• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 159: Star Depot

Man Sundays were the best.

I mean, Saturdays are alright too. Fridays are a relief for those eager to embrace the weekend. Thursdays are my personal favourite day of the week. But Sundays? They always had this particular charm to them, signifying the end of a cycle and beginning of another. And Spike and I were making use of this relaxing day like any other decent, well-adjusted being would.

One couch, and surrounded by sugary substances and discarded candy wrappers growing by the minute.

"Mmm!" The young dragon made another satisfied hum, chomping down a chocolate bar without any hesitation. Spike had the right idea joining in; don't think I could possibly devour all this candy by myself. My own mouth agreed with noise of content, savouring the taste of caramel dancing down my throat, moving on next to the pop candy lying to the side.

Twilight would evidently disprove. Maybe I should've asked Starlight if she wanted to join in the fun.

Ah, speaking of which!

"Girls, you're just in time!" I greeted merrily from my lounging on the couch, laid back with head resting on elbow as the lavender and pink mares walked into view. "Want some banana muffins?"

Spike, sat down next to my feet, emphasized with happily munching on one said muffin. Starlight smiled with a bemused expression. "I'm good. The pair of you seem to be enjoying yourselves."

"You bet!" Spike grinned, nodding whilst picking up another wrapped sweet from the mountain before us. "We're not gonna let this Sunday go to waste."

"By making yourselves go to waste with all this junk food?" Twilight raised a dubious brow, thoroughly unimpressed. I smirked as a response. "There are other more productive - not to mention more healthy - activities for spending the weekend, you realize?" The alicorn pointed out matter-of-factly.

"Maybe, but this is the more humane way of spending the weekend." I shrugged following with plopping a sour sweet into my mouth. Ooh, tasty! Chewing and swallowing with a small grimace by the leftover taste, I added. "And we are being productive; we're helping not make good food go to waste. Right son?"

"Absolutely." Spike concurred readily, patting my sock with a happy smile. "And since Dad's human again, we need all this food to help prepare him for hibernation over the summer."

It took a second before Twilight frowned heavily. "Humans don't hibernate. Jack, what have you been teaching him?"

"Well maybe not hibernate." I confessed without shame, shifting more comfortably on my slouching position. "But we do like to sleep, a lot."

Starlight giggled, and before Twilight could retort a certain feathery animal declared its arrival and flew overhead, spinning around the couch briefly before resting down on the edge, dropping the bag of candy from its beak into my waiting hand. Grinning at the obedient well-trained owl, I reached up and softly petted its head.

"Cheers Nightshade." The night bird made its usual call before flying off, presumably to its own bed. Noticing Twilight's look, I shrugged and pointed out with casualness. "Not as if you've been making use of him of late. Sometimes I think you forgot about the poor bird."

Spike and Starlight's snickers were promptly cut off by Twilight's glare. Heaving a sigh, the alicorn adopted a more composed expression and made a clear firm suggestion.

Here we go...

"Jack, I understand that you're still adjusting to being a complete human again."


"And you probably have doubts to your own reliability to your friends."


"And that many Equestrians' reactions to your returned form may be off-putting for you."


"And you're not paying attention to a single word I'm saying."

"Oh I'm listening all right love." I rolled my eyes, unwrapping another candy ball. "I'm just waiting for you to make your point."

Twilight huffed. "That point being, Jack, that you can't simply wait and hide inside the castle while we find a cure to your predicament, wasting your life away consuming junk food and intentionally testing your special somepony. You need to be more productive about things, human or pony."

"I am though!" I objected. What do you call this moment here with Spike? "What do you want from me love? Go outside? Interact with friends? Half the town's- No, wait, the whole town's afraid of the sight of me! Pardon me for being a little reluctant to show my ugly mug around while I'm stuck like this."

"You're hardly unappealing Jack." Thousands of shallow-minded females back home would disagree. Twilight rolled her violet eyes. "Neither is the town 'afraid' of you. They're just growing accustomed to your new disposition. That's it. We just need to give them time to adjust, and it'd certainly help them grow more use to it by taking a more extroverted approach on your behalf."

I snorted by the very proposal, as if it were that easy. "That might be somewhat difficult." Thank you Starlight. Even she agrees Twilight's confident idea was bull[BEEP]! "Never mind that Stardust is an introvert by nature. But I think that becoming human again has made an impact on his self-esteem, and not in the good way. No offense Stardust."

"None taken Starlight. You pretty much nailed it."

"If you grew accustomed to interacting outside as a pony, you can do so as a human. Besides, the town was already unnerved by you simply from personality alone, long back. You just need to give them a chance." Twilight's expression softened over her own words. "You're stronger than you think, Jack."

It took a moment for me to notice I've stopped stuffing my face with sweets for a while, meeting Twilight's expectant gaze skeptically. I widened my arms in an incredulous gesture. "What do you want me to do, Twilight? Not as if anyone's been asking for me of late. Except for Spike and yourself."

"It's true." The young dragon affirmed with a nod, swallowing another small piece of candy and reaching for a large chocolate ball wrapped in tinfoil.

But the Princess of Friendship, as always, wouldn't give in so easily. A trait I equally endeared and, at times, found exasperating. "You don't need to wait for your friends to call for you to go hang out with them. At least make an attempt and go see one of them."

There was no winning this battle? I was far too lazy to care at the moment. "Alright alright I will." I appeased my proactive girlfriend, who smiled lightly in satisfaction. But hazel eyes then wandered to a chocolate muffin sticking out of the pile. "...Later." And reached out to grab the delicious-looking treat begging to be consumed- "Oh Jesus-!"

Candy flew everywhere one second after the mattress beneath flipped over, the sweets breaking my rolled-up fall.

"Non-negotiable honey." I heard Twilight remark dryly from my position atop the mountain, Starlight's light laughter following.

