• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Seventy-Five: Ponies with Attitude!

"Is that everything?"

"Yes indeed," Twilight promptly responded by a split-second of checking, another bag of essentials magically placed onto my back. Oof, good grief... "We should be ready to depart, when Spike gets down of course." Then the purple alicorn called up the wooden staircase, "Spike! We're waiting! We don't want to be late!"

Where were we going, you ask? To the old castle of Celestia and Luna's. Why? Because we need to clean the place up for whatever reason. I never presumed to ask, but hey, Twilight said I would be interested in the place; and its ancient library filled with dusty books containing secrets and knowledge that the modern castle in Canterlot wouldn't have.

"He's probably still reading that comic book of his again..." Twilight muttered, though not in annoyance.

"Kids eh?" I said humouredly, followed by a yawn, inciting her amused glance. It was too early by my standards.

"Spike!" She tried again, and this time it prompted a better reaction.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Spike replied loudly, rushing down the stairs with the comic firmly... And tripping as he did so.

Thank God Twilight had magic and a quick reaction time.

The young dragon grinned sheepishly, while Twilight only gave him an exasperated yet fond look, turning around towards the door, "Probably shouldn't have let you stay up to read that comic."

"It was only two minutes!" Spike protested, before his gaze cast swiftly down on the open pages, "And besides, I was just getting to the best part!"

"And we'll hear all about it later, when we meet up with the others to the old castle." The purple alicorn stated casually, another bag floating towards Spike. Yet the dragon hardly acknowledged it, "Spike."

"Just gimme a sec, Twilight." He waved dismissively, and I couldn't resist smirking while Twilight gave the dragon a flat look.

Going back to my previous comment about kids.

"You know Twilight, perhaps an early morning routine will help give Spike here more focus." I began conversationally, walking up beside her, "Shall we say... Eight-thirty?"

"Hmm, wait what?"

Twilight played along, an adorable sly smile on her muzzle, "Perhaps, Jack. But I was thinking more along the line of eight-fifteen."

"Now wait a minute-!"

"Why, I think you're being far too generous love. Eight o'clock sounds alot more suitable."

"Nine o'clock!"

"Hmm, I don't know, seven fourty-five sounds alot more reasonable to me."

Was it just me or was the dragon visibly sweating? "Eight fourty-five!"

Now we were both just grinning, "Come now Twilight, I think we should give our young friend here a much earlier wake-up call: Seven fifteen."

Finally, the dragon spoke up determinedly, holding up his fingers for emphasis, "Seven-thirty!"


The mare and I exchanged triumphant looks, "Seven-thirty it is," Twilight said happily, and the dragon pouted, realizing his mistake then. "And you can wake Jack up just as early too." ...What? "We don't want him missing out on the entire day, do we?"

"Now hang on a-!"

But the mare had already moved to the front door, merrily feigning ignorance to my objections. "Now come along; our friends are waiting for us."

I don't... You... Argh...

Spike's quiet snickering instantly vanished at my unamused glare. The things I do for these two...

"Looking good everypony! Let's keep this magical makeover working!"

Twilight wasn't exaggerating. The place previously looked as ruined and decaying as I recalled the last two times I was here, but now it was progressing into something else. Applejack setting up paintings. Pinkie scrubbing the floor using all four scrubs for skating - I'm getting a Xiaolin Showdown memory from that. Fluttershy and Rainbow decorating the holes revealing the outside world on the roof. Rarity designing flags among other things to help make the place look more at home. Twilight organizing the group.

And myself? Painting over cracks and peeled parts of the walls for Applejack to set up the pictures. And I never thought I'd say it, but I particularly enjoyed painting again.

And this was coming from a guy who despised getting his hands literally dirty.

Although, I think blue would compliment these repainted walls better than the same old brown-

Enjoying yourself?

The sudden snarky voice caused me to drop the dripping brush, but I immediately picked the thing back up, resuming my work but with a scowl on my face.

