• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 196: The Dragon Warrior

Knock knock, knock knock.

Following after those polite taps to the door came the sounds of a light, excited gasp from inside, replaced soon by noises involving shuffling [BEEP], organizing and setting everything prepared for whomever decided to visit her office. And I couldn't help but smile a little at the envisioned going-ons currently within that modest room.

Wooden door thrown open as the pink unicorn beamed. "Hello weary student! Welcome to my... Office... Oh." The practiced expression vanished by exasperated surprise. "It's you Stardust. I was thinking it would be... Ah never mind, come in."

"Still no progress huh?" I inquired rhetorically once entering the counselor office, taking another gaze around the interior like the last time I visited, carefully weighing some pack of letters on my back. Still tidy.

Starlight huffed, shaking her head once reaching her desk before throwing me a wry smile. "You'd think some students would have trouble in friendship matters. Guess it just goes to show how effective our friends are with teaching the magic of friendship, yadda ya." Adding that last bit as a moment to not sound as disappointed as her eyes and heart sang.

"Well, at least you're preparing every time." I offered to cheer my non-blood sister up, throwing in a humoured grin to the mix. "Even when doing nothing as a counselor, you can't be any worse than two certain camp siblings. Heheheheheheheheheheh... Huh?"

There it was again. My snark laughter trailed off from the detection of... Something, emanating like ooze from throughout the school. Curious, having sensed it the moment I arrived into this building, and it disappeared immediately afterwards before I could investigate, now it's shown up again. It smells like darkness, and yet... Innocence, at the exact same time? Must be a bully? Then again, Twilight's never mentioned of there being a bully in the School of Friendship. Heh, wouldn't that be an oxymoron-?

It's vanished. The presence, gone again, and I frowned, regarding the closed door in befuddled wariness. Like slime retreating into a nearby sewer, gone from the naked eye.

Just what was that all about...?

"Stardust?" My friend's puzzled voice caused me to regain myself, quickly grinning over to the mare with sheepish amusement. Starlight quirked her own smile, before magically summoning up two blue mugs of steaming liquid within. "Hot chocolate? I have some spare marshmallows too, since no one here seems to be interested."

"Heh, can't say no to marshmallows, but before that." With my own glowing horn, I, slowly but surely, levitated the pile of envelopes of my caped back towards the pink unicorn, presented right before Starlight between us. "Some letters arrived at the castle for you. I figured, sensing your utter boredom from over there, I'd help keep you occupied somehow."

"As you would be hopelessly bored over there yourself." Starlight teased, a kindred spirit indeed, before those lilac eyes and light smile reflected her thanks, accepting the letters during my snapped gaze towards the door. Balance flashing some alarm of fair warning.

There it was again! That presence! Coming and going, needing to be looked into when I had the time... That is, when I wasn't training with Balance, learning to master flight with Rainbow or practicing the art of horn magic by either Twilight or Starlight here, I pretty much had all the time in the world. After this little meeting with my sister, then I'll go take a gander.

Just like that, the presence disappeared again, prompting my annoyed scowl. Each time, my senses felt like it was being pricked at by some irritable tiny force of chaos, poking around and testing the waters. I had half a mind to mentally lash out and scare the presence off, but the better solution was opting for observation and patience, waiting for this unknown creature to make some drastic move and catch him/her in the act. All good things came to those who wait.

Little was I aware, that something even MORE promising would come out of today, as Starlight began opening and mumbling the contents of each sent message.

"Trixie wanting me to get her some supplies for her next act... Sunburst discovering a rare magical gem under a path at the Crystal Empire... Maud got herself a cute little apron for Boulder... Shining asking me not to tell Stardust about... Oh." Realizing her error immediately once my head snapped around at the mention of my name.

"Don't tell Stardust about what?"

"Uh, nothing!" Nope, not having that! The moment Starlight tried to nervously, hastily conceal the letter behind her back was when I struck, becoming a brief war of grasping the coloured paper by hoof or magic. "Hey! No! Stardust, it's not yours to... Read...!"