So yes, in the end I followed through with Twilight's recommendation and visited one of my best friends. Can you guess as to who I decided on without a second thought?

"Where do you need this exactly, Fluttershy?"

"Oh, just to the right on that spot if you could, thank you."

That's right, the first friend outside of Twilight who usually first springs to mind. And quite the coincidence too; upon my arrival, Fluttershy was in the middle of sorting her cottage out, gladly accepting the help. Turns out the caring pegasus was refurnishing the interior to make her little friends more have more space and comfort in the modest house.

And thankfully, even the animals themselves were helping. The bear spared me the trouble of potentially straining and breaking my back alone from picking up the more heavy furniture. Fluttershy guided us around the place, acting like a work manager and expressing a sincere thanks to all the hard work of her friends. It was charming to watch, another reminder as to why the little critters revered the warm mare so much.

Setting the light sleep basket down and dusting my hands, Fluttershy called out behind me with blissful gratitude. "Thank you again for lending a hoof Stardust. Oh, I mean hand." Smirking, I turned back to the flushing pegasus, smiling up at me sheepishly. "I'm so glad to have you for a friend."

"The feeling's mutual." I rolled my shoulders. "That, and to keep Twilight off my back with her accusations of my unreliability." Was my added joking voice, but Fluttershy seemed to take the jest with seriousness, shaking her head in utter denial.

"I don't think you're useless. Not at all." I had to smile in flattery by the genuine statement of the walking embodiment of kindness. "Would you kindly get some spare cushions from the closet over there next? They're the small velvet-coloured ones reserved for Mr and Mrs. Raccoon and their adorable children." Said critters squeaked cheerfully from being called out.

The worded request gave me flashbacks to a rather adult video game, and I had to refrain a laugh. Instead I bowed playfully, prompting Fluttershy's light giggle. "Your wish is my command, fair mare of kindness." And carefully sauntered through the busying rabble. "'Scuse me." I mumbled past the large bear moving [BEEP] around, making sure not to step on any hapless animals by mistake. Rather more easy to accidentally step on something without knowing as a human now, with the heightened distance from the ground.

And a family of mice instantly scurried out the moment I reached and oped the door, prompting my surprised jump for a moment as they hurried over to their carer. Repressing a grimace, I took a few steps forward to scour for the small cushions.

Was a part of me doing this out of proving my worth to my friends, and by extension Twilight? Well, that much was a given. It's not as if I try to be useless and inefficient to things. But what was I suppose to do? I had no magic, no muscle, no independence and no means of defending myself against any possibly threat against me; which, considering in this world, anything harmless to these ponies could kill me in an instant. Was it really my fault that I was so hesitant about going outside and doing even the simplest things now? Twilight understood in that regard.

But when it came to our friends, the alicorn accepted no excuses, even justified ones. Sighing, I peered through the faint darkness to seek out the velvet items.

Cushions cushions cushions...


How many did Fluttershy want again...? Ah I'll just take the whole pile and ask afterwards. I reached for the dusty items, my shoulder then brushing against a small quilt covering something up and causing it to fall down. Grabbing the pile, I blew against them to help rid of some dust, noting the revealed board from the corner of my eye-

Hello... What's this?

It looked to be a small board, affixed with notes and drawn pictures attached with pins, evidently unused for a long time. A project of Fluttershy's? Maybe something her brother left behind? My interest piqued, I set the cushions down for the moment and reached for the closet light bulb, pulling on the switch. Dusting off my hands again, I peered closer at the covered board, admittedly very curious at the recognizable handwriting of Fluttershy.

Pictures of a reserve of some kind, with notes everywhere detailing spots and descriptions of making every animal well-rested and relaxed. The thought put into it was there, and admirable. Perhaps it's a project the mare planned on getting around to, but never having the time necessary to deal with it?

Speaking of the pegasus, Fluttershy called out curiously from behind.

"Stardust, is everything okay?" I heard the yellow equine move closed to beside me. "Great, you found the cushions- Oh... Oh dear."

Noticing what has obviously grabbed my attention, I continued rubbing my goatee and smirked humouredly. "Why, Fluttershy, a pet project of yours?"

"Oh, it's nothing! Really!" The pegasus denied instantly, acting meek and shy as always. Hurriedly she grabbed the dropped blanket and moved to cover up the board, but I made a motion for her to cease, prompting Fluttershy to add in clear embarrassment. "It's nothing, just... A dream I've always had."

A fantasy? Now my interest raised a hundred times more. "Tell me."


I looked down to the mare, straightening with an earnest smile. "I'm interested. What's this dream about, Fluttershy?"

Blue clear eyes shied away uncertainly. "It's really nothing..."

"I won't mock you for it, you know that."

Believing that, Fluttershy took a moment of silence with a debate in her head, eventually reaching a decision. Sighing, the pegasus took one step forward and gazed with fond reminiscence at the board before us.

"I've always wanted to begin an animal sanctuary, for a very long time now. A nature reserve suited for my friends of all shapes and sizes. Birds to critters. Fish to insects. Bears to... Timberwolves. A place of relaxation and content among all my friends without anyone or anything disturbing the peace. Since I was younger I always wanted to make this dream become a reality, so all my woodland friends can have a sanctuary together in perfect harmony. And it'll expand to all over Equestria, hoping on my part that others will love this idea and spread it for all animals across the known land, and hopefully beyond too. One day I hope to have this fantasy realized, and I know, someday, it'll all come true..."

Fluttershy's hopeful smile was a contrast to my own flummoxed expression. Not to the dream, mind you, but the passion and conviction emanating from the young mare's tone and posture. Fluttershy never looked so confident and yearning about anything before. It was quite the sight to behold.

Hating to tear her out of her little world, I was compelled to ask. "So what's been stopping you from making this dream come true at all?"

