• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Forty-Four: Brimming with Starlight

"Oh, good morning Stardust! Happy Hearts and Hooves Day!"

Oh yeah... the Equestrian equivalent to Valentine's Day.

My blurry eyes slowly gazed over to the energetic dragon; clearly enthusiastic over today's special event. Well good for him, fortunately for me the majority of my day will be spent NOT spending of gifting romantic gestures to an equine. A yawn was my reply as Spike walked by, checking the cabinets for some breakfast.

"Twilight woke you up early again?" The lizard inquired, while searching through for cereal.

"Nope." This time I did reply, though my throat slightly protested to such. Rubbing my exhausted demanding-to-sleep eyes, I continued, "My own volition."

Grabbing out a bowl next, Spike proceeded with his questions, "Why's that?"

"To spend the rest of the day the only way I know how."

"Ah." The dragon nodded, walking towards the fridge. "Don't blame ya. This is a great day, after all, to share gifts or go out on dates with your special somepony." I was far too tired to even snort at the ludicrous term. "I just know Rarity will love what I've got planned for her."

"I'm sure she will." A small smile emerged on my muzzle. Trust Spike to never give up on his crush. Knowing him, and the unicorn, the gift will probably be either a mountain of gems, or a gem-crusted shirt.

"So what are you going to do?" Spike asked, sounding rather intrigued. What? Did he believe I held infatuation over a pony?

My front limbs stretched. "Me? Sleep. And after which, roll over and sleep some more."

The predictable incredulous eyes switched to me. "You're going to spend the entire Hearts and Hooves Day napping?"

I grinned slightly, leaning back from the table. "Precisely the reason why I stayed up all night; to not endure any of this town's ponies trying to come on to me." A certain Earth Pony came to mind, forcing my exhausted body to still be capable of shuddering.

"But... Isn't there anypony you do like even the slightest bit?"

"I don't date ponies, Spike." I reminded the baffled dragon, stretching again followed by another yawn. "Welp, snoozeland is calling. See you probably late afternoon Spike. Tell Twilight I said Happy Valentine's Day."


"What we call Hearts and Hooves Day on Earth." Was my final answer, before my tired hooves began carrying me back to my room, where the realm of sleep awaited me.

Ah... THAT was much better.

Exerting a satisfied noise while walking down the stairs, the first few things I've noticed from my refreshed ponified eyes was the clean library - how very surprising - and a certain equine setting order to a pile of sheets and quills.

Twilight? Shouldn't she be out, enjoying the wonders this day has to offer? "Morning love."

The mare glanced to her left at the casual and humoured tone. "It's five-fifteen in the afternoon, Jack." Is it really? I shrugged as Twilight shook her head. "Spike told me you refrained from sleep the whole night, just so you could rest through the day. Didn't you recall we had another session this morning?"

...Now that she mentions it. [BEEP]! I've been so focused on avoiding this day last night!

"Now I do." I remembered, approaching the busy unicorn sheepishly. "Sorry, I forgot."

"It's all right." Twilight assured me, sounding sincere in her forgiveness. "From what I understood, you intended to avoid the entirety of Hearts and Hooves Day. But even so, you should still give your leg more time to fully recover, and staying up all night is the complete opposite of accomplishing just that."

"Can you blame me?" Another casual shrug. "No offense to your species, my dear, but I'd rather not vomit at all upon the thought of any pony holding that kind of interest in me."

Pausing from her work, purple eyes glanced at me. "You... find the idea sickening?"

"Only because my whole species would find it disgusting." I responded. Good grief, I hope I haven't unintentionally insulted Twilight or her species. Resorting to change the subject, I inquired, "What about you? Why aren't you spending the rest of your day out there with a lucky stallion, or jumping around in glee at some gift given to you?"

Smiling slightly, Twilight shook her head, "I haven't received any sort of gift from anyone today."


"At all?"

"At all." Twilight confirmed, returning to the stacks of paper and quills. Clearly she wasn't fazed by it. "Though I'm use to it; I never received anything from Hearts and Hooves Day the previous times, though I was mainly focused on my studies under Princess Celestia in Canterlot than anything like that. Why start now?"


Twilight Sparkle, the greatest pony of them all, and you mean to tell me that no colt or stallion has even the slightest interest in her? Twilight. Sparkle. ...What the [BEEP] is wrong with this world?

"Oh, speaking of which, two letters were sent here today, exclusively for you." The unicorn, oblivious to my displayed disbelief, gestured to two envelopes by the side table near the front door.

Focusing my eyes on the casual mare, my hooves moved to where the letters were, my mind still grasping the fact that, to the late afternoon, Twilight hasn't received a gift or been asked out by anyone on this special occasion. Why? By pony standards Twilight was a sight to behold, both in appearance and personality. She was utterly amazing. If I was the least interested in ponies romantic-wise, I'd attempt my best to seep Twilight off her feet... or hooves. Was it because she was a bookworm, or incredibly intelligent? Was that it?

Did many believe she was impossible to win the heart of?

Shaking my head, I finally turned to the envelopes, picking up the first off and unfolding it, revealing what lovey-dovey bull-[BEEP] a mare was about to say about me.

Octavia... of course. As if the smell of perfume wasn't enough, there was also the classy handwriting the letter was showing me.

