• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 141: 56 Tricks Later

"Come on Starlight, you've almost won."

The unicorn in question was hard at work, purple eyes focused with an intensity I only recognized from Twilight. Obviously my girlfriend was being a major influence on the mare by this point. I had no idea whether or not Starlight was even listening to me at this point.

Even so, I couldn't stop myself from handing out advice to a newbie.

"Reaction Command, triangle go!"

"He's gonna emerge from the flames in a second, be ready to press triangle!"

"Now's your chance, deck the [BEEP]er!"

I think you're enjoying this moreso than you should.


The final ding noise from the screen assured us everything was over. Starlight blinked, leaning back on the couch in surprise. "I won?" At my pleasantly stunned look, the mare proceeded to grin brightly. "I won! I didn't actually think I'd do that on my first try!"

Holy Hell, she actually did it.

I slowly shared the expression. "Well done Starlight, you're a natural!" The unicorn flushed happily at the praise. And I meant it, beating the first Organization boss from Kingdom Hearts II. True he was the easiest, but still.

It wasn't on Proud Mode for nothing.

"You were right, Stardust, these video games really are fun." The pink mare looked at the wireless controlled in small wonder. "I don't why Twilight refuses to try them."

I shrugged in amusement. "She probably read online that video games are notorious for killing brain cells."

Starlight was taken aback. "Is that true?"

"No clue. I don't seem to have become stupid... Yet." I added playfully, prompting Starlight's chuckle and return to looking at the cutscene playing.

Oh I don't know, your idiocy is often a topic of debate.

Ignoring that. Also, having seen the cutscene a quadrillion times, my focus instead resumed on the curious Starlight, mind going back to arguments all over the internet regarding her own role in the show. Spending time with the mare, she was very pleasant company, and she shared a lot of traits with Twilight. Over time, I've come to accept her position as Twilight's student.

Starlight wasn't... Well, she's not as bad as people make her out to be. When I first discovered she'd be Twilight's pupil as opposed to Sunset, I was naturally wary of the idea. Over time, during the course of watching season six, she grew on me. She's by no means a bad character, though her redemption arc could've been done a million times better. Not to mention, Starlight barely had enough screen time, either in the spotlight or in the background, to get us convinced enough she's worthy of becoming a main part of the cast.

Starswirl, Sombra. Opinions?

She's there as a 'plot device' for the Princess.Sombra stated matter-of-factly.It's simple, eventually your mare will become a teacher of many for the forthcoming future. This unicorn's target practice for the viewers to become interested in the idea of the Princess taking on pupils. Obviously, it's far from working.

In a sense.Starswirl countered knowingly.It's fair to say the general viewers of the show are split down the middle in terms of opinions regarding young Starlight here. Some view her as an inconvenience, unnecessary to even be here and perform acts only Princess Twilight and her friends would be capable of. The other half, like myself, embrace the idea; Starlight Glimmer is far from a liability, but a young, eager, studious unicorn willing to admit her mistakes and change herself to become a better pony. And thus far, I am seeing remarkable improvement.

Well, that's a given, considering who her teacher is...

"Should I save before continuing?"

"Hm? Nah." I shook my head. "There are no enemies in the next room. The rest now is just story progression." Starlight nodded, and I opted to change the subject. "So, how's it going with your studies?"

Eyes focused on the game, she grinned regardless. "Oh, couldn't be better. Twilight said we'll be practicing a complex spell this evening. I can't wait to see what my teacher's got planned for this time."

I smiled at the energetic statement. "You're really enjoying being her pupil."

"She's been teaching me a lot." Starlight's expression continued brightening with every word. "I couldn't ask for a better teacher." Ha, couldn't blame ya. "How's your student doing?"

Hmm? "Sorry?"

"Twilight teased you earlier about your messages to a certain friend of ours."

Ah, now I understood. "Oh she's fine." I smirked, looking back to the screen myself. "I'm moreso pleased how getting along you two were last time she visited." Indeed, Sunset was basically Starlight before Starlight came around. Although to be fair, unlike Sunset's villainous, Starlight had a legit motivation for her own actions...

Despite how poorly thought up said motivation was.

"In fact, I dare say you two already made great friends."