Fluttershy sighed, furrowing her brow rather cutely. "I... Guess I never thought of an appropriate time to get started." And turned to face me with a sheepish smile. "But there's no sense to rush. One day this animal sanctuary will come true, but for now, I'm content with what I have." Sounds of a loud noise from behind, prompting the equine's gasp. "Oh dear!"

One look to her heading to assist her critter friends and back towards the board, sensing the desire behind that quiet tone. A dream of hers for a very long time, hoping to one day make it a reality. Caretaking and friendship duties clearly taking up most of her time to even contemplate starting on this project. Suddenly the idea of Fluttershy never having her full dream realized prompted an unsettling pit in my stomach.

An unhappy Fluttershy was a crime in itself.

And then, staring at this board long enough, Twilight's words regarding my lack of productivity or initiative hit back in full force. My fists clenched, frown hardening as a newfound idea wove its way into my mind.

A very unpredictable idea that most likely wouldn't work. But, then again, I had nothing better to do with my time these days, so why not take a shot? At least I would actually being doing something all the while making a precious friend of mine happy. And Twilight would no doubt be pleased by the initiative I'd have taken then.

First thing's first, get these cushions for the raccoon's. Afterwards, find a quill and notepad. I had a feeling Fluttershy would want every detail of her vision as reality to a T.

"So, this is where you envision your perfect sanctuary to be then?"

Gotta admit, Fluttershy had taste in scenery. The open area before us was something to behold; a lovely blend of rock, trees and plains all meeting into one dead-end. Just add like a waterfall like in Fluttershy's vision and all will be perfect. The yellow pegasus nodded, a pleased beaming smile settling on her muzzle as she too evidently imagined the finished product of her dream.

"The perfect blend for all my animal friends to feel safe and relaxed in." Fluttershy answered blissfully, looking up to me. "Sounds wonderful, doesn't it?"

"It does." I responded with a sincere grin, turning back to the sight waiting to be modified for her dream resort. "Our little woodland friends would love it."

Will love it when I was finished.

"One day, I know they will." Fluttershy stated with confident warmth, sighing in thoughtful wonder. "Just imagine it; a peaceful sanctuary for all animal kind to join in and play together in harmony, without any worries in the world. That's what I want to see for my sanctuary." The yellow mare then blinked, glancing up to me with visible nervousness. "It sounds a little over-ambitious, I know."

"No, it sounds perfect." I reassured my friend, arms folded whilst gazing around the scenery, picturing in my mind's eye the ideal resort Fluttershy was fantasizing of. With a smirk, I looked back down to the mare on my right. "Thank you for showing me this place, Fluttershy, though I think Twilight will want me home by now."

"Oh, of course." A tinge of mild disappointment, but the pegasus maintained a light smile. "How's it going with turning you back into a pony?"

I circled my right wrist with a faint smile. "You tell me."

"Oh... Yes. Silly of me." Eh no harm done. "But, I know Twilight will find a way yet. When it comes to magic, there's no one equal to our friend." Fluttershy declared in subdued confidence, turning around to face the way we came. "Thank you again for helping out today Stardust."

I nodded. "Have a good evening Fluttershy." And waited patiently as the mare made her departure, until she faded away out of sight. Couldn't risk her seeing what I had planned.

Around five minutes later, I nodded in satisfaction and promptly pulled out the notepad, raising it upwards to glance from the scribbled descriptions and back to the peaceful landscape. Something to humourously note was how poetic Fluttershy was in explaining her vision through her own notes, something which brought a smile to my face. Unfortunately my copies of her notes were lessened down to simpler descriptions and observations, vaguely also explaining the drawings on that board of hers.

Still, I had more than enough to picture the spots precisely.

This is a touching moment on your behalf, Jack, dedicating yourself to making a friend happy through bringing her dream to life.

Fluttershy has done too much for everyone else and asked for little in return. It's about time someone paid back the favour. Plus, building a sanctuary shouldn't be too difficult; it's not as if she was asking for a building to be made, just parts around this area modified to suit the needs of all her woodland friends.

First thing's first though. I'm gonna have to get some materials. And judging by these descriptions, it's gonna require a few necessities. Fortunately, I knew just the place to find these objects.

...Yep, should be sturdy enough. Starswirl?

Indeed. Miss Fluttershy's bear friend shouldn't have any problem with risk of snapping it.

Onto the wagon it goes! What's next... Ah! Hammocks! Let's check over here.

Having a castle for a home came with many, many perks. One of which I was using to the fullest advantage; storage room. All kinds of forgotten or reserved [BEEP] scattered around here... Or neatly organized because let's not forget who runs this place. But in this case, Twilight's perfectionist tendencies benefits me in finding the needed objects without rummaging around too much.

Try your right, shelf above the mattresses.

Above the mattresses... Ah! Got it thanks! Three or four?

Hmm... I'd choose four.

Four it is then, adding the selected hammocks to the filling wagon. With a pleased smile at how quickly things were getting done, I inspected the notepad laying to the side while passing by. What else...?

Wooden boards, for the swings. Hopefully any in here won't be too long to use.

I spy the objects we seek forty-five centimeters to your left, Jack. And they appear short enough to work for our design.

So they do! With a satisfied grin, I walked over and carefully pulled out a board or two from the stacked pile and carried them over. Two swings should be enough, right? I don't believe many branches could take the weight of large animals swinging off them.

Fortunately I spied a rather sturdy branch among the foreseen resort. What would be next on the list Jack?

Let's have a look... Buckets?

Ah, right, for the water-!

"What are you doing?"


"N-Nothing!" I responded swiftly, whirling to face the unicorn by the doorway with a surprised hasty disposition. Smooth Jack. "Just gathering some supplies for... Reasons."

A humoured brow. "No kidding?" And Starlight stepped further into the room, inspecting the filling wagon curiously before inquiring. "Would you like some help?"