Restraining a groan, my eyes trailed ever single word the mare had to say. I will at least read the effort she put in... And right now, I was regretting that action. By God is this stuff exaggerate, cheesy and had me cringe with every paragraph. All of it was detailed, and clearly thought' out. I can applaud her for that.

But all this false praise about me... Ugh.

I'll thank her later for the letter, but that's about it. I'm not going to recuperate that mare's feelings. Ever.

Now onto this second letter...

Unfolding the paper, I frowned. Nope, don't recognize this handwriting. It was good, though. Let's see... Uh-huh... Uh-huh... Ah, so we're playing this game are we?

There was no name at the bottom saying who it was from. Meaning I have a... secret admirer... Jesus.

"You look annoyed."

"What else is new?" I retorted to the approaching unicorn, turning around to present the letter. "Here's a fun challenge for you, Twilight, see if you can recognize this handwriting."

Leaning froward, there was only a small pause before her eyes widened, "This looks like... Fluttershy's hoofwriting?"

...Say what now?

"Fluttershy?" The same meek pegasus who was usually shy about admitting any of her feelings about others, situations or choices at all? "Are you sure?" I asked for clarification, squinting hard at the letter.

"There's no mistaking it." Twilight replied. "I recognize all of my friend's styles of writing. This letter's from Fluttershy, all right."


"I'm just as surprised as you are." Twilight evidently took note of my expression. "Fluttershy never gave any indication to liking you that way."

Thinking back, I recalled my every interaction with the yellow pegasus in question. Every conversation I could think of. The mare had always offered me to help her with her animals, which I've accepted a handful of times. She said I was always welcome to the cottage. She did frequently visit me more so than the others outside the library. And there was, sometimes, a red hue on Fluttershy's features whenever I praised her handiwork with her animal friends, or when I sometimes called her shyness adorable.

...How have I not realized this sooner?

"I'm an idiot..."

"To be fair, Fluttershy was always the most restrained in addressing her feelings to anyone, Jack." Twilight consoled, having heard my mutter. "So, what are you going to do about it?"

Good question.

"I think..." Was my beginning statement, as a plan formed in my mind. "I'll visit Fluttershy, thank her for the letter and tell her how appreciative I am over it, but I can't return her feelings because I'm an alien from another world who doesn't date equines."

Meeting Twilight's gaze, her eyes widened. "Are you sure that's a sound idea? Fluttershy can be a little... jumpy at sudden revelations like that."

"Well, she and the others have to find out sooner or later." Twilight tilted her head, as if reluctant over something. I shrugged, "Besides, Applejack and Pinkie Pie already know."

At this sudden revelation, the unicorn blinked, "Wait, what? Since when were they aware?"

"I told them, though Pinkie guessed my secret on her own."

"You never told me they knew." Twilight frowned.

"Now I have. Sorry Twilight." The mare shook her head, clearly exasperated. "Though if it helps, they were spur of the moments. Now, I'm off to visit her shy pegasus friend."

"And what about the writer of this other letter?" Twilight magically lifted up the first message.

"That will be for another day." Was my instant reply, heading towards the red door after placing the second letter down. There was absolutely no incentive on my part to visit Octavia; even if I had no clue as to where her house was.

I'll go to Fluttershy's place, then I'll do something to rectify this injustice towards Twilight. Never received a Valentine's gift nor went out on a date before?

Well that's going to change.

"Just be sure not to-"

"- Apply too much pressure to my leg. Got it, thanks."

"Oh, Stardust. I didn't expect to see you today." Fluttershy said in genuine surprise, clear blue eyes widened at the sight of me upon opening her front door. Beside her, Angel observed with a small smirk on his face.

I refrained from glancing at the bunny to dismiss his theory behind my presence here, and replied to the pegasus in a calm tone, "Hello Fluttershy. I was wondering if I could have a word with you."

"O-Of course." The yellow mare stepped aside, allowing me entry and escorting me towards the table where we usually conversed upon my visits. "How's your leg?"

"Almost completely healed, thank you for asking."

"That's good. Would you like some soda while you're here?"

"Hm, tempting, but I don't plan on being here long, so no thank you." Fluttershy nodded, looking very apprehensive. Yep, she knew why I was here, that was clear. Taking my seat, my eyes looked down at the smirking white bunny. Yeah, not going to happen my little friend. The pegasus took her seat at the other end of the table, staring down at the surface of the wooden item. This prompting my smirk, may as well get to the point, "I... got your letter."

Her head snapped upwards to meet me, before looking away with a clear red hue upon her features. "O-Oh... How did you...?"

"Twilight recognized your handwriting." Swallowing a lump of nervousness - who knows how this pony will react - I continued without breaking my gaze. "And I'm flattered that you would write such kind and complimentary words towards me."

"It... It was no problem." Fluttershy responded quietly, still refusing to even look at me. That's fine.

"Though God knows why you would ever crush on someone such as me." I said jokingly, in a vain attempt to lighten the mood. As the mare simply shrugged, her blush reddening, I cleared my throat. "I truly am flattered by your words, my dear, and honoured by your affection, but... The truth of the matter is... well..."

"You... only see me as a friend."

That tone caused me to pause. Christ, way to make me feel guilty, Fluttershy. "I'm sorry." I bowed my head, finding myself unable to meet that saddened expression. "You're more like a... little sister to me, Fluttershy, in all honesty. And you can do better than me, anyway."

A pause, before barely a whisper was heard from the mare's muzzle. "You're not as bad as you think you are..."