My own teacher chuckled with mirth.It's always a pleasure to see your own pupils getting along with one another.

"Thank you everyone for attending." Twilight began, addressing the gathered group taking their seats around the table, with the exception of Starlight standing to the sat alicorn's right. Looking between her friends, she smiled warmly. "In light of last night's prank, I wanted to congratulate everyone for their convincing efforts of acting to help Rainbow Dash learn a valuable lesson."

The pegasus in question raised a brow, motioning to both Starlight and I. "So then why are they here? They never showed up in the prank!"

Good point. Starlight should've been there...

"Starlight was busy working on a spell we practiced the other day." Twilight defended her pupil.

"Though I kinda wish I could've seen it now." The pink unicorn admitted sheepishly.

"As for Jack, since he informed beforehand this former event was an episode, he couldn't participate."

Rainbow scoffed playfully. "Right, sure, that excuse." I rolled my eyes, not rising to the bait.

Shaking her head, the Princess proceeded with another smile. "Regardless, I just wanted to express how proud I am for another friendship lesson well done. Not to mention, all that effort going into that prank paid off."

Yep, the very episode where Rainbow pranks everyone - Including myself, unfortunately... - and they all tricked her by 'turning' into cookie-craving zombies. Interesting idea, but not something above Hasbro's tendency to write. That wasn't an insult, mind you.

"Heh, maybe next time I'll use my own pranks to teach another pony a lesson about friendship!"

"Um, I'd much rather you didn't..." Hahahahahahaha! You tell her Fluttershy.

"Perhaps you could provide a lesson through means of your Wonderbolt training next time, darling." Rarity suggested rather nervously. Rainbow rolled her eyes, settling back down into her throne.

"Sheesh you guys are no fun. What happened to all that excitement last night?"

"Yeah!" Pinkie pitched in, slamming her hoofs on the table cheerfully. "Last night was tons of fun! We should definitely do something like that again sometime!"

"See? Pinkie gets it!"

"It's all fun and games until somepony gets sick of it, Rainbow Dash." Applejack pointed out wearily. "Remember, what we were tryin' to teach ya last night was that yer own sense of humour doesn't always match up with someone elses."

"I know I know." Rainbow waved dismissively. "I'm just saying, maybe next time we can use a prank instead of Twilight's friendship speeches to teach a friendship lesson to someone. Think about it, it worked with me didn't it?"

"That doesn't mean it'll work with someone else." I pitched in.

Rainbow frowned. "Maybe not somepony like you Star; you don't have a funny bone in ya!"

I scoffed. "Rainbow, my people are masters of pranking themselves. I'm sure whatever I can conjure up is far more creative and humour-inducing than, say, placing a woophie cushion under Twilight's seat." That brought some chuckles from Applejack and Rarity.

Rainbow, meanwhile, looked far from amused, her brow deepening. "Is that so? Then how come you've never played a prank on anyone ever?"

"Untrue." I retorted. "I'm currently playing the biggest joke imaginable."


"A worthy partner for Twilight."

Even at that, Twilight smiled faintly as the others shared fondly amused glances. The blue pegasus rolled her eyes. "That's not a prank! Come on, you're suppose to be creative right? You can make some good pranks if you try hard enough!"

"I don't doubt he can, Rainbow." Rarity added casually. "But understand, Stardust has far too much dignity to indulge himself in pranks. We all know his own sense of humour is unique in comparison to any of ours."

Spike snorted. "You'd be surprised. You should see him whenever he and Twilight are alone together." The blushing Princess gave Spike a pointed look, whereas Starlight struggled not to giggle.

"Alright then, if you can think of making good pranks Stardust, then put your bits where your muzzle is." Flying to the center of the table, Rainbow pointed at my throne with a smug disposition. "You and me, prank war! Whaddya say?"


Gasp. Flabbergasted. "What do ya mean 'no?!'"

"I mean no." I shrugged, leaning back comfortably. "What do I get out of it? Nothing. So why bother participating?"

"...Oh. Oh I get it." She suddenly grinned widely. "You're just scared that Twilight might think less of you for playing harmless pranks, right?"

