• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 122: PONY PARTY!

"Now, Spirit Bomb!"


"Your Final Flash is no match for my Spirit Bomb!"

"That's what you think-"

New voices entered the fray.

"What is going on in here?"

"Is that a... Turban? Such a ludicrous fashion choice!"

"Ooh! That looks like fun! What are you guys playing?"

Now, to Twilight and the gang's credit, it would be a sight to behold. One pony and one dragon running around the room making absolute tossers of themselves shouting imaginary attacks and throwing fake playful punches. The mares looked completely dubious upon arriving through the doorway.

Spike, quite proudly, answered first, "We're playing Dragonball Z!" While jabbing a reptile thumb to his own get-up which consisted of an orange gi, and a blonde spiky wig. "I'm Goku, and Stardust here is Piccolo."

"Damn right I am." I smirked, standing tall in the purple vestment with a long flowing white cape.

Applejack furrowed her brow. "Dragonball... Z?"

"Yeah! It's an amazing show Stardust introduced me to after we spent the whole night marathoning through it..." And then, something occurred to the dragon. "Hey! Piccolo can't use Final Flash!"

"He can now Spike."

"But that's cheating!"

"Well it certainly explains where you two snuck off from Rara's concert last night," Twilight commented in bemusement, with a faint trace of disapproval.

Hey, can't fault me for having taste. Though the mares never understood why I kept on calling Applejack's childhood friend 'Lady Rara.' I already made a Gaga joke ages ago in Equestria. A shame, really I should've called Jubilee 'Cherry Cyrus.' Nonetheless, that was an event solved under about, shall we say, five minutes. Thanks to my help, we uncovered the Countess' former manage being an advantageous [BEEP]wad earlier than the episode had planned, hence no needless conflict between the singer and the farmer.

Sadly, though, Twilight wouldn't let me take retribution upon the arrogant stallion.

Spike grinned sheepishly, and I shrugged unapologetically. "My sincere apologies... Twilight Bulma."

"Wouldn't that be Twilight Chi Chi?"

I snorted in amusement at Spike's witty suggestion. "She's both, Spike Gohan." And as the alicorn looked confused, we snickered childishly.

"Wait, why do I have to be Gohan? Why can't I be Trunks?" The dragon asked in playful annoyance.

Because you're not that talented, little dragon.

Play nice, Sombra Ten Shinhan.

The King snapped irritably, If I am to humour you on this childish game, Wright, I'd much prefer to be addressed as Vegeta Sombra, thank you very much.

The orange mare cleared her throat before any further banter could take place, both with Spike and Sombra separately. "Rara was a little disappointed ya decided to leave in the middle of the show, guys. She had hoped all her friends would've enjoyed it."

I huffed. "No offence to her, Applejack, but loud, obnoxious, overblown concerts played by, admittedly, mediocre talent with predictable lyrics the twelve year old's that wrote them from my world? Not my style." Applejack glared in clear irritation, whereas the rest rolled their eyes in exasperated expectancy. "You know I'm not fond of loud events."

"Yeah, obviously why you never bothered hosting one before."

What? My gaze turned to a snorting Rainbow. "I made a Christmas party for everyone once, remember?"

The unfazed pegasus shrugged. "Well yeah, but that's small in comparison. I'm talking really big, town-sized style parties. Y'know, something way out of your comfort zone that you're too afraid to host."

...Is that a fact?

Yes. Yes it is.

Wasn't asking you.

I raised a brow. "You think I'm incapable of doing something like that?" At Rainbow's smirk, I refrained from mirroring the expression. Alrighty then... If she wants to make that bet, I'm willing to compromise, just to wipe the smug look off that mare's face.

I can host a town-filled party... [BEEP] it, I will host a party. In fact, I'll host the best party Ponyville's ever seen. Hell, I can do it while they're...

...Inspiration has struck.

Pinkie, taking the initiative next, hopped up and down excitedly. "So, c'mon guys, how do you play this game? I wanna join!" Sure thing Pinkie Buu! Spike and I exchanged grins as the former proceeded to divulge everything the enthusiastic mare needed to know.

"Are you sure you don't want to accompany us to Canterlot?" Twilight inquired, taking a moment to converse with me before joining the others within the train compartment. "I'm sure Princess Celestia and Princess Luna would love to see you again."

Shaking my head, I smirked. "Nah. Even if I wanted to, I have business to attend to here. No rest for the wicked, eh Twilight?"

At that, those alluring violet eyes sparkled interestingly. "Oh? Is Starswirl educating you on a new skill, or something similar?"

"I cannot possibly say." Kissing her hoof gentlemanly, I added with open fondness, "Have fun in Canterlot, and give the Princesses my warm regards. I'll see you when you return love." Twilight smiled adoringly, responding with a heart-stopping peck to my cheek and proceeding to enter the compartment, both of us playing ignorance to the smug expressions of our tactless friends observing from the window. The train, on cue, blew out its whistle when the door closed, and I waved to the departing others, waiting until the train was far out of sight.