Oh I definitely am.

"There's also another reason." I continued, ignoring the heated gaze Fluttershy's pet bunny was sending me, evidently angered by my rejection of his mistress' feelings. I looked back up, meeting her upset yet slightly curious gaze. "One I've planned for a while to tell you and the others. Though Twilight, Applejack and Pinkie Pie already know of this."

"W-What's that?"

Well, probably best to beat around the bush. Time was short.

"I'm an alien." I said with blunt confidence. At that confession, the posture of my friend shifted dramatically. Head leaned back, eyes widened in disbelief as the implications impacted her mind. "So... yeah."

"B-But... you're saying that an... an..."

"An alien from another world, absolutely." Pure utter silence, as the gawking pegasus continued to display the most shocked expression I've ever seen from her.

...Better leave now.

"I'll leave you to comprehend this revelation." I stood up, intending towards the exit. Angel, meanwhile, had slowly crept away from us - more specifically me - just as in a shock state as the one who feeds him. Throwing a reassuring smile at Fluttershy, I said my final words before leaving, "Don't worry, I have no intention of conquering your world or anything so cliche. Farewell my dear."

No response, of course. I nodded before leaving, shutting the door behind me so Fluttershy and Angel can have their peace. Well that went better than I expected, thank God. Perhaps now Fluttershy will understand fully my reluctance to be romantically involved with any of her kind. Today, however, will be an exception, as I do plan on lowering my standards just for the sake of a dear friend. And luckily, while the sky was slowly setting red, I already had everything planned for Twilight.

Now I know how Fluttershy felt earlier, in terms of nervousness.

But why should I be feeling apprehensive in the slightest? If Twilight rejects the offer, then I can find some other means to give the unicorn the Hearts and Hooves day she deserved. Everything was in place, and thankfully the shade of evening was only beginning, giving me ample time to set the whole date up.

Entering the library, a bouquet of fresh multi-coloured roses resting on my back, my target was already there to greet me. "How'd it go?" Twilight inquired upon greeting, purple eyes glancing curiously at me while she was reading a book.

I shrugged, knowing she was referring to our yellow pegasus friend. "Better than anticipated, thankfully." Keeping the red door open wide behind me, I walked towards the curious mare. "No melodramatic reaction, for example."

"Oh, Fluttershy took it well then?"

That would be one way to put it. "Indeed, I decided to leave her in peace to take in the news."

"Good idea." Twilight nodded in approval, resuming her gaze on the book. "Some revelations like that need time to sink in."

"Yep." I nodded, carefully pulling the pack of fresh roses from my back. Recently brought from the nearest flower store, hopefully giving flowers as a sign of affection was a thing in Equestria. "Where's Spike?"

"Still out, probably still attempting to earn the affections of Rarity." I imagined Twilight smiling lightly.

"He's one determined dragon." I'll go look for him later, when night falls. But first, more important matters. "If I could have your attention for a moment, love."

"Uh, certainly... Jack?" As the curious mare turned to face me, I was already bowing formally, the roses held between us. Looking up, I allowed a small smirk at the growing red hue on Twilight's purple features. "Are those... for me?"

"Indeed." I nodded, Twilight gently taking the gift. She eyed the roses, all the colours of gold, blue, white and purple. I had no idea of their meanings, but you know, Hakuta Matata. "I decided not to be cliche with the typical red roses. You don't mind do you?"

"N-Not at all." Twilight stuttered a little, her eyes fixed on the flowers held in her hooves. Slowly, a grateful and flattered smile graced her glowing muzzle. "They're wonderful, Jack... I don't know what to say."

"Well, don't thank me yet, as that's only the beginning." Twilight's expression was confusion, yet the gratitude was still clear in her eyes, and... affection? I wouldn't know, I'm not that good at reading others, people or ponies. Holding out an open hoof, I said with all the formality and calmness I can muster, pushing down the initial nervous bile rising up in my throat. "In honour of our friendship, and because you're yet to receive romantic gestures of any sort on this particular day, which is, quite frankly, a crime in itself; will you, Twilight Sparkle, do the honour of being my date for this evening?"

...God dammit, why was I so nervous?! It wasn't as if we were actually dating in reality; Twilight knew I would and will never date any of her species, her included. So why didn't I feel as though my rib cage will explode, depending on her answer? I haven't felt anything like this since... since...

Over four years ago.

Oblivious to my internal war, Twilight set the roses to the table next to her book. placing her own warm hoof on mine. "I graciously accept your invitation, Jack Wright."

...Okay, now my chest felt like there were exploding fireworks within me. What the hell?

Yet a big idiotic grin appeared on my muzzle at Twilight's answer, who was smiling brightly herself, with just as bright redness covering her features. "So, what do you have planned for this evening then?"

"I have to admit, I'm pleasantly surprised by... well all of this." Twilight gestured to the laid blanket, with set cooked baked food - mainly comprising of fruit, vegetables, bread and sugary treats - and bottle of grape wine waiting for us. Having escorted the mare in true gentleman fashion - she even remarked upon it - we arrived at the hill, my hill to be more precise, where the picnic awaited.

The unicorn's admittance prompted my small smirk. "I'll have you know, my dear Twilight, that I was once the romantic expert during the days of high school." As the mare took her seat, I walked around, popping open the bottle of fresh grape wine for the two glasses. "Mind you, I didn't have time to set up reservations for, say, a restaurant or something even more classy to suit someone like you. I hope you don't mind."