Haha, I was triumphant, smirking deviously at the annoyed and rather unnerved unicorn before commencing my own reading of the letter. Shining, bless him, warning Twilight's favourite student about some childhood fear of hers that he himself instilled-







"Uhhhhh, can I have that back now, Stardust? Please?" Starlight didn't even wait for a response, taking the advantage once I was in an enough stupor to snatch the letter back, piling it with the others on her desk while the implications sunk into my head.

Twilight, the Princess of Friendship, the bearer of magic, who fought monsters and demons and so many others. My own soon-to-be wife... Was afraid of... Of...

"Ohhhhh Shining. Shining Shining Shining." My grin towards the instantly wary mare would be one that would make the Grinch himself proud of. "Thank you so much, Shining, for how I'll be devoting the rest of my day towards."

Oh, the presence of unease regarding whatever was lurking in the school halls couldn't be ignored, of course... But some things could wait. Right now, I had a boatload of possibilities to go through now. Project Tease was now underway!

Man... The Tangled and Frozen worlds leave much to be desired.

Kingdom Hearts III, after finally being released, was a subpar game and not entirely worth waiting thirteen years for. That said, MUCH left to be desired. Prior examples include the rather useless Flowmotion controls, the lack of originality storywise for Tangled and Frozen, and somewhat in Pirates of the Caribbean too, Pete and Maleficent still not being relevant in any way, elements of the main story cut out leaving more questions than answers about what exactly happened.

Then again, that was run-of-the-mill for this game series. But still, the qualities of the recent installment more than make up for the cons. I couldn't WAIT to start the weekly gaming night with Spike, Discord and the rest and witness their own reactions to the amazing game.

But maybe I should refrain on that a little, perhaps have them be introduced to the others games piror first. Oh, maybe we should do a thing where each of them plays one game of the series. For example, uh, Spike plays the first Kingdom Hearts game. Sunburst plays Chain of Memories, Discord plays 358/2 Days, Big Mac plays Birth by Sleep, and so on. I would obviously play the second Kingdom Hearts game, because that will always be my main favourite of the Xehanort Saga games.

Hmm... Something to consider for this weekend's game night.

Regardless, Kingdom Hearts III is an okay game... At least it shines on gameplay, worldbuilding, enemies and exploration. Storywise... Meh-

Suddenly, my senses were on high alert, a sudden spike of distress followed by an indignant cry through Balance. Then echoed verbally throughout the entire castle from her sleeping chambers.


Relieved that it wasn't anything serious, I unpaused the game and kept going commanding my own ship. God, The Caribbean world was perhaps the best in the whole game; so many memories of Assassin's Creed IV, and of the best kind too! Putting enough Heartless ships in their place before my bedroom door slammed open. Boy, that didn't take her long.

"Hey dear."

Silence reigned for a moment, disturbed only by the sounds of gameplay from my plasma. Take as long as you needed, love, myself repressing desperately a knowing grin from Twilight reacting to my little surprise in her room.

"Jack..." Twilight's voice grumbled from behind me, barely concealing her righteous annoyance. "Care to share with me why my room's walls, floor, ceiling and even the door is painted with ladybugs?"

Won't lie, I was terribly at painting for [BEEP]. But if Twilight managed to work out what my depictions all over the interior of her room were, I mustn't be as bad as I originally assumed. Maybe I should take up lessons.

Tilting my head a little, I replied coyly. "I could... But that wouldn't be any fun." Not taking my eyes off the screen for a moment.

But Twilight was NOT having it, her breathtaking lavender self stood teleporting to right in-between me and the screen, the plasma's top half only visible then. Huffing, I paused the game again just as I was benefiting from another hard-earned battle, regarding Twilight's flatly raised brow and tapping hoof, sensing the fury just scarcely managing to restrain itself. Heheheheh. One wing 'scratching' my beard, in reality hiding my threatening grin.

