• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Seventy: Thorn in our Side

There were positives and negatives to relationships. One of them which I was experiencing was the former: being proud of Twilight for her continuous efforts in learning how to fly like a pegasus. And also the latter; keeping an eye on the learning Twilight as Rainbow helped her use her new wings, every second and sound of struggle on Twilight's side forcing me to glance up form my book repeatedly to make sure she was doing okay.

"Ya gotta really flap 'em hard!" Rainbow said, to which the new Princess nodded determinedly, doing as instructed, before-

Ah [BEEP]. Crashing into a tree branch...

Time has passed since Twilight's coronation, and the sorry affair with the mirror. Things went... Not quite so different, really, save for the new monarch learning what it means to be a Princess and how to fly, and our new relationship between Twilight and I. The fact we were even dating was still a miracle for me to accept, but that hardly meant I was against it or reconsidering the idea.

I embraced it fully.

Now, we were currently in Canterlot, helping Twilight prepare herself for the upcoming Summer Sun Celebration; ya know that thing that was to celebrate the anniversary of Celestia besting her sister over dominance for Equestria, day and night. But now that Luna was back there was no real reason to continue the tradition, and might possibly be a harsh reminder towards Luna for her misdeeds.

But ya know, they wanna celebrate? Fine. Also, this was the anniversary of when I first arrived in this world, indicating a full year has passed since my presence in Equestria.

A whole year... Huh...

Go figure...

"Whoooooa- Oof!"

I cringed as Twilight landed roughly on the ground, still growing accustomed to her new body parts. Ouch.

"Lookin' good up there Princess Twilight!" Applejack complimented encouragingly, helping the dazed mare stand up.

"Applejack, you know you don't have to call me that."

"Why do you protest so?" Rarity asked, "You've already given up wearing your crown all the time; the least you can do is embrace your new title."

"If other ponies wanna address me that way, I suppose it's fine but... Not my friends." A small smile grew on my muzzle at the modesty. "It just doesn't feel right." She sighed, unfolding her wings, "And neither does this flying business."

You'll get the hang of it, love.

"The Summer Sun Celebration is only two days away! And I'm never gonna be ready to perform my part!"

"Not if ya spend all yer time down here you won't!" Rainbow replied enthusiastically, "Now get up there and show everypony the big finish!"

Oh this I had to watch.

Twilight obliged, ascending from the ground to show off her efforts. We observed proudly as the mare went to work, the girls vocally encouraging our friend to keep it up. My smile grew into a grin when my... Girlfriend - It's still jarring calling her that - enjoyed herself... But that quickly wiped off my face at Twilight losing altitude fast, crashing through numerous crowds before halting in midair.

And falling.

My hooves sprung into action.

Attempting to use her wings to land safely, it only prolonged her inevitable crash. Yet with my speed, I rushed forward directly underneath the mare before she harshly hit the dirt.


My body acted as a shield when Twilight roughly impacted my stomach, the speed and force forcing my caped back to scrape through the ground. Wincing, I waited for my ponified body to stop before opening my eyes, my own slight pain ignored in favour of checking on Twilight. "Ugh... You alright?" I asked as the others joined us.

Her face pulled back from my stomach, blushing lightly at our position and grinning sheepishly, "Uh... Oops..."

That prompted my short laugh. "Haha! You just need some more practice, love, that's all."

"Wow! That was a big finish!" Pinkie exclaimed happily.

"Hm. Let's just hope there's no encore," I said jokingly, inciting the others to chuckle and Twilight to playfully glare at us.

"You sure you'll do fine without me?" I asked after Pinkie departed to the train before me, desiring to have a last-minute conversation with Twilight before I left.

"Of course. I've got Spike with me," Said dragon winked, while Twilight smiled, "Besides, someone has to look after the library in my absence. And there's no one I trust more to accomplish such a task than you."

Chuckling while Spike pouted, I nodded, "Alright. I just don't want you to feel pressured alone."

"And that's sweet of you Jack," Twilight said sincerely. "But I'll be fine, really. Just be sure Owlicious gets fed before the evening?"