Twilight's smile had never left her muzzle, not since we departed from the library about eight minutes ago. "The fact that you've decided to set this all up for me is more than enough, Jack. I'm honestly still a little taken aback by it all. But flattered, all the same."

"Well good." I said jokingly, passing the filled wine glass towards her, which she readily accepted. "The fact no one has gifted you or taken you out anyway on a day like this is a crime in itself. So I sought to rectify this travesty ASAP."

The unicorn raised a humoured brow. "So you're just doing this because no one has?"

"You deserve it, Twilight." I replied seriously to her amused tone. "Of all ponies in Ponyville - even Equestria - someone like you deserves to be treated romantically on Valentine's Day. What we call this holiday on Earth." I added to Twilight's expressive question.

The unicorn nodded, "Then, if you think I should be treated as such, I'll indulge you this one time." We shared a chuckle, my friend raising her glass. "To our friendship?"

"That along with everyone else's." Our filled glasses met, before we sipped our own drinks... myself immediately regretting it. Bleh! That was awful. I must of made a funny expression, as Twilight was clearly restraining a laugh. "Remind me never to try this drink again..." Grapes were fine enough on their own, anyway.

"It's not suited for everyone, I'll have to say." Twilight spoke humoured, while I took my seat beside her. Our gaze switched to the setting sun. "You decided this spot for the sunset?"

"That, and this is, after all, the hill I usually go to whenever I desired no company." By now the sun was already becoming a hue of red, almost halfway beneath the far off mountains. "I want you to have the most romantic setting and time of your life for this day, my dear."

For a moment, Twilight didn't speak, inciting my eyes to glance curiously at her quiet posture. What? Was it something I said? "It's absolutely beautiful, Jack. This picnic, the sun setting over this hill. I've truly never been on a date before, so forgive me that I have small experience over this treatment you're giving me..."

Ah, the many things we seem to have in common. "Don't worry, you're not the only one with little experience over something like this." Her eyes met mine, and looking at them through the glowing setting of the sun was rather- I crushed down that train of thought, instead smiling in amusement, "This is my first date, also, and will probably be my last. Think of this as preparation, for when you have someone worthy sweeping you off your feet - or hooves - in the future."

"Implying such a thing might ever happen." Twilight shrugged in equal humour, resuming her gaze to the distance. "No wonder you come here often; have you ever witnessed such a sight to behold in your life?"

Someone, a long time ago...

"I have, and she's sitting right beside me." Shocked purple orbs returned on me, and it wasn't the sun causing the redness on her face. Like I said, I'll do my best to give Twilight the best romantic experience she could have on a day such as this. "I wasn't exaggerating when I complimented your beauty at the gala."

This time, the bashful mare decided to avoid my sincere look. "Yes well, I was given a beautiful dress by Rarity during the Grand Galloping Gala. Now I'm just... well..."

"Beautiful regardless? Rhetorical question, don't answer that." Oh, just how many people I know will sin me for complimenting a pony this way back home? "In terms of appearance, personality and all other things about you, you are almost perfection incarnate." I couldn't resist my smirk and light chuckle as the blushing on Twilight's face seemed to brighten to the highest degree. "If I was even remotely interested in equines that way, well I'd probably ask you out first."

"...I don't what to say." Twilight finally said quietly, eyes fixed on the blanket we've settled on. "No one has ever... complimented me like this before. Are you certain you're not just flattering me for today exclusively...?"

"Not this time." Everything I just said was sincere to the touch. "Not my fault the idiotic stallions of your world fail to see it themselves." Before Twilight could retaliate, which would probably dissolve into a pointless argument, I gestured towards the cuisine before us. "Now then, that's enough complimenting you for now, don't you think? Shall we dig in?"

The unicorn nodded, no words spoken from her muzzle before we began dining on the rushed food. Even though it wasn't the best cooking I've done, Twilight didn't seem too bothered by it. Yet upon the occasional glance towards her, the expression seemed to read multiple different emotions, and I could barely decipher them.

Happy? Nervous? ...Fear?

Ah [BEEP], better diffuse this before our friendship was possibly jeopardized. "I... apologize if I was a little bombarding with my words-"

"Of course not." I blinked at Twilight's quick and earnest reply, a reassured smile hurled towards me. "I'm sincerely gratified and touched by your words, Jack, even if I find them a little far-fetched personally."

"That's fine." I said in relief. Thank God, sometime I even frighten myself with the [BEEP] that flies out of my mouth. "For a moment there, I though I was going to scare you off."

"It was a little overwhelming." Twilight admitted with a shrug, faint redness remaining on her nervous-looking expression. "You're... quite the flatterer."

I nodded. Perhaps it was time to speak about something different. "So, how goes your studies over friendship for Celestia?"

Obviously relieved by the change of subject, Twilight proceeded happily, covering about what she learnt last week, what our friends learnt, her research, everything she could think of, taking pauses here and there to take a bite of the food. And I listened attentively, admittedly enjoying the clear happiness and passion in the mare's tone. That dedication to her studies and loyalty towards her mentor, ever if a little misguided, was still admirable. How she spoke about Celestia, Spike and the rest with such love and affection was plain respectful.

"A true Ravenclaw at heart." I commented after a pause, while Twilight took a sip of her wine.