And risk you knowing what I'm up to? No thank you. "I'm fine thanks my dear." I replied simply, walking over towards where the wooden buckets were in clear sight. "This is all for a task a friend of mine asked me to do."

"Right." Starlight made no attempt of concealing the skepticism in her voice. "You just seemed all too happy to be collecting these things since you hate manual work." And began examining the collected objects out-loud. "Rope, hammocks, barrels, wood... Pots, seeds, gardening tools?"

"And now buckets." The items in question fell into the wagon next, myself dusting my pale hands proudly. I shrugged to Starlight's humoured questioning look. "Something you wanted Starlight?"

The unicorn shook her head. "I was just passing by. Never usually see you this part of the castle." Fair enough. Starlight inclined her head towards the filling wagon. "Will you be alright pulling that thing by yourself? It looks a little heavy."

I repressed the urge to feel affronted, only smirking in snark. "I'm not totally ineffective as a human, Starlight."

The pink mare retaliated in kind. "That doesn't stop you from claiming so whenever the need arises. Like with Twilight this morning."

"...Touche." Alright she won this round. Picking up the notepad, I looked at the list again and hummed. Seemed to be everything, but I should double-check...

It would be wise to acquire snacks in addition to these necessities. The effort made today will be hard.

Good point. Humans need their energy, and how we rapidly go through consumables is both a frightening and wondrous thing.

"What exactly is all this for anyway?"

I glanced back down to the unicorn, smiling slyly. "That's for me to know and for my friends to find out after it's finished, Starlight."

Jesus... Only carried the damn thing and already I was tired.

Reaching the spot, I rested the wagon down after pulling it all the way out here, without any help whatsoever, and took a seat on clean grass, taking a moment to catch my breath. Night was already falling in Equestria, and I already informed Twilight that I'll be late home tonight. How late, God knows. I might need to set up the lanterns around the place to work properly, the final shades of the evening sun slowly descending over a distant mountain with renowned beauty.

It might prove beneficial to begin work in the morning, perhaps.

Nah, better idea to take advantage of my nocturnal nature. After my composure returned, I stood back up with hands on hips, glancing around idly at the lovely landscape being slowly consumed by darkness. Better get to work on setting up all these lanterns before things got too black for me to see.

And as I carefully pulled out the handles of the items, my teacher made another comment. I'm surprised by your insistence on working alone this time, Jack. Miss Glimmer wasn't incorrect about your known reluctance for physical labour, moreso as a human once more. I'm certain she or young Spike would have been glad to assist you while keeping the project a surprise from the rest of your friends.

Yeah, well, that's the problem right there Starswirl; I've always relied on my friends, whether I liked to admit it or not. Too much so, as always. This time it was a matter of not only pride, but proving I can just as much get things done myself without any assistance from anyone whatsoever.

...But mostly pride.

And besides, I'd like to keep this personal project of mine, like with the book I'm writing back home, a secret from everyone around me until it was fully completed. I could just imagine the look of sheer glee on Fluttershy's face, and pleasant surprise on Twilight's. Such thoughts were more than enough incentive to begin working on this sanctuary.

But I shouldn't get ahead of myself. First thing's first, lanterns. Next, setting up the scene of what would go where, followed with envisioning the finished results over each spot of the resort and debating how long the task would take. I already knew that the waterfall's gonna take the longest of all this-


The [BEEP]-?!

"Huh." I said out-loud, looking upwards to the sudden noise of the owl. "Nightshade?" The small bird in question perched comfortably atop the pile of objects, looking back down to me with that ever-present blank spot. "What are you doing up there?"


I raised a brow.

And Starswirl chuckled. I believe our young friend up there if offering a wing to assist.

That right... Well, getting help from Nightshade is different than help from my equine friends... And that equal nocturnal nature might prove very helpful tonight in setting everything up for tomorrow.

Ah screw it, why not? I smiled humouredly and nodded down. "Since you're here, help me set up the lanterns around the perimeter." Nightshade obediently flew downwards, picking up one offered handle by the claws and proceeding to fly off further to the future resort. My little friend might also be beneficial in setting up the swings.

Because I couldn't tie ropes for [BEEP].

My teacher laughed warmly again, despite sounding faintly strained of late, and reassured his current pupil. Allow me to be of assistance there.

So far... So good.

Huffing sharply, I finished with the addition of the large tire hanging by the strong piece of rope from the ever stronger branch, taking a few steps back and glancing upwards for careful reassurance. Too dark to see, even with the lit lanterns placed around the area enough. Still, it looks fine enough. That's the final swing added to the branches.

The rope should be sturdy enough. Our bear friend will find himself content playing with this specific swing once the sanctuary is complete.

A sudden pressure to my right shoulder, the helpful Nightshade perching himself on my shoulder with folded-up wings. Smiling, I enjoyed a moment of ruffling the small bird's feathers, literally, before heading back to the wagon. What's next on the agenda? Should I begin setting up the hammocks?

Recommended, just as I propose we reserve the water task for the morning.

Fair point. Too dark to even consider carrying buckets and buckets of water from the stream and back. Hammocks it was. Reaching the wagon I pulled for the white fabric, gently taking the set and handing some to Nightshade, whom accepted with gently grabbing the soft fabric with his beak and taking off, heading towards the more exotic trees of the resort.

Starswirl, you wouldn't know how to tie a hammock too, would you?

The same method with rope applies, my young pupil.

Got it.

Around a good fifteen minutes later after selecting the distance of each hammock between two trees, tightly keeping their ends bound against hard trunks and testing them myself with slight apprehension of falling down on my back, all seemed good. Once more, Nightshade rested himself on my shoulder after the hammocks were properly dealt with, prompting my pleased grin as we gazed around cheerfully.

"We make a good team Nightshade."