Twilight, meanwhile, frowned. "That's far from true, Rainbow. Besides, I'd never think any less of Jack regardless of his sense of humour." Thank you love. I expressed a grateful smile to the reassuring alicorn.

Rainbow was far from convinced. "Come on, accept the challenge Stardust. I wanna see how good you are with pranks, even though you're probably terrible." Those taunts won't sway me so easily, Rainbow. Regarding me for a moment, the pegasus then leaned back and said rather casually, "Tell you what, let's have prank war over the weekend. If I win with the best prank, you have to... Dance in front of everyone in clown make up."

Wow, how generous of you.

"And if I win?"

"Umm... Oh, easy." The Wonderbolt folded her front limbs with a satisfied smirk. "If you win, which is really unlikely, I'll become your servant, for a whole week."

Oh yeah, because that will make up for the prank a few days back when you decorated my room with active beehives. Not to mention all that long ago when you and Pinkie found it hysterical to have me eat a cupcake which was in actuality a rock. That's right, you piece of [BEEP], I haven't forgotten!

Then consider this an ample opportunity for some delicious payback.


She probably won't stop pestering until you accept the tedious challenge.

The others looked genuinely stunned by my eventual answer. "Deal." Rainbow grinned, proceeding to disgustingly spit into her hoof and point it in my face. Smacking the limb back, I added sourly, "Don't push it." The pegasus shrugged, flying back to her seat... Then smirking in a sinister way, addressing the observant Twilight next.

"Hey Twilight, I was wondering. Could friendship be used to solve every problem?" Pinkie proceeded to burst out into chortles, the rest groaning in knowing what was coming next. Starlight and Spike facepalmed at what Rainbow just did.

Good God...Even Sombra wasn't amused.

"Hey, it's another meeting, let's argue about friendship limitations!" I stated in both amusement and exasperation.

Twilight rolled her eyes. "The chances of friendship resolving every conflict is the likely scenario than solely magic."

"Oh sweet apples..." Applejack groaned, rubbing her forehead as Twilight and Rainbow turned to me expectantly.

We're doing this again? Alright love, bring it. "Alright, Twilight, I thought long and hard about this. Ifyouthink, that this logic, friendship is the resolution to every single one of life's problems-"

"No, but it's the most plausible outcome regarding matters of conflicted interest and teamwork when something tragic arises-"

"According to whom? That has been no recorded event in history where friendship-"

"Hey, no, don't bring it to this meeting! You two had this argument for two hours straight already!" Spike exclaimed rather hotly. "Enough!"

And as everyone nodded vigorously with Spike, Rainbow was barely holding in her own satisfied laughter at what she just unleashed. Too late, the damage was already done.

"I'm only saying that the magic of friendship has played role in historical events than my stubborn boyfriend care to admit. You can't argue with facts!"

"You can't instill your own ideals into history and declare them as facts either! The idea that friendship was the cure to extinct diseases is sheer lunacy!"

Rarity proceeded to call to the heavens. "By Celestia, someone stop them!"

"Ready girls?" I asked the two on opposite sides of me from a distance, surrounded by a heap of standing mirrors all positioned my way. As both Twilight and Starlight nodded, I closed my eyes briefly to concentrate, getting my own magic prepared for this exercise.

"You sure it's okay to do this?" Starlight asked as I gathered enough composure. "Using our magic at full blast seems kinda... Dangerous."

"I trust Jack to know what he's doing." Twilight responded for me. "He's come a long way ever since training in Balance magic. Let's just make sure we don't accidentally hit each other, okay?" She added in both jest and seriousness.

Raising both my front limbs, standing on hind legs, I used them like shields for the onslaught to come. Taking that as a signal, Twilight shared a glance with her student, and both began at my nod. Energies of pink and blue rapidly headed between me, bouncing harmlessly off my limbs to the reflective surfaces and headed straight back at me. Swiping those two away, my reflexes were quick to block more magical attacks by the two mares, who'll keep firing and firing until it either overwhelms me or they get too tired to continue.

Really it's a test of their stamina much as it was mine.

I dodge, swerved and blocked all attacks whizzing by me, the clean mirrors unrelenting in returning the energy blasts my way. One or two seasons ago I probably would've struggled by this point, but so far nothing seems to be going awry.