She smiled at the reference, and the conversation continued. Eventually to the point of the most recent lesson, related to a certain blue pegasus.

"While I did hold some doubt over Rainbow Dash liking the book, some small part of me told me she'd eventually love it." Twilight said, clearly happy by the other mare's acceptance of the series. "Daring Do was the perfect choice for her, I thought, and I was correct."

"You were indeed." I nodded. "I'm a little impressed by that as well. Rainbow Dash reading a book, I never thought I'd see the day."

"Well, I suppose miracles can happen." We shared at another chuckle at Twilight's remark, our eyes then settled on the only food left on the blanket. "Your exclusively-baked brownies, I assume?"

"Clever as ever." I confirmed, pulling the tray towards us. Good, by the smell, they were still warm enough to eat. I wasn't quite full yet. "Ladies first."

Twilight nodded, gratefully, placing her share on an empty plate. "Where did you make all this, anyway?"

"Mr and Mrs Cupcake were kind enough to lend me their kitchen. While they were preoccupied sharing their own special event for Valentine's Day." I answered before grabbing the rest of the brownies reserved for me. I won't provide details, and Twilight was smart enough not to ask for such.

"While I should ask what kind of events they do on your world around Hearts and Hooves day, there is something else I'm far more curious about." Twilight then said.


"Yes, about you in fact." The words incited me to meet her intrigued stare. "I was wondering about your philosophy; if you could tell me how and when you first thought of it."

"Of balance?" I asked, and Twilight nodded. ...Huh, I thought back to years flown by. "I'm not entirely sure exactly when I've thought of the concept. When I was ten or eleven, I think. Usually I refer to it as the 'Twilight', but I think we'll just call it balance to avoid confusion, hm?"

"That would be best."

I shifted a little, as though I was going to give out a lecture. "The concept first came to me from my love of a particular game series. I've told you about video games, haven't I?"

Twilight tilted her head slightly, nodding slowly. "I believe so; electronic entertainment systems?"

"Five points to Ravenclaw. Anyway, I first developed an interest in balance from playing a series of games titled Kingdom Hearts; which touches upon the concept of light and darkness within the heart."

Twilight motioned for me to continues, and I obliged, describing as best I could. "In the games, people sided with either the light or dark, which otherwise known in Equestria as harmony or chaos. Both sides had benefits to their own, and were fueled by the most basic of emotions and desires of people. Some sought to preserve and protect the light, and others to conquer and rule with the darkness. So I thought to myself, as I played the games, what about the in-between of light and darkness? What happens when you combine both?"

"The more I thought about it, the more it occurred to me of a possibility that the light and dark could be synchronized as one, into a force more powerful than both, and could potentially create true peace between both forces indefinitely. A force that would unite all those opposed to the other's views together."

"So that's where the idea of balance came from." Twilight said during my pause to eat a brownie. Yep, still as delicious as ever. "You believe uniting both light and dark as one will ensure eternal peace."

"Though it became a simple idea first, it eventually became my own personal views of the world." Was my continuation, while Twilight sipped the remains of her drink. "But even now, to this day, my philosophy remains incomplete. I don't know enough about balance, perhaps I never will, but the concept has always intrigued. So I devoted my spare time - which was a lot, mind you - into expanding this thought process and adding more sound and plausible theories and ideas that would work well with balance."

"Such as?"

"The dismissal of morality, for example." I smirked as comprehension dawned on Twilight's blinking features. "That either side could both be used to harm or benefit anyone. That there is no absolute good or evil, only light and dark. Chaos and harmony... and balance."

"That explains why you refuse to believe in morality." The unicorn said in realization. "What else?"

"That balance sides with neither of the opposing yet complimentary forces, only aiding either depending on which needed assistance to maintain the functionality of the universe. For example, those of the dark constantly try to instill discord and harm to other sentient beings, so balance would cooperate with the light to tell the dark to pack it in. If that makes sense."

"I'm getting the idea." Twilight nodded. "So if harmony was trying to destroy chaos, balance - and by that extension you - would side with chaos to halt harmony's efforts. And the same the other way 'round."

"Basically." Was my confirmation, and Twilight smiled at the clear praise in my tone. "I've spent almost a decade developing this philosophy, and one thing last year was clear to me."

"What's that?"

"That the light has its heroes. The darkness, its champions. And the Twilight..."

"...It's warriors." Twilight concluded, to my displayed approval. "So that's why you call yourself one."

I inclined my head. "That, and because I have the bloodline of one of my planet's greatest warriors in history."

Her eyes lit up in intrigue of the claim. "Really? Who's that?"


"Hi Twilight! Hi Stardust!"

The hell?

Our conversation was immediately halted, both of us looking towards the owner of the young voice. Walking up the hill in our direction were none other than the Cutie Mark Crusaders. And despite the fact they clearly meant no ill intentions, I still felt a tinge of annoyance for some reason. Probably because the discussions of something I was passionate about rudely ceased.

"Oh, hello girls." Twilight said, sounding more upbeat than my own mood at the interruption. "What brings you out here so late?"

"We were just passin' through, then we saw you two up on this hill havin' a picnic." Apple Bloom responded, the three fillies standing between us. "Are you two now each other's special someponies?"

Before we could reply, Sweetie Belle spoke up, clearly ecstatic, "Oh, you've finally realized your feelings for each other, on Hearts and Hooves day? That's so romantic! Did you plan this all for Twilight, Stardust?"