Still a blur... And...


Alright! Smacking two hoofs together eagerly, I moved to exit the station and on my way through the town. Time to get to work! And speaking of which, Balance alerted me to two approaching presences of certain friends.

You're seriously going through with this...

Why yes. Yes I am!

Bon and Lyra, equally grinning excitedly in contrast to Sombra's sole dismay, quickly walked towards me. The former asked brightly, "Shall we proceed with setting everything up now?"

I nodded, to Lyra's utter delight. The lime unicorn clapped her own hoofs cheerfully. "Yes! This is gonna be an awesome party!"

Bon nodded, before slightly frowning in brief uncertainty. "Are you sure this isn't the least bit unfair to your friends; leaving Twilight and the others out of the fun?"

"Oh absolutely." I grinned with open mischievousness. "And that's just part of the fun! We're gonna have the greatest party Ponyville's ever witnessed, and they'll miss out on it. We humans, Bon, are masters of the trolling arts."

The Earth Pony twisted her muzzle, whereas Lyra grinned and wrapped a limb around her (girl)friend. "Aw c'mon Bon, it'll be fun! Just because some of our friends will miss out on it doesn't mean we can't have a great time. It'll be a blast!" Yeah, listen to your eager friend here. "I've never done a rave party before, but it sounds really really amazing!"

Bon sighed, finally, and smiled lightly. "Alright then, I'll humour you both. Let's get started then." Straightening herself while Lyra jumped in blissful joy, the Earth Pony inquired, "Where do we start?"

Mirroring the gesture, I cleared my throat while smiling still. Time to get to work. "Alright. Bon, I need you to go to the Mayor and request invitations sent to everyone in the town for tonights event. Lyra, I need you to visit Vinyl, we'll need our main DJ and her equipment for this to even work. I'll go find the Cakes and request to borrow Pinkie's party decorations." And that, the mares nodded and proceeded on their way, as did I. I'll stop by Derpy and Whooves' places for their assistance as well. We'll need all the help we can get.

For all your childish endeavors, you never struck me for a 'raving' type.

Well, first time for everything. Besides, it seemed fitting for Ponyville's taste. I'm gonna show how all these denizens how we human beings party.

Hmph. If you intend to make a fool of yourself once more, indulge yourself. I, however, am more looking forward to witnessing the expression on that pegasus' muzzle upon the aftermath.

I know right? It's gonna be great!

But that eagerness died down, slightly, when another voice entered unexpectedly, In the meantime, I have a request. There is something we must discuss after your visit to the Cakes, Jack.

"- Think you can handle getting all that done?"

An incredulous scoff, the Master of Chaos waved his chicken hand dismissively. "What do you take me for Starry? When it comes to setting up town-sized events, I know exactly how to set the right mood to par-tay." Punctuated by Discord summoning a spinning disco ball above him and proceeding to dance merrily. "Just leave the decorating to me. Raving is my middle name." And at my nod, he disappeared with the supplies, ready to prepare everything as per my instructions, inciting my sigh of relief.

Good, with Discord helping, everything will be prepared earlier than predicted.

Now then. My eyes gazed over the blue room within the castle. Sorry about that Starswirl, I'm alone now. So what's up?

"A matter regarding certain complications." Oh. Oh this time, our conversation wasn't through the mental realm. No, the transparent image of the ancient unicorn, bathed in a white outline light, stepped forward with a warm yet contemplative expression. "We are growing concerned as this factor worsens."

"Worsens..." I frowned, taking in the implication. "You mean the imbalance."

"What else?" Hm? Looks like it's not just my mentor appearing right before my eyes. His body more physically solid, Sombra stepped out of the shadows, that red-eye glare as ferocious as ever. "The one real threat; a gargantuan of damnation towards Equestria. All that we may have been responsible to unleashing."


"Our royal friend here may also have been party responsible for these emergencies of imbalances." Starswirl clarified, casting the former tyrant a faint look of amusement. "Having almost taken complete domination through your body and soul long ago. But, that is all in the past, but I fear the repercussions are beginning to impact us, now more than ever."

"Have you detected any imbalances right now?"

The mage shook his head. "Nothing too worrisome, quiet yet. No wormholes have appeared in any place upon this world, thankfully. But... I fear it will not be long until they reveal themselves yet again. In the meantime, if our theory proves itself substantial, great steps are to be taken in making our next moves regarding your friends, Jack."

"Meaning, boy, interfering in any of the 'episodic' incidents must be approached with care." Sombra added sternly. "I, in addition to this wise ideal, state we begin to back off from changing these events to suit our... Your whims. And, considering the nature of what's to come next..."

Knowing exactly what he was referring, I smiled wryly. "I've already planned out how to deal with Starlight."

"And that is precisely the point." The King narrowed his eyes irritably. "You claim to despise arrogance, yet your own self-conceited mind prevents you from exercising caution, Wright. Continue on through this little plan, and you may have endangered Equestria, the fate of all your loved ones, moreso than that misguided mare ever had."