What do you want?

I could hear the sneer in his tone, Are you truly denying the reality of your last presence here? Of how you almost doomed your friends and all of Equestria with my retribution?

If all you're going to provide is insults, 'Your Majesty,' you will gain no satisfaction from me.

Hmhmhmhmhm, you are not as resistant as you delude yourself to be, boy. I can see the memories, the images returning to the forefront of your mind as you hopelessly attempt to push them away. This place reminds you of your near-failure, of the destruction of the weaklings you call your friends.

Except I didn't fail.

But Sombra was hardly fazed, And what of the time you did fail? As I look around through these memories, I can see how you foolishly attempted to reform the fallen Princess. Luna, once known as the more appropriate Nightmare Moon. How your plan to persuade ended in false hope. Darkness cannot be driven away by mere words boy, and yet you stubbornly refuse to grasp that simple truth repetitively.

That's enough...

Oh? Or maybe the truth just pains you too much to accept it? Then nothing is more proven to me now about you.

I dreaded even asking. And what might that be?

I practically felt the leer, That you are a coward.



The voice of Twilight Sparkle returned me to reality, and I realized my hoof was gripping the paintbrush too tightly. Removing some of that pressure, I glanced over to the six mares, some observing me curiously, "Yeah?"

"Are you alright, sugarcube?" Applejack inquired, "For a moment there, you looked a little-"

"Super duperly intense!" Pinkie exclaimed.

Taking a deep breath, I exhaled sharply and fully faced the six equines, "I'm fine." Though my tone clearly suggested otherwise. Swallowing, I continued, "This place just... Brings back memories..."

Understanding flashed in their eyes, and I was greeted by pitying- No, not pity; sympathetic looks, "If you want to leave, now would be a good time-"

"No." I immediately intercepted Rarity's concerned words, prompting their blinks, "No, I'm fine, really." I grinned as an attempt to sound joking, "Why leave it to the ladies to do all the work, after all? That wouldn't be very gentlemanly of me."

Some smiled, but the rest still expressed concern, "If you say so..." Twilight said uncertainly, clearly not believing I was simply fine. But, thankfully, she let it slide, and motioned for me and the girls to follow, "Come on, we should check up on Spike. It's snack time."

...Huh, barely noticed he disappeared. Some brother I am...

Do not heed King Sombra's words.

The next unexpected voice almost made me falter behind the girls, but I kept up with them regardless. Specter?

In contrast to the tyrant, this voice was warmer and actually offered comfort in his aged voice, You will only make yourself easy prey to his manipulations should you allow yourself to fall so easily to his words. Cast aside your burdens of the past, and he will weaken.

Easier said than done...

But you have been trying, have you not? Ever since your moment with Princess Sparkle in your room.

...Jesus Specter! Don't put it like that!

I grinned sheepishly at the glancing girls after making a surprised noise, before they shrugged and continued calling out for the absent dragon. Twilight, however, continued regarding me with clear concern.

Specter continued as if nothing happened just then, You are no coward, Jack, as your previous trials have shown. In time, you will forgive yourself completely for your past mistakes; and these friends who cherish you so shall aid you among this path. Only then, will you be ready.

Be ready...? For what-?

What the-?!

My limb immediately shielded my eyes at the sudden bright light we stumbled across, Twilight calling out, "Spike! What are you-?!"

Followed by said dragon screaming, "Heeeeeeelp!"

Was he being... Sucked?! Into a book?!

"[BEEP]!" I immediately rushed past the mares towards the dragon with an equally resolved Twilight.

"Spike!" The purple alicorn grabbed onto the pulled dragon first. And the book in turn was pulling her through. Oh no you don't! I grabbed the tail of my girlfriend's, trying not to rip it off at the same time while attempting to pull her and Spike back out.

Big mistake! As the light grew brighter and some invisible force was pulling us in much more stronger. I don't think even balance could save us here!