"Um, actually girls." Twilight said rather meekly, explaining on my behalf. "We're not dating, this is just a special evening exclusive for today, in the name of our friendship. Stardust thought it would be wrong of me not to have anything happen to me on this special holiday, and treated me with a picnic."

"Huh, well that was nice of you." Scootaloo, the more restrained of the three, said before regarding me with a frown. "Maybe we should have asked you to be Miss Cheerilee's special somepony for this evening instead of Apple Bloom's big brother."

Big brother? I assume she meant Big Mac.

The young Earth Pony's expression immediately sobered, "Yeah, maybe that would've been a better choice..."

"Did something happen?" Twilight questioned, also noting the saddened looks on the fillies' features.

"We tried to set Miss Cheerilee up with Big Macintosh, so that Miss Cheerilee could have a special somepony for Hearts and Hooves Day." Sweetie Belle explained. "It... didn't go as well as we hoped."

"How so?"

"We set them up with a picnic by the park." Scootaloo said next. "And left them alone by hiding in the bushes to see if anything happened. But nothing. Not a single spark of romance between them!"

"I don't understand what went wrong." Apple Bloom spoke. "Miss Cheerilee deserved to have a special somepony, out of everypony in Ponyville-" I exchanged a glance with an amused Twilight. Yes, I caught the irony, my dear. "-And the two were perfect for each other. We were sure they'd fall in love with the romantic picnic we made for them."

"Well, what might have looked perfect for you, doesn't mean it'll happen as you'd think." Twilight began, standing up. Well, may as well put the discarded plates and glasses away while she's addressing the depressed Crusaders. "And I'm sure Miss Cheerilee would be touched by your efforts to find her a special somepony. But these kind of things take time to work out. Maybe the two weren't just meant for each other, if there wasn't even a hint of romance between them."

"Not just that, love doesn't happen on a whim." I pitched as I picked up the plates and packed them into the open basket. "Contrary to popular belief, there's no such thing as love at first sight."

"Indeed. It takes time for two ponies to fall in love."

"Months. Four months or over to be precise." The basket was already halfway full. "You take that time before then to get to know one another, to interact and spend time with each other, and infatuation happens. Sometimes, eventually, that infatuation becomes pure love."

A moment before the young white unicorn inquired innocently. "Have you two ever been in love before?"

My entire body stilled, and I heard Twilight answer calmly, "Not really, romance was never really something I focused on during my studies under Princess Celestia."

"Oh. What about you, Stardust?" The question caused me to recompose myself.

"Yes..." I confirmed, not meeting their gazes as I continued packing away the items. "There was someone, a very long time ago."

"Really? Who?" Apple Bloom asked next eagerly. Slowly, my eyes turned to them, the three Crusaders genuinely curious as they looked back at me expectantly. Twilight was more restrained, but even I could see in those purple eyes, she was curious as well.

...Well, no harm in telling them I suppose. Besides, it was a long time ago, I've moved on since then.

"Her name was Hannah." I began, not stopping in my small task at clearing away the used plates. "And she was... a goddess, in body and soul. Eyes as blue as the ocean, hair as golden as the sun. A smile angelic in every way. Everything about her screamed perfection, and, like the naive foolish teenager I was, fell deeply in love with her." I heard a collective "Aww", prompting my smirk. "Indeed. She was the only girl to ever show me nothing but pure selfless kindness, never shunning me away because of who I am, because of my own... faults. Naturally, my crush for her turned to misguided love."

"'Misguided'?" Scootaloo echoed in question.

"She was completely out of my league; beauty incarnate undeserving of a foolish and childish moron such as myself." I shrugged. "But even so, almost everyday at school, I brought her gifts, mainly chocolate, and showered her with all the compliments I could think of, even during times she was in a relationship with another boy."

"She never returned your feelings?" Apple Bloom then asked, sounding quite saddened by my tale.

"She acknowledged them, but she had no obligation to return the same kind of emotions."

"So what happened?"

"I moved on." There we go, all the plates were in. Now for the wineglasses and bottle. "Sometimes, even when you love someone, that doesn't mean that someone will share the same feelings in turn. That's life, young ones, and I've learned to accept this fact and continue moving forward. Of course I still keep in contact with her." Or at least I did, until I was trapped on Equestria. "And she's with someone else to this day, someone who's far more deserving of her, if she loves him. As long as she's happy, I'm happy."

"...You don't sound too happy." Scootaloo pointed out then, after a moment's pause.

Yeah, well... nostalgia will do that sometimes.

"I'm rarely ever happy." I replied instead, sending them a small grin. "You three shouldn't worry, Cheerilee will find her... special somepony... sometime in her life. I guarantee it."

"He's right." Twilight, after only listening to the entire conversation, finally spoke up, and we turned our gazes on her. "You just need to be patient, and let that special somepony find her, rather than set her up with someone you think is suited for her. Even though it was sweet of you three to do that for her, give Miss Cheerilee time to find that pony. It'll happen one day. Trust me."

"...All right, if you think that's best, then we'll do as you say." Apple Bloom said, clearly cheered up, as her two friends nodded in agreement. "Hey, maybe next year on Hearts and Hooves Day, we can help her find a special somepony if she doesn't have one by then!"

"Good idea. And we'll have to find no one but the best for Miss Cheerilee." Sweetie Belle added happily.