My gaze switched to Starswirl, seeking confirmation. The ancient unicorn nodded sagely. "We mustn't rule out the possibility. But should you desire still to intervene against Miss Glimmer's upcoming plans, then I will support your decision regardless." He smiled at Sombra's grumbling.

As did I, nodding determinedly. "I can't, in good nature, allow time to get [BEEP]ed up like that again. I know Starlight's motivation; I can appeal to her humanity, for lack of a better word, before she uses that spell." It shouldn't be too hard, really, all I had to do was convince the unicorn to make new friends, remind her that Sunburst would never regard her like a friend if she carried through with this, and voila.

Problem solved.

"Your fondness for these ponies will be your undoing."

"Oh do stop those melodramatic statements." I snapped at the King. "They're beginning to get real tedious."

Sombra snarled. "How do you think I feel? Forced to observe as you act like a twelve-year-old colt around your friends, particularly your Princess? It is agonizing."

"You've tolerated through it before. Complaining won't do anything about it."

"Incorrect. It provides me slight entertainment to have you share my irritation."


A firm cough. "Gentlecolts, please. We are not here to bicker like Diamond Dogs. Let us calm ourselves." Tch. As Sombra and I continued the glare contest, Starswirl resumed his gaze on me. "Now, let us address a concern we have discussed before, though not fully." Alright. We switched our looks to the grim unicorn, off-putting me slightly. Jesus, never seen him look so worrisome before. "The abduction of Princess Cadenza at the hoofs of a certain Changeling Queen."


"I was wondering when we were getting to that point," Sombra said snidely, "Perhaps now, old one, you have a concrete explanation behind that incident?"

Starswirl shrugged. "The general idea as of yet is the Queen being summoned through the imbalance itself."

Sombra rolled his eyes. "Anything not blindingly evident?"

"Do you recall what the Changeling said, regarding her own species during that battle alongside Prince Armor?"

The question was moreso directed towards me, prompted my frown. Remembering... "Something along the lines of... Losing everything she had, including her Changeling kind." The fury, the heated rage turned towards us back then... Cyan eyes looked back to my teacher uncertainly. "But how? Chrysalis' people don't rebel against her until the season six finale... Unless that one Changeling I spoke with at the wedding party heeded my words and started a revolution..."

"Or perhaps..." Sombra mused, glaring at the ground. "Our foe was from a time yet to be..."

...What now?

"I am inclined to concur, Sombra." Starswirl, meanwhile, had ancient eyes fixed upwards, on one insignificant wall. His expression was unsettling grim. "Recollecting her words, alongside the implications within that hateful tone, we could speculate that the wormhole summoned the Changeling Queen from another time. A time where her own kind rebelled against their cruel mistress and freed themselves from the ideals fo stealing love, as opposed to sharing it."

But, that's...

"You're implying she's from the future...!" My eyes widened, jaw slightly agape. I mean, pretty much nothing was impossible in this world, granted, but this was almost pushing the suspension of disbelief.

Starswirl's wizened face hardened. "And if that idea proves true, then imbalance is gradually becoming more powerful, affecting not simply space but time through its rampage, and a force to be reckoned with." Wise eyes finally turned to us. "We must prepare for the worst."

"And strike at the heart of this imbalance once we possess the chance." Sombra stepped forward, red eyes blazing in resolve, muzzle growling. "And when that opportunity arises, no further wasting time with silly activities. I will not stand by and allow my kingdom to be held victim to these holes spreading across the lands. It is my duty as King."

Despite some of those insinuations, something about Sombra's tone and conviction reinforced my own feelings on the matter, copying his movement, straightening with a hardened expression. "I'm with him on that. We're going to take down this imbalance when we get the chance. It's my duty as the Twilight Warrior, after all."

Starswirl stayed quiet for a brief moment, regarding our determined postures with an unreadable expression. Then, a small, appreciated yet proud smile emerged on the transparent stallion's muzzle. "And it is my duty as Protector of Harmony to aid you in this battle. Together, our magic of Harmony, Chaos and Balance might just be enough to stop this threat against our shared world indefinitely."

And before anything else could be said, the entire conversation was interfered through the certain mischievous voice of a magical clown. "Just to be clear, the entire theme is rave-based, as you said, correct?"

My eyes switched from Discord, to the spots where Starswirl and Sombra previously were, then back to him. Yes, together we will take on this source behind the imbalance and wormholes, and stomp it out for good.

But, for now, I had an event to organize.

Gotta hand it to Discord. When Pinkie's not around, he makes a fantastic substitute.

Yes. It is very eccentric-themed.

Cyan eyes looked appreciatively around at the decorations of streams and dance floor being placed all over the pathway and grass towards the castle, and soon to the town within. Discord acted accordingly to my instructions well, and I congratulated the satisfied creature of chaos for it. With the decor finished, there were still other matters left to attend to.


Aha! With a grin, I turned to face the approaching Derpy, accompanied by an exhaling Whooves. The Doctor and his companion, as always. "Derpy, did you deliver all the invitations the Mayor made?"

