• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 110: Anger! Frustration! Breaking [BEEP!]

The house was filled with feminine laughter. "So, Moondancer managed to forgive you and you two became friends again?"

Twilight nodded, happily, sat across from the smiling lime unicorn. "Yes indeed! I can't tell you how happy I am to have made amends with every one of my friends back at Canterlot." Before sheepishly asking, "I hope that includes you too, Lyra."

The energetic unicorn grinned, bobbing her head up and down approvingly. "Of course we're still friends, Twilight! I never thought otherwise." Bon Bon, meanwhile, finally decided to sit down on her seat from the kitchen table, sipping her tea while watching the exchange happily, just as I was. At Twilight's flattered look, Lyra smiled some more. "We definitely all have to catch up one day, this time myself included."

The Princess nodded. "I'd love that."

Yes, it was certainly a joy to help Twilight reunite with all her Canterlot friends the last few days, and help her amend her past mistakes concerning another unicorn. In the end, Twilight was able to make friends again with Twilight.

You mean Moondancer.

No, I mean Twilight. Come on Hasbro, a recoloured Twilight with glasses, black sweater and different voice actress? Not to mention a love for studying and was, at first, a social outcast? Yeah, basically Twilight.

Still, it all worked out in the end. I only helped during our trip to Canterlot partially, the mare of my life reuniting with old childhood friends; Minuette, Twinkleshine and Lemon Hearts. What's funny was, I already knew two of Twilight's old friends beforehand. Lyra because she and I often hang out along with Bon, Derpy, Whooves and Vinyl. And Twinkleshine, who I briefly met during my stay in Canterlot after the first Grand Galloping Gala I went to, a very long time ago. The pink-haired unicorn recognized me after a moment, pointing that out.

And Twilight was, of course, annoyed I made no mention of it whatsoever. Hey, it was a long time ago.

My ears caught up on the girl talk once again. "- Not sure why you'd think I'd hold a grudge, Twilight. If I did, I probably would've stopped hanging out with Stardust here because of your relationship," Lyra added that last word slyly, prompting Twilight's light blush. I smirked meanwhile along with Bon.

"Meanwhile, your relationship with Bon seems to be as strong as ever, Lyra." Not catching the insinuation, the lime unicorn shared a blissful grin with the cream Earth Pony. "Why, you two are so close together, I doubt even the revelation of one of you being a, say, secret agent would change anything."

Twilight frowned at me curiously, and I was barely repressing a smug look at the swift-second look of stun on the other mare's faces. Lyra's muzzle was agape. "How-?"

"No, of course not!" Bon quickly interjected before her girl-friend confirmed the teasing jab. "Just as I'm certain, of course, you being an alien from an alternate dimension doesn't affect your own relationship with the Princess here."

"I hope not."

"Not at all." Twilight reaffirmed. "Alien or pony, Jack will always be this special to me that way." Our gazes met, myself touched by those words. As always, Twilight found some method of making my heart bounce around in joy and wonder at how I got so lucky.

"That's it then, all the guilt erased?"

"Mm-hm." Twilight nodded happily, the pair of us strolling through the active town to where our castle awaited. A light smile graced her entrancing features. "All regret a hundred percent gone. I've made amends with all my old friends, and I look forward to hanging out with them all next time."

Thank God. If Moondancer hadn't forgiven Twilight that day, then there'd be trouble. "Glad to hear it."

Purple eyes then sparkled radiantly in my direction. "Thanks again for helping out at Canterlot. I was boosted with confidence through your reassurance that everything would go fine, and it did."

I smiled. Yes I had spoiled a few things here and there during our trip to the kingdom. Hell, I even gave Moondancer a stern talking to after she coldly dismissed herself from the little dinner between her and the mares. All worked out in the end.

"Anything for you love."

The gorgeous smile widened at that, before Twilight looked forward to the street and yawned slightly. "Well, these last few days were rather exerting, wouldn't you say? I think we can all have a little rest, and prepare for another exciting day tomorrow!" Can't fault ya. The sun was already beginning to set. "Hey Jack, may I use your computer for some last-minute research?"