"Yeah. Hey, maybe we should start finding somepony now, in preparation for Miss Cheerilee next year!" Scootaloo suggested, responded by a resonating "Yeah!"

Well, no sense in stopping them. Their devotion to finding their teacher a Valentine was quite adorable. Myself and Twilight exchanged a humoured smile at their innocent intentions for their teacher.

"Thanks guys!" Apple Bloom said in gratitude towards Twilight and I. "Oh, before we go, can you two think of a better romantic setting than a picnic for next time?" She asks, at a picnic setting.

...Not much springs to mind, in all honesty.

"Well..." Twilight said thoughtfully. "There was always something I've wanted to do that I think is more romantic than anything else." ...Oh? Now I was intrigued. Myself and the girls focused intently on a flushing mare. "Well... I've always wanted to... dance underneath the stars, with a special somepony."


"That does sound romantic, Twilight." Sweetie Belle said while nodding with the other two Crusaders. "Thanks! C'mon girls, let's see if we can find someone before going home."

"All right, see ya later you two!" And just like that, the three fillies dashed off before we had time to say anything. It was like the fate of the world depended on them, with how energetically fast they run.

Yet instead of commenting as such, my attention returned on the purple unicorn, something else nagging my mind. "Dancing under the stars, huh?"

Twilight bowed her head, her embarrassment increasing. "It sounds silly, I know."

"Not at all." I opted to reassure her, smiling. "We all have our own unique fantasies and ideas of romance."

"I just love the stars." Twilight said blissfully while looking upwards, and I followed her gaze to where the first see of little lights were glinting as the sun almost completely sets, "And to dance with someone special to me underneath them..."

...I understood. Really, I did. And with that thought, an amusing yet entertaining idea formed in my mind.

"Well, the night is still young." I began with a casual tone after placing away the glasses and closed wine bottle. Meeting Twilight's curious gaze, I smirked in good nature. "The night is young; why not conclude this special occasion by indulging your fantasy?"

"I... what?" There it appears again, the rather cute red blush gracing her face.

I responded by extending an open hoof towards her. "Would you care for a dance, mi'lady... despite me having absolutely no clue what I'm doing?"

There was only a moment before Twilight graciously accepted my offer, a dazzling smile occupying her reddened muzzle, and I felt the warmness of her hoof against mine once again. "I would be honoured to dance with you, good sir... and to show you how we dance in Equestria."

"See? You're getting better, and you only tripped yourself over two times now."

Twilight giggled at my incoherent muttering response. But hey, as long as she's smiling. The dance wasn't as difficult as I originally anticipated; two ponies leaning towards one another, standing on their back hoofs while one of their fronts hoofs are intertwined to keep each other supported. Thankfully I only managed not to screw up enough time to ruin the date.

Having cleared away the picnic, even the blanket, before the dance commenced, Twilight had patiently taught me this skill of pony slow dancing as the full night sky covered the world above us. Why, the unicorn even remarked I was progressing better at it than Spike was when he first learnt how to dance this way... which begged the question of why Spike was taught slow dancing at all.

But regardless, I was admittedly... enjoying this.

Taking slow careful steps around one another, one of our front limbs twirled around one another for full support, her other hoof on my ponified shoulder, and my own settled around her pony waist. My eyes were focused on Twilight's own, so not even the slightest distraction could knock us off-balance... again. Thankfully, the unicorn took the lead for the most part.

"Why are you rarely ever happy?"

"What?" That was an unexpected question, almost made me lose focus just then. Was this mare trying to make me fall over again?

Twilight's smile lowered a little, while I gently spun her around. "I've only ever witnessed you express happiness a few times. Yet the majority of your mood borders on irritation or sarcasm. Why is that?"

Well... childhood was mostly to blame. "It's just the way I am."

"Now why don't I believe that?" The unicorn asked with faint amusement, as we distanced ourselves widely at arm's length for a moment before returning to our original positions.

I shook my head, "A lot of things have happened in my life, and not all good ones. You could say I'm still recovering from them. In addition, there's the factor that I've yet to return home, which doesn't help, at all."

A flash of guilt - guilt? - crossed the mare's features, as she nodded determinedly. "We'll get you home, Jack, I promise you. I've been doing the best I can-"

"And I appreciate it, Twilight; I always have. The fact you're willing to help me is more than enough, and I'm eternally grateful." Twilight grinned lightly at the praise, and-

Okay... not gonna complain here, because I rather like this feeling, though I wouldn't say that out loud. The unicorn had leaned her head on my ponified chest, her horn, thank God, not high enough on her forehead to poke me in the eye.

"I'm grateful too, Jack, for having such a wonderful friend." Twilight said quietly, sounding quite... relaxed. "If there's anypony I'd rather be dating just for this occasion, I'm glad it's you."

...Christ, there's that lump in my throat again.

"Oh, I don't know about that, my dear." I chuckled solemnly. "I'm not a pony, for starters. Plus, there are far more suitable dates than I. Big Macintosh... Fancypants... Hell, probably a Diamond Dog would make a more worthy date for you than I..."

A soft scoff. "Hm. I sincerely doubt that; you're not as bad as you think, you know. When you're not in a bad mood, you're kind, caring, helpful, thoughtful, intelligent, brave, compassionate, humble, resilient and wise... with some exceptions here and there; betting the house, for example."

"I said I was sorry." Yet Twilight's tone implied no sincere irritation. "And I got you a machine for your laboratory in turn, remember?"

