• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 18,901 Views, 1,952 Comments

A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Ten: Migraine of the Century

One. Two. Three. Go!


Shaking before rubbing to soothe my right now-red hoof, my teeth gritted in clear annoyance over the fact my attempt to at least leave some sort of mark on the innocent tree failed. This was about the umpteenth time now I've attempted all day to utilize that inexplicable strength within me, having shown itself to defend me and the others against that bear and dragon afterwards.

Now? Nothing.

Having taken a walk earlier in the morning with a brief greeting to the library's other two residents, I journeyed to anywhere I could find without being interrupted by anyone. Last night while it took me a while to sleep once again, I decided to begin my investigation on this hidden power of mine the next morning, testing so by punching something rather hard.

And what better place to practice than a forest filled with apple trees- Jesus!

I growled as I felt something round and hard land on top of my head from my next attempt, contributing nothing more other to the headache I was already receiving. My glanced at the rolling red apple on the dirt beside me, before glaring in irritation in confusion at my reddened hoof. Just where am I going wrong exactly? How do I access this strength without it being the case of an emergency?

I'll need to use this power first before learning where it originated from. But right now it was being plain unreliable.

So how do I use it...?

"Where am I going wrong...?" I asked myself the same question as just before, this time vocally as though expecting some sort of answer from above. Perhaps that Specter would know something about it-

"Ya suppose to kick the trees with your hind legs partner."

Well that wasn't the telepathic voice I haven't heard in a while.

"That just sounds even more painful." I retorted while turning, my irritation rising by the intrusion of the tall red stallion walking towards me carrying two baskets of red apples on his sides. Ah... yes him. I recognize Big Macintosh when I see him. And here I thought everyone was busy by now preparing for the arrival of their beloved monarch.

The farmer Earth Pony shrugged, walking past me with his mind clearly on other things. "Not if ya give it a shot mister."

"You make it sound so easy."

"Eeyup; easy as pie."

"...Uh-huh." I'm not going to believe him just like that, but luckily it seems I won't be able to express my uncertainty any more than needed as Big Mac continued walking by, going somewhere else most likely to work.

Well at least he wasn't sticking around to talk.

...I should probably come back and try again tomorrow anyway, at least there will be no one entirely to interrupt me then.

Still, while I was walking back to where I came from, I can't stop but ponder where exactly this mysterious strength I used to help the others originated. Maybe I gain this temporary power whenever someone was in peril?

...Nah that's stupid.

I'll give credit to Celestia's arrival that will occur tomorrow; at least no one was bothering to slow down and greet me while I walked by the busy multi-coloured ponies across the town.

And why would they? Ever since the incident with the griffon, which happened so long ago now for me, many who passed by me whenever for whatever reason I decide to venture outside merely threw my presence a side-glance before hurriedly moving along. Yet no one seemed to be doing so today, evidently their minds are fully set on preparing the entire town for their Princess's visit, which was, as I believed Spike mentioned this morning, unofficial.

Though luckily I managed to get away from the library when Twilight reacted to the letter about that visit.

I think I'll return to the library later... much later. I have no incentive to assist any of these ponies with the preparations. Plus that peeved feeling within me remained after Twilight's reaction about her mentor, immediately turning the entire library into more of a mess than it was before, which resorted myself to blatantly tell the exasperated unicorn to clean up her own mess.

Yes, Spike and Twilight informed me with great detail over the course of what occurred during my absence to Canterlot and lie in the day after. And while I vocally approved of the purple unicorn's disbelief and skepticism over the exaggerate prejudiced attitudes of the others over the visiting zebra, Zecora, that immediately turned south over Twilight's denial over the existence of curses, and then their blatant accusations against the innocent zebra without any sort of proof. In the end it was Applejack's younger sister who helped resolve everything. But my biggest disapproval was my discovery of the mess within the library the next day upon waking up.

And now that mess this morning; further disrespecting the hard written work of authors and philosophers alike.

Wow, I'm prioritizing over respecting books more than respecting Celestia.