The grey pegasus saluted happily. "Every last one from the Cakes to the Doodle family."

"Well done."

Derpy grinned, whereas Whooves smiled wryly. "So it's true then, you are hosting a town party voluntarily." Blue eyes gazed around the area curiously. "I had thought you were no longer incited to accomplish something like that after the Hearth's Warming party long ago."

I shrugged. "I'm not completely above hosting a party."

Whooves then regarded me quite uncertainly. "I find it odd, however, that you would plan this out without those six mares and young Spike to assist you. Unless this is a repeat to surprise them like last time."

At that, a smirk stretched over my muzzle. "Oh you'll see soon enough." That said, I looked back to Derpy. "Think you can help Bon and the Cakes with preparing the refreshments? They might also welcome your little muffin addition."

The mare nodded wildly, and Whooves stepped forward. "Anything I might do to assist with preparations, my good friend?"

Hmm... Oh!

"Actually, yes Doctor. If you'd go find Discord and help him get everyone willing to become familiar with rave style dancing, that'd be appreciated."

The brown Earth Pony cocked his head. "Hm, never done a 'rave' before, sounds positively thrilling."

"I bet it is!" Derpy added cheerfully, dragging a startled stallion with her. "C'mon Whooves! We've got work to do!"

And there they go... I bet they'll get married.

Most likely will.


Yet, I find it curious, regarding your purpose behind organizing such an event, Wright. Aside from spiting a doubtful blue pegasus, surely a town-filled group of equines is enough to warrant your stress.

Normally, yeah, my lack of composure around crowds isn't really a positive trait. But, my confidence against these obstacles surrounding my introvert nature, alongside my mental condition, has strengthened considerably, I feel. All thanks to six certain mares and a young dragon.

As always, it all comes down to them.

I'd die for them.

You've proven as much.

"Well well. Someone appears to be quite content with their progress."



That voice.

Slowly, disbelieving eyes widened at the appearance of a certain classy Earth Pony, who acted unfazed by my reaction to someone I was certain never wanted to speak to me again. The grey mare with black mane and pink eyes motioned around us. "Interesting decor. Never pegged you for the partying type, Stardust."

Ohhhhhhh [BEEP]...

And things got slightly more amusing...

"Hello Octavia... How have you been?"

She cocked a brow. "Well, at least you're attempting a sense of civility this time around." Ouch. I winced somewhat, but Octavia seemingly ignored it. "Your little event for the town hasn't gone unnoticed. Lyra happily informed Vinyl while I was in earshot." Right, those two lived together, for some reason.

"Yeah..." I replied uncertainly, mustering a weak grin as past memories of our last sour encounter surfaced. "Hope you don't mind us borrowing your housemate for tonight."

This time, Octavia smirked, faintly. "I admit, I was curious. The dignified Stardust Balance organizing a town-sized event of his own volition. Despite our previous misgivings, this had to be clarified through my own two eyes."

A weak shrug. "Well, now you have it."

"Indeed." Another sweeping gaze around the outside area between the town and the castle, before pink eyes looked my way. "And the motivation behind all this is...?"

"Well mostly just to prove a friend wrong."

"...I see." Octavia clicked her tongue, nodding while looking around. "You've certainly been busy. I heard you even got that clown, Discord, to assist you. Once again, with you, wonders never cease. You've always had that charm about you, Stardust." I leaned back slightly, recognizing the undertone. And through my connection to Balance, her own internal emotions were cooking up a storm of uncertainty, wariness and... Sadness.

Regret? No, that's what I should be feeling alone right now.

"Princess Twilight must be pleased with your effort, I'm sure."

Oh boy... "Octavia-"

Then distress broke through the air, and not from this unicorn. "Stardust! Stardust! It's an emergency!"

Oh Jesus, what now? My head snapped to the running fillies. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, before heading my way with panicking expressions. The young orange pegasus spoke next upon halting, "Apple Bloom... Zecora... Ya gotta... Danger...!"

Their emotions were all over the place. Gently, I placed two hoofs on the fillies separately with a firm tone, "Breathe, then tell me." But even then, from the sound of it, my own apprehension started to rise at what these young ponies were trying to get out.

Both obliged, collecting and exhaling breath, before Sweetie Belle explained in fully worry, "It's Apple Bloom and Zecora. They're in trouble, in the Everfree Forest!" That was all I needed before my limbs sprinted off in that direction, leaving those three behind in search to help two of my friends.

Once I was in range, locating their exact positions wasn't too hard. Fear, worry and apprehension was palpable through the air, and not entirely originating from the troubled zebra and filly. Sensing the pursuit of the other Crusaders behind me, my search eventually led to a rather familiar spot... A place I didn't think I'd see again.

With that said, once the rest caught up, I immediately whirled to them and pointed at a particular hole, slightly acknowledging the surprising fact that Octavia has followed us too. "Someone wanna tell me why the boulder covering the hole has been moved?"