Then, I felt a grunting Rainbow Dash from behind, who was trying in turn to pull us out to no avail. And, knowing full well the mares would all try before being sucked in, I could only hope everyone would be okay as the light enveloped my entire vision.

So much for snack time...!

And when the light died down, I found myself along with the mares in line... Standing atop a rooftop? In the middle of the night?

And... Wearing a WWE costume? What the hell...?

Applejack broke the awkward silence first, "Somepony wanna tell me what the hay is goin' on?!" Yes, thank you Applejack. I too demand an explanation to why we're all wearing ridiculous superhero outfits, for the moonlight illuminated the six mares beside me wearing individual costumes of their own.

From in front of us, Spike, dressed in his own basic hero outfit, stood gaping at us like a fish, before exclaiming in shock, "Holy new personas ponies!" Whoa, language there Robin, "You're the... Masked Matter-Horn!" He gestured to Twilight in pure shock, and I raised a brow at the name.

"Fili-Second!" Pinkie Pie.

"Zapp!" Rainbow Dash.

"Radiance!" Rarity.

"Mistress Mare-velous!" Applejack.

"Saddle Rager!" Fluttershy.

"Golden Startacus!" Referring to me, prompting my smirk at the ludicrous name.

"You're the... Power Ponies!" Spike finished in disbelief and awe.

Wait... Power...!

"You don't mean...?" I asked quietly, examining my new golden cape, dark blue armour and gloved hoofs immediately. Power Ponies... As in, Power Rangers?!

I'm a Power Ranger?!

A wide grin slowly emerged on my muzzle as I regarded the costume with more approval than ridicule. "I'm a Power Ranger!" I couldn't help exclaim in both awe and pride, hoofing the air happily. Aww yeah! This is happenin'!

"Um, Power Pony Stardust." Spike pointed out.

Followed by an explosion below us. Immediately we all rushed towards the edge of the building to witness the going-ons below. Pony citizens of the city fleeing from the smoke remaining from the explosion, the front of a building torn open by some kind of power.

Oh, is this where we face a monster? Goldar? Rita? Lord Zedd-?

...The [BEEP] is that?

"Power Ponies ahahahaha! How kind of you to join us!" A purple mare - obviously the bad guy - using her unresonably long strand of hairs to move about, holding up a sphere with electricity within. Isn't that one of those devices that makes your hair stand on air when you put your hands on it?

Also, who the [BEEP] is this Dr. Octopus ripoff? I've never seen her before.

The evil mare continued laughing manically, and I glanced at the shocked Spike, "Uh Spike? Mind explaining?"

The dragon, however, was still reeling from this new version of reality, "You're, us, the superheroes from my comic book!" Haven't we already established this? "It somehow zapped us all in here!"

"So somepony zap us back out!" Rainbow demanded.

"My comic book... It said the only way to get back to where we started is to defeat the Mane-iac! Your arch-nemesis!"

Is that so... Well then.

"Stand back kids." My grin would not leave my face, as my hoof gripped the edge of the rooftop, "Let me show you how it's done!" And without clear rationality, I leaped off, spiraling downwards to meet my supposed nemesis. Also, the 'Mane-iac?' Even Rita wouldn't name an equine monster that.

And, due to comic book logic, I landed harmlessly on the ground, the stone beneath creating an impact from my descent, making me look all the more epic. I met the villain's stare defiantly, who grinned in delight.

"Alright evil-doer!" I reached my limb out, and proceeded with classic Power Ranger poses, "Your villainy has come to end! I am... Gold Ranger! Hah!"

Or Golden Whatever-Spike-Called-Me... But [BEEP] it I'm calling myself the Gold Ranger.

What... Are you doing?

Um, posing?

...You're an embarrassment to your own kind.

Nah, mankind's made a fool of itself long before I was born-

"Ahh, the Golden Starticus." The mare leered while still maintaining that insane grin-

Oh [BEEP]!