Anyway, Ponyville looked admittedly... nice for the welcoming, at least I can appreciate the wide decorations of blue around the entire town. But I recall in Spike's reading of the letter that Celestia wouldn't arrive until tomorrow, so why the hurry? What was the monarch going to visit first thing in the morning-?

"Watch out mister!"

The sudden warning caused me to quickly take a step back as something rushed past me. And I winced as the blur of a pony crashed into a nearby stand. Well that was close, for me anyway. Regardless I walked towards the sight, finding myself then taking a step back in surprise and blinking rapidly as a head popped out from the mess, yellow eyes wandering in different directions from each other-

Well what do you know? Another pony I recognize today!

"Are you alright?" I inquired politely after the grey pegasus finished shaking the messy fruit off her and apologizing profusely to the annoyed pony owning the stand, turning to me with a wide smile.

"I'm fine, thank you for asking! This happens all the time; sometimes I'm not as careful as I should be."

Clearly. "Very good then, have a nice day." Now with that out of the way, I was preparing to turn and walk another direction to contemplate further...

...Before I suddenly found Derpy right in front of me. Too close for my taste as I frowned. "Wait, I know you!"

She does? "...You do?"

An enthusiastic nod reminding me terribly of Pinkie Pie. "Sure, you're the guy who punched that mean griffon in the face!"

My face fell more flat than previously. Of course they were still going on about that, I've learnt that not much really happens in this town enough for these residents to recall such trivial events so quickly. "That was a long time ago, miss...?" Despite already knowing her name, it would be rather suspicious if I already called her as such without the pegasus telling me beforehand.

And now she grabbed my hoof and shook it wildly. Well she certainly wasn't as reluctant to approach me as the other residents, and I find that a bad thing. "I'm Derpy Hooves! It's nice to meet you, what's your name?"

"Balance. Stardust Balance. A pleasure Miss Hooves." I bowed formally after she was done torturing my limb.

"Oh just call me Derpy, you don't have to be so formal." One day I'm going to meet someone who would prefer things to be formal, who isn't Celestia. But I nodded anyway, before blinking as the pegauss then gasped loudly. "I almost forgot, I've got to help with the decorations for the Princess' arrival! See you later Stardust!"

...Well, that was pointless. I cocked my head a little at the rushed departure of Derpy as she flew off to help the town residents with their silly preparations. It was evening, so I could understand the hurry, but that just enforces my belief that the monarch will arrive sometime in the morning.

I'll be in the forest by then trying again during Celestia's visit then.


Just what I like to see upon my return; a spotless library.

My walk lasted until the fall of night, deciding at the right time to go back to my temporary residence when both Twilight and Spike have most likely fallen asleep, the former no doubt wishing to wake up the next day early for complete preparation of her beloved mentor's arrival.

Well good for her.

My eyes gazed over the many clean shelves, filled with countless rows of books I swore they were sparkling. They did a good job cleaning up Twilight's mess, a ten out of ten... though I suspected Spike was the one who deserved more credit for the clean-up, as Twilight possibly might have gone out during the day to check on the decorations around the town. You know, I could have done that for her... oh well.

She wouldn't have been satisfied until she saw the welcoming party for herself anyway.

"But I'm fairly certain." I spoke to myself while inspecting the dustless spines of the books. "The purpose for Celestia's visit won't be to check out the library."

"Maybe not." A familiar female voice replied from behind. "But it doesn't hurt to make sure everything in Ponyville is neat and tidy for the Princess's arrival."

Damn, I should've waited outside longer. Raising a brow I glanced over my shoulder at the purple unicorn, who had a floating quill and bottle of ink beside her. "Maybe you're just exaggerating over her visit."

"Maybe you're taking this more lightly than you should." Twilight said evenly, setting the equipment away and admiring the spotless work, before turning to me with a polite smile. "How was your day out?"

"Can't complain." I shrugged casually, despite the fact no progress was done today in finding out how to exactly access my 'hidden power'. "How was... whatever it was you did today?"