Scootaloo quickly launched into the explanation. "Zecora wanted to make a potion that needed water from the mirror pool, and we wanted to help her out. After we moved the boulder, we went down below and... We were ambushed! By some large scary monsters! We managed to escape when Zecora stalled them, but Apple Bloom didn't want to abandon her, so she stayed!"

Octavia gasped, and I frowned, glaring back at the hole leaking negative feelings, trying to sense any potential threats. "Timber Wolves?"

"No!" Sweetie Belle answered hurriedly, "Entirely different. One's a black pony-looking creature with holes all over her legs and horn, with these bug-like wings and I swear has a crown on her head-"

Oh Jesus Christ. Not her! You gotta be kidding me!

Whether fate plays a cruel trick on you or not is irrelevant. The time now is to make a choice.

Right... Right.

Facing the females again, I ordered sternly, "Return to Ponyville. Inform Bon Bon I'll be preoccupied for the moment." The two hesitated, glancing from me to the hole in deep concern. Alright then, placing two hoofs on their tiny shoulders, I added with conviction, "I promise Apple Bloom and Zecora will be safe and unharmed. Now, do as I say and go back." Before I glanced towards a furrowed classical mare. "Octavia, please make sure they get back safely."

With that, I stepped back and turned to face the hole, gathering up my focus and preparation for a no-doubt long and daunting. But before I could dive in, however, the grey mare inquired incredulously, "Surely you don't intend on facing this danger alone?"

You've known me... How long, Octavia?

Taking a few steps forward prompted the Earth Pony to add, "You may be confronting unparalleled threats that are down there!"

"And my friends are down there, in trouble!" Throwing a snarky grin to a stunned mare. "Now if you'll excuse me, I've got an old friend to deal with."

Hearing no response, I swiftly leaped into the wide hole, jumping from one step to another in my hurried pace within the illuminated cave. An army of Pinkie's was a holy terror, but if Chrysalis managed to uncover the secrets of this wide sparkling pool... We maybe be in for some [BEEP]. The pool remained the same as ever, seemingly untouched and uncorrupted. That's a sign, at least. Now where were...


Following my senses, it didn't take tediously long to locate the missing equines in the corner of the cave. Apple Bloom and Zecora... One standing up in defiance to protect a clearly unconscious friend. And my expression tightened at the fact it wasn't Zecora who was awake and striving to defend poor Apple Bloom. The young Earth Pony stood with shaking limbs and head raised tall, feebly attempting to appear brave against the opposition standing between myself and them.

An opposition I was all too familiar with.

"Hey! Syphilis! It's me you want!"

Apple Bloom gasped, in surprise and immense relief, whereas her attacker slowly turned around to face her old foe. Queen Chrysalis looked the same as ever, along with that snarling expression which suits her flawlessly. Except... Something was wrong. Deadly wrong.

My breath inhaled sharply. From the light of the pool beside us, I noticed the eyes. No longer the sickly green orbs of greed and conquest. But... Black. Completely and utter blackness. No irises, just everything shrouded in shadow. It made me take a little step back in shock. What... What has happened to her?

Was imbalance the cause...?

Gravely, that is not our only problem. Look around you.

True to Starswirl's words, my horror only escalated as two different creatures entirely emerged from the shadows, between the black-eyed Queen and sharing that exact feature... And expression. One was a blue feline-looking creature with a hand at the end of his tail and adorning gold of numerous treasures around his neck. The other, three animals merged into one abominable creature that made Discord look saint-like. Two beings I never comprehended to see here, nor ever again. My hoofs clenched into the dirt, grinding my teeth at the realization that I may have come ill-prepared.

Chrysalis was a challenge in her own right. But add her along the chimera and Ahiuzotl... I think I've overestimated my chances.

I've let my arrogance get the better of me once again, and this time, I was probably going to pay for it.

Still, my body leaned back, getting ready for an immense brawl. I won't go down without a fight. My opponents took my body stance as an indication to start approaching with slow, predatory steps. Two of my friends were in danger, and one of them a child. I won't retreat, not now, not ever. I've trained long and hard for this. I'm much more powerful than I was at the wedding.

And we're with you all the way Jack.

Just don't get yourself killed Wright.

Heh... A small smirk, despite the present situation. I might take that tone as worry Sombra.

Don't be absurd. Your body is the only reason keeping me alive. If you fall, as will I, and you will not fall today.

Fair enough... I appreciate the faith.

Although, this battle needn't be fought alone.

Because I have you two?

Before my teacher could answer, my obstacles to my friends pounced, forcing me to act. One leap and pushing myself off the back of a charging Chrysalis, spin-kicking the possessed Ahiuzotl across the face, landing almost into the pool. That reminds me to direct the battle further from that area as possible. Both my front hoofs raised upwards and grabbed sabertooth and goat mouths snapping at me, dragging my hind legs backwards. In retaliation, I swiftly grabbed the teeth of the tiger and horns of the goat, quickly using my balanced strength to spin the chimera into a pouncing Ahiuzotl.