"I'm surprised you accepted Rainbow Dash's challenge." Starlight commented amidst her firing more magic. "It doesn't seem like something you'd do."

"She's right." Twilight concurred from her side. "I figured pranks would be your least interested activity."

"They are." I grunted, keeping my eyes focused on the blasts around me. "But if it's an opportunity to knock down Rainbow's ego a little... Well, who am I to say nooooooooo-?!"

Not even reflexes could have me react in time to the sudden fall down a pithole just from taking a little step to the right. Covered in grass, I didn't see it coming into last minute, reflexes at least helping me land on my hooves at the bottom of the hole. From above, all the magic collided in creating some fireworks, causing me to cover my eyes briefly.



Two heads poked over the hole in worry, Twilight calling out. "Are you okay?!"

"Fine!" I called back. "Nothing broken!" In fact, I was moreso annoyed than hurt. "Stand back girls!" With Balance, it took one jump from a ten-meter hole to escape and land harmlessly on the ground, turning to face the two mares. "Rainbow's handiwork, I presume."

Twilight's muzzle twitched. "Looks like she's eager to start this 'prank war' of yours."

Starlight then yelped in shock, and I quickly whirled to grab her hoof and pull her upwards before she could fall into another well-hidden pithole nearby. Nodding in gratitude, the pink unicorn looked around and muttered with a frown, "Guess this was only the beginning."

The Princess nodded. "We should be careful on our way back to the castle. No doubt Rainbow planted these trapholes all over Jack's training grounds."

"Or we could just use the teleportation spell." Starlight suggested, to Twilight's nodding approval.

"Great idea." And in a pink flash, the three of us found ourselves back at the entrance to our shared home, collectively sighing in relief with exasperated smiles.

Starlight then glanced at me curiously. "Do you have something cooked up for your first prank against Rainbow?"

Did I? My response, firstly, was a smirk. "One prank is all I need."

Talk about a productive day. I open my door to find... Cotton candy. Filling up my whole bedroom like a pink ocean of stickiness.

Please for the love of God don't tell me my electronic devices are decorated with the stuff. And my books... Oh Jesus it'd take forever to get them all off.

I sighed. Guess I've got my work cut out for me. Good think I love cotton candy, but I couldn't get rid of all this alone.

"Oh Pinkie Pie!"

Ahh, what a beautiful day. The sun shone through the window first thing in the morning. Leaping off my bed, first order of business was water, then some more Balance training, then extending my sense to check if Zagreus was nearby, and finally spend some lovely time with the mare of my dreams. If she wasn't preoccupied today teaching Starlight anything-


Stumbling back slightly, my clearing vision was greeted by the doorway filled by... A brick wall.

"Oh, very humourous Rainbow..." I grumbled sourly, sighing loudly and gathering up enough energy to deal with this temporary obstacle. It's far too early for this [BEEP]...

"Well, here's todays mail!" Spike announced with the envelopes held in his claw. "Mail time!"

I grinned childishly. "Mail's here!"

And sharing an expression with the knowing dragon, we both began singing a childhood classic before the very bemused eyes of Twilight and Starlight around the breakfast table. "Here's the mail, it never fails! It makes me wanna wag my tail! When it comes I wanna wail! Maiiiiiiil!"

With a satisfied grin, I rubbed the dragon's head proudly. "I've taught you well Spike."

Starlight's muzzle quirked to amusement. "You're in high spirits today."

Minus the brick wall placed behind my bedroom door, I was in a chipper mood. "I blame all my friends... And mostly Twilight." The alicorn in question rolled her eyes affectionately while sipping her tea. Now, let's see what Derpy got for me today-

My eyes closed fast in the nick of time, something unwelcome splattering all over my face. Please be paint, please be paint, please be paint...

Spike's voice prompted me to open my eyes. "Well, you always liked the colour blue." Twilight sighed, conjuring up a cloth for me to wipe the stuff off me. Smiling in thanks, I proceeded to do just that, whilst a haughty voice from above called out.

"Hah, it's a new look for you!"

"Rainbow Dash!" Twilight chided at the pegasus. "You could've waited until he was finished with breakfast."