A humoured raised brow. "You mean checking on preparations and making sure everything around Ponyville's in order?" I nodded. Yes that. "I can't complain either, though some things had to be corrected. I mean no offence to any of the town residents, but I don't think some of them understand how important it is that everything must be perfect for the arrival of Princess Celestia."

"...You really value your mentor that much." It was a rhetorical statement, obviously. But the respect and admiration was clear in her tone.

Twilight nodded positively. "Of course I do; when your teacher is the most powerful equine in all of Equestria, and is the ruling monarch, how can you not respect her?"

Tch yeah, most powerful pony for now anyway. "Well..."

Twilight frowned curiously. "'Well...?' Stardust... you don't have anything against Princess Celestia, do you? I thought you two were good friends."

At that honest statement I blinked in surprise. 'Good friends?' "What made you believe that?"

"Well you always address her without the title, so I assumed you must be really close to her."

Ahh. I shook my head in amusement. "That's not the case at all, but do you really want to know? And keep in mind this is just my opinion." I'm curious myself as to how this unicorn would react to what I was about to say if she nodded. And nodded she did. "Very well... I don't like Celestia."

What followed was, though rather disappointingly predictable, a sharp gasp and widened violet eyes. "W-What?"

"You heard right," I couldn't resist smirking at her reaction. "I don't like Celestia. Do I hate her? No. Do I think she's capable of great things? Absolutely. But my impressions of her ever since arriving to Ponyville myself have been less than... well impressive to say the least."

That was then Twilight decided to walk up towards me, evidently closely examining my eyes for any hint of deception, frowning in clear confusion. "You're not lying." She realized while then taking a step back, looking at me as though in a new light. "But... I don't understand. I mean, I've heard there are few ponies out there who hold no respect for the Princess but... you don't hate her either?"

"No. Honestly I find her overrated." I shrugged.

An uncomprehending blink, and I couldn't help but enjoy the fact I was catching the intelligent unicorn off-guard. "So then you're... indifferent to her then." Was that a tinge of hope in her tone?

"...You can say that yeah." I replied after dwelling on it for a moment. Indifferent? Yep that sounds accurate. "But like I said, this is just all my perspective on things. Feel free to disagree."

"Believe me I am." Twilight was quick to reply, still shocked over the fact a resident of her own house had no absolute respect for her own monarch and mentor. "So then... why don't you like her?"

I opened my mouth to reply, before a sudden thought occurred to me. Would Twilight inform Celestia about this conversation the following day? It seems likely; this loyal unicorn would no doubt request the monarch to show me why I should respect the alicorn. Or worse yet, Twilight would attempt to get me to like Celestia with history books of the Princess's exploits and victories.

Basically, this conversation should be halted for another day when the monarch wasn't visiting anytime soon.

"Perhaps we should continue this talk another time, Twilight." I said instead while proceeding to walk past her, avoiding the intense stare looking after me while I departed for my own room. "You have a busy day tomorrow and thus are in no need for distractions. Goodnight Twilight."

Besides, it wasn't exactly rocket science; I just didn't like Celestia.

"-dust! Stardust!"

Annnd my mind woke up at the loud female voice and constant shaking of my bed.

My body sat upwards at the rude interruption, glaring in disdain and confusion at the rather panicking unicorn who decided to wake me up God knows how early in the morning... well early for me anyway.

"Twilight?" I asked in hoarse disbelief before yawning... was it just me upon suddenly awakening mid-dream or was I hearing some peculiar sounds I've never heard before in the library-? "Hey!"

"No time!" The mare said while literally dragging me out of bed and then my room. Where does she get this sudden strength? "You need to help us! The library has been infested with bugs!"

Despite my legs aching in understandable pain from the running towards the unicorn's closed room, I raised a tired brow. "Have you tried spraying the insects?" Honestly, I was woken up just because of some creepy-crawlies? Just have Spike eat the damn bugs and call it a day. And why should I help? Sheesh Celestia's upcoming arrival must be really stressing her out-

Holy mother of-!