That moment of victory was short-lived upon my side being impacted into by a certain Changeling, rolling my body before composing myself before Bloom and Zecora. Chrysalis followed her successful hit by moving forward and slamming my spot with both hooves, and I quickly side-stepped the assault, ducking underneath a green energy beam and dodging numerous swipes of her black horn, and leaping out of the way of another attempted stomp. Danger alerted me to my left, having me lean backwards and swiftly landing a square punch into the chimera's jumping side, forcing it flying into a surprised Chrysalis and making them speed by my friends and into a heap on the ground.

And more danger presented itself, inciting my body to jump over the smashing paw of the feline's and rolling over his unwitting back, successfully dodging two swipes from the tail. Raising two hoofs to retaliate-

And that gave Chrysalis the perfect moment to land a magic attack into my shoulder. Ow ow ow ow! My brief glare after being forced back by the assault provided Ahiuztol the advantage, feeling my own tail being swiftly dragged upwards, and slamming my body further into the ground before I could respond fast enough. My vision became filled with dirt as the treasure hunter repeated the dirty deed over and over again. And growing sick of it, I managed to react properly by the next attempted slam with kicking the tail off me.

And a charging chimera greeting me before I could even land on the ground. This time, its pounce was successful, and the victorious merge of animals threw my harshly onto the ground, prompted my pained state to keep rolling from the claws and heads trying to land a blow. One hoof managed to grab the snake head tail, but that was barely enough. I felt gravity grow harsher, forcing me to release the hissing snake and glare at a black-eyed Chrysalis with a lit horn. This time, the seemingly-possessed Changeling was grinning with open maliciousness.

The other creatures shared those expression alongside the eye colour, and Ahiuzotl, not to be outmatched, took the opportunity of Chrysalis trapped me through gravity by spinning forward and - Ugh! - landing clenched tail hand directly to my chest, right below the emblem of mine and Twilight's marks.


My body flung backwards as Apple Bloom called out fearfully, myself feeling more angry and annoyed now than ever. Is that how they wanna play it? Fine, I'll play dirty as well. Dragging my hoofs into the damaged dirt to compose myself, landing back on all fours, I glared at the three dangerous beings, barely finished. Slowly, my hoof removed both the fedora and detaching the cape, emphasizing how serious I was taking this now. Time to end this, swiftly as possible.

And it was Ahiuzotl who charged first this time, using all five of his paws to spring upwards with an open jaw, beady eyes eclipsed by utter darkness. I tensed, rearing a front hoof back to-

But my defense, however, was unneeded, a light purple beam throwing the feline flying away, smashing directly into a stone wall. Along that, a certain, very much welcomed voice called out sternly and triumphantly.

"You mess with one of us? You mess with all of us!"

This time, I wasn't mad by the unexpected arrival of my friends, eleven ponies reaching down the steps and taking a spot between me. The mane six taking my left, and Bon, Lyra, Whooves, Derpy and Octavia, to my shock, standing by my right, all glaring with fierce determination towards the three sneering opponents.

"Apple Bloom! I'll be right with yer!"

"You're here! Teach these monsters a lesson, big sis!"

...Yeah. Our unwelcomed friends before us were now [BEEP]ed.

And, after about ten seconds of stare downs, ponies, Changeling and others all charged, a battle to be remembered commencing. War cries echoed through the cave upon choosing our own opponents.

And Twilight was right beside me, us two taking on the snarling Chrysalis. With her magic, my amazing alicorn girlfriend repelled the Changeling's own ranged assaults, shielding me from numerous attacks and making openings for me to hit the Queen directly. Limbs clashed against limbs, magic fought back against magic. And, luckily, it wasn't just us two who chose to fight back against the Changeling Queen. Derpy contributed beautifully by whizzing past repeatedly, acting like an annoying fly. And Applejack, while our foe was distracted enough by us three, slid beneath the Changeling and forcefully kicked Chrysalis into the air with her fearsome limbs, allowing both a purple beam and Balance Shockwave to send the Queen flying into the ceiling, rubble following the bested monarch onto the ground.

Applejack took that chance to reunite her embracing sister, the pair opting to help a sleeping Zecora away from the battle. Good idea. Meanwhile, the rest of our friends were dealing with the other threats.

Ahiuzotl was having trouble dealing with a smug blue pegasus, a mathematical Earth Pony and two classy elegant mares working together in sync. The feline being swiped helplessly at the air as Rainbow zoomed past and around him multiple times, landing several smacks into his face by way of taunting him. And with the treasure hunter successfully distracted, Whooves was talking away to the two mares, no doubt calculating the best open area for attack. That suspicion proved true, as Rarity and Octavia shared smirks and, through their efforts, aimed and united physical and magical energy against the stomach of the tall, unsuspecting Ahiuzotl. The feline was sent hurtling back, aided by a speeding Rainbow Dash, using her own ability to make Ahiuzotl a blue and smashing him into a wall, decorated in dirt before he could even land in the pool.

That's gotta hurt.

