• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 204: The Bells Of To Come

Note to self: The next time someone asks me to babysit their younger sibling by accompanying them to a grand Wonderbolts' show in another city entirely, at least bring some more soda and food and, Hell, maybe even a 3DS so I wouldn't be bored senseless.

Of course, speaking for myself, here, since the Crusaders had been 'ooh'ing and 'ahh'ing the entire display through. Me? Had been just sitting on the chair idly observing the showing off of ponies in tights zooming around pulling off dull stunts. God I was bored to death. Thankfully it's all over now, and we returned to Ponyville just in the late afternoon.

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were already safely back home, and though the white filly insisted she could just walk back to the boutique by herself, I had an fashionista asked me to take care of her today, and that's what I just did.

Reaching all the way to the front purple door itself, Sweetie Belle wasting zero time in barging into her home brushing past a befuddled Rarity, the former calling out over her shoulder. "Hi Rarity we had a good time I'm going to bed now goodnight!"

"But- It's only the afternoon, Sweetie Belle!" The elder sibling called out in vain, looking into the home/fashion store before shaking her head. Smiling wryly to the golden stallion in clothing right by her door. "I take it has been a productive day?"

My first answer came in a humoured shrug, following by a light joking grin. "I don't think Sweetie likes being kept an eye on."

Rarity chuckled fondly in response, nodding with knowing amusement. "Yes, she's expressed as much regarding being tended to in the past. Thank you so much, darling, for looking after her in Cloudsdale whilst I held a packed schedule." Yeah, wasn't gonna comment out loud - and pray she didn't hear my thoughts - but even I could spot the weariness on her otherwise flawless features. "I know the Wonderbolts' shows are hardly an affection of yours, so I appreciate you doing that in my absence."

Hey, no problem. Happy to help as always, my dear. "Anything for a good friend." Before sapphire eyes suddenly swept over my clothed form; calculating and thorough. A look I recognized all too well.

She didn't disappoint. "And I know just the means of repaying for your services today." Gently pulling me into the boutique without even offering, and I got a good luck of the interior that appeared as though it has been busy today. Over fifty percent of Rarity's fine work vanished from the mannequins and clotheslines, the mare on a roll as always.

To that, I glanced over to the fashioner holding her hoof out expectantly, acquiescing to remove my glittering cape and hand it over. "Don't strain yourself, you've obviously had a draining day."

"Oh pish posh Stardust darling, you know I'm more than capable of leftover work. Especially when it concerns keeping a good friend's valuable attire in well kept condition. Now, I shall need the rest of your clothing as well, and it's likely I won't be done until first thing tomorrow. Be a dear and fetch my sewing kit from the corner there, will you?"

Evidently not taking a negative for an answer, I stripped my pony form of the good blue and purple clothes to let the fashioner do her magic, literally. Ah well, whatever Rarity had in mind to revamp the attire, I was more than confident she wouldn't disappoint as always.




Ugh... "Five more minutes, Twilight..."

A tender giggle greeting my waking ears. "Oh darling, you would wish it was Twilight being the one, wouldn't you?" Mmm...? "Now, kindly get up Stardust, you're leaving fur all over my favourite couch."

Couch... That explained the numb feeling on the right side of my form.

Sighing mixed with a yawn, I blinked bleary eyes to be greeted by sapphire orbs watching me expectantly from the side of the velvet, ridiculous comfortable couch. The memories of last night sinking through as I slowly but surely got up. That's right, I crashed at Rarity's place while she was working on my clothes, which was awfully nice of her.

Bearer of Generosity indeed. The white unicorn happily trotting over to where my fully renewed attire waited while I managed to sit up properly, yawning loud into my gold hoof and brushing disheveled brown locks, as Rarity was happy to announce her work complete.

"Voila, and in addition to a good morning, I've also prepared a nice, healthy breakfast for yourself; Spike was all too happy to provide what usual first meal Twilight preferred you having first thing." Rarity's smile lowered a tad, once finally noticing my rather messy mane. "Well, I suppose a shower would be the first appropriate thing, following with your nutritious breakfast and trying out your newly improved clothing."