Now my senses were on alert.

My exhausted eyes widened at the state of the unicorn's room after Twilight opened the door for me to behold the sight. And beheld it I did. What... what the hell is going on? Swarms of bugs all around the bedroom, toying around and dropping everything they could grab their tiny fragile-looking limbs on.

Wait a minute... I know these things.

"You let these things into the library?!" I exclaimed in disbelief as Twilight closed the door behind us to prevent the little flying bug's escape. What were they called again? Para-something.

"I only brought one home; I didn't know it would multiply like this!"

"Didn't you at least research about them first?!"

From his assistance of trying to obviously capture the damn things, Spike called out in his struggle. "You know what these things are?"

I nodded while Twilight magically dropped a basket by my side for me to catch the para... sprites. Yes that was it! "Something that should have never been allowed into the library." And after this was over, I intend on lecturing the one responsible for allowing them entry.

But first I was currently stopping them from landing all over my body as though it was a playground for them and dodging all the throwing up these insects were doing to reproduce themselves. Oh I'll definitely be doing some telling off after this was over.

So after that physical and mental exertion of my energy, capturing all the insects within the room and rounding them up into a... bag, I found myself leaning against Twilight's bed in utter exhaustion, while Spike handled cleaning up the bedroom. Already my breathing was heavy, having never anticipated dealing with something like this so suddenly on the day of Celestia's arrival.

Thankfully there were no real casualties during our chase of the pesky irritating bugs; not one of them, or Twilight, Spike and any of the books, were harmed.

But really, I should have seen some sort of catastrophe coming...

"Tell me what happened." I said to the annoyed dragon, as Twilight herself had just left in search for her friends, briefly stating the mares had their own pets of the parasprites as well.

A truthful shrug. "Twilight came home yesterday with one of those little bugs to keep me company, saying it was a gift from Fluttershy- oh not that you're bad company or anything, I'm sure Twilight didn't mean anything like that!" He added upon looking in my direction.

I shrugged in turn. "No offence taken. Yet I'm admittedly surprised; Twilight didn't bother researching about the insect in case of something like what we just went through happening? For an intelligent mare, Spike, you think she'd at least look around her own library for any information about the creature."

"Maybe she was too focused on the preparation for Princess Celestia's arrival." The purple lizard speculated. Ah Spike, always quick to defend your mistress.

"Perhaps." I replied before yawning, my limbs resting from the frantic chasing of the parasprites. So Fluttershy was responsible for the catastrophe huh? And many of the other mares have their own versions of the same pet? Why do i get the feeling this was going to be an incredibly long day...?

Probably because it was.

"And here I thought Twilight and the rest recently learnt that appearances can be deceiving." I'm referring, besides to the lesson during the whole Zecora incident of course, to the look of the small creatures; appearing innocent at first before playing so much mischief it would make Jack Frost proud.

"Maybe they just forgot about it for a moment."

"Or maybe they're just careless." I retorted irritably, before rubbing my forehead. "Sorry, I'm just exhausted, that's all. I don't take kindly to being woken up rudely."

"That's alright." Spike smiled lightly while putting away a pile of literature. "Is that the same with all humans?"

I released a small smirk at the sincere question. "Just to many, my friend." My limbs stretched in different directions then. What should I do now; return to bed, though it may already be too late for that, or at least do some work of my own to deal with this Parasprite problem?

Really it wasn't any of my business. In reality, this wasn't my problem to deal with; Fluttershy was the one who decided to bring the bugs to Ponyville for whatever reason to begin with. Parasprites were really, from my knowledge of them, simple mild annoyances that can quickly be taken care of... unless they started swarming around the town and create an even bigger migraine for me.

And that migraine would increase exponentially if Twilight started whining and messed up the entire library just to seek out a solution against the potential infestation.

"Where are you going?" Spike asked upon noticing me getting up slowly and heading towards the open door.

"To research how to combat this blight brought onto this town." Though really I would love to see Celestia's reaction to the infestation, but I won't cause a headache by my own amusement. I'll look around in the 'P' section downstairs for any information regarding the parasprites, after having my morning water first.