I immediately rolled out of the way at the hurled pretzel stand, followed by a mailbox thrown at the mares and dragon watching from above. Alright, if it's a fight she wants, then it's one she'll get! "Hah! Ho! Yah! Hu-Zah!"

Awkward moments of silence. Even the villain looked pretty unimpressed by my classic poses. And where in God's name is the timed fancy explosion that always happen when a Ranger poses? With a war-cry, I charged, hoof clenched and charging out at the Doc Ock ripoff.

That... Was a mistake on my part.

A long solidified strand of her hair caught my limb and effortlessly threw me away. But I was not to be deterred, forcing my hoofs in the ground to stablize myself, and charging once again at the waiting villain, who was distracted by Applejack trapping herself with her own lasso. Leaping, I delivered a series of advanced kicks and punches towards the Mane-iac.

Followed by a battle against her hair, swatting and kicking the striking and blocking strands.

"Y'know... I'm beginning to enjoy this! AHAHAHAHAHA!"

How cliche of a villain can you get? Jesus, even Sunset wasn't this laughably stereotypical.

I am inclined to disagree there.

Like you have a say, villain.

...Was a storm picking up? I was too busy fighting for my life to notice. The Mane-iac, while strands of her long green radioactive-looking hair still fought against me, was lying in content as though enjoying a spectacle above. Leaping back, I took a moment to recover and follow her and Applejack's gazes to...

A tornado. With the screams of the girls and Spike within. Oh Christ! With my strength, I borrowed my hooves deep into the ground to avoid getting sucked in by the approaching force of nature, my cape flapping over me violently, and spotting Spike getting hurled out himself... Right near the Mane-iac.

"The Electro Orb!" I heard Spike say in panic once the tornado flew away. The what? That thing the villain obviously stole from that building?

"Well, this has been quite the mane-raising experience!" Prompting the mare to roll her eyes wildly, "But I really must be going, ahahahahaha!"

Not so fast!

As I ran to stop the villain, Spike took the opportunity to sneakily take the orb from the mare's unsuspecting grasp... Which didn't last long, due to the dragon tripping over his own cape, the orb rolling harmlessly on the ground and into the Mane-iac's waiting grasp. "Why, thank you Humdrum. Nahahahahahahaha!"

And by plot comic convenience, she managed to somehow escape by using her strands of hair to stick to the buildings and flee. And I halted beside Spike and grit my teeth in disbelief at the inane logic. "God dammit," I glared at the retreating laughing villain.

"I'm Humdrum?" Spike asked himself in disbelief, before the harsh winds picked up again.

Uh oh...

By instinct, I grabbed onto the dragon and held him tight, standing over him protectively as the tornado approached, attempting to escape the opposing force of nature that spawned from nowhere.

To no avail.

I think I'm gonna hurl! Was all I was thinking as I felt the familiar experience of this ride inside a tornado, the others within screaming with me, blurs of blue among many other colours of my friends jumbled up while I tried to hold in my stomach.

"Applejack!" I faintly heard Spike call out to the trapped Earth Pony. "Ya gotta. Help stop. The tornado. From destroying. The city!"

And now my ears were ringing, unable to hear another sound save for the harsh winds tearing against my fur. How long before this thing tears us apart, I wonder... No! I have to at least try to save the others... Somehow.

Everyone! Spike.. Twilight...!

I can- Huh?

"Oh [BEEP]!" Was my simple response as the tornado inexplicably disappeared and I landed promptly onto the unforgiving stone road, groaning quietly before lifting myself up and rubbing the sore spots. "Is everyone alright...?" Answered by mutters and nods, and-

"Haha! That was fan-tastic!" Pinkie said before pulling a Flash - the DC hero, not that mistake of a cardboard - and using literal super speed to rush off. Not the word I'd use, Pinkie.

"Lemme get this straight," The now-freed Applejack approached Spike, "We've been sucked into some kind of... Comic book world?"