I chuckled, fondly petting the young bird again. Probably noticed by everyone how at this point the poor 'Owlicious' was lost and forgotten to time. Seriously, barely any appearance by the owl was made after season four, as if Hasbro had no longer any use for him. Even though the little guy constantly proved himself useful over and over again many times, to everyone around him. Nightshade leaned forward to my touch, tiny eyes closed with content written on his features.

Only felt like yesterday when I woke up one day to find him standing atop my bed. Well, I still have a use for you old friend. You'll never be forgotten by me or Twilight. I swear it.

Whirling back, I pondered the next set-up. Should we start working on the nests or the plants? Maybe the latter tomorrow morning, since we'd need daylight to effectively help them grow. As for the nests, maybe for the animals who sleep on the ground or the tiny holes made around the stone rocks, perfect little resting places for those who desire their private places of refuge.

Don't strain yourself too much. Starswirl quickly advised from the heavens. Your body is still recovering from moving around that tire amongst setting up the swings.

I'll be careful. Turning to Nightshade with hands on hips upon inspecting the still-filled wagon, I decided for my little friend's opinion beforehand. "What do you think? Should we start with the nests next?"

"Hoo." In answer, Nightshade briskly soared from my shoulder and up to the small tied up sack atop the carriage, the contrast in weight meaning nothing to a bad[BEEP] like him. Once he gently placed the back down by the talons before me, Nightshade pointed up to the branches and simply said, "Hoo."

I raised a brow, looking down at the owl curiously. "You wanna handle the nests for the trees?"


"While I deal with the ground nests?"


I smirked. "Good thinking." And knelt down to the sack, untying the rope and revealing the mountain of straw within.

Ooh that hit the spot!

With Nightshade guarding the wagon back outside, I took a moment to retreat home and gather my strength after hours of working on the resort, downing a large glass of water immediately and stretching my limbs promptly afterwards.

Jesus. I winced at the aches to my neck and shoulders, feeling a short headache come on. Guessing manual labour being not my thing mixed with working so late at night wasn't doing wonders for my tired body. Still, enough water should do the trick. Setting the glass down and briefly rubbing my temple, I glanced down to the notepad for the next task before heading out again.

Ah. Set up the feeding spots. Easy enough. Although I had to account for every animal Fluttershy had in her disposal: Rabbits, raccoon's, bears, squirrels, a Timberwolf...

Let's not neglect birds, turtles or lizards.

Fair enough. Craning my neck around, I sighed tiredly and snapped myself to attention, pocketing the notepad in my gown's pocket and proceeding out of the kitchen. Sleep later, work now. I couldn't wait to see the expression on Fluttershy's face when all was said and done.

But, to my surprise, someone waited for me right out the hallway. "Stardust...?" Starlight asked wearily, rubbing her eyes with an exhausted disposition. "Where have you been? Don't you know how late it is?"

No clue. I never kept track of the time. "Go back to bed Starlight." I casually replied, swerving around the unicorn. "I'm in the middle of something right now."

"It's five in the morning..." She muttered out before I could make my brisk retreat. Was it really? Man times flies when you're hard at work. "You've been gone all night. Spike was hoping to spend some time with you earlier."

Oh... "Well I'll make it up to him." Later though. I couldn't afford any distractions. The sound of light footsteps told me the exhausted Starlight was following behind, and I turned around warily, having no time for this bull[BEEP]. "Why are you even up?"

"I told Twilight I'd wait for you to come back when she started to worry." She shrugged, following with a loud yawn and fluttering eyelids. "Are you gonna tell me where you went so I can finally get some sleep or...?"

Sassy even when tired. I shook my head regardless. "Go to bed, Starlight, get your rest. You can tell Twilight next morning that everything's fine and not to look for me." And continued on my way, but not before the skeptical pink unicorn commented with a loud grumble.

"What could be so important to be out so late and so early in the morning...?" Oh, believe me my dear, you'll soon see the results being worth my nocturnal activities tonight.

By the first rays of morning light, the beautiful sight to witness informed me that it was time to work on planting the seeds of flowers next. And luckily, I had spotted a nice little patch earlier in the area perfectly suited to meet that task. Nightshade helped yet again, plucking his talons to make a small enough hole for each seed to fall in. The type of flowers in question varied, but I knew they would be pretty enough to give the area a further atmosphere of serenity once fully grown-

[BEEP], one of the hammocks fell off again.

Rolling my tired eyes, I just resorted to completing this current task before amending that previous one. After covering up the last seed with the good soil, I said to the obedient bird, "Get the watering can." And stood up as Nightshade performed as instructed, finding it a bit difficult to straighten my posture a little for a brief moment. Shrugging it off, I headed back to fixing the loose hammock while Nightshade flew over the soil to water them himself.

Again, don't apply too much stress to your body Jack. You've worked for quite a while now.

I'll be- Ugh... I'll be fine Starswirl.

My back instantly ached from leaning down to pick up the fallen end of the fabric, my teacher's instruction returning to mind upon amending the loose end. Easy enough, and I looked back in time to see Nightshade already skillfully finishing with watering the seeds equally. Owl's more productive than I!


Now let's see... I looked around again, tired hands in pockets as I blinked rapidly to stop myself from closing my eyes longer than needed to, ignoring the blaring sun. Just to check how well we've been doing all night up to then.

Hammocks, check.

Nests, check.

Swings, check.

Plants, check.

Food spots, check.

All that's left then was the water. And oh boy was that gonna be arguably the hardest part among them. Typically I usually get the worse out of the way from the start, but carrying large quantities of water at night with every possibility of [BEEP]ing myself over wasn't worth getting my clothes so wet.

At the very least, take a moment to rest before you proceed with this next task Jack. Starswirl kept being insistent on my well-being. Your body needs to recuperate from lack and sleep combined with hard effort all night. Don't exhaust yourself too much.