"I don't know how you found out about my fear of them... But I will not tolerate my own fiance teasing me about that too. I got enough of being made fun of it as a filly..." Twilight grumbled that last part. Hmhmhmhmhm- Oof! A sudden supply of buckets, mops and sponges suddenly crashing into my lap, the Princess of No-Nonsense continuing with bark. "If they're not washed off before bedtime; don't forget, I still have plenty of vengeful ideas for your running away long back."

So much for finding all the treasure chests in the POTC world. "Oh come on Twilight!" I finally showed my wide, cheeky grin. "I painted with you in mind!"

"Evidently." Twilight responded flatly, shaking her head with a long-suffering sigh. "Pardon me that I wish to sleep without those eyes for spots watching me..." At my perplexed expressions, the Princess clarified without thinking, "That's what Shining always told me back then..."

"...How old are you?" I asked without pondering myself, openly befuddled and ridiculously amused. But, again, Twilight was not having any of it, pointing with firm anger towards the door.

"Clean up. Now." Well with that tone how could I possibly refuse? "And stop giggling like Pinkie Pie winning herself a free balloon. It's not funny at all Jack!" Halfway to the door carrying the stuff, my chuckles dissolved into flat-out blown laughter.

"My dear Twilight! It's always funny when you're embarrassed!"

Heheheh. Thank you, Trixie, for those valuable tips on speeding up progress via magic. Completely wrapped up with re-painting Twilight's room in no time flat, taking off the apron and placing it in the wash, clearing up the rest of the supplies. I must say, I was really getting the hang of this magic stuff. Flying was still a chore to master, but overall, regular, Equestrian power? It's really doing me some favours.

Now, with that cleared up, back to Kingdom Hearts-!


I blinked, genuinely surprised by the small dragon meeting me in the hallway, those tiny wings extended which still sends me waves of pride. Spike didn't even fidget to meet my curious gaze, despite the waves of unease and apprehension coiling around within his spirit. What was the matter this time?

Gulping, the reliable son straightened his posture, squarely regarding me with firm green eyes in a successful attempt to appear bold and confident, before beginning his piece. "A while back, I asked to become like you; a Twilight Warrior. At first, you accepted, but then, with the threat of Zagreus around, you were obviously too worried for my safety and kept the powers of Balance to yourself, until the threat to everyone we love was vanquished."

Slowly, I nodded. Yes, I did say I'd train the young dragon a long while back, but with everything that was going on... I just found I couldn't. Spike didn't deserve to endure the same tortures and griefs as I had, no one did.

Yet my amazing son was hardly finished, inhaling sharply as though picking up my thoughts, and further steeling his resolve. "Well, Zagreus is history now, isn't he? So this time, I'm going to ask again, and I'll keep asking until you say yes. And actually go through with it."

He knelt down. That's right, properly kneeling before me, on one lizard knee but still looking me straight in the eye, unwavering, utterly certain of the path Spike was swearing to take this time. I suddenly found my own hoofs trembling a little in anticipation. Could this be it? Was it finally time, as Spike sprouted his wings, for him to become from a boy to the dragon equivalent of a man...? A part of me felt it was too soon, but another part...

Another part had hope.

"You are my Dad, and always will be. I am your son, and will always proud to be. Everything I've become since that fateful day with Nightmare Moon, is because of learning and growing up from you, and Mom. You're the most bravest, daring, selfless and strongest pony I've ever known, next to Mom, again." Sounding all entirely rehearsed, Spike evidently having had days to weeks of preparation for this speech. No wonder he cut bedtime stories short of late. "I want to be just like you, father, and become strong; strong enough to protect everyone and everything I care for." Bowing his head at last; whilst I felt the pricks of tears from either elation or pride leaking from my eyes. "Let me learn the ways of Balance like you have."

Before raising his head, again, finishing confidently with just the barest glimmer of hope in his beautiful eyes and youthful tone.

"Let me become a Twilight Warrior, and protect our family, and Balance itself alongside you."