Hey why not? I've been transported to a cartoon world; it's not really that surprising to me anymore.

"Technically, it's called Mare-tropolis." I snorted at Spike's statement. Really? Hasbro, you couldn't at least stay faithful to the Power Ranger name and at least name this city something similar to 'Angel Grove." Like... Alicorn Grove or something like that? "And if we wanna get back to Ponyville, I think we have to stop the Mane-iac from using her Doomsday Device to destroy it!"

Oh Jesus- They're not even sticking to the Power Ranger's villain plans; world domination by sending one monster each time than sending an army of them! Also, where's Zordon? Or Alpha? Shouldn't we be transported back to HQ by now? And where's the theme song? I wanna hear the theme song!

Still, if this was the closest thing to being a Power Ranger that I'm ever gonna get, I'm not going to complain too badly.

"So the seven of us Power Ponies will take care of Mane-iac, and get us back to Ponyville!" Wait, is Spike not participating? Did I miss something during my inner monologue?

"Spike, where is the Mane-iac building her Doomsday Device?" Twilight asked, getting straight to business as always.

"Her top secret headquarters! But you better get there quick; that glowing orb she stole is what she's gonna use to power it up!"

"Then lead the way!" I gestured rather dramatically. Hey, I'm just getting into character here. And it stands to reason, being the one who has read this comic, Spike would know the location. As Spike nodded and began leading us towards the villain's HQ, I stalled for a moment, my gaze set on Twilight's... Appealing longer mane. "By the way, Twilight... Love the new look." Not even the mask hid her flattered blush, while the others rolled their eyes, and I simply smirked and moved forward to join the dragon, eager for more info, "So, tell me everything you know about the Power Rang- Sorry, Pony franchise."

"The Golden Starticus rarely helps unless the Power Ponies need the help," Spike continued as we walked, the others behind following, "He's sorta like a Plan B in case things get way too intense for them to handle!"

"So I'm Tommy? Sweet...!" It just gets better!

Spike looked at me in confusion, "Tommy?"

"Spike, you have no idea how overjoyed I am right now." I couldn't resist saying out-loud, the grin plastered to my face and prompting the dragon to blink, "I am getting hits by old waves of nostalgia you wouldn't believe!"

"He's so into this..." I heard Rainbow whisper humouredly.

"Damn right I am!" I practically yelled as walked down the rather empty streets, smiling down at the curious dragon, "On my world, they have this franchise; adapted from a Japanese program into a kids show, where teenagers in spandex fight monsters and save the world. Its name: Power Rangers."

So I explained to the wide-eyed Spike everything about one of my childhood shows, how every year there was a different set of Rangers defending their world from the terror of opposing villains who always dispatched one monster per episode. Starting from Mighty Morphin' all the way to, as I've heard before I was taken to Equestria, Dino Charge. But the best moment was where Spike was hopping up and down in glee at the mention of the Zord fights; giant machines piloted by the Rangers to form an unstoppable Zord to face a giant version of a monster they previously battled in the same episode.

"That sounds awesome!" Spike exclaimed in awe, matching my grin perfectly.

Even I was expressing childish enthusiasm, but I hardly cared. This was my childhood we're discussing here, and it felt great discussing it with a child who was interested in the franchise. "It IS awesome Spike! Maybe, one day, if it would even be possible, we can watch the show together."

"Heck yeah!" Followed by excited hoof and fist bumps. And from the corner of my eye, the mares were amused and smiling in fondness at our behaviour. Hey, so long as I wasn't getting ridiculed for my behaviour, right?

"And the best part of it all, Spike, are the theme songs." Now THAT was bringing back memories. "Every season had its own individual song expressing how different yet epic each team of Rangers were. And they're all amazing... With the exception of Operation Overdrive." And Megaforce, but that's the season's fault, not the songs. At least its song was good.

And speaking of, I hear the faint sound of music...

Oh no...