And as the chimera swiped, Bon and Lyra cartwheeled back from the outstretched paws, twirling and swerving around limbs and mouths snapping at them, working in flawless harmony. Meanwhile, the snake head was attempted to snatch a yelping Fluttershy out of the sky, whose saviour was an energetic Pinkie Pie, jumping onto the stunned snake tail and proceeding to bounce merrily on the irritated abomination's backside. As all three heads looked to take a bite separately at her, Lyra and Bon took advantage of this and produced a rope out of nowhere, using one end each to charge forward and knock the surprised chimera onto the ground, using that chance to tie up the creature's limbs perfectly. Any attempts of release were quickly subdued by Pinkie bouncing atop their heads, cheerfully hopping around, Lyra mimicking the gesture in triumph.

With some groans, our smug gazes looked back to a reemerging Chrysalis, bringing herself out of the rubble and downright roaring bloody murder at us. Quickly we jumped back to prepare, the others who defeated their respective foes joining us. The chimera snapped the tied ropes off without fault, and the Ahiuzotl crawled in our direction with baleful blackened eyes. The eleven of us formed a large circle, ready to fight back as much as possible if need be.

United, we were unstoppable.

But fate, it seemed, had other intentions. Or in this case, imbalance.

"Brace yourselves!" I warned loudly, sensing the upcoming distortion.

The holes emerging beneath the limbs of our surrounding foes were slow to appear, but quick to swallow the unsuspecting creatures up whole. Before I could also caution my friends further, to my surprise, and small relief, the imbalance quickly disappeared, taking the holes along with it, and Balance felt... Surprisingly content once again.

As if taking a long-needed breath.


Rainbow shared that sentiment. "You mean... That's it? I was hoping for an actual challenge!"

And yet, despite the whole thing we just went through, laughter escaped everyone's muzzles, filling the cave after a moment of silence.

"As it turned out, Princess Celestia didn't require our presence for too long; she just needed some friendship advice for two royal representatives over a dispute. After handling that, we could return home. And we ran into Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo along the way, with Bon, Lyra, Derpy and Whooves in tow. Upon hearing what happened, we hurried to help you as quickly as we could."

As Twilight explained her side of the story, everyone else was chatting away to one another, all of us having retreated to the edge of the forest after that hectic battle, along with sealing the pool cave once again. And, thankfully, Zecora nor Apple Bloom were entirely injured from the villains, the zebra had been knocked out trying to protect the young Earth Pony, but didn't gain too many injuries. Zecora was up and about once again, conversing with the Crusaders and Applejack nearby. All's well that ends well, huh.

Twilight's expression then soured somewhat. "Imagine our surprise, though, when hearing of your intentions to throw a town-sized party without us." Ah. My glance trailed off to Spike, who waved feebly upon my look. The alicorn sighed, shaking her head slightly. "Can't even leave for a day without you getting into trouble, can we?"

Shrugging, my own look turned sheepish. "I seem to be a magnet for it." Twilight released an unladylike snort, prompting my small chuckle.

Still, she had a point though. Not even when doing something nice for my friends, keeping it from the mane six aside, there always seems to be some obstacle opposing me. Once again, proving to be a thorn in my side, Chrysalis had made her presence known.

Question being, was it the future Chrysalis, as Starswirl had speculated...?

It appears likely. Though the Changeling Queen wasn't in any clear state to answer those inquiries.

I'll say. She, that chimera and Ahiuzotl all looked as though they were possessed or something. I'm going to guess imbalance was responsible for that...?

Very astute. It appears whatever malevolent force drives the imbalance, has corrupted the senses of those unfortunate individuals for its own purposes. An ambush, intended to bring you there through endangering your friends.

So... Once again, my fault they were in danger.

Oh Christ, don't start this again...

Again, it is moreso my responsibility to blame for than yours, Jack. In any case, you did well, you and your friends, besting those opponents and saving Miss Zecora and Miss Apple Bloom successfully. Working as a team displayed that way, it was magnificent to observe. I am grateful for all your efforts.

Yeah... So am I.

"I'm still curious as to how and why Chrysalis showed up again, not to mention with a chimera and Ahiuztol." Twilight frowned inquisitively. "That combination of malicious beings... Why would this imbalance summon them together? How did it get a hold of them?"

Queen Chrysalis was evidently taken through events we've yet to witness. As for the others, recall those imbalances we've encountered during our battles against Ahiuzotl and the chimera before today. It is clear this distortion against Balance abducted them for its own sinister purposes. And now, it seems, that purpose is clear. Whatever is controlling this terrible force targets the one who can potentially stop it.

...In that case... I'll be ready for it. Just gotta keep training harder, eh?

"You know something."

My eyes looked back to Twilight. "Am I that obvious?"

She smiled wryly. "Can't hide anything from me."

"In that case, I'll have to try harder."


A polite, light couch interjected our small banter, Twilight's lecture halted by the request of another mare. We looked over to see a patient Octavia, regarding us with open amusement. "Begging your pardon, Princess, but if I may borrow your esteemed Warrior for a brief moment?"