My mind had already longed been made up from the moment Spike ever started needlessly bowing. One golden hoof gently cupping the purple scale shoulder, helping my wondrously brave son stand up proper, so I may look him better and respond in equal firm, but proud compassion.

"You are everything a father could ever dream for, Spike. You have become brave, honourable, selfless and kind in your own right; you are ten times the person your Dad would ever be... Adopted or biological." A touch of thrown humour to at least keep some things light-hearted. Both of us quirking a grin before I carried on, smiling in sheer warmth. "The path to learning Balance isn't easy; I still have yet to master the magic myself. But if anyone I'd rather have taught you the powers, my son... Well, I'd be the happiest Dad alive to do so."

Besides, with plenty of free time on my hoofs, and learning more and more about Balance myself anyway, why the Hell not? Could be the greatest father and son activity ever devised by man. Certainly beats fishing anyday.

"There'll be no grandiose ceremony, initiating you into the ranks of Balance, Spike." I smirked faintly then, but hazel eyes swam with sheer content and joy by the path this dragon was taking. To become his father's son, but in all the best ways. "For now, at your status, let's call you a... Hm, 'Balance Initiate.'"

Randomly made that up on the spot. But hey, I think it works. Spike inhaled then in wonder, green eyes blazing with a wide, startling grin to immediately break down the displayed facade to reveal the giddy, happy child within.

"Does this mean...?"

One, single nod. "It does, Spike the Dragon. My pride and joy. You'll learn the ways of Balance, and become the Luke to my Ben Kenobi-" The tightened embrace couldn't get anymore emotional, but somehow it did anyway, as I grinned widely and squeezed my eager son back, simultaneously elated, together.

Spike will be a Twilight Warrior. I would at least promise that. A legacy unlike any other!

"Don't you mean the Luke to your Anakin, Dad?" A muffled voice into my clothed chest.

"Spike, please, don't insult your teacher like that." I teased jokingly.

The beautiful hug soon parting away for me to look down at the grinning, ridiculously blissful dragon whom was close to hopping up and down on the spot. "Soooooooooooo." Spike began while clenching fists eagerly. "When do we start?!"

Hmm... Well, I could just save the game and commence training with Spike posthaste. "No time like the present, eh Spike?" I winked to the elated boy... Teenager. before something then occurred in my head. A wondrous idea. "In fact, why don't you save my file on the game left on in my room, make enough space for us, while I quickly check on something. Sound good?"

As if it weren't anymore possible to display just how happy he was to be finally doing this, my son's body became an immediately dust cloud in his mad dash for everything to get started. Laughing joyously by the adorable commitment, I quickly commenced my own path towards down the opposite hall, destination in mind. Best not keep Spike waiting for long.

He was never really as patient as the young dragon made himself out to be.

Right, that didn't take as long as I assumed, exiting the son's bedroom to leave the snoring young lizard in peace. The dead of night steadily sinking in.

Six hours. Six hours that Spike lasted before succumbing to exhaustion, which was more than progress, it was exemplifying! Kid was a natural at learning meditation as he was at flying in under twenty seconds.

"To first use Balance, you have to scale the light and darkness within your heart."

"Okay, got it!"


"...Er, what does that mean exactly?"

"Heh. It means, my eager pupil, that you have to balance both positive and negative emotions. Let's start with the simplest; what is the most brightest emotion you can think of?"

"Hmm... Joy. No wait, happiness? Bliss?"

"If you-"

"No wait wait wait wait wait, I got it! Love! I mean that kinda makes sense since you always call Mom 'love.'"

"Okay, that works, pretty much what I use anyway. What's the most negative emotion you can think of?"

"Erm... Anger? No, too simple. Hmm... Hmm..."

"Take your time, Spike."

"Got it teacher... Err... Rage? Despair? Pain? No wait, that's not an emotion... Hmm... Oh, oh! I know! Hate! Hatred is the strongest, most darkest feeling imaginable, right Dad?"

"Bingo, Spike. The first step to learning Balance is by acknowledging those equal feelings within you. There is never any shame in feeling regret, or sadness, or livid. They are natural emotions which no one should be judged for feeling when wronged."