Tell you what teacher. I'll take a rest after I deal with the water situation. That said, I turned towards the spot waiting to be made into a pool, a rather large open spot among the rock formation dug into the ground, just perfect. Slowly kneeling down, my weary brain worked hard to calculate exactly how many times we'd have to fill up this spot by hand.

It'd roughly take a few hours without magic... [BEEP].

Well, no sense in giving up now. This was all for a friend, after all. Nightshade landed on and leaned down with me from my left shoulder, making another insightful comment.



Je... Sus... Christ...

My breathing became more and more shallow just from carrying these two filled-up buckets alone, wincing repeatedly as my body fought to maintain its strength and stamina, reaching enough back to the would-be sanctuary. Thank God, I made it back just in time, exhaling in tired relief before dropping the buckets carefully on the grass.

And plopping down on my rear with an exhausted grimace. [BEEP].

Nightshade followed promptly suit, the bucket hanging from his talons placed keenly on dirt before the own perched himself on my right shoulder to rest, and I barely had the energy then to ruffle his feathers, slowly doing so. My breathing slowed down, aching bones begging for sweet release and small muscles relaxing somewhat after having to use all my power available from lifting two big buckets of water all the way back here from the stream. Rubbing my disheveled beard, I huffed quietly and worked to stand upwards, wincing by the protest ringing through my inwards.

Well, tough luck body...

However, there was one person I'd rather not share my pain with. Seeing how clearly exhausted the nocturnal owl was, I managed to smile faintly and order without argument. "Go back to the castle. I'll handle the rest."

And Nightshade simply gave me a long, piercing stare, which brought a small shudder to my aching spine. The expression reminded me too much of his certain owner. Regardless, Nightshade obliged to my wishes and began flying off, to get his respite and allowing me the comfort of knowing I wouldn't exhaust the small bird too much. I've asked for enough help already.

You should follow this exact advice. Your body is too drained to continue with this daunting task, too taxing by the amount of stamina it holds remaining. Go home and retire for the day; the sanctuary won't be going anywhere.

And risk anyone finding out by accident and still being incomplete? Starswirl, you're forgetting one vital detail about yours truly...

With a grunt, I stood up proper, and growled fiercely in spite of my weary state and grabbed the two handles of the buckets, picking them up and ignoring the screaming sensation of my spine and arms.

I never listen to my own advice...

One foot forward, and another. I would take this slow if needs be, but I was getting this done, one way or another, without any help at all!

You have nothing to prove, Jack. Starswirl pointed out solemnly. Your friends would be proud by the hard effort you've made already, the Princess especially. She certainly wouldn't you to overexert yourself and risk collapsing in exhaustion.

Well... I'll consider this... A test of willpower then. That's at least something I still had after my body has been crippled and separated from magic altogether thanks to Celestia's spell.

You know they won't judge you for taking a short break.

Yeah... But this was all for them. Mostly for Fluttershy... She wanted this dream come true, and considering... Ugh... All she's done for me... My exhaustion is worth it.

She wouldn't view it this way.

I chuckled hoarsely. Of course she wouldn't... That's part of her charm...

Upon reaching the edge of the would-be lake, I wasted no time; with a teeth-grit grunt, I hurled the contents of clear liquid into the hole below, reaching dry dirt in an instance.

The results were... Dejecting.

Starswirl... What time was it...?

He almost sounded apologetic when he answered. Just reaching seven o'clock.


I could only grin wryly, my body swaying more and threatening to fall head-first into the large hole. So, it'd take roughly around three hours to fill up the hole with water, with enough effort made. Got it. Let's not waste anymore time then.

Four and a half hours later...

I did it.

By God, I actually did it...!

With that last drop of water reaching the perfect length of the now-filled pool, the bucket all but dropped from my grasp and rolled harmlessly over the ground, my lungs inhaling and exhaling at a slower pace. Still, I managed a weak smile at the sight of the clear fulfilled water that was finally finished.

Starswirl, do you see this... I... I actually managed to do something productive! In this body!

So you did. Starswirl answered rather quietly, sounding daunted himself. You see what you're capable of when you have the mind to accomplish so. You're far more ambitious than you realize, Jack; that has always been the case.

Haha... Yeah... Everything seemed almost complete. Fluttershy will absolutely love what I've done for her and her woodland friends... If not, I'll simply drown myself with the very pool I created with my bare hands.

All that's left now is the waterfall...

...Oh [BEEP] all that's left now is the waterfall...

...I'll get to that in a minute. Pulling myself up, my hand reached for my glasses and shakily removed them, hazel eyes blinking with rapid exertion, taking a distance back to witness the progress so far in full. To witness the masterpiece of a paradise made by my own mind; by the dream fantasy of a dear friend's I brought to life.

Beautiful... Just breathtaking...

Almost done then... Just gotta somehow create a waterfall and I will be... Will be...

My teacher sounded resigned and solemn. You've exhausted yourself too much now, Jack. It's time for your rest... And allow your friends to assist you.

My legs buckled, hands twitching with glasses falling from my weak grip, brain becoming too fuzzy to think straight. As if some force was making the sleep catch up to me... No, I couldn't... Not yet...

Not when I wasn't finished...

But something soft waited to catch me as I fell. "Take it easy now sugarcube. You've done more than enough for one day."

My blurry eyes were greeted by nine colourful faces before the realm of sleep enticed me in.





I gasped, the shock of my awakening state inciting me to sit upwards, hazel eyes darting around the familiar setting and, upon spotting them, placing on the glasses and landing my incredulous gaze on the three smiling ponies at the end of my bed.

My bed... I then realized I has been laying on top of it without any recollection as to how, still in my clothes. Last I checked, I was at the sanctuary... Exhaustion caught up to me... And...