"Hello Rainbow." I replied calmly with closed eyes and rubbing my face, knowing she was hiding at the ceiling since we first came in the room. "So glad you're devoted to seeing your joke come through."

"And meanwhile, you're slipping behind!" The pegasus retorted. "You haven't done a single prank to me yet! What's taking ya?"

I grunted, finishing wiping off the remains of the paint. "It's a work in progress." And looked upwards to the grinning rainbow-haired mare. "Suffice to say, it's gonna be a piece of work you'llneveranticipate."

Rainbow scoffed. "You're bluffing."

"Am I?"

Sow the seeds. A brief moment of uncertainty passed along her features before that overbearing self-confidence appeared on her face again, waving dismissively. "Sure you are. Face it, I'm the real Master of Pranks around here. You're only making things hard on yourself Star; you should give up now while you have the chance." And without awaiting a response, the mare zoomed out of the room like a jet.

After a pause, Spike then asked after we looked to the doorway. "Are you actually working on something?"

"Oh I'm working on something." I reassured my brother, smirking rather widely. "Rainbow just won't see it coming."

A rain cloud.

Scratch that, multiple rain clouds pouring down in my exact direction. Looking upwards wryly, I spotted Rainbow flying nearby with crossed front limbs and that [BEEP]-eating grin. Really? This was the best she could do? I smirked right back. "Joke's on you Rainbow, Iloverain."

The mare only looked smug. What was she-?


Okay that was cheap!

And dangerously reckless.Sombra added irritably.Seriously, does this mare possess any semblance of self-control? If she's meant to be some manner of enforcement for the good of Equestria, your world is starting to appeal as a safe haven.

Shaking off the, thankfully not fatal, lightning strike, I glared up at the leaning pegasus. "That... Was just cheap."

"Nothing's cheap with my pranks." Rainbow stated matter-of-factly, puffing out her pony chest with pride. "Ready to give up yet?"

"Not on your life?"

"Hm." Her next expression was sly. "Well then, guess that means I'll just have to take my pranks up a notch. You're gonnalovewhat I have in store for you next Star."

I can hardly wait... The pegasus flew far away, leaving me to soak miserably by the dark grey cloud she left behind... Followed with another lightning strike.


You're certain this plan of yours will work?

My expression soon matched the dark clouds above my head. Oh, absolutely...

"Thank you so much for accompanying me to visit my squirrel friends in the park." Fluttershy said warmly as we walked down a path through the area, multiple colourful equines relaxing or playing together as we passed by. "They're a very reserved family, so I couldn't ask them to visit my place."

"Respecting their wishes." I nodded in approval, smiling to the mare beside me. "As always, considerate of other's feelings. Remind me how you and Zephyr are related again?"

Fluttershy smiled in faint humour. "Zephyr's not a bad pony once you get to know him."


"You two seemed to have gotten along after that race." The pegasus pointed out.

I snorted. "I only tolerated the clown's presence. No offense Fluttershy, but listening to how high he views himself made me want to get run over by everyone's carts, including mine." It was far easier for me to sympathize with Rainbow after that party. Even Discord couldn't find the pegasus somewhat entertaining and almost turned him into house furniture, if Fluttershy hadn't intervened.

"I know he can be a little... Grating at times." Fluttershy said slowly. "But he means well. He's gotten alot better ever he found the confidence to succeed even after failing."

"Oh, good for him... Attitude's still annoying though." I smirked humouredly. "I think you should be grateful we didn't end up an item, Fluttershy, otherwise at every family meeting you'd have to stop me from flat-out murdering your overbearing sibling."

Despite the pink cheeks, Fluttershy giggled at the joking threat behind her hoof. Then, the mare looked forward and pointed the further we continued. "Their home is just down here... Hmm?" What's up? Oh.

The pegasus paused, and I followed, at the seemingly harmless Rollerblade placed neatly on the path before us. I've seen enough cartoons to recognize this trick. "Does Rainbow think I'm just blind?" I asked in both amusement and slight disbelief. Fluttershy only smiled meekly, and we both began walking around the placed Rollerblade down the path-

What the-?!