Was I marrying Twilight, or you...? Regardless, I smiled in tired humour and nodded, knowing better than to object pointlessly. Oblivious to Rarity hearing that joking thought before hearing her loud gasp in realization.

"Oh yes, that reminds me!" What now? I blinked, tilting my head over to the hopeful, grinning fashionista. An expression I was immediately on guard with, and I hadn't even drank my morning water yet. "You're not too busy today, I hope? Fortunately my schedule has enough open time considering all my work completed yesterday."

I had a bad feeling about this. Alarm bells were screaming for me to hurry to the bathroom and pray that Rarity's plan, whatever it was, would be forgotten after I was finished.

But in this situation, I slowly shook my head, answering regardless in payment for every nice thing the unicorn has done for me up to now since yesterday. "Erm, not really. Twilight's still expecting me to at least hang out with my friends each for a whole day... So... Oh."

No wonder Twilight seemed fine with me spending the night here. And somehow, I doubted very much that made my current predicament here any better. If the rising glee in Rarity's bright heart was anything to go by.

"Oh splendid!" Matter of opinion, depending where the fashion star was going with this. White soft hoofs tugging at my front golden limb, gesturing for me to keep going to the next room. "Second door left down the hall. After you're finished, then we shall discuss a matter of grave urgency which has been neglected for too long!"

Contrary to Rarity's definition of urgent, I took all the time I desired cleaning myself up in the shower. An equine body was more harder to wash up than a human's, let me tell you. Didn't really help that I often just stand in the shower most of the time, letting the water pour down as I get lost i my own random, contemplative thoughts.

Rarity had the patience of stone, as I soon discovered, having left my new clothes neatly folded and by the bathroom door once I was finally done, waiting for me by the dinner table with the warm scent of fresh, healthy breakfasts prepared to be consumed heartily. The mare herself cheerfully sipping her coffee with grace as I sat down opposite her, deep blue eyes glancing over the newspaper with inquisitive inspection, most notably at my damp mane.

Hey, I combed it at least, though that seemed to scarcely satisfy the unicorn whom then set both paper and mug down.

"Hmm, we shall tend to your rainforest of hair in a moment, darling." Snorting, I gave a dry grin before regarding the plate before me, hazel eyes brightening from some notable essentials. Oh look, even a slice of apple pie! Warm too. "Ah yes, Applejack is a generous benefactor when it comes to sharing her love for her farm's namesake. Do eat up."

All too happy to. "Thank you Rarity." I expressed in genuine casualness, eating away with more attempted grace and manners than at usual from the castle. I wasn't just being a guest, but Rarity's guest too, yet I couldn't help but get a little overeager since I skipped out on dinner last night. Not that the unicorn seemed too particularly bothered, dining away herself as we comfortably ate in silence.

For the most part, the usual noises emitting from sipping or consuming, but it was a pleasant morning, some apprehensions aside. During chewing and swallowing a grape with a fork - roll with it - I gazed around, suddenly realizing then we were missing a certain member at the table. Sensing my confusion, Rarity looked up from her meal before blinking in recognition.

"Ah, Sweetie Belle is with her friends. She left earlier this morning." Ah, that would explain it. Before the adult mare then cleared her throat in the most elegant manner possible, alerting my stiffened posture as those sapphire eyes bored into my hazel own, her gaze and heart reflecting naught but seriousness. "Now, to business, Stardust. There is a matter of grave urgency that has been neglected time and time again."

Yes, you've mentioned that earlier, but I opted to let the mare keep talking. When Rarity was serious, it's probably best you just allow the mare to get it off her chest.

"Regarding your future wedding with Twilight..." Yeah? "Well, it appears to me that neither of you have prioritized getting deeper into that essential, life-changing topic." Rarity softly frowned then in small concern. "At all, in fact. Have the pair of you been having doubts?"

My thoughts wandered back to my last argument with the alicorn, and I almost shuddered. That was the straw that nearly broke the camel's back, certainly, had nothing else almost destroyed our relationship already. Yet, during the Hearth's Warming mission in Flanktopia, the subject of the wedding was brought up, and neither Twilight or I were really opposed to it despite all that happened.