Gotta admit, training my own first student like that, Spike of all people, was far more entertaining than I was expecting. I mean, I anticipated having fun, but that sessions before far exceeded anything. The dragon was a natural listener with the right motivation, and when he wasn't being talked down to like a toddler.

I couldn't stop myself from smiling amidst my trot through the nightly hall, blinking rather tired eyes, recalling the rather best parts of the lesson from me to him.

"So when will I learn how to make energy weapons, fire golden balls, turn my wings into cool balance-enhanced wings, stuff like that?"

"Hmhm, all in good time son, though I admire your ambitions, but Balance isn't all about being awesome. It's about finding the middle road; to bring peace between yourself, and to those on troubled opposing sides. Take no allegiance but that of your own beliefs."

"But you always take Mom's side."

"Because Twilight has me wrapped around her pretty long tail... Don't ever tell her I admit that though."

"Don't tell her what?"

"Atta boy. Anyway, balancing the heart. Once you've acknowledged these feelings inside, they must be raised on equal scaling. To do so, you have to remind yourself constantly what brings about these feelings, and let them linger in your mind and heart."


"Heheheheheh. I know, Spike, but in practice it's not as ludicrous... Okay it does sound completely ludicrous. But it works. Let's get started, tell me what you love more than anything else in the world."


"ASIDE from your infatuation with Rarity."

"Oh... Erm, my friends. Mom... You, heh..."

"There's no shame in admitting that, Spike, and thank you. What about what you hate the most out of anything in the world?"

"...Does getting up early count?"

"Pfft! Okay, relatable, but we're gonna have to work on that."

"Someone's happy."

Huh? My recollection of today's session grind to a halt from the perky voice of a certain pink mar, accompanied by the love of my life whom radiated slight annoyance for today's prank. Oh yeah. almost forgot about that, and it only made my muzzle twitch all the more than I was already beaming like mad.

Starlight continued with a raised humoured brow. "Normally you're not smiling that much this late until you're done with your little 'reading' sessions with Twilight." Said alicorn flushed, throwing her former student a wry glare which Starlight and I chuckled at. "Just kidding Twilight."

"No you're pretty spot-on." Violet and lilac turned to face me, and I shrugged. "Though that's not the reason I'm grinning like a child on Christmas tonight."

"I can imagine..." The Princess grumbled beneath her breath, sourly daring me through curled lips to explain myself.

"Oh, please don't tell the others just yet. I want this to be like a major surprise."

"You really think we can hide this from your mother?"

"...Fine, but don't tell anypony else!"

"Nor your Aunt Starlight?"

"Wait, 'Aunt?' Whatever, okay she can know too, but that's all!"

"I mean, I just finished with Spike learning his first lesson into using Balance like I do."

There, that wiped the former expressions from their faces. I chuckled lightly, giving them a moment for that to properly sink in. One, two, three, four!

"Wait what?"

"You've finally started on that?" Twilight's irritation already gave way for... Elation? Wow, she's almost as thrilled about it as I was, forgetting her previous strife earlier in favour of pride and joy for our beloved son. "No wonder I felt so much happiness from you and presumably Spike while I was cleaning up at the school. That's what you've been up to tonight!"

"Damn right love." I beamed cheerfully, soon neither of us unable to restrain ourselves and began dancing in one another's pony arms in the middle of the hallway, twirling and grinning to ourselves like it was already our wedding night. "Spike's gonna become ten times the warrior I will ever be!"

"Not to rain on your parade. But are you sure that's wise?" Starlight eventually inquired, bringing our happy loving dance to a fault and face the frowning but somewhat amused unicorn, gesturing with a hoof. "Wouldn't that be putting Spike in danger?"

"Starlight, Spike is always in danger. Comes with being our son, huh love?"