"Which I immediately returned to those poor Flim Flam brothers." The mare chuckled again, "My point being, even if you don't regard yourself that highly, Jack, you're still one of the bestest friends anyone can ask for. You were even sweet enough to give me a date for Hearts and Hooves, and even indulged my fantasy right now."

"Well, that's because of my own appreciation for our friendship, and your never ending hospitality." I refrained from shrugging this time. And besides, her words were completely absurd. "In comparison, your qualities outshine mine, Twilight; you're kind, compassionate, caring, loving, highly intelligent, supportive, understanding, logical, brave, passionate, loyal, forgiving, thoughtful, modest, wise and one of the few reasons I enjoy my stay here, in Equestria."

"I have flaws too you know..." Twilight mumbled into my chest, the tone suggesting embarrassment.

"Like the time you went insane because of forgetting to write Celestia a letter about friendship?" I asked jokingly. "It's those flaws that makes you perfect, anyway. If you had no flaws at all, then I probably wouldn't be this close to you, literally."

Twilight finally parted her head from my furry chest, meeting my eyes once again. Goddamn, do those eyes sparkle under the night sky, reflecting the stars perfectly. "You honestly think so highly of me...?"

"Always have, always will." What I meant by that, I will not indulge the information-seeking unicorn. Some things, like the fact her whole world's a fictional television program, are better left unsaid. "You're amazing, Twilight Sparkle, in every possible way."

And just like that, it occurred to me then how very close our faces were, causing that lump to return once again. God dammit, compose yourself boy! Why are you feeling this way? Twilight wasn't possibly thinking of...

Was she?

Some small part of my mind urged, as Twilight's eyelids began to close slowly: Indulge yourself. No one from your world will know. Allow yourself to succumb, just for this night. Kiss her.

Yet an even more persuasive force held me back from doing something I'd probably regret, prompting me to lean my head back before anything like... that could happen, again. It was getting late, anyway...

"I... hate to stop this, Twilight, but I think Spike's probably waiting for us at the library." The words forced out of my muzzle, and I noticed a tinge of annoyance while saying that. Why...?

"Oh..." Twilight's eyes opened fully again, expression reflecting embarrassment and... No, that can't be disappointment, that would be absurd. "Yeah... we shouldn't keep him waiting... after all..."

I repressed a sigh, wishing that damn tornado of emotions within me would [BEEP] die down already. As I said about Fluttershy, I'll now say about the troubled Twilight before me, looking away as the dance slowly steadied to a halt.

She deserves far better.

"I had a wonderful time tonight." Twilight said sincerely upon reaching the front door, throwing a grateful smile at me.

I nodded, smiling slightly myself while readjusting the basket on my back, "As did I." I honestly did. Not that I was expecting something bad to occur during the date. "As long as you enjoyed this Hearts and Hooves event, that's all that matters to me."

The unicorn flushed, "Of course I enjoyed it, nopony has ever treated me this way before. The flowers were lovely, the food was amazing, in short, the whole date was one I'll never forget. You're a good friend, Jack."

"And you're an amazing one, my dear Twilight." And that was followed by an action I least expected this mare to do next; as a warm muzzle quickly pecked my ponified cheek. Twilight just as quickly retreated her head upon pecking my face, obviously trying not to look embarrassed upon doing so.

Oh... well...

"Consider that the summary of my gratitude for tonight." The studious unicorn said casually with a shrug, yet the grin remained on her face. As my brain was recovering from the initial shock before I could form a response, Twilight then tilted her head slightly, "Although, the next time you ask someone out on a date, the least you can do is trim that scruffy jungle you call a beard a little."

At the teasing, I stroked the long facial hair, "Hey, what's wrong with my beard?" I asked in mock-offence-

Christ, Twilight was being rather touchy-feely tonight, wasn't she?

I felt her warm hoof travel the side of my face, "I think you better with it more tamed; it hides away much of your handsome features..." I'm sorry, what? Twilight giggled, "No need to look so surprised, Jack."

An idea popped up. Gently grabbing her close hoof, my own muzzle's lip brushed over it, a smirk on my face at Twilight's reaction. "Two can play at that game, love. And as for your question about my lack of happiness, I found myself very happy tonight." Shaking my amused head as Twilight continued behaving like a blushing schoolgirl, I walked forward, opening the door and bowed courteously. "After you, my dear."

"Courteous as ever." Twilight bowed playfully, "Why thank you, sir gentlecolt."

Man, [BEEP] that word.

Yet this night I let it slide, following the mare inside to find an impatient Spike tapping his foot rapidly. "Where have you two been?!" The dragon exclaimed, clearly having been waiting for us "I've waited all night for you two to come home!"

"Oh, here and there." I answered vaguely, while Twilight repressed an obvious laugh. "Right Twilight?"

"Oh indeed." The unicorn nodded, playing along. "We were just spending some time together, except without the confines of our home."

Evidently missing that we were just messing with him, Spike shook his head, "Well, you've been out too long, I wanted to tell you how my Hearts and Hooves Day with Rarity went; look, she even kissed me on the cheek, like last time before my Birthday." The infant lizard sighed blissfully, "I'm never washing this cheek again..." Both Twilight and I exchanged knowing mischievous glances. "So, where have you two been? Um, Twilight, why do you have a tablecloth? No, wait- Stardust, let go! At least let me keep it for tonight-!"

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