Oh yes Sombra...


Don't what?

I'm warning you boy...!

"Ready to sing Spike?!" I straightened myself, my grin much more wider, "It's time for a medley!"

"Oh! Oh! Let me join in!" Come aboard Pinkie! The ecstatic Earth Pony sped up beside us in a split-second at my motioning her over, and us three stupidly-grinning individuals allowed the lyrics to flow from our mouths, the guitars and drums echoing in pure enthusiastic hype.

And as the last verse was sung, we all halted in sync to catch our breaths, inhaling and exhaling deeply after God knows how long we sung. Save for Twilight, Fluttershy and partially Applejack.

It was worth it. And speaking of the former...

"You're not gonna... Make fun of me for being childish... Right?" I asked between breaths, which Twilight responded with an adorable chuckle.

"Haha, of course not." Twilight's eyes sparkled, "It was rather cute."

So good news: We found the Mane-iac's lair.

Bad news: We got captured.

How? One word: Hairspray.

...Not as dignifying putting it like that.

Anyway, now the Power Rang- Err Ponies, are now trapped inside a suspending cage in the air constantly sprayed by a gigantic spray-can which conveniently paralyzes our bodies and powers. And let me tell ya, I was already growing sick of getting sprayed by that damn thing.

But for now, it seems, our hope lies with the only one that hasn't been captured. Spike.

Tch. You are essentially doomed then.

Need I remind you, Sombra, that in the original way the episodes went, that dragon played a key part in your downfall?

No response. Exactly.

Anyway, one should never underestimate Spike. He'll get us out of here somehow, I'm sure of it-

[BEEP]... When I get out of here, the first minion whose arse I'm gonna kick is the one timely spraying us with that damn giant hairspray.

Then, the villain's gleeful voice rose through the factory, "Congratulations Power Ponies! Ahaaaa! You shall just long enough to see me fire...!"

Cue the red blanket before us being pulled off, revealing...

"The instrument of your destruction! Muahahahahaha!"

A giant hairdryer... Well, at least they stayed true to the campness of the show.

"Once the Electro Orb has powered it up completely, this cannon will amplify the power of my mane one million times! An energy blast that will cause everypony in Maretropolis's mane to grow WILD! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!"

...Dumb plan aside, would it be too late to try and reason with this mare?

I'd say you are hopelessly naive if you plan on doing just that.

My eyes observed the insane villain, grinning triumphantly at the open sky above. Point.

"You will be my weapon's first victims!" Hah, joke's on you, my hair is always uncontrollable! "And there is nopony who can save you from this fate! Ahahahahahahahaa!" The mare got in her seat behind the weapon as it lowered to face us, the Mane-iac still laughing crazily.

Uh, Spike? Anytime now.

Fluttershy cleared her throat. Oh, we can talk again now? "I don't mean to interrupt, aren't you forgetting about somepony?"

"Humdrum? Little guy? No superpowers whatsoever? Hahahahahahahaa! He's utterly useless!"

"You shouldn't underestimate the 'little guy,'" I glared at the scoffing villain, "Spike might just be the most useful out of us all. He's been through alot more than you can comprehend. And we have faith he'll rescue us from this prison."

And when that happens, it's morphin' time-!

God damn that spray!

"Fools! Everypony knows you just keep him around because you feel sorry for him! Waah waaaah!"

Right now, actually, I feel sorry for you.

"Maybe in your world," Twilight countered defiantly, "But in our world, Spike - Err - Humdrum always comes through when we need him!" Hear hear! "Always!"

And we shared that sentiment vocally. That should be enough to encourage the dragon if he somehow sneaked in and was listening.

All this faith in a baby dragon... I can't stomach the sight.

Oh please, don't throw up at my expense, especially inside my own mind.

"Tonight, we stand upon the brink of immortality! For we collectively - though mostly me - have finally defeated out most hated nemesis'!"

She's just gonna keep going isn't she?