Oh boy. Should've seen this coming.

The Princess nodded, but not before giving me an expression that clearly stated our conversation was far from over. As Twilight walked over to join the others, Octavia stepped forward, pink eyes staring intently. The best I could do, meanwhile, was grin like an utter idiot. After a few moments of silence between us, the Earth Pony huffed and shook her head.

"Composure isn't your strong suit, is it?"

I laughed weakly. "How'd you guess?" But Octavia didn't chuckle, still staring at me, waiting... Alright. Let's get this over with. Sighing, I proceeded with sincere words, "I regret ever yelling at you, scolding you so harshly back then. I wasn't myself, not completely, back then. So... I'm sorry, Octavia, for doing all that. For shrugging you off so coldly, and treating you with open hostility. If you don't want us to be friends after this, I understand-"

"If I wasn't your friend, Stardust, I wouldn't have aided you down there, would I?"


This time, a small smile crawled its way up her grey muzzle. "Honestly, you take things too seriously. I forgave you, long ago. I just wanted to be sure you were fine being near me again." What? The mare rolled her eyes humouredly. "As if I would hold a grudge for that long. I know about your little possession back then, when you attacked your friends. I knew, immediately, something wasn't right. Despite your grouchy disposition, I know for a fact you would never, willingly, harm your friends." Octavia nodded. "So, in shorter words, yes, that does mean we're still friends."

Oh... Well, thank [BEEP] for that. That's a huge relief. And here I thought I'd still make accidental enemies in this town.

"However, that doesn't imply you're off the hook completely dear." Ohhh dear. Octavia was now smirking, rather knowingly. "I am in need of someone to assist me with carrying some instruments of mine around."

Of course...

"But tell me this first, Stardust."


Pink eyes gazed over, and I followed them to see a certain alicorn conversing away with Rarity, Rainbow, Bon and Lyra. Octavia spoke quietly, "Does she make you happy?"

I smiled, couldn't resist doing so. "She never does otherwise." Just the mere sight of my girlfriend, oblivious to our own stares, was enough to brighten my day. Twilight would probably have that effect on me for the rest of eternity. I certainly hope that.

The Earth Pony frowned... Then nodded, casting aside her turmoil of thoughts and emotions in favour of happiness. Happiness for her friend. "She's lucky to have you."

"No... I'm blessed to have her."

Everything was set.

The decorations were placed, dance floor laid on the ground in preparation, night had fallen, and a whole crowd outside waiting for the event to officially commence. Discord was warming up the town populace, getting them hyped for the party to come. For tonight, began the first official rave part of Ponyville. Twilight, Spike and everyone was waiting outside among the hundreds of ponies.

That's right, hundreds. Because it wasn't just inhabitants of Ponyville participating. Certain guests had decided to invite themselves upon hearing about this rave event. Beings such as Cadence, Shining and, hell, even Luna. Almost every single friend I've ever made since arriving in Equestria oh so long ago has attended. And we were all going to dance until the sun rose up once again.

How low Equestria has sunk.

Aww don't be so downtrodden Sombra. It'll be fun!

I concur. This will be quite the show to observe.


"Ready to make history buddy?" Discord asked upon teleporting right before me, matching my own excited grin. "This is gonna be some party to remember."

Nodding, I straightened myself with a determined smile. "Ready as I'll ever be..." Inclining my head forward. "Well, let's not keep the crowd waiting."

And together, we moved towards the balcony, where a certain white unicorn waited for us. No, not Rarity. Vinyl stood by the side overlooking the town and its waiting populace, her own music gear set and prepared for probably the greatest Ponyville will ever have.

Conceited much?

Says you.

Discord, clearing his throat, addressed the crowd as I neared the edge, his voice speaking through an invisible microphone. "Everyone make some noise! For the number one DJ in Equestria: DJ BALANCE!"

Followed by mixtures of cheers and sound effects from the stereos surrounding the audience, the loud speakers echoing his last two words, making myself hyped for this momentous occasion. Alright Rainbow, you wanted a party hosted by yours truly? You certainly got one. Think of it as celebration for defeating three monstrous villains today. Below me, Twilight, Spike, the girls, Whooves, Cadence, Shining, Luna, everyone all smiled up at me. And I returned the gesture with a full plastered-on grin.

I was proud to call them all my friends.

Courtesy of Discord, my own voice echoed through the crowd. "Are you ready? To move your bodies through the thrum of sonic perfection?!"

Loud cries of excitement and resolve answered me. Beautiful.

Well then, let's give the crowd what they want. Nodding once to Vinyl, the mare began playing the chosen music for this event. It started off with a slow, pumping-up beat, steadily rising upwards for the crowd to grow accustomed to. And, as pre-planned beforehand, Discord made his cue at the right moment of the music, leaping off the castle balcony as the speakers proudly proclaimed.


Haha! My thanks to Auralnauts!

As Discord leapt from the balcony, the party blared.

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