So I doubted there were... Well, doubts.

"We just haven't really had time to discuss much on it. What with Twilight being the new Head of her school, alongside her duties as the Princess of Friendship." What little there were in that regard. I helplessly shrugged with a sheepish, tiny smile. "Plus, I don't wanna pressure her or anything..."

"Ah." Rarity nodded. "I see; in addition to Twilight's own responsibilities, not to mention your own continued training of both yourself and Spike in Balance, and your consideration for Twilight's own nervous feelings on the matter, there has just been scarce time affording to address your proposal so long ago."

"Yeah, you pretty much nailed it..."

Nodding again in empathy, Rarity soon released a bright smile while slowly straightening in her chair, eager to keep getting to business still. "Well, it's a good thing you have a generous friend to assist you for once the times comes." Oh boy. "Though I am a little disappointed neither of you are discussing about such a glorious, wondrous event centered around a loving couple that deserves such happiness, it does provide an opportunity in the name of beforehand preparation."

Trust this unicorn to be so invested in the love life and future wedding of her friends. It wasn't the first time Rarity's offered to 'help' in bringing Twilight and I much closer to one another, but regardless, I couldn't resist throwing an amused grin at Rarity's passionate drive to help, feeling a tad gratified by the conviction of helping me make my Princess happy.

And hey, might as well get ready for the wedding regardless how long it'll take to actually happen. If everything's prepared beforehand, then we wouldn't have to worry except for a few remaining things like, say, a wedding cake or the guest list.

Still haven't even decided who my Best Man was...

"Alright Rarity, I'll play along." Smirking a little whilst leaning forward, raising expectant brows as the mare reflected my posture readily. "What exactly did you have in mind?"

Her grin was eerily similar, as dark blue eyes gleamed in excitement. "Why, the very first thing that matters, of course."

"Mm. Stop fidgeting darling...!"

"I'm not fidgeting... This collar is just too tight!"

"Precisely as to why I conducting the most detailed and accurate measurement to your height and weight, if you would just stand still."

"Sorry if I'm feeling like I'm being choked to death..."

"Hmm, could use a tad more gold... Did you say something, Stardust?"

"Huh? Oh, nothing..."

"Hmmmmmmm, wonder where I placed that velvet tape... What was your hoof size again, darling? I have the memo somewhere but I likely must have misplaced it..."

"How should I know? Rarity - agh, too tight - is this absolutely necessary?"

"'Absolutely nece-' Absolutely, Stardust Balance! You're not just marrying a valuable dear friend who deserves the very best alone, but also royalty! It is only natural the groom must wear something that stands out; powerful! Regal! Elegance blended to your raw passion, which you are well regarded for, darling."

"You flatter me... Now please loosen this collar."

"Oh, yes, one second. As I was saying, to wear anything that suggests lesser would be an affront to you, Twilight and myself. Now, what do you think of the outlines; azure or velvet? I'm rather fond of the velvet myself."

"I... Don't know?"

"Suppose it is an anxious debate for the would-be suitor, yes. Regardless, once the marvelous event finally occurs, I shall be more than thrilled to provide a 'Rarity touch,' as it were. Not to worry, the attire for both groom and bride shan't be the exclusive contributions I will provide-"


"Ah, the collar! One moment... There we are, you may breathe now, Stardust; you were looking awfully blue and disrupting the appearance I was aiming for."

"Whatever... So, when can I see Twilight's dress?"

Gasp. "You even have the audacity to ask?! Stardust, why spoil the surprise so soon? Patience, you'll see your Princess at her best in a matter of time. All good things to those who wait~!"



"Speechless? Yes I could imagine. A desirable concoction of friendship and wishing bot dear friends the best for their future. No doubt Pinkie Pie herself would be impressed."

"She's easy to impress, Rarity."

"Don't spoil the fun, Stardust. So! Thoughts?"

"...You know Twilight asked you to stop meddling with our relationship a long while back, right?"

"'Meddling?' Perish the thought! I am simply looking out for what's best to two ponies whom deserve everything that's the best, and what greater example than this: A wedding cake the likes of Equestria had never bore witness to until now?!"