"You mean that wasn't the end of it?!"

I chuckled tiredly. "Oh Spike, you should know by now things are never that easily resolved."

And I had a sinking gut feeling things are to soon become a whole lot worse...

And got a lot worse things did!

"Back! Back you vermin!" I cried in disgust - right now I didn't care if I was behaving Rarity-style - while waving the flying insects away with the only book in my protection, quickly clutching it to my chest whenever the Parasprites attempted to take a bite out of the book.

Speaking of which: THEY'RE EATING THE BOOKS!

One minute, everything was calm and peaceful during my search for answers regarding in getting rid of the annoying bugs completely out of Ponyville. It had taken a while; there were no books about Parasprites starting with the word 'P', so instead I took a gander around the 'I' section in relation to insects.

And success, I had found it.

And as soon as I opened the first page, this catastrophe happened.

God damn insects!

My eyes narrowed every second at the sight of the disgusting populating-by-the-minute Parasprites either taking a bite out of the multiple stacks of literature or... licking the pages.

What brought this sudden change in behaviour? This morning the things were just toying around with the books in Twilight's room, now they're devouring them like snacks! Do their small teeth grow sharper and taste buds change as the day progresses? If that's the case why didn't the Parasprite Twilight first brought back devour every book in sight?

Oh never mind that, they're eating knowledge right here!

"Help!" I'd love to Spike, really. But right now I was making sure this book in my hooves, which contained the information necessary to getting rid of the insects, stayed intact while trying to keep as many Parasprites away as possible from other nearby literature.

A gasp alerted me to look to my right. Well it's about damn time you got here! "They're eating all the words!" Wait what?

True enough, I witnessed in disbelief at the bugs somehow sucking up the ink out of the pages like spaghetti. "How is that possible?!" I yelled before knocking away a couple of Parasprites attempting to get their filthy little limbs on my book. "Twilight, I've got the-!" I stopped as the unicorn was already nowhere in sight.


"Help..." A meek voice called out, and I glanced at the distressed dragon hiding underneath a basket. Christ, the books or Spike...?


Grabbing the stacked information between my teeth, I raced over to the helpless dragon, throwing the basket off him to somewhere else and pulled him up. Spike nodded while continuing to be frightened by the whole ordeal as I gestured to the exit, following me outdoors and away from the hell neither of us asked for upon awakening today.

Taking multiple deep breathes, Spike concluded with an exasperated tone. "Thanks." I shrugged, taking the book out of my mouth.

"Don't mention it-"

Ohhhh my Goooood...

"What? What is it-? ...Oh no..." I heard the dragon next to me say quietly as we bore witness to the state of Ponyville.

Parasprites. Parasprites everywhere. Hundreds upon hundreds invading the town ruthlessly, devouring everything within sight. Ponies crying in shock and fright while hurriedly fleeing from the Parasprites... am I rhyming in my own mind? Is this really the time?

No, no time for pointless inward thoughts! This situation must be handled with immediately!

Setting the book down as Spike kept shouting about what we were going to do, I flipped the pages to get right to the 'P' part, having discovered the subject of the irritating insects was in the index. Ah-ha! Got it!

Let's see... Parasprites... multiplies upon devouring of edible substances... can be drawn to and lured away from populated areas by...


"Huh." I muttered outloud, rubbing my still-tired eyes to make sure I wasn't hallucinating the ludicrous words. Well that's the stupidest thing I've ever read.

"Wait, Stardust!" Hmm? I looked up at Spike's sudden change of tone from panicking to confusion. "Listen... that's music!"

...Hold on what?

I strained my ears past the screaming of the ponies and fluttering of the insects to hear that, true enough, there was the faint sound of music... and it was approaching from the sound of it across the town. Well if this wasn't a convenience I don't know what is.

"Spike... Read this." I passed the open book to the curious dragon, who picked it up reading the contents while the sight of a determined concentrating Pinkie Pie walked straight by us with a tow of every Parasprites following her in beat to the music.