"You know Jack. When I said be more productive, that didn't insinuate to exert yourself to the point of collapsing in exhaustion." Twilight pointed out in fond wryness, looking quite pleased by my waking state and at my perplexed gaze. "Maybe next time you could learn not to get ahead of yourself, hmm?"

My only response was a rapid blinking.

Starlight giggled, and proceeded to shed some light. "You worked yourself down to the bone on that sanctuary." The unicorn explained with a light smile. "Lucky we were there to catch you. Fell right asleep in everyone's arms."

...Huh, no wonder I felt so safe and warm before drifting off...


She said 'sanctuary...'

Oh. I couldn't hide my disappointed expression. "So you know..."

"That you've been working on a private resort for Fluttershy's animal friends?" Starlight quirked a humoured brow. Said yellow pegasus only looked away bashfully as the mare continued. "After Owlicious showed us where you were, it didn't take long for Fluttershy to deduce what you were up to." And glanced to the Princess. "Also, 'Owlicious?'" I know right? Twilight promptly rolled her eyes.

The owl in question, I then noticed, flew down upon being referenced from the corner of my bed to rest himself on my shoulder, giving a resounding "Hoo!" Into my left ear.

Charming, but I affectionately stroked beneath his beak anyway, the three mares smiling at the gesture. "Traitor." I snarked without malice at the blinking bird.

"Don't blame him." Starlight pointed out with tease. "Twilight presumed you were endangering yourself again with something involving Zagreus, and demanded for him to guide our friends to your location."

"It was a plausible assumption at the time." The alicorn defended herself rather heatedly, regarding us sternly. "He could've been lured to a trap for all we knew, and Owlicious managed to escape and come to us for help! Pardon me for being worried about the health of my special somepony; the same man who constantly gets himself in trouble." Twilight quirked a brow at my flattered smirk. "And even without Zagreus, he was already in trouble from over-exhaustion. The whole night and morning, Jack? Really? Did you not get one ounce of sleep?"

...My own reply to that look was a helpless shrug, prompting Nightshade to fly off, Starlight to chuckle some more and Twilight to wryly shake her head. Hey she pretty much nailed it as always. "The ambition was too great I couldn't sleep...?"

The Princess of Friendship rolled her eyes, but maintained a tiny grin. "Although, the ambition to help a friend fully realize their dream is something I can't disagree with." Exactly!

"And to prove to his certain Princess that he is more than capable of being more productive with his new body." Starlight winked with a knowing motion, promptly Twilight to look from her and to I curiously.

"That's why you did it?" Twilight asked with a tilted head. "Just to prove you can?"

I winced. "Partially." Was the small confession, adding with a hopeless grin towards the lavender alicorn's frown. Might as well leave nothing out. "And to prove that I'm still capable of being useful for my friends. And for..." I glanced tiredly to the curious Fluttershy, smiling lightly and adding, "Helping out a good friend who's done so much for me that I feel making her dream a reality would be the best repayment."

A second of silence, letting those words sink in. And then, while Twilight and Starlight shared surprised yet approving glances, Fluttershy pointed out rather tenderly. "You never had to do that, Stardust. Having you for a good friend is payment enough..."

"Honestly didn't feel like enough." Was my self-esteem issue talking, shrugging again. "And you were so ambitious for making this sanctuary come true I wanted to help. And so I did the best I could wait making it as real as possible and providing decent... Results..."

...Who was I kidding?

"No, it's garbage." Was my declaration, that earlier moment of myself praising my own work a deluded result from exhaustion. I shook my head with a heavy frown, the mares sharing bewildered looks. "It obviously pales in comparison to the the one you've envisioned, Fluttershy. A shadow of what could've been better. I did the best I could to replicate your notes. Hell, I didn't even finish the waterfall- Oof!"

You know how Twilight often cuts me off with hugs? Well, now it was Fluttershy committing that action.

And my body stiffened by her next rather bold action. Oh, a kiss to the cheek too. Wasn't that something. An echo to that time I made out with that alternate Equestrian Fluttershy, and judging from Twilight's wince over the yellow mare's shoulder, she had that memory too. Starlight only looked bemused. I could only stare in stupefaction, Fluttershy retreating back off the bed with her face entirely in pink embarrassment, refusing to even look once at me but speaking in utter conviction.

"I've love what you've done, Stardust. That sanctuary is exactly how I've always dreamed it would be." She confessed with bliss, to my blinking shock.

"It- It is...?" How can that be?! It was all a half-[BEEP]ed effort made by a man overtaken by exhaustion!

Fluttershy nodded, looking back to me again with a bright smile. "All that effort and attempts to match it with how I imagined it, and succeeding every step of the way. And the fact it was made by a special friend of mine only makes all the more magical."

"Having a lifelong dream of yours made real by a friend really defines that bond between you." Starlight pointed out warmly.

"Mm-hm." Twilight nodded in completely agreement, seeming to get over that earlier moment of boldness on Fluttershy's part.

...Huh. "But it's not even finished yet." I pointed out rather desperately. "The waterfall hasn't been added yet."

The ponies shared knowing amused looks. "Taken care of." Twilight smirked proudly. "We decided to finish up the place for you and let you sleep." ...Oh. The alicorn's expression softened then in affectionate amusement. "To be fair, Jack, without wings or magic, how exactly would you cause a waterfall effect with no assistance whatsoever?"


"Since you're well-rested again, would you like to come see it?" Fluttershy asked with eager hopefulness. "I think you deserve to see it used to its fullest after all your hard work and effort."

My body straightened upwards with clasped excited hands, feeling more re-energized than ever.


All in all, I'd say the effort and amount of hard work exhausting myself the other night was worth it. The sanctuary was fine, so long as it fulfilled its purpose and made Fluttershy happy. The mare in question couldn't care less if it didn't match up perfectly with her vision, even if she insisted completely otherwise that it was the flawless match.