"Oh, it'll certainly leave an impression..."

"What was that, darling?"

"Oh err... It's very... Moving? We can appreciate all the effort you... Put into it... Is the icing suppose to melt like that?"

"Oh, you've noticed. Yes, in addition to the castle theme, I thought adding a resembling waterfall of icing would add to the majesty. Do you like it?"

"Gonna take a long time to clean up, no doubt."

"Come now Stardust, even you can't deny the creative effort I placed into something outside of my comfort zone. Additionally, this will preserve dear Pinkie of the stress and worry in making the most fabulous cake of your wedding for a long while yet."

"Hmm, fair point. Suppose it would give Pinkie more time for the Chaotecs rehearsals once the wedding comes."

"Heheheheh... Heh... You're not, seriously contemplating having your little band perform in the after party, of course?"




"Yes... Your wedding, I suppose..."

"Now then, Stardust, another matter I wish to relieve yourself and Twilight the trouble of. Let's discuss the guest's list!"

"Errr, I'm pretty confident that's exactly something only Twilight and I should converse about."

"Perhaps, in any regular run-of-the-mill event. But this is a subject of grave repercussions, considering the royal prowess behind your vows!"

"If you say so."

"Now then, hope you're sitting comfortably, Stardust, let's begin with the most obvious attendants, shall we? Naturally, those being I, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. Of course, that would be most evident once we become Twilight's bridesmaids."

"You're very presumptuous today, aren't you Rarity?"

"Well I- Wait, you mean she's already decided on bridesmaids?! Are you insinuating-?!"

"No, she hasn't decided yet. At least, if Twilight has, I have no information about it."

"Ah... Had me concerned for nothing there, darling."

Sigh. "Well, if you're going to insist on helping out here, then yes, guess you girls, Starlight and Spike will be the most obvious first choices."

"Splendid! Ooh, perhaps Starlight could be Twilight's Best Mare, as Spike would be your Best Dragon."

"I already had something else in mind for Spike, thanks though."

"Oh? Do clarify."

"Why spoil the surprise?"



"Sometimes I do hate it when you're being intentionally, tediously vague."

"So does Twilight - though we both know she secretly loves it - but she lives with it."

"Hmm... Ahem. The Princesses, naturally."

"Which Princesses?"

"Why, Princess Celestia, Luna and Cadence, of course! And we musn't neglect dear little Flurry Heart, should we?"

"I can see three of those attending the wedding, maybe."

"...Stardust, you are fully aware that Twilight will actively fight to have her idol and teacher attend her own wedding, are you not?"

"I know, I know... Just wishful thinking on my part... Anyway, if you're gonna write down on that list, include Sunset Shimmer, Sombra and Radiant Heart, will you? It's not just Twilight's close friends that should be invited."

Agh... My back.

I was all too happy to rest on the same couch as earlier in relaxed comfort, Rarity's thorough, Twilight-esque detail of the guest list finally done and dusted, having take two hours at best. Two hours of sitting against wooden chairs discussing who will and wouldn't be attending the future wedding. Now, I could finally relax.

So that I did, contently closing my eyes and allowing the soft material of the couch soothe my aching backside, breathing in and out, slow and steady. Hopefully, the unicorn was finished with everything revolving around the hypothetical scenario to the life-changing event-


Spoke too soon. I flinched. "Yeah?"

The classy voice resonated from the other room once again. "Where do you and Twilight intend to host the event?"

...Actually a fantastic question, I didn't really know myself.

"Erm... Ponyville?" Either there or Canterlot, though personally I'd say this town was the best, suitable location for the wedding. Where it all began, after all.

Cadence and Shining already married in Canterlot. Let's give poor Ponyville a chance, shall we?


Further dwelling on the very prospect, an event said to bring eternal happiness and unity between lovers, the more my nerves were getting all over the place. Rarity's persistence today of getting details covered had drawn out these anxieties and simultaneous, internal, gleeful excitement every passing minute. Married. To Twilight. The proposal WAS heat of the moment, to solidify and remind the mare I loved that there's nothing I wouldn't do to keep my Princess at pure bliss and relief, by devoting the rest of my life bound to her, in heart and spirit.