Fluttershy's gasp was the last audible thing I heard from her as the sudden oily pathway slid me as far away from her possible, guiding my unstable hooves forward at increasing speed. My disorientation only worsened by the oil slipping onto a patch of grass then up a hill, over a small edge where a trampoline awaited me below. Bouncing right off it, my vision blurred as nothing greeted me but wind and clouds.

Said clouds were in the form of goal rings, and I passed through them perfectly. Rainbow's handiwork, without a second guess. The ride didn't end there, for what waited for me next in the town street was a massive solid green block, and I closed my eyes for the inevitable impact.

But instead of crashing, the massive block absorbed my body into it, my vision then greeted with greenness and barely saw the observing gazes outside of a blue pegasus and pink Earth Pony. But despite this, I could make out both the ecstatic and smug grins respectively. Finally, mercy was granted to me as it felt like a plug was opened, sucking me out of the green block and onto solid ground, welcoming sweet, sweet fresh air once more. Parts of my body still coated in that green stuff, leaving an after taste in my mouth.

A taste that was... "Jell-O?"

Rainbow towered above my state with a pointed hoof. "Gotcha!" And proceeded to chortle alongside Pinkie, whom obviously helped the prankster make that giant green block of jelly behind me. "Hook, line and sinker!" And tapped Pinkie's hoof with her own in self-congratulations. From the side, Bon and Lyra observed in bemusement and good humour.

Oh yeah it's funny. It's [BEEP]ing hilarious...

Fluttershy managed to catch up, assisting me in standing. Rainbow's gleeful expression remained. "Better call it quits Star. Let's face facts, there's nothing you can do that'll topthat."

Brushing bits of jelly off, I replied calmly despite my initial irritation, "We'll see Rainbow."

The mare hovered above the ground, folding her limbs expectantly. "What's taking you so long anyhow? You know it's not really a prank war if you're still focused on making one prank only. It's already Sunday for crying out loud!"

"I know."

Rainbow frowned severely. "No way it's better than anything I've done."

"Not sure about that, my dear."

"...You're bluffing."

"Am I? Am I notorious for not following through with my promises?"

Implying you do? I can provide a list stating otherwise.

"Tch! You're just trying to scare me!" Even so, I detected faint traces of doubt beginning to cloud the mare's senses. "I'll win this prank war; you'll see!" And tore off into the sky before anyone could get the last word.

"...Want some help finishing that jell-o?" Lyra eventually asked.

I shrugged, motioning to the green block for Lyra and Pinkie to enjoy. "Help yourselves. I have a full appetite."

The pie trick.



"You're out of ideas."

"At least I'm using them!" Rainbow snapped as I wiped the content off my face. Cream pie, yuck. "You're not making things challenging when I only have to worry about one prank!"

At that, I smirked despite the awful taste. "Trust me Rainbow, this one prank will be something you'll never forget."

One pink eye twitching, the mare leaned forward and grabbed me by the front of my cape, demanding with a severe frown. "Do it already."

"Well at this close proximity, are you asking me to kiss you? I'm a taken man, Rainbow-"

"That's not what I meant and you know it!" The pegasus shouted into my face irritably, tugging at the fabric. "Do that prank of yours already! You should've had enough time now to get it ready."

"It is ready."

"So why aren't you using it?!"

"I'm waiting for the most opportune time."

The mare growled through gritted teeth, pushing me back in disbelief and ascending to the air. "No way it'll be good; you've never played a practical joke in your life!"

"Wrong." I replied matter-of-factly with a tiny smile. "I've had my share of pranks during my years in school. You'd be surprised what this creative head of mine can concoct." Ignoring that scoff, thank you Sombra.

Looking more decidedly unnerved, Rainbow attempted conceal that nervousness with a scornful snort. "Uh-huh, but that doesn't mean you can do anything that'll take me by surprise."

"Really? I could just go ask Scootaloo for tips."

Rainbow sneered in full annoyance, gesturing with her front limbs. "This isn't over! By the end of the day, I'll win this war! You'll see!" And once more, sped off into the distance through the lovely skies, leaving me by the doorsteps into my home.

...Ninety percent chance this 'prank' of mine will work now.

I'd give it ninety-five.

Really? How generous of you!

Only because it would be a missed opportunity for me to watch that asinine pegasus revel in fear.

"So the Organization are bad guys, right?"