Still, I felt there were massive improvements on my part that could've been made. But upon arriving at the sight earlier, Fluttershy's animal friends were already making good use of the self-made sanctuary; chirping, chasing, eating and relaxing together in pure harmony. The sight was beautiful to observe, and I felt a great measure of pride and content, feeling everything I've been through worth the effort entirely.

The pretty waterfall the girls added helped.

Truet story; the mares were there while I was busy filling up the pool the whole time, watching me travel back and forth between the stream and the hole and making no attempt to intervene, all curious by my actions. Twilight and the others were more content in watching me tire myself repeatedly in effort to keep a dear friend happy. They were there all along, and made no attempt of letting me know.

Probably for the best. I likely would've stopped all together if I had noticed their presence and the surprise ruined.


"Cheers." I smiled in thanks to the owl plopping another book I requested on the pile, proceeding to read through the open pages detailing the history of economy in Equestria. Fascinating read, mind you. Where was I?

Labour work is done. Fluttershy is happy, as is her woodland friends, and I felt proud and accomplished for the first time being reverted back to this hideous form. Not much to do now but relax.

My ears picked up on the sound of the library doors opening, peeking over the pages to see the Princess of Friendship enter and stride over my way. I smiled warmly towards, Twilight returning the gesture and reaching my state surrounded by many chosen books-


I smirked curiously at the warm peck to my bare cheek. "What's that about?" I inquired.

Twilight pulled back with a blissful smile. "Simply expressing how proud I am for the man I love, whom worked so hard to help make a best friend's dream become reality." I grinned. Well, I certainly wasn't complaining. "You're far more capable when you believe in yourself, Jack."

"Starswirl said the same thing." And I knew that would fuel Twilight's happiness from echoing a statement of her own hero.

"Hoo!" The small night bird announced from above, adding another book to the pile. I grinned upwards in thanks, Nightshade taking a break by perching himself above a shelf, content to observe us from his high spot.

"Helpful little guy, isn't he?" Twilight asked rhetorically, gazing upwards with open fondness just like I. My only reply was a nod. "Owlicious. I couldn't have asked for a better nocturnal helper."


I heard Twilight huff, widening my sly smirk. "Not starting that again Jack."

"Because you know I'll win."

"Not likely." The Princess scoffed in her playful tone, hear features brightening again as something else evidently spawned to mind. "You actually took me by surprise, you know, opting to make the whole animal sanctuary all by yourself. Watching you fill up that pool all by yourself, whether out of commitment for your friends or pride, it was really admirable to watch."

I shrugged sheepishly by the affection sparkling in her eyes. "I can't take all the credit. Nightshade helped a lot."



Twilight chuckled, shaking her head with a content expression. "Humble to the last. Something I've always loved about you Jack." Ah, well... The Princess then added with stern humour. "Although next time, if you want to prove you can be more productive with your time, maybe exhausting yourself to the brink of collapse through manual labour should be considered unwise, wouldn't you say?"

"Read ya loud and clear, ma'am." Followed with my teasing retort. "And maybe you can stop worrying so much about my well-being twenty-four seven."

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Considering all the crazy stuff you get involved with, is that really my fault?" The irony of her statement was scoff worthy. Twilight, spotting a book beside her, magically raised it up and quirked a brow of intrigue. "'A History of Ponyville?'"

Saving that one for later. I smirked while waving up the current book in my hand. "As you said Twilight, I'm making current good use of my time being productive."

"'Revolutionized Unicorn Magic,' 'The Tales of Starswirl and the Alicorn Amulet,' 'Canterlot Laws and Services?'" Twilight continued mumbling title after title in evident interest, eventually glancing back to me with open puzzlement. "Not the typically literature you tend to enjoy."

Because I already made a good friend happy today. Now, it's time to make special somepony happy too.

"Nope, but the kind of things you love to be knowledgeable about." I explained rather casually, placing the book about economy down for the moment. "I'm doing something I should've done for a long time now, something which you definitely approve your special somepony of doing." And holding up another cover in relation to historical figures behind discovering an Earth Pony' connection to magic. "Researching everything I need to know about Equestria, its history, laws, economy and everything else. Now, God knows if I'll remember any of what I just read - autistic brain and poor memory on my part - but I thought you'd appreciate the effort-"

Now, Twilight's face started glowing with each passing word, her grin widening ten times larger with stars literally sparkling in her breathtaking eyes, eventually letting loose and tightly embracing my chest and arms for a long moment, stating quite happily. "Of course I'd appreciate it. In fact, it's the most wonderful idea I've heard you utter yet!"

Thanks... I think.

"And even if you can't recall everything you've read, the fact you're making an attempt is brilliant enough!" That said, Twilight gave some space yet nestled herself right beside me, smiling that dazzling grin. "Oh, we could start expanding your education over Equestria together, if you want! I know a ton of books which would benefit this wonderful scenario greatly!"

"Especially since I'll need to learn things because I'm living in Equestria forever." Twilight blinked... Then her smile widened exponentially again, as if utterly thrilled by that factual statement. Emboldened by her angelic disposition, I added rather sheepishly. "You also wouldn't mind answering any questions I have, even if they might sound dumb to you?"

The Princess laughed beautifully, nodding in pure reassurance. "Of course I will! Shall we get started?"

"Any opportunity to spend time with the pony I love, certainly." And, just for this moment, as Twilight eagerly picked out certain books which she deemed suitable for this project, talking away and flipping through pages with breathtaking enthusiasm and eagerness, I could imagine not being trapped as a human again as opposed to the Earth Pony she fell in love with first. The pair of us snuggled comfortably together in our own little sanctuary, and while I struggled to keep up with Twilight's animated words, I could smile and pretend that everything was right again in this world.

Just for the moment.

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