Twilight sighed, not entirely denying that common fact, as our embrace dislodged back to all fours, the alicorn facing our friend. "I understand your concern, Starlight, but Jack has a point." Where's my camera right now? "Spike often finds himself in trouble, and, regrettably, we can't always be there to rescue him in the nick of time. I'd rather he at least learn self-defense, as much as I'd prefer our son to be at home safe and sound." Throwing me a kind, and rather gratifying sparkle in her eyes. "And I trust Jack to be the one to teach him exactly that."

"I'll do everything I can." Came my answer, a vow fierce and simple, grinning to both mares cheerfully then. "You should have seen him the last six hours, girls. Spike's a born natural!" Even if it took a moment for meditation to appeal to the dragon's youthful mind.

"I have to meditate for HOW LONG?"

"Until you acknowledge and find inner peace from knowing both the dark and light within you."

"But... For how long?"

"However long is needed, son. I didn't learn all those 'cool' tricks on a whim."

"Tell that to the Ursaminor..."

"That was an accident."

"And that adult dragon..."


"And Prince Blueblood-"

"I'm pretty sure Rarity appreciates a man who listens to his teacher."


"That's what I thought. Now then, stay still and pay attention. Meditation isn't as simple as one might assume."

"Ooh, you have to tell me all about that!" Twilight suddenly looked excited by the prospect of hearing about today's session between father and son, immediately tugging at the side of my sparkling cape for me to come along. "It'll be fascinating to learn how the Magic of Balance operates and varies between a regular pony and a dragon!" Who you calling a 'regular pony,' love?

Starlight, meanwhile, snorted in good nature before shaking her head. "I think I'll leave you two lovebirds to lose it over your proud boy. I'm heading to bed." But before she turned the other direction, the pink unicorn paused, and threw over her shoulder in sincere compliment. "Congratulations about Spike, guys. Guess you'll need the practice when you start eventually training his future siblings. Goodnight!" Almost hastily trotting away with a wide smile on her face.

We immediately knew what the mare was insinuating, thus Twilight's gaze to the long carpet on the floor and completely reddened features. Cute. But Starlight's parting words did make me curious about something.

"Speaking of that... Have you considered Starlight as a potential Godmother?"

Blinking rapidly, Twilight continued avoiding my gaze before answering meekly, "Honestly, it has played in my mind..." With a shy brief glance my way curiously. "Have... Have you thought of a candidate?"

"...I thought Sunset would make a brilliant Godmother too, myself."

So, in light of this new development, Twilight has graciously allowed Spike half the day off from assisting in school from then on, so there would be more time for Balance training. It was a fitting schedule, and at least I wouldn't be totally bored and not-busy after my own training under Starswirl was done. Heh, it's just like the relationship between Dooku and Qui-Gon.

Dooku was still Yoda's pupil, a Padawan, even when he started training Qui-Gon. Fun fact eh? Wish the Count was given more substance in the prequels.

"So why are we here again?" Spike asked while rubbing his eyes, followed by an adorable yawn. "When I said I hated being out of bed early, I was half-joking..."

"Just needed to see a good friend of ours before she leaves for school this morning, Spike." Came my reply as we just reached the front door of the lovely cottage, knocking once. One two three four. It opened without any delay.

"Oh, good morning Stardust. Good morning Spike." The pleasant Fluttershy beamed happily upon our arrival, at first blinking a little in genuine surprise. "You caught me just in time; I was about to head out to the school."

"Morning Fluttershy, and we know. I was hoping to ask your something before you left."

"Okay. How may I help you?"

"Well, actually, I have two requests." Motioning to myself and then the curious Spike, whom shared the pegasus' inquisitive expression. "Is it alright if we borrow the Sanctuary from time to time, for meditative purposes, and to help out with the animals while you're busy at the school? We won't damage anything, we promise."

Fluttershy's eyes widened, before a blossoming smile emerged on her bright yellow muzzle. "Of course you may." Feeling a little pang of guilt in myself for practically stating a half-truth to this mare of all ponies. "And your second request?"

But that sensation of regret would give way to immediate glee. "Have you ever considered bringing a jar of ladybugs to your class?"

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