It will be fun, they said.

This... Is dull to an entire new plane. For once, we're in complete and utter agreement Sombra. I mean, I'm trying here, I really am. But I can't just get into these sports events. As the girls beside me on the stand cheered loudly along with the thousand other ponies watching the field below, I was doing everything in my power to keep focused.

It wasn't going well.

But at least someone was enjoying himself. Perhaps if you observed these games more with a clear open mind, you might not view them so time-consuming. Oh, that young stallion there just won the silver medal. Why do I get the feeling Specter would be eating popcorn if he could?

Fascinating... I imagined Sombra rolling his eyes.

But Pinkie shared Specter's enthusiasm. "Oh, he just won the silver medal!" Prompting the surrounding ponies to scream merrily, cheering for the pony, and that only made me grimace.

And night was already approaching. It's honestly incredible how I managed to stick around for so long, especially the whole day.

That hardly surprises me, The former King commented idly as the workers below set up the next event. You would practically accomplish anything in order to please your marefriend, including observing through this tedious event.

Hey that's... Alright you're right.

Oh, I'm correct for once?

Don't rub it in...

Shh... The other voice actually hushed us. This is the final event of the Equestrian Games. We are witnessing history in the making my friends.

...You're enjoying this.

Indeed, these games never grow dull watching. When you've lived this side of existence for so long, it's ideal to enjoy anything happening on this world possible.

Sombra snorted. I recall you being far more productive in your ti- Are those... Ponies, using magic ice arrows?

True enough, it seemed indeed the players on the field were using standing bows and arrows that, from this distance, looked completely made of ice. What... Why? I wish I could see what would happen when the arrows hit the targets, if the back of the targets weren't facing our side of the viewing stands! What, are we suppose to expect what happens by the cheering of the rest of the crowd? There were no giant screens above the arena to show us the arrows hitting the targets, which was great!

If you wish, I can tell you where the arrows have hit on their respective targets.

I... Don't care...

I share that sentiment.

Of course you- Oh look! One arrow completely missed! It's now soaring through the air... The tip just hit a floating cloud above... The cloud is beginning to freeze... Turning to ice, with giant icicles sticking out around it... And it looked as though it was beginning to descend...

Rather fast I might add...

Oh [BEEP].

It's beginning to descend!

Very astute boy, why not do something about it?

Around me, ponies began gasping and yelling in fright and the falling large cloud, which could land in the middle of the field itself and harm the players below, including Fluttershy, Rainbow, the Crusaders, Derpy and the rest! Standing up from my place, Rarity, Pinkie and Applejack glanced at one another in panic. Thank Jack, think, I had to break the ice somehow!

...That was unintentional.

Hurry up boy! Sombra snarled in command. I won't tolerate my kingdom being damaged by sheer incompetence!

...Got it!

"Stay right there!" I ordered the three mares, rushing to the side and hurrying up the stairs without awaiting a response. From the corner of my eye, pegasi flew up in attempt to control the situation. They could all work together and slowly stop the large ice cloud from falling, but that'll take too long to organize!

The pressure would be too much. The amount of frozen liquid contained in that ice from the cloud would prevent any decreased speed of descent.

My plan it is then.



The purple mare, along with the Princesses on their respective seats, turned at my voice, watching me leap over onto their special viewing box along with the seeming delegates of other countries. Only one expressed outrage at me bursting in. "Who allowed him up here?!"

The other promptly ignored Blueblood, as did I. "Twilight, I need you to give me a boost."

The alicorn blinked, glancing at the falling menacing cloud for a brief second. "What are you planning to do?"

No time for explanations! "I need you to throw me up above the cloud. Can you do that?"

"We all can." It was Cadence who answered, approaching me with Celestia and Luna. At their nods, I smiled. Great, that was easier than I thought. Stepping back, I got into position. And on their marks, I began running, about to leap off the edge.

Before the magic of four Princesses combined sent my flying upwards.


Okay, not exactly what I had in miiiiiiiiind-!

Spinning around at such power, I struggled to keep myself focused in midair, the sight of the large dangerous form of ice right below me. Waiting until I reached the center, I began to concentrate. Desperation counts as a negative emotion, correct?

I have a better idea. Hm? Sombra?

The King grunted in my head. Only once, for the sake of my kingdom.

Before I could question what the Hell they were even talking about, the fact I was beginning to fall myself attracted my attention instead, the sight of the ice cloud growing in size as my speed was greater than its descent. Yet while doing so, I felt... Particularly odd... Like something was happening within my own body...

Like a volcanic eruption and harrowing blizzard were colliding against one another-

Extend your hoof boy!

My hoof- Oh!

Obliging, my front left limb reached out, clenching into a ponified fist, aimed straight down towards the base of the cloud. This will either work, or break my own hoof, and I REALLY hope it's no the case of the latter.

Although judging by the sensation going through my body right now, it felt as though I had nothing to feel. In fact... My own sight was beginning to glow, a golden aura encompassing my limb and entire being, descending towards the giant block of ice like a golden arrow, punching straight through the cloud.

And out of it like nothing.

And just like that, the power died out, and now my already drained body was falling helplessly down. Ugh... Didn't even have the energy to flail helplessly...