"What, you think I'll leave him to starve?"

Twilight's eyes twinkled jokingly, "I'd expect otherwise from my special somepony."

The term caused my heart to skip a beat, "Twilight-"

The final whistling from the train halted my sentence. The uni- alicorn nodded, "You better get going before you're left behind," Honestly I'd rather stay with you, but, it seems, duty calls. Whoa there! Twilight then quickly pecked my cheek, shying her head away but still grinning happily, "See you in two days."

"...I look forward to it." I replied sincerely, a content smile on my face before steeping on board the train and meeting the girls in the department, waving to Twilight and Spike as the train began leaving Canterlot. Taking a seat, I glanced out the window at the fading figures before exhaling softly.

We really had to talk about this... Us, when we get the chance.

Nowadays, Twilight's mainly focused on researching how to become a proper Princess and flying lessons for us to have a proper discussion. And that's fine, I don't blame her for it. Twilight needed to learn this stuff post-haste, considering Celestia basically bombed all these new developments on her. So instead, I resorted, until the appropriate time came for the conversation, to support the mare and offer advice whenever she needed it, providing some knowledge I held over the British monarchy - how little I knew - in hopes it'd help.

Hah. Royal vizier indeed.

Anyway, while I was taking care of the library, the others were called back to Ponyville by request of Mayor Mare - Who by this point isn't capable of dealing with anything herself anymore - to help with things, including the party being held for the upcoming celebration.

What a meaningless ritual.

Oh, you're still here huh?

Sombra continued as though he hadn't heard me, knowing full well he can read my thoughts while trapped in my mind, These weaklings will have any reason to celebrate, just to fill the empty pointlessness of their lives.


Why you choose to partake in such sentimental traditions is beyond me. There are other ways to impress your Princess, boy.

Yeah well, I'll be sure to ask someone else for tips. Thanks Sombra.

"It'll be over before ya know it."


Applejack, deciding to sit beside me as Pinkie started celebrating behind us for no reason, smiled in understanding, "Twilight'll be back with us in jus' a few days. No need to look so upset." Ah, she's mis-interpreting my look. Yet before I could correct her, Rainbow spoke from over the seat.

"Yeah, so don't think we're just gonna let you wallow in the library for the next few days! You're gonna help us out, Star!" At my raised brow, the blue pegasus leaning over the seat smirked down at me, "I mean, Twilight would appreciate her special somepony being useful, wouldn't she?"

Oh you...

"Rainbow, don't take advantage of him like that!" Rarity chided the unfazed mare from across the compartment, before a small grin emerged on her white muzzle, "But, some extra hoofs around to help wouldn't be so bad, wouldn't it Stardust?"

Scoffing, I retorted lightly, "What, you honestly think I'm lazy? Don't answer that." I added when Rainbow opened her muzzle, "I'm always ready to help others. You just need only ask."

...Not so sure I like the look on their faces upon saying that. From within my mind, Sombra chuckled darkly.

Not even the bearers of the Elements are immune to taking advantage over others.

By the way, is it just me, or does everything look a lot more... Smoother? Did the animation of the world change?

"Stardust... Stardust, wake up!"


"Five more minutes Twilight..." I mumbled at the rude awakening, turning away from the mare. No doubt she wanted help dusting some shelves again-

"I'm not Twilight silly!"



"Derpy!" The grey pegasus was hovering uncomfortably close towards me, forcing my startled state. Satisfied, she grinned in accomplishment, yet I was hardly amused, "What are you doing in my room?"

"Waking you up, of course!" Derpy replied enthusiastically, flying beside my bed.


"No need to be grouchy, Stardust." She pouted, before grinning brightly again, "You shouldn't be sleeping when it's the middle of the day... If it is the middle of the day anyway..."

Scowling, I rubbed my face tiredly, the rest of my body waking up in response. "What time is it...?"

"Really, it doesn't matter right now."

Doesn't matter? What was she talking about...?

"Since nopony can tell right now if it's day or night, we can only guess!"