Maybe I was a little too harsh, judging Rarity's push to help out. The white fashionista, like the rest of our valuable, selfless friends, just wanted to make certain that the future wedding would be the greatest thing to ever happen to us. I'll be sure to thank the mare once she emerges from the larger room next door, behind the transparent curtains.

Provided I could even bring myself to sit upwards again. But still, I had to smile for the productive day of working out what should and shouldn't be happening for the wedding.

Speaking of which, I wondered; what would have happened had I engaged to Twilight sooner? Say, right after Shining provided me those rings exclusively for myself and his sister? Would we have married earlier? Not yet? Would I have ever left to confront Zagreus on my own terms? Aren't what-ifs always fun?

Would I have ever defeated Zagreus, bringing peace to Equestria later? Earlier? Would things have changed too much? Was naturally contemplating these things essential in the long run? Probably not, but still. Would Twilight, the girls and I had defeated and contained Zagreus as a unit? Would I had never become an alicorn at all?

Regarding that last thought, I suppose it really didn't matter that much. For example, had Twilight found a way to revert me back to an Earth Pony in her own way, or Starswirl managing to keep me somehow healthy and continuing to live on this world as a full-fledged human, nothing would have changed in the long run; I would still love Twilight to heaven and back, devoting my precious time and soul to every precious moment with the beautiful, lavender alicorn who would have stayed with me regardless how her Warrior appeared.

In addition, Spike and I would still hang out and bond further. Flying kites with Starlight, caretaking with Fluttershy, fashion tryouts for humans with Rarity, heated contests with Applejack, sparring/racing with Rainbow and maybe running away from enraged bee hives again, party planning and maybe forming the Chaotecs with Pinkie still.

Love was eternal, and I highly doubted Twilight would care in any way what form her Jack was in, caring only for my well-being and health. As always. So, no, perhaps not much would change.

"A bit for your thoughts?" One eye popped open, having faced the ceiling, to regard the teasing unicorn observing me with a small knowing smile. "Even when you rest, that pensive expression is always evident."

Heh. I carefully sat up a tad, back still aching a little, resting my head against the sidearm of the pink, comforting object. Front hoofs rested on my clothed chest. "Just pondering what I've missed out on."

Rarity blinked in open curiosity, but instead of prodding further, the snow white unicorn nodded and proceeded to inquire next. "There is one more concern regarding the wedding I must be aware of, before I can let you go." That last part in playful jest, and I had to return the smirk.

Of course. "Let's hear it then."

"Certainly. I was wondering what your surprise wedding gift for your betrothed is." My wedding gift? Rarity perked a brow upon spotting my befuddled glance, sapphire eyes glinting in stern disapproval. "Surely you had something in mind, darling? At least pre-planned?"


My silence only worked against me, as Rarity's graceful features darkened to further express her own faint irritation for my negligence. Completely unintentional negligence, mind you. "Stardust." That no-bull[BEEP] tone, causing me to straighten in reflex. "You can't simply proceed without your own wondrous, beautifully considerate gift for the mare you love prior to the wedding, yes?"

I could just give her the ring...

And that would be enough to satisfy you both, Jack?

...Fair point. I huffed, nodding while sitting up a bit more, wincing a little from the aching back. "Alright, alright, you made your argument. I'll think of something."

That placated her heart a little, though Rarity wasn't fully satisfied by the insistent promise. Before the unicorn fashioner took notice of my faint plight and sighed, nodding with an amused smile. "Remain here a moment, I have a cream remedy for aching backs in my room." And off she went, before I could object to any further generosity.

Rarity... Always so giving and unlike many of her career. She's a national treasure, just like our other friends, in her own right. But meanwhile, as I sat here waiting with infinite patience, my mind wandered back to what the unicorn just asked of me as the final requirement for a flawless wedding.

A gift. A personal gift to Twilight... What would be so suitable for someone like her aside from the subjectively best book, quill or anything else related to those around...?




I'll have to think long and hard on that one.

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