But my saviour came by a Prince in Shining Armour.

Inwardly, Sombra groaned at the pun, whereas Shining carefully lifted me off his back, supporting me with one limb around his neck. Blue eyes gazed at me in awe and concern. "Easy there, Stardust. Are you alright?"

It then occurred to me that small speckles of light were falling all around, slowly like light snow. Gasps of awe and wonder were shared throughout the arena, prompting us to look up at the spectacle.

Wow indeed...

"Did I...?"

Shining answered in clear relief, "Your method worked. The cloud was entirely turned to specks of light."

Huh... Ugh...

"Whoa there!" Shining put on a firmer grip as I was about to collapse, speaking in small amusement. "Guess that took a lot out of you, huh?"

"No kidding..."

"Come on." Gently, the white stallion escorted me away from the large field being decorated in light, passing by ponies playing around in the specks or simply looking upwards as though they were witnessing God himself. At an exit corridor which led both in and out of the field, I was greeted by none other than five mares, one dragon and three Princesses.

And one girlfriend who embraced me upon sight, and I eagerly returned the hug, Shining stepping back to give space. "That was incredible of you Jack!" Twilight proclaimed proudly, beaming in relief and happiness, followed by another welcoming hug... Which quickly broke apart at Cadence's giggle and Shining's expression, Twilight looking away in red-faced embarrassment.

Heh, party poopers...

"That was awesome!" Rainbow added excitedly.

"Yeah! Good job bro!" Spike raised a hand for a fistbump, while I happily returned. "How did you do that?!"

"I too would be curious to know how you achieved such a skill," Celestia commented.

"Yeah, I never seen anythin' like it!" Applejack inquired next, "When did you learn to do that trick?"

As everyone looked at me expectantly, I shrunk back slightly at the gazes. I'm not so sure how it was accomplished myself. Specter and Sombra...? Well, what can I say? The truth? ...Alright then. With a smile, I replied rather boastfully, "Chaos and harmony intertwined." Answered by exchanged looks of wonder and curiosity.

"In any case," Luna then spoke up, approaching with her own gratified smile. "We are indebted to you once more, Stardust, for preventing a major disaster just now. How can we ever repay you?"

"I think I have an idea." All heads turned to Cadence, who grinned. "Perhaps you would do us the honour of conducting the closing ceremony to the Equestrian Games." Followed by noises of approval.

Wait. "Does that mean these games are finally over?" That was followed by noises of exasperation, Celestia and Luna exchanging humoured looks, Shining shaking his head, Cadence only smiling, Spike laughing and Twilight only regarding me in fond amusement.

At the very least, we need not tolerate these games for another year.

Oh I don't know... It was quite eventful, for me in any case. Although I have half a mind to find whoever invented those ice bows and arrows and give him a proper lecture. I mean seriously, how has something like that not happened before? The javelin round was worrisome enough, but that was pure recklessness.

Hmph. You are in no position to speak regarding thoughtless advances.

...Still the fireworks are nice.

Ignoring Sombra's snort, I continued watching from my position on the grass below, sitting comfortably as the whole arena watching wide-eyed awe and cheers after I set off the climatic display to end the Equestrian Games. I gazed in peaceful awe at the fireworks taking numerous shapes and colours, and I swore one took the form of my atrocious cutie mark.

A compliment or insult?

Then the presence of someone approaching to sit next to me prompted my grin, glancing to see a beaming Twilight sitting down comfortably with me, observing the fireworks in clear awe and bliss. But I was in that similar state for an entirely different reason; seeing the light of the display illuminating those angelic features, purple eyes sparkling under the glittering stars and exploding colourful fireworks alike. Let me tell you, there were definitely fireworks going off in my heart.

Sensing she was being stared at, Twilight met my loving gaze with her curious own, before blushing slightly at my expression and reflecting it in turn, although hers was slightly more shy. Clearly wasn't use to being looked at that way. A hoof reaching up to brush her mane, that was all it needed before our muzzles brushed against one another, a soft yet powerful kiss expressing so much emotion for one another, both my hoofs gently gripping Twilight's face, and I felt two soft hoofs placed against my own chest in turn.

I will never grow tired of the sensation...

Eventually, the kiss ended, and our eyes stared in both loving and bliss, before our gazes set on the continuous fireworks, hoofs placed against one another in peaceful intertwine, and heads leaned against each other for the world to see. Thank God the entire crowd was more focused on the display in the night sky though, I don't think nether I nor Twilight could survive the cheerful noises.

Hm? Feeling something squeeze under my free limb, I glanced down at Spike joining us, getting himself comfortable sitting to my right. Hah... My hoof stroked the dragon's head in response. And then the rest of the Mane Six joined us, all circling around myself and Twilight to watch the beautiful fireworks from this point of view, all smiling in peaceful joy and bliss.

Heh... If this wasn't perfect - the kiss under the fireworks, all my best friends and greatest thing to ever happen to me here - I don't know what was.

Enjoy that perfection as it lasts...


My eyes gazed back at the colourful works. And I vow, with all these smiling ponies and dragon beside me, to make certain the events of the finale don't go the same way. I will protect them with my life. I will protect her with my life.

Even if it costed me everything...

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