"That's what clocks are for- ...What are you talking about, Derpy?" I glanced at her in slight irritation. Really, I haven't even had my morning water yet; can't this surreal behaviour waited until after I'm fully awake?

"I'll show you!" Followed by the pegasus flying over, almost knocking over the lamp if I hadn't quickly caught it, and opening the curtains wide-

Gah! Too much light!


...Wait... What?

Slowly leaning up, I joined Derpy at the window sill, unable to look away at this conundrum before us.

"Ya see?"

"I do..."

Both sun and moon. Day and night, taking up half the sky each. Blueness sided with dazzling stars, light and darkness standing besides one another in harmony, standing opposite almost reflecting the ideal balance I sought. It was strangely beautiful to look at.

"Weird, isn't it?" Derpy asked, one yellow eye focused on me, "I've never seen anything like it before. All of Ponyville is wondering what this means. That's why I thought it was a good idea to wake you up."

Ahh. "Good thinking Derpy." I nodded, finally tearing my eyes from the mesmerizing sight, stepping off the bed, "I'll have a look around the library for any information about this, after I-"

A distant terrified scream interrupted me, cutting through the window from the outside world. Sharing a startled glance with the eye-widened pegasus, I immediately ran out, downstairs to the front door, Derpy following close behind. Opening the door, I was honestly expecting some kind a monster invading the town, or perhaps... Him.

Instead, we were greeted by the return of the creature from Little Shop of Horrors.

Black vines. Black vines everywhere. Carving paths from the ground and curling themselves around buildings, stand, posts, you name it. Ponies left and right screamed and fled as fast as they could from the seemingly-sentient vines. The black weeds were accustomed with spikes popping out, reading to hurt anyone who dared go near them.

"And I only just got up..." I muttered. First the sun/moon thing, now this? What on Earth was happening-?

Wait... I've seen these things before...

"What are those things?!" Derpy asked in horror, the fear vocally emerging.

"I wish I knew..."

"What are we gonna do, Stardust? Ponyville's being overrun by them!" The vines hardly halted in their advances, wrapping themselves around anything in close proximity. And they were dangerously close to the library.

If Twilight was here-


My expression hardened. I will not rely on the girls for everything. I'm not Celestia. Though their help would be appreciated, they can't do everything. Plus, with Twilight away, they were effectively leaderless. I can help just as much as the others could, even if I hardly understood the present situation.

Time to step things up.

"Derpy," Said grey mare looked at me in worry, "I want you to find and get the girls here; you know which ones. Afterwards, make sure every pony returns to their homes and barricade themselves. Can you do that?"

"...I..." Derpy looked completely unsure of herself.

"Derpy... I have complete confidence in you," Placing a hoof on her shaking shoulder, I smiled reassuringly, "You need to be brave, and I know you can be."

The grey pegasus looked away for a moment, as if conferring with herself inwardly, mulling over my words. Then, to my slight relief, she resumed her gaze at me, grinning confidently and flying upwards in a salute. "You can count on me!"

"I know I can, now go!" She obeyed, zooming off to fetch the Mane Six as I watched her leave, satisfied with myself for trusting her.

Derpy may be clumsy, but her loyalty and heart are much more notable.

Retreating into the tree-house, I spotted-



A small thorn, popping up from out of the floorboards, grabbing the leg of the panicking Nightshade. Immediately, I rushed forward and grabbed the thing, snapping the vine from the ground and releasing the poor owl.

"You alright?" I asked him.

"Hoo!" Nightshade replied earnestly.

"Glad to hear it. Nightshade, I need you to help me find a book detailing anything about this new threat." My small friend flew off, heading towards the plant book section. I was about to follow before-


"Oh son of a-"

More black vines spouted menacingly from the floorboards, the tips in our general direction. How wonderful, weeds in my library. And here I thought this would all go smoothly. And I was still waking up. Taking a prepared stance, I glared defiantly at the closing-in vines, as if that would work in intimidating them.

Hmhmhmhm... Sombra's voice chuckled in black humour, Let us see how well you can do without the aid of your precious friends.