At that, I almost halted.

Uh oh.

"Not right now, I'm afraid, Twilight. Sorry."

"Oh." My girlfriend tilted her curiously, looking slightly put out. "Why not? You know I'm not going to look into future events concerning me and our friends. You trust me."

Oh I trust you, love. Though it didn't hurt to at least inspect the monitor over her shoulder from time to time just to check. And I'm afraid I'll be in the middle of something when we get back, so I can't have any distractions.

"Again, sorry love. I just need to have the room to myself when we get back."

Twilight, as always, remained firmly curious. "Why's that? I know you can't sleep until the night sky is full." She frowned softly, before blinking in epiphany. "Oh, I understand." I doubt it. "You've spent more than enough time in the company of others these last few days you hardly had time to yourself." She looked understanding and amused. "Alright. Just try not to hum too loudly when you're pacing around the room, as always."

She couldn't be further from the truth. But for now, I humoured the mare of my life, by grinning jokingly. "I do not hum, my dear Twilight. It's called 'Vocal Thoughtwaves.'"

"'Vocal Thoughtwaves.'" Twilight repeated, raising a flat brow, but the smirk was still present on her features. "Well when you describe it that way, it's no wonder these 'thoughtwaves' can pierce through the walls of the castle and abruptly awaken both Spike and I up."

I shrugged. "Payback for forcing me to get up every morning." And Twilight giggled, a beautiful sound that I couldn't resist grinning lovingly at.

But yes, she can't know the thing I've been working on in my room. And after these last few days spent in Canterlot, I had much to catch up on.

It's one of those days where I wish I had bloody fingers again!

In order to write properly?

No, so I can scratch my growing beard. This was is becoming far too annoying now while I was working. Every minute pausing from the paper before me on my desk is one minute too many.

Shave it and cease with the childish complaints. Problem solved.

Oh come on, my beard wasn't that long it needed to be cut yet.

Well, if you so desire to bear a further resemblance to your ape ancestors, so be it then.


Don't you dare.

I wanna be like you-

I'm warning you boy.

I wanna walk like you. Talk like-

A knock on the door, distracting me further from my writing, and glancing over to the side. Now who could that be? I asked Twilight and Spike not to disturb me for the day, unless it's an emergency. Balance was telling me it was one of the Mane Six, due to the heart signature which poured brightness nearby. Setting the quill down - I so miss pens... - my hooves took me to the closed door and I opened it, revealing the waiting yellow pegasus on the other side.

"Oh." I blinked, smiling lightly at the visitor. "Hello Fluttershy." Oh, right. My work. Slyly I pulled the door towards me a little, keeping the mare from getting a clearer view of my room. No chances.

You exaggerate.

Bite me.

Fluttershy shared the friendly smile. "Good morning Stardust. I was wondering, that is of course you weren't busy, to help me with some special friends of mine." Special friends - Woodland creatures. "Two of my bird friends recently had the most adorable bird baby hatch from her egg, and I would like to help them make the nest bigger."

Although the idea sounded cute, I had to decline, lowering my smile apologetically. "I can't right now, Fluttershy, sorry. I'm just a little preoccupied right now with... My own devices." Because even giving a hint as to what I was up to would be eventually shared around the mares. "Another time?"

"Oh, of course." Although looking slightly disappointed, Fluttershy nodded in understanding. "Well, if you ever have the time, I'm sure the baby bird would love to meet you."

"I'm sure. Sorry gotta get back to work. See ya later Fluttershy." That said, I swiftly closed the right as the mare returned the farewell exchange, intending to get back to work pronto. Was that rude of me? Maybe, but I've been stalled from my work long enough, returning to my desk and picking up the quill.

What was this work precisely? Well it's-


...God... Dammit!

In my haste, I forgot to gently pick up the quill - Again! - hence it snapping in two from my new strength. Now I gotta go to the store and get some more of these damn things, that was the last one I had.


Okay, so far so good.

Walking through town back to the castle, box of fresh quills on my back, and nothing yet to stall me from my return. I swear to God if I accidentally break those fragile things again, I'm going to slap myself.