You mean to tell me... that for once Pinkie Pie's musical 'talents' comes useful?

"Huh, what do you know, those specific musical instruments in the book Pinkie Pie's playing can get rid of the bugs- uh Stardust... where are you going?" I heard Spike while I walked back to the library.

In answer I said in irritation without turning. "To hell with this tripe, I'm going back to bed." Good God this was stupid! Pinkie Pie knew what those things were all along when Twilight didn't? I've been challenged with a lot of absurdity this morning.

And it was all, to be quite honest, a giant waste of my time. Sod Celestia's visit. Sod this morning. Sod. Everything.

Ugh... already today was a migraine of the century.

"-dust. Stardust... wake up please."

Another interruption? Give me a break.

My eyes blinked tired and painfully from the pestering sunlight - I should seriously consider getting the damn window some curtains - before shifting over to my left to find the pleasant face of Twilight Sparkle smiling at me... well rather pleasantly.

"Twilight...?" I questioned before yawning, having not at all anticipated another rude awakening on the same day. Though was it the afternoon or did I sleep through the whole day to the next morning? I've never accomplished that before.

But after the spectacle of Pinkie Pie's resolve, nothing should surprise me anymore. Speaking of which, is that why this unicorn woke me up now?

"Sorry to wake you up again." A polite apology followed by an excuse. "I thought you wouldn't want to miss out on the rest of the day."

After this morning's fiasco? Of course I would. Instead I smiled tiredly before stretching my front limbs. "That's nice of you, Twilight. For a moment there I thought the Parasprites returned or something." Then remembering the so-called importance of today, I frowned in genuine confusion. "Wait... shouldn't you be busy right now sucking up to your mentor?"

Frowning slightly at the jibe, the purple mare shook her head. "Princess Celestia left before she could see the disaster of the town, thankfully; she had urgent matters to attend to in Fillydelphia, another infestation of bugs happened there."

So she left? Shame. "...Well isn't that cute? Celestia's playing 'pest control'." I chuckled at the look on Twilight's face, my brain waking up more by the minute after my peaceful nap.

Though while I was expecting some sort of defensive retort, instead I blinked as the unicorn suddenly changed the subject. "I'm sorry."

"...Pardon?" What on Earth could she be apologizing for now?

"For disturbing your sleep this morning to help us clean up the infestation I made in the library by bringing the parasprite home. If I'd done my research which you did for me - Spike showed me the book earlier - this whole thing would've been resolved easier." A flash of embarrassment on her features. "I was so concentrated on the Princess's arrival I was convinced nothing bad would happen from taking a small pet home."

"It happens to the best of us, and I'm sorry too for behaving so cranky this morning; you know what I'm like."

"It's fine; that was my fault to begin with."

"Hardly." The last thing I needed right now was Twilight feeling sorry for herself right in front of me. I reached out to place a hoof on where I presumed the mare's shoulder was. "Besides, I would have helped you either way if you were in danger. You know that."

A shrug, but a grateful smile as well. "I appreciate that, but when you think about it the only real ones who were in danger around here were the food and books." We both chuckled at that. "Thank you for not being mad at me."

"Twilight." I began while sitting up more comfortably, removing my hoof from her when I decided that was enough. "I only ever display irritation or madness at you when you either conduct some ridiculous idea or decision, or when you mess up the library single-handedly." The unicorn looked away at the reference about yesterday. "But should you, Spike, your friends, or the books be in any kind of danger, then no I won't be mad at you; as long as you learned from the experience."

An enthusiastic nod. "You're right; today taught me that just because something looks cute, doesn't mean the same on the inside." It was my turn to nod, this time approvingly. Then Twilight smiled humouredly. "Well at least we both got what we wanted today-" We did? "- Despite Princess Celestia's urgency to deal with a matter elsewhere, at least she didn't see the mess made by the Parasprites around Ponyville. And you didn't have to see her."

It took a moment I got the gist of what Twilight was implying. "I told you last night I didn't hate her, Twilight. Indifferent, remember?"