Grimacing, I said dryly at the tall large weeds, "I'm sorry, the library's closed right now. I'm afraid I'll have to have you checked out."


Hey, I thought it was clever.

"Stardust, we need your- Goodness gracious!" Rarity exclaimed, while the girls who arrived with her blinked at the warzone. "What in all of Equestria happened here?!"

Shaking off a detached horn, I smiled crookedly, "They were overdue," Before looking around at the damage and grimacing, Books scattered everywhere, broken thorns and vines I tore out personally lying lifelessly on the floor, but more were bound to arrive soon. My eyes hardened, gazing at the girls, "We need to find out the cause."

"That's why we're here." Applejack said determinedly, "Alright girls! Let's find out what we can!" The mares immediately obliged, helping Nightshade look around for the right book while I stood guard, in case more of those weeds decided to make an unwelcome visit again.

"Oh, if only Twilight was here," Fluttershy said in depression, "She'd know what to do."

Skimming through the pages without a thorough search, Rainbow cried out in irritation, "What should we expect her to do; fly right through the window?"

On cue. Of course.

Our attention turned to the new alicorn rolling into a heap of books, our head sticking out of the mess dizzily. I was filled with relief and happiness seeing her again, but how she was here so fast? I knew Twilight's teleportation spell couldn't transport her all the way here from Canterlot. So she must've... Wow.

That's impressive. She flew all the way here. I felt a small sense of pride, before the situation made itself present again, a giant thorn appearing through the window across the room.

"Guess it turned out you were missin' somethin' out in Ponyville after all." Applejack pointed out, closing the window forcibly and snapping the large thorn in two.

"But perhaps you already know what is causing this calamity." Rarity said to Twilight hopefully. "Has Princess Celestia sent you to de-spell it posthaste?"

Wouldn't surprise me...

Now, I know I've seen these thorns before... But where...? They were so familiar to me... Perhaps if I can remember, I can help them get rid of this infestation.

"Not exactly..." Twilight replied, sounding rather meek, "You see Princess Celestia is... Well... She and Princess Luna are both..."

"They're missing!" Spike yelled panickingly.

"What?!" I exclaimed in disbelief while the others loudly gasped. Missing?! They choose NOW to disappear?! Oh come on! That might explain the situation in the sky...

Oh wait, no it doesn't. Unless they had something to do with it, and this mess.

Boy, I require your services.

I frowned at the voice. Not now, Sombra, I'm trying to discuss with the girls here.

He persisted, of course. That can wait a moment. These things what you humans call 'apps' in your mind, you need to get some more; I've already grown dull of this tedious mediocrity known as 'Minecraft.'

Well I-

...Wait. My jaw dropped in surprise while Twilight attached the Elements of Harmony to the other mares.

I have apps? ...I have Minecraft?! In my head? How is that even possible?

I think by now your suspension of disbelief should be shattered after your entire journey so far, child.

Don't condescend me, Sombra-!


"Apps..." I muttered, eyes widening as I was beginning to remember. "The app! Of course!" Prompting the girls and dragon to regard me curiously. "I've seen this infestation before, I remember now!"

"You have?!" Twilight said in both surprise and eagerness. "Quickly, tell us what you know!"

"Give me a moment." I said, rattling my brain for more info. "I dealt with this crisis on an MLP app a long time ago."

"What's an 'app?'" Rainbow inquired, frowning.

"It's a small piece of software where- Never mind that! Point is, the Everfree Forest was involved, and... And..." They nodded encouragingly, and I tightened my expression, trying to remember clearly, a certain creature's face appearing, "Discord was also involved in this..."

Several gasps.

"Discord! Of course!"

"I should've known!"

"Only he could be behind this catastrophe!"

"We need to bring him here immediately!"

"Hey, wait!" But the girls was already running off, and I quickly pursued, trying to recall what else happened. It was an event in the game, and even I honestly never completed, because by then the game decided to glitch out on me and reset at a certain point every time.

How convenient.

Hm, maybe you should... Install... This app into your mind too. This 'Angry Birds' can only fuel my hunger for violence for so long.