"Hi Stardust!"

Oh come on!

"Hey Pinkie." I sighed, forcing a smile at the pink mare suddenly popping up before my eyes, halting my progress. "Everything alright?" I asked out of courtesy's sake, restraining any display of eagerness to go home.

The party-loving Earth Pony nodded wildly. "Uh-huh! Today's another exciting day! Full of sunshines and smiles all over Ponyville!" Great, wonderful. Then if you'll excuse- "Are those new quills?"

Wha- Hey!

"Ooh they are!" Pinkie inspected the box of fragile items by snatching it off me, grinning enthusiastically. "Twilight ran out of them back at the castle and asked you to buy some more?"

"Actually I need them for-"

No hints, remember?

"...Actually yes! That is exactly why I purchased them. Well done Pinkie." Despite how unintentionally condescending that sounded, Pinkie beamed in pride at my words regardless. "So, if you could just hand them back please."

"Okay!" Thank you. The box was shoved back into my expectant hoof, the mare then grinning. "Hey, the Cakes are gonna be celebrating the first Birthday of Pound Cake and Pumpkin Pie in a few days! Wanna help organize the party? It'll be huge, all made for those adorable little babies the Cakes are so lucky to have! There'll be balloons, and cake - of course I mean actual cake than the Cakes, you know what I mean - and streamers, and party whistles, and-!"

"Another time Pinkie." I was already calling over my shoulder upon my eager haste to return. Afternoon was already settling in, and listening to this mare babble all day was something I couldn't afford right then. "But I'll be sure to get them a present!"

Pinkie, unlike Fluttershy, was unfazed by the abrupt departure, instead waving behind my brisk pace. "Okay! I'll tell the Cakes you'll be there!"

Hopefully, there'll be no further distractions by the time I get back.

I ran out of paper.

Unbelievable. How did I not notice before I went out to shop the first time?! The sudden lack of unwritten material in my room prompted me, in frustration and annoyance, mind you, to go outside and buy some more [BEEP] just to get this work done. I thought I had enough previously to complete all the basic stuff I was writing. Guess not.

Who will disrupt your concentration this time, I wonder.

Oh Sombra, don't jinx it.

I was already by the front doors towards the castle upon my return, before a Godforsaken gust of wind scarttered the stack of clean white pages all over the dirt ground outside.

And the King's prediction came true in the form of Rainbow Dash. "Whoops. My bad." Though the mare sounded less apologetic and more impatient.

...Knew I should've purchased the stack in a bag.

"Sorry Star, just needed to have a word with Twilight. I'm in a hurry..." The pegasus, while I was picking up the papers all over the ground, slowly drifted off in thought. As I turned and twisted around to retrieve the fallen blank pages, I noticed two pink eyes regarding me, the mare tapping her chin before a sly smirk overtook her features.

Oh no...

"Hey Stardust. How'd you like to help a pal out?"

Oh yes.

"See-" Rainbow flew forward then, wrapping a limb around my back neck with a smug expression. "There's a competition right now going on at the Wondebolts Academy. First one to eat as much sweets as possible and fly off the energy from it as fast as possible afterwards. Help me out, and you might just get the rest of the chocolate leftovers I know you love." She winked. "Deal?"

...Tempting, but I'm going to give her the same answer as I had my other friends so far.

"Sorry Rainbow, I'm busy."

The pegasus blinked at that, giving me space at last before slowly repeating herself, "Chocolate, in case you didn't hear me? You know, the food you love more than anything else, especially maybe Twilight."

"I can't right now. Another time when it happens, Rainbow."

Now the flyer was straight-up gawking at me, as though I declared something completely impossible. "Who... Who are you and what have you done with the real Stardust Balance?" Her voice rose in disbelief, "He would never say no to free food, especially chocolate!"

"He's busy." That said, the stack of paper returned onto my balancing back, myself nodding in satisfaction before heading to the front doors. "Good luck with the contest, though."


"Bye Rainbow!" The doors slammed behind her, I hurried forward, careful not to drop the papers from my back at my pace.