"I know..." Oh joy the return of the frown. "But I still don't understand why you do."

The 'why' question; always a pain in my backside. But if it brought some ease to Twilight's mind I may as well enlighten her. "So far, from what I've seen anyway, is that Celestia has done absolutely nothing that aided us during the times of crisis around Ponyville."

A blink. "Would you clarify?"

I sighed. "I mean in the cases of the fiasco's around Nightmare Moon and that dragon." Never mind the fact, my dear, when in the future she sends you into that parallel world on your own, with no idea what you're getting into, and clearly the alicorn knew more than she was letting on. "Where was she during the whole ordeals? And why didn't she handle them instead of sending her prized student headfirst into danger? I can't exactly respect someone who sits idly by and lets her subjects do the work when she's more than capable of handling the matter herself."

Sitting back folding my arms, I closed my eyes and waited for the either heated or calm reply in defense to her mentor and monarch. Thankfully it was the latter tone. "I'm sure Princess Celestia had her reasons for not dealing with Nightmare Moon or the dragon herself; I know she would never guide me to danger if she thought our friends weren't capable. Also right now she's handling the matter of an infestation in Fillydelphia."

"And getting rid of bugs will earn her my respect?" I asked ludicrously, opening my eyes at the unicorn. "And I would just like to point out, Twilight, that while you and the girls hold the powers of the Elements of Harmony-" Which I haven't seen in a while, but I knew exactly where they were. "- and you are all capable of great feats; it doesn't excuse the fact you're still young and shouldn't be dealing with so many dangerous matters when Celestia is more than capable herself of resolving everything."

"...It sounds to me you're just concerned for the well-being of me and the girls."

I sighed in disdain at the accusation. "Twilight, listen-"

"No, it's your turn to listen." I blinked at the firm tone and raised hoof. Oh boy here comes a lecture... "I've heard your view on the Princess, and I respect that. But you make it sound as though she's just acting laid-back and letting her own student carry out the dangerous tasks-" Which is exactly what she was doing. "-And yes, that could be considered the case if you look at things that way. But despite being the most powerful alicorn and ruler of all Equestria, doesn't mean she can handle every matter. Plus it also sounds like, dare I say it, you have little faith in me and the others in dealing with dangerous situations."

"This isn't about faith-"

"Stardust, let me finish. I think the problem here is you just don't believe me and the girls are capable of handling things like those events, nor have you even given Princess Celestia a chance."

"...What are you suggesting?"

The purple mare smiled light-heartedly. "Just give her, and me and the girls, a chance. Maybe then you can see why everypony else respects the Princess so. All you need to do is just give it time."

...Time? Time? I'm spending enough time as it is making friends with all of you, my dear. I don't think there's any to spare in giving your precious ruler a 'chance'. "...I can't promise you that Twilight."

"You don't have to." Twilight assured me enthusiastically. "I'm confident you will like the Princess sometime in the future." At that claim I raised a brow; and here I thought Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash were usually that self-assured. The unicorn shrugged at the look. "In the meantime, you can help me and Spike clean up the library... that is if you want to."

"...Eh, why not? I'm awake now anyway." Plus I don't think I'll be returning to the realm of sleep right now. Taking the cover off me, I proceeded to follow the mare outside the room. Still, give Celestia a chance to prove herself? No offence to the monarch but I really, really don't see that happening... ever.

As if reading my mind, Twilight glanced over her shoulder. "I'm guessing it takes a while for anyone to earn your respect huh?"

I nodded, speaking calmly. "Indeed; the only one in all of Equestria that has my respect is a single mare."

"Oh, and who's that?"

"You'll find out eventually I'm sure."

That was then Twilight changed the conversation, knowing my lips are sealed for the time-being. "Alright then, I'll hold you to that. So, you never told me what exactly transpired during your visit to Canterlot."

The smirk widened. "No, I suppose I didn't." And inwardly chuckled while imagining the frown on her face for my refusal to tell her anything about it.

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