I have Angry Birds too?! God forbid Candy Crush was installed in my mind too.

Catching up, I managed to shield my eyes in time as the six mares began working a spell through the Elements. No doubt summoning the esteemed Master of Chaos. And lo and behold, as the rainbow power flashed out, the creature himself was... Taking a shower.

Even I cracked a small smile at the sight. What were the chances?

"Winter wrap up winter wrap up- Ooh!" Discord threw away the brush, finally noticing us watching. "Oho! Now Twilight, you know Princess Celestia said you were to give me a heads-up before you summon me with that little spell she gave you." The bath tub disappeared. "In case you haven't noticed, I was in the middle of a particularly invigorating shower." Emphasized by wiping his behind in Twilight's face.

"E-nough!" The Princess said sternly, shoving him back, prompting my smirk. "Release Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, and stop the Everfree Forest from fading!"

Just after her demands, a thorn wrapped itself around the alicorn, then transforming into Discord, "My, what ever are you talking about?"

"Don't you play dumb with us Discord!" Applejack responded, pointing at him rather rudely, "We know you're the one behind this!"

Do we though...? In the app, Discord had proclaimed innocence, as he was doing right here now.

"Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love what you've done with the place!" The creature of chaos then took pictures of his surroundings, "But I couldn't possibly take responsibility. I've reformed, don't you remember?"

If not him, then who? Perhaps it wasn't a villain behind this, but just the forces of nature. I mean, not every crisis need have someone pulling the strings, correct? Something else might be going on.

"Twilight," I said quietly, prompting her glance, "I don't think Discord is responsible."

"What do you mean?" She asked, while the others began blaming the unfazed Discord.

"In the game, Discord said he was innocent as he's doing now. Whatever is going on here, it involved the Elements of Harmony somehow..." Come on brain! Work! You can remember this! It shouldn't be this hard!

"Jack, if you can recall something important about this, you have to tell us and you have to tell us now."

"I'm working on it." I snapped, before sighing. "Sorry, I just..."

"It's okay." Twilight said in understanding, smiling slightly, "I'm worried too. But please, if you know more, we can use that information to save the town." The mares were preoccupied blatantly accusing Discord.

When then appeared teasing the purple alicorn, congratulating her on her ascension to royalty. At the personal touch, I frowned slightly, though Twilight, noticing my look, gave me an expression that assured me it was fine.

The Elements were involved. In fact, they played a crucial role, inside the Everfree Forest. My eyes glanced at the far-off dangerous woods, vines and thorns threateningly poking out from its edges and trees...


"Wait!" Fluttershy blocked Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow from using their Elements against Discord. "We can't do that! What if he really is telling the truth?"

"Fluttershy's right." I spoke up, walking over to join the creature's and her side, "Innocent until proven guilty."

"But you said he was responsible for all this!" Rainbow cried out in disbelief.

"I said he was involved somehow, I didn't say he was the one behind it."

"Well finally!" Discord said in mock-joy. "Someponies willing to give me the benefit of the doubt. And how ironic that one of them is a human in disguise! The rest of you can learn a lot about friendships from my dear pals Butterfly and Starlight here."

"Um, it's Fluttershy."

"And Stardust." I added, deadpanning at Discord's obvious lack of caring over anything.

"Oh right whatever."

"Jack, if Discord speaks the truth, then who really is responsible?" Twilight asked, causing the girls to look at me for answers too. "If you knew this was going to happen, then you must have some clue as to help us solve this."

"All I know is it involves the Everfree Forest and the Elements of Harmony." I said confidently, shaking my head after, "It's been a long time since I encountered this debacle again, it was a nightmare trying to clear that tree-"



"The tree!" Of course! Now I remember clearly!

"'Tree?'" Rarity echoed in confusion.

"The Tree of Harmony!" The girls blinked, obviously not understanding. Why couldn't I have remembered this sooner-


The voice didn't respond.

Rolling my eyes, I then resumed my gaze on everyone, "I know what to do... I think."

Twilight's eyes hardened in resolve, "Tell us."

To be continued...

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