The egotistical equine brought up a particular point, Sombra then mused in amusement, You are typically drawn to the sugary substance to consume it given the opportunity.

I hoped that was enough distractions for the day.


"[BEEP]ing [BEEP]!"

Knock knock. "Hey Star, wanna go-?"

"Not now Spike! Not now!"

"What ya doin' stormin' through town like that, sugarcube-?"

"Not now. Busy. Good day Applejack."

"And why are yer carryin' a whole desk-?"

"Good day Applejack."

"Stardust, darling. Your mane looks awfully scruffy this pleasant afternoon-"

"I don't care..."

"Well pardon me for saying so, but it looks as though some ruffian attempted to rip apart the whole thing-"

"Rarity, I don't care."

You were saying earlier?

Shut up...

Don't order me around-

Shut your Godforsaken muzzle, you incorporeal piece of [BEEP].

At the lack of response, I imagined the King was stunned by the flat, yet menacing demand. With some peace and quiet at last, I leaned back against the chair, taking a moment to take a deep breath, and calm myself after a whole stressful day. A whole day of replacing quills, buying spare paper for this project, essentially telling my friends to [BEEP] off - they'll forgive me for it sooner than later - and purchasing and replacing an entire new desk.

One more thing... Come on world, give me one more thing to snap at. To throw my rage and frustration at the same time towards-


"Son of a- Oh." My moment of raging cut short at the recognizable curious tone, and innocent blinking eyes of Twilight Sparkle. Instantly my nerves was calming some more at the sight of it, but I still couldn't restrain the edge to my impatient voice, "Yeah Twilight?"

Frowning softly at the tone, Twilight gestured her head to the doorway she just arrived from. "We need you at a friendship meeting. Preferably now, if you have the time."

...Why not? Needed a good break for a moment. "Sure. Lead the way." Twilight raised a brow at my tired reply, appearing slightly concerned before seeming to shrug it off, walking forward ahead of me towards the throne room. Or what counts as one anyway.

Arriving there didn't take too long when you knew the way, and I explored the entirety of the castle to know enough specific locations by heart. Entering the large round room, we were greeted by the other mares, along with Spike, in their respective seats. Some glanced our way with clear, open worry.

...Could it be about the- Nah, would've had a nightmare last night if we've reached the next episode already.

"We're, ahem, glad you could join us darling." Okay...? Not sure why Rarity needed to cough awkwardly like that, but alright.

Sighing loudly, I took my seat around the Council of Friendship - yes we're still calling it that - and got straight the point. "Alright, what's the problem this time?" Really need to have a cushion on this seat in the future. The mares hesitated, prompting my raised brow. Sorry girls, but I'm not too patient today. "What is it? I'm rather busy right now so if we can get straight to the point...?"

Applejack coughed into her hoof, speaking on behalf our friends first, green eyes avoiding my waiting gaze. "Well... We've noticed a friend of ours today has been actin'... A little too similar to how he use to be a long time ago."


Twilight, having sat down as well, picked up on my confusion. "Some of our gathered friends here believe something's up with somepony close to us, and worry that he might be reverting back to his old ways-"

"- As in being a humongous jerk."

"...As in being rather abrasive and distant to others around him." Twilight gave Rainbow a pointed look for the interrupting outburst, before glancing at me in faint humour. "Personally, I think our friends might just be exaggerating a little concerning our friends. After all, we all have our bad days, right?"

I guess. But my confusion only grew. But before I could inquire, Fluttershy spoke next after the alicorn, "So, we were wondering if our friend was upset about something, and if there was anything we could do to help him. Maybe you might have some ideas as to how to help him?"

"...Do I know this pony?"

Applejack cocked her head. "Yer certainly familiar with 'im, we can say that much." Rainbow snorted loudly at the answer.


"And how recently did this friend of ours start behaving this way again?"

"Since this morning," Rarity replied promptly.

"...Then it's probably as Twilight said, could just be someone having a bad day." The alicorn smiled, seeming pleased that her boyfriend was agreeing with her on this matter. I shrugged casually. "Might be nothing to get too upset over. But if you're worried about it that much, just ask when he's calmed down a little." At that, Rainbow looked particularly amused, prompting my curious raised brow.