"Depends how you look at it. Their leader's the proper villain though."

"Is it really bad for them to want to get their hearts back?" Spike asked, frowning.

"I'm guessing it's by the means which they're doing so." Starlight supplied, which I nodded to. The unicorn was on the controller this time, playing through the first Disney world of Kingdom Hearts II as we watched. Twilight was busy assisting Applejack with measurements involving her farm animals, leaving us a good time to hang out.

Spike then asked, "Is the next world I'm playing through from a movie we've already seen?"

"Beauty and the Beast."

"...Huh." Was Spike's dumbfounded response.

Starlight cocked a brow. "Haven't seen that one yet."

"Will I get to have the Beast join my party?"

"Hell yeah Spike. Probably one of the two positive things about exploring that world."


A knock on the door behind, prompting me to stop Spike from jumping off the couch and getting it myself, leaving Starlight and Spike to the game. The presence of the blue Wonderbolt behind it was palpable, but the emotions which radiated off her were something I found both curious and... Rather relieving.

Fear, dread, anxiousness and... Acceptance. Opening the door, I stepped back to allow Rainbow entry. The Wonderbolt slowly entered the room with a wary expression, curiously looking over to the waving Spike and Starlight preoccupied with the game, then back to me with an uncertain frown... Followed with a loud sigh, muttering something under her breath.

"I'm sorry?"

"I said... You win..."

"Couldn't quite catch that Rainbow."

Huffing, the pegasus' voice echoed across the room. "I said you win! Happy?" Startling both Starlight and Spike to pause the game and turn to watch the reluctant mare, whereas I was both internally happy and confused.


Rainbow winced. "Look." She began, attempting to justify this handed victory. "Let's be clear, when it comes to the usual pranks, there's nopony better at them than me! I know you, Stardust, your kind of prank wouldn't be funny in the slightest..." And gathered herself with a knowing glare. "It'd be absolutelyterrifying,and I'd rather not have any nightmares for the rest of the week, thank you."

My first reply was blinking. Huh... Well that was much easier. Good thing, too, with evening about to hit the sky.

Rainbow looked down in defeat, stating slowly, "So... Yeah. Feel free to brag about how great your prank is, scaring me enough not to make you use it."

Smiling, I replied sincerely, "Rainbow... I already have." And pink eyes snapped upwards.


"Just now."

"When? I don't get it-"

"I made you scared enough to hand the victory over to me." I shrugged casually, unable to contain the smirk on my face. "That was the plan all along; build up suspense and dread in you by referencing this one prank of mine to lure you into accepting defeat before I'd actually do anything." Rubbing the back of my head rather sheepishly, I added with a wry grin. "I admit, the plan was fifty-fifty at best."

"So... Your prank was just scaring me into letting you win?" Rainbow sought clarification, frowning disbelievingly. At my satisfied nod, she glanced down. "Huh... Heh." And actually started to chuckle, the fear and dread lifting from her heart. "That's actually really clever. Nice one Stardust."

"Hey you weren't too bad." I smirked. "Granted a few of your pranks were cliche and predictable. I legit had to make myself fall for them for the plan to work."

"I'll make sure to up the ante next time." Rainbow winked, offering a hoof. "Put 'em there, fellow prankster!" Gladly-


Rainbow held up the buzzer around her hoof. "Doesn't mean I can't have the last laugh!" And left my recovering state with a loud chortle, departing from the castle in ehr own mini-victory. That cunning mare...

Yet you're smiling anyway.


"Well, that was certainly something." Starlight commented as I returned to join them on the couch, frowning in slight concern. "Are you alright?"

"Couldn't be better." Ignoring the quivering in my front limbs, I leaned back, waiting. Spike and Starlight exchanged curious glances, the latter resuming on the game. A few minutes passed by, and the unicorn was just about to reach the world boss-


A scream that pierced through the heavens and the entirety of Ponyville caused us to look upwards, the Wonderbolt's despair felt all the way from her house to mine.

"What was that?" Spike wondered.

"That, my dear Spike, was Plan B." Last laugh eh Rainbow? "Hope you're all looking forward to a wedding between Rainbow and her childhood sweetheart. I wonder if Zephyr will make me his Best Stallion..."

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