"- And have struck a blow at freedom in the name of oppression! And NOTHING WILL STOP USSS! NYAHAHAHAHAHAHOO!"

And just like that, karma intervened.

A chain linked to the abandoned red blanket suddenly pulled and dragged some unsuspecting stallions, leaving them suspended in midair, trapped within the red makeshift bag. And it didn't take me long to comprehend what was happening.

Right on cue, Spike!

The dragon then, in a very bad-[BEEP] moment, swung across a moving chain and kicked the stallion that kept spraying us, knocking him, the timer and the giant hairspray down completely. The hairspray, in turn, fired on the ground and hit the minions of the villain, freezing them in place.

"Way to go Spike!" Twilight yelled proudly.

"Perfect timing bro!" I added with my own pride.

And even more perfect timing; our bodies were unfreezing. I can finally get out of this uncomfortable position and freely move again. Comic book logic strikes again, but this time, in our favour!

Rarity did the honours of breaking open the cage bars, and now it was time for some payback; Ranger-style. And together, we leaped out from our previous prison cell and onto the ground to kick some arse! Landing before some stunned stallions, I grinned rather darkly and proceeded to execute more flashy fighting poses.

Staying true to the roots here, after all.

...I have never felt more ashamed to be trapped in your mind.

[Insert Power Rangers Ninja Storm Instrumental Theme here.]

The first stallion charged, and I effortlessly delivered a swift uppercut to the muzzle, followed by a hard kick to the stomach, sending him flying back. The second minion attempted to throw a punch, and I locked my limb around his, and pulled, spinning my foe and roundhouse kicking him to the side. Two more stallions charged recklessly together, and I cartwheeled back numerous times, before leaping forward and grabbing the two by the heads, and promptly smashing them against each other, causing the tow to become dazed and fall on the floor.

And from the corner of my eye, Rarity was producing energy-created cages to place the minions. And four more stallions were charging at me. With a smirk, I jumped, spinning over the four minions and landing behind them. And before they could react, with two reared back hoofs, I clapped them together, the Balance Shockwave - Yeah I named the move - clashed against the defenseless minions and throwing them into a waiting pink cage.

Finishing off with a satisfied punch over my shoulder, the last minion who tried to hit me knocked over from the blow, and I effortlessly threw over to that same cage, which closed immediately after. And with that, I dusted my hoofs, pleased with my work.

Oh right, yeah, Power Rangers.

With a battle grunt, I posed one last time, taking it all in for a moment. Damn, it felt gooood.

Now then, for the Mane-iac herself-

Oh [BEEP]!

"Fluttershy! Look out!"

The yellow pegasus looked surprise at my warning, then gazed upwards at the giant hairdryer aimed in her direction, piloted by the villain. Oh no you don't! I charged forward, leaping voer various machinery to reach the grinning Mane-iac.

"Are you kidding me?!" Then suddenly came an annoyed tone from Fluttershy, "I mean, I know you're evil and everything, but you would hurt a teensy, little harmless FIREFLY?!"

Uh oh...

Without realizing, my body halted briefly at Fluttershy's inexplicable enraged voice, as though some force was telling me not to intervene. But why?

"Well you're a great big MEANIE!" What the [BEEP]?! "THERE, I SAID IT! WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU'RE SO SPECIAL?!" Followed by a literal transformation as she spoke menacingly and angrily towards the stunned villain, replaced a gigantic buff pony who resembled nothing like the sweet innocent pegasus beloved by many.

...Fluttershy's the Hulk?!

And with that roar of fury, I wisely stepped away from the upcoming onslaught, joining the other mares who were also shell-shocked by the transformation of our best friend. Save for Spike, who looked gleeful, as though expecting it to happen.

Not even the beam from the large device could stop her, as Hulk-kershy bounced the attack right back, sending the yelling villain flying off her seat. Taking that opportunity, the unreasonably buff pegasus flew onto the machine and started wailing on it, utterly rendering the device useless beyond repair.