Something funny, Rainbow?

"What do you think he'd be mad over?" Fluttershy inquired curiously.

How should I know? Another shrug. "Depends. [BEEP]ty luck-"

"Language Jack."

"- Something breaking... Being disrupted..." The further I listed off the possibilities, the deeper in irritated frustration my tone became. The mares and dragon alike expressed concerned looks at my clenched expression. "Having to buy and replace things because he can't control his strength enough. Thinking the world is out against you today and trying to distract you from your work as much as possible by constant interruptions by your own friends and accidentally snapping all the quills you have, along with an entire desk-"

"So that's what that noise was..." Spike muttered in realization, but shrunk back slightly at my annoyed glance for the interjection.

"So... He would be mad at his friends then, if that's what happened?" Rarity asked, sounding decidedly worried.

"...Probably." A third shrug, this time of indifference. "I mean, if you've been friends for a long time now, I'm sure he's just more annoyed by the interruptions, and mad at himself. He wouldn't, well shouldn't, hold a grudge for long. Probably just be patient, don't over-think these things and understand that, while it'd be wrong of him to snap at you harshly for having his own bad day, you don't need to worry too long."

My friends all exchanged looks for a moment, before smiling to each other and nodding acquiescence. Applejack spoke for them, "Then that's what we'll do. Right?" They nodded again, the orange Earth Pony beaming. "If he acts like that again tomorrow, then we'll tell 'im about your concerns. Thanks Star." Happy to help.

"Although I remain dreadfully curious," Rarity pondered in thought. "Why would he keep to himself all day like this? He's always preferred his on company many times, certainly, but according to one of us here, his behaviour was a lot more... Secretive?" The mare looked my way slyly, whereas Twilight pointedly looked away at the 'one of us' part.

And finally, my tired brain finally realized what precisely was going on.

And it took you long enough. Seriously, a toddler would deduce whom they were referring to right off the bat quicker than your sleazy mind.

Well, I two can play at this game. With a sudden small, yet playful smile, I responded casually, "Maybe he just wants some alone time for himself the whole day... That, or he's working on something and doesn't want the others to know about it."

"Ooh! Really?" Pinkie's eyes widened excitedly. "Do you think you- I mean he'd let us see it?"

"Hmm... Probably not."

"Aww, not even a sneak peek?"

"It might just stay as a surprise, for a long time anyway." Pinkie pouted outright at the firm answer, prompting my smirk. Well, talking with these mares, as always, made me feel better.

Twilight, meanwhile, was sending the others a look which stated 'Hah! See? Told you there was nothing to worry about.' Classic mare, being all smug when it's unintentional.

Sliding off the clean seat, I added, "Anyway, glad I could help, but I have to return to my room." And, walking by my friends who seemed satisfied yet curious at my answers, I paused by the doorway, opting to say one more thing over my shoulder, a graceful smile on my golden muzzle. "And thanks, my friends... And sorry for snapping at you all earlier."

At their reassuring and happy looks, I excused myself, taking a good pace back to my room and closing the door firmly behind me, intending to get straight back to work with fresh new motivation driving me. Because the following conversation just proved how helpful my friends are without expecting it.

With new inspiration, I gently picked up the quill, dabbed in the ink and proceeded to write the following paragraph:

"Misunderstandings are a common trope. In this world even more so. Ponies and humans are a unique contrast, and yet, so similar with these kind of circumstances. But, if you are just willing to confront, and simply listen, you may overcome any form of silly misunderstanding. Because miscommunication shouldn't have to sow distrust or end relationships. So long as you're willing to sit down and hear the other person, and the person let hear you, your road through life will be less bumpy."

How's that?

Corny and sentimentally childish. Your friends will love it.

Good enough.

That said, I closed the complete page which concluded another chapter, smiling in content at the makeshift novel which would one day be complete.

Still needed a title...

'An Adventure Beyond Stability?'

If you desire drawing attention to your own mental instability, certainly.

...I'll work on it.

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