Of all things I expected today... This was the least...

Then, upon noticing us watching in shock and awe, Hulk-kershy spit out a large piece of metal and returned to her timid nature. And I was torn between laughing and shaking my head in disbelief. And I thought the Stare was apparently scary enough.

A yell and maniacal laughter then prompted our attention on the Mane-iac, whose hair was producing electricity for some reason... Which then tangled the villain in her own hair and trapping her to the point of defeat, still laughing like a Hyena on its Birthday.


"Once again!" Spike then proclaimed, "The day is saved by-!"

Interrupted by a familiar pull as a bright light appeared from nowhere and sucked us all in. Though really, as we clearly defeated the bad guy, we should've seen this coming.

And all eight of us landed in a heap in that same small room where we first pulled into the comic in the first place. And as the girls cheered out their own victory and relief, I couldn't feeling slightly disappointed; I was having more fun in that story than I expected. Being a Power Ranger was [BEEP] hardcore!

Ah well.

"Did you see how I was raining down a storm of justice at the end there?!"

"You catch how I was wieldin' that lasso?!"


Rarity looked from the tray of goods to Pinkie, "How did you-?"

It's Pinkie Pie. Best not to question it.

"I'm just glad to be back." Spike said rather tiredly, lying down on the nearby pillow in exhaustion. Erm, was swinging on that chain too much effort for you, Spike? I couldn't resist smiling fondly at the dragon's antics.

"We wouldn't have made it without you, Spike." Twilight expressed gratitude, "And I hope you realize that just because we don't always need your help, it doesn't mean we don't think you're helpful."

"Quite the contrary," I added, joining the alicorn who smiled beside me, grinning down at the young dragon, "You're, without a doubt, the most helpful dragon in all of Equestria. No one else can compare. I'm proud of you Spike."

"We all are," Twilight and I exchanged meaningful looks.

"And that you don't have to have superpowers, to be a super friend," Spike replied happily.

"Well said," He grinned brightly at the praise.

"But I do have one question," Twilight then inquired after the girls joined in agreement, "Where exactly did you get that comic book?"

Y'know, that IS a good question.

"This on I got at Canterlot at the House of Enchanted Comics."


"Well, I didn't know it meant they were literally enchanted," Spike added helplessly at the expressions sent his way. The girls responded with exasperated shakes of their heads and fond noises, while I chuckled at the dragon.

"So Twilight," I spoke up, now that the danger was over, and we all walked out of the room, "You mentioned a library here."

So, after that adventure, I had an epiphany.

While the title of the comic was obviously based off the live-action spandex-wearing heroes we all know and love, there was little they had in common. No Zords. No Zordon. No Alpha. No explosions in the background. No anything that resembled a little closely to Power Rangers. Everyone's powers were either from Marvel or DC.

And you know what? That's okay. I enjoyed myself, and I would've enjoyed the episode itself had I not experienced it firsthand, quite literally. Also, it was the closest I ever became to being a Power Ranger, reliving my childhood the best way possible.

And isn't that what truly matters?

And hey, any ripoff is better than what they do in Equestria Girls.

Meanwhile, I will say this though; going through that journey inside the comic book has filled me with a sense of nostalgia. Which is why I'm putting on a familiar costume I haven't worn in quite a while - Rarity certainly wasn't amused when I asked her to wash the old thing - and stand majestically outside the library front door, blue cape flapping in the night.

This is a punishment I wouldn't even bestow upon my Crystal Slaves...

And a second later, a young lizard joined me with his own outfit, standing tall and proud as we prepared ourselves for our venture into the night. With a smirk, I said without looking, "Ready Spikanator?"

"Ready, Darkwing Dust!"

And, ignoring Twilight's loud sigh from behind at our antics, I yelled to the air as hero and sidekick ran towards wherever trouble would find us, "Let's get dangerous!"

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